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“Sleep Deprivation among SHS Students: A Phenomenological Study of

Capitol University Senior High School Students”

A Research

Presented to the faculty of the Senior High School Department

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject

Practical Research 1


Louise Gideons S. Bacomo

Althea Nina D. Calibay

Airey A. Econar

Bleu R. Esmile

Marianne Antonette B. Ilagan

Jeri Carmen G. Macapundag

June 2022

This research paper entitled “Sleep Deprivation among SHS Students: A

Phenomenological Study of Capitol University Senior High School Students''
prepared and submitted by Louise Gideons S. Bacomo, Althea Nina D. Calibay,
Airey A. Econar, Bleu R. Esmile, Marianne Antonette B. Ilagan, and Jeri Carmen
G. Macapundag, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Practical
Research 01 has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval
for oral examination.


Research Teacher


Approved by the Committee on oral examination with the grade of ________.








Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

Date of Final Defense: June 10, 2022


VPAA / Principal

Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on students' academic

performance and well-being. Studies show that sleeping less than eight hours

every night has negative impacts on the physical and mental health of the human

body. This effect will greatly have an impact on a student's education. Our

objective is to determine the causes and reasons why students are sleep

deprived. This includes if academic demands are the main reason why students

are sleep deprived or because of personal choice. Thus, we surveyed to learn

more about sleep deprivation and gain in-depth knowledge about the issue.

Additionally in conducting this survey we would be able to meet the objectives of

our research project.

In conducting the survey, we distributed 15 surveys throughout the

section, focusing only on the grade 11 students of Nursing Aide. Luckily, we were

able to reach our target number of respondents with 15 responses. The surveys

consist of questions that the students were asked to provide information about

their sleeping habits, how it affected their academic performance, and the

relationship between sleep deprivation and being an adolescent. All questions

are required to complete our research. The survey was then collected and

analyzed. The result of the conducted survey shows that sleep deprivation has a

great impact not just on health but also on academic performance.

With the result being finalized, our group is very concerned, hoping, and

recommending that these findings will be shared with educational researchers

so that they can deal with this issue effectively to promote a healthy environment

despite the difficult lessons and achieve better and quality sleep. It was found

that SHS students, particularly Grade 11 STEM Nursing Aide tend to be sleep-

deprived due to academic demands and the use of social media apps. This

highlights the lack of healthy sleeping habits among students as well as harmful

behaviors that limit proper sleep. With the difficulties and reasons that’s been

discovered, it must be addressed for future learners to be more engaged and have

a healthy body and mind.


First, we want to offer this endeavor to our God, the Almighty, for giving

us the strength, knowledge, and blessings in order to complete our research


Mrs. Maria Conchita P. Bas, vice-school principal of Capitol University Basic

Education Department- Senior High School, is also acknowledged for allowing

the researchers to conduct their study within school premises.

We would like to thank Mr. Apales, for giving us assistance and constant

supervision, as well as the essential information for this research.

Our thanks and appreciation also go to the Grade-XI STEM Nursing Aide of

Capitol University who willingly helped us with their full cooperation by

answering our survey questionnaire which has made the completion and

accomplishment of this study.

Many thanks to Mr. Dulangon and members for generously sharing their

knowledge, experience, and time with us.


God Almighty, our creator, our strong support, our source of inspiration,

wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We dedicate this project to you.

Throughout this study, He has been our pillar of strength, and it would be

impossible to conquer without Him.

We also dedicate this to Mr. Ricar Apales, our research teacher, who has been a

continual source of support and encouragement throughout the trials of

graduate school and life.

And appreciation to our friends and family for their unwavering support. We will

always be grateful for everything they have done, especially Mr. Dulangon, who

guided and supported us as we completed this project.





Table of Contents……………………………..……....……………..…..…...iv

List of Tables……………………………..……....………………………....….v


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………...2

Objectives of the Study………………….…………...………..…………....3

Scope and Limitation…………………………….………....…………..…...4

Review of Related Literature………………………….……..……...........5

Research Design………………………………………………………………..6

Research Setting………………………………………………………..……..7

Sampling Technique……………………………………………….………….8

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………….…….9

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data…….………....10



Bibliography …………….………………………..……………...……….…..13


Consent Letters……………………………………………………………....14

Survey Form……………………………………………………………...…...15


Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………….....…17

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1: Strand and Section………………………………..30

The Causes of Sleep Deprivation among SHS Students

Table 2 - Table 2.3………………………………….……..…31

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Body Clock

Table 3 - Table 3.2………………………………….………..36

The Connectedness of Sleep Deprivation to Adolescence

Table 4 - Table 4.2…………………………………………...39

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance of Students

Table 5………………………………………………………….40

Adolescents need to get enough sleep every night to function properly.

Sleep is a basic natural need, and sleep deprivation is defined as when a person

does not get enough sleep to feel refreshed when they get up the next day. Teens

should get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, however, this quantity varies

depending on the individual. Sleeplessness affects about one in every five

teenagers or adolescents. Inadequate sleep frequently leads to impaired

cognition, which harms one's health and well-being (Wesensten). According to

Rupp, Killgore, and Balkin (2010), proper sleep is required to perform academic

and interpersonal tasks. Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased performance

and increased anxiety (Gilbert and Weaver 2010). Wesensten further defined

sleep deprivation as actively participating in activities that are not part of the

usual daily pattern from morning to night. The current phenomenological study

contributes to our understanding of the causes of sleep deprivation in

adolescents and students. The results of this study are crucial because students

who get fewer than 7 hours of sleep each night on weekdays and weekends

perform worse than those who get enough sleep on weekends (Ming et al.).

According to Heuer and Klein (2003), one night of complete sleep deprivation

reduces the chances of gaining and retaining accurate information.


Senior high school students are more vulnerable to poor sleep quality.

Academic demands, long-time use of gadgets, sleep disorders, hormonal time

shifts, leisure activities, and other matters add to stressors that affect human

health and may contribute to sleep deprivation. Consistent sleep is important

because “specific synaptic connections that were active during awake-periods

are strengthened during sleep”. These synaptic connections are necessary for

academic success and performance, particularly in the areas of cognition,

memory, and mental concentration. Furthermore, high school students require

eight hours of sleep every night to maintain full cognitive function and do well in

their academics and other essential stuff. The purpose of this qualitative study

is to understand more about the causes and reasons of sleep deprivation in

adolescents, specifically Capitol University Senior High School students.

General Question: What are the causes of sleep deprivation among Capitol

University Senior High School students?

Specific Problem:

1. What are the most common causes of sleep deprivation in Capitol University

Senior High School students that affect their performance academically?

2. What negative impact does sleep deprivation have on the academic

performance of Senior High School students in Capitol University?

3. In what ways do Senior High School students of Capitol University cope with

being sleep-deprived?

4. How are the following factors of reasons contribute to the causes of sleep


a) Addiction to gadgets, social media, and video games

b) Academic demands

c) Hormonal time shifts and sleep disorders


 To determine the causes of sleep deprivation and how it affects the Senior

High School Students of Capitol University.

 To know the students' perceptions about being sleep deprived.

 To describe the factors why teens and students don't sleep early.

 To understand how sleep deprivation affects our overall health.

 To learn what sleep deprivation is all about and why sleep quality is


In this study, we focused on knowing the causes and reasons why Grade

11-STEM Nursing Aide students from Capitol University are sleep-deprived. Due

to the general nature of the study, only students at a certain grade level are

eligible to participate. Furthermore, the research instrument that we researchers

will use will be an online survey questionnaire through Google forms given to

Grade 11-STEM Nursing Aide students from sections Newton, Pasteur, Dalton,

Mendel, Einstein, Darwin, and Curie. The scope of this study is for participants

to be able to explain their life experiences in their native environments.

It is only limited to those who are free and available throughout the data

collection period. Another limitation of this study is that throughout the data

collecting method, the participants' responses might be affected by other survey

questionnaires from other researchers, which may cause them to multitask.

Also, another limitation is the uncertainty that the participants will respond

honestly in the survey despite being encouraged. Nonetheless, the survey

questionnaires will only include questions about the study's major topic, and the

results will only represent participants from one online university.


This chapter highlights literature and studies gathered after researchers

conducted a thorough and in-depth investigation for reasons and causes of sleep

deprivation in students. There are various educational theories and

corresponding founders presented that support the hypothesis. This will also

include a synthesis of the art, theoretical, and conceptual frameworks so that

the research may be fully understood.

Sleep deprivation is a condition caused by lack of sleep, it commonly

occurs amongst adolescents and teenagers. Poor sleep may have a negative

influence on one's overall health and both academic and non-academic

performance. The required amount of sleep for a teenager is eight hours. Sleep

deprivation may occur if a teenager sleeps less than eight hours each night. If

sleep is not well maintained, it can have detrimental physiological, psychological,

and cognitive impacts on the body. It is essential to comprehend the reasons and

causes of sleep deprivation, which has been highlighted as a concern. The

reasons why teens are sleep-deprived will be subdivided into five categories in

this literature review: 1) academic demands, 2) social media, 3) sleep disorders,

4) mental health, and 5) adolescence. Each section will discuss different reasons

why teens experience sleep deprivation.

Academic Demands

Academic demands such as studying, homework, and extracurricular

activities are some of the common reasons for sleep deprivation. According to
Sing et al. (2020), adolescents spend more time on homework, studying, and less

time on sleep. Long hours of homework and weekend studying, regardless of the

impact on sleep, could be a cause of depression. Adolescents' sleep, school-work-

life balance, and mental health may all benefit from reducing their workload

outside of class. After adjusting for time spent on other activities and

demographic characteristics, the study found that time spent in bed for sleep

and media usage was inversely linked to homework/studying duration on both

school days and weekends. Teenagers require more sleep than younger children,

according to a study by sleep specialist Carskadon (2010), a professor of

psychiatry at Brown University and head of chronobiology and sleep research at

Bradley Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. To be completely aware, teenagers

require nine and a half hours of sleep. Only 8% of US high school students

receive the necessary amount of sleep, according to large-scale research

published in The Journal of Adolescent Health (2010). On a typical school night,

23% of students receive six hours of sleep, while 10% get only five.

Social Media

Social media plays a significant role when it comes to sleep deprivation.

Addiction to social media and the use of any other devices over a long time is one

of the common reasons for sleep deprivation. In a research study published in

the journal Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking (2019), the

addictive nature of social media can lead to other addictive behaviors. According

to surveys, checking social media between going to bed and falling asleep is one
of the most common pre-sleep habits. While it may feel relaxing to lie in bed and

read the news, the reality is that this constant connectivity can have a significant

negative impact on our sleep, according to a study by Santo (2020). He believes

that focusing on phone displays can disrupt sleep and that using social media

before bedtime can have a detrimental impact on how long and well you sleep.

Furthermore, according to the same study, teens should limit (or eliminate)

social media use a few hours before bedtime to allow their bodies to wind down

and prepare for sleep, and they should keep their phones out of the room if at

all possible. It was also suggested that teenagers should be aware of how

frequent and at what times they connect. The use of social media before night

might have a serious impact on your sleep. Moreover, another study from the

University of Glasgow (2019) finds that teens who are on social media have

poorer sleep at night by several measures. This may not come as a surprise, but

it highlights the effect that technology can have on our sleep cycles, especially

among those who need it most (teens). In an article, Walton (2019) concluded

that the addictive qualities of social media are hard to deny, as many from the

technology industry have pointed out in recent years. As a result of these two

factors, it's not unreasonable to expect that consuming it more regularly might

keep a person awake at night. Chronic sleep deprivation might have a severe

impact on teens who require a lot of sleep and whose brains are still developing.

Sleep Disorder
Lacking sleep affects the way we think and how our brain functions. Sleep

disorders have a great impact on why teens are sleep-deprived. Lack of sleep is

becoming increasingly common, and it may be caused by a variety of reasons,

including a sleep disorder. According to the Healthy Living Index Survey (2016),

Filipinos have one of the highest rates of sleep deprivation in Asia; 46% of

Filipinos do not get enough sleep while 32% said they sleep for less than six

hours. A research study by Mayo Clinic (1998-2022), explains that some of the

common types of sleep disorders include Insomnia, which is the difficulty of

getting asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Sleep apnea is a condition

in which you have irregular breathing patterns while sleeping. RLS is a sleep

movement condition characterized as restless legs syndrome. Narcolepsy is a

sleep disorder that causes severe tiredness throughout the day and causes

people to fall asleep unexpectedly. But the most common of them all is insomnia.

The latest study by Sleep Foundation: A OneCare Media Company (2022), reveals

that some causes of insomnia include stress, an irregular sleep schedule, poor

sleeping habits, mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, physical

illnesses and pain, medications, neurological problems, and specific sleep

disorders. While both insomnia and sleep deprivation are caused by a lack of

sleep, many sleep experts distinguish between the two. People with this condition

have trouble sleeping even when they have plenty of time to do so. Sleep

deprivation, on the other hand, occurs when people do not set aside enough time

for sleep as a result of their behavior or daily activities. Experts believe that when
we sleep it is the time when our body and mind repair themselves, so that's why

getting enough sleep has many good benefits for our health.

Mental Health

Sleep is just as essential as feeding, drinking, and breathing for our

survival. Sleep deprivation has been reported to affect mood and performance

negatively. Sleep deprivation's psychological impacts can have a huge and

negative effect on our everyday mood. The results of one study (Yoo,et al.,2007).

Without sleep, the ability to develop new human memories is impaired. Nature

Neuroscience, 10(3), 385-392) indicate that a night of restful sleep may ‘reset’

brain reactivity to prepare for emotional challenges the next day. Furthermore,

even partial sleep loss has been proven to have a substantial impact on mood in

studies. One early work by the University of Pennsylvania (2009), found that

subjects who were limited to only 4.5 hours of sleep a night for one week reported

feeling more stressed, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted. The individuals'

moods improved dramatically once they resumed normal sleep. Not only can

sleep affect mood, but mood and mental states can also affect sleep. Anxiety

causes agitation and wakefulness, which makes sleeping difficult. Stress makes

the body active, awake, and attentive, which disrupts sleep. Sleep issues are

common in those who are constantly stressed or have excessively heightened

stress responses. According to the findings from the same study, the relationship

between sleep and mental health is complicated. While sleep has long been

recognized as a symptom of many psychiatric diseases, recent studies suggest

that sleep may also play a causal role in the formation and maintenance of

mental illnesses. To put it another way, sleeping problems can cause mental

health problems, and mental health problems can worsen sleeping problems.


One cause of sleep deprivation in teens is the period of transition between

childhood and adulthood or adolescence. The adolescent years are a formative

time in one's life. Adolescence includes significant changes in emotions,

personality, social and family life, and academics, and the path to maturity

produces significant changes in the brain and body. According to both the

National Sleep Foundation and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2022),

teens need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers can benefit

from getting enough sleep to preserve their physical health and control body

changes. Another latest study by Cornell University psychologist James B. Maas,

Ph.D. (2022), found that one of the nation's leading sleep experts, almost all

teenagers, as they reach puberty, become walking zombies because they are

getting far too little sleep.

Sleep, as we have seen, is an important aspect of everyday life. Not only is

it important for adults, young and old, and adolescents, but sleep is also

important for young children. Studies have increasingly been focusing on the

population of young children since improving preschool skills will benefit them

later in school. Evidence shows that there are "close links between early

childhood measures of cognitive skills (e.g., vocabulary, memory, problem-

solving, and perceptual processing speed) and later performance on language,

reading, and mathematical assessments in childhood (Montgomery-Downs,

(Richter, 2015)Jones, Molfese, & Gozal, 2003).

Reviewing the literature leads back to the question: What are the reasons

and causes why teens are sleep-deprived? Research has shown that the reasons

why teens are sleep-deprived are because of academic demands, social media,

sleep disorders, adolescence, and mental health. The majority of teens are not

getting the amount of sleep that they need to receive optimal functioning.

Previous research has also shown us that this deprivation of sleep has a

profound impact on the brain. This impact on the brain has caused severe

problems in terms of cognitive functioning, memory, attention, alertness, and

mood. The Senior High School student population, along with adolescents are

all affected by this sleep deprivation in very similar ways. Although they are sleep

deprived for entirely different reasons, the impacts on their brain functioning

and cognition are substantial.


The researchers will conduct a qualitative study, with the type of

phenomenology that aims to comprehend a phenomenon or occurrence by

explaining the experiences of the participants. This study will be using a

descriptive research design since the researchers aimed to learn more about the

students' experiences as distance learners from senior high school. Studies that

are designed to have accurate participant descriptions are said to be descriptive

research. There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive

research project, in the researchers’ case, the researchers used the survey

method in which the participants answer questions administered through

interviews or questionnaires that provide a basis for the researchers’ results

(Dudovskiy, 2013). The researchers will conduct a structured one-on-one

interview to ensure that each respondent is given the same questions in the same

order, allowing the researchers to examine the respondent's level of perception

of a certain issue through a survey.

This research utilizes Non-Probability methods for the survey, involving

purposive sampling and Homogenous Sampling as the specific sampling method.

Thus, this includes the researchers' judgment in selecting survey respondents.

The samples are thoroughly and fairly selected to be a part of the study to provide

the relevant information and data. Aside from that, this study will engage

hypothesis formulation and testing where distinct logical and psychological

processes are involved to arrive at a concrete generalization. This design will use
a method of sampling and will describe the variables and procedures in the

study. Additionally, the researchers aim to determine the Sleep Deprivation

among SHS Students: A Phenomenological Study of Capitol University Senior

High School Students. The researchers believe that this design is most suited for

determining what reasons and causes why SHS students are sleep-deprived.

The research study will be conducted at one of the private, non-sectarian

schools in Cagayan De Oro City. Capitol University is a co-educational private

academic institution located at Osmeña-Corrales Extension, Barangay 23,

Misamis Oriental, Philippines. The said university not only includes Colleges but

also offers Senior High School. They offer different kinds of specialized programs

and a variety of courses, tracks, and strands in Senior High School which are;

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

and Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime.

This academic institution was chosen by the researcher to serve as the

study’s research location for knowing the reasons why teens are sleep-deprived.

Capitol University Senior High School students are the best target respondent in

this study for it is what the researchers are looking for. The research study will

be implemented inside the premises of Capitol University via online Google

Forms as the researchers cannot conduct a face-to-face survey owing to the

ongoing Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, this location is the appropriate setting

for the research study, as it will gather a number of important information,

perspectives, and opinions from each student based on real-life experiences.

Figure 1. Map of Capitol University Campus at Corrales Ext, Barangay 23,

Cagayan de Oro, 9000, Misamis Oriental


The data gathering procedure began with providing a letter of permission

to conduct a study and asking for approval from the research instructors of

Capitol University Senior High School. Then, the letter was also given to the

respondents when permission was granted. Researchers did ask for their

consent and knew if the participants will participate or not. The purpose of the

said letter was to let the respondents know that their information will remain

secured and confidential. The researchers gave a lot of time for the respondents

to answer the survey.

The survey was given through online Google Forms and sent to the

participants through email or private messages on Facebook. In the first part of

the forms, the respondents were given a chance to decide whether they will

provide their names on the survey or not. The survey consists of 14 questions all

about the said topic, sleep deprivation. It is more likely to be a multiple-choice

survey where they can only choose one answer for most of the questions and

some can be as many as they want. In each item, only the chosen respondents

from Capitol University Senior High School can answer their responses based on

the questionnaires. Questions are asked about how the respondents have

problem/s with sleeping, factors of it, and more close-ended questions about

sleep deprivation. These elements are required to determine the variables that

can be used to alter the data. Each question includes a remark emphasizing that
the respondents must complete each item for the researchers to assess and

comprehend their sleeping issues.

After then, the data was tabulated and analyzed based on the responses

received. The interpretation of data was influenced by its proper use to ensure

that the outcomes of the conducted investigation were relevant. The outcomes

had a significant impact on the study, which greatly helped the researchers

provide conclusions. The results will also give knowledge and recommendations

to future researchers.

The respondents in the research study are Grade 11 Nursing Aide students

from a private sectarian school in Cagayan de Oro City, Capitol University Senior

High School, particularly those in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) strand in the academic year 2021-2022. Students currently

enrolled in the STEM Nursing Aide program were chosen to take part in the study

as they will be future health care providers. Hence, it is significant that they

participate in this study because the researcher’s matter is closely linked to

health situations, so they will gain awareness and knowledge that will benefit

them in the future. The respondents are from the different sections: Curie,

Dalton, Darwin, Einstein, Mendel, Newton, and Pasteur. Students in each said

section will be given a questionnaire through Google forms prepared by the

researchers to achieve the study's objectives. Through this method, the

researchers have a total of 15 respondents only.

In this study, the researchers made use of the purposive non-probability

sampling technique, specifically homogenous sampling. In homogeneous

sampling, all the items in the sample are chosen because they have similar or

identical traits and it is a type of purposive sampling, the opposite of maximum

variation sampling, (Glenn, 2015). It is used when the goal of the research is to

understand and describe a particular group in depth. The researchers will

conduct an online survey to collect and examine the STEM students’ reasons

why they are sleep-deprived. The researchers also chose this specific technique
because it allows them to get the sample they chose that could provide the critical

information and responses they wanted to attain. Moreover, this method is well

suited to the researcher's objectives as they need to select similar cases to further

investigate a particular subgroup of interest. The researchers' chosen

respondents have similar grade levels, strands, and programs, which are the

Grade 11 STEM Nursing Aide students. With that technique, researchers can

obtain accurate and effective study outcomes.


Table 1: Profile of the Respondents

I. PROFILE: XI STEM Nursing Aide


a. Sections Frequency Percentage


Newton 2 13.33 %

Pasteur 2 13.33 %

Dalton 2 13.33 %

Mendel 2 13.33 %

Einstein 2 13.33 %

Darwin 4 26.67 %

Curie 1 6.67 %
TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 1 presents which sections the respondents belong to. As can be seen,

the total participants of this research were 15 senior high school students

coming from grade 11 STEM Nursing Aide of Capitol University. The most

number of respondents were from section Darwin which has 26.6667 percent.

However, there was only one respondent from section Curie (6.67%), and only

13.3333 percent came from sections Newton, Pasteur, Dalton, Mendel, and


SQ1: What are the causes of sleep deprivation among Capitol University

Senior High School students?

Table 2: The main reason of students’ sleep deprivation

Personal reason

Table 2) What is the MAIN REASON why you

sleep late at night? Choose one answer only. Frequency Percentage

Reading novels 1 6.67 %

Hormonal Time shifts 0 0%

Chatting with friends or using social media 5

33.33 %

Mental health problems 2 13.33 %

Sleep disorders 1 6.67 %

Due to school works 6 40 %

Other 0 0%

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 2 represents the main reason why students in grade 11 sleep late at

night. Almost half of the participants (40%) believe it is because of schoolwork,

while one-third (33.33%) believe it is due to chatting with friends or using social

media apps. However, only 13.33 % of the participants were sleep-deprived due

to mental health issues, while 6.67 % were because of sleeping disorders and

reading novels. Consequently, due to hormonal time shifts and other factors, 0%

of the participants were sleep-deprived. According to Dement (2015), sleep

deprivation is likely to be enhanced by the numerous pressures and

commitments that students manage during school. School assignments,

schedules, and accountabilities, regardless of desire or capabilities, can be

highly demanding, leading to inadequate sleep becoming a lesser priority. While

communicating with friends or using social media applications may be leading

to students' lack of sleep, nocturnal electronic use might disrupt sleep due to

the stimulating effects of light from digital screens.

Table 2.2: Factors that affect students’ time of sleep

General factors

Table 2.2) What are the factors affecting why

students can’t/don’t sleep early? Choose as Frequency
many as you want.

Academic demands 13 32.5 %

Addiction to gadgets, social media, and video 10 25 %


Sleep disorder 4 10 %

Hormonal time shifts 5 12.5 %

Mental health problems 8 20 %

Table 2.2 shows the common factors affecting why students don’t/can’t

sleep early. The majority of the participants (32.5%) answered that academic

demands are the reason they don’t/can’t sleep early, (25%) said that addiction

to gadgets, social media, and video games. However, less than one-fourth (20%)

of the participants agreed that mental health problems are one of the factors of

being sleep-deprived, and one-eight (12.5%) of the participants said hormonal

time shifts. Surprisingly, (10%) of the respondents said that sleep disorder is the

cause of their lack of sleep. According to Phan (2017), commitment and pressure

on school are most likely the strong factors that will cause sleep deprivation.

Students will most likely sleep late because of academic demands or schoolwork.

Moreover, most students stay up late due to screen-based activities (such as

social media, web surfing, watching Netflix, and gaming), resulting in sleep

disturbances and lesser sleep at night.

Table 2.3: The percentage of students who use social media apps and video

games before bedtime

Personal choice
TABLE 2.3) Do you often play video games or
scroll on the net beyond sleeping hours?

Frequency Percentage

Yes 12 80 %

No 3 20 %

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 2.3 shows that 80% of respondents spend time after sleeping hours

playing video games or surfing the internet. Only 20% of people say they don't

do one of these things. According to Springer Link (2022), the more time teens

spent on screen-based activities (such as social media, online browsing,

watching Netflix, and gaming), the harder it was for them to go to sleep and the

less sleep they got at night. These sleep problems were subsequently connected

to sleep deprivation.

SQ2: Does sleep deprivation affect your body clock?

Table 3: The number of nights students stay up late

Personal choice
Table 3) In a week, how many times do you
stay up late at night?

Frequency Percentage

1 night only 3 20 %

2 nights 4 26.67 %

3 up to 7 nights 8 53.33 %

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 3 depicts how frequently the students of Capitol University stay up

late. The table shows that 53.33% of the participants agreed that they stay up

late between 3 to 7 nights, while 26.67% for two nights. And 20% to those who

stay up late for one night only. According to Medical News Today (2004), sleep is

a restorative activity, since your brain stores information and heals your body

while you sleep. However, making up for a lost night of sleep is not the same as

receiving the sleep you require in the first case. People who go to bed and wake

up late, even if it has become a habit, are at danger of developing health issues

since their bodies do not correspond to the normal cycles of contemporary life.

Table 3.2: The hour students awoke after a night of being sleep-deprived
Personal choice

Table 3.2) What time do you wake up if you

are sleep-deprived at night?

Frequency Percentage

5 AM to 7 AM 3 20 %

8 AM to 10 AM 7 46.67 %

11 AM to afternoon 4 26.67 %

Evening 1 6.67 %

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 3.2 above displays what time students of grade 11 usually get up in

the morning if they are sleep-deprived at night. It can be seen that 46.67 percent

of students get up between 8 and 10 a.m., followed by 11 a.m. and afternoon

with 26.67 percent. On the other hand, 20% of students wake up between 5 and

7 a.m., and 6.67% of students wake up in the evening. Teenagers, according to

BetterHealth Channel (2021), require nine to ten hours of sleep every night.

Teenagers require more sleep at a time when social responsibilities and peer
pressure are forcing them to sleep less. There is evidence that the sleep-wake

cycle alters during adolescence, with sleepiness later in the evening, which is

why most sleep-deprived adolescents wake up between 8 and 10 a.m.

SQ3: Is sleep deprivation connected to adolescence?

Table 4: The connectedness of adolescence to sleep deprivation

Personal choice

Table 4) Do you think being an adolescent has

something to do with why you cannot sleep
Frequency Percentage

Yes 11 73.33 %

No 4 26.67 %

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 4 shows that being sleep-deprived has something to do with

adolescence. Almost all of the respondents (With a percentage of 73.33) answered

yes. While only 4 respondents (26.67%) answered no. According to the article by

Garey (2002). The reason why being an adolescent has something to do with
being sleep deprived is that adolescent who stays up late are usually continuing

to work on papers on laptops, as academic demands are one of the reasons for

sleep deprivation, participating in a variety of extracurricular activities will highly

be the cause of sleep deprivation. In either case, the chance of getting adequate

sleep is low. Additionally, chatting with friends or socializing with peers are

essentially the main reasons why adolescents prevent from falling asleep. After

all, even Dr. Van Gilder stated that “those receptors send a signal to the brain

which suppresses the production of melatonin and keeps kids from feeling tired.

And adolescents are low on melatonin and start producing it later, to begin with.”

Which explains why being an adolescent has something to do with being sleep-


Table 4.2: The percentage of students who think they can maintain a

healthy lifestyle despite being sleep-deprived

Personal choice

Table 4.2) Do you think you’re still having a

healthy lifestyle with a lack of sleep? Frequency Percentage

Yes 4 26.67 %

No 10 66.67 %
Maybe 1 6.667 %

TOTAL: 15 100 %

Table 4.2 illustrates that 66.67 percent of grade 11 STEM Nursing Aides

responded No, indicating that they do not believe they are still living a healthy

lifestyle while being sleep deprived. 26.67 percent said they're still leading a

healthy lifestyle, while 6.667 percent said maybe. According to the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (2020), sleep deprivation has been linked to

several chronic health issues, including heart illness, kidney disease, high blood

pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. Adults, teenagers, and sleep-

deprived adolescents are more prone to injury.

Likert Scale and Weighted Mean

Table 5: Impact of sleep-deprivation on academic performance of students

Table 5) How does sleepiness Overall

affect your academic Weighted
performance as a student? Mean
Frequency Interpretation

4-Greatly affected 5
3-Moderately affected 5

2.93 Moderately
2-Slightly affected 4 Agree

1-Not affected 1



0.00 - 1.49 – Don’t agree at all

1.50- 2.49= Slightly Agree

2.50-3.49 = Moderately Agree

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Agree

Table 5 displays how sleep loss impacts academic performance and how

sleepiness affects students intellectually. The overall weighted mean reveals that

being sleep deprived has moderately affected their academic performance. This

result is undeniable for the reason since table 1.1 almost half of the respondents

answered the main reason why they sleep late at night is because of school work.

This shows that academic demand moderately affects the student on their
academic performance while also being the main reason why students are sleep


The purpose of this phenomenological study was to find out why Capitol

University Senior High School students are sleep deprived. According to our

review of the literature, sleep deprivation can cause a variety of issues relating

to overall performance and activities, such as problems concentrating, learning

and remembering information, socializing with peers, and poor sports

performance. Sleep deprivation can affect brain function, mental health, and

cognitive performance significantly. This is the first research to look at why

online university students are sleep deprived, it also gives us an insight into their

lives. The findings of this study revealed that the academic demands of SHS are

the primary cause of sleep deprivation.

The resulting information we received following the conclusion of our

survey collection and qualitative experiment fit very much into the conventional

thesis. It was evident from this study that most of the students of Stem-Nursing

Aide sleep late because of school work. In addition, factors of sleep deprivation

(Academic demands, Addiction to gadgets, social media, and video games, Sleep

disorder, Hormonal time shifts, and Mental health problems) showed that most

of the respondents agreed that Academic demands are one of the reasons why

they can't or don't sleep early. The study also revealed that most of the

respondents wake up later than 7 am as most of them are sleep-deprived. The

majority of the respondents admit that being an adolescent has something to do

with sleep deprivation. Respondents believe that they will have an unhealthy
lifestyle because of a lack of sleep. Overall, this study shows that sleep

deprivation has a great impact on students' academic performance.


Although the findings of this study appear to be consistent with past

findings, the researcher did have some limitations and assumptions, and

suggestions for future research should be addressed. For future studies, a

greater random sample size should be proposed. The primary goal of this study

is to be able to achieve a deep understanding and wider knowledge for future

research about sleep deprivation among SHS students from Capitol University.

Another proposal for further research is to monitor a group of students

throughout time, starting as freshmen in Senior High School, to see whether

their sleep habits have any long-term consequences on their academic

performance or performance in other aspects of their lives.

Future studies will benefit from each student's perspective, personal

experiences, performance-related factors, and how they deal with distractions

while attempting to obtain an education. For a more consistent sleep habit study,

the study should involve a larger number of respondents and be done over a

longer time.

Researchers will look at how sleep deprivation affects students'

performance even after they make lifestyle adjustments. The ability of a student

to make changes and get enough sleep influences his or her academic

performance. A comparison of adjustment to daily lives and continued sleep

deprivation is particularly important because a healthy amount of sleep is

paramount to leading a productive lifestyle (Thompson et al.).


Bijlani, N. (n.d.). How Poor Sleep Affects Your Mental Health. Priory Group. Retrieved

April 6, 2022, from


Campbell, L. (2019, October 8). Is Your Teen Getting Enough Sleep? 73% Don't. Here's

Why. Healthline. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Cherry, K. (2020, February 24). How Sleep Affects Mental Health. Verywell Mind.

Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Clement, J. (2020, March 9). How does social media affect your sleep? Sleepstation.

Retrieved April 5, 2022, from


Garey, J. (2022). Sleep Deprivation in Teens | Sleep Problems. Child Mind Institute.

Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Patasongkram, U. (2017, November 20). Philips raises awareness of Obstructive Sleep

Apnea in the Philippines. Philips - Philippines. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Richter, R. (2015, October 8). Among teens, sleep deprivation an epidemic | News

Center | Stanford Medicine. Stanford Medicine. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from


Sinai, C. (2022). Sleep Deprivation. Cedars-Sinai. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Sleep and Mood | Need Sleep. (2008, December 15). Healthy Sleep (Harvard).

Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


Sleep disorders - Symptoms and causes. (2019, August 10). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved

April 5, 2022, from


Teen Treatment Center - a Different Kind of Teen Rehab. (2021, July 14). Newport

Academy: Teen Rehab & Mental Health Treatment. Retrieved April 6, 2022,


What Causes Insomnia? (2022, March 25). Sleep Foundation. Retrieved April 5, 2022,



May 18, 2022


Vice Principal

Capitol University Senior High School

Cagayan de Oro City

Dear Mrs. Bas,


I would like to ask permission from your office to allow my Practical Research 1

students from sections Pasteur, Bernoulli, Curie, Dalton, Darwin, Einstein,

Mendel, and Newton to gather data from senior high school students of Capitol

University from May 19 onwards. The data collection technique would either be

through surveys or interviews during their free time, ensuring that the data

gathering will not affect their academic schedule. As their research teacher, I
guarantee that the researchers will protect the data or information they will

gather from the participants and only those who will consent to participate will

be included in the study.

Your approval will be instrumental in the success of our subject and will help

our students gain experience in conducting research that would benefit them in

the future.

Thank you, and May God bless you always!



Practical Research 1 Teacher

Letter approved by Mrs. Ma.

Conchita P. Bas on May 18, 2022 at

07:49 PM.

1st Page: Consent Letter for Survey

Sleep Deprivation among SHS Students: A Phenomenological Study of Capitol

University Senior High School Students

Dear Respondents,


We are Darwin’s 11th- grade research team. We are currently conducting a

descriptive research titled: “Sleep Deprivation among SHS Students: A

Phenomenological Study of Capitol University Senior High School Students”.

This research aims to determine the causes and factors of sleep deprivation and

how it affects the Senior High School Students of Capitol University.

In this connection, the researcher would like to respectfully ask your honest and

candid answers to the questions in this survey questionnaire. Your responses

will be kept confidential and will be used only for data analysis. We hereby pledge

that any personal information you share with us will be kept confidential under

the Data Protection Act, 2012.

For any queries and clarifications, you can directly message through this email

provided. (

Thank you very much.

-The Researchers

I have read the confidentiality and I

 Agree and allow the researcher to use the data gathered from me for their


 Disagree and not allow the researchers to use the data gathers from me

for their research

2nd Page: Respondent’s Profile

Grade & Section: _________________________

Gender: __________________________________

 Male

 Female

 Prefer not to say

Age: _____________________________________

Full Name (Last Name, First Name, MI): ________________________

3rd Page: Questionnaire

1. How long do you usually sleep?

 7-9 hours

 More than 9 hours

 Less than 7 hours

2. How does sleepiness affect your academic performance as a student?

 Greatly affected

 Moderately affected
 Slightly affected

 Not affected

3. What are the factors affecting why you can’t/don’t sleep early? Choose as

many as you want.

 Academic demands

 Addiction to gadgets, social media, and video games

 Sleep disorder (Insomnia, narcolepsy, etc.)

 Hormonal time shifts

 Mental health problems

 Other:

4. In a week, how many times do you stay up late at night?

 1 night only

 2 nights

 3 up to 7 nights

5. Do you take any medication or sleeping pills if you can’t sleep?

 Yes

 No

6. Please rate the changes in your academic performance that you encounter

whenever you are sleep-deprived. 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest.

I. Low scores/grades in tests or exams

 1

 2

 3
 4

 5

II. Can’t understand clearly the lessons/discussions

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

III. Can’t focus on school activities

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

IV. Has a hard time memorizing or remembering a lesson

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

V. Having the lack to do the assignments

 1

 2
 3

 4

 5

7. What time do you wake up if you are sleep-deprived at night?

 5 AM to 7 AM

 8 AM to 10 AM

 11 AM to afternoon

 Evening

8. Do you think being an adolescent has something to do with why you

cannot sleep early?

 Yes

 No

9. Do you often play video games or scroll on the net beyond sleeping hours?

 Yes

 No

10. What is the MAIN REASON why you sleep late at night? Choose one answer


 Due to school works

 Chatting with friends or using social media apps

 Mental health problems

 Other recreational activities

 Hormonal time shifts

 Sleep disorders
 Other:

11. Do you think you’re still having a healthy lifestyle with a lack of sleep?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

12. What do you always feel if you don’t get enough quality sleep? Multiple

answers are allowed.

 Dizziness

 Yawning frequently

 Tired

 Mood changes or mood swings

 Poor concentration

 Other:

13. Do you know the duration of your body clock?

 Yes

 No

14. What time do you usually get up in the morning?

 4 AM

 5 AM to 7 AM

 8 AM to 10 AM

 11 AM to Afternoon

May 17, 2022

May 1, 2022
June 1, 2022

June 3, 2022


Address: Aplaya Jasaan, Misamis Oriental

Contact Number: 09266681694

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: April 21, 2005 Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’2, 55 kg

Mother’s Name: Marissa D. Calibay

Father’s Name: N/A


Elementary School St. Mary’s Academy of Tagoloan

Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental

June 2013 – March 2016

Junior High School St. Mary’s Academy of Tagoloan

Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental

June 2016 – March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 N/A

Address: Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City

Contact Number: 09653148790

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: March 17, 2005 Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’, 46 kg

Mother’s Name: Imee A. Econar

Father’s Name: Junrey D. Econar


Elementary School Corrales Elementary School

Corrales Extension, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2011 – March 2016

Junior High School Indahag National High School

Poblacion Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2016 – March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 With Honor (Grade 1-6), CES

 English News writer & Filipino Feature Writer (Grade 8-10), INHS
 With High Honor (Grade 7-10), INHS
 Speech Choir Champion (Grade 8 & 9), INHS
 MTAP Division Level Contestant (Grade 7 & 8), INHS
 Science Quiz Bee 3rd Runner up (Grade 9), INHS
 Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Emissary Journalism Club (Grade 9-10), INHS

Address: Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City

Contact Number: 09262361955

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: April 04, 2004 Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’7, 57 kg

Mother’s Name: Vanessa R. Esmile

Father’s Name: Herbert N. Esmile


Elementary School Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School

C.M. Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2010 – March 2016

Junior High School Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School

C.M. Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2016 – March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 With Honors (Grade 3 & 5)

 Commendable (Grade 4)
 Fourth Honorable Mention (Elementary)
 Cooperative Award (Elementary)
 With Honors (Grade 7-9)
 Academic Achiever (Junior High School)
 Resiliency Award (Junior High School)

Address: West Kibawe, Kibawe Bukidnon

Contact Number: 09679656401

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: April 01, 2005 Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’5, 45 kg

Mother’s Name: Reyna S. Bacomo

Father’s Name: Louise Ronaldson M. Bacomo


Elementary School Kibawe Central Elementary School

East Kibawe, Kibawe Bukidnon

June 2011 – March 2017

Junior High School Stella Matutina Academy

Brgy. 6, Balingasag Misamis Oriental

June 2017 – March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 6th Placer in Science Experiment

 Band and Lyre Corps
 With Honor in Grade 9
 With Highest Honor in Grade 10

Address: Tablon, Cagayan de Oro City

Contact Number: 09261782725

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: March 13, 2005 Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’3, 39 kg

Mother’s Name: Marycor B. Ilagan

Father’s Name: Antonio V. Ilagan


Elementary School Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School

C.M Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2012 - March 2017

Junior High School Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School

J.R Borja Ext., Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City

June 2017 - March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 Milo Little Olympics (1st and 2nd)

 Consistent Honor Student (Grade 1-6)
 Perfect Attendance Award (Grade 6)
 With Honors (Grade 7-9)
 Best in CLVE (Grade 8)
 Deportment Award (Grade 8)
 Diligence and Homeroom Award (Grade 10)

Address: Zone 5, Bobontugan, Jasaan Mis. Or

Contact Number: 09979070256

E –mail Address:


Date of Birth: July 15, 2005 Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Height & Weight: 5’3, 45 kg

Mother’s Name: Joy G. Macapundag

Father’s Name: N/A


Elementary School Jasaan Central School

Upper Jasaan, Jasaan Mis. Or

June 2011 – March 2017

Junior High School St. Mary’s Academy of Jasaan

Upper Jasaan, Jasaan Mis. Or

June 2016 – March 2021

Senior High School Capitol University

Corrales-Osmena Ext., Cagayan de Oro City

August 2021 – May 2022


 Acolytes Award (Grade 8)

 Acolytes Award (Grade 9)
 Acolytes Award (Grade 10)
 Drum and Lyre Corps
 2 Honor (Grade 11, First Sem)

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