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“How Can Time Management Affects Our Lives?

Econar, Airey A.

Do you enjoy procrastinating, cramming, and multitasking as well? Good day,

everyone! I'm Airey A. Econar, and today I'll be giving a speech about how time
management affects our lives.

Do you ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done?
Why do some people appear to access more done than others when we all have the
same twenty-four hours? Effective time management is the answer. Time management
is an act of organizing and planning how to divide time between different activities. It is
the ability to use your time productively and efficiently. You could also think of it as the
art of having time to do everything you must, without feeling stressed about it. Since
time is the only thing we can't get back, most people believe in the phrase "Time is
Gold." We would never be able to undo what has done once it happened. Time
management has many positive effects, but it can also have negative consequences in
our daily lives once we do not apply it. We should learn how to manage our time since it
will help us limit our workload and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By that, we can
avoid procrastination, cramming, and multitasking.

Effective time management indeed benefits people in all sorts of ways. We may
increase our performance at school, home, and even at work if we manage our time
well. It makes everything clear and effortless. When you take control of your time, you
feel more confident and capable of meeting your goals. As time management becomes
a habit, we can spend more time improving our quality of work because we have
allotted time for each task. It can also allow you to think about all aspects of a workload
and ensure that it is achieved correctly. Just like when you are assigned to complete a
school activity and then you make it directly without regard to the deadline, you can
expect a high grade in that activity because you completed it correctly and confidently;
you did not need to complete it quickly, which would result in poor performance because
you had plenty of time. Practicing time management can also boost your confidence
through positive self-reinforcement.

Furthermore, effective time management leads to higher productivity. If we have

a lengthy list of things to do and don't have enough time to complete them, we might
quickly get stressed. Just like when we have multiple "to do" activities in Google
Classroom and a lot of household chores. Proper time management enables us to
prioritize tasks and tackle them first. You'll know what you need to do and how much
time you have to finish each assignment this way. Solely limit your internet usage
because it is one of the most time-consuming ventures nowadays. However, if you
know how to manage your time, you will be able to successfully integrate regular
internet usage into your daily lives without fear of losing productivity. It also helps us to
avoid procrastination. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks until the
last possible moment, which is sometimes followed by cramming. It occurs when we do
not effectively manage our time. It is impossible to cram and procrastinate when we are
clear and focused on our goals.

Moreover, excellent time management results in more energy for free time or
leisure time. Having more free time can help you achieve a better work-life balance
while also allowing you to set aside time for yourself. You must establish firm
boundaries and attain a work-life balance to enjoy the benefits of your me-time, which
you can spend doing things you enjoy. We may do whatever we want with the extra
time we accumulate - relax, unwind, and do things that make us happy; it also assures
that we have more time to spend with family and friends or close friends. You will have
more time to expand your relationships and try out new activities now that you have
freed up some time. It also allows you to pursue your purpose in life. It helps you if you
are a worker, parent, professional, and most especially student who experienced this
new education modality.

Everyone believes that "time is gold." Because time is a limited resource, it is

better to accomplish things as soon as possible. With the help of time management, we
can fulfill our daily chores and organize our life. We wouldn't meet deadlines, complete
plans, or reach our goals if we didn't properly manage our time. We can't control time,
but we can control how we utilize it by developing time management skills, doing some
work in our spare time because it will benefit us. Do some volunteer work in your leisure
time to help us. People who are good at managing their time are also good at getting
things done. They are, however, better at prioritizing and determining what truly has to
be done—and then discarding the rest. They are competent of being one because they
are aware of the difference between urgent and significant. We should be on time and
make it a habit to complete today's work. People who make good use of their time are
always successful in life. Why wait for tomorrow? Begin today!


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