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Situation: A husband talking to her wife about their future plans.

Husband: Once I got approved. I will petition you immediately with the
kids. So we can start a good life in US.
Wife: I’m sure the kids will love that.
Husband: Yeah, I already researched good universities for them to enrol in.
Wife: That sounds good.
Husband: I’ll do anything for you and kids honey. We’ll give them better living.
Wife: I love you.
Husband: I love you too.

Situation: A girl informing her friend about her whereabouts.
Friend: Where are you? They are already here at my house. Miggy, Justine and Pam.
Girl: Hey sis! I just got out from the office. I will be there at the party in 25 minutes.
Friend: Okay. You drive safely. See you. I remembered, drop by the grocery store and get me some lemons
for me please. Thanks.
Girl: Okay. See you


Situation: Soldiers stating their national pledge to their beloved country.

Soldiers: I pledge to Nigeria my country;
To be faithful, loyal and honest;
To serve Nigeria with all my strength;
To defend her unity;
And uphold her honor and glory;
So help me God.


Situation: A patient went to the hospital to seek help from his doctor.
Doctor: Hi, how are you?
Patient: Not so good.
Doctor: What’s wrong?
Patient: I have fever and a cough. I’m also sneezing.
Doctor: Let me take your temperature. Hmm…38 degrees. Do you have a headache?
Patient: Yes, I do.
Doctor: I think you have a flu. Take this medicine twice a day. Get some rest. Drink a lot of water.
Patient: Thank you.


Situation: A phone call from one office to another.

Speaker 1: Good morning. I’d like to talk to Mr. Perez please.
Speaker 2: Good morning. I’m sorry but Mr. Perez is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave him a
Speaker 1: Yes please. Tell him that Miss Chua needs to contact him.
Speaker 2: Sure, I’ll tell him. Does he has you phone number?
Speaker 1: Yes he has it. Thank you.
Speaker 2: You’re welcome. Something else?
Speaker 1: No, that’s all. Good bye.
Speaker 2: Good bye, Miss Chua.

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