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ag ilvam-. hake is concerned 4» it! ig one of 4p _ one of th mo24 eminent and __ gucesstu] sLuged 4 Fd ig 16 Piven Ot and “eho a: hak een pe Lrogedl is “T+ ta thoug hi to haw. deen Piz ak —pevfouned Ip ten 6 ide gi 0 ‘and omédy Ui has le if eat ating Gales KK inoleay” “Othello” "hs Ca esa : te rie Q ” re % . ” f. _ = . uligt 4 Much do” Abo Northing" and = mane mores LI Oc ren pil Q CQ iS Bu iol) x crite and poet ad UAL ot how Qhak esperrs dol rib g gitelneas ; shen] ond idibal OAPor re, I am gd rock ay evonder that gock ! strive people ahould m and/ thunder pines uch lovely ne ang a PMobeth ig atritten cai LhoG~ gots and ’ publiched ins “the -Pirgt folio. nf | pogs. sbitbole o4nr £ the play “panes ground jig jor —choraleddr Macbeth . Lody Mocheth , a 5 , b+ bedi : dhbeve=there are. alao many i ttinns cheated in SEC al tg the play —ia eto vith 0 Faas ad ig? _being- oa Pe. werhee to between — Dlotno.>—and > Scola doind sin eobich Seo Sthich, Senn a Gaadesrs al pA lV 5 ath aie. regi fo ¢_-th wichor of ‘90 Given ~to ‘Macbe-la ‘Macbe-+h’ [ find ‘Bonaue’ mere very ~PaWbfa | “ fence of eee QSeot aNda king : yamed ‘pa noa Liben wo-Eh “Mocbeth and Bankes we + cam ing bock shen r dee three! cc isigtey 8 arho ar. citche » Phe a coho “Pmpheate, —thet— Macbeth Trill perenne phe Than of Eee zal i one cloig the oe of Sees Lond: ae ey =tHha levould ~ -becam king ipl Ligeia se aie a a — wotilha bath dt sho pppecg ote of ae Ver Tee eS | 62 veGentinmd - eplabinctee —_Onnouner -——' that he hag 1 — ttl —seeworded -Clachetn brnuerg,_ i ly \ ane Cowdar' @ Bo eth Predtetion of the witches: Decame. +4 i Macbeth tmmediadel fantagizes abo murderin Ep hide ond: berating king an push ea sbhe thou gh-+J ot a ‘ late? that: oy _Dandaan __annotnece o4t- his MYdet+t oon iE ——Holeom scuill he: petrite. hie throne. 7 ah Clocheth. geceives a ledier from her husband abou the Dyopheru —oand: = Duncop’a imminen+ arrived 1) iQ hoe - cease phet hus bond [gto kind » sto ueh shim, «to nando | Dunoon on soube =-theiicronn that nigh 4. Moe etch Riek rearga+} hig erie —plan bed his ambitiob-and her eonatansd gue sdepin hrae! Chu rage A tnd: mon hoo dewinY Din ove yp. ovghl hed murder. quad Cnd_ Pe blin otha men __poaom » The noord al nother 1 Scaldia h aha 4a digcavers ~—Ouncon deodi and taeoy the al —Mochoth and lady Macbeth pitlend : an inudena the —quademen le bd keep =the 10 ae Soe ely F success fully — e9ca ean PY-Oya_ ates Lowes”: rd oD ' Duncan'g* 30.9 Hh nk then moy bo he nex re eae andU floeY Macbeth: 9 | ings Land becauge ron “y @riateatl Song becom ists Prime ugpecds by osthes L 7 ran shocked ond ) Bonque b now) shee Ceaitehes ton he ia auspicious of f Mocbedh -V Man hen! h all | Plocbesth re membe 19 “the prophecy “the Ling afte, 89 he decided sto Mache-+*h € g +- and ith ‘ala nba t ‘ae murder =o ki} Qa agonal and hid Son: In the darkn ee | gio 1/9 murdered Dek hig Qon gon aw from Scodlond: Ad the -feag 4+—., “i. Moched hb 9e es no on un '9 ath e196 dees Sor ee ee sthe Teck ee ke eho bo husband: Onec appa uPtacbetp. ie aT cS ° bree. pitt sto earn m A his Da i Be Show him three _oppariatons oho tei) Cocbeth be beer re” Macd afk abed algo. Hho _ ho" man pbdkn of woman” cen ceteod pot Con ger defeat hin tha he -co9t | “we unt f Rirno vw coood march 15 wo a Go g+tie + Since al) ty men ar born _of women ond t7003 “eon t= ma ve _| __Mokb esthi eta eek thro sto imean he's tavione ble “Lets tthe eviiches algo Ron coifhiirOn Mache} aevid men sto Maed ufps | LSagtle 46 Wandu fh'9 Po miley» Meanahe ls (ini @ d Macduff and Mol&o m Pre pate bo meri inva ( eeoetland + Likben nema. come ilo & ny rN oe nuader of Modit.tla Ha v = laid 14 | + A alee aks ant Imagining pln th her inde ett Lewnghed pf). Manbe-bh fpoys—be-coms : _ manic _crue | lgide . Th Pebeowms Bi pom eed a hough y an i eee a ae edgy sho chi sthect ‘branch es! fo TRS ees Me [for sthe ors Lod Gries » Ma) enh 1g far | paookieg ik coord) =the Thea oe b himae Le Sy astts oy oO 4 Q fo ret matching. alcolmn’s eel heer nu whe to hot sf i r ogbetk ie abto an cous obo dares ba Pate apm ae born of cu mein" i Bud Aacdu hE ae that he L108 Snr Ie ped 'fyom' hi ynocthe r'e coon aN locdute [kt] 12 fMlocheth . and Moitales Ig sey, a9 hing of 2S cofland - 18 not dad og MWyO3 corr nour et he onstupe ¢. 0 fs ded Se ead ceijieh ond oon _cuife Lodge “noskeltl ha =i 19 sthe reason = ho += Lodi Maeh oth = ” 1 “Ta et sth “the lhshapeaseg —imgudg Macbeth") | ;

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