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Name: Zubair AHMED

Sap ID: 70121485

Section: L.B.S (A)
Assignment: #2
Subject: Business Communication
Submitted to : Ma’am Nazia Akram
Q1.How culture and language can play a major role in business communication?
Culture is defined as all socially transmitted behavior, arts, architectures, languages,
signs, symbols, ideas, beliefs, norms, customs, rituals, and so on that are learned and
shared by a specific social group of the same nationality, ethnicity, religion, and so on.
Culture is passed down from generation to generation. It allows people to express
themselves and their views on the world and life. A corporation considers a number of
factors when deciding whether or not to perate in an international region or with a foreign
company. The impact of language and culture on business performance is significant. It
may be difficult to effectively communicate ideas and strategies in a new corporate
environment. The value of language must be determined for a company's success.
Issues of Culture:
Culture has an impact on how people perceive business in their own society. Being aware
of cultural perspectives on business will help you communicate more effectively and
successfully while working with people from other cultures. Asian societies, such as
Japan and China, value teamwork and cooperation in the workplace, whereas Western
businesses value individual action and responsibility. Understanding these values can
help you create an effective regional communication plan.
Culture has an impact on corporate communications by increasing the relevance of
cultural knowledge and understanding. The workplace is getting more diversified. In
business communication, it is becoming more common to interact with people from
different cultures and companies from different countries. A lack of cultural
understanding can cost a company a contract or create stress in the workplace. Because
poor communication can have a detrimental influence on the bottom line, businesses
adopt training to educate employees for cross-cultural communication. Businesses that
succeed in the global marketplace are willing to learn about various cultures and adapt.
Q2: Does knowing the Language of a particular culture or country would have any
impact in your communication or business affairs?
The most important thing to remember is that everyone, regardless of ethnic heritage, has
their own unique beliefs, habits, and ways of life. It will be easier to understand and
appreciate cultural differences if you recognise that everyone is different. When it comes
to understanding cultural differences, one of the most difficult things to overcome is
making judgments based on a single point of view. Rather than making broad
generalisations, undertake your own research and make an effort to learn about people.
Stereotyping people of different ethnic backgrounds has the potential to harm their quality
of life and opportunities.
Human interaction is impossible without language. The use of various languages is the
most obvious barrier to communication between a firm and its global clientele and
employees. Although translation may appear to be the obvious solution, it is important to
consider context, linguistic nuance, idiom usage, and other aspects in addition to word-
for-word conversion.
We use language to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others. It is capable of
both developing and destroying societies. It may seem self-evident, but examine the
following if you're wondering why language is so important. You'll need to break it down
to fully comprehend why.
When we use language to communicate any information, we are using it for its
informative function. Its primary purpose is to inform people by being able to accurately
communicate facts.
The expressive function of language is another important aspect of it. It is utilized to
express oneself by giving us means to communicate our sentiments, emotions, and
attitudes to another person, just as it sounds or ourselves.

Misunderstood internal communications can cause a loss of trust and team spirit.
You'll probably definitely meet a lot of new people and find yourself in a lot of different
situations. Increased cultural awareness, or understanding of other cultures, allows for
more meaningful relationships with those around you. You're honing your empathy and
regard for others while also recognising and celebrating your similarities and distinctions.
As a result, you are less likely to treat someone differently just because of their nationality
or culture.

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