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‫خڃاټ‪ ٟ‬ثٍفی اق اثشؽا سبٰځڃپ ثفای ثف‪٬‬فاـی اـسجبٖ ثب یٱؽیٵف اق اثكاـچبی ټش‪١‬ؽؼی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰفؼڄ اڀؽ ٰڅ ؼـ‬
‫ایٿ ټیبپ قثبپ سځڇب ڂویٹڅ ای اوز ٰڅ ټی سڃاپ اق ٘فی‪ ٫‬آپ دیسیؽڄ سفیٿ ټ‪٩‬بچیٻ ـا ثڅ ٌٱٹی وبؼڄ ڂ ٰبټٷ‬
‫اڀش٭بٶ ؼاؼ‪.‬‬
‫اټفڂقڄ ڀیك ثب ٴىشفي اـسجب٘بر ثیٿ خڃاټ‪ ٟ‬ټػشٹ‪ ٧‬ڀیبق ثڅ ؼاڀىشٿ قثبڀی ټٍشفٮ ثفای اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬بچیٻ ثیً اق‬
‫دیً اضىبن ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬
‫ؼـ خڇبپ اټفڂق قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثڅ ؼٸیٷ ٴىشفؼٴی آپ ؼـ ضڃقڄ چبی ټػشٹ‪ ٧‬ثڅ ٰبـثفؼی سفیٿ ڂ ټڇٽشفیٿ قثبپ‬
‫ؼڀیب ثؽٶ ٴٍشڅ ڂ یبؼٴیفی ایٿ قثبپ ټی سڃاڀؽ ـاچٵٍب ڂ ٰٹیؽ ټڃ‪٨‬٭یز ا‪٨‬فاؼ ؼـ ‪٠‬فِڅ چبی ټػشٹ‪ ٧‬ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫چٽبڀ‪ٙ‬ڃـ ٰڅ ټیؽاڀیؽ ثفای ‪٨‬فاٴیفی قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ؼاڀىشٿ ‪٬‬ڃا‪٠‬ؽ ؼوشڃـی‪ٰ ،‬ٹٽبر‪ ،‬اِ‪ٙ‬الضبر ڂ ‪٠‬جبـار دف‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ ایٿ قثبپ؛ سڃاټبپ القٺ اوز ڂ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ قثبپ آټڃقاپ دیٍځڇبؼ ټی ٌڃؼ ٰڅ سٽبټی ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬بر ـا ؼـ‬
‫ٰځبـ یٱؽیٵف ‪٨‬فا ثٵیفڀؽ‪.‬‬
‫اق ایٿ ـڂ ټب ثف آپ ٌؽیٻ ټدٽڃ‪٠‬څ ای اق ټ‪ٙ‬بٸت ِ‪٩‬طڅ ایځىشبٴفاٺ ‪ٰ englishpersian‬څ ٌبټٷ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬بر ڂ‬
‫ڀٱبر ټػشٹ‪ ٧‬ڂ ٰبـثفؼی ټی ثبٌؽ‪ ،‬ٴفؼآڂـی ٰځیٻ ڂ ؼـ ‪٬‬بٸت ایٿ ٰشبة اٸٱشفڂڀیٯ ؼـ اغشیبـ ٌٽب ثكـٴڃاـاپ‬
‫‪٬‬فاـ ؼچیٻ‪.‬‬

‫ایٿ ٰشبة اٸٱشفڂڀیٯ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬آـٌیڃی ٰبټٷ اق ټ‪ٙ‬بٸجی اوز ٰڅ ؼـ وبٶ ټیالؼی ‪ 2014‬ؼـ ِ‪٩‬طڅ ایځىشبٴفاٺ‬
‫‪ englishpersian‬ثڅ اٌشفاٮ ٴؿاٌشڅ ٌؽڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫ؼـ سڇیڅ ایٿ ٰشبة اٸٱشفڂڀیٯ و‪١‬ی ٌؽڄ ڀٱبر ثىیبـی ثڅ ٌٽب آټڃقي ؼاؼڄ ٌڃؼ ڂ چف ڀٱشڅ ای ٰڅ ټ‪ٙ‬فش ټی‬
‫ٴفؼؼ ثب ؾٰف ټثبٶ چبی ټش‪١‬ؽؼ س‪٩‬ڇیٻ ٌڃؼ ڂ ثب ټ‪ٙ‬فش ٰفؼپ ڀٱبسی ث‪١‬ؽ اق ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬اِٹی ثڅ یبؼٴیفی ټ‪ٙ‬بٸت‬
‫ٰٽٯ ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫اټیؽڂاـیٻ ټ‪ٙ‬بٸ‪١‬څ ایٿ ٰشبة اٸٱشفڂڀیٯ ٰٽٱی ٌبیبپ ثڅ ٌٽب قثبپ آټڃقاپ ٴفاټی ؼـ ټىیف یبؼٴیفی چفزڅ ثڇشف‬
‫قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثٱځؽ‪.‬‬

‫تا تطىز‬
‫هدوَػِ آهَسضی ‪englishpersian‬‬


‫‪ ‬اغكالحات ٍ ػثارات‬

‫آثفڂی ٰىی ـ‪٨‬شٿ ‪ /‬ثؽ ڀبٺ ٌؽپ ‪12 ....................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫آة قیف ٰبڄ ثڃؼپ ‪13 ................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق اڂٶ ٌفڂ‪ٰ ٞ‬فؼپ ‪14 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق س‪١‬دت ٌبظ ؼـآڂـؼپ ‪ /‬ؼچبپ ٰىی اق س‪١‬دت ثبق ټبڀؽپ ‪15 ........................................................................................‬‬
‫اق زبٸڅ ثڅ زبڄ ا‪٨‬شبؼپ ‪16 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق زیكی ؼوز ٍٰیؽپ ‪17 ....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق غځؽڄ ټځ‪٩‬دف ٌؽپ ‪ /‬اق غځؽڄ ـڂؼڄ ثُف ٌؽپ ‪18 ...........................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـآڂـؼپ ‪19 ................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق ؼوز ٰىی ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ٌؽپ ‪20 ...........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق ؼڀؽڄ ی زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽپ ‪21 ..............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق ٌف زیكی غالَ ٌؽپ ‪22 ...............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اق ٰىی اڀش٭بٺ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪23 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀفلی غڃؼ ـا سػٹیڅ ٰفؼپ ‪٠ /‬٭ؽڄ ؼٶ غڃؼ ـا غبٸی ٰفؼپ ‪24 .......................................................................................‬‬
‫ثب ؼٺ ٌیف ثبقی ٰفؼپ ‪25 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثب ٰىی غڃة خڃـ ثڃؼپ ‪26 ..................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثب ٰىی ‪٬‬ڇف ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬ثب ٰىی ضف‪ ٦‬ڀكؼپ ‪27 .......................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثب یٯ سیف ثڅ ؼڂ ڀٍبپ قؼپ ‪28 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثبـؼاـ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬ضبټٹڅ ثڃؼپ ‪29 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثؽـ‪٬‬څ ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬ټٍبی‪١‬ز ٰفؼپ ‪30 ..........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثؽچٱبـ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬قیف ثبـ ‪٬‬فْ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ‪31 ..................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثفـوی ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬اـقیبثی ٰفؼپ ‪32 ..........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثىیبـ ثؽ ضبٶ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬غیٹی ټفیٓ ثڃؼپ ‪33 ......................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثٍٱٿ قؼپ ‪34 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ث‪ ٓ٥‬ٴٹڃی ٰىی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪35 .............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڃویؽپ ڂ آٌشی ٰفؼپ ‪36 .....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ ا‪٨‬شػبـ ٰىی یب زیكی ٰبـی ـا اڀدبٺ ؼاؼپ ‪37 ..............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ اټیؽ زیكی قڀؽڄ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬اټیؽڂاـ ثڃؼپ ‪38 ......................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ سڃا‪ ٫٨‬ـویؽپ ‪39 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ ؼـؼ ٰبـی غڃـؼپ ‪40 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ثڅ ٌؽر ڀبـاضز ثڃؼپ ‪41 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ ٰىی ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼپ ‪ /‬وجیٷ ٰىی ـا زفة ٰفؼپ ‪42 .....................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ ټ‪٥‬ك غڃؼ ‪ٍ٨‬بـ آڂـؼپ ‪44 ...................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثی ټطٹی ٰفؼپ ‪45 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثی ڀ‪ٝ‬یف ثڃؼپ ‪46 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دب خبی دبی ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ ‪ /‬اق ٰىی دیفڂی یب سج‪١‬یز ٰفؼپ ‪47 .................................................................................‬‬
‫دبـسی ثبقی ٰفؼپ ‪48 ...............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دفغڃـی ٰفؼپ ‪49 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دُك ؼاؼپ ‪50 ................................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دٍشٯ قؼپ ‪ /‬ټ‪١‬ٹ‪ ٫‬قؼپ ‪51 ..................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دُٯ قؼپ ‪52 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃاپ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬غیٹی ال‪٤‬ف ثڃؼپ ‪53 ..................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سب ٰفؼپ ‪54 ...............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سبثٹڃ ثڃؼپ ‪55 ............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سكییٿ ٰفؼپ ‪57 ........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫س‪١‬ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ٰفؼپ ‪58 ..............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫س٭ّیف ـا ٴفؼپ ٰىی ؼیٵف اڀؽاغشٿ ‪59 ..............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫س٭ّیف ٰىی ثڃؼپ ‪60 ...............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سٽبن ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪61 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سڃ ؼـؼوف ا‪٨‬شبؼپ ‪62 ................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سڇٽز قؼپ ‪ /‬ثؽٴڃیی ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬ثؽ ڀبٺ ٰفؼپ ‪63 ..................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خب قؼپ ‪ /‬ټځّف‪ٌ ٦‬ؽپ ‪64 ...................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خبیی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪ /‬خبیی ـا اٌ‪٥‬بٶ ٰفؼپ ‪66 ........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خڃٴیف ٌؽپ ‪67 .......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زبدٹڃوی ٰفؼپ ‪68 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زبغبپ ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬ال‪ ٦‬قؼپ ‪ /‬ټجبٸ‪٥‬څ ٰفؼپ ‪69 .......................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زبڀڅ قؼپ ‪70 .............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زخ زخ ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬زٍٻ ‪٤‬فڄ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ‪71 .........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زُفر قؼپ ‪72 ...........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زڃة الی زفظ ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ ‪73 .......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضڃان ٰىی ـا دفر ٰفؼپ ‪74 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غبٺ ڂ ثی سدفثڅ ثڃؼپ ‪75 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـؼپ ‪76 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غڃؼ ـا ثڅ خبی ٰىی خب قؼپ ‪77 .........................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫غڃؼٍٰی ٰفؼپ ‪78 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غڃي ‪٬‬ٹت ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬وػبڂسٽځؽ ثڃؼپ ‪79 ...............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غڃپ خٹڃی زٍٻ ٰىی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪80 .................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غڃڀىفؼ ثڃؼپ ‪81 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غیفڄ ٌؽپ ‪ /‬قٶ قؼپ ‪82 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غیٹی غڃي ٴؿـاڀؽپ ‪ /‬ضبٶ ٰفؼپ ‪83 ...............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غیٹی ٴفوځڅ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬ټثٷ غفن ٴفوځڅ ثڃؼپ ‪84 ............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼـ غ‪ٙ‬ف ثڃؼپ ‪85 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼـ ِطز ڂ والټز ثڃؼپ ‪86 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼوز اق وف ٰىی ثفؼاٌشٿ ‪87 ............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼوز ثڅ ویبڄ ڂ و‪٩‬یؽ ڀكؼپ ‪ٰ /‬ٽٯ ڀٱفؼپ ‪88 .................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼٶ ثڅ ؼـیب قؼپ ‪ /‬خفار ثڅ غفج ؼاؼپ ‪89 ..........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼٸٍڃـڄ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪ /‬ؼٸڇفڄ ؼاٌشٿ ‪90 ........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼَٺ ٰفؼپ ‪91 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼڀجبٶ ڀػڃؼ ویبڄ ‪٨‬فوشبؼپ ‪ٰ /‬بـ ثیڇڃؼڄ ٰفؼپ ‪92 ............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼچبپ ٰىی آة ا‪٨‬شبؼپ ‪93 .....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـاقؼاـی ٰفؼپ ‪94 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـلیٻ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪95 .........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـُٮ ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ ‪ِ /‬ب‪ ٦‬ڂ دڃوز ٰځؽڄ ِطجز ٰفؼپ ‪96 .................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـڂ ‪٨‬فٺ ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬غیٹی غڃة ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬وبٸٻ ثڃؼپ ‪97 .............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـڂی ا‪ّ٠‬بة ٰىی ـاڄ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ‪98 .............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـیىٯ ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬غڃؼ ـا ثڅ غ‪ٙ‬ف اڀؽاغشٿ ‪100 ....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیبؼڄ ـڂی ٰفؼپ ‪101 .............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیف آڂاق قؼپ ‪102 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیف زٍٻ ٰىی ثبؼټدبپ ٰبٌشٿ ‪103 .................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیف ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ ‪ /‬قیف ‪٬‬ڃٶ قؼپ ‪104 ......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیف ٴفیڅ قؼپ ‪105 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قیف ٸت ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ‪ /‬قټكټڅ ٰفؼپ ‪106 .........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وػٿ زیځی ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬ؼـی ڂـی ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ‪107 ........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وف اِٷ ټ‪ٙ‬ٹت ـ‪٨‬شٿ ‪108 .....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وف ثڅ وف ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ ‪109 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وف ِطجز ـا ثبق ٰفؼپ ‪110 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وف ٰىی ٌیفڄ ټبٸیؽپ ‪ /‬وف ٰىی ٰالڄ ٴؿاٌشٿ ‪111 ....................................................................................................‬‬
‫وفادب ٴڃي ثڃؼپ ‪112 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫وفی‪٨ ٟ‬فڂغشٿ ‪113 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وٱڅ اڀؽاغشٿ ‪114 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وځٵؽٶ ثڃؼپ ‪115 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀبؼـوز ٰفؼپ ‪116 ............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٌی‪٩‬شڅ ثڃؼپ ‪٠ /‬بٌ‪ ٫‬ثڃؼپ ‪118 ............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٠‬دٹڅ ؼاٌشٿ ‪119 ....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٤‬ؿا ٍٰیؽپ ‪ /‬وفڂ ٰفؼپ ‪120 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪ُ٤‬ف قؼپ ‪ /‬ڀِ‪ ٫‬قؼپ ‪121 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٨‬یٿ ٰفؼپ ‪122 ........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٬‬ٷ ؼاؼپ ‪ /‬دبییٿ آڂـؼپ ‪123 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٬‬ڃٶ ؼاؼپ ‪٠ /‬ڇؽ ثىشٿ ‪124 ..................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٬‬ڇ٭څ قؼپ ‪ /‬اق غځؽڄ ـڂؼڄ ثف ٌؽپ ‪126 ..............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٬‬یٽز زیكی ـا دبییٿ آڂـؼپ ‪127 ........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼاٌشٿ ‪128 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰبـر ٍٰیؽپ ‪129 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰجٯ ٰىی غفڂن غڃاڀؽپ ‪ٰ /‬ی‪ٰ ٧‬ىی ٰڃٮ ثڃؼپ ‪130 ............................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰىی ـا اق سڃچٻ ؼـ آڂـؼپ ‪ /‬ـڂیبی ٰىی ـا غفاة ٰفؼپ ‪131 ......................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪132 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثڃؼپ ‪133 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٴیح ٌؽپ ‪134 .........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٴیف ؼاؼپ ‪ /‬دیٹڅ ٰفؼپ ‪135 ...................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫الن قؼپ ‪136 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٸڃن ٰفؼپ ‪137 .......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثڅ چٻ دفیؽپ ‪138 ....................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټر ٰىی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪139 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټع ٰىی ـا قؼپ ‪140 .............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټفضٹڅ ی اڂٶ ـا ٴؿـاڀؽپ ‪ /‬ؼوز ـا خبیی ثځؽ ٰفؼپ ‪141 .............................................................................................‬‬
‫ټفیٓ ثڃؼپ ‪142 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټفا‪٬‬ت ثڃؼپ ‪ /‬زڇبـ زٍٽی دبییؽپ ‪143 ............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټٍشفی خٹت ٰفؼپ ‪ /‬ثبقاـ ٴفټی ٰفؼپ ‪144 ....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټٍٱڃٮ ثڃؼپ ‪ٌ /‬ٯ ٰفؼپ ‪ٰ /‬بوڅ ای قیف ڀیٻ ٰبوڅ ثڃؼپ ‪145 ..................................................................................‬‬
‫ټځب‪ٜ‬فڄ ٰفؼپ ‪146 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ٌؽپ ‪147 ...............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ـا ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽپ ‪ /‬ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪149 .................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ټڃ‪ٌ ٫٨‬ؽپ ‪ /‬ثڅ چؽ‪٨‬ی ـویؽپ ‪150 ....................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀىیڅ غفیؽپ ‪151 ....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀ‪٩‬ه ڀ‪٩‬ه قؼپ ‪152 ...............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀڃثز ٰىی ثڃؼپ ‪153 .............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀڃـ زٍٻ ٰىی ثڃؼپ ‪٠ /‬كیك ؼـؼاڀڅ ٰىی ثڃؼپ ‪154 .......................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀیٍٵڃپ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪155 ...............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڂوٗ ٰبـی ثڃؼپ ‪156 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـ ثڃؼپ ‪157 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڂٸػفخی ٰفؼپ ‪158 ................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫چٽیځدڃـی ثڃؼپ ‪159 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫چڃ ٰفؼپ ‪160 ...........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼټز ٴفٺ ‪161 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڂپ ٘ڃـی ٰڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ټی ٰفؼٺ ڀجڃؼ ‪162 ...............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼیٵڅ ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽی ‪163 .....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـڂقڀڅ اټیؽ ایځٱڅ ‪ /‬خبی غڃٌجیځی ایځٱڅ ‪164 ...................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثبیؽ ‪٨‬الپ زیك ـڂ ټی ؼیؽی ‪165 .........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫آیب ټی ؼاڀىشیؽ ‪166 ................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫یڅ چٽسیٿ زیكچبیی ‪ /‬یڅ زیكی سڃ ایٿ ټبیڅ چب ‪167 .......................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰدب ـؼی‪ٰ ً٩‬فؼی؟ ‪168 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫القٺ اوز ٰڅ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ ‪169 ...........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ قیبؼڄ ‪ /‬ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ ـیػشڅ ‪170 .....................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ غب٘ف ‪٨‬الپ زیك ‪ /‬ثڅ ؼٸیٷ ‪٨‬الپ زیك ‪171 .....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ ؼوز آڂـؼپ یٯ ټڃ‪١٬‬یز ټځبوت ثفای ِطجز ضٕڃـی یب سٹ‪٩‬ځی ‪172 .................................................................‬‬
‫ثٍڃـڄ ثجفڄ دبییٿ ‪173 .............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زڅ خڃـ چٻ ‪174 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڂپ ټڃ‪ ٟ٬‬چب ٰڅ ‪ /‬یڅ قټبڀی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ‪175 ..............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫یٱی ټبڀؽڄ ثڅ آغف ‪176 ...........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫غىشڅ ڀجبٌیؽ ‪177 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڂِٷ ٰفؼپ سٽبن سٹ‪٩‬ځی ‪178 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټفؼپ ثفای ‪$‬اق ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ قیبؼ‪179 ............................................................................................................................................ #‬‬
‫ثبیؽچب ڂ ڀجبیؽ چب ‪180 ..............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټیػڃای ټٿ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ؟ ‪181 ...........................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰدبی ؼڀیب ؼیؽی ‪٨‬الپ زیك ‪182 ...................................................................................................................................... ...‬‬
‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ٰڅ ‪ /‬ثجػٍیؽ ٰڅ ‪183 ..............................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ؼیفسف اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی ‪184 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خٹڃسف اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی ‪186 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خىبـسب ‪ /‬ثجػٍیؽ اټب ‪187 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڂپ ـڂق‪ /‬اڂپ ٌت ‪188 ............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٸځٳ ؼـ چڃا ‪189 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف ‪ /‬االپ ‪190 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼیٵڅ ڀڅ ‪191 .............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫و‪ ٫‬ویبڄ ‪192 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٌځیؽٺ ٰڅ‪193 ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...‬‬
‫ضىً ڀیىز ‪194 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڂٶ اق چٽڅ ‪195 .......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ ً٨‬دیً اڂټؽ‪ /‬ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ ً٨‬ـڂ قؼی ‪196 ..............................................................................................‬‬
‫اق چٽڃپ اڂٸً ‪198 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ چف ضبٶ ټٽځڃپ ‪199 ..........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫سّبؼ‪ ٦‬خكئی ‪200 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خٹ‪ / ٧‬خڃاؼ ‪201 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زځؽټیٿ ‪202 ............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټ‪٩‬ڇڃټڅ ‪ /‬ویٵځبٶ ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٌؽ ‪203 ......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰالڄ ثفؼاـ ‪204 .........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثذف ثبال ‪205 ...............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثكپ ثڅ سػشڅ ‪206 .....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼوشز ثڅ چیر خب ثځؽ ڀیىز ‪207 .......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زیك چبی غڃثی ؼاٌشٿ ‪208 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫زڅ ثفوؽ ثڅ ‪209 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀٵبـ ٰڅ ‪210 .............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٠‬ب‪٨‬یز ثبٌڅ ‪211 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٨‬فاـ ټ‪٥‬ك چب ‪212 .......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ایٿ اوز ٰڅ ‪213 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ غب٘ف ‪ /‬ثڅ ‪٠‬ٹز ‪214 ...........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰال‪٤‬څ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪215 ....................................................................................................................................................... ...‬‬
‫اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ ‪216 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٨‬الپ ‪٨‬الپ ٌؽڄ ‪217 ...............................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وڅ وڃسڅ ‪218 ...........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثال‪٨‬بِٹڅ ‪219 ............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ؼـ یٯ زٍٻ ثڅ چٻ قؼپ ‪220 ...............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ ‪221 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫قؼی سڃ غبٶ ‪222 ....................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضف‪ ٦‬ؼچځشڃ ث‪٩‬ڇٻ‪ /‬ټفا‪٬‬ت ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀز ثبي ‪224 ..............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼچځٻ ‪٬‬فِڅ ‪225 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي ‪226 .......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٴٽٍڃ ‪ /‬ثكپ ثڅ زبٮ ‪227 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثڅ سڃ چیر ـث‪ٙ‬ی ڀؽاـڄ ‪228 ....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثؽ ؼچٿ ‪229 .............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼٸٻ ثفایً وڃغز ‪ /‬ؼٸٻ ثڅ ضبٸً وڃغز ‪230 ...............................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـڂق ټجبؼا ‪231 ...........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫چف خڃـ ـاضشی ‪232 ................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز ‪233 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰبـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ ‪234 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وذبوٵكاـ غڃاچٻ ثڃؼ اٴف‪235 ............................................................................................................................................ ...‬‬
‫ؼـ آپِ ڂاضؽ ‪ /‬ؼـ چٽبپ ٸط‪ٝ‬څ ‪236 .......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ‪238 ........................................................................................................................................................ ...‬‬
‫سب ا٘ال‪ ٞ‬ثبڀڃی ‪239 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫‪ ‬گزاهز‬

‫ڂاضؽ چبی ٌٽبـي ‪240 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ چبی سٱفاـ ‪243 .................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وبغشبـ دیً ثیځی آیځؽڄ ‪246 ...............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشٿ اوبټی ټ‪٩‬فؼ ‪247 ................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬سب ‪249 ...............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬سب ضبال ‪251 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀطڃڄ ڀڃٌشٿ آؼـن ڂ ڀٱبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ آپ ‪253 ..................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ڀطڃڄ ڀڃٌشٿ سبـیع ڂ ڀٱبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ آپ ‪254 ....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ڂ ا‪١٨‬بٶ ‪255 ......................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ڂ ِ‪٩‬ز چب ‪257 ................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ on ، in‬ڂ ‪259 .......................................................................................................................................... at‬‬
‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ since‬ڂ ‪261 .......................................................................................................................................... for‬‬
‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ث‪١‬ؽ اق ٰٹٽڅ ‪263 ........................................................................................................................ increase‬‬

‫ٰبـثفؼ اٌشجبڄ ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪265 ...........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ اٌشجبڄ ا‪١٨‬بٶ ‪267 ........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪269 ............................................................................................................................................... crack‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪271 .................................................................................................................................. embarrass‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪272 .................................................................................................................................................... get‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪274 .......................................................................................................................................... ground‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪275 ............................................................................................................................................... make‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ چبی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪277 .............................................................................................................................. supposed to‬‬
‫ٰبـثفؼ ٰٹٽڅ ‪279 .......................................................................................................................................................... one‬‬
‫ٔٽبیف ڀبټٍػُ ټ‪٩‬فؼ ڂ خٽ‪280 ..................................................................................................................................... ٟ‬‬
‫ٔٽبیف ‪ one‬ڂ ‪282 .................................................................................................................................................... ones‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪283 ................................................................................................................................................................ aw‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪284 ................................................................................................................................................................. eh‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪285 ............................................................................................................................................... hallelujah‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪286 ...................................................................................................................................................... hooray‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪287 ............................................................................................................................................................. huh‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪288 ........................................................................................................................................................... hush‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪289 ............................................................................................................................................................ jeez‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪290 ........................................................................................................................................................... oops‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪291 ........................................................................................................................................................... ouch‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪292 ......................................................................................................................................................... phew‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪293 ........................................................................................................................................................... wow‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪294 ............................................................................................................................................................... yay‬‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪295 ...................................................................................................................................................... yippee‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪296 .................................................................................................................................................... “about to‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪297 ............................................................................................................................................... “how often‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪298 .............................................................................................................................................. “I can’t help‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪299 ........................................................................................................................................ “I didn’t mean‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪300 ............................................................................................................................................. “I would like‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪301 .......................................................................................................................... “I would/had rather‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪302 .............................................................................................................................................. “I’m getting‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪303 ......................................................................................................................... “I'm looking forward‬‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪304 ....................................................................................................................................................... “used to‬‬

‫‪ ‬ولوات‬

‫ضیڃاڀبر ‪306 ............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ؼـغشبپ ڂ ٴیبچبپ ‪309 ...........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټیڃڄ چب ‪311 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫وجكیدبر ‪313 ..........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ـڀٳ چب ‪314 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫دڃٌبٮ ‪315 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ټٍب‪٤‬ٷ ‪317 ..............................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ا‪ٕ٠‬بی ثؽپ ‪320 ......................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثیٽبـی چب ‪322 .........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ثالیبی ٘جی‪١‬ی ‪323 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬اضىبوبر اڀىبپ ‪324 ....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬خفٺ ڂ خځبیز ‪325 .........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬اثكاـآالر ‪326 ..................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬ٸڃاقٺ اٸشطفیف ‪328 ...........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬ټ‪٥‬بقڄ چب ‪329 ...................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ٰ ٞ‬بـچبی غبڀڅ ‪330 ...........................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬ټڇبـر چبی ٌ‪٥‬ٹی ‪331 .................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪ ٞ‬ٴڃٌز ‪٬‬فټك‪ ،‬ٴڃٌز دفڀؽٴبپ ڂ ‪٤‬ؿای ؼـیبیی ‪332 .................................................................................................‬‬
‫اڀڃا‪٠ ٞ‬ٹڃٺ ‪333 .........................................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ آٌذكی ‪334 ...............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ـاڀځؽٴی ‪335 .............................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ‪١ٙ٬‬بر غڃؼـڂ ‪336 ..................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ڀىجز چبی غبڀڃاؼٴی ‪338 .....................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ثڇؽاٌز ٌػّی ‪339 .............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ‪٠‬الئٻ ثیٽبـی ڂ آویت ؼیؽٴی چب ‪340 ................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ‪ٕ٨‬ب ‪341 .....................................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ خ‪٥‬فا‪٨‬یب ڂ ٘جی‪١‬ز ‪342 ............................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ آة ڂ چڃا ‪343 ...........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ آٌذكغبڀڅ ‪344 ...........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ اسب‪ ٪‬ڀٍیٽٿ ‪346 ......................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ اسب‪ ٪‬غڃاة ‪347 .........................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫ٰٹٽبر ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ضٽبٺ ‪348 ..................................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫آتزٍی وسی رفتي ‪ /‬تس ًام ضسى‬
‫‪lose face‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “lose face‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «آثفڂی ٰىی ـ‪٨‬شٿ» ڂ «ثؽڀبٺ ٌؽپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪He argued in the office and lost face.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼـ اؼاـڄ خف ڂ ثطث ٰفؼ ڂ آثفڂي ـ‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪The sales manager lost face with his customers when he continually promised‬‬
‫‪items he couldn't deliver.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ټؽیف ‪٨‬فڂي ټفسجب ‪٬‬ڃٶ ٰبالچبیی ـا ؼاؼ ٰڅ ڀشڃاڀىز سطڃیٷ ثؽچؽ آثفڂ ڂ ا‪٠‬شجبـ غڃؼ ـا خٹڃی ټٍشفی‬
‫چبیً اق ؼوز ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He refused to admit he made a mistake because he didn't want to lose face.‬‬
‫اڂ ‪٬‬جڃٶ ڀٱفؼ ٰڅ اٌشجبڄ ٰفؼڄ اوز زڃپ ڀٽی غڃاوز ٰڅ آثفڂیً ثفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Things will go better, if you can explain to him where he was wrong without‬‬
‫‪making him lose face.‬‬
‫اٴف ثشڃاڀی ثؽڂپ آڀٱڅ آثفڂی اڂ ـا ثجفی ثڅ اڂ سڃٔیص ثؽچی ٰدبی ٰبـي اٌشجبڄ ثڃؼڄ‪ ،‬چٽڅ زیك ثڇشف غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “save face‬ټػبٸ‪٠ ٧‬جبـر ”‪ “lose face‬ڂ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ض‪ ٛ٩‬آثفڂ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Jessica saved face with buying a new shirt for her boss.‬‬
‫خىیٱب ثب غفیؽپ یٯ دیفاچٿ خؽیؽ ڂاوڅ ـئیه اي‪ ،‬آثفڂٌڃ ض‪ٰ ٛ٩‬فؼ‪] .‬ټثال خىیٱب‪ ،‬اق ثی ضڃاوی‪ ،‬دیفاچٿ‬
‫ـئیه اي ـڂ ـڀٵی ٰفؼڄ ڂ ڂاوڅ ض‪ ٛ٩‬آثفڂي یڅ دیفاچٿ خؽیؽ ڂاوڅ ـئیه اي غفیؽڄ[‬

‫آب سیز واُ تَزى‬
be a snake in the grass

.‫ځبی «آة قیف ٰبڄ ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be a snake in the grass” ‫جبـر‬٠

Louise is just a snake in the grass who can't be trusted.

.‫شٽبؼ ٰفؼ‬٠‫٭ٗ یٯ آؼٺ آة قیف ٰبڄ اوز ٰڅ ڀٽی سڃاپ ثڅ اڂ ا‬٨ ‫ٸڃئیه‬

You're nothing but a snake in the grass, James!

!‫٭ٗ یٯ آؼٺ آة قیف ٰبڄ چىشی‬٨ ‫ سڃ‬،‫خیٽك‬

It's upsetting to learn that someone you once viewed as a good colleague is in
fact a snake in the grass.
‫ یٯ آؼٺ آة قیف ٰبڄ‬ٟ٬‫جال اڂ ـا آؼٺ غڃثی ټی ؼاڀىشی ؼـ ڂا‬٬ ‫ڇٽی چٽٱبـی ٰڅ‬٩‫غیٹی ڀبـاضز ٰځځؽڄ اوز ٰڅ ث‬

How could I ever have trusted that snake in the grass?

‫شٽبؼ ٰځٻ؟‬٠‫ڃـ ټی سڃاڀىشٻ ثڅ آپ آؼٺ آة قیف ٰبڄ ا‬ٙ‫ز‬

‫اس اٍل ضزٍع وززى‬
start from scratch

.‫ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬ٞ‫ځی «اق اڂٶ ٌفڂ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬start from scratch” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I lost all my data. I'll have to start from scratch.

.‫ ٰځٻ‬ٞ‫ ټدجڃـٺ اق اڂٶ ٌفڂ‬.‫بسٻ ـا اق ؼوز ؼاؼٺ‬٠‫سٽبٺ ا٘ال‬

I started from scratch and did everything with my own hands.

.‫ ٰفؼٺ ڂ چٽڅ ٰبـچب ـا ثب ؼوز غڃؼٺ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼٺ‬ٞ‫چٽڅ زیك ـا اق اڂٶ ٌفڂ‬

We’ll have to do the whole thing again from scratch.

.‫چٽڅ ٰبـچب ـا ثبیؽ اق اڂٶ اڀدبٺ ؼچیٻ‬

He built his own computer company from scratch.

.‫اڂ ٌفٰز ٰبټذیڃسفی غڃؼي ـا اق ڀڃ وبغز‬

It took only three years to write it from scratch.

.‫٭ٗ وڅ وبٶ ٘ڃٶ ٍٰیؽ‬٨ ‫ڀڃٌشٿ آپ اق اڂٶ‬

‫ زّاى وسی اس تؼدة تاس هاًسى‬/ ‫اس تؼدة ضاخ زرآٍرزى‬
drop one's teeth

.‫دت ٌبظ ؼـ آڂـؼپ» اوز‬١‫ځی «اق س‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬drop one's teeth” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I dropped my teeth when she told me her news.

.‫دت ٌبظ ؼـ آڂـؼٺ‬١‫ز اق س‬٩‫شی اڂ غجف ـا ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‬٬‫ڂ‬

They dropped their teeth when I told them I was married.

.‫دت ؼچبڀٍبپ ثبق ټبڀؽ‬١‫شٻ ٰڅ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼڄ اٺ اق س‬٩‫شی ثڅ آڀڇب ٴ‬٬‫ڂ‬

I dropped my teeth when I heard Ferdowsi statue was broken.

.‫دت ثبق ټبڀؽ‬١‫فؼڂوی ٌٱىشڅ ٌؽڄ ؼچبڀٻ اق س‬٨ ‫شی ٌځیؽٺ ټدىٽڅ‬٬‫ڂ‬

He dropped his teeth after he heard his favorite team lost the game by four
.‫دت ٌبظ ؼـآڂـؼ‬١‫اڂ ده اق ٌځیؽپ ثبغز سیٻ ټطجڃثً ثب زڇبـ ٴٷ اق س‬

‫اس چالِ تِ چاُ افتازى‬
out of the frying pan into the fire

‫شٿ اوز‬٨‫یشی ثؽسف ـ‬١٬‫یشی ثؽ ثڅ ټڃ‬١٬‫“ ثفای ثیبپ اق ټڃ‬out of the frying pan into the fire” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫الش اوز‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ثفای ثیبپ ایٿ ا‬١‫شبؼپ» ڀكؼیٯ سفیٿ ټ‬٨‫جبـر «اق زبٸڅ ثڅ زبڄ ا‬٠ ‫ڂ‬

When I tried to argue about my fine for a traffic violation, the judge charged me
with contempt of court. I really went out of the frying pan into the fire.
‫بٔی ټٿ ـڂ ثڅ غب٘ف سڃچیٿ ثڅ ؼاؼٴبڄ خفیٽڅ‬٬ ،‫ ـاڀځؽٴی ثطث ٰځٻ‬٧‫ ثڅ خفیٽڅ سػٹ‬ٟ‫شی ټی غڃاوشٻ ـاخ‬٬‫ڂ‬
.‫شبؼٺ سڃ زبڄ‬٨‫ب اق زبٸڅ ؼـاڂټؽٺ ا‬١٬‫ ڂا‬.‫ٰفؼ‬

I got deeply in debt. Then I really got out of the frying pan into the fire when I
lost my job.
.‫شبؼٺ‬٨‫ٹٻ ـڂ اق ؼوز ؼاؼٺ اق زبٸڅ ثڅ زبڄ ا‬٥ٌ ‫شی‬٬‫ ڂ ڂ‬.‫شبؼٺ‬٨‫فْ ا‬٬ ‫ټٿ ٌؽیؽا سڃ‬

Wife: I had a terrible day. I had a huge fight with my boss, and my mother and I
are mad at each other, too.
Husband: It’s about to get much worse.
Wife: Why?
Husband: I think we should get a divorce.
Wife: Well, I’m out of the frying pan and into the fire!
.‫ّجبڀی چىشیٻ‬٠ ‫ڃا ٰفؼٺ ڂ ټبؼـٺ ڂ ټٿ چٻ اق ؼوز چٽؽیٵف‬٠‫ ثب ـئیىٻ ٌؽیؽا ؼ‬.‫ ټٿ ـڂق غیٹی ثؽی ؼاٌشٻ‬:‫قپ‬
.‫ سبقڄ ثؽسف چٻ ټیٍڅ‬:‫ٌڃچف‬
‫ زفا؟‬:‫قپ‬
.‫ٱف ٰځٻ ثبیؽ اق چٻ خؽا ثٍیٻ‬٨ :‫ٌڃچف‬
.‫شبؼٺ سڃ زبڄ‬٨‫ اق زبٸڅ ؼـاڂټؽٺ ا‬،‫ غڃة‬:‫قپ‬

»‫شبؼپ‬٨‫ځی «اق زبٸڅ ثڅ زبڄ ا‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬jump out of the frying pan into the fire” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

Many kids who run away from unhappy homes discover they've jumped out of
the frying pan and into the fire.
.‫شځؽ‬٨‫فاـ ټی ٰځځؽ اق زبٸڅ ثڅ زبڄ ټی ا‬٨ ‫غیٹی اق ٰڃؼٰبڀی ٰڅ اق غڃڀڅ چبی غڃؼٌڃپ‬

‫اس چیشی زست وطیسى‬
wash one's hands

‫ځی «ؼوز ٍٰیؽپ اق ٰىی یب‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬wash one's hands of someone or something” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫زیكی» اوز‬

I washed my hands of Tom. I wanted no more to do with him.

.‫ ټٿ ؼیٵڅ ڀٽیػڃاٺ چیر ٰبـی ثبچبي ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌٻ‬.‫ټٿ اق سبٺ ؼوز ٍٰیؽٺ‬

That car was a real headache. I washed my hands of it long ago.

.‫شڅ اقي ؼوز ٍٰیؽٺ‬٬‫ غیٹی ڂ‬.‫ب ؼـؼوف ثڃؼ‬١٬‫اڂپ ټبٌیٿ ڂا‬

She washed her hands of the whole project after she found out that people had
been stealing donated money.
.‫ؽ اق ایٿ ٰڅ ټشڃخڅ ٌؽ ٰڅ ټفؼٺ اق دڃٶ چبی اچؽایی ؼقؼی ټی ٰفؼڀؽ اق ٰٷ دفڂلڄ ؼوز ٍٰیؽ‬١‫اڂ ث‬

Jim washed his hands of politics long ago after realizing how corrupt most
politicians were.
.‫بوؽ چىشځؽ‬٨ ‫ڇٽیؽ اٰثف ویبوشٽؽاـاپ‬٨ ‫ؽ اق ایځٱڅ‬١‫خیٻ ټؽسڇبوز اق ویبوز ؼوز ٍٰیؽڄ ث‬

Maria seemed cold and distant, and now she was very afraid that William would
wash his hands of her.
.‫ټبـیب غیٹی وفؼ ڂ ڀسىجڅ ڂ ضبال اڂ ټی سفوڅ ٰڅ ڂیٹیبٺ اقي ؼوز ثٱٍڅ‬

You can't just wash your hands of the problem of homelessness.

.‫سڃ ڀٽی سڃاڀی اق ټٍٱٷ ثی غبڀٵی ؼوز ثفؼاـی‬

I should imagine he couldn't wait to wash his hands of the whole project.
.‫ثبیؽ سّڃـي ټی ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ اڂ ثفای ؼوز ٍٰیؽپ اق دفڂلڄ ؼیٵڅ ِجف ڀؽاٌز‬

Many sponsors washed their hands of the sport of cycling because of drug use
among the cyclists.
.‫بؼڄ اق ټڃاؼ ټػؽـ ثیٿ ټڃسڃـوڃاـاپ ؼوز ٍٰیؽڀؽ‬٩‫غیٹی اق اوذبڀىفچب اق ڂـقي ټڃسڃـوڃاـی ثڅ غب٘ف اوش‬

‫اس ذٌسُ هٌفدز ضسى ‪ /‬اس ذٌسُ رٍزُ تُز ضسى‬
‫‪burst out laughing‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «قیف غځؽڄ قؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی غځؽیؽپ ڀبٴڇبڀی ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “burst out laughing‬ټیجبٌؽ‪ .‬چٽسځیٿ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ـا «اق غځؽڄ ټځ‪٩‬دف ٌؽپ» ڂ «اق‬
‫غځؽڄ ـڂؼڄ ثف ٌؽپ» ڀیك ټیشڃاپ ټ‪١‬ځب ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪What did the teacher do when you burst out laughing‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی قؼی قیف غځؽڄ ټ‪١‬ٹٻ زڅ ٰبـ ٰفؼ؟‬

‫‪When Sara saw Tom’s new t-shirt, she burst out laughing.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی وبـا سی ٌفر خؽیؽ سبٺ ـا ؼیؽ اق غځؽڄ ټځ‪٩‬دف ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The entire audience burst out laughing when the clown fell.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ؼٸ٭ٯ ا‪٨‬شبؼ چٽڅ سٽبٌبزی چب اق غځؽڄ ـڂؼڄ ثُف ٌؽڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Every time I think of you sitting there with a lap full of spaghetti, I burst out‬‬
‫چف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثڅ ایځٱڅ سڃ ثب ؼاټٿ دف اق اوذبٴشی ڀٍىشڅ ثڃؼی ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱځٻ‪ ،‬اق غځؽڄ ټځ‪٩‬دف ټی ٌڃٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪My sister was standing at the sink looking at the mountain of dirty dishes when‬‬
‫‪she suddenly burst out laughing.‬‬
‫غڃاچفٺ ٰځبـ ویځٳ ‪ٜ‬ف‪ٍ٨‬ڃیی ایىشبؼڄ ثڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰڃچی اق ‪ٜ‬ف‪ ٦‬چبی ٰثی‪ ٧‬ڀٵبڄ ټی ٰفؼ ٰڅ ڀبٴڇبپ قؼ قیف‬

‫اس ذَضحالی تال زرآٍرزى‬
‫‪be flying high‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “be flying high‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـآڂـؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Lucy: How's it going‬‬

‫‪David: I'm flying high.‬‬
‫ٸڃوی‪ :‬اڂٔب‪ ٞ‬ز‪ٙ‬ڃـڄ؟‬
‫ؼیڃیؽ‪ :‬ؼاـٺ اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـ ټی آڂـٺ‪$ .‬غیٹی غڃٌطبٸٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪When the ​winter Olympics came to Canada, the ​whole ​country was ​flying high.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی اٸٽذیٯ چبی قټىشبڀی ثڅ ٰبڀبؼا ا‪٨‬شبؼ‪ ،‬چٽڅ ټفؼٺ ایٿ ٍٰڃـ اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـآڂـؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪He just heard that he got the scholarship and is really flying high.‬‬
‫اڂ ڂ‪٬‬شی ٌځیؽ ٰڅ ثڃـویڅ ـا ثؽوز آڂـؼڄ اوز اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـ آڂـؼڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪When Michael heard Elena accepted his marriage proposal, he was flying high.‬‬
‫قټبڀی ٰڅ ټبیٱٷ ٌځیؽ اٸځب دیٍځڇبؼ اقؼڂاخً ـا دؿیف‪٨‬شڅ‪ ،‬اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـآڂـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Alex is flying high because he passed the geology exam.‬‬

‫اٸٱه اق غڃٌطبٸی ثبٶ ؼـآڂـؼ زڃپ ؼـ اټشطبپ قټیٿ ٌځبوی ‪٬‬جڃٶ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫اس زست وسی ػػثاًی ضسى‬
jump down someone’s throat

.‫ّجبڀی ٌؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٠ ‫ځی «اق ؼوز ٰىی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬jump down someone’s throat” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

So here is another sincere apology for jumping down your throat.

.‫ّجبڀیز ثڅ ٌٽب خڃاة ؼاؼپ‬٠ ‫ؿـغڃاچی ِٽیٽبڀڅ ؼیٵف ثبثز ثب‬٠ ‫یڅ‬

But he didn't get an opportunity to tell them this information before they
jumped down his throat and accused him of being unsupportive.
‫ؽٺ‬٠ ‫ّجبڀی ثٍڃؼ ڂ اڂ ـا ټشڇٻ ثڅ‬٠ ً‫جٷ اق ایځٱڅ اڂ اق ؼوش‬٬ ‫بر ـڂ‬٠‫اڂ ایٿ ٌبڀه ـڂ دیؽا ڀٱفؼ ٰڅ ایٿ ا٘ال‬
.‫ضٽبیز ٰځځؽ ثڅ آڀڇب ثؽچؽ‬

Ok, before you start jumping down my throat, let me explain.

.‫ّجبڀی ثٍی ثكاـ ثفار سڃٔیص ثؽٺ‬٠ ‫جٷ اق ایځٱڅ‬٬ ،‫ثبٌڅ‬

I was about to say, before you jumped down my throat, that I agree with you.
.‫٭ٻ‬٨‫ٻ ټی غڃاوشٻ ثٵٻ ثبچبر ټڃا‬٨‫ّجبڀیز ثذفی ڂوٗ ضف‬٠ ‫جٷ اق ایځٱڅ ثب‬٬

I made the ​mildest of ​criticisms and he ​jumped down my ​throat.

.‫ّجبڀی ٌؽ‬٠ ‫ټٿ یٯ اڀش٭بؼ غیٹی ٰڃزٯ ٰفؼٺ ڂٸی اڂ‬

Just because I admitted to being there, you needn't jump down my throat.
.‫ّجبڀی ثٍی‬٠ ‫ ٰفؼٺ اڂڀدب ثڃؼٺ ڀیبق ڀیىز اق ؼوز ټٿ‬٦‫شفا‬٠‫٭ٗ ثڅ غب٘ف ایځٱڅ ا‬٨

‫اس زًسُ ی چپ اس ذَاب تیسار ضسى‬
get up on the wrong side of the bed

‫ ڂ غڃی ثؽ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽپ‬٫‫ځی ثب غٹ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬get up on the wrong side of the bed” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫جبـر «اق ؼڀؽڄ ی زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫ ټ‬ٟ٬‫اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬

I got up on the wrong side of bed yesterday, and everything that could go wrong
!‫ ثؽی ٰڅ ټٽٱٿ ثڃؼ ـظ ؼاؼ‬٪‫ب‬٩‫ټٿ ؼیفڂق اق ؼڀؽڄ ی زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽٺ ڂ چف اس‬

Dad got up on the ​wrong ​side of ​bed, and he’s been ​grumpy all ​day.
!‫ُف قؼ‬٤ ‫دؽـ اق ؼڀؽڄ زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽ ڂ سٽبٺ ـڂق‬

My brother got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, he’s very angry for
no reason!
.‫ّجبڀی ثڃؼ‬٠ ‫ اڂ اټفڂق ثؽڂپ چیر ؼٸیٹی‬،‫ثفاؼـٺ اټفڂق ِجص اق ؼڀؽڄ زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽ‬

Why are you in such a bad mood today? Did you get up on the wrong side of the
‫زفا اټفڂق ضبٸز ثؽڄ؟ اق ؼڀؽڄ زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽی؟‬

I feel terrible. I definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed today. Actually,
maybe it was all the wine I drank last night!
‫ ٌبیؽ ؼٸیٹً ٌفاثی ثبٌؽ ٰڅ‬ٟ٬‫ ؼـ ڂا‬.‫ب اق ـڂی ؼڀؽڄ زخ اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽٺ‬١٬‫ ڂا‬.‫اضىبن غیٹی ثؽی ؼاـٺ‬
!‫ؼیٍت غڃـؼٺ‬

You're annoying everyone at the moment. You're not going to have any friends
left if you keep getting up on the wrong side of the bed!
!‫ اٴف ثڅ ایٿ ثؽغٹ٭ی اؼاټڅ ثؽچی چیر ؼڂوشی ڀػڃاچی ؼاٌز‬.‫ّجبڀی ټیٱځی‬٠ ‫سڃ چٽڅ ـا‬

If you keep getting up on the wrong side of the bed, you’re not going to have
many friends left. You’re annoying everybody!
‫ث آقاـ ڂ اؾیز‬٠‫ سڃ ثب‬.‫ی ڀٽی ټبڀؽ‬٬‫ چیر یٯ اق ؼڂوشبر ثفار ثب‬،‫اٴف ثڅ ثٹځؽ ٌؽپ اق ـڂی ؼڀؽڄ زخ اؼاټڅ ثؽی‬
.‫ؼیٵفاپ چىشی ڂ چٽڅ ـڂ اؾیز ټیٱځی‬

‫اس ضز چیشی ذالظ ضسى‬
get rid of something

.‫ځی « اق ٌف زیكی غالَ ٌؽپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬get rid of something” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I have some scrap sofa. I’d like to get rid of them.

.‫فأڅ ؼاـٺ ٰڅ ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ اق ٌفٌڃپ غالَ ثٍٻ‬٬ ‫ټٿ یڅ وفی ټجٹٽبپ‬

We have to get rid of some of those old books.

.‫ؽیٽی غالَ ٌڃیٻ‬٬ ‫ٕی اق آپ ٰشبة چبی‬١‫ثبیؽ اق ٌف ث‬

I can’t get rid of this headache.

.‫ڀٽی سڃاڀٻ اق ٌف ایٿ وفؼـؼ غالَ ٌڃٺ‬

Let's get rid of that broken chair.

.‫ثیب اق ٌف آپ ِځؽٸی ٌٱىشڅ غالَ ٌڃیٻ‬

We finally got rid of your younger brother. He's so annoying!

!‫ب اؾیز ٰځځؽڄ اوز‬١٬‫ اڂ ڂا‬.‫ثبالغفڄ اق ٌف ثفاؼـ ٰڃزٱز غالَ ٌؽیٻ‬

‫اس وسی اًتمام گزفتي‬
take revenge on/against someone

.‫شٿ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٨‫ځی «اق ٰىی اڀش٭بٺ ٴف‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬take revenge on/against someone” ‫جبـر‬٠

Linda planned to take revenge against Ellen.

.‫شٿ اق اِٸٿ ڀ٭ٍڅ ٍٰیؽ‬٨‫ٸیځؽا ثفای اڀش٭بٺ ٴف‬

I intend to take revenge on Paul for what he did.

.‫ټٿ ڀ٭ٍڅ ٍٰیؽٺ ڂ ټیػڃاوشٻ اق دبڂٶ ثفای ٰبـی ٰڅ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼڄ ثڃؼ اڀش٭بٺ ثٵیفٺ‬

The villagers seemed certain to take revenge on the enemy.

.‫ف ټی ـویؽڀؽ‬ٝ‫ ثڅ ڀ‬ٟ٘‫ب‬٬ ‫شٿ اق ؼٌٽٿ‬٨‫ـڂوشبییبپ ثفای اڀش٭بٺ ٴف‬

‫اًزصی ذَز را ترلیِ وززى ‪ /‬ػمسُ زل ذَز را ذالی وززى‬
‫‪blow/let off steam‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـار ”‪ “let off steam‬ڂ ”‪ “blow off steam‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اڀفلی غڃؼ ـا سػٹیڅ ٰفؼپ» ڂ چٽسځیٿ‬
‫«‪٠‬٭ؽڄ ؼٶ غڃؼ ـا غبٸی ٰفؼپ» ټی ثبٌځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The kids can let off steam in the gardens while mum and dad have a relaxing‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی دؽـچب ڂ ټبؼـچب یٯ ڀڃٌیؽڀی آـاٺ ثػً ټی ڀڃٌځؽ ثسڅ چب چٻ ټی سڃاڀځؽ ؼـ ثب‪ ٢‬چب اڀفلی غڃؼ ـا سػٹیڅ‬

‫‪I've told her she can call me and talk any time she wants to blow off some‬‬
‫ثڅ اڂ ٴ‪٩‬شڅ اٺ ٰڅ چف ڂ‪٬‬ز ٰڅ ثػڃاچؽ ټی سڃاڀؽ ثب ټٿ سٽبن ثٵیفؼ ڂ ‪٠‬٭ؽڄ چبی ؼٸً ـا غبٸی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪After a long car trip, the kids need to run around a bit and let off steam.‬‬
‫ث‪١‬ؽ اق یٯ و‪٩‬ف ٘ڃالڀی ؼـ اسڃټجیٷ‪ ،‬ثسڅ چب ثڅ ٰٽی ؼڂیؽپ ڂ خىز ڂ غیك ڀیبق ؼاـڀؽ سب اڀفلی ٌبپ سػٹیڅ ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He lifts weights after work to let off steam.‬‬

‫اڂ ثفای سػٹیڅ اڀفلی ث‪١‬ؽ اق ٰبـ ڂقڀڅ ټیكڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫تا زم ضیز تاسی وززى‬
‫‪playing with fire‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ثب ؼٺ ٌیف ثبقی ٰفؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ٰبـ غ‪ٙ‬فڀبٮ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼپ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر “‪ "playing with fire‬ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Climbing that mountain in this bad weather is playing with fire.‬‬

‫ثبال ـ‪٨‬شٿ اق آپ ٰڃڄ ؼـ ایٿ آة ڂ چڃای ثؽ ثبقی ٰفؼپ ثب ؼٺ ٌیف اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪You’re playing with fire here. Don’t blame me if you get hurt.‬‬
‫ؼـ ایځدب ؼاـی ثب ؼٺ ٌیف ثبقی ټیٱځی‪ .‬اٴف آویت ؼیؽی ټٿ ـا ټ٭ّف ڀؽاپ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't you know you're playing with fire when you get involved with someone‬‬
‫?‪who's already married‬‬
‫ڀٽی ؼڂڀی ٰڅ ؼـٴیف ٌؽپ اق ٸطب‪٠ ٚ‬ب٘‪٩‬ی ثب ٰىی ٰڅ ټشبچٹڅ ثبقی ٰفؼپ ثب ؼٺ ٌیفڄ؟‬

‫!‪Be careful with that knife! You are playing with fire‬‬
‫ټڃا‪ٜ‬ت اڂپ زب‪٬‬ڃ ثبي‪ .‬ؼاـی ثب ؼٺ ٌیف ثبقی ټیٱځی‪.‬‬

‫تا وسی ذَب خَر تَزى‬
be on good terms with somebody

‫څ ی‬ٙ‫ځی «ثب ٰىی غڃة خڃـ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «ـاث‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be on good terms with somebody” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫غڃثی ثب ٰىی ؼاٌشٿ» اوز‬

Tim’s still on good terms with his ex.

.‫څ ی غڃثی ؼاـڄ‬ٙ‫سیٻ چځڃق ثب چٽىف وبث٭ً ـاث‬

Are you on good ​terms with ​your ​boss?

‫څ ار ثب ـئیىز غڃثڅ؟‬ٙ‫ـاث‬

We were always on good terms with our neighbors.

.‫څ غڃثی ؼاٌشیٻ‬ٙ‫ټب چٽیٍڅ ثب چٽىبیڅ چبټڃپ ـاث‬

Bill is on good terms with the people he works with.

.‫فاؼی ٰڅ ثبچبٌڃپ ٰبـ ټیٱځڅ خڃـڄ‬٨‫ثیٷ ثب ا‬

We are not on very good terms and don't speak to each other much.
.‫ ڀٽی قڀیٻ‬٦‫ټب غیٹی ثب چٻ خڃـ ڀیىشیٻ ڂ قیبؼ ثب چٻ ضف‬

‫ځی «ثب ٰىی ثؽ‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬be on bad terms with somebody” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ ثؽیڇی اوز ٰڅ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
.‫څ ی ثؽی ثب ٰىی ؼاٌشٿ» اوز‬ٙ‫ثڃؼپ» ڂ «ـاث‬

She and her brother have been on bad terms for many years.
.‫څ ثؽی ؼاٌشځؽ‬ٙ‫اڂ ڂ ثفاؼـي وبٶ چب ثب چٻ ـاث‬

‫ تا وسی حزف ًشزى‬/ ‫تا وسی لْز تَزى‬
not be on speaking terms with somebody

.‫ڇف ثڃؼپ» اوز‬٬ ‫ځی «ثب ٰىی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬not be on speaking terms with somebody” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I'm not on speaking terms with Mary.

.‫ ڀٽی قڀٻ‬٦‫ټٿ ثب ټبـی ضف‬

Elena wasn’t on speaking terms with any of her family.

.‫ ڀٽی قؼ‬٦‫ٕبی غبڀڃاؼڄ اي ضف‬٠‫اٸځب ثب چیسٱؽاٺ اق ا‬

The two nations have not been on speaking terms for a couple of decades.
.‫ڇف چىشځؽ‬٬ ‫زځؽیٿ ؼچڅ اوز ٰڅ ایٿ ؼڂ ټٹز ثب چٻ‬

We had a serious disagreement and we're not on speaking terms.

.‫ ڀٽی قڀیٻ‬٦‫ف خؽی ؼاٌشیٻ ڂ ثب چٻ ضف‬ٝ‫ ڀ‬٦‫ثب چٻ اغشال‬

They had an ​argument last ​night and now they're not on ​speaking ​terms with
each other.
.‫ڇف چىشځؽ‬٬ ‫جٷ ثب چٻ خف ڂ ثطث ٰفؼڀؽ ڂ ضبال ثب چٽؽیٵف‬٬ ‫آڀڇب ٌت‬

‫تا یه تیز تِ زٍ ًطاى سزى‬
kill two birds with one stone

‫٭یز ؼـ ؼڂ ٰبـ ثڅ ِڃـر چٽكټبپ اوز ڂ‬٨‫ځبی ټڃ‬١‫بـوی ثڅ ټ‬٨ ‫الش «ثب یٯ سیف ثڅ ؼڂ ڀٍبپ قؼپ» ؼـ قثبپ‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫“ اوز‬kill two birds with one stone” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ټ‬

By studying on the train on the way, you kill two birds with one stone.
.‫ ثب یٯ سیف ؼڂ ڀٍبپ ټیكڀی‬،‫بـ ؼـ ٘ڃٶ ټىیف‬ٙ٬ ‫څ ؼـ‬١‫بٸ‬ٙ‫ثب ټ‬

I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. I'll kill two birds
with one stone by doing them both in one trip to the bank.
‫شڅ ڂ ثب یٯ سیف ؼڂ‬٨‫ ده ثفای اڀدبٺ چف ؼڂی آڀڇب ثڅ ثبڀٯ ـ‬.‫ىٗ ڂاٺ ـا دفؼاغز ٰځٻ‬٬ ‫ثبیؽ یٯ زٯ ـا ڀ٭ؽ ڂ‬
.‫ڀٍبپ ټی قڀٻ‬

I killed two birds with one stone. I saw some old friends while I was in Leeds
visiting my parents.
.‫ؽیٽی چٻ ـا ؼیؽٺ ڂ ثب یٯ سیف ؼڂ ڀٍبپ قؼٺ‬٬ ‫شٻ یٱی اق ؼڂوشبپ‬٨‫بر دؽـ ڂ ټبؼـٺ ثڅ ٸیؽق ـ‬٬‫شی ثفای ټال‬٬‫ڂ‬

We can kill two birds with one stone if we go to the shopping mall and get what
you need as I get what I need.
‫اٴف ثڅ ټفٰك غفیؽ ثفڂیٻ ڂ زیكی ٰڅ سڃ ټیػڃاچی ڂ زیكی ٰڅ ټٿ ټیػڃاچٻ ـا ثػفیٻ ثب یٯ سیف ؼڂ ڀٍبپ قؼڄ‬

‫تارزار تَزى ‪ /‬حاهلِ تَزى‬
‫‪have a cake in the oven‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ "have a cake in the oven‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثبـؼاـ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «ضبټٹڅ ثڃؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Katy: Did you see Kirsten‬‬

‫?‪Bryce: Nope, How come‬‬
‫!‪Katy: Come on, She has a cake in the oven‬‬
‫‪Bryce: Jeez.‬‬
‫ٰیشی‪ٰ :‬یفوشٿ ـڂ ؼیؽی؟‬
‫ثفایه‪ :‬ڀڅ‪ ،‬ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ ټٵڅ؟‬
‫ٰیشی‪ :‬ثبثب اڂپ ثبـؼاـڄ‪.‬‬
‫ثفایه‪ :‬ڂای غؽا!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “have a bun in the oven‬ڀیك ټ‪١‬ځی اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬ـا ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I hear Wendy's got a bun in the oven.‬‬

‫ٌځیؽٺ ڂڀؽی ثبـؼاـڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ‪٤‬یف ـوٽی ڂ وڃاٸی ”‪ “how come‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «زفا» یب «ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ» اوز ڂ قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ‬
‫ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ؼٸیٷ یب زٵڃڀٵی اڀدبٺ اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬ی ـا ثذفویٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪How come you never married, Jimmy‬‬

‫ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ چیسڃ‪٬‬ز اقؼڂاج ڀٱفؼی خیٽی؟‬

‫?‪So how come you ​missed the ​train‬‬

‫ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ ٌؽ ثڅ ‪ٙ٬‬بـ ڀفویؽی؟‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “jeez‬یٯ ڂالڄ ی ڀؽایی ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ڂای!» ‪« ،‬آغڅ!» ڂ «غؽایب!» اوز ڂ ڀٍبپ ؼچځؽڄ س‪١‬دت یب‬
‫غٍٻ اق ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی اوز‪.‬‬
‫!‪Jeez! It's not fair‬‬
‫غؽایب! ایٿ ټځّ‪٩‬بڀڅ ڀیىز!‬

‫تسرلِ وززى ‪ /‬هطایؼت وززى‬
‫‪see off / see out‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ثؽـ‪٬‬څ ٰفؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ثفای غؽاضب‪ٝ٨‬ی ٰفؼپ ثب ٰىی سب ‪٨‬فڂؼٴبڄ یب ایىشٵبڄ یب ‪ ...‬ـ‪٨‬شٿ» اوز ڂ‬
‫ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “see off‬اوز‪.‬‬
‫چٽسځیٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ټٍبی‪١‬ز ٰفؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ثؽـ‪٬‬څ ٰفؼپ ڂ چٽفاچی ټڇٽبپ سب ؼـة ټځكٶ» اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “see out‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪We went to the station to see him off.‬‬

‫ټب ثفای ثؽـ‪ ً٬‬ـ‪٨‬شیٻ ایىشٵبڄ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Don’t get up please. I’ll see myself out‬‬

‫غڃاچً ټیٱځٻ ثٹځؽ ڀٍیٿ‪ .‬ټٿ غڃؼٺ ټیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ټیشڃاپ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “walk somebody‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټٍبی‪١‬ز ٰفؼپ ٰىی» ڂ «ٰىی ـڂ سب خبیی‬
‫چٽفاچی ٰفؼپ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It’s late. I’ll walk you home.‬‬

‫ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬شڅ‪ .‬سب غڃڀڅ چٽفار ټیبٺ‪.‬‬

‫ سیز تار لزؼ رفتي‬/ ‫تسّىار تَزى‬
in the hole

.‫شٿ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٨‫فْ ـ‬٬ ‫ځی «ثؽچٱبـ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «قیف ثبـ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬in the hole” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

We’re still three thousand dollars in the hole.

.‫ټب چځڃق وڅ چكاـ ؼالـ ثؽچٱبـیٻ‬

The crash, when it comes, is going to leave a lot of people deep in the hole.
.‫فْ ټی ثفؼ‬٬ ‫فاؼ قیبؼی ـا قیف ثبـ‬٨‫ ا‬،ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫ ؼـ ِڃـر ڂ‬،٦‫سّبؼ‬

In other words, they planned to go in the hole, but they didn't go in the hole as
much as they thought.
.‫شځؽ‬٨‫ٱف ټی ٰفؼڀؽ قیف ثؽچی ڀف‬٨ ‫فْ ثفڂڀؽ اټب آڀ٭ؽـ چٻ ٰڅ‬٬ ‫جبـر ؼیٵف آڀڇب سّٽیٻ ؼاٌشٿ قیف ثبـ‬٠ ‫ثڅ‬

After ​selling all ​its ​assets, the ​bank was still two million ​dollars in the hole.
.‫ ثبڀٯ چځڃق ؼڂ ټیٹیڃپ ثؽچٱبـ ثڃؼ‬،‫فڂي سٽبٺ ؼاـایی‬٨ ‫ؽ اق‬١‫ث‬

Looks like we are in the hole again this month.

.‫فْ غڃاچیٻ ثڃؼ‬٬ ‫ف ټیفوؽ ټب ایٿ ټبڄ چٻ قیف ثبـ‬ٝ‫ثڅ ڀ‬

‫تزرسی وززى ‪ /‬ارسیاتی وززى‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “examine‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثفـوی ٰفؼپ» ‪« ،‬اـقیبثی ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ټڃـؼ اـقیبثی ‪٬‬فاـ ؼاؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Fraud squad officers wanted to examine the bank records.‬‬

‫ټبټڃـاپ ټجبـقڄ ثب ٰالچجفؼاـی غڃاوشځؽ ٰڅ چٽڅ اوځبؼ ثبڀٯ ـا ټڃـؼ ثفـوی ‪٬‬فاـ ؼچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The colleges set standards by examining candidates.‬‬

‫ٰبٸح چب ثب اـقیبثی ٰبڀؽیؽاچب اوشبڀؽاـؼچبیی ـا ټٍػُ ټی ٰځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Every aspect of Davies's managerial ability will be examined in answering those‬‬

‫چٽڅ خځجڅ چبی سڃاڀبیی ټؽیفیشی ؼیڃیه ؼـ دبوع چبی اڂ ثڅ دفوً چب ټڃـؼ اـقیبثی ‪٬‬فاـ ټی ٴیفڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Fire investigators will examine the building thoroughly to determine how the fire‬‬
‫ثبقـوبپ آسً ڀٍبڀی چٽڅ وبغشٽبپ ـا ثڅ ٘ڃـ ٰبټٷ ثفـوی ټی ٰځځؽ سب ټٍػُ ٌڃؼ ٰڅ آسً اق ٰدب ٌفڂ‪ٞ‬‬
‫ٌؽڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫ ذیلی هزیؽ تَزى‬/ ‫تسیار تس حال تَزى‬
sick as a dog

.‫ځی « غیٹی ټفیٓ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «ثىیبـ ڀبغڃي ثڃؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬sick as a dog” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

You were as sick as a dog after eating those shrimps.

.‫ؽ اق غڃـؼپ اڂپ ټیٵڃچب غیٹی ټفیٓ ٌؽی‬١‫سڃ ث‬

She was as sick as a dog after eating the stew.

.‫ؽ اق غڃـؼپ آي ضىبثی ثؽضبٶ ٌؽ‬١‫اڂ ث‬

What amazed me was he was sick as a dog, but if a school was coming the next
day, he'd put on his suit and get out there.
‫ؽ ټؽـوڅ ثفڂؼ ٸجبوً ـا‬١‫فاـ ثڃؼ ـڂق ث‬٬ ‫دت ټٿ ٌؽ ایٿ ثڃؼ ٰڅ اڂ ثڅ ٌؽر ثیٽبـ ثڃؼ اټب اٴف‬١‫ث س‬٠‫زیكی ٰڅ ثب‬
.‫ز‬٨‫ټی دڃٌیؽ ڂ ټی ـ‬

I've spent the last week trying to do as little as possible, because I've been sick
as a dog.
.‫ زڃپ غیٹی ثؽضبٶ ثڃؼٺ‬،‫ی ٰفؼٺ غیٹی ٰٻ ٰبـ ٰځٻ‬١‫شڅ ٴؿٌشڅ و‬٩‫سٽبٺ چ‬

.‫“ ټیجبٌؽ‬fit as a fiddle” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫“ ټشٕبؼ ا‬sick as a dog” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ ا‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

‫تطىي سزى‬
snap /click one's fingers

.‫ځی «ثٍٱٿ قؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬snap /click one's fingers” ‫جبـر‬٠

He was snapping his fingers in time with the music.

.‫ ثب ټڃقیٯ ثٍٱٿ ټی قؼ‬٫‫ی‬٬‫اڂپ ؼاٌز چٽكټبپ ڂ ؼ‬

He looked at me for a moment in utter confusion, then snapped his fingers as if

he suddenly realized who I was.
.‫شبؼ ټٿ ٰی ثڃؼٺ ثٍٱٿ قؼ‬٨‫ی سب یبؼي ا‬٬‫ب‬٩‫ؽي اس‬١‫ ڂ ث‬،‫اڂپ ثڅ ټٿ ؼـ ضبٸشی اق ٴیدی ٰبټٷ ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼ‬

He followed me around, snapping his fingers and making sounds as if calling a

‫ ثٍٱٿ ټی قؼ ڂ ِؽا اق غڃؼي ؼـټیبڂـؼ خڃـی ٰڅ اڀٵبـ ؼاٌز یٯ سڃٸڅ وٳ ـا ِؽا ټی‬،‫٭یت ٰفؼ‬١‫اڂ ټفا س‬

‫تغؽ گلَی وسی را گزفتي‬
lump in one's throat

.‫شٿ» اوز‬٨‫ٓ ٴٹڃی ٰىی ـا ٴف‬٥‫ځی «ث‬١‫” ثڅ ټ‬lump in one's throat”‫جبـر‬٠

Whenever they play the national anthem, I get a lump in my throat

!‫ٓ ٴٹڃی ټٿ ـڂ ټیٵیفڄ‬٥‫ ث‬،‫ز وفڂؼ ټٹی ـڂ دػً ټی ٰځٿ‬٬‫چف ڂ‬

It was ​quite a ​moving ​speech. It ​almost ​brought a lump to my ​throat.

.‫ٓ ٰځٻ‬٥‫ ڀكؼیٯ ثڃؼ ث‬.‫وػځفاڀی سبثیف ٴؿاـی ثڃؼ‬

When we said ​goodbye I had a lump in my ​throat.

.‫ٓ سڃی ٴٹڃٺ ٴیف ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ‬٥‫ی ٰفؼیٻ ث‬ٝ٨‫شی ٰڅ غؽاضب‬٬‫ڂ‬

I have a lump in my throat because I'm frightened.

.‫ٓ ٴیف ٰفؼڄ ثفای ایځٱڅ سفویؽٺ‬٥‫ټٿ سڃی ٴٹڃٺ یڅ ث‬

His words brought a lump to my throat.

.‫ٓ ٰفؼٺ‬٥‫ چبیً ث‬٦‫ثب ٌځیؽپ ضف‬

‫تَسیسى ٍ آضتی وززى‬
‫‪kiss and make up‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “kiss and make up‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڃویؽپ ڂ آٌشی ٰفؼپ» اوز‬

‫‪They kissed and made up after the huge fight.‬‬

‫آڀڇب ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ ؼ‪٠‬ڃای ثكـٲ‪ ،‬چٽؽیٵف ـا ثڃویؽڀؽ ڂ آٌشی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪John apologized to his wife for disagreeing with her, and they finally kissed and‬‬
‫‪made up.‬‬
‫خبپ اق چٽىفي ثڅ غب٘ف ټػبٸ‪٩‬ز ثب اڂ ‪٠‬ؿـغڃاچی ٰفؼ ڂ ؼـ اڀشڇب چٽؽیٵف ـا ثڃویؽڀؽ ڂ آٌشی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪They were very angry, but in the end they kissed and made up.‬‬
‫آڀڇب غیٹی ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ثڃؼڀؽ اټب ؼـ اڀشڇب چٽؽیٵف ـا ثڃویؽڀؽ ڂ آٌشی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry. Let's kiss and make up.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ‪ .‬ثیب ـڂی چٻ ـڂ ثجڃویٻ ڂ آٌشی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ”‪ “reconcile‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «آٌشی ٰفؼپ» ڂ «آٌشی ؼاؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪They reconciled and are now best friends‬‬

‫آڀڇب آٌشی ٰفؼڀؽ ڂ االپ ثڇشفیٿ ؼڂوشبپ یٱؽیٵفڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The king and the archbishop were publicly reconciled.‬‬

‫دبؼٌبڄ ڂ او٭‪ ٧‬ؼـ ضٕڃـ ټفؼٺ آٌشی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪He finally reconciled himself to the change in management.‬‬

‫اڂ ثبالغفڄ غڃؼي ـا ـأی ٰفؼ ٰڅ ؼـ ټؽیفیز س‪٥‬ییف ایدبؼ ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “settle differences‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ضٷ ڂ ‪ّ٨‬ٷ ٰفؼپ اغشال‪٨‬بر» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪They settled their differences and came to an agreement.‬‬

‫آڀڇب اغشال‪٨‬بسٍبپ ـا ضٷ ٰفؼڀؽ ڂ ثب چٻ ثڅ س‪٩‬بچٻ ـویؽڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫تِ افترار وسی یا چیشی واری را اًدام زازى‬
‫‪in honor of someone or something‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «ثڅ ا‪٨‬شػبـ ٰىی یب زیكی ٰبـی ـڂ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ڀٍبپ ؼاؼپ اضشفاٺ ڂ سطىیٿ ثفای ٰىی یب‬
‫زیكی اوز ٰڅ ثفای ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی آپ ټی سڃاڀیٻ اق خٽٹڅ‬
‫”‪ “in honor of someone or something‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Our club gave a party in honor of the club’s president.‬‬

‫ٰٹڃة ټب ثڅ ا‪٨‬شػبـ ـئیه ایٿ ٰٹڃة یٯ ټڇٽڃڀی سفسیت ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I wrote a poem in honor of John and Mary’s marriage.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ ا‪٨‬شػبـ اقؼڂاج خبپ ڂ ټفی یٯ ٌ‪١‬ف وفڂؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬اق ”‪ “one of‬ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ‪ٕ٠‬ڃیز ٌػّی یب زیكی ؼـ یٯ ٴفڂڄ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ‪.‬‬
‫‪It's a present for one of my children.‬‬
‫اڂپ یٯ چؽیڅ ثفای یٱی اق ثسڅ چبیٻ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪We think of you as one of the family.‬‬

‫ټب ؼـ ټڃـؼ سڃ ثڅ ‪٠‬ځڃاپ یٱی اق ا‪ٕ٠‬بی غبڀڃاؼڄ ‪٨‬ٱف ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪You are one of us.‬‬

‫سڃ یٱی اق ټب چىشی ‪ٕ٠ /‬ڃی اق ټب چىشی‪.‬‬

‫تِ اهیس چیشی سًسُ تَزى ‪ /‬اهیسٍار تَزى‬
‫‪live in hope of something‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “live in hope of something‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر «ثڅ اټیؽ زیكی قڀؽڄ ثڃؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I live in hope of seeing my son.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ اټیؽ ؼیؽپ دىفٺ قڀؽڄ اٺ‪$ .‬اټیؽڂاـٺ دىفٺ ـا ثجیځٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪None of my poems have been published yet, but I live in hope.‬‬

‫سب ثڅ ضبٶ چیسٱؽاٺ اق اٌ‪١‬بـٺ ټځشٍف ڀٍؽڄ اڀؽ اټب چځڃق چٻ اټیؽڂاـ چىشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Elena lives in hope of winning a million dollars in the lottery.‬‬

‫اٸځب ثب اټیؽ ثفڀؽڄ ٌؽپ یٯ ټیٹیڃپ ؼالـ ؼـ ثػز آقټبیی قڀؽٴی ټی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I have been living in hopes that you would come home safely.‬‬
‫ثڅ ایٿ اټیؽ قڀؽٴی ټی ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ وبٸٻ ثڅ غبڀڅ ټی آیی‪.‬‬

‫‪We live in hope that his mission will succeed.‬‬

‫اټیؽڂاـیٻ ٰڅ ټبټڃـیز اڂ ثب ټڃ‪٨‬٭یز اڀدبٺ ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫تِ تَافك رسیسى‬
reach an agreement

.‫ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬٫٨‫ځی «سڃا‬١‫جبـسی ـوٽی ثڅ ټ‬٠ “reach/come an agreement” ‫جبـر‬٠

When the two sides couldn't come to an agreement, war broke out two months
.‫ز‬٨‫ؽ خځٳ ؼـٴف‬١‫ ؼڂ ټبڄ ث‬،‫ ثفوځؽ‬٫٨‫ ڀشڃاڀىشځؽ ثڅ سڃا‬٦‫شی ؼڂ ٘ف‬٬‫ڂ‬

We will try one more time to reach an agreement with you.

.‫ ثفویٻ‬٫٨‫یٱجبـ ؼیٵف سالي غڃاچیٻ ٰفؼ ثب ٌٽب ثڅ سڃا‬

We reached an agreement and signed a contract.

.‫فاـؼاؼ اټٕب ٰفؼیٻ‬٬ ‫ ـویؽیٻ ڂ‬٫٨‫ټب ثڅ سڃا‬

It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other.
.‫ ٰفؼیٻ‬٫٨‫خؽاٶ وػشی ثڃؼ اټب ثبالغفڄ ټب ثب چٻ سڃا‬

I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the
#‫ت ثسڅ چب ثبٌٻ‬٬‫ټفا‬$ .‫شڅ چب ټٿ ثسڅ چب ـڂ ثجیځٻ‬٩‫ ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ آغف چ‬٫٨‫ټٿ ثب چٽىف وبث٭ٻ سڃا‬

‫تِ زرز واری ذَرزى‬
‫‪amount to much/anything‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الضبر «ثڅ ؼـؼ ٰبـی غڃـؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ټڃ‪٨‬٭یز ؼـ ٰبـی اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الضبر ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬
‫‪٠‬جبـار ”‪ " amount to anything‬ڂ ”‪ “amount to much‬ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪His plans don't amount to much, since he won't work for them.‬‬
‫ثفڀبټڅ چبیً زځؽاپ ثڅ ؼـؼ ڀٽی غڃـڄ زڃپ اڂ ثفاٌڃپ ٰبـی اڀدبٺ ڀٽیؽڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪The results of the research don’t really amount to much.‬‬

‫ڀشبیح ایٿ سط٭ی٭بر ڂا‪١٬‬ب زځؽاپ ثڅ ؼـؼ ڀٽی غڃـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He’s ​lazy, and he’ll never amount to anything.‬‬

‫اڂ سځجٷ اوز‪ ،‬ڂ چیسڃ‪٬‬ز ثڅ چیر ؼـؼی ڀٽی غڃـؼ‪.‬‬

‫!‪They never thought I'd amount to anything, but look at me now‬‬

‫آڀڇب چیسڃ‪٬‬ز ‪٨‬ٱف ڀٽی ٰفؼڀؽ ٰڅ ټٿ ثڅ ؼـؼ ٰبـی ثػڃـٺ‪ ،‬اټب ضبال ټٿ ـا ثجیٿ!‬

‫‪She's a nice girl, but she'll never amount to much.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼغشف غڃثیىز‪ ،‬اټب اڂ چفٴك ثڅ ؼـؼ ٰبـی ڀٽیػڃـؼ‪.‬‬

‫تِ ضست ًاراحت تَزى‬
‫‪long face‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ټٵڅ ٍٰشی چبر ‪٤‬ف‪ٌ ٪‬ؽڄ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی ڀبـاضز ڂ ‪٤‬ٽٵیٿ ثڃؼپ اق ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی اوز ڂ‬
‫ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “long face‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪William: Why the long face‬‬

‫‪David: I failed my exam.‬‬
‫ڂیٹیبٺ‪ :‬زفا ڀبـاضشی؟ ‪$‬ټٵڅ ٍٰشی چبر ‪٤‬ف‪ٌ ٪‬ؽڄ؟‪#‬‬
‫ؼیڃیؽ‪ :‬سڃ اټشطبپ ـؼ ٌؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪James's long face was a clear indication of his feelings.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یب‪٨‬څ ڀبـاضز خیٽك ثڅ ڂٔڃش ڀٍڃپ ؼچځؽڄ اضىبوبسً چىز‪.‬‬

‫‪The management had long faces when they found out.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ټؽیفیز ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ـا ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽپ ثڅ ٌؽر ڀبـاضز ٌؽڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you go to the party, don't spoil your uncle's evening with a long face.‬‬
‫اٴڅ ثڅ ټڇٽڃڀی ټی ـڂی‪ ،‬ثب اڂپ ‪٬‬یب‪٨‬څ ڀبـاضز ث‪١‬ؽاق‪ٜ‬ڇف ؼایی ار ـڂ غفاة ڀٱٿ‪.‬‬

‫تِ وسی رضَُ زازى ‪ /‬سثیل وسی را چزب وززى‬
‫‪grease someone's palm‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “grease someone's palm‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ ٰىی ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼپ» ڂ «وجیٷ ٰىی ـا زفة ٰفؼپ»‬
‫ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you want luggage to make it to the plane, be sure to grease the porter's palm.‬‬
‫اٴف ټی غڃاچی زٽؽاپ ـا ثب غڃؼ ثڅ چڃادیٽب ثجفی ثبیؽ ثڅ ثبـثف ـٌڃڄ ثؽچی‪.‬‬

‫‪Some of those candidates spent money greasing the palms of local political‬‬
‫ث‪ٕ١‬ی اق ٰبڀؽیؽچب دڃٶ قیبؼی ـا ِف‪ ٦‬ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼپ ثڅ ـڂوبی ویبوی ټځ‪ٙ‬٭څ ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Drug barons were greasing the palm of the chief of police.‬‬

‫وال٘یٿ ټڃاؼ ټػؽـ ثڅ ـئیه دٹیه ـٌڃڄ ټی ؼاؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'd never grease a police officer's palm. That's illegal.‬‬

‫ټٿ چیسڃ‪٬‬ز ثڅ ا‪٨‬ىف دٹیه ـٌڃڄ ڀٽی ؼچٻ‪ .‬ایٿ ٰبـ ‪٤‬یف‪٬‬بڀڃڀی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪١٨ :‬ٷ ‪٠‬جبـسی ”‪ “buy off‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼپ» ڂ «ٰىی ـا غفیؽپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪They ​tried to ​buy the ​guard at the ​bank off but he told the ​police and the ​gang‬‬
‫‪was ​arrested.‬‬
‫آڀڇب و‪١‬ی ٰفؼڀؽ ٰڅ ټبټڃـ اټځیز ثبڀٯ ـڂ ثػفپ‪ ،‬اټب اڂ ثڅ دٹیه ٴ‪٩‬ز ڂ ٴفڂڄ سجڇٱبـ ؼوشٵیف ٌؽڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The corrupt official bought off those who might expose him.‬‬
‫ټبټڃـ ‪٨‬بوؽ اڂڀبیی ٰڅ اضشٽبٶ ؼاٌز ٸڃي ثؽپ ـڂ غفیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The mobster tried to buy off the jury.‬‬

‫ٴبڀٵىشف سجڇٱبـ و‪١‬ی ٰفؼ ٰڅ ثڅ چیئز لڂـی ـٌڃڄ ثؽچؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “bribe‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ـٌڃڄ» ڂ «ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

That judge refused a huge bribe to dismiss the charges against the wealthy
.‫ اسڇبٺ ټڃٰٷ دڃٸؽاـ ـؼ ٰفؼ‬ٟ٨‫جبٶ ـ‬٬ ‫بٔی ـٌڃڄ ی ثكـٴی ـڂ ؼـ‬٬

He bribed ​immigration ​officials and ​entered the ​country ​illegally.

.‫بڀڃڀی ڂاـؼ ٍٰڃـ ٌؽ‬٬‫یف‬٤ ‫اڂ ثڅ ټبټڃـیٿ ټڇبخفر ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼ ڂ‬

They bribed the reporter to forget about what he had seen.

.‫فاټڃي ٰځؽ‬٨ ‫آڀڇب ثڅ ٴكاـٌٵف ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼڀؽ سب زیكی ـڂ ٰڅ ؼیؽڄ ثڃؼ‬

They bribed him to keep quiet about the incident.

.‫ وبٰز ڀٵڅ ؼاـڀؽ‬٪‫ب‬٩‫آڀڇب ثڅ اڂ ـٌڃڄ ؼاؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ سب اڂ ـا ؼـثبـڄ اس‬

‫تِ هغش ذَز فطار آٍرزى‬
‫‪rack one's brain‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ «ثڅ ټ‪٥‬ك غڃؼ ‪ٍ٨‬بـ آڂـؼپ» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “rack one's brain‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ‬

‫‪I racked my brain whole morning to remember her name.‬‬

‫سٽبٺ ِجص ثڅ ټ‪٥‬كٺ ‪ٍ٨‬بـ آڂـؼٺ ٰڅ اوٽً یبؼٺ ثیبؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I racked my brains all afternoon, but couldn't remember where I put the book.‬‬
‫سٽبٺ ث‪١‬ؽاق‪ٜ‬ڇف ثڅ ټ‪٥‬كٺ ‪ٍ٨‬بـ آڂـؼٺ اټب یبؼٺ ڀیبټؽ ٰڅ ٰشبة ـا ٰدب ٴؿاٌشڅ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I had to rack my brains to remember where the car was.‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ثڅ ټ‪٥‬كٺ ‪ٍ٨‬بـ ټی آڂـؼٺ سب ثڅ یبؼ آڂـٺ ٰڅ اسڃټجیٷ ـا ٰدب دبـٮ ٰفؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫تی هحلی وززى‬
give somebody the cold shoulder

.‫شځب ثڃؼپ» اوز‬٠‫ځی «ثی ټطٹی ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ثی ا‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬give somebody the cold shoulder” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at
the party.
.‫ټٿ ثب زیٱبـ ٰفؼٺ؟ اڂ ثڅ ټٿ ؼـ سٽبٺ ٘ڃٶ ٌت ؼـ ټڇٽبڀی ثی ټطٹی ٰفؼ‬

Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public
swimming pool.
.‫شځبیی ٰفؼ‬٠‫ٽڃټی ثی ا‬٠ ‫ٌڃـای ٌڇف ټب ثڅ ٘فش دیٍځڇبؼی ثفای وبغز یٯ اوشػف‬

I'd love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice.
.‫ټٿ ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ٰڅ ثؽڂڀٻ زفا ثیٷ ثڅ خبڀیه ثی ټطٹی ٰفؼ‬

I ​tried to be ​pleasant to her but she gave me the cold ​shoulder.

.‫شځبیی ٰفؼ‬٠‫ی ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ ثفاي ټڃـؼدىځؽ ڂ ؼٸذؿیف ثبٌٻ ڂٸی اڂپ ثڅ ټٿ ثی ا‬١‫ټٿ و‬

She gives her husband the cold shoulder when he forgets their anniversary.
.‫فاټڃي ٰفؼ ثی ټطٹی ٰفؼ‬٨ ‫شی ٰڅ وبٸٵفؼ اقؼڂاخٍڃپ ـا‬٬‫اڂ ثڅ ٌڃچفي ڂ‬

Wife: Why do you always give my mother the cold shoulder when she comes to
visit us?
Husband: Because she always criticizes me!
‫ زفا سڃ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ ټبؼـٺ ٰڅ ثفای ؼیؽپ ټب ثڅ ایځدب ټیبؼ ٰٻ ټطٹی ټی ٰځی؟‬:‫قپ‬
!‫ ثفای ایځٱڅ اڂ چٽیٍڅ اق ټٿ اڀش٭بؼ ټی ٰځؽ‬:‫ٌڃچف‬

I don’t like Julia, because she is always giving me the cold shoulder.
.‫ زڃپ اڂپ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ ټٿ ثی ټطٹی ټیٱځڅ‬،‫ټٿ خڃٸیب ـڂ ؼڂوز ڀؽاـٺ‬

‫تی ًظیز تَزى‬
be one in a million

.‫یف ثڃؼپ» اوز‬ٝ‫ځی «ثی ڀ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be one in a million” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

Thomas Edison was one in a million.

.‫یف ثڃؼ‬ٝ‫سڃټبن اؼیىڃپ ثی ڀ‬

Thanks again, you're one in a million!

!‫یفی‬ٝ‫ سڃ ثی ڀ‬،‫ثبق چٻ ټشٍٱفٺ‬

He's the sweetest, most generous person I know. He's one in a million.
.‫یف اوز‬ٝ‫ آؼټی ټثٷ اڂ ثی ڀ‬.‫اڂ ټڇفثبپ سفیٿ ڂ وػبڂسٽځؽسفیٿ آؼټی اوز ٰڅ ټی ٌځبوٻ‬

My grandmother was the kindest and sweetest old lady ever. She was one in a
.‫یف ثڃؼ‬ٝ‫ اڂ ثی ڀ‬.‫ټبؼـثكـٴٻ ټڇفثبڀشفیٿ دیفقپ ؼڀیب ثڃؼ‬

Annabelle was a really great guy. One in a million, she was.

.‫یف ثڃؼ‬ٝ‫ اڂ ثی ڀ‬.‫ب غڃثی ثڃؼ‬١٬‫آڀبثال آؼٺ ڂا‬

‫ اس وسی پیزٍی یا تثؼیت وززى‬/ ‫پا خای پای وسی گذاضتي‬
follow in someone's footsteps

‫الش ؼـ‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ځی س٭ٹیؽ ڂ دیفڂی ٰفؼپ اق ٰىی اوز ڂ ټ‬١‫الش «دب خبی دبی ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ» ثڅ ټ‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫" ټیجبٌؽ‬follow in someone's footsteps” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬

Dad wants me to follow his footsteps, but I hate his job.

.‫فٺ‬٩‫دؽـ ټیػڃاؼ ټٿ خب دبی اڂ ثكاـٺ اټب ټٿ اق ایٿ ٰبـ ټشځ‬

Several of my friends from the recovery community followed in my footsteps

and started taking classes.
.‫شٿ وف ٰالوڇبیی ٰفؼڀؽ‬٨‫ ثڅ ـ‬ٞ‫څ ثبقدفڂـی اق ټٿ دیفڂی ٰفؼڀؽ ڂ ٌفڂ‬١‫غیٹی اق ؼڂوشبٺ اق خبټ‬

She ​followed in her mother’s ​footsteps and ​started her own ​business.
.‫اڂ دب خب دبی ټبؼـي ٴؿاٌز ڂ ٰىت ڂ ٰبـ غڃؼ ـا ـاڄ اڀؽاغز‬

He followed in his father's footsteps and went into the army.

.‫ز‬٨‫یز اق دؽـي ثڅ اـسً ـ‬١‫اڂ ثڅ سج‬

My mother told us never to follow in her footsteps, that we should always try to
do better.
.‫ی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثڇشف ثبٌیٻ‬١‫ز خب دبی اڂ ڀؿاـیٻ ڂ ثبیؽ و‬٬‫ز ٰڅ چیر ڂ‬٩‫ټبؼـٺ ٴ‬

The company is following in the footsteps of other great research organizations.

.‫یز ټی ٰځؽ‬١‫ٌفٰز ؼاـڄ اق ټڃوىبر سط٭ی٭بسی ثكـٴشف سج‬

‫پارتی تاسی وززى‬
‫‪pull strings‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «دبـسی ثبقی ٰفؼپ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی اڂٸڃیز ثػٍؽپ ڂ سبثیف ؼاؼپ ـاث‪ٙ‬څ ثیٿ ا‪٨‬فاؼ ثڅ خبی‬
‫ٔبث‪ٙ‬څ ڂ سڃاڀبیی آڀڇب ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “pull strings‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪He tried to pull strings with people he knew to avoid being called up.‬‬
‫اڂ و‪١‬ی ٰفؼ سب ثب چٽڅ ٰىبڀی ٰڅ ټی ٌځبغز دبـسی ثبقی ٰځؽ سب ثڅ وفثبقی ڀفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪She did him her best turns later on when she got her influential lovers to pull‬‬
‫‪strings for him.‬‬
‫سٽبٺ و‪١‬ی غڃؼ ـا ثفای اڂ ٰفؼ ڂ ایٿ ټىئٹڅ قټبڀی ټٍػُ ٌؽ ٰڅ اڂ اق چٽڅ ٍٰشڅ ټفؼڄ چبی ثبڀ‪٩‬ڃؾ غڃؼ‬
‫غڃاوز سب ثفای اڂ دبـسی ثبقی ٰځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I do not know what awaits me there, because we are not a rich family who can‬‬
‫‪contact lawyers and agencies and pull strings and have papers rushed through.‬‬
‫ڀٽی ؼاڀٻ اڂڀدب زی اڀش‪ٝ‬بـٺ ـڂ ټیٱٍڅ‪ ،‬زڃپ ټب اق آپ ؼوشڅ اق غبڀڃاؼڄ چبی ثفڂسٽځؽ ڀیىشیٻ ٰڅ ثب ڂٰال ڂ‬
‫آلاڀه چب ‪٬‬فاـؼاؼ ثىشڅ ڂ دبـسی ثبقی ٰځیٻ ڂ سڃ ـڂقڀبټڅ چب ٌٹڃ‪ٰ ٢‬ځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪My friend asked me to pull some strings to get him a new job.‬‬
‫ؼڂوشٻ اق ټٿ ؼـغڃاوز ٰفؼ ٰڅ ثفاي ثب ٰٽی دبـسی ثبقی ٌ‪٥‬ٷ خؽیؽی ؼوز ڂ دب ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫پزذَری وززى‬

.‫ځی «دفغڃـی ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬overeat” ‫ٷ‬١٨

The effect of overeating is weight gain.

.‫څ ڂقپ اوز‬٨‫اثف دفغڃـی أب‬

Most of us are inclined to overeat occasionally.

.‫بر سٽبیٷ ثڅ قیبؼ غڃـؼپ ؼاـیٻ‬٬‫اٰثف ټب ٴبچی اڂ‬

When I'm tired or stressed, I tend to overeat.

.‫ سٽبیٷ ثڅ قیبؼ غڃـؼپ ؼاـٺ‬،‫شی غىشڅ اٺ یب اوشفن ؼاـٺ‬٬‫ڂ‬

Because he watches his diet for most of the year, he feels free to overeat during
the holidays.
.‫یالر آقاؼاڀڅ دفغڃـی ټی ٰځڅ‬ٙ١‫ ؼـ س‬،‫ت ـلیٻ غڃؼي چىز‬٬‫زڃپ اڂ اٰثف وبٶ ټفا‬

If you overeat, you're bound to get fat.

.‫ ټیٍڃی‬٪‫ زب‬،‫اٴف دفغڃـی ٰځی‬

Overeating is ​surely the ​main ​cause of ​obesity.

.‫ی اوز‬٬‫ب ؼٸیٷ اِٹی زب‬١ٙ٬ ‫قیبؼ غڃـؼپ‬

‫پُش زازى‬
‫‪show off‬‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ‪٠‬جبـسی ”‪ “show off‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «دُك ؼاؼپ» ڂ «‪٨‬ػف‪٨‬فڂغشٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't show off.‬‬

‫دك ڀؽڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪He was showing off, trying to make a really big impression.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼاٌز دك ټی ؼاؼ‪ ،‬و‪١‬ی ټی ٰفؼ ٰڅ سبثیف ثكـٴی ثكاـڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪She only ​bought that ​sports ​car to show off and ​prove she could ​afford one.‬‬
‫اڂ ‪٨‬٭ٗ اڂپ ټبٌیٿ چبی اوذڃـر ـڂ ټیػفڄ ٰڅ دك ثؽڄ ڂ ایٿ ـڂ ثبثز ٰځڅ ٰڅ اڂڀٻ ټی سڃڀڅ اق ایٿ ټبٌیٿ چب یڅ‬
‫ؼڂڀڅ ثػفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪He's always ​showing off to his ​classmates.‬‬

‫اڂ چٽیٍڅ ؼـضبٶ دك ؼاؼپ ثڅ چٽٱالوی چبي اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪She just wants to show off her new jewelry.‬‬

‫اڂ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ټی غڃاوز دك خڃاچفار خؽیؽي ـڂ ثؽڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪The parade was designed to show off all the latest weapons of war.‬‬
‫ـلڄ ڀ‪ٝ‬بټی ‪٨‬٭ٗ ثفای ایٿ ٘فاضی ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ ٰڅ دك آغفیٿ سىٹیطبر خځٵی ڂ ڀ‪ٝ‬بټی ـڂ ثؽچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “show-off‬ثڅ ٰىی ٰڅ دُك ټی ؼچؽ ڂ ‪٨‬ػف ‪٨‬فڂٌی ټی ٰځؽ ا٘ال‪ ٪‬ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Julia's such a show-off, she always ​wants to be the ​center of ​attention.‬‬

‫خڃٸیب آؼټیڅ ٰڅ دك ټیؽڄ‪ .‬اڂ چٽیٍڅ ټیػڃاؼ ٰڅ ټفٰك سڃخڅ ‪٬‬فاـ ثٵیفڄ‪.‬‬

‫ هؼلك سزى‬/ ‫پطته سزى‬

.‫ قؼپ» اوز‬٫‫ٹ‬١‫ځی «دٍشٯ قؼپ» ڂ «ټ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬somersault” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

Andy turned a somersault in midair

.‫ قؼ‬٫‫ٹ‬١‫اڀؽی سڃ چڃا یٯ ټ‬

She ​turned somersaults on the ​lawn.

.‫اڂ ـڂی زٽٿ دٍشٯ قؼ‬

His car somersaulted into a ditch.

.‫ټبٌیځً زخ ٌؽ سڃی ٰبڀبٶ آة‬

The ​bus ​plunged down the ​embankment, somersaulted ​twice, and ​finally ​landed
on ​its ​side.
.‫فڂؼ اڂټؽ‬٨ ‫ قؼ ڂ ٰځبـ اڂپ‬٪‫ب‬١‫اسڃثڃن اق ٰځبـ خبؼڄ و٭ڃٖ ٰفؼ ؼڂثبـ ټ‬

‫پُه سزى‬
take a drag

.‫ځی «دُٯ قؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬take a drag” ‫جبـر‬٠

He took a deep drag on his cigarette.

.‫اڂ دُٯ ټطٱٽی ثڅ ویٵبـي قؼ‬

The detective took a drag on his last cigarette and then crushed the butt
beneath his heel.
.‫ٰبـآٴبڄ یٯ دُٯ ټطٱٻ ثڅ آغفیٿ ویٵبـي قؼ ڂ سڅ ویٵبـ ـڂ قیف دبٌځً ٸڅ ٰفؼ‬

I'm trying to quit smoking, but do you mind if I just take a drag?
‫ اټب اٌٱبٸی ؼاـڄ اٴڅ یٯ دُٯ ثكڀٻ؟‬،‫ی ټیٱځٻ ویٵبـ ـڂ سفٮ ٰځٻ‬١‫ؼاـٺ و‬

‫پَست ٍ استرَاى تَزى ‪ /‬ذیلی الغز تَزى‬
‫‪a bag of bones‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “a bag of bones‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـار «دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃاپ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «غیٹی ال‪٤‬ف ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Unlike his brothers who are fat, Emily is a bag of bones.‬‬

‫ثف غال‪ ٦‬ثفاؼـاڀً ٰڅ زب‪ ٪‬چىشځؽ‪ ،‬اټیٹی دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃڀڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪The pony is just a bag of bones.‬‬

‫ایٿ ٰفڄ اوت دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃاپ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪While confined to a wheelchair just a few months ago and just a bag of bones,‬‬
‫‪Adams has gained 25 lb.‬‬
‫ؼـ ضبٸیٱڅ آؼاٺ زځؽ ټبڄ ٴؿٌشڅ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ـڂی ڂیٹسف ثڃؼ ڂ دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃاپ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ ضبال ‪ 25‬دڃڀؽ ڂقپ أب‪٨‬څ‬
‫ٰفؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪A dog owner told a court how his pet was just a bag of bones when he went to‬‬
‫‪collect him from boarding kennels.‬‬
‫ټبٸٯ وٳ ثڅ ؼاؼٴبڄ ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ڂ‪٬‬شی وٳ غڃؼ ـا اق ټطٷ ڀٵڇؽاـی وٳ چب آڂـؼ دڃوز ڂ اوشػڃاپ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫تا وززى‬

.‫ځی «سب ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬fold” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

He had a ​neatly folded ​handkerchief in his ​jacket ​pocket.

.‫ٻ سب ٰفؼ ڂ ؼـ خیت ٰز غڃؼ ٴؿاٌز‬ٝ‫اڂ ؼوشٽبٶ ـا ټځ‬

I folded the ​pants and put it in closet.

.‫ټٿ ٌٹڃاـ ـا سب ٰفؼٺ ڂ ؼـ ٰٽؽ ؼیڃاـی ٴؿاٌشٻ‬

I helped him fold his sheets.

.‫څ اي ـا سب ٰځؽ‬٩‫ټٿ ثڅ اڂ ٰٽٯ ٰفؼٺ سب ټطٹ‬

I folded the ​letter in ​half and put it in an ​envelope.

.‫فاـ ؼاؼٺ‬٬ ‫ټٿ ڀبټڅ ـا اق ڂوٗ سب ٰفؼٺ ڂ ؼـ دبٰز ڀبټڅ‬

The ​folding table folds up when not in use.

.‫ی ٰڅ ثڅ ټیك سبٌڃ ڀیبق ڀجبٌؽ آپ ـا سب ټی ٰځځؽ‬١٬‫ټڃ‬

‫تاتلَ تَزى‬
‫‪stick/stand out a mile‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «سبثٹڃ ثڃؼپ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ټ‪٩‬بچیٻ ڂ ٰبـثفؼچبی ټػشٹ‪٩‬ی ؼاـؼ‪ .‬یٱی اق ایٿ ٰبـثفؼ چب قټبڀی اوز ٰڅ‬
‫ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ «ڂأص ڂ ټٍػُ ثڃؼپ» زیكی اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ثفای ایٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “stick/stand out a mile‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪It stood out a mile that she was lying.‬‬

‫اق ؼڂـ سبثٹڃ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ؼاٌز ؼـڂ‪ ٢‬ټی ٴ‪٩‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪His ​lack of ​experience ​sticks out a mile.‬‬

‫ٰٻ سدفثٵی اڂ ٰبټال ټ‪١‬ٹڃٺ ثڃؼ‪$ .‬سبثٹڃ ثڃؼ‪#.‬‬

‫‪She sticks out a mile with her red hair.‬‬

‫اڂ ثب اڂپ ټڃچبی ‪٬‬فټكي اق یٯ ٰیٹڃټشفی سبثٹڃئڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Of course he's unhappy. It stands out a mile.‬‬

‫اٸجشڅ ٰڅ ڀبـاضشڅ‪ٰ .‬بټال ټٍػّڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Gary stood out a mile in his purple hat.‬‬

‫ٴفی ثب اڂپ ٰالڄ اـ‪٤‬ڃاڀی اق یٯ ٰیٹڃټشفی ټٍػّڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬یٱی ؼیٵف اق ټ‪٩‬بچیٻ اِ‪ٙ‬الش «سبثٹڃ ثڃؼپ» «ثڅ ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽپ خڃاة زیكی ٰڅ غیٹی آوڃپ اوز ڂ ڀیبق ثڅ‬
‫‪٨‬ٱف ٰفؼپ ڀؽاـؼ» اٌبـڄ ؼاـؼ‪ .‬اق ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ”‪ “no-brainer‬ثفای چٽیٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Alan: Who do you think is better-looking, Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba‬‬

‫‪Bill: That‘s a complete no-brainer! Jessica Alba is much hotter‬‬
‫آٸٿ‪ :‬ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ٰؽڂٺ یٱی غڃٌٵٷ سفڄ‪ ،‬خځی‪٩‬ف ٸڃدك یب خىیٱب آٸجب؟‬
‫ثیٷ‪ :‬ایٿ ٰڅ غیٹی سبثٹڃڄ! خىیٱب آٸجب خؿاة سفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪The ​decision was a ​complete no-brainer.‬‬

‫سّٽیٻ ٴیفی ڀیبق ثڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ٰفؼپ قیبؼ ڀؽاـؼ‪.‬‬

Taking that ​job over the one I had was a no-brainer.
.‫ٱف ٰفؼپ ڀؽاـڄ‬٨ ‫ٷ ٰځڃڀی ټٿ ڀیبقی ثڅ‬٥ٌ ‫ٷ ثڅ خبی‬٥ٌ ‫اڀشػبة یٯ‬

The decision to ​invest in the ​energy ​company was a no-brainer.

.‫ٱف ٰفؼپ ڀؽاـؼ‬٨ ‫سّٽیٻ ثفای وفټبیڅ ٴؿاـی ؼـ ٌفٰز اڀفلی ڀیبقی ثڅ‬

‫تشییي وززى‬

.‫» اوز‬#‫ؿا‬٤$ ‫ځی «سكییٿ ٰفؼپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬garnish” ‫ٷ‬١٨

The glass is garnished with a wedge of lemon.

.‫بذ ٸیٽڃ سكییٿ ٰفؼڄ اڀؽ‬٬ ‫ٸیڃاپ ـا ثب یٯ‬

Garnish each serving with a dollop of sour cream.

.‫ ـا ثب ټ٭ؽاـی غبټڅ سفي سكییٿ ٰځیؽ‬٦‫ف‬ٜ ‫چف‬

Garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

.‫فی غفؼ ٌؽڄ سكییٿ ٰځیؽ‬٩١‫ؿا ـا ثب خ‬٤

Chocolate curls garnished the cake.

.‫ضٹ٭څ چبی ٌٱالر ٰیٯ ـا سكییٿ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ‬

A chef who never served any dish without first garnishing it.
.‫ؿایی ـا ثؽڂپ سكییٿ ٰفؼپ وفڂ ڀٽی ٰفؼ‬٤ ‫ز‬٬‫وف آٌذكی ٰڅ چیسڃ‬

She had prepared the vegetables and was garnishing the roast.
.‫اڂ وجكیدبر ـا آټبؼڄ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ ڂ آټبؼڄ سكییٿ ٴڃٌز ٰجبثی ثڃؼ‬

‫تؼسیل ًیزٍ وززى‬

.‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫ځی «س‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬downsize” ‫ٷ‬١٨

A TV news producer told what happened after her network downsized the
.‫ قؼ‬٦‫شبؼ ضف‬٨‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂی ٌجٱڅ اي ا‬١‫ی ٰڅ ده اق س‬٬‫ب‬٩‫سڇیڅ ٰځځؽڄ غجف سٹڃیكیڃڀی اق اس‬

Recession forced many companies to downsize.

.‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ٰفؼ‬١‫شّبؼی ثىیبـی اق ٌفٰز چب ـا ټدجڃـ ثڅ س‬٬‫ثطفاپ ا‬

The ​plight of the ​economy is ​forcing ​businesses to downsize.

.‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ټی ٰځؽ‬١‫شّبؼی سدبـر چب ـا ټدجڃـ ثڅ س‬٬‫ټػٽّڅ ی ا‬

The ​company was ​forced to downsize in ​order to ​remain ​competitive.

.‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ٌؽ‬١‫بثز ټدجڃـ ثڅ س‬٬‫ ـ‬ٛ٩‫ٰٽذبڀی ثفای ض‬

The company is planning to downsize next year.

.‫ؽیٷ ڀیفڂ ؼاـؼ‬١‫ّؽ س‬٬ ‫ٰٽذبڀی ثفای وبٶ آیځؽڄ‬

.‫ځی «زیكی ـا ٰڃزٯ ٰفؼپ» ڀیك ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬downsize” ‫ٷ‬١٨ ‫ چٽسځیٿ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

They have downsized the car's engine in the new model.

.‫ؼـ ټؽٶ خؽیؽ ټڃسڃـ ـا ٰڃزٱشف ٰفؼڀؽ‬

I downsized the rear wheel to 26 inches.

.‫ ایځر ٰڃزٱشف ٰفؼٺ‬26 ‫٭ت ـا‬٠ ‫اڀؽاقڄ ی زفظ‬

‫تمػیز را گززى وسی زیگز اًساذتي‬
‫‪pass the buck‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “pass the buck‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر «س٭ّیف ـا ٴفؼپ ٰىی ؼیٵف اڀؽاغشٿ» ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't try to pass the buck! It's your fault, and everybody knows it.‬‬
‫و‪١‬ی ڀٱٿ س٭ّیف ـا ٴفؼپ ٰىی ؼیٵڅ ثځؽاقی‪ ،‬س٭ّیف سڃ ثڃؼ ڂ چٽڅ ایٿ ـا ټی ؼاڀځؽ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Some people try to pass the buck whenever they can‬‬

‫ث‪ٕ١‬ی آؼټب چف ټڃ‪ٰ ٟ٬‬څ ثشڃڀٿ س٭ّیفچب ـڂ ټیځؽاقپ ٴفؼپ یٱی ؼیٵڅ!‬

‫‪Don’t pass the buck. Stand up and admit you were wrong.‬‬
‫س٭ّیف ـا ٴفؼپ ٰىی ؼیٵف ڀځؽاق‪ .‬ثبیىز ڂ ا‪٬‬فاـ ٰٿ ٰڅ اٌشجبڄ ٰفؼی‪.‬‬

‫‪Parents often try to pass the buck to teachers when children misbehave in‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ٰڃؼٰبپ ؼـ ټؽـوڅ ثؽـ‪٨‬شبـی ټی ٰځځؽ ڂاٸؽیٿ ا‪٤‬ٹت سفخیص ټی ؼچځؽ ٰڅ س٭ّیف ـا ٴفؼپ ټ‪١‬ٹٻ چب‬

‫تمػیز وسی تَزى‬

.‫بؼڄ ٰفؼ‬٩‫“ اوش‬fault” ‫جبـر «س٭ّیف ٰىی ثڃؼپ» ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ټیشڃاپ اق ٰٹٽڅ‬٠ ‫ثفای ثیبپ‬

It's your fault.

.‫س٭ّیف سڃئڅ‬

It's not your fault.

.‫س٭ّیف سڃ ڀیىز‬

It's my fault.
#‫ټٿ ټ٭ّفٺ‬$ .‫س٭ّیف ټځڅ‬

Whose fault is that?

‫س٭ّیف ٰیڅ؟‬

Whose fault is it if you're fat?

‫ی؟‬٬‫س٭ّیف ٰیڅ ٰڅ سڃ زب‬

It's your fault your kids are lazy.

.‫س٭ّیف سڃئڅ ٰڅ ثسڅ چبر سځجٷ اڀؽ‬

It's not my fault if I fell in love with you.

.‫ سڃ ٌؽٺ‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠ ‫س٭ّیف ټٿ ڀیىز ٰڅ‬

She failed in math exam and all is your fault.

.‫اڂ اټشطبپ ـیبٔی اي ـڂ غفاة ٰفؼ ڂ چٽڅ اي س٭ّیف سڃئڅ‬

It's not your fault. It's fault of the person who has educated you in this way.
.‫ س٭ّیف اڂڀیڅ ٰڅ ایځدڃـی سڃ ـڂ آټڃقي ؼاؼڄ‬،‫س٭ّیف سڃ ڀیىز‬

‫تواس گزفتي‬
‫‪reach / contact‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ ‪٠‬جبـر «سٽبن ٴف‪٨‬شٿ» ټیشڃاپ اق ٰٹٽبر ”‪ “reach‬ڂ ”‪ “contact‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪ .‬چٽسځیٿ سٽبن‬
‫ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ټیشڃاڀؽ اق ٘فی‪ ٫‬سٹ‪٩‬ٿ‪ ،‬ایٽیٷ‪٨ ،‬ٱه ڂ ‪ ...‬ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ reach‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سٽبن ٴف‪٨‬شٿ»‬

‫?‪Alex: How can I reach you‬‬

‫‪Tom: You can email me at this address .‬‬
‫اٸٱه‪ :‬ز‪ٙ‬ڃـی ټیشڃڀٻ ثبچبر سٽبن ثٵیفٺ؟‬
‫سبٺ‪ :‬سڃ ټیشڃڀی ثڅ آؼـن ‪‬ثڅ ټٿ ایٽیٷ ثكڀی‪.‬‬

‫‪I've been ​trying to reach you on the ​phone all ​day.‬‬

‫سٽبٺ ـڂق ؼاٌشٻ سالي ټی ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ ثبچبر سٽبن ثٵیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We tried to reach him all day.‬‬

‫سٽبٺ ـڂق و‪١‬ی ٰفؼیٻ ثبچبي سٽبن ثٵیفیٻ‪.‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ contact‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سٽبن ٴف‪٨‬شٿ»‬

‫?‪Jason: How can I reach you‬‬

‫‪Katy: You can reach me on my cell phone at 09123456789.‬‬
‫خیىڃپ‪ :‬ز‪ٙ‬ڃـی ټیشڃاڀٻ ثبچبسڃپ سٽبن ثٵیفٺ؟‬
‫ٰیشی‪ٌ :‬ٽب ټیشڃاڀیؽ ثب ٌٽبـڄ ټڃثبیٷ ‪ 09123456789‬ثب ټٿ سٽبن ثٵیفیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Anyone with any information should contact the police.‬‬

‫چفٰىی ا٘ال‪٠‬بسی ؼاـڄ ثبیؽ ثب دٹیه سٽبن ثٵیفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪For more information, contact the city's tourism office.‬‬

‫ثفای ا٘ال‪٠‬بر ثیٍشف ثب ؼ‪٨‬شف سڃـیىشی ٌڇف سٽبن ثٵیفیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ڂالڄ ”‪ “reach‬ڀىجز ثڅ ”‪ “contact‬ـوٽی سف اوز ڂ ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “reach‬ؼـ ټطبڂـڄ ٰبـثفؼ ثیٍشفی‬

‫تَ زرزسز افتازى‬
be in hot water

.‫شبؼپ» اوز‬٨‫ځی «سڃ ؼـؼوف ا‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be in hot water” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

William: Why the long face?

David: I'm in hot water. I was fired from my job!
‫ زفا اڀ٭ؽـ ڀبـاضشی؟‬:‫ڂیٹیبٺ‬
!‫ اق وف ٰبـٺ اغفاج ٌؽٺ‬.‫شبؼٺ‬٨‫ سڃ ؼـؼوف ا‬:‫ؼیڃیؽ‬

I am in hot water with my teacher, because she caught me cheating on the final
.‫ز‬٨‫ س٭ٹت ټر ټٿ ـا ٴف‬ٟ٬‫ٹٻ ټڃ‬١‫غڃؼٺ ـا سڃی ؼـؼوف اڀؽاغشٻ زڃپ ټ‬

He found himself in hot water over his speech about immigration.

.‫اڂ ثڅ غب٘ف وػځفاڀی ؼـثبـڄ ټڇبخفر ضىبثی غڃؼ ـا ثڅ ؼـؼوف اڀؽاغز‬

Whenever we spoke out, we got into hot water.

.‫شیٻ‬٨‫ ثڅ ؼـؼوف ټی ا‬#‫فټڃپ ـڂ ټیٵیٻ‬ٝ‫ڀ‬$ ‫ٽڃپ ـڂ ټی قڀیٻ‬٨‫ز ضف‬٬‫چف ڂ‬

‫تْوت سزى ‪ /‬تسگَیی وززى ‪ /‬تس ًام وززى‬

‫ڂالڄ ”‪ “vilify‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سڇٽز قؼپ» ‪« ،‬ا‪٨‬شفا ثىشٿ» ڂ «ثؽٴڃیی ٰفؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪They vilified him in front of the king.‬‬

‫ڀكؼ ٌبڄ اق اڂ ثؽٴڃیی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Some people vilify what they can't comprehend.‬‬

‫ثفغی اق ټفؼٺ اق آڀسڅ ٰڅ ڀٽیشڃاڀځؽ ؼـٮ ٰځځؽ ثؽٴڃیی ټیٱځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪He was vilified by the ​press as a ​monster.‬‬

‫ټ‪ٙ‬جڃ‪٠‬بر اڂ ـا ثؽڀبٺ ٰفؼڄ ڂ یٯ چیڃال ټ‪١‬ف‪٨‬ی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪He ​claimed he was ​unfairly vilified by the ​press.‬‬

‫اڂ اؼ‪٠‬ب ٰفؼ ٰڅ ټ‪ٙ‬جڃ‪٠‬بر ڀبخڃاڀٽفؼاڀڅ ثڅ اڂ سڇٽز قؼڄ اڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Unfortunately, the internet and social media have made it very easy for people‬‬
‫‪to vilify their enemies.‬‬
‫ټشبو‪٩‬بڀڅ‪ ،‬ایځشفڀز ڂ ـوبڀڅ چبی اخشٽب‪٠‬ی ایٿ ـڂ ثفای ټفؼٺ آوبپ ٰفؼڀؽ ٰڅ ؼٌٽځبڀٍبپ ـا ثؽڀبٺ ٰځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫خا سزى ‪ /‬هٌػزف ضسى‬
‫‪cop out‬‬

‫یٱی اق ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی اِ‪ٙ‬الش «خب قؼپ» ڂ «ټځّف‪ٌ ٦‬ؽپ» ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ی ”‪“cop out‬‬

‫‪He copped out once he heard the siren.‬‬

‫چٽیٿ ٰڅ ِؽای آلیف ـڂ ٌځیؽ‪ ،‬خب قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He would not cop out of the difficult tax decisions.‬‬

‫اڂ ثب سّٽیٽبر وػز ټبٸیبسی خب ڀٽیكڀڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪He tried to cop out of his responsibilities.‬‬

‫اڂ و‪١‬ی ٰفؼ اق ټىئڃٸیشڇبي ٌبڀڅ غبٸی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪She ​copped out of the ​parachute ​jump at the last ​minute with‬‬
‫‪some ​feeble ​excuse.‬‬
‫اڂ اق دفیؽپ ثب زشف ؼـ آغفیٿ ٸط‪ٝ‬څ ثب یٯ ثڇبڀڅ ‪٤‬یف‪٬‬بثٷ ‪٬‬جڃٶ اڀّفا‪ ٦‬ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪A ​plea of ​temporary ​insanity is a cop out and should not be ​allowed, he said.‬‬
‫اڂ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪ :‬ا‪ٜ‬ڇبـ ‪$‬ڂٰیٷ ټؽا‪ #ٟ٨‬ؼـثبـڄ خځڃپ ټڃ‪٬‬ز ‪$‬ټڃٰٷ‪ #‬یٯ اڀّفا‪ ٦‬ټطىڃة ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ڀجبیؽ اخبقڄ اڂپ ؼاؼڄ‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر”‪ “chicken out‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٨‬فاـ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «خب قؼپ اق ـڂی سفن» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I was going to go ​bungee ​jumping, but I chickened out.‬‬

‫ؼاٌشٻ ټیف‪٨‬شٻ ثبڀدی خبټذیځٳ اټب خب قؼٺ‪$ .‬سفویؽٺ‪#‬‬

‫!‪Come on! Don't chicken out now‬‬

‫یبال! االپ ؼیٵڅ خب ڀكپ!‬

‫‪Freddy chickened out of the plan at the last minute.‬‬

‫‪ِ٨‬فِؼی ؼـ آغفیٿ ٸط‪ٝ‬څ اق ڀ٭ٍڅ ‪٨‬فاـ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

My friends dared me to jump into the pond, but I chickened out and climbed
down from the tree.
.‫ ٰفؼڀؽ ٰڅ ؼاغٷ ثفٰڅ ثذفٺ اټب ټٿ سفویؽٺ ڂ اق ؼـغز دبییٿ اڂټؽٺ‬٫‫ؼڂوشبڀٻ ټٿ ـڂ سٍڃی‬

We almost convinced his dad to ride the roller coaster, but he chickened out
when he saw how high it went.
‫ی ثبال ټیفڄ‬٠‫ب‬٩‫شی ؼیؽ سب زڅ اـس‬٬‫ؽ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼیٻ ٰڅ وڃاـ سفپ چڃایی ثٍڅ اټب اڂ ڂ‬٠‫اټب س٭فیجب دؽـي ـڂ ټش٭ب‬
#‫خب قؼ‬$ .‫ ؼاؼ‬٦‫اڀّفا‬

‫جبـر «خب‬٠ ‫بؼٶ چبی‬١‫ځڃاپ ؼیٵف ټ‬٠ ‫“ ڀیك ثڅ‬have/get cold feet” ‫الضبر‬ِٙ‫ چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاپ اق ا‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
.‫بؼڄ ٰفؼ‬٩‫قؼپ» ڂ «وفؼ ٌؽپ» اوش‬

We're getting married next Saturday. That's if Stephen doesn't get cold feet!
!‫بپ خب ڀكڀڅ اقؼڂاج ټی ٰځیٻ‬٩‫ؽ ؼـِڃـسیٱڅ اوش‬١‫ټب ٌځجڅ ث‬

I'm worried she may be getting cold feet about our trip to Patagonia.
.‫فټڃپ ثڅ دبسبٰڃڀیب خب ثكڀڅ‬٩‫ڀٵفاڀٻ اڂ ؼـثبـڄ و‬

The bridegroom got cold feet on the day of the wedding.

.‫فڂوی خب قؼ‬٠ ‫جٷ اق‬٬ ‫ؼاټبؼ یٯ ـڂق‬

Sally said I should try skydiving, but I had cold feet.

.‫ز ٰڅ ټٿ ثبیؽ دفیؽپ ثب زشف ـڂ سدفثڅ ٰځٻ اټب ټٿ خب قؼٺ‬٩‫وبٸی ٴ‬

I was going to ​try bungee ​jumping, but I got cold ​feet.

.‫ټٿ ټیػڃاوشٻ ثبڀدی خبټذیځٳ ثفٺ اټب خب قؼٺ‬

‫خایی را گزفتي ‪ /‬خایی را اضغال وززى‬
‫)‪take up (space‬‬

‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ ”take up (space‬قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ اٌ‪٥‬بٶ ٌؽپ خبیی ٰڅ ؼاـای اچٽیز‬
‫اوز اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She takes up the whole bed.‬‬

‫اڂ ٰٷ سػز ـڂ ټیٵیفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hey, you're taking up the whole sofa.‬‬

‫سڃ چٽڅ خبی ٰبڀبدڅ ـڂ ٴف‪٨‬شی‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ٰ “hey‬څ ؼـ اثشؽای ټثبٶ ثبال آټؽڄ اوز ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ خٹت سڃخڅ ټػب٘ت ثفای ٌځیؽپ ضف‪٨‬شبپ‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ټیشڃاپ ثفای والٺ ؼاؼپ ثڅ ؼڂوز‪ ،‬ـ‪٨‬ی‪ ٫‬ڂ چٽٱبـ اق ٰٹٽڅ ”‪“Hey‬‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫خَگیز ضسى‬
‫‪get carried away‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی قټبڀی اِ‪ٙ‬الش «خڃ ٴیف ٌؽپ» ـا اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ ٰڅ ثف اثف چیدبپ ڂ اضىبوبر ڂ ثؽڂپ ‪٨‬ٱف‬
‫ٰبـی ـا اڀدبٺ ؼاؼڄ ثبٌیٻ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش‪٠ ،‬جبـر ”‪ “get carried away‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Alexander: How was the football match last night‬‬

‫‪Frank: Oh, it was terrific! When my favorite team scored the first goal, I just got‬‬
‫‪carried away and started shouting and jumping up and down.‬‬
‫اٸٱىبڀؽـ‪ :‬ټىبث٭څ ‪٨‬ڃسجبٶ ؼیٍت ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ ثڃؼ؟‬
‫‪٨‬فاڀٯ‪ :‬اڂڄ‪ ،‬ټ‪١‬فٰڅ ثڃؼ‪ .‬ڂ‪٬‬شی سیٻ ټڃـؼ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ ی ټٿ اڂٸیٿ ٴٷ ـڂ قؼ‪ ،‬یڇڃ ټځڃ خڃ ٴف‪٨‬ز ڂ ٌفڂ‪ٰ ٞ‬فؼٺ ثڅ ؼاؼ ڂ‬
‫‪٨‬فیبؼ ٍٰیؽپ ڂ ثبال دبییٿ دفیؽپ!‬

‫‪I just got carried away and bought a whole bunch of stuff more than I really‬‬
‫یڅ ٸط‪ٝ‬څ ټځڃ خڃ ٴف‪٨‬ز ڂ غیٹی زیكا ثیٍشف اق اڂڀی ٰڅ ڂا‪١٬‬بً ڀیبق ؼاٌشٻ غفیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Take this money and go to the candy store, but don't get carried away.‬‬
‫ایٿ دڃٶ ـڂ ثٵیف ڂ ثفڂ ټ‪٥‬بقڄ آثځجبر ‪٨‬فڂٌی ‪٨‬٭ٗ خڃٴیف ڀٍڃ‪.‬‬

‫‪Calm down, Tom. Don't get carried away.‬‬

‫آـڂٺ ثبي سبٺ‪ ،‬خڃٴیف ڀٍڃ‪.‬‬

‫چاپلَسی وززى‬
kiss up

.‫شٿ» اوز‬٩‫ ٴ‬٫‫ځی «زبدٹڃوی ٰفؼپ» ڂ «سٽٹ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬kiss up” ‫جبـر‬٠

Edgar is in kissing up to the boss again.

.‫اؼٴبـ ثبقچٻ ؼاـڄ زبدٹڃوی ـئیىً ـڂ ټیٱځڅ‬

Stop kissing up to me.

.‫زبدٹڃوی ټځڃ ڀٱٿ‬

Sara always kisses up to her boss, because she’s trying to get a promotion and a
.‫ ثٵیفڄ‬٪‫څ ض٭ڃ‬٨‫ یب أب‬ٟ‫ی‬٨‫ی ؼاـڄ سف‬١‫وبـا چٽیٍڅ زبدٹڃوی ـئیىً ـڂ ټیٱځڅ زڃپ و‬

William was angry because he didn’t get promoted to manager, even though he
had kissed up to the owner of the company for years.
‫ّجبڀیىز ضشی ثب ڂخڃؼ ایځٱڅ وبٶ چب زبدٹڃوی ِبضت ٌفٰز‬٠ ‫ڂیٹیبٺ زڃپ ثڅ دىز ټؽیفیز اـس٭ب دیؽا ڀٱفؼڄ‬
.‫ـا ٰفؼڄ‬

.‫ځی «زبدٹڃوی ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬butter up” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

A student tried to butter the teacher up.

.‫ٹٻ ـڂ ثٱځڅ‬١‫ی ٰفؼ زبدٹڃوی ټ‬١‫ؼاڀً آټڃق و‬

My coworker, hoping for a raise, is always buttering up the boss.

.‫ چٽیٍڅ زبدٹڃوی ـئیه ـڂ ټیٱځڅ‬٪‫څ ض٭ڃ‬٨‫چٽٱبـٺ ثڅ اټیؽ أب‬

‫چاذاى وززى ‪ /‬الف سزى ‪ /‬هثالغِ وززى‬
‫‪shoot mouth off‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “shoot mouth off‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـار «زبغبپ ٰفؼپ» ‪« ،‬ال‪ ٦‬قؼپ» ڂ «ټجبٸ‪٥‬څ ٰفؼپ»‬
‫اوز ڂ ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ٌػّی ٰڅ ؼـ ټڃـؼ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ثكـٴځٽبیی ټی ٰځؽ یب ثؽڂپ ا٘ال‪ٰ ٞ‬ب‪٨‬ی ؼـ ټڃـؼ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی‬
‫ضف‪ ٦‬ټی قڀؽ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't pay any attention to Bob. He's always shooting his mouth off.‬‬
‫ثڅ ثبة چیر سڃخڅ ای ڀٱځیؽ‪ .‬اڂ چٽیٍڅ ال‪ ٦‬ټیكڀڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Oh, James! Stop shooting off your mouth! You don't know what you're talking‬‬
‫اڂڄ‪ ،‬خیٽك! ال‪ ٦‬قؼپ ثىڅ! سڃ ڀٽیؽڂڀی ؼاـی ؼـټڃـؼ زی ضف‪ ٦‬ټیكڀی‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't go shooting your mouth off about how much money you're earning.‬‬
‫زبغبپ ڀٱٿ ٰڅ ز٭ؽـ ؼـآټؽ ؼاـی‪.‬‬

‫‪We don’t go shooting our mouths off saying that we’re the best band in Britain‬‬
‫ټب ڀٽی غڃاچیٻ ټجبٸ‪٥‬څ ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثڇشفیٿ ٴفڂڄ ټڃوی٭ی ؼـ ثفیشبڀیب چىشیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Don’t shoot mouth off about his skills‬‬

‫ؼـ ټڃـؼ ټڇبـسڇبیً زبغبپ ڀٱٿ!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬یٱی ؼیٵف اق ټ‪١‬بڀی اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪٠ “shoot mouth off‬جبـر «دك ؼاؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ٰىی ٰڅ‬
‫ثب ‪٤‬فڂـ اق ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ِطجز ټیٱځؽ ټیشڃاپ اق ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He likes to shoot off his mouth about what a great guy he is.‬‬
‫اڂ ؼـ ټڃـؼ ایٿ ٰڅ زڅ آؼٺ ثكـٴی اوز دك ټی ؼچؽ ڂ ثب ‪٤‬فڂـ ضف‪ ٦‬ټی قڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫چاًِ سزى‬

.‫شٿ» اوز‬٨‫ ٴف‬٧‫ی‬٩‫ځی «زبڀڅ قؼپ» ڂ «ڀػ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬haggle” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

The two sides are haggling over television rights.

.‫ سٹڃیكیٿ زبڀڅ ټی قڀځؽ‬٫‫ ؼاـپ وف ض‬٦‫چف ؼڂ ٘ف‬

Tourists haggled over exotic handicrafts.

.‫ ؼوشی غبـخی زبڀڅ ټی قؼڀؽ‬ٟ‫سڃـیىز چب وف ِځبی‬

Had to haggle to get his friend to sell his guitar for 20 bucks.
.‫فڂٌڅ‬٩‫ ؼالـ ث‬20 ‫ټدجڃـ زبڀڅ ثكڀڅ سب ؼڂوشً ـڂ ټدجڃـ ٰځڅ ٴیشبـي ـڂ‬

It's ​traditional that you haggle over the ​price of things in the ​market.
.‫یٽز زیكچب سڃ ثبقاـ ـوٽڅ‬٬ ‫زبڀڅ قؼپ وف‬

He ​hated to haggle over ​prices.

.‫فڄ‬٩‫یٽز ټشځ‬٬ ‫اڂ اق زبڀڅ قؼپ وف‬

The two ​clubs ​spent weeks haggling over the ​fee before ​finally ​reaching a ​deal.
.‫ ـویؽڀؽ‬٫٨‫شڅ چب وف چكیځڅ زبڀڅ قؼڀؽ ڂ ثبالغفڄ ثڅ سڃا‬٩‫ؼڂ ٰٹڃح چ‬

.‫ځی «زبڀڅ قؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬bargain” ‫ چٽسځیٿ ٰٹٽڅ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

He bargained with the local council to rent the stadium.

.‫اڂ ثب ٌڃـای ټطٹی وف اخبـڄ اوشبؼیڃٺ زبڀڅ قؼ‬

Unions bargain with ​employers for ​better ​rates of ​pay each ​year.
.‫فټبیبپ وف ڀفظ دفؼاغز ثڇشف چف وبٶ زبڀڅ ټی قڀځؽ‬٨‫اسطبؼیڅ ثب ٰبـ‬

‫ چطن غزُ رفتي‬/ ‫چپ چپ ًگاُ وززى‬
look daggers at somebody

‫ّجبڀیز ڂ ڀبـاضشی ثڅ ٰىی اوز ڂ‬٠ ‫ځبی ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼپ اق ـڂی‬١‫الش «زخ زخ ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ٰىی» ثڅ ټ‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫“ ټیجبٌؽ‬look daggers at somebody” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ټ‬

She looked daggers at him, but she continued her conversation with her sister,
turning every few words to fix him with a steely glare.
‫ز یٯ ثبـ ثڅ اڂ ڀٵبڄ ټی ٰفؼ سب ثب‬٬‫ اټب ثڅ ټٱبٸٽڅ ثب غڃاچفي اؼاټڅ ؼاؼڄ ڂ چف زځؽ ڂ‬،‫اڂ ثڇً زخ زخ ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼ‬
.‫یٯ ڀٵبڄ وػز اڂ ـا اِالش ٰځؽ‬

When she started to discuss their finances, he looked daggers at her.

.‫ اڂ زخ زخ ڀٵبچً ٰفؼ‬،‫ ٰفؼ ؼـثبـڄ اټڃـ ټبٸی آڀڇب ِطجز ٰځؽ‬ٞ‫شی ٌفڂ‬٬‫ڂ‬

She flung the fork down, looking daggers at him.

.‫ زځٵبٸً ـا دفسبة ٰفؼ‬،‫ز‬٨‫فڄ ټی ـ‬٤ ‫ؼـضبٸی ٰڅ ثڅ اڂ زٍٻ‬

Tom must have been mad at Katy from the way he was looking daggers at her.
.‫ٹڃٺ ثڃؼ‬١‫ّجبڀی ثڃؼ اق زخ زخ ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼڀً ټ‬٠ ‫ب اق ؼوز ٰیشی‬١ٙ٬ ‫سبٺ‬

Don't you dare look daggers at me! Don't even look cross-eyed at me.
.‫ڃـی ڀٱٿ‬٬‫ثڅ ټٿ زخ زخ ڀٵبڄ ڀٱٿ! زٍٽبر ـڂ اڂڀدڃـی ثبثب‬

‫چُزت سزى‬
‫‪take a nap‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «زُفر قؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ثڅ غڃاة وجٯ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ڂ ثڅ غڃاة ٰڃسبڄ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ټی ثبٌؽ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ثڅ‬
‫قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ”‪ “take a nap‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I took a short nap just after lunch.‬‬

‫ټٿ ث‪١‬ؽ اق ڀبچبـ یڅ زفر ٰڃسبڄ قؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪The baby takes a long nap each afternoon.‬‬

‫ثسڅ چف ث‪١‬ؽاق‪ٜ‬ڇف یڅ زفر ٘ڃالڀی ټیكڀڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm going to take a quick nap before we go shopping‬‬

‫ټٿ ټیػڃاٺ ‪٬‬جٷ اق ایځٱڅ ثفیٻ غفیؽ یڅ زفر وفی‪ ٟ‬ثكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Since Tom had a little free time, he took a nap.‬‬

‫زڃپ سبٺ ٰٽی ڂ‪٬‬ز ؼاٌز یڅ زفر قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I took a nap in math class yesterday and when teacher knew that, he threw me‬‬
‫‪out of the classroom.‬‬
‫ټٿ ؼیفڂق وف ٰالن ـیبٔی زفر قؼٺ ڂ ټ‪١‬ٹٻ ڂ‪٬‬شی ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ـا ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽ ټځڃ اق ٰالن اغفاج ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫چَب الی چزخ وسی گذاضتي‬
‫‪put a spoke in somebody’s wheel‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «زڃة الی زفظ ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ایدبؼ ټبڀ‪ٰ ٟ‬فؼپ ؼـ ٰبـی ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ ثڇشفیٿ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ثفای‬
‫ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “put a spoke in somebody’s wheel‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Tell him you're using the car that weekend. That should put a spoke in his wheel.‬‬
‫ثڅ اڂ ثٵڃ ٰڅ س‪ٙ١‬یالر چ‪٩‬شڅ آسی اق اسڃټجیٷ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځی‪ .‬ایٿ ٰبـ زڃة الی زفظ اڂ ټی ٴؿاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Unfortunately, His ​letter really put a spoke in ​our ​wheel.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬بڀڅ‪ ،‬ڀبټڅ اڂ ڂا‪١٬‬ب زڃة الی زفظ ټب ٴؿاٌز‪.‬‬

‫‪Merry could very easily find a way to put a spoke in his wheel.‬‬
‫ټفی ټی سڃاڀؽ غیٹی ـاضز یٯ ـاڄ ثفای زڃة ٴؿاٌشٿ الی زفظ اڂ دیؽا ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I always thought he was a good member of parliament but you have put a spoke‬‬
‫‪in his wheel.‬‬
‫ټٿ چٽیٍڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱفؼٺ اڂ یٯ ڀٽبیځؽڄ ټدٹه غڃة اوز ڂٸی سڃ زڃة الی زفغً ٴؿاٌشی‪.‬‬

‫حَاس وسی را پزت وززى‬
take one’s mind off something/somebody

»‫ځی «ضڃان ٰىی ـا دفر ٰفؼپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬take one’s mind off something/somebody” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

The good thing about ​running is that it ​takes my mind off any ​problems I have.
.‫یٯ ڀٱشڅ غڃة ؼـثبـڄ ؼڂیؽپ ایٿ اوز ٰڅ ضڃاوٻ ـا اق ټٍٱالسٻ دفر ټیٱځؽ‬

Talking to him took my mind off the toothache.

.‫ قؼپ ثب اڂ ضڃاوٻ ـا اق ؼڀؽاپ ؼـؼ دفر ٰفؼ‬٦‫ضف‬

That's the good thing about helping other people. It takes your mind off your
own problems.
.‫غڃثی ٰٽٯ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ؼیٵفاپ ایٿ اوز ٰڅ ضڃان ٌٽب ـا اق ټٍٱالر غڃؼسبپ دفر ټی ٰځؽ‬

A good night out with your friends will help you take your mind off exams.
.‫یٯ ٌجٵفؼی غڃة ثب ؼڂوشبڀز ضڃاوز ـا اق اټشطبڀبر دفر غڃاچؽ ٰفؼ‬

‫ذام ٍ تی تدزتِ تَزى‬

‫یٱی اق ټ‪١‬بڀی ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “green‬ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ «غبٺ ڂ ثی سدفثڅ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I wouldn't hire him if I were you. He's really green.‬‬

‫اٴڅ ټٿ خبی سڃ ثڃؼٺ اوشػؽاټً ڀٽی ٰفؼٺ اڂ ڂا‪١٬‬ب ثی سدفثڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I was very green when I ​started ​working there.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ایځدب ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ثڅ ٰبـ ٰفؼٺ غیٹی ثی سدفثڅ ڂ غبٺ ثڃؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪A green recruit fresh from college‬‬

‫اوشػؽاٺ ثی سدفثڅ چب اق ؼاڀٍٵبڄ‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “green‬ؼـ ـاث‪ٙ‬څ ثب ټیڃڄ چب ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰبٶ» ڂ «ڀبـن» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪We can’t bake an apple pie with these green apples.‬‬

‫ثب ایٿ وىیت چبی ٰبٶ ڀٽیشڃڀیٻ دبی ویت ثذكیٻ‪.‬‬

‫ذن تِ اتزٍ ًیاٍرزى‬
take it on the chin

.‫ځی «غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬take it on the chin” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

When the British Jockey Club cracked down on him for his latest misdemeanor,
he took it on the chin, accepting that he deserved it, and stating that he was
unlikely to return to the saddle again.
‫ز ٰڅ‬٨‫ غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـؼ ڂ دؿیف‬،‫ً اڂ ـا ټطؽڂؼ ٰفؼ‬٨‫شی ثبٌٵبڄ وڃاـٰبـی ثفیشبڀیب ثڅ غب٘ف آغفیٿ غال‬٬‫ڂ‬
.‫ز ٰڅ اضشٽبال ؼیٵف ثڅ ـڂی قیٿ ثفڀٽی ٴفؼؼ‬٩‫ آپ ـا ؼاـؼ ڂ ٴ‬٪‫اوشط٭ب‬

Some players are going to have to take it on the chin and accept that they still
have to learn what it takes to win big games.
‫جڃٶ ٰځځؽ ٰڅ ثبیؽ ثفای ثفؼ ؼـ ثبقی چبی ثكـٲ زیكچبیی یبؼ‬٬ ‫ٕی اق ثبقیٱځبپ ثبیؽ غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـڀؽ ڂ‬١‫ث‬

He told one American newspaper: “I think I've learnt that I've got to accept that,
take it on the chin, and move on.”
‫ غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـٺ ڂ اؼاټڅ‬،‫شڅ اٺ ٰڅ ثبیؽ آپ ـا ثذؿیفٺ‬٨‫ٱف ټی ٰځٻ یبؼ ٴف‬٨« :‫ز‬٩‫اڂ ثڅ یٯ ـڂقڀبټڅ آټفیٱبیی ٴ‬

‫ځی «غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـؼپ» ڂ «ٰٱً چٻ ڀٵكیؽ» ټی‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬not turn a hair” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ چٽسځیٿ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
He's such an easy going boy! Although his new phone was broken by a strange
child boy, he didn't turn a hair.
.‫ اِال ٰٱً چٻ ڀٵكیؽ‬،‫ٿ اڂ ـا ٌٱىز‬٩‫فیجڅ سٹ‬٤ ‫اڂ اِال دىف وػز ٴیفی ڀیىز! ثب ایځٱڅ یٯ دىفثسڅ‬

Although I've faced to many difficulties in my life but I never turned a hair.
.‫ثب ایځٱڅ ؼـ قڀؽٴی ثب ټٍٱالر قیبؼی ټڃاخڅ ٌؽڄ اٺ اټب چفٴك غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ڀیبڂـؼٺ‬

I was expecting her to be furious but she didn't turn a hair.

.‫ّجبڀی ټی ٌڃؼ اټب ٰٱً چٻ ڀٵكیؽ‬٠ ‫ٱف ټی ٰفؼٺ‬٨

She listened to all his confession without turning a hair.

.‫بر اڂ ٴڃي ٰفؼ‬٨‫شفا‬٠‫اڂ ثؽڂپ آپ ٰڅ غٻ ثڅ اثفڂ ثیبڂـؼ ثڅ سٽبټی ا‬

‫ذَز را تِ خای وسی خا سزى‬
‫‪pose as someone‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «غڃؼ ـا ثڅ خبی ٰىی خب قؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ټ‪١‬ف‪٨‬ی ٰفؼپ غڃؼ ثڅ خبی ٌػُ ؼیٵفی اوز ڂ ‪٤‬بٸجب ثڅ‬
‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ‪٨‬فیت ؼیٵفاپ ټی ثبٌؽ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی ”‪ “pose as someone‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I posed as Gerald and got the job.‬‬

‫غڃؼ ـا ثڅ خبی خفاٸؽ خب قؼٺ ڂ سڃ اڂپ ٌ‪٥‬ٷ اوشػؽاٺ ٌؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I posed as a nurse and got a job at a summer camp.‬‬

‫غڃؼٺ ـڂ ثڅ خبی دفوشبـ خب قؼٺ ڂ یٯ ٌ‪٥‬ٷ سڃی اـؼڂٴبڄ سبثىشبڀی ٴف‪٨‬شٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The impostor posed as the president of the company.‬‬

‫اڂپ ټش٭ٹت غڃؼي ـڂ ثڅ ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ خب قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪My twin posed as me while I went on vacation.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ټٿ ثڅ س‪ٙ١‬یالر ـ‪٨‬شٻ‪ ،‬ؼڂ‪٬‬ٹڃی ټٿ غڃؼي ـڂ خبی ټٿ خب قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Police officers posing as customers were sold some of the stolen items.‬‬
‫ثڅ دٹیىی ٰڅ غڃؼي ـڂ ثڅ خبی ټٍشفی خب قؼڄ ثڃؼ زځؽ ٌی ؼقؼی ‪٨‬فڂغشڅ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫ذَزوطی وززى‬

.‫ځی «غڃؼ ٍٰی» ڂ «غڃؼ ٍٰی ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬suicide” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

Linda had thoughts of suicide.

.‫ٱبـی ؼـ ټڃـؼ غڃؼٍٰی ٰفؼپ ؼـ ؾچٿ ؼاٌز‬٨‫ٸیځؽا ا‬

He leaves the service and then suicides

.‫اڂ غؽټز ـا ـچب ٰفؼ ڂ غڃؼٍٰی ٰفؼ‬

None of their family members had attempted or committed suicide in the

preceding year.
.‫ؽاٺ ثڅ غڃؼٍٰی ڀٱفؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ‬٬‫ٕبی غبڀڃاؼڄ ٌبپ ؼـ وبٶ ٴؿٌشڅ ا‬٠‫چیر ٰؽاٺ اق ا‬

She ​tried to ​commit suicide by ​slashing her ​wrists.

.‫ی ثڅ غڃؼٍٰی ٰفؼ‬١‫اڂ ثب ثفیؽپ ـٲ ؼوشً و‬

The ​family were ​shattered at the ​news of Annabel's suicide.

.‫غبڀڃاؼڄ ثب ٌځیؽپ غجف غڃؼٍٰی آڀبثٷ اق چٻ دبٌیؽ‬

Authorities have officially ruled the death a suicide.

.‫الٺ ٰفؼڀؽ‬٠‫ټ٭بټبر ثڅ ٘ڃـ ـوٽی ؼٸیٷ ټفٲ ـا غڃؼٍٰی ا‬

There were two suicides last year at the university.

.‫شبؼ‬٨‫ ا‬٪‫ب‬٩‫وبٶ ٴؿٌشڅ ؼڂ غڃؼٍٰی ؼـ ؼاڀٍٵبڄ اس‬

The suicide ​rate among men between the ​ages of 16 and 25 has ​risen ​alarmingly.
.‫شڅ اوز‬٨‫كایً یب‬٨‫ وبٶ ثڅ ٘فق چٍؽاـ ؼچځؽڄ ای ا‬25 ‫ سب‬16 ‫ټیكاپ غڃؼٍٰی ټیبپ ټفؼاپ‬

Many suicides ​occur in ​prisons.

.‫شؽ‬٨‫ ټی ا‬٪‫ب‬٩‫ؽاؼی اق غڃؼٍٰی چب ؼـ قڀؽاپ اس‬١‫س‬

‫ سراٍتوٌس تَزى‬/ ‫ذَش للة تَزى‬
have a heart of gold

‫ «وػبڂسٽځؽ ثڃؼپ» ڂ «غیٹی ټڇفثبپ‬، »‫ٹت ثڃؼپ‬٬ ‫ځی «غڃي‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬have a heart of gold” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ثڃؼپ» اوز‬

Mary is such a lovely person. She has a heart of gold.

.‫ٹجڅ‬٬ ‫ اڂ غیٹی غڃي‬.‫ټبـی آؼٺ ؼڂوز ؼاٌشځی چىز‬

She'll do anything for anyone. She's got a heart of gold.

.‫ٹجی اوز‬٬ ‫ اڂ آؼٺ غڃي‬.‫اڂ ثفای چٽڅ چف ٰبـی ټی ٰځؽ‬

My grandmother’s neighbor has a heart of gold. She helps my grandmother with

her shopping and visits her every day.
‫ اڂ ثڅ ټبؼـثكـٴٻ ؼـ غفیؽچبیً ٰٽٯ ټی ٰځؽ ڂ چف ـڂق ثڅ اڂ وف‬.‫چٽىبیڅ ټبؼـثكـٴٻ آؼٺ وػبڂسٽځؽی اوز‬
.‫ټی قڀؽ‬

‫ذَى خلَی چطن وسی را گزفتي‬
‫‪see red‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «غڃپ خٹڃی زٍٻ ٰىی ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٿ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی غیٹی ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ٌؽپ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر “‪ "see red‬ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Whenever I think of the needless destruction of trees, I see red.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ثڅ ‪ ِٟٙ٬‬ثی ؼٸیٷ ؼـغشبپ ‪٨‬ٱف ټی ٰځٻ غڃڀٻ ثڅ خڃي ټی آیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Bill really saw red when the tax bill arrived.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ‪٬‬جٓ ټبٸیبر ـویؽ غڃپ ثیٷ ثڅ خڃي آټؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪When she hung up the phone, I saw red. I’ve never been so angry in my life.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی سٹ‪٩‬ٿ ـا ‪ٰ ٟٙ٬‬فؼ‪ ،‬غڃپ خٹڃی زٍٽبڀٻ ـا ٴف‪٨‬شڅ ثڃؼ‪ .‬سب ثڅ ضبٶ ایځ‪ٙ‬ڃـ ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ڀٍؽڄ ثڃؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I saw red when I learned they had not invited Tom and his family.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽٺ سبٺ ڂ غبڀڃاؼڄ اي ـا ؼ‪٠‬ڃر ڀٱفؼڄ اڀؽ غڃپ خٹڃی زٍٽبڀٻ ـا ٴف‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪Once in a blue moon I see red.‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀؽـر غڃڀٻ ثڅ خڃي ټی آیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪٠ “once in a blue moon‬جبـسی ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ ڀؽـر» اوز‪.‬‬

‫ذًَسزز تَزى‬
as cool as cucumber

.‫ځی «غڃڀىفؼ ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬as cool as cucumber” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

The man from Moscow, calm and cool as a cucumber, knocked him out cold.
.‫ اڂ ـا ثب ټٍز ڀ٭ً ثف قټیٿ ٰفؼ‬،‫ آـاٺ ڂ غڃڀىفؼ‬،‫ټفؼ اچٷ ټڃوٱڃ‬

She ​walked in as cool as a ​cucumber, as if nothing had ​happened.

.‫شبؼڄ اوز‬٨‫ی ڀیب‬٬‫ب‬٩‫ اڀٵبـ اس‬،‫ؽٺ ټیكؼ‬٬ ‫اڂ غڃڀىفؼ‬

Joan felt nervous, but she acted as cool as a cucumber.

.‫شبـ ټی ٰفؼ‬٨‫ّجی ثڃؼ اټب غڃڀىفؼ ـ‬٠ ‫خڃآپ‬

I bet you anything Jason's at home cool as a cucumber, not stressing over what
he's going to wear.
.‫فاـ اوز زڅ ثذڃٌؽ‬٬ ‫ثب ٌٽب ٌفٖ ټی ثځؽٺ ٰڅ خیىڃپ ؼـ غبڀڅ ٰبټال غڃڀىفؼ اوز ڂ اِال اوشفن ڀؽاـؼ ٰڅ‬

The politician kept cool as a cucumber throughout the interview with the
aggressive journalist.
.‫ّجبڀی ٰبټال غڃڀىفؼ ثڃؼ‬٠ ‫اڂپ ویبوشٽؽاـ ؼـ چځٵبٺ ټّبضجڅ ثب غجفڀٵبـچبی‬

On my first day of school, I was so nervous about everything. My friend was as

cool as a cucumber!
.‫ ثڅ چٽڅ زی اوشفن ؼاٌشٻ اټب ؼڂوشٻ ٰبټال غڃڀىفؼ ثڃؼ‬ٟ‫ـڂق اڂٶ ټؽـوڅ ـاخ‬

‫ سل سزى‬/ ‫ذیزُ ضسى‬

.‫ځی «غیفڄ ٌؽپ» ڂ «قٶ قؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬stare” ‫ٷ‬١٨

Tom: Why are you staring at me?

Linda: I was staring at the scenery behind you.
‫ زفا ثڅ ټٿ غیفڄ ٌؽی؟‬:‫سبٺ‬
.‫فڄ دٍشز غیفڄ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼٺ‬ٝ‫ ټٿ ثڅ ټځ‬:‫ٸیځؽا‬

He stared at her in amazement.

.‫اڂپ ثب ضیفر ثڅ اڂپ غیفڄ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‬

I stared blankly at the paper in front of me.

.‫ڇٽٻ ثڅ ثفٴڅ ـڂثفڂٺ غیفڄ ٌؽٺ‬٩‫ټٿ ثؽڂپ ایځٱڅ زیكی اقي ث‬

He lifted his head and stared at her.

.‫اڂپ وفي ـڂ ثٹځؽ ٰفؼ ڂ ثڇً غیفڄ ٌؽ‬

He was still staring at himself in the mirror.

.‫اڂپ چځڃقٺ ثڅ غڃؼي ؼاغٷ آیځڅ قٶ ټی قڀؽ‬

She stared at him stonily as he came in.

.‫شی دىف ڂاـؼ ٌؽ اڂ ټجڇڃر غیفڄ ڀٵبچً ټی ٰفؼ‬٬‫ڂ‬

‫ حال وززى‬/ ‫ذیلی ذَش گذراًسى‬
paint the town red

.‫ځی «ضبٶ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «غیٹی غڃي ٴؿـڂڀؽپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬paint the town red” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

My mom doesn’t let me go out and paint the town red.

.‫ټبؼـٺ ثڅ ټٿ اخبقڄ ڀٽیؽچؽ ثیفڂپ ثفٺ ڂ غڃي ثٵؿـڂڀٻ‬

After the exam, let's go out and paint the town red!
!‫ؽ اق اټشطبپ ثیب ثفیٻ ثیفڂپ ڂ غڃي ثٵؿـڂڀیٻ‬١‫ث‬

They were out painting the town red last night.

.‫اڂڀب ؼیٍت ثیفڂپ ثڃؼڀؽ ڂ ٰٹی غڃي ٴؿـڂڀؽڀؽ‬

Whenever they go to Rome they want to paint the town red.

.‫چفثبـ ٰڅ اڂڀب ټیفپ ـٺ ټیػڃاپ ٰڅ ضبٶ ٰځٿ ڂ غڃي ثٵؿـڂڀٿ‬

Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red.
.‫شڅ ٰٹی ضبٶ ٰځڅ ڂ غڃي ثٵؿـڂڀڅ‬٨‫خٯ اټشطبڀبي ـڂ اټفڂق سٽڃٺ ٰفؼ ڂ ضبال ـ‬

‫ذیلی گزسٌِ تَزى ‪ /‬هثل ذزس گزسٌِ تَزى‬
‫‪hungry as a bear‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “hungry as a bear‬اِ‪ٙ‬الضی ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غیٹی ٴفوځڅ ثڃؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Maria: Are you hungry‬‬

‫!‪Sara: You've got to be kidding me! I'm as hungry as a bear‬‬
‫ټبـیب‪ :‬ٴٍځشڅ؟‬
‫وبـا‪ :‬ضشٽب ؼاـی ثبچبٺ ٌڃغی ټی ٰځی‪ ،‬ټٿ غیٹی ٴٍځٽڅ!‬

‫‪Alex is usually as hungry as bear when he comes back from basketball class.‬‬
‫اٸٱه ڂ‪٬‬شی اق ٰالن ثىٱشجبٶ ثفټیٵفؼؼ ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ټثٷ غفن ٴٍځڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I've had nothing but a sandwich all day. Now I’m as hungry as a bear.‬‬
‫سٽبٺ ـڂق زیكی ثڅ خك یٯ وبڀؽڂیر ڀػڃـؼٺ‪ .‬االپ ټثٷ یٯ غفن ٴفوځڅ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hana is a growing puppy and she always seems hungry as a bear.‬‬

‫چبڀب یٯ سڃٸڅ وٳ ؼـ ضبٶ ـٌؽڄ ڂ چٽیٍڅ غیٹی ٴفوځڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “starve‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اق ٴفوځٵی ټفؼپ» ڂ «غیٹی ٴفوځڅ ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪She devotes her energies to helping the world's starving children.‬‬

‫اڂ سٽبٺ اڀفلی اي ـڂ ثفای ٰٽٯ ثڅ ٰڃؼٰبپ ٴفوځڅ ؼـ وفاوف ؼڀیب ِف‪ ٦‬ټی ٰځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪I’m starved because I ​missed ​lunch today.‬‬

‫اټفڂق ڀبچبـ ڀػڃـؼٺ ڂ ؼاـٺ اق ٴٍځٵی ټی ټیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I don't know about you, but I'm starving.‬‬

‫سڃ ـڂ ڀٽیؽڂڀٻ‪ ،‬ڂٸی ټٿ اق ٴٍځٵی ؼاـٺ ټیٽیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Isn't ​lunch ​ready ​yet? I'm starving.‬‬

‫چځڃق ڀبچبـ آټبؼڄ ڀیىز؟ ټٿ ؼاـٺ اق ٴٍځٵی ټیٽیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫زر ذكز تَزى‬
on the line

.‫ف ثڃؼپ» اوز‬ٙ‫ځی «ؼـ غ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬on the line” ‫جبـر‬٠

My job is on the line

.‫فڄ‬ٙ‫ٹٻ ؼـ غ‬٥ٌ

My reputation is on the line

.‫فڄ‬ٙ‫شجبـٺ ؼـ غ‬٠‫ا‬

Almost 3,000 ​jobs have been ​lost ​recently, and a ​further 3,000 are on the line.
.‫ف ثیٱبـی چىشځؽ‬ٙ‫ف ؼیٵف چٻ ؼـ غ‬٩‫ ڀ‬3000 ‫ف ثیٱبـ ٌؽڀؽ ڂ‬٩‫ ڀ‬3000 ‫س٭فیجب‬

Careers were on the line once again.

.‫ف چىشځؽ‬ٙ‫ٷ چب ؼڂثبـڄ ؼـغ‬٥ٌ

We should protect police officers whose lives are on the line.

.‫ف اوز ضٽبیز ٰځیٻ‬ٙ‫فْ غ‬١‫ىفاپ دٹیه ٰڅ خبڀٍبپ ؼـ ټ‬٨‫ټب ثبیؽ اق ا‬

‫زر غحت ٍ سالهت تَزى‬
safe and sound

.‫ځی «ؼـ ِطز ڂ والټز ثڃؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬safe and sound” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

He had a bad accident. He's safe and sound, though.

.‫ ثؽی ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ ڂٸی وبٸٻ ڂ والټز ثڃؼ‬٦‫اڂ سّبؼ‬

I'm glad to see you here safe and sound.

.‫غڃٌطبٸٻ ٰڅ سڃ ـا وبٸٻ ڂ والټز ایځدب ټی ثیځٻ‬

It was a difficult drive but we all arrived safe and sound.

.‫ـاڀځؽٴی وػشی ثڃؼ اټب چٽڅ ؼـ ِطز ڂ والټز ـویؽیٻ‬

After three days of searching for them, the hikers were found safe and sound.
.‫شځؽ‬٨‫ ٰڃچځڃـؼاپ ـا وبٸٻ ڂ والټز یب‬،‫ؽ اق وڅ ـڂق خىشدڃ‬١‫ث‬

The children were found safe and sound after hiding in the woods.
.‫ؽ اق دځڇبپ ٌؽپ ؼـ خځٵٷ ؼـ ِطز ڂ والټز دیؽا ٌؽڀؽ‬١‫ثسڅ چب ث‬

The road was icy but our driver got us home safe and sound.
.‫خبؼڄ یع قؼڄ ثڃؼ اټب ـاڀځؽڄ ټب ـا وبٸٻ ثڅ ټځكٶ ـوبڀؽ‬

‫زست اس سز وسی تززاضتي‬
‫‪get off my back/case‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “get off someone’s back/case‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼوز اق وف ٰىی ثفؼاٌشٿ» اوز ڂ ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ‬
‫دبیبپ ؼاؼپ ثڅ اڀش٭بؼار ڂ آقاـ چبی ؼیٵفاپ ثیبپ ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Come on‚ get off my case! Stop nagging me.‬‬

‫ثیػیبٶ‪ ،‬ؼوز اق وفٺ ثفؼاـ! ایځ٭ؽـ ‪٤‬ف ڀكپ‪.‬‬

‫‪They think he was trying to cheat them, so they're not going to get off his case.‬‬
‫آڀڇب ‪٨‬ٱف ټی ٰځځؽ ٰڅ اڂ و‪١‬ی ؼاٌز وفٌبپ ٰالڄ ثٵؿاـؼ‪ ،‬ثځبثفایٿ آڀڇب ؼوز ثفؼاـي ڀیىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫!‪I'm tired of your criticism, Bill. Get off my case‬‬

‫اق ؼوز اڀش٭بؼار غىشڅ ٌؽٺ ثیٷ‪ .‬ؼوز اق وفٺ ثفؼاـ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Quit picking on her. Get off her back‬‬

‫اق اؾیز اڂ ؼوز ثفؼاـ‪ .‬ثیػیبٸً ٌڃ‪.‬‬

‫‪I told him the ​problem had already been ​dealt with and he could get off my case.‬‬
‫ثڇً ٴ‪٩‬شٻ ٰڅ ټٍٱٷ ضٷ ٌؽڄ ڂ ټیشڃڀڅ ؼیٵڅ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ـڂ دیٵیفی ڀٱځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪I've had enough of your advice, so just get off my case.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ اڀؽاقڄ ٰب‪٨‬ی ڀّبیص سڃ ـڂ ٌځیؽٺ ده ؼیٵڅ ؼوز اق وفٺ ثفؼاـ‪.‬‬

‫زست تِ سیاُ ٍ سفیس ًشزى ‪ /‬ووه ًىززى‬
‫‪not lift a finger‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ؼوز ثڅ ویبڄ ڂ و‪٩‬یؽ ڀكؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی اِال ٰٽٯ ڀٱفؼپ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ثڅ اڀٵٹیىی‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “not lift a finger‬ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪How come I have to do all the work around the house while frank never even‬‬
‫‪lifts a finger.‬‬
‫ز‪ٙ‬ڃـڄ ٰڅ ټٿ ثبیؽ چٽڅ ی ٰبـچبی غڃڀڅ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ ؼـ ضبٸی ٰڅ ‪٨‬فاڀٯ چیر ڂ‪٬‬ز ضشی ؼوز ثڅ ویبڄ ڂ‬
‫و‪٩‬یؽ چٻ ڀٽیكڀڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪They wouldn't lift a finger to help us.‬‬

‫آڀڇب چیر ‪٬‬ؽټی ثفای ٰٽٯ ثڅ ټب ثفڀٽیؽاـڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Can you imagine that he wouldn't lift a finger‬‬

‫ټی سڃاڀی سّڃـ ٰځی ٰڅ اڂ چیر ٰٽٱی ڀٱځؽ؟‬

‫‪He spends all day stretched out on the couch and doesn't lift a finger to help.‬‬
‫اڂ چٽڅ ی ـڂق ـا ـڂی ٰبڀبدڅ ؼـاق ٍٰیؽ ڂ ٰٽٯ ڀٱفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Mina doesn’t lift a finger and her sister cleans the room alone.‬‬
‫ټیځب ؼوز ثڅ ویبڄ ڂ و‪٩‬یؽ ڀٽی قڀڅ ڂ غڃاچفي اسب‪ ٪‬ـا ثڅ سځڇبیی سٽیك ټیٱځڅ‪.‬‬

‫ خزات تِ ذزج زازى‬/ ‫زل تِ زریا سزى‬
take one's courage in both hands

»‫ځی «ؼٶ ثڅ ؼـیب قؼپ» ڂ «خفار ثڅ غفج ؼاؼپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬take one's courage in both hands” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ټی ثبٌؽ‬

What's interesting here is that the whistleblowers take their courage in both
hands and allow themselves to be named.
.‫ٍبٴفاپ ؼٶ ثڅ ؼـیب قؼڀؽ ڂ اخبقڄ ؼاؼڀؽ ٰڅ ڀبټٍبپ ؾٰف ٌڃؼ‬٨‫خبٸت ایځدبوز ٰڅ ا‬

When will our MPs, sent to Parliament to represent the true interests of the
people of the country, take their courage in both hands and vote to dispose of
‫شڅ اڀؽ زڅ قټبڀی ټی غڃاچځؽ ؼٶ ڂ خفار ثڅ غفج‬٨‫ ټفؼٺ ٍٰڃـ ثڅ دبـٸٽبپ ـ‬ٟ٨‫ڀٽبیځؽڄ چبی ټدٹه ٰڅ ثفای ټځب‬
‫ؼاؼڄ ڂ ثفای ٰځبـ ٴؿاٌشٿ اڂ ـای ثؽچځؽ؟‬

Then, at the age of 36, the Frenchwoman finally took her courage in both hands
and participated in cooking competition.
.‫ وبٸٵی خفار ثڅ غفج ؼاؼ ڂ ؼـ ټىبث٭څ آٌذكی ٌفٰز ٰفؼ‬36 ‫فاڀىڃی ؼـ وٿ‬٨ ‫ثبالغفڄ قپ‬

‫ زلْزُ زاضتي‬/ ‫زلطَرُ گزفتي‬
butterflies in one's stomach

‫الش ؼـ قثبپ‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ی ؼاٌشٿ اوز ڂ ټ‬٠‫فاة اق ټڃٔڃ‬ٙٔ‫ځی اوشفن ڂ ا‬١‫شٿ» ثڅ ټ‬٨‫الش «ؼٸٍڃـڄ ٴف‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫“ ټیجبٌؽ‬butterflies in one's stomach” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫اڀٵٹیىی‬

Whenever I have to speak in public, I get butterflies in my stomach.

.‫ ؼٸٍڃـڄ ټیٵیفٺ‬،‫ ِطجز ٰځٻ‬ٟ‫چف قټبڀی ٰڅ ټٿ ټیػڃاچٻ ؼـ خٽ‬

She always has butterflies in her stomach before a test.

.‫جٷ اق اټشطبپ ؼٸڇفڄ ؼاـؼ‬٬ ‫اڂ چٽیٍڅ‬

It was not frightening enough to give me butterflies in my stomach, but it made

me a little apprehensive.
.‫ اټب ایٿ ټفا ٰٽی ڀٵفاپ ټی ٰځؽ‬،‫ اڀ٭ؽـ سفوځبٮ ڀیىز ٰڅ ټٿ ؼٸٍڃـڄ ثٵیفٺ‬#ٞ‫ټڃٔڃ‬$ ‫ایٿ‬

Mary had butterflies in her stomach because it was her first day at school.
.‫ټبـی ؼٸٍڃـڄ ؼاٌز زڃپ ـڂق اڂٶ ټؽـوڅ اي ثڃؼ‬

‫زَم وززى‬

.‫ ؼٺ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬#‫ڇڃڄ‬٬ ‫زبی یب‬$« ‫بڀی‬١‫بڂسی ؼاـؼ ڂ یٱی اق ایٿ ټ‬٩‫بڀی ټش‬١‫“ ټ‬brew” ‫ٷ‬١٨

You haven't let the tea brew long enough.

‫ڀٵؿاٌشی زبی غڃة ؼٺ ثٱٍڅ‬

I've just brewed some coffee.

.‫ڇڃڄ ؼٺ ٰفؼٺ‬٬ ‫٭ٗ ٰٽی‬٨ ‫ټٿ‬

I'll brew some tea.

.‫ټٿ یڅ ٰٻ زبیی ؼٺ غڃاچٻ ٰفؼ‬

As the coffee brewed, I paced in the kitchen.

.‫شٻ‬٨‫ ټٿ ثڅ آٌذكغبڀڅ ـ‬،‫ڇڃڄ ؼٺ ٍٰیؽ‬٬ ‫شی ٰڅ‬٬‫ڂ‬

Then she added water and started brewing the coffee.

.‫ڇڃڄ ٰفؼ‬٬ ‫ ثڅ ؼٺ ٰفؼپ‬ٞ‫څ ٰفؼ ڂ ٌفڂ‬٨‫ؽي اڂپ ثڇً آة أب‬١‫ث‬

He also brewed a jasmine tea that he had found in one of the cupboards.
.‫ىڅ دیؽاي ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ‬٩٬ ‫اڂپ ؼټځڃي زبی ٴٷ یبوی ـڂ ؼٺ ٰفؼ ٰڅ سڃی‬

‫زًثال ًرَز سیاُ فزستازى ‪ /‬وار تیَْزُ وززى‬
‫‪send on a wild goose chase‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «دی ڀػڃؼ ویبڄ ‪٨‬فوشبؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ‪٨‬فوشبؼپ ٰىی ؼـ خىشدڃی زیكی ثیڇڃؼڄ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “send on a wild goose chase‬ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪You sent me on a wild goose chase! There are no straw hats for sale anywhere in‬‬
‫سڃ ټځڃ ؼڀجبٶ ڀػڃؼ ویبڄ ‪٨‬فوشبؼڄ ثڃؼی! ؼـ چیر خبی ٌڇفٰڅ چیر ٰالڄ ضّیفی ای ثفای ‪٨‬فڂي ڀیىز!‬

‫‪Fred was sent on a wild goose chase while his friends prepared a surprise party‬‬
‫‪for him.‬‬
‫‪ِ٨‬فِؼ ڂ‪٬‬شی ؼڂوشبي ؼـ ضبٶ آټبؼڄ ٰفؼپ یٯ ټڇٽبڀی ‪٤‬ب‪٨‬ٹٵیفاڀڅ ثفایً ثڃؼڀؽ‪ ،‬ؼڀجبٶ ڀػڃؼ ویبڄ ـ‪٨‬شڅ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪After two ​hours ​spent ​wandering in the ​snow, I ​realized we were on‬‬
‫‪a ​wild ​goose ​chase.‬‬
‫ث‪١‬ؽ اق ؼڂ وب‪٠‬ز دفوڅ قؼپ ثیٿ ثف‪ ٦‬چب ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽٺ ٰڅ ٰبـ ثیڇڃؼڄ ای ټیٱفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪John was angry because he was sent out on a wild goose chase.‬‬
‫خبپ غیٹی ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ثڃؼ زڃپ ‪٨‬فوشبؼڄ ثڃؼڀً ؼڀجبٶ ڀػڃؼ ویبڄ‪.‬‬

‫زّاى وسی آب افتازى‬
‫‪make someone's mouth water‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “make someone's mouth water‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼچبپ ٰىی آة ا‪٨‬شبؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪That beautiful salad makes my mouth water.‬‬

‫اڂپ وبالؼ قیجب ؼچځٻ ـڂ آة اڀؽاغز‪.‬‬

‫‪Talking about food makes my mouth water.‬‬

‫ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ ـاخ‪ ٟ‬ثڅ ‪٤‬ؿا ؼچبڀٻ ـڂ آة ټی اڀؽاقڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The smell of fish and chips made my mouth water.‬‬

‫ثڃی ټبچی ڂ زیذه ؼچبڀٻ ـا آة ټی اڀؽاقؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “mouth-watering‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غڃٌٽكڄ» ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ‪٤‬ؿایی قیجب ڂ‬
‫غڃٌٽكڄ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪My wife prepared a mouth-watering dinner for the both of us.‬‬

‫چٽىفٺ یٯ ٌبٺ غڃٌٽكڄ ثفای چفؼڂسبټڃپ ؼـوز ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hundreds of cheeses, in a mouth-watering variety of shapes.‬‬

‫ِؽچب دځیف ؼـ ٴڃڀڅ چب ڂ ٌٱٷ چبی غیٹی غڃٌٽكڄ‬

‫?‪Linda: How is the chocolate cake here‬‬

‫‪Bryce: It is mouth-watering.‬‬
‫ٸیځؽا‪ٰ :‬یٯ ٌٱالسی چبی ایځدب ز‪ٙ‬ڃـڀؽ؟‬
‫ثفایه‪ :‬غیٹی غڃٌٽكڄ چىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫راسزاری وززى‬
keep something under one’s hat

.‫ځی «ـاقؼاـی ٰفؼپ» ٸىز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬keep something under one’s hat” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

Keep it under your hat is the golden rule for top chefs when it comes to sharing
culinary secrets.
.‫ز اٌشفاٮ ـاقچبی دػز ڂ دك ټیٍڅ‬٬‫شی ٰڅ ڂ‬٬‫بڀڃپ ٘الیی وفآٌذكچبوز ڂ‬٬ ‫ـاقؼاـی‬

Churchill replied: “I'll tell you a secret, but keep it under your hat.”
#‫دیً غڃؼر ثبٌڅ‬$ .‫ ټٿ ثڅ سڃ یٯ ـاق ټیٵڃیٻ اټب سڃ ثڅ ٰىی ڀٵڃ‬:‫زفزیٷ خڃاة ؼاؼ‬

They've certainly kept this change under their hat.

.‫ییف ـا ثڅ ِڃـر ـاق ڀٵڅ ؼاٌشځؽ‬٥‫ب ایٿ س‬١ٙ٬ ‫آڀڇب‬

I know how to keep my politics under my hat for a dinner party.

.‫ز ٌبٺ دځڇبپ ٰځٻ‬٨‫ڃـ ویبوشڇبیٻ ـڂ ؼـ ٔیب‬ٙ‫ټٿ ټی ؼاڀٻ ز‬

Keep this under your hat, but I'm getting married.

.‫ثیٿ غڃؼټڃپ ثبٌڅ اټب ټٿ ؼاـٺ اقؼڂاج ټیٱځٻ‬

I've got some interesting news, but you must promise to keep it under your hat
for the moment.
.‫ڃٶ ثؽی ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف دیً غڃؼر ثٽڃڀڅ‬٬ ‫ټٿ یٯ غجف خبٸت ؼاـٺ اټب ثبیؽ‬

‫رصین گزفتي‬

.‫شٿ» اوز‬٨‫ځی «ـلیٻ» ڂ «ـلیٻ ٴف‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬diet” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

You should go on a diet.

.‫ثبیؽ ـلیٻ ثٵیفی‬

I began dieting again.

.‫شٿ‬٨‫ ٰفؼٺ ثڅ ـلیٻ ٴف‬ٞ‫ؼڂثبـڄ ٌفڂ‬

Your health problems could be related to your diet.

.‫ټٍٱٷ والټشی ٌٽب ټٽٱځڅ ټفثڃٖ ثڅ ـلیٽز ثبٌڅ‬

You should be ​able to ​reduce ​your ​weight by ​careful dieting.

.‫ثب ـلیٻ ثبیؽ ڂقڀز ـڂ ٰٻ ٰځی‬

He ​began dieting a ​month ago and says he has ​lost ten ​pounds already.
.‫ دڃڀؽ ٰٻ ٰفؼڄ‬10 ‫ ٰفؼ ڂ ټیٵڅ سب االپ‬ٞ‫اڂ یٯ ټبڄ دیً ـلیٻ غڃؼي ـڂ ٌفڂ‬

The ​children ​seem to ​exist on a diet of ​fried ​food.

.‫ؿای وفظ ٰفؼڀی ؼاـڀؽ‬٤ ‫ف ټیفوڅ ثسڅ چب ـلیٻ‬ٝ‫ثڅ ڀ‬

‫رُن حزف سزى ‪ /‬غاف ٍ پَست وٌسُ غحثت وززى‬
‫‪talk turkey‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “talk turkey‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ـُٮ ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ» ڂ «ِب‪ ٦‬ڂ دڃوز ٰځؽڄ ِطجز ٰفؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪John wanted to talk turkey, but Jane just wanted to joke around.‬‬
‫خبپ ټی غڃاوز ـٮ ضف‪ ٦‬ثكڀؽ اټب خیٿ ټی غڃاوز چٽڅ زیك ـا ثڅ غځؽڄ ثٵؿـاڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It’s time to talk turkey, and quit messing around.‬‬

‫ضبال ڂ‪٬‬ز ـٮ ثڃؼپ‪ ،‬ڂ ؼوز اق ٘‪٩‬فڄ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ثفؼاٌشٿ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪If the two sides in the dispute are to meet, they must be prepared to talk turkey.‬‬
‫اٴف ‪٬‬فاـ اوز ؼڂ ٘ف‪ ٦‬ټځب‪ٍ٬‬څ ثب چٻ ټال‪٬‬بر ٰځځؽ ثبیؽ غڃؼ ـا ثفای ِب‪ ٦‬ڂ دڃوز ِطجز ٰفؼپ آټبؼڄ ٰځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't call me until you're ready to talk turkey.‬‬

‫سب ڂ‪٬‬شی ثفای ِب‪ ٦‬ڂ دڃوز ٰځؽڄ ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ آټبؼڄ ڀٍؽی ثب ټٿ سٽبن ڀٵیف‪.‬‬

‫ سالن تَزى‬/ ‫ ذیلی ذَب تَزى‬/ ‫رٍ فزم تَزى‬
fit as a fiddle

.‫ «غیٹی غڃة ثڃؼپ» ڂ «وبٸٻ ثڃؼپ» اوز‬، »‫فٺ ثڃؼپ‬٨ ‫ځی «ـڂ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬as fit as a fiddle” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

She’s over eighty now, but still as fit as a fiddle.

.‫فټڅ‬٨ ‫اڂ االپ ثبالی چٍشبؼ وبٸٍڅ اټب ضىبثی ـڂ‬

My grandfather's 93, but she's as fit as a ​fiddle.

.‫ وبٸٍڅ اټب وبٸٻ ڂ والټشڅ‬93 ‫دؽـثكـٴٻ‬

You may feel sick now, but after a few days of rest and plenty of liquids, you'll be
fit as a fiddle.
.‫بر غڃة غڃة ټیٍی‬١‫ؽ اق زځؽ ـڂق اوشفاضز ڂ ٰٹی ټبی‬١‫ٌبیؽ االپ ټفیٓ ثبٌی اټب ث‬

Grandson: Are you sure you'll be able to climb all these stairs?
Grandmother: Of course! I feel as fit as a fiddle today.
.‫ٽئځی ٰڅ ټیشڃڀی اق دٹڅ چب ثبال ثیبی‬ٙ‫ ټ‬:‫ڀڃڄ‬
.‫ اټفڂق ضبٸٻ غیٹی غڃثڅ‬.‫ اٸجشڅ‬:‫ټبؼـثكـٲ‬

»‫جبـر « غیٹی غڃة ثڃؼپ‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫ځڃاپ ؼیٵف ټ‬٠ ‫“ ڀیك ثڅ‬right as rain” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاپ اق ا‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
.‫بؼڄ ٰفؼ‬٩‫اوش‬

He'll be as right as rain in a day or two.

.‫سب یٱی ؼڂ ـڂق غڃة غڃة ټیٍڅ‬

You just need a good night's ​sleep, and then you'll be right as ​rain again.
.‫٭ٗ ثڅ یٯ غڃاة غڃة ڀیبق ؼاـی وذه غڃة غڃة ټیٍی‬٨ ‫سڃ‬

I took some aspirin, went to bed, and in the morning I was right as rain.
.‫شٻ غڃاثیؽٺ ڂ ِجص ضبٸٻ غڃة ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‬٨‫ ـ‬،‫آوذفیٿ غڃـؼٺ‬

All we need to do is tidy the house up; then it will be right as rain.
.‫یٿ اڂٸً غڃة ټیٍڅ‬٠ ‫ؽي ؼڂثبـڄ‬١‫ ث‬.‫ ڂ خڃـ ٰفؼپ غڃڀه‬ٟ‫سٽبٺ ٰبـی ٰڅ ثبیؽ ثٱځیٻ خٽ‬

‫رٍی اػػاب وسی راُ رفتي‬
drive someone crazy

‫شٿ» ڂ «ٰىی ـا ؼیڃاڀڅ‬٨‫ّبة ٰىی ـاڄ ـ‬٠‫ځی «ـڂی ا‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬drive someone crazy” ‫یف ـوٽی‬٤ ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ٰفؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ اؾیز ٰفؼپ ڂ ڀبـاضز ٰفؼپ ٰىی ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‬

We ​love ​our two-year-old, but sometimes she ​drives us ​crazy.

.‫ّجبڀیٽڃپ ټی ٰځؽ‬٠ ‫ز چب‬٬‫ٕی ڂ‬١‫ټب ؼغشف ؼڂ وبٸڅ ټبپ ـا ؼڂوز ؼاـیٻ اټب ث‬

The child has been screaming and crying all day and he is driving me crazy. I’m
very annoyed.
.‫ غیٹی ڀبـاضشٻ‬.‫ّجیٻ ټیٱځڅ‬٠ ‫ ؼاـڄ‬.‫ قؼڄ ڂ ٴفیڅ ٰفؼڄ‬٣‫اڂپ ثسڅ سٽبٺ ـڂق ـڂ خی‬

The sound of the wind howling drove me crazy.

.‫ّبثٻ ثڃؼ‬٠‫ِؽای قڂقڄ ثبؼ ـڂی ا‬

John’s girlfriend keeps driving him crazy because she always asks him questions
when he gets home from the bar.
.‫ز اق ثبـ ټی یبؼ غڃڀڅ وڃاٶ دیسً ټی ٰځؽ‬٬‫ چف ڂ‬.‫ّجی ټیٱځڅ‬٠ ‫ؼڂوز ؼغشف خبپ ټؽاٺ اڂ ـڂ‬

I quit my job because my boss drove me crazy every time I went to work.
.‫ز‬٨‫ّبثٻ ـاڄ ټی ـ‬٠‫شٻ ـڂ ا‬٨‫ٹٻ ـڂ ڂٶ ٰفؼٺ زڃپ ـئیىٻ چف ثبـ ٰڅ ثڅ وفٰبـ ټی ـ‬٥ٌ ‫ټٿ‬

My children always drive me crazy when they are tired and in a bad mood.
.‫ّبثٻ ـاڄ ټی ـڂڀؽ‬٠‫ز غىشڅ چىشٿ یب وفضبٶ ڀیىشٿ ـڂی ا‬٬‫ثسڅ چبی ټٿ چفڂ‬

This itch is driving me crazy.

.‫شڅ‬٨‫ّبثٻ ـ‬٠‫ایٿ غبـي ـڂی ا‬

Until you get used to a new computer, the software will drive you crazy.
.‫ّبثشڅ‬٠‫فاق ـڂ ا‬٨‫بؼر ڀٱځی ڀفٺ ا‬٠ ‫شی ثڅ ٰبټذیڃسف خؽیؽ‬٬‫سب ڂ‬

، “drive someone up the wall” ، “drive someone nuts” ‫جبـار‬٠ ‫ چٽسځیٿ چٽٵی‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
»‫شٿ‬٨‫ّبة ٰىی ـاڄ ـ‬٠‫ځی «ـڂی ا‬١‫” ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬drive someone insane” ‫“ ڂ‬drive someone mad”
.‫ټی ثبٌؽ‬

Because I am not a patient person, I am quite sure that editing a dictionary
would just drive me nuts!
.‫ٽئځٻ ٰڅ سؽڂیٿ ڂ اِالش اڂپ ؼیٱٍځفی خؽیؽ ؼیڃڂڀٻ ټیٱځڅ‬ٙ‫زڃپ آؼٺ ِجڃـی ڀیىشٻ ټ‬

Be ​quiet! You're ​driving me up the ​wall!

!‫ّجبڀیٻ ټی ٰځی‬٠ ‫وبٰز ٌڃ! ؼاـی‬

All these telephone calls are driving me mad.

.‫ڃپ ټی ٰځڅ‬٤‫ّبثٻ ـڂ ؼا‬٠‫ځی ؼاـڄ ا‬٩‫سٽبٺ ایٿ سٽبن چبی سٹ‬

The dog's constant barking drove me insane.

.‫ ټؽاٺ وٳ ؼیڃڂڀڅ اٺ ٰفؼ‬٪‫ ڂا‬٪‫ڂا‬

‫ ذَز را تِ ذكز اًساذتي‬/ ‫ریسه وززى‬
stick out one’s neck

‫الش‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ثفای ا‬١‫ف اڀؽاغشٿ» ڀكؼیٱشفیٿ ټ‬ٙ‫جبـار «ـیىٯ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «غڃؼ ـا ثڅ غ‬٠
.‫“ ټی ثبٌځؽ‬stick out one’s neck”

These writings revealed a first-rate sensibility, a critic ready to stick his neck out
and make the necessary judgments, sometimes with acerbity, often with a
humorous irony.
‫ی ثبال یٯ ڂ ټځش٭ؽی ثڃؼڀؽ ٰڅ ـیىٯ ٰفؼڄ ڂ ٴبچی ثب سٹػی ڂ‬٨‫ایٿ ڀڃٌشڅ چب ضبٰی اق یٯ ضىبویز ڂ ټڃٌٱب‬
.‫ٕبڂر القٺ ـا اڀدبٺ ؼاؼ‬٬ ‫ٴبچی ثب قثبپ ٘ځكآټیك‬

Why stick your neck out when you run the risk of offending someone who has
the power to slate your most recent journal article?
‫ؽـر ضٽٹڅ‬٬ ‫شی ٰڅ ـیىٯ سڃچیٿ ثڅ ٰىی ـا ثڅ خبپ غفیؽی ٰڅ‬٬‫ف ټی اڀؽاقی آپ چٻ ڂ‬ٙ‫زفا غڃؼر ـا ثڅ غ‬
‫ثڅ ټ٭بٸڅ اغیفر ؼـ ټدٹڅ ـا ؼاـؼ؟‬

As I half anticipated, he did not wish to stick his neck out and implicitly criticize
.‫ّؽ ڀؽاٌز ـیىٯ ٰځؽ ڂ ثڅ ِڃـر سٹڃیطی اق ـاٴجی اڀش٭بؼ ٰځؽ‬٬ ‫ڃـ ٰڅ س٭فیجب دیً ثیځی ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼٺ اڂ‬ٙ‫چٽبڀ‬

‫سیازُ رٍی وززى‬

.‫ځی «قیبؼڄ ـڂی ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬overdo” ‫ٷ‬١٨

There's no need to overdo it.

.‫ڀیبقی ثڅ قیبؼڄ ـڂی ڀیىز‬

You need to exercise every day, but don't overdo it.

.‫ اټب قیبؼڄ ـڂی ڀٱٿ‬،‫القټڅ ٰڅ چف ـڂق سٽفیٿ ٰځی‬

There are always some guests at parties who overdo it.

.‫چٽیٍڅ ؼـ ټیڇٽبڀی چب ټیڇٽبپ چبیی چىشځؽ ٰڅ قیبؼڄ ـڂی ټی ٰځځؽ‬

Everything is painted black, which may be overdoing it.

.‫ ٰڅ ټٽٱځڅ قیبؼڄ ـڂی ثبٌڅ‬،‫چٽڅ زیك ویبڄ ـڀٳ ٌؽڄ‬

Say goodbye to your parents, but don't overdo it.

[‫ ]ٴفیڅ ڂ قاـی ڀٱٿ‬.‫ی ٰٿ اټب قیبؼڄ ـڂی ڀٱٿ‬ٝ٨‫ثب دؽـ ڂ ټبؼـر غؽاضب‬

I didn't want to overdo it but I didn't want to sound callous either.

.‫ چٽسځیٿ ڀٽیػڃاچٻ ٰڅ ثی ضه ڂ ضبٶ ثبٌڅ‬#‫قیبؼ ـڂي ٰبـ ٰځٻ‬$ ‫ڀٽی غڃاچٻ قیبؼڄ ـڂی ٰځٻ‬

Be calm. But don't overdo it.

.‫ اټب قیبؼڄ ـڂی ڀٱٿ‬،‫آـاٺ ثبي‬

Eat and drink, but don't overdo it.

.‫ اټب قیبؼڄ ـڂی ڀٱځیؽ‬،‫ثػڃـیؽ ڂ ثیبٌبټیؽ‬

They should get the ​attention they need without overdoing it.
.‫آڀڇب ثبیؽ ثؽڂپ قیبؼڄ ـڂی سڃخڅ ټڃـؼ ڀیبقٌڃپ ـڂ خٹت ٰځځؽ‬

Exercise is good but you mustn't overdo.

.‫سٽفیٿ غڃثڅ اټب ڀجبیؽ قیبؼڄ ـڂی ثٍڅ‬

‫سیز آٍاس سزى‬
burst into song

.‫ ڀبٴڇبڀی آڂاق غڃاڀؽپ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‬،‫ځی «قیف آڂاق قؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬burst into song” ‫جبـر‬٠

When they brought in the cake, we all burst into song.

.‫ ثڅ غڃاڀؽپ ٰفؼیٻ‬ٞ‫ ټب ٌفڂ‬،‫شی آڀڇب ٰیٯ ـا آڂـؼڀؽ‬٬‫ڂ‬

Much to my ​surprise, Caleb ​suddenly burst into ​song.

.‫څ قیف آڂاق قؼ‬١٨‫دت آڂـ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ٰبٸت یٱؽ‬١‫س‬

My father is so musical, he bursts into song in the middle of a conversation.

.‫څ ټیكڀڅ قیف آڂاق‬١٨‫ اڂ ڂوٗ ټٱبٸٽڅ یٱؽ‬،‫دؽـ ټٿ غیٹی اچٷ ټڃوی٭ی اوز‬

As soon as the singer came on stage he burst into song.

.‫ ثڅ غڃاڀؽپ ٰفؼ‬ٞ‫ثڅ ټطٓ ایځٱڅ غڃاڀځؽڄ ـڂی وٿ آټؽ ٌفڂ‬

‫سیز چطن وسی تازهداى واضتي‬
give someone a black eye

.‫ځی «قیف زٍٻ ٰىی ثبؼټدبپ ٰبٌشٿ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬give someone a black eye” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I made a comment about his wife and he gave me a black eye!

!‫ف ؼـثبـڄ ی چٽىفي ؼاؼٺ ڂ اڂپ یڅ ثبؼټدڃپ قیف زٍٽٻ ٰبٌز‬ٝ‫٭ٗ یڅ ڀ‬٨ ‫ټٿ‬

I got a black eye from walking into a door.

.‫شٻ قیف زٍٽٻ ویبڄ ٌؽ‬٨‫شی ثب وف سڃی ؼـ ـ‬٬‫ڂ‬

I have a black eye where John hit me.

.‫خبی ټٍز خبپ قیف زٍٽٻ ویبڄ ٌؽڄ اوز‬

That kind of behavior can give us all a black eye.

.‫شبـ ضشٽب یٯ ثبؼټدبپ قیف زٍٽٽبپ ټی ٰبـڀؽ‬٨‫ثب ایٿ ـ‬

Mary got a black eye because of her constant complaining.

.‫ثڅ غب٘ف ٌٱبیز چبی ټؽاڂٺ قیف زٍٻ ټبـی یٯ ثبؼټدبپ ٰبٌشځؽ‬

‫سیز حزف سزى ‪ /‬سیز لَل سزى‬
‫‪go back on one's word/promise‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “go back on one's word/promise‬ثفای ثیبپ دبیجځؽ ڀجڃؼپ ثڅ ‪٠‬ڇؽ ڂ دیٽبپ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ ڂ‬
‫ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «قیف ضف‪ ٦‬قؼپ» ڂ «قیف ‪٬‬ڃٶ قؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I hate to go back on my word, but I won't pay you $100 after all.‬‬
‫ټٿ ټشځ‪٩‬فٺ ٰڅ قیف ضف‪٨‬ٻ ثكڀٻ‪ ،‬اټب ټٿ ‪ 100‬ؼالـ ثڇز ڀٽیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Both leaders feared that the other would go back on his word.‬‬
‫چف ؼڂ ـچجف اق ایځٱڅ اڂپ یٱی قیف ‪٬‬ڃٸً ثكڀڅ ټی سفویؽڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Going back on your promise makes you a liar.‬‬

‫اٴڅ قیف ضف‪٨‬ز ثكڀی ؼـڂ‪٤‬ٵڃ ټیٍی‪.‬‬

‫‪He went back on his word.‬‬

‫اڂ قیف ضف‪ ً٨‬قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “break promise‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «قیف ‪٬‬ڃٶ قؼپ» ڂ «‪٠‬ڇؽ ٌٱىشٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I might have to break my promise.‬‬

‫اضشٽبال ثبیؽ قیف ضف‪٨‬ٻ ثكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If I make a promise, I won’t break it.‬‬

‫اٴف ‪٬‬ڃٸی ثؽٺ چفٴك قیفي ڀٽیكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I never break my promise.‬‬

‫ټٿ چیسڃ‪٬‬ز قیف ‪٬‬ڃٸٻ ڀٽیكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫سیز گزیِ سزى‬
burst into tears

‫ ڀبٴڇبڀی ٴفیڅ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی‬،‫ځی «قیف ٴفیڅ قؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬burst into tears” ‫جبـر‬٠

Terri keeps bursting into tears for no reason.

.‫سفی ثی ؼٸیٷ قیف ٴفیڅ ټی قڀؽ‬

She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.

.‫اڂ قؼ قیف ٴفیڅ ڂ اق آٌذكغبڀڅ ثیفڂپ ؼڂیؽ‬

After the last notes of her song, the audience burst into tears, such was its
beauty and tenderness.
.‫ اڀ٭ؽـ ٰڅ آچځٳ قیجب ڂ سبثیف ٴؿٸف ثڃؼ‬.‫ؽ اق آغفیٿ ڀّز آچځٵً سٽبٌبزیبپ قیف ٴفیڅ قؼڀؽ‬١‫ث‬

They burst into tears on hearing of the death of their dog.

.‫آڀڇب ثب ٌځیؽپ غجف ټفٲ وٵٍبپ قؼڀؽ قیف ٴفیڅ‬

She burst into tears when she read the rejection letter.
.‫شی ڀبټڅ ی ټفؼڂؼی ـا غڃاڀؽ قؼ قیف ٴفیڅ‬٬‫اڂ ڂ‬

Every time I thought about it I'd burst into tears.

.‫ٱف ټیٱځٻ ټیكڀٻ قیف ٴفیڅ‬٨ ً‫ز ثڇ‬٬‫چف ڂ‬

The children burst into tears when they saw their ruined toys.
.‫شی ؼیؽپ اوجبة ثبقی چبیٍبپ غفاة ٌؽڄ قؼڀؽ قیف ٴفیڅ‬٬‫ثسڅ چب ڂ‬

‫ سهشهِ وززى‬/ ‫سیز لة گفتي‬
under one’s breath

.‫شٿ» ڂ «قټكټڅ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬٩‫ځی «قیف ٸت ٴ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬under one’s breath” ‫جبـر‬٠

She was muttering something under her breath.

.‫اڂپ ؼاٌز زیكی ـڂ قیف ٸت قټكڄ ټی ٰفؼ‬

The passenger next to me was angry over the delay and kept grumbling about
the airline under his breath
.‫ف ټی ٰفؼ‬٤ ‫ف‬٤ ً‫ سأغیف ؼاٌز ټؽاٺ قیف ٸج‬#‫چڃادیٽب‬$ ‫ٷ ؼوز ټٿ ڀٍىشڅ ثڃؼ سڃ اڂپ ټؽسی ٰڅ‬٥‫فی ٰڅ ث‬٨‫ټىب‬

She swore softly under her breath as she began to push her way through the
.‫ز‬٩‫یز ثبق ټی ٰفؼ قیف ٸت ڀبوكا ټی ٴ‬١‫ؼـ ضبٸیٱڅ ـاڄ غڃؼ ـا اق ټیبپ خٽ‬

She stared at the empty glass for a moment, and then swore quietly under her
.‫ز‬٩‫ ڂ آـاٺ قیف ٸت ڀبوكا ٴ‬،‫څ ای ثڅ ٸیڃاپ غبٸی غیفڄ ٌؽ‬ٝ‫ٸط‬

They chanted softly under their breath in a language said to have died with the
ancient evils.
.‫شڅ ټی ٌڃؼ ثب ٌیب٘یٿ ٰڇٿ ټفؼڄ اوز‬٩‫آڀڇب قیف ٸت ثب قثبڀی آڂاق ټی غڃاڀؽڀؽ ٰڅ ٴ‬

‫سري چیٌی وززى ‪ /‬زری ٍری گفتي‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “tattle‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «یبڂڄ» ‪« ،‬ضف‪ ٦‬ټ‪٩‬ز» ‪« ،‬وػٿ زیځی ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ؼـی ڂـی ٴ‪٩‬شٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪According to some tattling sources, he never quite gave up crime.‬‬

‫ثف اوبن ثفغی اق ټځبث‪٤ ٟ‬یف ټ‪١‬شجف‪ ،‬اڂ چفٴك ثڅ ٰٹی ؼوز اق خځبیز ثفڀؽاٌشڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪They tend to gain control by withdrawing affection and attention or by tattling.‬‬

‫آڀڇب سٽبیٷ ؼاـڀؽ ثب وفٰڃة ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ ڂ سڃخڅ یب ثڅ ڂویٹڅ ی وػٿ زیځی ٰځشفٶ ـا ثؽوز ٴیفڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪They were tattling about him over their teacups.‬‬

‫آڀڇب ټڃ‪ِ ٟ٬‬ف‪ ٦‬زبی ؼـثبـڄ ی اڂ وػٿ زیځی ټی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪She claims to have picked up some juicy tattle about the candidate.‬‬
‫اڂ اؼ‪٠‬ب ټی ٰځؽ زځؽ غجف ‪٤‬یفاغال‪٬‬ی ؼـثبـڄ ٰبڀؽیؽا ثؽوز آڂـؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪He encourages people to tattle on one another.‬‬

‫اڂ ټفؼٺ ـڂ ثڅ وػٿ زیځی ؼـثبـڄ چٽؽیٵف سف‪٤‬یت ټی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪This was not just idle newspaper tattle.‬‬

‫ایٿ ‪٨‬٭ٗ یٯ ضف‪ ٦‬ټ‪٩‬ز ؼـ ـڂقڀبټڅ ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫سز اغل هكلة رفتي‬
cut to the chase

.‫شٿ» اوز‬٨‫ٹت ـ‬ٙ‫ځی «وف اِٷ ټ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬cut to the chase” ‫جبـر‬٠

All right, let's stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase.
.‫ٹت‬ٙ‫ ثیڇڃؼڄ ڀكڀیٻ ڂ ثفڂیٻ وف اِٷ ټ‬٦‫ ؼیٵف ضف‬،‫ثىیبـ غُت‬

After a few introductory comments, we cut to the chase and began negotiating.
.‫ ٰفؼیٻ‬ٞ‫شیٻ ڂ ټؿاٰفار ـا ٌفڂ‬٨‫ٹت ـ‬ٙ‫ؽ اق زځؽ خٽٹڅ ټ٭ؽټبسی وف اِٷ ټ‬١‫ث‬

We don't have time to go into that, so let's cut to the chase and start speaking
about air pollution.
.‫ٹت ڂ ؼـ ټڃـؼ آٸڃؼٴی چڃا ِطجز ٰځیٻ‬ٙ‫ ده ثفڂیٻ وف اِٷ ټ‬،‫ز ڀؽاـیٻ ڂاـؼ ایځڇب ٌڃیٻ‬٬‫ڂ‬

The engine is the only thing wrong with the car. To cut to the chase, it is loud,
really loud.
.‫ غیٹی ِؽا ټی ؼچؽ‬،‫ ِؽا ټیؽچؽ‬،‫ ثؽڂپ ضبٌیڅ ثٵڃیٻ‬.‫ټڃسڃـ سځڇب ټٍٱٷ اسڃټجیٷ اوز‬

‫سز تِ سز وسی گذاضتي‬
pull someone’s leg

.‫ځی «وف ثڅ وف ٰىی ٴؿاٌشٿ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬pull someone’s leg” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

They think you're pulling their leg, having a joke.

.‫ٱف ټی ٰځځؽ ٰڅ سڃ آڀڇب ـا وف ٰبـ ٴؿاٌشی ڂ ٌڃغی ټی ٰځی‬٨ ‫آڀڇب‬

Don't believe him. He's just pulling your leg.

.‫٭ٗ وف ثڅ وفر ٴؿاٌشڅ‬٨ ‫ اڂ‬.‫ثبڂـي ڀٱٿ‬

Is he really angry with me or do you think he's just pulling my leg?

‫ٱف ټیٱځی ٰڅ وف ثڅ وفٺ ٴؿاٌشڅ اوز؟‬٨ ‫ّجبڀی اوز یب سڃ‬٠ ‫ب اق ؼوز ټٿ‬١٬‫اڂ ڂا‬

Mike: I swear, last weekend I went fishing and caught a 25 pound Trout!
James: Are you for real, or are you just pulling my leg?
!‫ دڃڀؽی ِیؽ ٰفؼٺ‬25 ‫كٶ آالی‬٬ ‫شٻ ڂ یڅ‬٨‫شڅ دیً ثڅ ټبچیٵیفی ـ‬٩‫ىٻ ټیػڃـٺ چ‬٬ ‫ ټٿ‬:‫ټبیٯ‬
‫ ؼاـی ـاوز ټیٵی یب ؼاـی وف ثڅ وفٺ ټیكاـی؟‬:‫خیٽك‬

‫سز غحثت را تاس وززى‬
‫‪break the ice‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «وف ِطجز ـا ثبق ٰفؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬یٯ ټٱبٸٽڅ ڂ ٴ‪٩‬شٵڃ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “break the ice‬ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's hard to break the ice at formal events.‬‬

‫ثبق ٰفؼپ وف ِطجز ؼـ ـغؽاؼچبی ـوٽی ٰبـ ؼٌڃاـی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪He tried to break the ice, but Selena was a little cold.‬‬
‫اڂ و‪١‬ی ٰفؼ وف ِطجز ـا ثبق ٰځؽ‪ ،‬اټب وٹځب ٰٽی وفؼ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪A nice smile does a lot to break the ice.‬‬

‫یٯ ٸجػځؽ قیجب ټی سڃاڀؽ وف ِطجز ـا ثبق ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪No one wants to break the ice. I guess I will be first.‬‬

‫چیسٱه ڀٽی غڃاچؽ وف ِطجز ـا ثبق ٰځؽ‪٨ .‬ٱف ٰځٻ ټٿ ثبیؽ ایٿ ٰبـ ـا ثٱځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you start to feel weird or uncomfortable at the party tonight, try to think of‬‬
‫‪something to break the ice.‬‬
‫اٴف اټٍت ؼـ ټڇٽبڀی ټ‪١‬ؿة ٌؽی یب اضىبن غڃثی ڀؽاٌشی‪ ،‬و‪١‬ی ٰٿ وف ِطجز ـا ثب ٰىی ثبق ٰځی‪.‬‬

‫ سز وسی والُ گذاضتي‬/ ‫سز وسی ضیزُ هالیسى‬
pull the wool over eyes

»‫ځی «وف ٰىی ٌیفڄ ټبٸیؽپ» ڂ «وف ٰىی ٰالڄ ٴؿاٌشٿ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬pull the wool over eyes” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

You can't pull the wool over my eyes.

.‫سڃ ڀٽیشڃاڀی وف ټٿ ٌیفڄ ثٽبٸی‬

He presents it as though he's pulling the wool over our eyes, only we are all too
stupid to notice.
.‫ ڀجڃؼیٻ ٰڅ ټشڃخڅ ڀٍیٻ‬٫‫٭ٗ ټب اڀ٭ؽـ اضٽ‬٨ ،‫ی اي ٰفؼ ٰڅ اڀٵبـ ؼاـڄ وف ټب ٰالڄ ټی ؾاـڄ‬٨‫ف‬١‫اڂ خڃـی ټ‬

Don't try to pull the wool over her eyes. She's very smart.
.‫ اڂ غیٹی ثبچڃي اوز‬.‫ی ڀٱٿ وف اڂ ـا ٌیفڄ ثٽبٸی‬١‫و‬

These people who claim to have paranormal or supernatural powers are just
pulling the wool over people's eyes.
.‫٭ٗ وف ټفؼٺ ٰالڄ ټیٵؿاـڀؽ‬٨ ‫بؼڄ ؼاـڀؽ‬١‫ اٸ‬٪‫څ ڂ غبـ‬١‫جی‬ٙ‫ؽـر ټبڂـاء اٸ‬٬ ‫ب ټیٱځځؽ‬٠‫ایٿ آؼٺ چبیی ٰڅ اؼ‬

Don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes. Ask for a list of all
the hidden charges.
‫ اق اڂڀڇب ؼـغڃاوز ٰٿ ٸیىز ٰبټٷ چكیځڅ چبی دځڇبپ ـڂ ثڇز‬.‫اخبقڄ ڀؽڄ ٌفٰز چبی ثیٽڅ وفر ٰالڄ ثؿاـڀؽ‬

‫سزاپا گَش تَزى‬
‫‪be all ears‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “be all ears‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اِ‪ٙ‬الش «وفا دب ٴڃي ثڃؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬ف ثڃؼپ ثفای‬
‫ٌځیؽپ ضف‪٘ ٦‬ف‪ ٦‬ټ٭بثٷ ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټی ٴیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm all ears.‬‬

‫ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you have a suggestion I'm all ears.‬‬

‫اٴف دیٍځڇبؼی ؼاـی ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Well, hurry up and tell me. I'm all ears.‬‬

‫غڃة‪٠ ،‬دٹڅ ٰٿ ڂ ثڇٻ ثٵڃ‪ .‬ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Tell your story, we're all ears‬‬

‫ؼاوشبڀز ـڂ ثفاټڃپ س‪١‬فی‪ٰ ٧‬ٿ‪ ،‬ټب چٽڅ وفادب ٴڃٌیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪I'm all ears, waiting to hear your latest excuse for not getting this job done‬‬
‫ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪ ،‬ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ ٰڅ خؽیؽسفیٿ ثڇبڀڅ ار ـڂ ثفای اڀدبٺ ڀؽاؼپ ایٿ ٰبـ ثٍځڃٺ!‬

‫‪Bob: Look, old pal. I want to talk to you about something.‬‬

‫‪Tom: I'm all ears.‬‬
‫ثبة‪ :‬ثجیٿ ـ‪٨‬ی‪٬ ٫‬ؽیٽی‪ .‬ټی غڃاٺ ثبچبر ؼـ ټڃـؼ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ِطجز ٰځٻ‪.‬‬
‫سبٺ‪ :‬ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Bill: I guess I owe you an apology.‬‬

‫‪Jane: I'm all ears.‬‬
‫ثیٷ‪ :‬ټٿ ضؽن ټی قڀٻ ٰڅ ثڅ ٌٽب یٯ ‪٠‬ؿـ غڃاچی ثؽچٱبـٺ‪.‬‬
‫خبپ‪ :‬ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Selena: Do you want to hear what happened at the party last night‬‬
‫‪Isabella: Oh yes, I'm all ears.‬‬
‫وٹځب‪ :‬ټیػڃای ثٍځڃی ٰڅ ؼیٍت سڃ ټڇٽبڀی زڅ اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬ی ا‪٨‬شبؼ؟‬
‫ایكاثال‪ :‬اڂڄ ثٹڅ‪ ،‬ټٿ وفادب ٴڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫سزیغ فزٍذتي‬
sell like hotcakes

.‫فڂغشٿ» اوز‬٨ ٟ‫ځی «غیٹی وفی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬sell like hotcakes” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

The tickets for the concert were selling like hotcakes when I called this morning.
.‫ز‬٨‫فڂي ټی ـ‬٨ ٟ‫ِجص ٰڅ قڀٳ قؼٺ ثٹیٗ چبی ٰځىفر غیٹی وفی‬

The delicious candy sold like hotcakes.

.‫ز‬٨‫فڂي ـ‬٨ ٟ‫آثځجبر چبی غڃٌٽكڄ غیٹی وفی‬

The fancy new cars were selling like hotcakes.

.‫شځؽ‬٨‫فڂي ټی ـ‬٨ ‫ خؽیؽ غڃة‬٪‫ ڂ ثف‬٪‫ټبٌیٿ چبی دف قـ‬

Since word got out about the Perry case, the book has been selling like hot
.‫فڂي ټیفڄ‬٨ ‫ز‬٠‫ ٰشبة ثڅ وف‬،‫شی ٰڅ غجف چبی دفڂڀؽڄ دفی ثڅ ثیفڂپ ؼـق ٰفؼڄ‬٬‫اق ڂ‬

The new ​game is ​apparently ​selling like ​hot ​cakes.

.‫فڂي ټیفڄ‬٨ ٟ‫ب غیٹی وفی‬١ٙ٬ ‫ثبقی خؽیؽ‬

His record sold like hot cakes on the first day after its release.
.‫فڂي ٰفؼ‬٨ ‫آچځٳ اڂ ـڂق اڂٶ ٰڅ ثڅ ثبقاـ اڂټؽ غیٹی قیبؼ‬

‫سىِ اًساذتي‬
‫‪toss/flip a coin‬‬

‫چف ؼڂ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “toss a coin‬ڂ ”‪ “flip a coin‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «وٱڅ اڀؽاغشٿ» ‪ٌ« ،‬یف یب غٗ اڀؽاغشٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪We will flip a coin to see which team goes first.‬‬

‫ټب وٱڅ ټی اڀؽاقیٻ سب ثجیځیٻ ٰؽاٺ سیٻ اڂٶ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ټیٱځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Let's toss a coin. Heads, we don't go; tails, we do.‬‬

‫ثیب ٌیف یب غٗ‪ٌ .‬یف ټب ڀٽیفیٻ‪ .‬غٗ ټب ټیفیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Jason: Let's toss a ​coin to ​see who'll go first.‬‬

‫?‪Fernando: Ok. I'll toss a coin. Heads or ​tails‬‬
‫خیىڃپ‪ :‬ثیب وٱڅ ثځؽاقیٻ سب ثجیځیٻ ٰی اڂٶ ټیفڄ؟‬
‫‪٨‬فڀبڀؽڂ‪ :‬ثبٌڅ‪ .‬ټٿ وٱڅ ټی اڀؽاقٺ‪ٌ .‬یف یب غٗ؟‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ “head” :‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٌیف» ‪$‬ـڂی وٱڅ‪ #‬ڂ ”‪ “tail‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غٗ» ‪$‬دٍز وٱڅ‪ #‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫سٌگسل تَزى‬
have a heart of stone

.‫ځی «وځٵؽٶ ثڃؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬have a heart of stone” ‫جبـر‬٠

Sally has a heart of stone. She never even smiles.

.‫ اڂ ضشی ڀٽی غځؽؼ‬.‫وبٸی آؼٺ وځٵؽٸی اوز‬

He wouldn't help his own mother if she needed it. He's got a heart of stone.
.‫ اڂپ آؼٺ وځٵؽٸیڅ‬.‫اڂ اٴف ټبؼـي ثڇً ڀیبقی ؼاٌشڅ ثبي ثڇً ٰٽٯ ڀٽیٱځڅ‬

The villain in the play had a heart of stone. He was cruel to everyone.
.‫ٹٻ ټی ٰفؼ‬ٜ ‫ اڂپ ثڅ چٽڅ‬.‫اڂپ آؼٺ ثؽڄ سڃی ثبقی آؼٺ وځٵؽٸی چىز‬

‫سَء استفازُ وززى ‪ /‬استفازُ ًازرست وززى‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “misuse‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀبؼـوز» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Do not misuse your time.‬‬

‫اق ڂ‪٬‬شز وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀٱٿ‪$ .‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٤‬ٹٗ ڀٱٿ‪#‬‬

‫‪He was found guilty of misusing public funds.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ غب٘ف وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ اق ثڃؼخڅ ‪٠‬ٽڃټی ټدفٺ ٌځبغشڅ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪She was the first one of his many masters that had not beaten or misused him.‬‬
‫اڂ اڂٸیٿ اـثبثً ثڃؼ ٰڅ اڂ ـا ڀكؼڄ ثڃؼ ڂ ڀڅ اقي وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪We felt that we had been deceived and misused.‬‬

‫ټب اضىبن ٰفؼیٻ ٰڅ ٴڃٶ غڃـؼیٻ ڂ ټڃـؼ وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ٴف‪٨‬شڅ ایٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪There is a group of guards that have been misusing me.‬‬

‫یٯ ٴفڂچی اق ڀٵڇجبڀبپ چىشځؽ ٰڅ ټفا ټڃـؼ وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ؼاؼڄ اڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “take advantage of‬ڀیك ټیشڃاپ ثفای ثیبپ «وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼپ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ‬
‫‪She took advantage of his absence to meet her lover.‬‬
‫اڂ اق ‪٤‬یجز چٽىفي ثفای ټال‪٬‬بر ثب ‪٠‬بٌ‪ ٫‬اي وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I knew that you wouldn't take advantage of me! I trusted you.‬‬
‫ټیؽڂڀىشٻ ٰڅ اق ټٿ وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀٽی ٰځی! ټٿ ثڇز ا‪٠‬شٽبؼ ؼاٌشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Please don't take advantage of me.‬‬

‫ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب اق ټٿ وڃء اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀٱٿ ‪٨$‬فیت ڀؽڄ‪.#‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “take advantage of‬ثفای اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ضفیّبڀڅ ؼـ خڇز ټثجز ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

Try to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way
.‫بؼڄ ٰځی‬٩‫یشی ٰڅ خٹڃی ـاچز ټیبؼ اوش‬١٬‫ی ٰٿ اق چف ټڃ‬١‫و‬

Please take advantage of the consultant while he is here in the office

.‫بؼڄ ٰځیؽ‬٩‫شف چىشځؽ اوش‬٨‫یز ضٕڃـ ټٍبڂـ ؼـ ټؽسی ٰڅ ایٍبپ ؼـ ؼ‬١٬‫ب اق ټڃ‬٩ٙ‫ٸ‬

‫ ػاضك تَزى‬/ ‫ضیفتِ تَزى‬

.‫ ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠« ‫شڅ ثڃؼپ» ڂ‬٩‫ځی «ٌی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬dote” ‫ٷ‬١٨

My grandmother dotes on all of her grandchildren.

.‫شڅ چٽڅ ڀڃڄ چبیً اوز‬٩‫ټبؼـثكـٴٻ ٌی‬

The world is full of people who dote on their pets.

.‫شڅ ضیڃاڀبر غبڀٵیٍبپ چىشځؽ‬٩‫ؼڀیب دف اق ټفؼټی اوز ٰڅ ٌی‬

They dote on their youngest daughter.

.‫ ٰڃزٱشفیٿ ؼغشفٌبپ چىشځؽ‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠ ‫آڀڇب‬

The whole family would constantly dote on the new baby.

.‫شڅ ڀڃقاؼ خؽیؽ چىشځؽ‬٩‫سٽبټی غبڀڃاؼڄ ؼائٽب ٌی‬

She dotes on her older son and love him more than her other children.
.‫ اڂوز‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠ ً‫فقڀؽاڀ‬٨ ‫شڅ دىف ثكـٴً اوز ڂ ثیً اق چٽڅ‬٩‫اڂ ٌی‬

.‫“ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‬on” ‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫“ چٽڃاـڄ ثب ضف‬dote” ‫ٷ‬١٨ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

‫ػدلِ زاضتي‬
be in hurry

.‫دٹڅ ؼاٌشٿ» اوز‬٠« ‫ځی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be in hurry” ‫جبـر‬٠

Linda’s letter looked as though she had written it in a great hurry.

.‫دٹڅ ڀڃٌشڅ ٌؽڄ ثبٌؽ‬٠ ‫ف ټی آټؽ ٰڅ ثب‬ٝ‫ڀبټڅ ٸیځؽا ثڅ ڀ‬

She had been in too much of a hurry to change.

.‫دٹڅ ؼاٌز‬٠ ‫ییف غیٹی‬٥‫اڂ ثفای س‬

Lou’s in no hurry to get married.

.‫دٹڅ ای ڀؽاـؼ‬٠ ‫ٸڃ ثفای اقؼڂاج چیر‬

His enjoyment didn't last as he was in a hurry and hated to rush.

.‫ف ثڃؼ‬٩‫دڃٶ ثڃؼپ ټشځ‬٠ ‫ز ٰٻ ؼاٌز ڂ اق‬٬‫ٸؿسً ؼڂاټی ڀؽاٌز زفا ٰڅ ڂ‬

It was a remarkable moment; not one you'll forget in a hurry.

.‫فاټڃي ڀٽی ٌڃؼ‬٨ ‫څ ای ٰڅ ثڅ ـاضشی‬ٝ‫څ ی ثڅ یبؼ ټبڀؽڀی ثڃؼ؛ ٸط‬ٝ‫ٸط‬

.‫دٹڅ ؼاٌشٿ» اوز‬٠« ‫ځی‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫“ ڀیك ټبڀځؽ‬be pressed for time” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

If I weren't so pressed for time, I could help you.

.‫دٹڅ ڀؽاٌشٻ ٰٽٱز ټی ٰفؼٺ‬٠ ‫اٴف اڀ٭ؽـ‬

I'd ​love to ​stop and ​talk, but I'm ​pressed for time.
.‫دٹڅ ؼاـٺ‬٠ ‫ اټب غیٹی‬،‫ ثكڀیٻ‬٦‫ب ؼڂوز ؼاٌشٻ ضف‬١٬‫ڂا‬

I can't talk to you. I'm too pushed for time.

.‫دٹڅ ؼاـٺ‬٠ ‫ غیٹی‬.‫ڀٽی سڃاڀٻ ِطجز ٰځٻ‬

‫غذا وطیسى ‪ /‬سزٍ وززى‬
‫‪dish out‬‬

‫یٱی اق ټ‪١‬بڀی ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪٠‬جبـسی ”‪٤« ، “dish out‬ؿا ٍٰیؽپ» ڂ «وفڂ ٰفؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Can you dish everything out for me‬‬

‫ټیشڃاڀیؽ ثفای ټٿ اق چف ڀڃ‪٤ ٞ‬ؿایی ثٱٍیؽ؟‬

‫‪I'll dish it out, and you take it to the table.‬‬

‫ټٿ ‪٤‬ؿا چب ـڂ ټیٱٍٻ‪ٌ ،‬ٽب ثجفٌڃپ وف ټیك‪.‬‬

‫‪Careful how you dish out the mashed potatoes. There may not be enough.‬‬
‫ضڃاوز ثبٌڅ ز٭ؽـ دڃـڄ ویت قټیځی ټیٱٍی‪ .‬دڃـڄ چبی ویت قټیځی ثڅ اڀؽاقڄ ٰب‪٨‬ی ڀیىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The hosts dished out lots of steaming vegetables to the dinner guests.‬‬
‫ټیكثبڀبپ ټ٭ؽاـ قیبؼی اق وجكیدبر ثػبـدك ٌؽڄ ـا ثفای ټڇٽبڀبپ ٌبٺ وفڂ ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Could you dish the soup out while I pour the drinks‬‬
‫ټیشڃڀی وڃح ـڂ ثٱٍی ڂ‪٬‬شی ټٿ ؼاـٺ ڀڃٌیؽڀی چب ـڂ ټیفیكٺ؟‬

‫غُز سزى ‪ًِ /‬ك سزى‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “nag‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪ُ٤‬ف قؼپ» ڂ «ڀِ‪ ٫‬قؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't keep nagging at me about her.‬‬

‫اڀ٭ؽـ ټؽاٺ ؼـثبـڄ اڂ ثڅ ټٿ ڀِ‪ ٫‬ڀكپ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Stop nagging at me‬‬

‫ایځ٭ؽـ ثڅ ټٿ ‪ُ٤‬ف ڀكپ‪.‬‬

‫‪She nagged him to do the housework.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڇً ڀِ‪ ٫‬ټیكؼ ٰڅ ٰبـچبی غبڀڅ ـا اڀدبٺ ؼچؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪My older brother is always nagging at me for staying out late.‬‬

‫ثفاؼـ ثكـٴشفٺ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ ټٿ ثفای ثیفڂپ ټبڀؽپ سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ‪ُ٤‬ف ټیكڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Alex just woke up and his mom is already nagging about not getting up on time.‬‬
‫ثڅ ټطٓ ایځٱڅ اٸٱه اق غڃاة ثیؽاـ ٌؽ ټبؼـي ؼاٌز ؼـثبـڄ ؼیف ثیؽاـ ٌؽپ اڂ ‪٤‬ف‪٤‬ف ټی ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He’s always nagging at her for staying out late.‬‬

‫اڂ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ غب٘ف ثیفڂپ ټبڀؽپ سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز وف اڂ ‪٤‬ف ټی قڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫فیي وززى‬
‫‪blow one's nose‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «‪٨‬یٿ ٰفؼپ» ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی سٽیك ٰفؼپ ثیځی اق ٘فی‪ٍ٨ ٫‬بـ چڃا اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر “‪ "blow one's nose‬ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Excuse me, I have to blow my nose.‬‬

‫ثجػٍیؽ‪ ،‬ټدجڃـٺ ‪٨‬یٿ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Bill blew his nose into his handkerchief.‬‬

‫ثیٷ سڃی ؼوشٽبٸً ‪٨‬یٿ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose loudly.‬‬

‫اڂ یٯ ؼوشٽبٶ ؼـآڂـؼ ڂ ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ ‪٨‬یٿ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫لل زازى ‪ /‬پاییي آٍرزى‬
‫‪roll down‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “roll down‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٬‬ٷ ؼاؼپ» ڂ «دبییٿ آڂـؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Roll down the car window, I want say something.‬‬

‫دځدفڄ ټبٌیٿ ـڂ ثیبـ دبییٿ‪ ،‬ټیػڃاٺ یڅ زیكی ثٵٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Roll down your sleeves.‬‬

‫آوشیٿ چبر ـڂ ثیبـ دبییٿ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Don't carry the ball down; roll it down‬‬

‫سڃح ـڂ ضٽٷ ڀٱٿ دبییٿ؛ ‪٬‬ٷ اي ثؽڄ!‬

‫‪I rolled down the ball as you asked.‬‬

‫چٽبپ ٘ڃـی ٰڅ ٴ‪٩‬شی سڃح ـڂ ‪٬‬ٷ ؼاؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫ ػْس تستي‬/ ‫لَل زازى‬

.‫ڇؽ ثىشٿ» اوز‬٠« ‫ڃٶ ؼاؼپ» ڂ‬٬« ‫ځی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬promise” ‫ٷ‬١٨

He promised to forward my mail.

.‫ڃـڂاـؼ ٰځڅ‬٨ ‫ڃٶ ؼاؼ ٰڅ ایٽیٷ ټځڃ‬٬ ‫اڂپ‬

She promised to keep it a secret.

.‫ڃٶ ؼاؼ ٰڅ ثڅ ٰىی ڀٵڅ‬٬ ‫اڂ‬

Promise me that you won't tell anyone.

.‫ڃٶ ثؽڄ ٰڅ ثڅ ٰىی ڀٽیٵی‬٬

You always promise, but you never do what you say you will.
.‫ڃٶ ټیؽی اټب چفٴك ٰبـی ٰڅ ټیٵی اڀدبٺ ڀٽیؽی‬٬ ‫سڃ چٽیٍڅ‬

The ​government have promised that they'll ​reduce ​taxes.

.‫ڃٶ ؼاؼڄ ٰڅ ټبٸیبر چب ـا ٰٻ غڃاچؽ ٰفؼ‬٬ ‫ؼڂٸز‬

Her ​parents promised her a new ​car if she ​passed her ​exams.
.‫جڃٶ ثٍڅ ثفاي ټبٌیٿ ثٵیفپ‬٬ ‫ڃٶ ؼاؼپ ٰڅ اٴڅ سڃ اټشطبڀبي‬٬ ً‫ڂاٸؽیځ‬

.‫شٿ» ڀیك ټی ثبٌؽ‬٨‫بـ ـ‬ٝ‫ځبی «اڀش‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫ځی‬١‫الڂڄ ثف ټ‬٠ “promise” ‫ٷ‬١٨ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

It promises to be a really ​exciting ​game.

.‫بـ ټیفڄ ٰڅ ثبقی خبٸجی ثبٌڅ‬ٝ‫اڀش‬

It promised to be a night that all would remember.

.‫بـ ټیفڄ ٰڅ ٌجی ثبٌڅ ٰڅ چٽڅ ثڅ غب٘ف ثىذبـپ‬ٝ‫اڀش‬

Forthcoming concerts promise a feast of music

.‫بـ ټیفڄ ٰڅ خٍٿ ټڃوی٭ی ثبٌؽ‬ٝ‫ٰځىفر چبی ټڃوی٭ی اڀش‬

Those gray skies promise rain.
.‫بـ ثبـاپ ټی ـڂؼ‬ٝ‫اق اڂپ آوٽبپ اثفی اڀش‬

His ​English ​teacher had written on his ​report that he ​showed ​great promise.
.‫بـٌڅ‬ٝ‫ٹٻ قثبڀً ؼـ ٴكاـي اڂ ڀڃٌز ٰڅ آیځؽڄ غڃثی ؼـ اڀش‬١‫ټ‬

As a ​child I was ​quite a good ​dancer, but I didn't ​fulfill my early promise.
.‫بـ ثسٵی ـا ثفآڂـؼڄ ڀٱفؼ‬ٝ‫بَ غڃثی ثڃؼٺ اټب آیځؽڄ اڀش‬٬‫سڃ ثسٵی ـ‬

‫ اس ذٌسُ رٍزُ تز ضسى‬/ ‫لْمِ سزى‬
laugh one's head off

.‫شڅ ټی ٌڃؼ‬٩‫ ثڅ غځؽڄ ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ ٴ‬ٟ٬‫ڇ٭څ قؼپ» اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬٬« ‫ځی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬laugh head off” ‫جبـر‬٠

The movie was so funny I almost laughed my head off.

.‫یٹٻ ـڂؼڄ ثف ٌؽٺ‬٨ ‫یٹٻ آڀ٭ؽـ غځؽڄ ؼاـ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ټٿ س٭فیجب اق‬٨

I laughed my head off at Mary's joke.

.‫ټٿ ثڅ خڃٮ ټفی ثىیبـ غځؽیؽٺ‬

He laughed his head off when he read the letter.

.‫شی ڀبټڅ ـڂ غڃڀؽ اق غځؽڄ ـڂؼڄ ثف ٌؽ‬٬‫ڂ‬

You ​laughed ​your ​head off when I ​fell!

!‫ڇ٭څ قؼی‬٬ ‫شبؼٺ سڃ‬٨‫شی ټٿ ا‬٬‫ڂ‬

There I was ​lying ​face down on the ​pavement and you two were laughing your
heads off!
.‫شیؽ‬٨‫ټٿ اڂڀدب ثب ِڃـر ـڂ قټیٿ دیبؼڄ ـڂ ؼـاق ٌؽڄ ثڃؼٺ ڂ ٌٽب ؼڂسب اق غځؽڄ ـیىڅ ټی ـ‬

‫لیوت چیشی را پاییي آٍرزى‬
knock down

.‫یٽز زیكی ـا دبییٿ آڂـؼپ» اوز‬٬« ، “knock down” ‫جبـسی‬٠ ‫ٷ‬١٨ ‫بڀی‬١‫یٱی اق ټ‬

The burglaries in the area are knocking house prices down.

.‫یٽز غبڀڅ ٌؽڄ اوز‬٬ ‫ث دبییٿ آټؽپ‬٠‫٭څ ثب‬ٙ‫ؼقؼی ؼـ ایٿ ټځ‬

On the day of exchange they knocked the price down by £85,000.

.‫ دڃڀؽ دبییٿ آڂـؼڀؽ‬85000 ‫یٽز ـا‬٬ ‫بټٹڅ‬١‫آڀڇب ـڂق ټ‬

Originally priced $35, it was knocked down to $30.

.‫ز‬٨‫ ؼالـ ٰبچً یب‬30 ‫ اټب ثڅ‬،‫یٽز ؼاٌز‬٬ ‫ ؼالـ‬35 ‫ؼـ اِٷ‬

The company has knocked down the price of all their old products.
.‫ؽیٽی غڃؼ ـا دبییٿ آڂـؼ‬٬ ‫یٽز سٽبٺ ټطّڃالر‬٬ ‫ٰبـغبڀڅ‬

The store has knocked all software down from $25 to just $15.
.‫ ؼالـ ٰبچً ؼاؼ‬15 ‫ ؼالـ ثڅ‬25 ‫كاـ چبی غڃؼ ـا اق‬٨ ‫یٽز سٽبٺ ڀفٺ‬٬ ‫فڂٌٵبڄ‬٨

‫وار هْوتزی زاضتي‬
have bigger fish to fry

.‫ځی « ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼاٌشٿ» ڂ «اڂٸڃیز ؼیٵفی ؼاٌشٿ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬have bigger fish to fry” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I can't take time for your problem; I have other fish to fry.
.‫ز ثكاـٺ؛ ټٿ ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼاـٺ‬٬‫ټٿ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ڂاوڅ ټٍٱٷ سڃ ڂ‬

I won't waste time on your question. I have bigger fish to fry.

.‫ ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼاـٺ‬.‫ ڀٽی ٰځٻ‬٧‫ز سٹ‬٬‫ټٿ ڂاوڅ وڃاٶ سڃ ڂ‬

I couldn't waste my time trying to reach an agreement with them, I had other
fish to fry.
.‫ ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼاـٺ‬.‫ ٰځٻ‬٦‫ز ِف‬٬‫ ثب اڂڀب ڂ‬٫٨‫ټٿ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ڂاوڅ سڃا‬

Trust me, we've bigger fish to fry than mere international intrigue.
.‫ثبڂـ ٰٿ ټب ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی اق خٹت سڃخڅ ثیٿ اٸٽٹٹی ؼاٌشڅ ایٻ‬

There are still much bigger fish to fry here. Solidarity should be the first concern
right now.
.‫څ ضبٶ ضبٔف اوز‬٤‫ؽ‬٤‫ اسطبؼ ټڇٽشفیٿ ؼ‬.‫ایځدب ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ڂخڃؼ ؼاـؼ‬

Sometimes people who genuinely would like to lose weight have bigger fish to
fry in more basic areas of life.
.‫ ٰبـ ټڇٽشفی ؼـ قڀؽٴی غڃؼٌڃپ ؼاـڀؽ‬،‫ب ټی غڃاچځؽ ڂقپ ٰٻ ٰځځؽ‬١٬‫بر ټفؼټی ٰڅ ڂا‬٬‫ٴبچی اڂ‬

‫وارت وطیسى‬
swipe a card

.‫ځی «ٰبـر ٍٰیؽپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬swipe a card” ‫جبـر‬٠

Give it another swipe.

.ً‫ؼڂثبـڄ ٰبـر ثٱ‬

Seller: Sorry, your payment was unsuccessful.

Customer: Please swipe it again.
.‫ ثڃؼ‬٫٨‫ دفؼاغز ٌٽب ڀبټڃ‬،‫ ثجػٍیؽ‬:‫فڂٌځؽڄ‬٨
.‫ب ؼڂثبـڄ ٰبـر ثٱٍیؽ‬٩ٙ‫ ٸ‬:‫ټٍشفی‬

‫ ویف وسی وَن تَزى‬/ ‫وثه وسی ذزٍس ذَاًسى‬
feel like a million dollars

‫ځبی غڃٌطبٶ ڂ‬١‫بـوی ثڅ ټ‬٨ ‫ ٰىی ٰڃٮ ثڃؼپ» ؼـ قثبپ‬٧‫الش «ٰجٯ ٰىی غفڂن غڃاڀؽپ» ڂ یب «ٰی‬ِٙ‫ا‬
‫جبـر‬٠ ‫الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ی اوز ڂ ټ‬٠‫وفضبٶ ثڃؼپ اق ټڃٔڃ‬
.‫“ اوز‬feel like a million dollars”

I‘m feeling like a million dollars now, because I have no homework today.
.‫ ڀؽاـٺ‬٧‫ زڃپ اټفڂق سٱٹی‬،‫ٻ غیٹی ٰڃٰڅ‬٩‫ٰی‬

He feels like a million dollars after he got the promotion.

.‫ز ٰجٱً غفڂن ټیػڃاڀؽ‬٨‫ٹی ٴف‬٥ٌ ‫شی اـس٭بء‬٬‫ڂ‬

This involves sometimes dressing up to the nines, doing grand things and looking
like a million dollars.
.‫ ثبٌی‬٧‫ ٰبـچبی ثكـٲ اڀدبٺ ثؽچی ڂ وف ٰی‬،‫ٴبچی ثبیؽ ضىبثی ٌیٯ ٰځی‬

A quick swim in the morning makes me feel like a million dollars.

.‫یٯ ٌځبی ٰڃسبڄ وف ِجص ټځڃ وفضبٶ ټیبـڄ‬

What a beautiful day! It makes you feel like a million.

.‫ ټیبـڄ‬٧‫زڅ ـڂق قیجبیی! ایٿ ټځڃ وف ٰی‬

After being in the hospital for 5 days, Tim felt like a million dollars when he was
allowed to go home.
.‫ً ٰڃٮ ثڃؼ‬٩‫شی اخبقڄ ؼاؼڄ ٌؽ ٰڅ ثڅ غڃڀڅ ثفڄ ضىبثی ٰی‬٬‫ سیٻ ڂ‬،‫ ـڂق ؼـ ثیٽبـوشبپ ثڃؼپ‬5 ‫ؽ اق‬١‫ث‬

Sophia: Are you okay? I heard your boyfriend broke up with you.
Carly: Yeah, I feel like a million dollars. Let’s go to the nightclubs!
.‫ ضبٸز غڃثڅ؟ ٌځیؽٺ ؼڂوز دىفر ثبچبر ثڇٻ قؼڄ‬:‫یب‬٨‫وڃ‬
.‫ ثكپ ثفیٻ ٰٹڃح ٌجبڀڅ‬.‫ ضىبثی ٰجٱٻ غفڂن ټیػڃڀڅ‬،‫ آـڄ‬:‫ٰبـٸی‬

‫ رٍیای وسی را ذزاب وززى‬/ ‫وسی را اس تَّن زر آٍرزى‬
burst someone's bubble

‫ځی «ٰىی ـا اق سڃچٻ ؼـآڂـؼپ» ڂ «ـڂیبی ٰىی ـا غفاة‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬burst someone's bubble” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫ٰفؼپ» اوز‬

I am sorry to burst your bubble.

.‫ثجػٍیؽ ٰڅ ـڂیبر ـڂ غفاة ټیٱځٻ‬

I hate to burst your bubble, but Columbus did not discover Canada.
.‫ ڀٱفؼ‬٧ٍٰ ‫ ٰٹٽت ٰبڀبؼا ـا‬٧‫ؼڂوز ڀؽاـٺ سّڃـار ؾچځی ار ـا غفاة ٰځٻ اټب ٰفیىش‬

Even if you think I am being foolish, please don't burst my bubble.

.‫ب سّڃـار ؾچځی ټٿ ـا غفاة ڀٱٿ‬٩ٙ‫ ٸ‬،‫ چىشٻ‬٫‫ٱف ټی ٰځی ټٿ اضٽ‬٨ ‫ضشی اٴف‬

I don't want to burst her bubble by telling her we won't have a vacation this
.‫یالر ڀؽاـیٻ ضبٸً ـا ثٵیفٺ‬ٙ١‫شٿ ایځٱڅ قټىشبپ اټىبٶ س‬٩‫ڀٽی غڃاچٻ ثب ٴ‬

He tries to burst the bubble of anyone who believes population growth is not a
.‫یز یٯ ټٍٱٷ ڀیىز ـا اق سڃچٻ ؼـثیبڂـؼ‬١‫ش٭ؽڀؽ ـٌؽ خٽ‬١‫ی ؼاـؼ چٽڅ ٰىبڀی ٰڅ ټ‬١‫اڂ و‬

I hate to burst his bubble, but he is going to be disappointed if he tries that idea.
.‫ؼٸٻ ڀٽیػڃاؼ ـڂیبي ـڂ غفاة ٰځٻ اټب اٴڅ اڂپ ایؽڄ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽڄ ڀب اټیؽ غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‬

‫ویٌِ تِ زل گزفتي‬
bear a grudge

.‫شٿ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٨‫ځی «ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ٴف‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬bear a grudge” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

She bears a grudge against the judge who sentenced her.

.‫شڅ اوز‬٨‫بٔی ای ٰڅ اڂ ـا ټطٱڃٺ ٰفؼ ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ٴف‬٬ ‫اڂ ڀىجز ثڅ‬

I have a grudge against my landlord for not fixing the leaky faucet.
.‫شڅ اٺ‬٨‫ثڅ غب٘ف ؼـوز ڀٱفؼپ ٌیفآالر ڀٍشی ؼاـ اق ِبضت غبڀڅ اٺ ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ٴف‬

They held up my claim for three months, but I won't bear a grudge against them,
.‫شٻ‬٨‫ اټب ټٿ اق آڀڇب ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ڀٵف‬،‫ڃی ټٿ ـا وڅ ټبڄ ثڅ سبغیف اڀؽاغشځؽ‬٠‫آڀڇب ؼ‬

He still bears a grudge against Clara because she refused to go out with him
years ago.
.‫جڃٶ ڀٱفؼڄ ثڃؼ ثب اڂ ثیفڂپ ثفڂؼ‬٬ ً‫اڂ چځڃق اق ٰالـا ٰیځڅ ثڅ ؼٶ ؼاـؼ زڃپ زځؽ وبٶ دی‬

‫گَش تِ سًگ تَزى‬
have/keep one’s ear to the ground

‫بؼٶ ایٿ‬١‫ ټ‬.‫ت ڂ ټشڃخڅ ثڃؼپ ټی ثبٌؽ‬ٜ‫ت ڂ ټڃا‬٬‫ ټفا‬،‫بـ ثڃؼپ‬ٝ‫ځی ؼـ اڀش‬١‫جبـر «ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثڃؼپ» ثڅ ټ‬٠
.‫“ اوز‬have/keep one’s ear to the ground” ‫جبـر ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬٠

John had his ear to the ground, hoping to find out about new ideas in
.‫خبپ ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثڃؼ ڂ اټیؽڂاـ ثڃؼ ایؽڄ چبی خؽیؽ ؼـثبـڄ ٰبټذیڃسفچب ـا ثؽوز ثیبڂـؼ‬

His boss told him to keep his ear to the ground so that he'd be the first to know
of new ideas.
.‫ز ٰڅ ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثبٌؽ سب اڂٸیٿ ٰىی ثبٌؽ ٰڅ اق ایؽڄ چبی ڀڃ ثبغجف ټی ٌڃؼ‬٩‫ـئیه ثڅ اڂ ٴ‬

The good leader has his ear to the ground and will know when real doubts are
.‫ ټی ٌڃڀؽ‬ٞ‫ی اق ٰدب ٌفڂ‬١٬‫یٯ ـچجف غڃة ثبیؽ ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثبٌؽ ڂ ثؽاڀؽ ٰڅ سفؼیؽچبی ڂا‬

Keep your ear to the ground and ask local people about water pollution too.
.‫ٴڃي ثڅ قڀٳ ثبي ڂ چٽسځیٿ اق ټفؼٺ ټطٹی ؼـ ټڃـؼ آٸڃؼٴی آة وڃاٶ ثذفن‬

‫گیح ضسى‬

.‫ځی «ٴیح» ڂ «ٴیح ٌؽپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬dizzy” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

Going without ​sleep for a ​long ​time makes me ​feel dizzy and ​light-headed.
.‫ٻ ٌؽڄ‬٩١ٔ ‫ث وفٴیدڅ ڂ‬٠‫ثی غڃاثی ٘ڃالڀی ثب‬

I ​felt dizzy with ​excitement as I went up to ​collect the ​award.

.‫ز‬٨‫شٿ خبیكڄ وفٺ ٴیح ـ‬٩‫ ٴ‬ٟ٬‫اق چیدبپ ټڃ‬

She ​felt dizzy and ​needed to ​sit down.

.‫ز ڂ ڀیبق ؼاٌز ٰڅ ثٍیځڅ‬٨‫وفي ٴیح ـ‬

Climbing so high made me feel dizzy.

.‫ث وفٴیدڅ ټٿ ټی ٌؽ‬٠‫شٿ ثب‬٨‫سب اڂپ ضؽ ثبال ـ‬

I feel dizzy.
.‫اضىبن وفٴیدڅ ؼاـٺ‬

.‫ځی «ٴیح» اوز‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬woozy” ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

I still felt woozy from all the pills.

.‫فَ چب چځڃق وفٴیدڅ ؼاٌشٻ‬٬ ‫ثڅ غب٘ف‬

Still a bit woozy, Brian rose unsteadily into a crouch.

.‫ثفایبپ ثب وفٴیدڅ ـڂ دبچبي ٸفقاپ ڀیٻ غیك ٌؽ‬

‫ پیلِ وززى‬/ ‫گیز زازى‬
pick on

.‫ځی «ٴیف ؼاؼپ» ڂ «دیٹڅ ٰفؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬pick on” ‫جبـسی‬٠ ‫ٷ‬١٨

No one is picking on you, we’re trying to help you.

.‫ی ؼاـیٻ ثڅ سڃ ٰٽٯ ٰځیٻ‬١‫٭ٗ و‬٨ ‫ ټب‬،‫چیر ٰه ثڅ سڃ ٴیف ڀؽاؼڄ‬

He gets picked on because he’s ​small.

.‫ثڅ اڂ ٴیف ټی ؼچځؽ زڃپ اڂ ٰڃزٯ اوز‬

Madison's been telling me a little boy in her class has been picking on her,
teasing her.
.‫شڅ ٰڅ یٯ دىفثسڅ ؼـ ٰالن ثڅ اڂ دیٹڅ ٰفؼڄ ڂ اڂ ـا اؾیز ټی ٰځؽ‬٩‫ټؽیىڃپ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‬

Please stop picking on me! I'm tired of it.

.‫ ټٿ اقي غىشڅ ٌؽڄ اٺ‬.‫ب ثڅ ټٿ دیٹڅ ڀٱځیؽ‬٩ٙ‫ٸ‬

My mother always picks on me when I want go out at night.

.‫شی ٰڅ ٌت ټیػڃاچٻ ثڅ ثیفڂپ ثفڂٺ‬٬‫ټبؼـٺ چٽیٍڅ ثڅ ټٿ ٴیف ټیؽچؽ ڂ‬

Like playground bullies, they've picked on the weakest of the pack.

.‫ سفیٿ ٌػُ ٴفڂڄ ٴیف ؼاؼڀؽ‬٧‫ی‬١ٔ ‫ٹؽـچبی قټیٿ ثبقی اڂڀڇب ثڅ‬٬ ‫ټثٷ‬

‫الس سزى‬

.‫ځی «الن قؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬flirt” ‫ٷ‬١٨

She began to tease him, flirting with other men in front of him.
.‫ ثڅ زكڂڀؽپ اڂ ٰفؼ‬ٞ‫اڂ ثب الن قؼپ ثب ټفؼ چبی ؼیٵف خٹڃی اڂ ٌفڂ‬

They were flirting all night.

.‫آڀڇب سٽبٺ ٌت الن قؼڀؽ‬

She's always flirting with the boys.

.‫اڂ چٽیٍڅ ثب دىف چب الن ټیكڀڅ‬

Christina was flirting with just about every man in the ​room.
.‫ الن ټی قؼ‬٪‫ٰفیىشیځب س٭فیجب ثب سٽبٺ ټفؼچبی سڃ اسب‬

They were flirting with each other at the ​party.

.‫آڀڇب ثب چٻ ؼـ ټڇٽبڀی الن ټی قؼڀؽ‬

The servers at that restaurant flirt with all the customers.

.‫ٴبـوڃپ چبی اڂپ ـوشڃـاپ ثب سٽبٺ ټٍشفی چب الن ټی قڀځؽ‬

‫لَس وززى‬
spoil somebody rotten

.‫ځی «ٸڃن ٰفؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬spoil somebody rotten” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

They spoiled the child rotten dreadfully and now she’s becoming unbearable.
.‫بثٷ سطٽٷ ټیٍڅ‬٬ ‫یف‬٤ ‫اڂڀب ثسٍڃڀڃ ثڅ ٘فق ڂضٍشځبٰی ٸڃن ثبـ آڂـؼپ ڂ ضبال اڂپ ؼاـڄ‬

My husband spoils me rotten. Look at all this jewelry he's given me.
.‫ ایٿ خڃاچف ٰڅ ثڇٻ ؼاؼڄ ـڂ ثجیٿ‬.‫چٽىفٺ ټځڃ ٸڃن ټیٱځڅ‬

Those children are spoiled rotten by their grandparents.

.‫اڂپ ثسڅ چبـڂ دؽـثكـٲ ڂ ټبؼـثكـٴٍڃپ ٸڃن ٰفؼڀؽ‬

Dad always spoiled us rotten, and Mom was the one who disciplined us.
.‫بڀڃپ ټی ٴؿاٌز‬٬ ‫دؽـ چٽیٍڅ ټب ـڂ ٸڃن ټی ٰفؼ ڂ ټبؼـ سځڇب ٰىی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ثفای ټب‬

Jimmy was a sweet boy until his mother spoiled him rotten and he became a
.‫ڃپ ٌؽ‬ٙ‫خیٽی ثسڅ ؼڂوز ؼاٌشځی ثڃؼ سب ایځٱڅ ټبؼـي اڂ ـڂ ٸڃن ٰفؼ ڂ اڂ یڅ ثسڅ ٌی‬

Don't give him that cake, you'll spoil him rotten!

.‫ ٸڃوً ټی ٰځی‬،‫ثڇً اڂپ ٰیٯ ـڂ ڀؽڄ‬

‫هثل سگ ٍ گزتِ تِ ّن پزیسى‬
‫‪fight like cat and dog‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “fight like cat and dog‬ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ب ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثڅ چٻ دفیؽپ» ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫‪٨‬بـوی ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Mike and his sister are always fighting like cat and dog.‬‬
‫ټبیٯ ڂ غڃاچفي چٽیٍڅ ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثڅ چٻ ټیذفڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪We get on very well as adults but as kids we fought like cat and dog.‬‬
‫ټب ؼـ وٿ ثكـٴىبٸی ثب چٻ غیٹی غڃة چىشیٻ ڂٸی ؼـ ٰڃؼٰی ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثب چٻ ؼ‪٠‬ڃا ټی ٰفؼیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪We fought like cat and dog the whole time we were together‬‬
‫سٽبٺ ټؽسی ٰڅ ثب چٻ ثڃؼیٻ ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثڅ خبپ چٻ ا‪٨‬شبؼڄ ثڃؼیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She had known them for some time now and had always known Amber and‬‬
‫‪James to fight like cats and dogs.‬‬
‫اڂ ټؽسی ثڃؼ ٰڅ آڀڇب ـا ټی ٌځبغز ڂ ټی ؼاڀىز ٰڅ آټجف ڂ خیٽك چٽیٍڅ ټثٷ وٳ ڂ ٴفثڅ ثب چٻ ؼ‪٠‬ڃا ټی‬

‫هچ وسی را گزفتي‬
catch someone’s red-handed

‫بؼٶ ایٿ‬١‫ٽٹی ٰىی ـا ؼوشٵیف ٰفؼپ ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ ټ‬٠ ‫ځی ؼـ ضیٿ اـسٱبة‬١‫شٿ» ثڅ ټ‬٨‫الش «ټر ٰىی ـا ٴف‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫“ اوز‬catch someone’s red-handed” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬ِٙ‫ا‬

Mary tried to cash a forged check at the bank, and the teller caught her red-
.‫ز‬٨‫ؽاـ ټر اڂ ـا ٴف‬٬‫ٹی ـا ؼـ ثبڀٯ ڀ٭ؽ ٰځؽ ڂ ِځؽڂ‬١‫ی ٰفؼ یٯ زٯ خ‬١‫ټبـی و‬

I caught him red-handed trying to break into my car.

.‫شٻ‬٨‫ز اق غڃؼـڂی ټٿ ـا ؼاٌز ټر اڂ ـا ٴف‬٬‫ّؽ وف‬٬ ‫ؼـ ضبٸیٱڅ‬

The father was furious when he caught his son red-handed, smoking a cigarette.
.‫ز‬٨‫ ویٵبـ ٍٰیؽپ ٴف‬ٟ٬‫شی ټر دىفي ـا ټڃ‬٬‫ّجبڀی ثڃؼ ڂ‬٠ ‫دؽـ‬

Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed.
.‫ز غڃؼـڂ ثڃؼ ٰڅ دٹیه اق ـاڄ ـویؽ ڂ اڂ ـا ضیٿ اـسٱبة خفٺ ؼوشٵیف ٰفؼ‬٬‫سبٺ ؼـ ضبٶ وف‬

‫هد وسی را سزى‬
‫‪hit on someone‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “hit on someone‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټع ٰىی ـا قؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Are you hitting on me‬‬

‫ؼاـی ټع ټځڃ ټیكڀی؟‬

‫!‪I thought he was going to hit on me, but he didn’t‬‬

‫‪٨‬ٱف ٰفؼٺ ټیػڃاؼ ټع ټځڃ ثكڀڅ‪ ،‬اټب ڀكؼ!‬

‫‪The women were all hitting on George, but he didn’t complain.‬‬

‫چٽڅ غبڀٻ چب ؼاٌشځؽ ټع خڃـج ـڂ ټی قؼڀؽ ڂٸی اڂ چیر ا‪٠‬شفأی ڀٽی ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He was really hitting on me, with steamy looks and innuendos.‬‬
‫اڂ ڂا‪١٬‬ب ؼاٌز ټع ټځڃ ثب ڀٵبڄ چبی دفٌڇڃر ڂ اٌبـڄ چبیً ټی قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪٠‬جبـسی ”‪ “hit on‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «زیكی ـا ٌبڀىی دیؽا ٰفؼپ» ڀیك ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪She hit on a novel idea for fundraising.‬‬

‫اڂ یٯ ایؽڄ خؽیؽ ثفای خٽ‪ ٟ‬آڂـی ٰٽٯ دیؽا ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪She was scared he might hit on the truth.‬‬

‫قپ اڂ ټی سفویؽ ٰڅ ڀٱځؽ اڂ ثڅ ض٭ی٭ز دی ثجفؼ‪.‬‬

‫هزحلِ ی اٍل را گذراًسى ‪ /‬زست را خایی تٌس وززى‬
‫‪get foot in the door‬‬

‫اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “get foot in the door‬قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثٵڃییٻ ټفضٹڅ اڂٶ اق ٰبـی ـا ثب‬
‫ټڃ‪٨‬٭یز دٍز وف ٴؿاٌشڅ ایٻ‪ .‬ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټفضٹڅ ی اڂٶ ـا ٴؿـاڀؽپ» ‪« ،‬ؼوز ـا خبیی‬
‫ثځؽ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «اق یڅ خبیی ڂاـؼ ٌؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's not a great position, but at least my foot is in the door.‬‬

‫غیٹی ټڃ‪١٬‬یز ‪٠‬بٸی ایی ڀیىز؛ اټب ؼوز ٰٻ ټفضٹڅ اڂٶ ـڂ ٴؿـڂڀؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I need to find a way to get my foot in the door.‬‬

‫یڅ ـاچی ثبیؽ دیؽا ٰځٻ ٰڅ اق یڅ خبیی ڂاـؼ ثٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm doing an internship for SK Telecom. It's an opportunity to get my foot in the‬‬
‫ؼاـٺ ثفای ان ٰب سٹٱبٺ ٰبـآټڃقی ټیٱځٻ؛ چٽیٿ یڅ ټڃ‪١٬‬یشڅ ٰڅ ثشڃڀٻ ؼوشٻ ـڂ خبیی ثځؽ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Frank: Did you find a job yet‬‬

‫‪Bryan: No. I'm still looking.‬‬
‫‪Frank: With the sagging economy, it's hard to find a job.‬‬
‫‪Bryan: Yeah. I'm even considering a lower position, At least I'll have my foot in‬‬
‫‪the door.‬‬
‫‪٨‬فاڀٯ‪ٰ :‬بـ ٴیفر اڂټؽ سب االپ؟‬
‫ثفایبپ‪ :‬ڀڅ چځڃق ؼاـٺ ټیٵفؼٺ‪.‬‬
‫‪٨‬فاڀٯ‪ :‬ثب ایٿ ا‪٬‬شّبؼ ؼا‪٤‬ڃپ وػشڅ ٰڅ ٰبـ دیؽا ٰځی‪.‬‬
‫ثفایبپ‪ :‬آـڄ‪ .‬ټٿ ضشی ټڃ‪١٬‬یز چبی ٰبـی ـؼڄ دبییٿ ـڂ چٻ ؼـ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ؼاـٺ‪ ،‬ؼوز ٰٻ ټیشڃڀٻ ؼوشٻ ـڂ خبیی ثځؽ‬

‫هزیؽ تَزى‬
under the weather

.‫ځی «ټفیٓ ثڃؼپ» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬under the weather” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I'm ​feeling a ​bit under the weather. I ​think I'm getting a ​cold.
.‫ٱف ٰځٻ ؼاـٺ وفټب ټی غڃـٺ‬٨ .‫اضىبن ټی ٰځٻ ټفیٓ ٌؽٺ‬

She was sufficiently under the weather to have to pull out of the championship.
.‫ ثؽڄ‬٦‫ڇفټبڀی اڀّفا‬٬ ‫اڂ آڀ٭ؽـ ټفیٓ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ټدجڃـ ثٍڅ اق ټىبث٭بر‬

Whatever I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit under the weather.
.‫چف زی ڀبچبـ غڃـؼٺ ؼاـڄ ضبٸٻ ـڂ غفاة ټیٱځڅ‬

It's hard to keep working when you're under the weather.

.‫شی ټفیٓ چىشی ٰبـ ٰفؼپ غیٹی وػشڅ‬٬‫ڂ‬

.‫ځی «ټىز ثڃؼپ» ڀیك ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬under the weather” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ ا‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

Daddy's had a few beers and is under the weather again.

.‫دؽـٺ زځشب آثدڃ غڃـؼ ڂ ؼڂثبـڄ ضبٸً غفاة ٌؽ‬

Wally's just a tad under the weather.

#‫ضبٸً غفاثڅ‬$ ‫ڂاٸی یٱٻ ټىشڅ‬

‫ چْار چطوی پاییسى‬/ ‫هزالة تَزى‬
keep eye open

‫الش ؼـ قثبپ‬ِٙ‫بؼٶ ایٿ ا‬١‫ت ثڃؼپ اوز ڂ ټ‬٬‫ځبی ټفا‬١‫بـوی ثڅ ټ‬٨ ‫الش «زڇبـ زٍٽی دبییؽپ» ؼـ قثبپ‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫“ اوز‬keep eye open” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫اڀٵٹیىی‬

She said: “The local community have supported us so well and now we want
them to keep their eyes open and to be vigilant.”
ٟ‫څ ټطٹی ثڅ غڃثی اق ټب دٍشیجبڀی ٰفؼڄ اوز ڂ ضبال ټب اق آڀڇب ټی غڃاچیٻ ٰڅ ضڃاوٍبپ ـا خٽ‬١‫ «خبټ‬:‫ز‬٩‫اڂ ٴ‬
».‫ٰفؼڄ ڂ چڃٌیبـ ثبٌځؽ‬

I'll try to keep my eyes open and watch for them for you, but I don't think they'll
.‫ٱف ڀٽی ٰځٻ ثیبیځؽ‬٨ ‫ اټب‬،‫ی ټی ٰځٻ ضڃاوٻ ثبٌؽ ڂ اٴف آڀڇب ـا ؼیؽٺ غجفسبپ ٰځٻ‬١‫و‬

But you've just got to keep your eyes open and watch out for the other cars.
.‫ت ث٭یڅ غڃؼـڂچب ثبٌی‬٬‫٭ٗ ثبیؽ زڇبـ زٍٽی ټفا‬٨ ‫اټب سڃ‬

While you are ​checking the ​animals, ​keep ​your ​eyes ​open for any ​signs
of ​disease.
.‫الئٻ چف ثیٽبـی ثبي‬٠ ‫ت‬٬‫ؼـ ضیٿ زٯ ٰفؼپ ضیڃاڀبر ټفا‬

‫هطتزی خلة وززى ‪ /‬تاسار گزهی وززى‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “tout‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټٍشفی خٹت ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ثبقاـ ٴفټی ٰفؼپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Shop managers would stand in the street touting for business.‬‬

‫ټؽیفاپ ‪٨‬فڂٌٵبڄ ؼـ غیبثبپ ایىشبؼڄ ڂ ثفای ٰىت ڂ ٰبـ ټٍشفی خٹت ټی ٰځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's no surprise to see every major player in the market touting special offers.‬‬
‫‪٠‬دیت ڀیىز ٰڅ ثبقیٵفاپ اِٹی ؼـ ثبقاـ ثفای خٹت ټٍشفی دیٍځڇبؼار ڂیمڄ ؼاـڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Expanding an effort to position Caller ID as family friendly, Sprint this week will‬‬
‫‪break a new TV, print and radio campaign in local markets to tout the service.‬‬
‫اوذفیځز ثب سڃو‪١‬څ ا‪٬‬ؽاټبر ثفای خب اڀؽاغشٿ ‪ Caller ID‬ؼـ غبڀڃاؼڄ چب ایٿ چ‪٩‬شڅ یٯ ٰٽذیٿ سٹڃیكیڃڀی‪،‬‬
‫ټ‪ٙ‬جڃ‪٠‬بسی ڂ ـاؼیڃیی ؼـ ثبقاـچبی ټطٹی ثفای خؿة ټٍشفیبپ ثڅ ایٿ غؽټبر ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Street vendors were touting the pedestrians.‬‬

‫ؼوش‪٩‬فڂٌبپ غیبثبڀی ‪٠‬بثفیٿ ـڂ ثڅ غفیؽ ؼ‪٠‬ڃر ټی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫ واسِ ای سیز ًین واسِ تَزى‬/ ‫ ضه وززى‬/ ‫هطىَن تَزى‬
smell a rat

.‫ «ٌٯ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ٰبوڅ ای قیف ڀیٻ ٰبوڅ ثڃؼپ» اوز‬، »‫ځی «ټٍٱڃٮ ثڃؼپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬smell a rat” ‫جبـر‬٠

When he died, investigators were called in and soon smelt a rat.

.‫ڇٽیؽڀؽ ٰڅ ٰبوڅ ای قیف ڀیٻ ٰبوڅ اوز‬٨ ٟ‫فاغڃاڀؽڄ ٌؽڀؽ ڂ وفی‬٨ ‫ ثبقـوبپ ثڅ ټطٷ‬،‫شی اڂ ټُفؼ‬٬‫ڂ‬

I don't think this was an accident. I smell a rat.

.‫ ٰبوڅ ای قیف ڀیٻ ٰبوڅ اوز‬.‫ ثڃؼڄ‬٦‫ٱف ڀٽیٱځٻ یٯ سّبؼ‬٨ ‫ټٿ‬

Keep everything normal. I don’t want her to smell a rat. She has never had a
surprise party before.
‫ٹٵیف ٰځځؽڄ‬٨‫ب‬٤ ‫جال چفٴك یٯ ټڇٽڃڀی‬٬ ‫ اڂ‬.‫ ڀٽی غڃاٺ ثڅ زیكی ٌٯ ٰځڅ‬.‫بؼی ثبٌڅ‬٠ ‫چٽڅ زیك ـڂ ؼـ ضبٸز‬

When my husband started working late three or four times a week, I smelled a
.‫ز وفٰبـ ټبڀؽ ټٿ ټٍٱڃٮ ٌؽٺ‬٬‫شی چٽىفٺ ؼڂ وڅ ثبـ سب ؼیف ڂ‬٬‫ڂ‬

After noting several discrepancies in his client's story, the attorney began to
smell a rat.
.‫ ؼاؼوشبپ ټٍٱڃٮ ٌؽ‬،‫ٓ ؼـ ؼاوشبپ ټڃٰٷ‬٬‫ زځؽ سځب‬٧ٍٰ ‫ؽ اق‬١‫ث‬

‫هٌاظزُ وززى‬

.‫فڄ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬ٜ‫فڄ» ڂ «ټځب‬ٜ‫ځی «ټځب‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬debate” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

The candidates will debate on television

.‫فڄ غڃاچځؽ ٰفؼ‬ٜ‫ٰبڀؽیؽاچب ؼـ سٹڃیكیڃپ ثب یٱؽیٵف ټځب‬

The candidates participated in several debates before the election was held.
.‫فڄ چبی قیبؼی ٌفٰز ٰفؼڀؽ‬ٜ‫ ثفٴكاـی اڀشػبثبر ؼـ ټځب‬ٞ‫جٷ اق ٌفڂ‬٬ ‫ٰبڀؽیؽاچب‬

The meaning of the text has been the subject of considerable debate among
scholars for many years.
.‫ ثطث چبی قیبؼی ثیٿ ؼاڀٍٽځؽاپ ؼـ وبٶ چبی ټشٽبؼی ثڃؼ‬ٞ‫ځی ټشٿ ټڃٔڃ‬١‫ټ‬

Over the ​year we have had several debates about ​future ​policy.
.‫فڄ چبی قیبؼی ؼـثبـڄ ی ویبوز آیځؽڄ ؼاٌشیٻ‬ٜ‫ؼـ ٘ڃٶ وبٶ ټب ټځب‬

They had been debating for several ​hours without ​reaching a ​conclusion.
.‫فڄ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ‬ٜ‫آڀڇب وبٶ چب ثؽڂپ ڀشیدڅ ټځب‬

Education is the ​current ​focus of ​public debate.

.‫ٽڃټی اوز‬٠ ‫فڄ چبی‬ٜ‫ ټڃـؼ سٽفٰك ټځب‬ٞ‫آټڃقي ټڃٔڃ‬

The ​matter was ​hotly debated in all the ​towns of the ​realm.
.‫فڄ ثڃؼ‬ٜ‫ ټڃـؼ ټځب‬٢‫ ثڅ ِڃـر ؼا‬ٞ‫ٹٽفڂ ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‬٬ ‫ؼـ ٌڇفچبی ټطؽڂؼڄ‬

The ​ethics of ​journalism are much debated.

.‫ ـڂقڀبټڅ ڀٵبـی ثىیبـ ټڃـؼ ثطث اوز‬٪‫اغال‬

I'm still debating whether to take the ​job or not.

.‫ٷ ثطث ڀٽیٱځٻ‬٥ٌ ‫جڃٶ یب ـؼ‬٬ ‫ټٿ ؼـ ټڃـؼ‬

‫هَ تِ تي آزم سید ضسى‬
goose bumps

‫ چیدبپ ڂ یب وفټب ٰٽی‬،‫“ ثفای ثیبپ ضبٸشی اوز ٰڅ دڃوز ثؽپ ثڅ ؼٸیٷ سفن‬goose bumps” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫جبـر «ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ٌؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫ ټ‬ٟ٬‫ټشڃـٺ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬

Alex: Did you like the movie “The Ring”?

Julia: No! I had goose bumps the whole time. It was so scary!
‫یٹٻ ضٹ٭څ ـڂ ؼڂوز ؼاٌشی؟‬٨ :‫اٸٱه‬
.‫ غیٹی سفوځبٮ ثڃؼ‬.‫ ڀڅ! سٽبٺ ټؽر ټڃ ثڅ سځٻ ویع ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‬:‫خڃٸیب‬

Gabriel: Do you think Eminem is a good rapper?

Thomas: Yeah, I love his voice. I get goose bumps every time I listen to his songs.
‫ٱف ټی ٰځی اټیځٻ ـدف غڃثی چىشً؟‬٨ :‫ٴبثفیٷ‬
.‫ز ثڇً ٴڃي ټیؽٺ ټڃ ثڅ سځٻ ویع ټیٍڅ‬٬‫ چفڂ‬.‫ ِؽاٌٻ‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠ ،‫ آـڄ‬:‫سڃټبن‬

The young boy had goose bumps when his football team won the championship.
.‫ڇفټبپ ٌؽ ټڃچبی سځً ویع ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‬٬ ً‫شی سیٽ‬٬‫دىف خڃاپ ڂ‬

When I hear that old song, I get goose bumps.

.‫ؽیٽی ټیٍځڃٺ ټڃ ثڅ سځٻ ویع ټیٍڅ‬٬ ‫شی آچځٳ‬٬‫ڂ‬

Sara has goose bumps all over her legs, because she’s wearing a short skirt in the
.‫وبـا ټڃچبی دبي ویع ٌؽڄ زڃپ سڃ وفټب ؼاټٿ ٰڃسبڄ دڃٌیؽڄ‬

.‫“ ـا ؼاـؼ‬goose bumps” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ځبی‬١‫“ ڀیك ٰبـثفؼ ڂ ټ‬goose pimples” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

I got goose pimples watching that scary movie last night!

!‫یٹٻ سفوځبٮ ټڃ ثڅ ثؽڀٻ ویع ٌؽ‬٨ ‫ ؼیؽپ‬ٟ٬‫ؼیٍت ټڃ‬

Their concert was so amazing, I got goose pimples when they played their first
!‫شی اڂڀڇب اڂٸیٿ آچځٵٍڃپ ـڂ غڃڀؽپ ټڃ ثڅ سځٻ ویع ٌؽ‬٬‫ ڂ‬،‫بؼڄ ثڃؼ‬١‫ اٸ‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫ٰځىفسٍڃپ غیٹی‬

It's so cold in here that I'm getting goose pimples.
.‫ایځدب غیٹی وفؼڄ ڂ ټٿ ټڃ ثڅ سځٻ ویع ٌؽڄ‬

.‫ځی «ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ٌؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬hair-raising” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ چٽسځیٿ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

Driving through the mountains was a hair-raising experience.

.‫ ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ټی ٰځڅ‬.‫دفڂاق اق ثیٿ ٰڃڄ چب یٯ سدفثڅ چیدبپ اڀٵیكڄ‬

She gave a hair-raising ​account of her ​escape through the ​desert.

.‫فاـي اق ِطفا ؼاؼ ٰڅ ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ټی ٰفؼ‬٨ ‫اڂ یٯ ٴكاـي ٰبټٷ اق‬

She told us a hair-raising ​story about ​suddenly ​meeting a ​bear on

her ​camping ​trip.
.‫ ٰفؼ ٰڅ ټڃ ثڅ سٿ آؼٺ ویع ټی ٰفؼ‬٧‫فی‬١‫في س‬٩‫بر ڀبٴڇبڀی ثب یٯ غفن ؼـ و‬٬‫اڂ یٯ ؼاوشبپ ؼـثبـڄ ټال‬

‫هَؾَػی را فْویسى ‪ /‬هَؾَػی را گزفتي‬
‫‪got it‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “got it‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٨‬ڇٽیؽٺ» ‪« ،‬ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٻ» اوز‪ .‬ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ٌٱٷ ٰڃسبڄ ٌؽڄ ڂ‬
‫‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ خٽٹڅ ی ”!‪ “I have got it‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Ah, I got it. Thanks for the explanation‬‬

‫اڄ‪٨ ،‬ڇٽیؽٺ‪ .‬ټٽځڃپ ثفای سڃٔیص!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬خٽالر ”‪ “I understand‬ڂ ”‪ “I’ve got the idea‬ڀیك ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ب ټ‪١‬ځی ‪٠‬جبـر ‪ got it‬ـا ټی ؼچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ثفای اٌیب ڀیك ٰبـثفؼ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Thomas: Have you found the flashlight yet‬‬

‫!‪Taylor: No, still searching... got it‬‬
‫سڃټبن‪ :‬ثبالغفڄ زفا‪٬ ٢‬ڃڄ ـڂ دیؽا ٰفؼی؟‬
‫سیٹڃـ‪ :‬ڀڅ‪ ،‬چځڃق ؼاـٺ ټی ٴفؼٺ‪ ...‬یب‪٨‬شٻ!‬

‫ تِ ّسفی رسیسى‬/ ‫هَفك ضسى‬
make it

.‫ی ـویؽپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬٨‫ ٌؽپ» ڂ «ثڅ چؽ‬٫٨‫“ «ټڃ‬make it” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫بڀی‬١‫یٱی اق ټ‬

Now that she's got her own home, she feels as if she's really made it.
.‫ً ـویؽڄ‬٨‫ضبال ٰڅ غڃڀڅ غڃؼي ـڂ ؼاـڄ اضىبن ټیٱځڅ ثڅ چؽ‬

Now he's got his own TV show he feels as though he's really made it.
.‫ ٌؽڄ اوز‬٫٨‫ب ټڃ‬١٬‫ضبال ٰڅ اڂ ثفڀبټڅ سٹڃیكیڃڀی غڃؼي ـا ؼاـؼ ضه ټی ٰځؽ ٰڅ ڂا‬

She made it in films when she was still a teenager.

.‫ ٌؽ ڂاـؼ ثبقیٵفی ثٍڃؼ‬٫٨‫شی ڀڃخڃاپ ثڃؼ ټڃ‬٬‫اڂ ڂ‬

I hope I make it someday but if not, I tried.

.‫ ثٍٻ اټب اٴف ڀٍؽ چٻ ټٿ سالي غڃؼٺ ـڂ ٰفؼٺ‬٫٨‫اټیؽڂاـٺ یڅ ـڂق ثشڃڀٻ ټڃ‬

I was afraid I wouldn‘t be able to make it as a photographer, so I became a

journalist instead.
.‫٭ی ثٍٻ ثػب٘ف چٽیٿ ـڂقڀبټڅ ڀٵبـ ٌؽٺ‬٨‫ٱبن ټڃ‬٠ ‫ټی سفویؽٺ ڀشڃڀٻ‬

Mark Zuckerberg made it at young age.

.‫٭یز ثفوڅ‬٨‫ټبـٮ قاٰفثفٲ سڃڀىز سڃ وٿ ٰٻ ثڅ ټڃ‬

.‫ ـویؽپ» اوز‬ٟ٬‫“ «ټؽیفیز ثفای ثڅ ټڃ‬make it” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫بڀی‬١‫ یٱی ؼیٵف اق ټ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
She made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane.
.‫فڂؼٴبڄ ـویؽ ٰڅ ثڅ چڃادیٽب ثفوؽ‬٨ ‫ز ثڅ‬٬‫ؼـوز وف ڂ‬

We're having a party on Saturday. Can you make it?

‫ ټیشڃڀی ثیبی؟‬.‫ټب ٌځجڅ ټڇٽڃڀی ؼاـیٻ‬

We just made it in time for the wedding.

.‫فڂوی ـویؽیٻ‬٠ ٟ٬‫ټب ؼـوز ټڃ‬

‫ًسیِ ذزیسى‬
‫‪buy on credit‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “buy something on credit‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڀىیڅ غفیؽ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ا‪٠‬شجبـی غفیؽ ٰفؼپ» اوز‬
‫ٰڅ ټیبپ اڀٵٹیىی قثبڀبپ ـڂاج ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪You can buy everything in this shop on credit.‬‬

‫چٽڅ زی ـڂ ایځدب ټیشڃڀیؽ ڀىیڅ ثػفیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The Smiths buy everything on credit and are very much in debt.‬‬
‫غبڀڃاؼڄ ی اوٽیز چٽڅ زی ـڂ ڀىیڅ ‪$‬ا‪٠‬شجبـی‪ #‬غفیؽڀؽ ڂ ثڅ ‪٬‬فْ ا‪٨‬شبؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫ًفس ًفس سزى‬

.‫ه قؼپ» اوز‬٩‫ه ڀ‬٩‫ځی «ڀ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬pant” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

“Hurry! They're ​almost here" she panted.

»‫ «ثؽڂ! آڀڇب ؼاـڀؽ ټی ـوځؽ‬:‫ز‬٩‫ه قڀبپ ٴ‬٩‫ه ڀ‬٩‫ڀ‬

Robyn was breathing rather fast, in shallow pants.

.‫ه ټی قؼ‬٩‫ه ڀ‬٩‫ ؼاٌز ڀ‬،‫ه ټی ٍٰؽ‬٩‫ ڀ‬ٟ‫ـاثیٿ وفی‬

I felt the quick pant of my bosom.

.‫ی ؼـ ویځڅ اٺ اضىبن ٰفؼٺ‬١‫سذً وفی‬

Blake was panting hard after ​running up the ​hill.

.‫ه ټی قؼ‬٩‫ه ڀ‬٩‫ؽ اق ؼڂیؽپ ثڅ ثبالی سذڅ ثڅ وػشی ڀ‬١‫ثٹیٯ ث‬

Jack ​arrived at the ​top of the ​hill, panting and ​covered in ​sweat.
.‫ه ټی قؼ‬٩‫ه ڀ‬٩‫ ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ ڂ ڀ‬٪‫ف‬٠ ،‫خٯ ثڅ ثبالی سذڅ ـویؽ‬

On that slop, all of us started panting.

.‫شبؼیٻ‬٨‫ؼـ وفثبالیی چٽڅ ټب ثڅ چٿ چٿ ا‬

‫ًَتت وسی تَزى‬
‫‪It's one’s turn to‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ ٰفؼپ ڀڃثشٽبپ ثفای اڀدبٺ ٰبـی ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق‬
‫وبغشبـ”‪ “It's + possessive adjectives + turn to + verb‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's my turn to walk you home.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز ټځڅ ٰڅ سڃ ـڂ ثڅ غڃڀڅ ثفوڃڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's your turn to do the laundry.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز سڃ چىز ٰڅ ٸجبوڇب ـڂ ثٍڃـی‪.‬‬

‫‪It's his turn to work late.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز اڂڀڅ ٰڅ سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ٰبـ ٰځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's her turn to take out the trash.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز اڂڀڅ ٰڅ آٌ‪٥‬بٶ چب ـڂ ثیفڂپ ثجفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's our turn to choose where we eat.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز ټب چىز ٰڅ اڀشػبة ٰځٻ ٰدب ‪٤‬ؿا ثػڃـیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It is your turn to pay for dinner.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز ٌٽبوز ٰڅ دڃٶ ٌبٺ ـڂ دفؼاغز ٰځیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It is my turn to roll the dice.‬‬

‫ڀڃثز ټځڅ ٰڅ سبن ثیځؽاقٺ‪.‬‬

‫ ػشیش زرزاًِ وسی تَزى‬/ ‫ًَر چطن وسی تَزى‬
be the apple of someone’s eye

‫كیك ؼـؼاڀڅ ٰىی‬٠« ‫ځی «ڀڃـ زٍٻ ٰىی ثڃؼپ» ڂ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬be the apple of someone’s eye” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ثڃؼپ» اوز‬

Ben was always the apple of his father's eye.

.‫كیك ؼـؼاڀڅ دؽـي ثڃؼ‬٠ ‫ثٿ چٽیٍڅ‬

A daughter who had ceased to be the apple of her father’s eye.

.‫ؼغشفی ٰڅ ؼیٵف ڀڃـ زٍٽی دؽـي ڀجڃؼ‬

He adored her, she was the apple of his eye and she loved her dad.
.‫ دؽـي ثڃؼ‬٫ٌ‫ب‬٠ ‫ اڂ ڀڃـ زٍٽیً ثڃؼ ڂ ؼغشف چٻ‬،‫اڂ ؼغشفي ـا ټی دفوشیؽ‬

Your child is quite rightly the apple of your eye.

.‫فقڀؽر ڀڃـ زٍٽیز اوز‬٨ ‫ ٰڅ‬٫‫ب ثڅ ض‬١٬‫ڂا‬

His youngest son was the apple of his eye.

.‫كیك ؼـؼاڀڅ اي ثڃؼ‬٠ ‫ٰڃزٱشفیٿ دىفي‬

‫ًیطگَى گزفتي‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “pinch‬ټ‪١‬بڀی ټش‪٩‬بڂسی ؼاـؼ ڂ یٱی اق ایٿ ټ‪١‬بڀی «ڀیٍٵڃپ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪He pinched my arm harder.‬‬

‫اڂ ثبقڂی ټٿ ـڂ ټطٱٽشف ڀیٍٵڃپ ٴف‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪My little brother is always trying to pinch me.‬‬

‫ثفاؼـ ٰڃزٯ ټٿ چٽیٍڅ و‪١‬ی ټی ٰځؽ ټځڃ ڀیٍٵڃپ ثٵیفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Tom pinched her cheeks and told her how cute she was.‬‬
‫سبٺ ٸخ ؼغشفڄ ـڂ ڀیٍٵڃپ ٴف‪٨‬ز ‪$‬ٸذً ـڂ ٍٰیؽ‪ #‬ڂ ثڇً ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ز٭ؽـ ثبټكڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't ​believe that he's back from Canada and he's mine. I ​keep having to pinch‬‬
‫‪myself to make ​sure I'm not ​dreaming.‬‬
‫ټٿ ڀٽیشڃڀىشٻ ثبڂـ ٰځٻ ٰڅ اڂپ اق ٰبڀبؼا ثفٴٍشڅ ڂ ټبٶ ټځڅ‪ .‬ټٿ چٽً غڃؼٺ ـڂ ڀیٍٵڃپ ټی ٴف‪٨‬شٻ سب ټ‪ٙ‬ٽئٿ‬
‫ثٍٻ ٰڅ غڃاة ڀٽی ثیځٻ‪.‬‬

‫ٍسف واری تَزى‬
in the middle of doing something

‫الپ‬٨ ‫ڃٶ اڀدبٺ‬٥ٍ‫ «ټ‬، »‫ځی «ڂوٗ ٰبـی ثڃؼپ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬in the middle of (doing) something” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ی یب چٽبپ ټٱبٸٽبر ٰبـثفؼ ثىیبـ قیبؼی ؼاـؼ‬١٬‫ٰبـ ثڃؼپ» ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی ڂا‬

I am in the middle of writing something and I can’t help you right now.
.‫ټٿ ڂوٗ ڀڃٌشٿ زیكی چىشٻ ڂ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ چٽیٿ االپ ثڇز ٰٽٯ ٰځٻ‬

He was in the middle of vacuuming when I arrived.

.‫اڂ ڂوٗ خبـڂ ٰفؼپ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ټٿ ـویؽٺ‬

He stopped Thomas in the middle of his speech.

.‫ ٰفؼ‬ٟٙ٬ ً‫ سڃټبن ـا ؼـ ڂوٗ وػځفاڀی‬٦‫اڂ ضف‬

I'm in the midst of calculating my income tax.

.‫ټٿ ڂوٗ ټطبوجڅ ٰفؼپ ټبٸیبر ؼـآټؽٺ چىشٻ‬

When she called, I was in the middle of giving the baby a bath.
.‫ ټٿ ڂوٗ ضٽبٺ ٰفؼپ ثسڅ ثڃؼٺ‬،‫ز‬٨‫شی اڂ سٽبن ٴف‬٬‫ڂ‬

.‫ ٰفؼ‬٦‫جبـر ثبال ضؿ‬٠ ‫“ ـا اق‬doing” ‫ چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاپ ٰٹٽڅ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

I am in the middle of something.

[‫ ]ؼوشٻ ثځؽڄ‬.‫ټٿ ؼـ ڂوٗ اڀدبٺ ٰبـی چىشٻ‬

‫ٍفازار تَزى‬
‫‪being loyal‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “being loyal‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـ ثڃؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪These are loyal nobles to general.‬‬

‫ایځڇب اٌفا‪ ٦‬قاؼڄ چبی ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـ ثڅ لڀفاٶ چىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪People remember where they learn new information, and that builds a loyal‬‬
‫ټفؼٺ ثڅ یبؼ ؼاـڀؽ ٰڅ ا٘ال‪٠‬بر خؽیؽ ـا اق ٰدب ټی آټڃقڀؽ‪ ،‬ڂ ایٿ ثب‪٠‬ث ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـی آڀڇب ؼـ ؼڀجبٸڅ ـڂی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Do you think we'd be able to take on soldiers loyal to a warlord‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬فسبپ ټی سڃاڀیٻ ـڂثفڂی وفثبقاڀی ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـ ثڅ یٯ ‪٨‬فټبڀؽڄ ثیبوشیٻ؟‬

‫‪Here are a few proven ideas that will move you toward a more loyal customer‬‬
‫ایځدب زځؽ ایؽڄ اثجبر ٌؽڄ چىشځؽ ٰڅ ٌٽب ـا ثڅ وڃی یٯ دبیٵبڄ ټٍشفی ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـسف وڃ‪ ٪‬ټی ؼچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪You're no more loyal to Jonny than I am.‬‬

‫سڃ ثیٍشف اق ټٿ ثڅ خبڀی ڂ‪٨‬بؼاـ ڀیىشی‪.‬‬

‫ٍلرزخی وززى‬
‫‪splash out‬‬

‫اِالش ”‪ “splash out‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڂٸػفخی ٰفؼپ» اوز ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ِف‪ ٦‬ټ٭ؽاـ قیبؼی دڃٶ ثفای‬
‫غفیؽ زیكی اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪We're going to splash out and buy a new car.‬‬

‫ټب ټی غڃاچیٻ ڂٸػفخی ٰځیٻ ڂ یٯ ټبٌیٿ خؽیؽ ثػفیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes.‬‬

‫اڂ ِؽچب دڃڀؽ ثفای غفیؽ ٸجبن چبی ثفڀؽ غفج ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪She splashed out on a Mercedes.‬‬

‫اڂ دڃٶ قیبؼی ثبثز ټفوؽن ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪They splashed out £3,000 on a holiday.‬‬

‫آڀڇب ‪ 3000‬دڃڀؽ ؼـ س‪ٙ١‬یالر غفج ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Michael splashed out and bought two expensive decorative statues last year.‬‬
‫ټبیٱٷ دبـوبٶ ڂٸػفخی ٰفؼ ڂ ؼڂسب ټدىٽڅ سكئیځی ٴفاپ غفیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Lucy splashed out on gold watch.‬‬

‫ٸڃوی ثبثز غفیؽ وب‪٠‬ز ٘ال ڂٸػفخی ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫ّویٌدَری تَزى‬

‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر «چٽیځدڃـی ثڃؼپ» قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ س‪٥‬ییف ڀٱفؼپ ٌػُ یب ٌی ـا ؼـ ٘ی قټبڀی‬
‫ڀ٭ٷ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫ثفای ایٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ٰ “came‬څ ٴؿٌشڅ ڂ ٌٱٷ وڃٺ ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “come‬اوز‪ ،‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It came that way when I bought it.‬‬

‫ایٿ چٽیځدڃـی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ټٿ غفیؽټً‪.‬‬

‫‪You think he came like this? Hell no.‬‬

‫‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱځی ٰڅ اڂ ایځدڃـی ثڃؼ‪ٰ ،‬څ االپ اوز؟ ‪٠‬ٽفا‪.‬‬

‫َّ وززى‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “boo‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چڃ ٰفؼپ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ ا‪٠‬شفاْ ڂ یب سط٭یف ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪The spectators booed their own losing team‬‬

‫سٽبٌبزیبپ سیٻ ثبقڀؽڄ غڃؼ ـا چڃ ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪They booed and hissed when he stepped on stage.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی اڂ ـڂی ِطځڅ آټؽ چٽڅ اڂ ـا چڃ ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪People at the back ​started booing ​loudly.‬‬

‫ټفؼٺ ـؼی‪ ٧‬چبی ‪٠‬٭ت ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ثڅ چڃ ٍٰیؽپ ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Her ​singing was so ​bad that she was booed off the ​stage.‬‬
‫غڃڀؽڀً اڂڀ٭ؽـ ثؽ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ثب چڃ ٰفؼپ خٽ‪١‬یز اق ِطځڅ ثیفڂپ ـ‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪The audience greeted this comment with boos and hisses.‬‬

‫خٽ‪١‬یز ثب چڃ ٰفؼپ ڂ وف ڂ ِؽا اق ایٿ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف اوش٭جبٶ ٰفؼڀؽ‪٠$ .‬ؽٺ ټڃا‪٨‬٭ز غڃؼٌڃپ ـڂ ا‪٠‬الٺ ٰفؼڀؽ‪#.‬‬

‫زهت گزم‬
‫‪big up‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «ؼټز ٴفٺ» ڀڃ‪٠‬ی سٍٱف ؼڂوشبڀڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڀیك ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی قیبؼی ثفای ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ڂخڃؼ‬
‫ؼاـؼ‪ .‬ث‪ٕ١‬ی اق ایٿ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چب ٰڅ غیٹی ـایح چىشځؽ‪٠ ،‬جبـسځؽ اق‪:‬‬
‫‪good work - good job - nice work - nice job - well done - way to go - nice move‬‬

‫اټب اٴڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ؼ‪٬‬ی‪ ٫‬سف ڂ ؼڂوشبڀڅ سف ثٵیڃییٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “big up‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ؼ‪٬‬ی‪ ٫‬سفی اوز قیفا ٰبټال ټطبڂـڄ ایىز ڂ چٽسځیٿ ټبڀځؽ اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ؼټز ٴفٺ» ضبٸز ؼ‪٠‬بیی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ؼټز ٴفٺ» ڀیك ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ڀ‪٩‬ىز ٴفٺ» ڂ «قڀؽڄ ثبٌی» اوز ڂ ضبٸز ؼ‪٠‬بیی ؼاـؼ ٰڅ‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “big up‬چٻ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭بً ثڅ چٽیٿ ٌٱٷ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I want to big up my friends that never left me alone during these years and‬‬
‫‪especially big up to my family for all their support.‬‬
‫ټی غڃاٺ یٯ ؼټز ٴفٺ ثٵٻ ثڅ ؼڂوشٻ ٰڅ ټٿ ـڂ سڃی سٽبٺ ایٿ وبٶ چب سځڇب ڀؿاٌز ڂ یٯ سٍٱف اق غبڀڃاؼڄ اٺ‬
‫ثڅ غب٘ف سٽبٺ ضٽبیشٍڃپ‪.‬‬

‫‪Very big up to you.‬‬

‫غیٹی ؼټز ٴفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We'll do our best to big you up.‬‬

‫سٽبٺ سالٌٽڃپ ـڂ ټی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ سٍڃی٭ز ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “you rock‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ؼټز ٴفٺ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “you rock‬اِ‪ٙ‬الضی ـایح ؼـ ټطبڂـار آټفیٱبیی اوز ڂ اٴف ثػڃاچیٻ اق ٰىی سٍٱف ٰځیٻ اق ایٿ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ٰڅ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ «ؼټز ٴفٺ» ـا ټیفوبڀؽ‪ ،‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Hey; thanks for moving my sofa on Saturday. You rock‬‬

‫ټٽځڃپ ٰڅ ٰبڀبدڅ ـڂ خبثدب ٰفؼی‪ .‬ؼټز ٴفٺ‪.‬‬

‫اٍى قَری وِ فىز هی وززم ًثَز‬
‫‪(Something) wasn't as (adjective) as I thought it would be‬‬

‫ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ـا ټ‪١‬ٽڃال قټبڀی ثڅ ٰبـ ټیجفیٻ ٰڅ ؾچځیز ټب ؼـ ټڃـؼ ڂ‪٬‬ڃ‪ ٞ‬ـغؽاؼی ثب ڂا‪١٬‬یز ؼـ سٕبؼ اوز ڂ‬
‫اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬بر آپ ٘ڃـ ٰڅ ټب سّڃـ ټی ٰفؼیٻ دیً ڀف‪٨‬شڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.‬‬

‫ثڅ اڂپ وبؼٴی ایی ٰڅ ٴٽبپ ټیٱفؼٺ ثبیؽ ثبٌڅ‪ ،‬ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪The flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty‬‬
‫دفڂاق ثڅ اڂپ ثؽی ایی ٰڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱفؼٺ ثبیؽ ثبٌڅ‪ ،‬ڀجڃؼ اټب ټٿ چځڃق غیٹی ثب دفڂاق ـاضز ڀیىشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It wasn't as big as she thought it would be.‬‬

‫ثڅ اڂپ ثكـٴی ایی ٰڅ اڂ ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱفؼ ثبٌڅ‪ ،‬ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ؼـ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ټیشڃاپ ثڅ خبی ”‪ ”thought‬اق ا‪١٨‬بٶ ؼیٵفی ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪They weren't as fresh as I'd hoped they would be.‬‬

‫ثڅ اڂپ سبقٴی ایی ٰڅ اټیؽڂاـ ثڃؼٺ ثبٌځؽ‪ ،‬ڀجڃؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.‬‬

‫وػز سف اق آڀسڅ ٰڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱفؼٺ ثبیؽ ثبٌڅ‪ ،‬ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫زیگِ ٍلتطِ وِ فالى وار رٍ اًدام تسی‬
‫)‪It's time you (did something‬‬

‫ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر قټبڀی ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ ٰڅ ‪٨‬فؼی ثػڃاچؽ ثڅ ٌػُ ؼیٵف ‪٨‬فا ـویؽپ قټبپ اڀدبٺ ٰبـی ٰڅ ثبیؽ ؼـ‬
‫ٴؿٌشڅ اڀدبٺ ټی ٌؽڄ اوز ـا ٴڃٌكؼ ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's time you got rid of that thing.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ اق ٌف ‪٨‬الپ زیك ـاضز ثٍی‪] .‬ی‪١‬ځی غیٹی ڂ‪٬‬ز دیً ثبیؽ اق ٌفي ـاضز ټیٍؽی[‬

‫‪It's time you learned a lesson about respecting your elders.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ ؼـوی ؼـ ټڃـؼ اضشفاٺ ثڅ ثكـٴشفچب یبؼ ثٵیفی ]ی‪١‬ځی غیٹی ڂ‪٬‬ز دیً چب ثبیؽ ایٿ ؼـن ـڂ یبؼ‬

‫‪It's time you went to bed.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ ثڅ ـغشػڃاة ثفی ]ی‪١‬ځی غیٹی ڂ‪٬‬ز دیً ثبیؽ ثڅ ـغشػڃاة ټیف‪٨‬شی[‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ؼـ ث‪ٕ١‬ی ټڃا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای سبٰیؽ ثڅ ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ٰ ٞ‬څ ؼیٵڅ غیٹی ؼیف ٌؽڄ ڂ قڂؼسف ثبیؽ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ‬
‫ټیؽاؼی اق وبغشبـ ”)‪ “It's high time you (did something‬ڀیك ټیشڃاپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬
‫!‪It’s high ​time you got that ​bad ​knee ​looked at by a ​doctor‬‬
‫ؼیٵڅ ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ قاڀڃر ٰڅ ؼـؼ ټی ٰځڅ ـڂ ثڅ ؼٰشف ڀٍڃپ ثؽی‪.‬‬

‫‪Her parents decided it was high time she started paying some rent.‬‬
‫ڂاٸؽیځً سّٽیٻ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ٰڅ ڂ‪٬‬شً ٌؽڄ ٰڅ اڂ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ثڅ دفؼاغز اخبـڄ ٰځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's high time that nurses were given better pay and conditions.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ ثڅ دفوشبـ چب ض٭ڃ‪ ٪‬ڂ ٌفایٗ ٰبـ ثڇشفی ثؽچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ؼ‪٬‬ز ٰځیؽ ٰڅ ده اق چف ؼڂ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “It's time you‬ڂ ”‪ “It's high time you‬ثبیؽ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ‬
‫ٴؿٌشڅ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬
‫‪It's high time you didn't depend on your parents any more.‬‬
‫االپ ؼیٵڅ ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ ثیً اق ایٿ ثڅ ڂاٸؽیځز ڂاثىشڅ ڀجبٌی‪.‬‬

‫‪It's high time you started looking after that thing.‬‬

‫االپ ؼیٵڅ ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ اق اڂپ ټفا‪٬‬جز ٰځی‪.‬‬

‫رٍسًِ اهیس ایٌىِ ‪ /‬خای ذَضثیٌی ایٌىِ‬
‫‪on the bright side‬‬

‫چځٵبټی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ اق ڀٱبر ټثجز ڂ ڀ٭‪ٙ‬څ ی ‪٬‬ڃر ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ثؽ ِطجز ٰځیٻ اق‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “on the bright side‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ـڂقڀڅ اټیؽ ایځٱڅ» ‪« ،‬خبی غڃٌجیځی ایځٱڅ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪On the bright side, the car you wrecked was covered by insurance.‬‬
‫غڃٌجػشبڀڅ؛ ټبٌیځی ٰڅ ؼـة ڂ ؼا‪٤‬ڃڀً ٰفؼی سطز دڃًٌ ثیٽڅ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪On the bright side, we were able to cut costs by 20%.‬‬

‫غڃٌجػشبڀڅ‪ ،‬ټب سڃڀىشیٻ سب ‪ "20‬چكیځڅ چب ـڂ ٰبچً ثؽیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪ %‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “look on the ​bright ​side‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټثجز ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ڀیٽڅ دف ٸیڃاپ ـا‬
‫ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Look on the bright side. You’ll save money by not going.‬‬

‫ټثجز ڀٵبڄ ٰٿ‪ .‬ثب ڀف‪٨‬شٿ دڃٶ ـڂ ده اڀؽاق غڃاچی ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Look on the ​bright ​side. No one was ​badly ​hurt.‬‬

‫ڀیٽڅ دف ٸیڃاپ ـڂ ڀٵبڄ ٰٿ‪ .‬چیسٱه آویت خؽی ڀؽیؽ‪.‬‬

‫تایس فالى چیش رٍ هی زیسی‬
‫)‪You should have seen (something‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ثػڃاچیٻ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ڂ یب اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬ی ٰڅ ‪٬‬جال ثفای ټبپ ـظ ؼاؼڄ ڂ ټب ٌبچؽ آپ ثڃؼڄ ایٻ ـا ثفای ؼیٵفاپ ثبقٴڃ ٰځیٻ‬
‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ ”You should have seen (something‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ثبیؽ ‪٨‬الپ زیك ـڂ ټی ؼیؽی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ‬

‫‪You should have seen the look on his face when I told him I’d won.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ثڇً ٴ‪٩‬شٻ ٰڅ ثفڀؽڄ ٌؽٺ ثبیؽ ‪٬‬یب‪٨‬څ اي ـڂ ټی ؼیؽی‪.‬‬

‫‪You should have seen the size of that car.‬‬

‫ثبیؽ اڀؽاقڄ ی اڂپ ټبٌیٿ ـڂ ټی ؼیؽی‪.‬‬

‫‪You should have seen the dress she wore last year.‬‬
‫ثبیؽ ٸجبوی ٰڅ دبـوبٶ دڃٌیؽڄ ثڃؼ ـڂ ټی ؼیؽی‪.‬‬

‫!‪You should have ​seen her. She was ​furious‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ټی ؼیؽیً‪ .‬غیٹی ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ثڃؼ!‬

‫آیا هی زاًستیس‬
‫‪did you know‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “did you know‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «آیب ټی ؼاڀىشیؽ» اوز ڂ ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ثیٍشف قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ ٰڅ‬
‫ثػڃاچیٻ ا٘ال‪٠‬بسی ٰڅ ثفای غڃؼټبپ خبٸت ثڃؼڄ اوز ـا ثب ٌػُ ؼیٵفی ثڅ اٌشفاٮ ثٵؿاـیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Did you know that peanuts are not technically nuts‬‬

‫ټیؽڂڀىشی ٰڅ ثبؼاٺ قټیځی ؼـ اِٷ آخیٷ ڀیىز؟‬

‫?‪Did you know when you eat your food slowly it helps better digestion‬‬
‫ټیؽڂڀىشی ڂ‪٬‬شی ‪٤‬ؿار ـڂ ثڅ آـڂټی ثػڃـی ثب‪٠‬ث ٴڃاـي ثڇشفی ټیٍڅ؟‬

‫‪Did you know 11% of people are left handed.‬‬

‫آیب ټی ؼاڀىشیؽ ٰڅ ‪ "11‬ټفؼٺ زخ ؼوشځؽ؟‬

‫‪Did you know birds need gravity to swallow.‬‬

‫آیب ټی ؼاڀىشیؽ ٰڅ دفڀؽٴبپ ثفای ثٹ‪١‬یؽپ ثڅ خبؾثڅ قټیٿ ڀیبق ؼاـڀؽ؟‬

‫‪Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E.‬‬
‫آیب ټی ؼاڀىشیؽ ٰڅ ټشؽاڂٶ سفیٿ ضف‪ ٦‬اٸ‪٩‬جب ضف‪ E ٦‬ټی ثبٌؽ؟‬

‫یِ ّوچیي چیشّایی ‪ /‬یِ چیشی تَ ایي هایِ ّا‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ‪٠‬جبـار «چٽسیٿ زیكچبیی» ڂ یب «یڅ زیكی سڃ ایٿ ټبیڅ چب» اق ٰٹٽڅ ی‬
‫”‪ “something‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Do you need pills or somethig‬‬

‫‪٬‬فَ یب یڅ زیكی سڃ ایٿ ټبیڅ چب ڀیبق ؼاـی؟‬

‫‪It is kind of disaster or something.‬‬

‫ایٿ یڅ ‪٨‬بخ‪١‬څ اوز یب یڅ چٽسیٿ زیكچبیی‪.‬‬

‫ودا رزیفص وززی؟‬
‫?‪Where did you get it done‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ٰدب ـؼی‪ٰ ً٩‬فؼی؟» ‪٠‬الڂڄ ثف قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڀیك ثىیبـ ټشؽاڂٶ اوز‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”?‪ “Where did you get it done‬اوز ٰڅ ثڅ ِڃـر غالِڅ ڂ ثڅ ٌٱٷ‬
‫”?‪ “Where'd you get it done‬ڀیك ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټی ٴیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Where did you get your hair cut‬‬

‫ٰدب ؼاؼی ټڃچبر ـڂ ٰڃسبڄ ٰفؼی؟‬

‫?‪Where did you get your clothes dry cleaned‬‬

‫ٰدب ؼاؼی ٸجبوڇبر ـڂ غٍٱٍڃیی ٰفؼڄ اڀؽ؟‬

‫?‪Where did you get your oil changed‬‬

‫ـڂ‪٤‬ٿ ‪$‬ټبٌیځز‪ #‬ـڂ ٰدب ‪٠‬ڃْ ٰفؼی؟‬

‫?‪Where did you get your nails done‬‬

‫ٰدب ؼاؼی ڀبغٿ چبر ـڂ ـؼی‪ٰ ٧‬فؼی؟ ]ټثال الٮ قؼپ ڂ وڃچبپ قؼپ ڂ ‪[...‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاپ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪٠ “get (something) (done‬الڂڄ ثف ضبٸز وڃاٸی ثبال‪ ،‬ثڅ ٌٱٷ قیف‬
‫ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Did you get your hair cut‬‬

‫ټڃچبر ـڂ ؼاؼڄ ای ٰڃسبڄ ٰفؼڄ اڀؽ؟‬

‫‪I always get my shirts cleaned at this great place.‬‬

‫ټٿ چٽیٍڅ دیفاچٿ چبیٻ ـا ثفای ٌىشٿ ثڅ ایٿ ټطٷ ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬اٸ‪١‬بؼڄ ټیؽچٻ‪.‬‬

‫السم است وِ فالى وار رٍ اًدام تسم‬
‫)‪I need to (do something‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ “I need to (do something‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «القټڅ ٰڅ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ» ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی ڂا‪١٬‬ی یب‬
‫چٽبپ ټٱبٸٽبر ٰبـثفؼ ثىیبـی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I need to report a lost or stolen ATM card.‬‬

‫القټڅ ٰڅ ټ‪٩‬٭ڃؼ ڂ یب وف‪٬‬ز ٌؽپ یٯ ٰبـر ثبڀٱی ـڂ ٴكاـي ثؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I need to change the address on my account.‬‬

‫القټڅ ٰڅ آؼـوٻ ـڂ ؼـ اٰبڀشٻ س‪٥‬ییف ثؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I need to cancel my membership.‬‬

‫القټڅ ٰڅ ‪ٕ٠‬ڃیشٻ ـڂ ٸ‪٥‬ڃ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬سفسیت ‪٬‬فاـ ٴیفی ٰٹٽبر «ٴٻ ٌؽڄ ڂ ؼقؼیؽڄ ٌؽڄ» ؼـ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “lost or stolen‬چٽبڀځؽ ټثبٶ اڂٶ‬
‫اوز ڂ ثڅ چیر ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ڀجبیؽ ثف‪٠‬ٱه ثیبپ ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬
‫ِطیص ‪lost or stolen‬‬
‫‪٤‬ٹٗ ‪stolen or lost‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ٰ “report‬څ ؼـ ټثبٶ اڂٶ آټؽڄ اوز ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ٴكاـي ٰفؼپ زیكی ثڅ ِڃـر ؼ‪٬‬ی‪ ٫‬ڂ ثب‬
‫خكئیبر اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Report a crime to the police.‬‬

‫ٴكاـي یٯ خفٺ ثڅ دٹیه‬

‫‪Report damage to the apartment you're renting.‬‬

‫ٴكاـي غىبـر ثڅ وبغشٽبڀی ٰڅ اخبـڄ ٰفؼیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Report a change in your address to a company or government agency.‬‬

‫ٴكاـي یٯ س‪٥‬ییف ؼـ آؼـن ٌٽب ثڅ یٯ ٰبـغبڀڅ یب آلاڀه ؼڂٸشی‪.‬‬

‫هثل ریگ تیاتَى سیازُ ‪ /‬هثل ریگ تیاتَى ریرتِ‬
‫‪a dime a dozen‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڂ‪٬‬شی ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ «‪٨‬فاڂاپ ثڃؼپ» ‪« ،‬ـایح ثڃؼپ» ڂ یب «ثی اـقي ثڃؼپ» زیكی اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ‪،‬‬
‫ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ثىیبـ ٰبـثفؼی”‪ “a dime a dozen‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ڀكؼیٱشفیٿ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ثفای ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش‬
‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اِ‪ٙ‬الش«ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ قیبؼڄ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Jobs at fast food restaurants are a dime a dozen these days.‬‬

‫ایٿ ـڂقچب ٰبـ سڃی ـوشڃـاپ چبی ‪٨‬ىز ‪٨‬ڃؼ ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ قیبؼڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Editors are a dime a dozen, so if she causes trouble, fire her.‬‬

‫ڂیفایٍٵف ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ ـیػشڅ اٴف ؼـؼوف وبقڄ اغفاخً ٰٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪Guys like that are a dime a dozen.‬‬

‫دىفچبی ټثٷ اڂپ ټثٷ ـیٳ ثیبثڃپ اڀؽ ‪$‬غیٹی قیبؼ اڀؽ‪#.‬‬

‫‪Experts in this field are a dime a dozen.‬‬

‫ټشػُّ سڃ ایٿ قټیځڅ غیٹی قیبؼڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪People who can write good books are not a dime a dozen.‬‬
‫ٰىبڀی ٰڅ ثشڃاڀځؽ ٰشبة چبی غڃثی ثځڃیىځؽ قیبؼ ڀیىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Books like this are a dime a ​dozen.‬‬

‫ٰشبة چبیی ټثٷ ایٿ ټثٷ ؼیٳ ثیبثڃپ قیبؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “be two/ten a penny‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثىیبـ ـایح» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪TV cookery shows seem to be ten a penny these days.‬‬

‫ایٿ ـڂقچب ثفڀبټڅ چبی آٌذكی سٹڃیكیڃڀی ثىیبـ ـایح چىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Antique ​toy ​cars are ten a penny ​nowadays.‬‬

‫ټبٌیٿ اوجبة ثبقی چبی ‪٬‬ؽیٽی اټفڂقڄ غیٹی قیبؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Princes used to be two a penny in Hungary.‬‬

‫ٌبچكاؼڄ چب سڃ ټدبـوشبپ غیٹی قیبؼ ثڃؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫تِ ذاقز فالى چیش ‪ /‬تِ زلیل فالى چیش‬
‫)‪because of (gerund or noun clause‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ ؼٸیٷ ‪٠‬ؽٺ اڀدبٺ ٰبـی ټی ٌڃؼ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “because of‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ ٰڅ ث‪١‬ؽ اق‬
‫آپ ڀیك اوٻ ټّؽـ یب یٯ ‪٠‬جبـر اوٽی ‪٬‬فاـ ټی ٴیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He didn’t come to class because of sickness.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ ثڅ غب٘ف ټفیٓ ثڃؼپ ٰالن ڀیڃټؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I couldn't go out because of the rain.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ غب٘ف ثبـڂپ ڀشڃڀىشٻ ثیفڂپ ثفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I couldn't go out because of the snow.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ غب٘ف ثف‪ ٦‬ڀشڃڀىشٻ ثیفڂپ ثفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We couldn't go out because of the typhoon.‬‬

‫ټب ثڅ غب٘ف ٘ڃ‪٨‬بپ ڀشڃڀىشیٻ ثیفڂپ ثفیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The bus was late because of the traffic jam.‬‬

‫اسڃثڃن ثڅ غب٘ف ٴیف ٰفؼپ ؼـ سفا‪٨‬یٯ ؼیف ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He couldn't sleep because of the noise outside his window.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ غب٘ف وف ڂ ِؽای ثیفڂپ دځدفڄ اي ڀشڃاڀىز ثػڃاثؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Just saying you don't like fish because of the bones is not really a good reason‬‬
‫‪for not liking fish.‬‬
‫‪٨‬٭ٗ ثڅ غب٘ف ایځٱڅ ټیٵی ټبچی ـڂ ثڅ غب٘ف اوشػڃاڀڇبي ؼڂوز ڀؽاـی‪ ،‬ؼٸیٷ غڃثی ڀیىز ٰڅ ټبچی ـڂ‬
‫ؼڂوز ڀؽاٌڅ ثبٌیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The ​flight was ​delayed because of ​bad ​weather.‬‬

‫دفڂاق ثڅ ؼٸیٷ چڃای ڀبټىب‪٠‬ؽ سبغیف ؼاٌز‪.‬‬

‫تِ زست آٍرزى یه هَلؼیت هٌاسة تزای غحثت حؿَری یا تلفٌی‬
‫)‪catch (someone‬‬

‫ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ـڂقاڀڅ ثىیبـ دیً ټی آیؽ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثب ٰىی سٽبن ثٵیفیٻ ڂ ټ‪ٙ‬ٽئٿ ٌڃیٻ ؼـ ڂ‪٬‬ز ټځبوجی‬
‫قڀٳ قؼڄ ایٻ ڂ ټكاضٽشی ایدبؼ ڀٱفؼڄ ایٻ‪ .‬ثفای ایٿ ټڇٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ “catch (someone‬ثڇفڄ‬

‫?‪Did I catch you at an OK time‬‬

‫ؼـ قټبپ ټځبوجی قڀٳ قؼٺ؟‬

‫?‪Did I catch you at a good time‬‬

‫ؼـ قټبپ ټځبوجی قڀٳ قؼٺ؟‬

‫‪I wasn't able to catch him yesterday.‬‬

‫ؼیفڂق ڀشڃڀىشٻ ثبچبي ضف‪ ٦‬ثكڀٻ‬

‫‪I'm glad I caught you. I have a question.‬‬

‫غڃٌطبٸٻ ٰڅ اټٱبپ ِطجز ثب ٌٽب ‪٨‬فاچٻ ٌؽڄ‪ .‬ټٿ یڅ وڃاٶ ؼاـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “catch you later‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ث‪١‬ؽا ټی ثیځٽز» ڂ «ث‪١‬ؽا ثبچبر ضف‪ ٦‬ټیكڀٻ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪John: I have to go to class now.‬‬

‫‪Bill: Okay, catch you later.‬‬
‫خبپ‪ :‬ثبیؽ االپ ثفٺ ثڅ ٰالن‪.‬‬
‫ثیٷ‪ :‬ثبٌڅ‪ ،‬ث‪١‬ؽا ټی ثیځٽز‪$ .‬ثبچبر ضف‪ ٦‬ټیكڀٻ‪#.‬‬

‫تطَرُ تثزُ پاییي‬
‫‪wash down‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ ٌیفیٿ ‪٨‬بـوی اِ‪ٙ‬الضبر خبٸت ثىیبـی ؼاـیٻ‪ .‬یٱی اق ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الضبر خبٸت ‪٠‬جبـر «ثٍڃـڄ ثجفڄ‬
‫دبییٿ» اوز‪ .‬ایٿ اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ چځٵبٺ آٌبټیؽپ ڀڃٌیؽڀی ثفای چٕٻ ثڇشف ‪٤‬ؿا اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “wash down‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪It was a great meal washed down with several glasses of coca.‬‬
‫‪٤‬ؿای ‪٠‬بٸی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ثب زځؽ ٸیڃاپ ٰڃٰبٰڃال ٌىشڅ ٌؽ ـ‪٨‬ز دبییٿ‪.‬‬

‫?‪How can I wash down spicy food‬‬

‫زڅ خڃـی ‪٤‬ؿای اؼڂیڅ ؼاـ ـڂ ثٍڃـٺ ثجفٺ دبییٿ؟‬

‫‪You can wash it down with a glass of mint water.‬‬

‫ټیشڃڀی ثب یڅ ٸیڃاپ ‪٠‬ف‪ ٪‬ڀ‪١‬ځب ثٍڃـیً ثجفیً دبییٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪He got two aspirin and washed them down with a glass of water.‬‬
‫اڂ ؼڂسب آوذفیٿ ؼاٌز ٰڅ ثب یڅ ٸیڃاپ آة ٌىز ثفؼ دبییٿ‪.‬‬

‫چِ خَر ّن‬
‫‪and how‬‬

‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر ‪٤‬یف ـوٽی ”‪ “and how‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «زڅ خڃـ چٻ» قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ قیبؼ‬
‫غڃؼ ـا ثڅ زیكی ڀٍبپ ؼچیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪John: Did you like your new bicycle‬‬

‫‪Mary: And how.‬‬
‫خبپ‪ :‬ؼڂزفغڅ ی خؽیؽ ار ـڂ ؼڂوز ؼاـی؟‬
‫ټبـی‪ :‬زڅ خڃـ چٻ ‪$‬غیٹی چٻ قیبؼ‪#‬‬

‫?‪Emily: Did you miss me‬‬

‫!‪Elliot: And how‬‬
‫اټیٹی‪ :‬ؼٸز ثفاٺ سځٳ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ؟‬
‫اٸیڃر‪ :‬زڅ خڃـ چٻ!‬

‫!‪I'll be so ​glad when this ​project is ​finished. And how‬‬

‫ټٿ ثىیبـ غڃٌطبٶ غڃاچٻ ٌؽ ڂ‪٬‬شی ایٿ دفڂلڄ سٽبٺ ثٍڅ‪ .‬زڅ خڃـ چٻ!‬

‫!‪Am I happy? And how‬‬

‫ټٿ غڃٌطبٸٻ؟ زڅ خڃـ چٻ!‬

ِ‫ یِ سهاًی تَز و‬/ ِ‫اٍى هَلغ ّا و‬
time was (when)

‫ٽڃال ثڇشف ثڃؼپ‬١‫بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ؼـ ټڃـؼ ٴؿٌشڅ ڂ ټ‬٩‫شی اوش‬٬‫“ ڂ‬time was (when)” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫اق‬
.‫آپ ڀىجز ثڅ قټبپ ضبٶ ِطجز ٰځیٻ‬

Time was when no one had bicycle.

.‫یڅ قټبڀی ثڃؼ ٰڅ چیسٱه ؼڂزفغڅ ڀؽاٌز‬

Time was when this city was all fields.

.‫ چب ایٿ ٌڇف چٽً قټیٿ ٍٰبڂـقی ثڃؼ‬ٟ٬‫اڂپ ټڃ‬

Time was when old people were taken care of at home.

.‫فاؼ دیف سڃ غڃڀڅ چب ڀٵڇؽاـی ټی ٌؽ‬٨‫ چب اق ا‬ٟ٬‫اڂپ ټڃ‬

Time was when people didn't travel around so much.

.‫شځؽ‬٨‫فر ڀٽی ـ‬٨‫ چب ټفؼٺ قیبؼ ټىب‬ٟ٬‫اڂپ ټڃ‬

Time was when my wife loved me passionately. Now she doesn’t even cook for
.‫ؿا چٻ ڀٽی دكڄ‬٤ ‫ االپ ضشی ثفاٺ‬.‫بٌ٭ٻ ثڃؼ‬٠ ‫یڅ قټبڀی چٽىفٺ‬

Time was when I could solve seven math problems in one day. Now I can’t even
add up numbers.
.‫ ثكڀٻ‬ٟ‫ؽاؼ ـڂ خٽ‬٠‫ االپ ضشی ڀٽی سڃڀٻ ا‬.‫ز سب ټىئٹڅ ـیبٔی سڃ یٯ ـڂق ضٷ ټی ٰفؼٺ‬٩‫یڅ قټبڀی چ‬

Time was when I had a lot of admirers following me about wherever I went.
Nowadays I choose to stay home for fear of being lynched.
‫شٷ‬٬ ‫ االپ اق سفن ایځٱڅ ثڅ‬.‫شځؽ ټی آټؽڀؽ‬٨‫ چب ټٿ ٰٹی ٍٰشڅ ټفؼڄ ؼاٌشٻ ٰڅ ؼڀجبٸٻ چفخب ٰڅ ټی ـ‬ٟ٬‫اڂپ ټڃ‬
.‫ثفوٻ چٽً سڃ غڃڀڅ ټی ټبڀٻ‬

‫یىی هاًسُ تِ آذز‬
‫‪second to last / the last but one / penultimate‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «یٱی ټبڀؽڄ ثڅ آغف» ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی ټػشٹ‪٩‬ی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬
‫”‪ “second to last / the last but one / penultimate‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی یٱی ټبڀؽڄ ثڅ آغف ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬
‫ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټیٵیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪The second to the last paragraph has some errors.‬‬

‫دبـاٴفا‪ ٦‬یٱی ټبڀؽڄ ثڅ آغف زځؽسب اٌٱبٶ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm almost finished. This is the last but one box to empty.‬‬
‫س٭فیجب سٽڃٺ ٰفؼٺ؛ ایٿ خ‪١‬جڅ ی یٱی ټڃڀؽڄ ثڅ آغفی اوز ٰڅ ثبیؽ غبٸی ثٍڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.‬‬

‫اټٍت ‪٬‬ىٽز یٱی ټبڀؽڄ ثڅ آغف اق وفیبٶ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـار ”‪ “second to last‬ڂ ”‪٠ “the last but one‬جبـاسی ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ڂ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪“penultimate‬‬
‫ٰٽی ـوٽی سف اوز‪.‬‬

‫ذستِ ًثاضیس‬
‫‪good job / well done / nice work‬‬

‫یٱی اق ‪٠‬جبـار دفٰبـثفؼ ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ‪٠‬جبـر «غىشڅ ڀجبٌیؽ» اوز‪٠ ،‬جبـسی ٰڅ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ی ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ڀؽاـؼ ڂ ټػشُ ثڅ قثبپ ٌیفیٿ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬
‫ڀكؼیٱشفیٿ ‪٠‬جبـار ثفای اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ «غىشڅ ڀجبٌیؽ» ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر چبی ”‪، “good job‬‬
‫”‪ “well done‬ڂ ”‪ “nice work‬اوز ٰڅ چٽٵی ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ سطىیٿ ٘ف‪ ٦‬ټ٭بثٷ ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Good job on the painting‬‬

‫ڀ٭بٌی غڃة ثڃؼ‪ .‬غىشڅ ڀجبٌی‪.‬‬

‫‪Well done. You've worked very hard.‬‬

‫‪٠‬بٸی ثڃؼ‪ .‬سڃ غیٹی قضٽز ٍٰیؽی‪.‬‬

‫‪You did a good job today. Nice work, James.‬‬

‫سڃ اټفڂق غڃة ٰبـ ٰفؼی‪ .‬غىشڅ ڀجبٌی خیٽك‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “be fresh‬ثفای اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ «غىشڅ ڀجبٌیؽ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ ٰڅ‬
‫اٸجشڅ ثڅ ڀؽـر ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټیٵیفؼ ڂ غیٹی ـایح ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫ٍغل وززى تواس تلفٌی‬
‫‪connect / get‬‬

‫یٱی اق ‪٠‬جبـار دف سٱفاـ ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر سٹ‪٩‬ځی ‪٠‬جبـر «ټځڃ ڂِٷ ٰٿ ثڅ ‪٨‬الپ ٌػُ» یب «ټځڃ ڂِٷ ٰٿ ثڅ ؼ‪٨‬شف‬
‫‪٨‬الڀی» اوز‪ .‬ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ایٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ټی سڃاڀیٻ اق ٰٹٽبر ”‪ “get‬یب ”‪ “connect‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “get me somebody‬ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ڂِٷ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ٌػّی ڂ اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ “connect me with something‬ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ڂِٷ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ؼ‪٨‬شف ٰىی یب خبیی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Sara, would you get me Ms. Jones, please‬‬

‫وبـا‪ ،‬ټیٍڅ ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب ټځڃ ثڅ غبڀٻ خڃڀك ڂِٷ ٰځی؟‬

‫‪I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead‬‬
‫ټٿ ټی غڃاوشٻ ثب ټؽیف ِطجز ٰځٻ ڂٸی اٌشجبچی ثڅ خبي ټځٍی اي ـا ٴف‪٨‬شٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you don’t leave, I’ll get the cops.‬‬

‫اٴڅ ڀفی دٹیه ـڂ ټی ٴیفٺ ‪$‬ثڅ دٹیه قڀٳ ټیكڀٻ‪.#‬‬

‫?‪Could you please connect me with Mr. Smith’s office. Extension 25‬‬
‫ټیٍڅ ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب ټځڃ ثڅ ؼاغٹی ‪ 25‬ؼ‪٨‬شف ا‪٬‬بی اوٽیز ڂِٷ ٰځیؽ؟‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ؼ‪٬‬ز ٰځیؽ ٰڅ ؼـ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “get me somebody‬چیر ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ای اق ‪٬‬جیٷ ”‪ "with‬یب ”‪“to‬‬
‫ڀیبټؽڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬الڂڄ ثف اِ‪ٙ‬الضبسی ٰڅ ثبال ؾٰف ٌؽ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “put me through to‬ڀیك ثڅ‬
‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ڂِٷ ٰفؼپ سٽبن سٹ‪٩‬ځی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬اڀٵٹیه چب ثیً اق آټفیٱبیی چب اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځځؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Could you please put me through to Mr. Johnson‬‬

‫ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب ټځڃ ثڅ آ‪٬‬بی خبڀىڃپ ڂِٷ ټیٱځی؟ ‪$‬ټیٍڅ ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب آ‪٬‬بی خبڀىڃپ ـڂ ثفاٺ ثٵیفی؟‪#‬‬

‫هززى تزای (اس ػاللِ سیاز)‬
‫‪be dying for / be dying to‬‬

‫قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ ڂ سٽبیٷ قیبؼ غڃؼ ثڅ زیكی یب ٌػّی ـا ڀٍبپ ؼچیٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ “be dying for / be dying to‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټُفؼپ ثفای زیكی یب ٌػّی ‪$‬اق ‪٨‬فٖ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ‪ »#‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫ده اق وبغشبـ ”‪ “be dying for‬اق ‪٠‬جبـر اوٽی ڂ ث‪١‬ؽ اق وبغشبـ ”‪١٨ “be dying to‬ٷ ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am dying for a cup of tea.‬‬

‫ثفای یڅ ‪٨‬ځدڃپ زبی ؼاـٺ ټیٽیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am dying for some strawberries.‬‬

‫ثفای یڅ ؾـڄ سڃر ‪٨‬فڀٵی ؼاـٺ ټی ټیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Charles said he was dying for a day off.‬‬

‫زبـٸك ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ثفای یڅ ـڂق ټفغّی ټی ټفؼڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪She's dying for a massage.‬‬

‫اڂ ثفای یڅ دیبٺ ؼاـڄ ټیٽیفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm dying to hear your news.‬‬

‫ټٿ ټیٽیفٺ ثفای ٌځیؽپ غجفای سڃ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm dying to relax on the beach.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثفای اوشفاضز ٰځبـ وبضٷ ټیٽیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm dying to learn English.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثفای یبؼٴیفی اڀٵٹیىی ټی ټیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫تایسّا ٍ ًثایس ّا‬
‫‪dos and don'ts‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش خبٸت ”‪ “dos and don'ts‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثبیؽ چب ڂ ڀجبیؽ چب» اوز ٰڅ ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ٰبـثفؼ ثىیبـ‬

‫‪Dating dos and don'ts.‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی ‪٬‬فاـ ٴؿاٌشٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪Interview dos and don’ts.‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی ټّبضجڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪There's a list of the dos and don'ts of local etiquette.‬‬

‫اڂڀدب یڅ ٸیىز اق ثبیؽ ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی آؼاة ڂ ټ‪١‬بٌفر ڂخڃؼ ؼاـڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's important to know the dos and don'ts of diplomatic receptions.‬‬

‫ؼاڀىشٿِ ثبیؽ ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی ثفغڃـؼ ؼیذٹٽبسیٯ ټڇٻ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Familiarize yourself with the general dos and don'ts of using Facebook‬‬
‫غڃؼ ـا ثب ثبیؽ ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ اق ‪٨‬یىجڃٮ آٌځب ٰٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪In the back of the guide there's a list of the dos and don'ts of local etiquette.‬‬
‫دٍز ثفٴڅ ـاچځٽب یٯ ٸیىز اق ثبیؽ چب ڂ ڀجبیؽ چبی ـ‪٨‬شبـچبی ټ‪١‬بٌفسی ټطٹی ڂخڃؼ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ضف‪ “s” ٦‬ؼـ دبیبپ ٰٹٽبر ”‪ “do‬ڂ ”‪ “don’t‬ؼـ ‪٠‬جبـر ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشٿ ایٿ ٰٹٽبر اوز‪.‬‬

‫هیرَای هي فالى وار رٍ اًدام تسم؟‬
‫?… ‪Do you want me to‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ‪٠‬جبـر «ټیػڃای ټٿ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ؟» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق‬
‫وبغشبـ”‪ “Do you want me to + verb‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Do you want me to pick up the kids‬‬

‫ټیػڃای ثسڅ چب ـڂ ټٿ ثفٺ ڂ ثیبڂـٺ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Do you want me to fix your flat tire‬‬

‫ټیػڃای سبیف دځسف ار ـڂ ـؼی‪ٰ ٧‬ځٻ؟‬

‫?‪Do you want me to help you read that book‬‬

‫ټیػڃای ٰٽٱز ٰځٻ ٰڅ اڂپ ٰشبة ـڂ ثػڃڀی‬

‫?‪Do you want me to remind you‬‬

‫ټیػڃای یبؼآڂـی ٰځٻ ثڇز؟‬

‫?‪Do you want me to remove my shoes‬‬

‫ټیػڃای ٰ‪ ً٩‬چبیٻ ـڂ ؼـڀیبـٺ؟‬

‫?‪Do you want me to write more example instead of you‬‬

‫ټیػڃای ټثبٶ چبی ثیٍشفی ثڅ خبی ٌٽب ثځڃیىٻ؟‬

‫ودای زًیا زیسی فالى چیش ‪...‬‬
‫… ‪In what universe‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”… ‪ “In what universe‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر خبٸت «ٰدبی ؼڀیب ؼیؽی ‪٨‬الپ زیك‪ »...‬ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی‬

‫?‪In what universe is this a foul‬‬

‫ٰدبی ؼڀیب ایٿ غ‪ٙ‬بوز؟‬

‫?‪In what universe you can cook in this way‬‬

‫ٰدبی ؼڀیب ایځدڃـی ‪ٰ$‬څ سڃ ؼاـی آٌذكی ټیٱځی‪ #‬آٌذكی ټیٱځځؽ؟‬

‫?‪In what universe can Zhian beats Ferrari‬‬

‫ٰدبی ؼڀیب لیبپ ‪٨‬فاـی ـڂ ټیشڃڀڅ ثجفڄ؟‬

‫?‪In what universe are these kinds of jobs acceptable‬‬

‫ٰدبی ؼڀیب ایٿ خڃـ ٰبـچب ‪٬‬بثٷ ‪٬‬جڃٶ اڀؽ؟‬

‫?‪In what universe lazy people can learn English language‬‬

‫آغڅ ٰدبی ؼڀیب سځجٷ چب ټی سڃاڀځؽ اڀٵٹیىی یبؼ ثٵیفڀؽ؟‬

‫هتاسفن وِ ‪ /‬تثرطیس وِ‬
‫‪I'm sorry to‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ‪٠‬جبـر «ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ٰڅ ‪ /‬ثجػٍیؽ ٰڅ» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق وبغشبـ‬
‫”‪ ”I'm sorry to + verb‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to be so late.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ؼیف ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am sorry to bother you.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ټكاضٻ ټیٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to waste your time.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ڂ‪٬‬شز ـڂ ټی ٴیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to make you feel so sad.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ٰبـی ٰفؼٺ ٰڅ اضىبن ڀبـاضشی ٰځی‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to frighten you.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ سفوبڀؽټز‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to disagree with your decision.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ثب سّٽیٽز ټػبٸ‪٩‬ٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to call so late.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ٰ #‬څ ؼیف قڀٳ ټیكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to admit what I did.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ #‬ثفای ا‪٠‬شفا‪ ٦‬ثڅ ٰبـچبیی ٰڅ ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm sorry to end this relationship.‬‬

‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ #‬ثفای دبیبپ ؼاؼپ ثڅ ایٿ ـاث‪ٙ‬څ‪.‬‬

‫زیزتز اًساذتي واری‬
‫‪push (an event/something) back‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ ڂ اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ «ؼیفسف اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق وبغشبـ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـسی”‪ ”push (an event/something) back‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Sorry, I had to push the meeting back. A lot of people weren't going to be able to‬‬
‫‪make it at that time.‬‬
‫ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ ټدجڃـ ثڃؼٺ ٰڅ خٹىڅ ـڂ ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی‪ ٫‬ثځؽاقٺ‪ .‬ثىیبـی اق ټفؼٺ ڀٽی سڃڀىشځؽ سڃ اڂپ قټبپ ثیبیځؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Could I push my appointment back to later that afternoon‬‬

‫ټیشڃڀٻ ‪٬‬فاـ ټال‪٬‬بسٻ ـڂ ثڅ ث‪١‬ؽ اق ‪ٜ‬ڇف اڂپ ـڂق ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی‪ ٫‬ثیبڀؽاقٺ؟‬

‫?‪Would it be possible to push our meeting back to 3:00‬‬

‫ټیٍڅ خٹىڅ ـڂ سب وب‪٠‬ز ‪ 3‬ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی‪ ٫‬ثځؽاقیٻ؟‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “put something off‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ سبغیف اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی» ڀیك ټیشڃاپ ثفای‬
‫اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪They can't put off a decision much longer.‬‬

‫آڀڇب ڀٽی سڃاڀځؽ سّٽیٻ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ـڂ ثڅ سبغیف ثیبڀؽاقڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I’ll put off doing the laundry until tomorrow.‬‬

‫ٌىشٿ ٸجبن چب ـا سب ‪٨‬فؼا ثڅ سبغیف غڃاچٻ اڀؽاغز‪.‬‬

‫‪I must talk to her about this. I can’t put it off any longer.‬‬
‫ثبیؽ ثب اڂ ـاخ‪ ٟ‬ثڅ ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ِ ٞ‬طجز ٰځٻ‪ .‬ڀٽی سڃاڀٻ ؼیٵڅ ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی٭ً ثځؽاقٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “postpone‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی‪ ٫‬اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪The visit had to be postponed for some time.‬‬

‫ټال‪٬‬بر ثبیؽ ټؽسی ثڅ س‪١‬ڃی‪ ٫‬ټی ا‪٨‬شبؼ‪.‬‬

They ​decided to postpone ​their ​holiday until next ​year.
.‫ ثیبڀؽاقڀؽ‬٫‫ڃی‬١‫یالر ـڂ سب وبٶ آیځؽڄ ثڅ س‬ٙ١‫شځؽ ٰڅ س‬٨‫آڀڇب سّٽیٻ ٴف‬

We've had to postpone going to France because the ​children are ​ill.
.‫ ثیبڀؽاقیٻ‬٫‫ڃی‬١‫فاڀىڅ ـڂ ثڅ س‬٨ ‫شٿ ثڅ‬٨‫زڃپ ثسڅ چب ټفیٓ چىشځؽ ټدجڃـ ٌؽیٻ ـ‬

‫خلَتز اًساذتي واری‬
‫‪pushing (an event/something) up‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ ڂ اڀش٭بٶ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ «ؼیفسف اڀؽاغشٿ ٰبـی» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق وبغشبـ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـسی”‪ ”pushing (an event/something) up‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Would you push up your appointment‬‬

‫ټیٍڅ ‪٬‬فاـ ټال‪٬‬بسز ـڂ خٹڃسف ثیبڀؽاقی؟‬

‫‪Originally we were going to do it on the 21st, but I decided to push it up to the‬‬

‫ؼـ اِٷ ټب ټیػڃاوشیٻ ‪ 21‬اٺ اڂپ ٰبـ ـڂ ثٱځیٻ؛ اټب ټٿ سّٽیٻ ٴف‪٨‬شٻ ٰڅ ثڅ ‪ 19‬اٺ خٹڃ ثیځؽاقټً‪.‬‬

‫خسارتا ‪ /‬تثرطیس اها‬
‫‪I am afraid‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی قټبڀی اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “I am afraid‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ټػب٘ت زیكی ثفغال‪٦‬‬
‫ټیٷ ڂ اڀش‪ٝ‬بـي ثٵڃییٻ‪.‬‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ٰبـثفؼی ”‪ “I am afraid‬ثڅ ٸطب‪ ٚ‬ثیبڀی ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ی ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ڀؽاـؼ ڂ ڀكؼیٱشفیٿ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ثفای ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش‪٠ ،‬جبـار «خىبـسب» ڂ «ثجػٍیؽ اټب» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm afraid the person you want is on holiday.‬‬

‫خىبـسب ٌػّی ٰڅ ټیػڃاچیؽ ؼـ س‪ٙ١‬یالر اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm afraid he's in Helsinki at present.‬‬

‫ثجػٍیؽ اټب االپ اڂ ؼـ چٹىیځٱی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm afraid he's on the other line.‬‬

‫ثجػٍیؽ اټب اڂ ټٍ‪٥‬ڃٶ ِطجز ثب اڂپ یٱی غٗ سٹ‪٩‬ٿ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm afraid Ms. Walker is out of the factory at the moment and we cannot contact‬‬
‫خىبـسب غبڀٻ ڂاٰف غبـج اق ٰبـغبڀڅ اڀؽ ڂ ؼـ ایٿ ٸط‪ٝ‬څ ټب ڀٽیشڃڀیٻ ثب ایٍڃپ اـسجبٖ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm very sorry sir, but I'm afraid we're all out of the salmon.‬‬
‫غیٹی ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ خځبة‪ ،‬اټب خىبـسب ټبچی وبٸٽڃپ سٽبٺ ٰفؼڄ ایٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ اق ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ټځ‪٩‬ی خڃاة ؼاؼپ ڀیك ټیشڃاپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Alan: Excuse me, can you take this bag for some minutes for me‬‬
‫‪Ryan: I'm afraid not.‬‬
‫آٸٿ‪ :‬ثجػٍیؽ ټیشڃڀیؽ ایٿ ٰی‪ ٧‬ـڂ زځؽ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭څ ثفای ټٿ ڀٵڅ ؼاـیؽ؟‬
‫ـایبپ‪ :‬خىبـسب ڀڅ ‪$‬ثجػٍیؽ اټب ڀڅ‪#‬‬

‫ اٍى ضة‬/‫اٍى رٍس‬
The other day/night

‫“ ثڅ‬the other day/night” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق‬٪‫ب‬٩‫ ٰفؼپ یٯ اس‬٧‫فی‬١‫ س‬ٞ‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ٌفڂ‬
.‫بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‬٩‫ اڂپ ٌت» اوش‬/ ‫ځی «اڂپ ـڂق‬١‫ټ‬

I was going to do some shopping the other day, suddenly a superfast car drove
me by like a bullet.
.‫ ټثٷ ٴٹڃٸڅ اق ٰځبـٺ ـؼ ٌؽ‬ٟ‫ وفی‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫ یڅ ټبٌیٿ‬.‫شٻ غفیؽ‬٨‫اڂپ ـڂق ؼاٌشٻ ټیف‬

I ​saw him the other ​day.

.‫ټٿ اڂ ـا آپ ـڂق ؼیؽٺ‬

She called the other ​night.

.‫اڂ آپ ٌت قڀٳ قؼ‬

‫لٌگ زر َّا‬
‫‪up in the air‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ ڂٔ‪١‬یز ڀبټٍػُ اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “up in the air‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪ .‬ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش‬
‫ټ‪١‬بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی اِ‪ٙ‬الش «ٸځٳ ‪$‬دب‪ #‬ؼـ چڃا» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Everything is still up in the air.‬‬

‫چٽڅ زیك چځڃق ٸځٳ ؼـ چڃاوز‪.‬‬

‫‪The whole future of the project is still up in the air.‬‬

‫ٰٷ آیځؽڄ ی دفڂلڄ ٸځٳ ؼـ چڃاوز‪.‬‬

‫‪The election is still up in the air. Either candidate could still win.‬‬
‫اڀشػبثبر چځڃق دب ؼـ چڃاوز‪ ،‬چف ؼڂ ٰبڀؽیؽا ټیشڃاڀځؽ ثفڀؽڄ ثبٌځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Let's leave this question up in the air until next week.‬‬

‫اخبقڄ ثؽچیؽ سب چ‪٩‬شڅ ؼیٵڅ ایٿ وڃاٶ ـڂ ثی دبوع ثٵؿاـیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Will a strike take place? That's up in the air.‬‬

‫آیب ا‪٠‬شّبة غڃاچؽ ٌؽ؟ چځڃق ټٍػُ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫زر حال حاؾز ‪ /‬االى‬

‫ٸ‪٥‬ز ”‪ “already‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف» ڂ «االپ» اوز ڂ قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ ٰڅ زیكی ‪٬‬جٷ اق آڀٱڅ‬
‫اڀش‪ٝ‬بـي ـا ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌیٻ ـظ ثؽچؽ؛ ڂ یب ثػڃاچیٻ اٸ٭ب ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ٰبـی ـا قڂؼسف اق ټڃ‪٠‬ؽ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼڄ ایٻ‪.‬‬
‫ټطٷ ‪٬‬فاـٴیفی ٸ‪٥‬ز ”‪ “already‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ‪٬‬جٷ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ اِٹی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪The car is OK. I’ve already fixed it.‬‬

‫ټبٌیٿ اڂٰیڅ‪ .‬ټٿ االپ ـؼی‪ ٧‬اي ٰفؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I’ve already spent my salary and it’s two weeks before pay day‬‬
‫ټٿ ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف ض٭ڃ‪ ٪‬اٺ ـڂ غفج ٰفؼڄ اٺ ڂ سب ـڂق ض٭ڃ‪ ٪‬ؼاؼپ ؼڂ چ‪٩‬شڅ ټبڀؽڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪The train’s already left! What are we going to do‬‬

‫‪ٙ٬‬بـ چٽیٿ االپ ـ‪٨‬ز؛ ضبال ثبیؽ زیٱبـ ٰځیٻ؟‬

‫‪We are already late.‬‬

‫ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف ؼیف چٻ ٰفؼڄ ایٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I've already been to London three times.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼـضبٶ ضبٔف وڅ ثبـ ؼـ ٸځؽپ ثڃؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We already went to Chicago twice this year‬‬

‫ټب اټىبٶ سب االپ ؼڂ ثبـ ٌیٱبٴڃ ـ‪٨‬شڅ ایٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She already has three children.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف وڅ سب ثسڅ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I have already done my homework.‬‬

‫ټٿ سبقڄ سٱبٸی‪ ٧‬اٺ ـڂ اڀدبٺ ؼاؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪The box was already broken when I found it.‬‬

‫ټٿ ڂ‪٬‬شی خ‪١‬جڅ ـا دیؽاي ٰفؼٺ سبقڄ ٌٱىشڅ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫زیگِ ًِ‬
‫‪no longer‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ثفای ثیبپ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ٰڅ ؼـ ٴؿٌشڅ ڂخڃؼ ؼاٌشڅ اوز ټ‪١‬ٽڃٶ ثڃؼڄ ټب االپ ایځ‪ٙ‬ڃـ ڀیىز‬
‫ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ٰځبیی «ؼیٵڅ ڀڅ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ”‪ “no longer‬اوز‪.‬‬
‫چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـار ”‪ “not any longer‬ڂ ”‪ “not any more‬ڀیك ثفای ـوبڀؽپ ټ‪٩‬ڇڃٺ ‪٨‬ڃ‪٪‬‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The cinema is no longer used.‬‬

‫ویځٽب ؼیٵف ٰٽشف اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ ‪$‬ټفؼٺ ٰٽشف ویځٽب ټیفڂڀؽ‪#.‬‬

‫‪She doesn't work here any longer.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼیٵف ایځدب ٰبـ ڀٽیٱځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't wait any longer.‬‬

‫ؼیٵف ثیً اق ایٿ ڀٽیشڃاڀٻ ټځش‪ٝ‬ف ثٽبڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪David and I are no longer engaged.‬‬

‫ټٿ ڂ ؼیڃیؽ ؼیٵڅ ڀبټكؼ ڀیىشیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am no longer afraid to die.‬‬

‫ؼیٵڅ اق ټفؼپ ڀٽیشفوٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Drugs are no longer available.‬‬

‫ؼاـڂ چب ؼیٵڅ ؼـ ؼوشفن ڀیىشځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Jobs that no longer exist today.‬‬

‫ٌ‪٥‬ٷ چبیی ٰڅ ؼیٵڅ اټفڂق ڂخڃؼ ڀؽاـڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪We are no longer accepting questions from this account‬‬

‫ټب ؼیٵڅ اق ایٿ ضىبة وڃاالسی ـڂ دؿیفا ڀیىشیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm no longer funny.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼیٵڅ ثبټكڄ ڀیىشٻ‪.‬‬

‫سك سیاُ‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “jinx‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «آؼٺ ثؽٌبڀه» ‪« ،‬ثؽ‪٬‬ؽٺ» ڂ «و‪ ٫‬ویبڄ» اوز ڂ ؼـ ضبٸز ‪١٨‬ٹی ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ثؽ ٌبڀىی‬
‫آڂـؼپ ثفای ٰىی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Stop saying that! You're gonna jinx me.‬‬

‫ایځ٭ؽـ ایځدڃـی ڀٵڃ‪ ،‬ؼاـی ټځڃ ټیجبقڂڀی‪.‬‬

‫‪He hadn't got a bad grade all year, but by mentioning that to his friend he jinxed‬‬
‫ٰٷ وبٶ ـڂ یڅ ڀٽفڄ ثؽ چٻ ڀؽاٌز‪ ،‬اټب چٽیٿ ٰڅ ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ـڂ ثفای ؼڂوشً ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ٰفؼ‪ ،‬اڂپ ؼڂوشً‬
‫زٍٽً قؼ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Tom: Look, you're almost at your top score this time‬‬

‫!‪Bryan: Dude! Don't talk about it! You'll Jinx it‬‬
‫سبٺ‪ :‬ڀٵبڄ ٰٿ‪ ،‬سڃ س٭فیجب ایٿ ؼ‪١٨‬څ اټشیبق ثبالیی چب!‬
‫ثفایبپ‪ :‬دىف‪ ،‬ؼـټڃـؼي ضف‪ ٦‬ڀكپ‪ ،‬سڃ و٭ز ویبچڅ!‬

‫!‪Sam jinxed John while he shot at the basket ball and John missed‬‬
‫وٻ؛ خبپ ـڂ ڂ‪٬‬شی ٰڅ ټیػڃاوز دفسبح ثىٱشجبٶ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌڅ زٍٻ قؼ ڂ خبپ دفسبثٍڃ اق ؼوز ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't tell you my plans I don't want to jinx it.‬‬

‫ثفڀبټڅ چبٺ ـڂ ثڇز ڀٽیٵٻ‪ ،‬ڀٽیػڃاٺ زٍٻ ثػڃـڄ ‪$‬ثؽ ٌبڀىی ثیبـڄ‪#‬‬

‫‪This DVD player may be a jinx.‬‬

‫ایٿ ؼی ڂی ؼی دٹیف ٌبیؽ و‪ ٫‬ویبڄ ‪$‬ڀطه‪ #‬ثبٌڅ‪.‬‬

‫ضٌیسم وِ ‪...‬‬
‫… ‪I've heard that‬‬

‫اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”… ‪ “I've heard that‬ثفای ثیبپ ایځٱڅ ټب ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ـا ټیؽاڀیٻ ڂ ‪٬‬جال آپ ـا ٌځیؽڄ ایٻ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬وبغشبـ ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ثڅ ٌٱٷ )‪ I've heard that + (subject + verb‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I've heard that you got a new job.‬‬

‫ٌځیؽٺ ٰڅ ٰبـ خؽیؽ دیؽا ٰفؼی‪.‬‬

‫‪I've heard that your wife is a yoga instructor.‬‬

‫ٌځیؽٺ ٰڅ چٽىفسڃپ ټفثی یڃٴبوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I've heard that you and your boss don't get along.‬‬
‫ٌځیؽٺ ٰڅ سڃ ڂ ـئیىز ثب چٻ ڀٽیىبقیؽ‪.‬‬

‫حسص ًیست‬
‫‪I don't feel like‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ثفای ڀٍبپ ؼاؼپ ایځٱڅ ضبٶ ڂ ضڃِٹڅ اڀدبٺ ٰبـی ـا ڀؽاـیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر «اِال ضىً ڀیىز»‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬یٱی اق ټ‪١‬بؼالر ایٿ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ثڅ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I don't feel like‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I don't feel like cooking tonight‬‬

‫اټٍت ضىً ڀیىز ٰڅ ‪٤‬ؿا ثذكٺ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Emily: Are you coming to ​aerobics‬‬

‫‪Katy: No, I don't feel like it today.‬‬
‫اټیٹی‪ :‬ثفای ایفڂثیٯ ټییبی؟‬
‫ٰیشی‪ :‬ڀڅ اټفڂق ضىً ـڂ ڀؽاـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ثؽیڇی اوز ٰڅ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I feel like‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ضبٶ ڂ ضڃِٹڅ ؼاـٺ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I feel like (going for) a ​swim.‬‬

‫ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ثفٺ ٌځب‪.‬‬

‫‪I feel like (having) a ​nice ​cool ​glass of ​lemonade.‬‬

‫االپ ؼٸٻ یٯ ٸیڃاپ ٸیٽڃڀبؼ غځٯ ټی غڃاؼ‪.‬‬

‫اٍل اس ّوِ‬
‫‪first and foremost‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ڀٍبپ ؼاؼپ اچٽیز ڂ اڂٸڃیز اڀدبٺ ٰبـی اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “first and foremost‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی‬
‫«اڂٶ اق چٽڅ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪First and foremost, you have to buy beef for dinner.‬‬

‫اڂٶ اق چٽڅ ثبیؽ ثفای ٌبٺ ٴڃٌز ثػفی‪$ .‬اڂٸیٿ ڂ ټڇٽشفیٿ ٰبـ غفیؽ ٴڃٌز ثفای ٌبٺ اوز‪#.‬‬

‫‪First and foremost, you have to treat every customer with respect.‬‬
‫اڂٶ اق چٽڅ ثبیؽ ثب چف ټٍشفی ثب اضشفاٺ ثفغڃـؼ ٰځی‪$ .‬اڂٸیٿ ڂ ټڇٽشفیٿ ٰبـ ثفغڃـؼ ثب اضشفاٺ ثب ټٍشفی اوز‪#.‬‬

‫حاال وِ حزفص پیص اٍهس‪ /‬حاال وِ حزفص رٍ سزی‬
‫‪speaking of which‬‬

‫یٱی اق ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی ‪٠‬جبـر «ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ ً٨‬ـڂ قؼی» ‪« ،‬ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ ً٨‬دیً اڂټؽ» ‪« ،‬ـاوشی» ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “speaking of which‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪I won't be home when you get in from school tonight. Speaking of which, don't‬‬
‫‪forget your keys.‬‬
‫اڂپ ټڃ‪١٬‬ی ٰڅ سڃ اق ټؽـوڅ ټیفوی غڃڀڅ ټٿ غڃڀڅ ڀیىشٻ‪ .‬ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ ً٨‬دیً اڂټؽ‪ٰ ،‬ٹیؽچبر ـڂ یبؼر ڀفڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Casey is at a birthday party. speaking of birthdays, Mori's is Friday.‬‬

‫ٰیىی ؼـ خٍٿ سڃٸؽ اوز‪ .‬ـاوشی‪ ،‬سڃٸؽ ټڃـی خٽ‪١‬څ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't forget you have to pick up Pat at band practice tonight at 8. Speaking of‬‬
‫‪which, you'll probably need to fill up the car before you go‬‬
‫یبؼر ڀفڄ دز ـڂ اق سٽفیٿ ټڃقیٯ وب‪٠‬ز ‪ 8‬اټٍت ثفی ثیبـی‪ .‬ضبال ٰڅ ضف‪ٌ ً٨‬ؽ‪ ،‬اضشٽبال القټڅ ‪٬‬جٷ اق ایځٱڅ‬
‫ثفی ثځكیٿ چٻ ثكڀی‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ ”which‬ؼـ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬ثڅ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ٰڅ ؼـ اثشؽای ټٱبٸٽڅ ثیبپ ٌؽڄ اوز اٌبـڄ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـار ”‪ “incidentally” ، “by the way‬ڂ ”‪ “apropos‬ڀیك ټ‪١‬بڀی ڂ ٰبـثفؼ ڀكؼیٱی ثب‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬ؼاـڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Customer : Is this one any good‬‬

‫‪Seller : This is the largest and, by the way, the most expensive one we have in‬‬
‫ټٍشفی‪ :‬ایٿ یٱی غڃة اوز؟‬
‫‪٨‬فڂٌځؽڄ‪ :‬ایٿ ثكـٴشفیٿ اوز ؼـ ٔٽٿ ثكـٴشفیٿ اوز ٰڅ ؼـ ټ‪٥‬بقڄ ؼاـیٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Bill: I'm a realtor. Is your house for sale‬‬

‫‪Alice: My house is not for sale, and, by the way, I too am a realtor.‬‬
‫ثیٷ‪ :‬ټٿ ؼالٶ ټ‪١‬بؼالر ټٹٱی چىشٻ‪ ،‬غبڀڅ ٌٽب ثفای ‪٨‬فڂي اوز؟‬
‫آٸیه‪ :‬غبڀڅ ټٿ ثفای ‪٨‬فڂي ڀیىز‪ ،‬ـاوشی ټٿ چٻ ؼالٶ ټ‪١‬بټالر ټٹٱی چىشٻ‪.‬‬

We had a marvelous meal at that restaurant you recommended. Incidentally, I
must give you the number of a similar one I know.
‫ ـاوشی ثبیؽ ٌٽبـڄ ی یٱی ٌجیڅ ثڅ آپ ٰڅ ټی ٌځبوٻ ـا ثڅ سڃ‬.‫بؼڄ ای ؼـ آپ ـوشڃـاپ غڃـؼیٻ‬١‫ اٸ‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫ؿای‬٤

I had an email from Sally yesterday. Apropos of which, did you send her that
‫فوشبؼی؟‬٨ ً‫ ـاوشی ټ٭بٸڅ ـا ثفای‬،‫ز ٰفؼٺ‬٨‫ؼیفڂق ایٽیٹی اق وبٸی ؼـیب‬

Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision.
.‫شی‬٨‫ٱف ټی ٰځٻ سّٽیٻ ؼـوشی ٴف‬٨ ،‫ی ٰڅ ؼیفڂق قؼی‬٨‫ؼـ ـاوشبی ضف‬

‫اس ّوَى اٍلص‬
in the first place

.‫جبـر «اق چٽڃپ اڂٸً» اوز‬٠ ‫بؼٶ اڀٵٹیىی‬١‫“ ټ‬in the first place” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

We should never have agreed to this project in the first place.

.‫٭ز ټی ٰفؼیٻ‬٨‫اق چٽڃپ اڂٸً ڀجبیؽ ثب ایٿ دفڂلڄ ټڃا‬

We only had four of these glasses in the first place, and now I've broken two of
.‫٭ٗ زڇبـ سب اق ایٿ ٸیڃاپ چب ؼاٌشیٻ ڂ االپ ؼڂ سبي ٌٱىشڅ اوز‬٨ ً‫ټب اڂپ اڂٸ‬

why didn't you tell me in the first place?

‫شی؟‬٩‫زفا اق چٽڃپ اڂٸً ثڅ ټٿ ڀٵ‬

He could have bought a new one in the first place.

.‫اڂ ټیشڃڀىز اق چٽڃپ اڂٸً یڅ ؼڂڀڅ ڀڃ اي ـڂ ثػفڄ‬

“in the second place” ‫جبـر‬٠ .‫بؼڄ ٰفؼ‬٩‫ځی «اڂال» ڀیك اوش‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬٪‫ڃ‬٨ ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاپ اق ا‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
.‫ځبی «ؼڂټب» اوز‬١‫ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬

I'm not joining the health club because, in the first place, I don't like their hours,
and in the second place, I can't afford the dues.
‫شً ـڂ ؼڂوز ڀؽاـٺ ڂ ؼڂټب اق ده چكیځڅ چبي‬٠‫ زڃپ اڂال وب‬.‫ٕڃ اڂپ ثبٌٵبڄ والټشی ڀػڃاچٻ ٌؽ‬٠ ‫ټٿ‬

‫تِ ّز حال هوٌَى‬
‫‪thanks though‬‬

‫قټبڀی ٰڅ ـغؽاؼ یب خفیبپ اڀدبٺ ٌؽڄ غیٹی ثبة ټیٷ ټب ڀیىز؛ اټب ټیػڃاچیٻ ثفای ـ‪٠‬بیز اؼة ڂ اضشفاٺ‬
‫وذبوٵكاـی ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “thanks though‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی «ثڅ چف ضبٶ ټٽځڃپ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫ټڃچبر ـڂ ـڀٳ ٰفؼی؛ ڂ یبٰڃسبڄ ٰفؼی؛ ـ‪٨‬ی٭ز ټیٵڅ‪:‬‬

‫‪Alex: I like your hair.‬‬
‫‪Selena: I don't, but thanks though.‬‬
‫اٸٱه‪ :‬ټٿ ټڃچبسڃ ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ‪] .‬ڂاٰځً ؼڂوشز ڂ‪٬‬شی ټڃچبر ـڂ ـڀٳ یب ٰڃسبڄ ٰفؼی[‬
‫وٹځب‪ :‬ټٿ ؼڂوشً ڀؽاـٺ‪ ،‬ثڅ چفضبٶ ټٽځڃپ‪] .‬اق ؼڂوشز سٍٱف ټیٱځی ؼـ ِڃـسی ٰڅ غڃؼر اق ایٿ ټؽٶ یب ـڀٳ‬
‫غڃٌز ڀیڃټؽڄ[‬

‫‪Still waiting to receive the package, Thanks though for the update.‬‬
‫چځڃق ټځش‪ٝ‬ف ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ثىشڅ اٺ‪ ،‬ثڅ چفضبٶ ټٽځڃپ اق ا٘ال‪٠‬بر خؽیؽ‪ٌ] .‬ٽب اق ‪٠‬ؽٺ ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ثىشڅ اضىبن غڃثی‬
‫ڀؽاـیؽ‪ ،‬اټب ثفای ـ‪٠‬بیز اؼة وذبوٵكاـی ټیٱځیؽ[‬

‫تػازف خشئی‬
fender bender

‫ خكئی» اوز ڂ قټبڀی ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثٵڃییٻ‬٦‫ځی «سّبؼ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬fender bender” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫ وبؼڄ ثڃؼڄ ڂ غىبـر خكئی ؼـ ثف ؼاٌشڅ اوز‬٦‫سّبؼ‬

I got into a small accident. It was just a fender bender.

.‫ خكئی ثڃؼ‬٦‫٭ٗ یڅ سّبؼ‬٨ ‫ ٰڃزیٯ ؼاٌشٻ؛‬٦‫ټٿ یڅ سّبؼ‬

I got into a fender bender in the parking lot.

.‫ خكئی سڃ دبـٰیځٳ ؼاٌشٻ‬٦‫یڅ سّبؼ‬

I can’t believe the damage is going to cost me 800 bucks. It was just a fender
.‫ خكئی ثڃؼ‬٦‫٭ٗ یڅ سّبؼ‬٨ ‫ اڂپ‬.‫ ؼالـ سٽڃٺ ټیٍڅ‬800 ‫ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ثبڂـ ٰځٻ ٰڅ غىبـر ؼاـڄ ثفاٺ‬

David: I got into a car accident

Bryce: That sucks. You didn’t get hurt did you?
David: No. It was just a fender bender.
.‫ ؼاٌشٻ‬٦‫ یڅ سّبؼ‬:‫ؼیڃیؽ‬
‫څ؛ ِؽټڅ ٰڅ ڀؽیؽی؟ ؼیؽی؟‬٨‫ ټكغف‬:‫ثفایه‬
.‫ خكئی ثڃؼ‬٦‫٭ٗ یڅ سّبؼ‬٨ ‫ ڀڅ‬:‫ؼیڃیؽ‬

‫خلف ‪ /‬خَاز‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی اٴف ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ‪٨‬فؼی ٰڅ و‪ٙ‬ص ‪٨‬فچځٳ‪ ،‬ـڂاثٗ اخشٽب‪٠‬ی ڂ دڃًٌ دبییځی ؼاـؼ اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ‬
‫ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “fob‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «خٹ‪ / ٧‬خڃاؼ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Dude! Check out that guy with the yellow shirt. What a fob‬‬
‫دىف! اڂپ یبـڂ ثب ٸجبن قـؼ ـڂ ثجیٿ‪ .‬ز٭ؽـ خٹ‪٩‬څ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “fob‬چٻ ثفای اڀىبپ ڂ چٻ ثفای ‪٤‬یف اڀىبپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “geek‬ڀیك ثفای ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ثبال اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ٰ .‬ٹٽڅ ”‪٨ “geek‬٭ٗ ثفای‬
‫اڀىبپ ٰبـثفؼ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He's such a geek.‬‬

‫اڂپ ]آؼٺ[ خٹ‪ ٧‬ایڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪how manyth‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «زځؽټیٿ» ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ی ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڀؽاـؼ‪ .‬ثڅ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼیٵف ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی وبغشبـ ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ی ثفای‬
‫ثیبپ خٽٹڅ «ایٿ زځؽټیٿ اقؼڂاج ٌٽبوز؟» ڂ خٽالر ڀ‪ٝ‬یف آپ ڀؽاـیٻ‪.‬‬
‫اٸجشڅ ټیشڃاڀیٻ ثفای دفوً وڃاٶ ثب ټٕٽڃپ «زځؽټیٿ» ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ی ”‪ٰ “How manyth‬څ ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی چځؽی ڀیك ـایح اوز‪ ،‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬اٸجشڅ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ اق ایٿ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ثفای یٯ آټفیٱبیی ڀیك ټڃـؼی ڀؽاـؼ قیفا اٴف ‪٨‬فْ ٰځیٻ ٰڅ آپ ٌػُ ڀیك ثفای اڂٸیٿ ثبـ ثبٌؽ ٰڅ ایٿ‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ـا ټیٍځڃؼ ثبق چٻ ټشڃخڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ټب غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪How manyth president is Barack Obama‬‬

‫ثبـاٮ اڂثبټب زځؽټیٿ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ آټفیٱبوز؟‬
‫?‪This is your how manyth marriage‬‬
‫ایٿ زځؽټیٿ اقؼڂاج ٌٽبوز؟‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ټیشڃاڀیٻ ثفای ثیبپ دفوً ثڅ ِڃـر ‪٤‬یف ټىش٭یٻ ثب ټٕٽڃپ «زځؽټیٿ» اق ‪٠‬جبـار قیف ڀیك‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪:‬‬
‫‪What number‬‬
‫‪Which…. in order/sequence‬‬
‫‪How many‬‬

‫?‪What number president is Barack Obama‬‬

‫ثبـاٮ اڂثبټب زځؽټیٿ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ آټفیٱبوز؟‬

‫?‪Which president was Barack Obama in order/sequence‬‬

‫ثبـاٮ اڂثبټب زځؽټیٿ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ آټفیٱبوز؟‬

‫?‪How many presidents were there before Barack Obama‬‬

‫ثبـاٮ اڂثبټب زځؽټیٿ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ آټفیٱبوز؟‬

‫هفَْهِ ‪ /‬سیگٌال زریافت ضس‬
‫‪copy that‬‬

‫اٴف اق ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ ټځؽاپ ثڅ ثبقی چب ڂ ‪٨‬یٹٻ چبی دٹیىی ثبٌیؽ ضشٽب اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “copy that‬ـا ٌځیؽڄ ایؽ‪.‬‬
‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “copy‬ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ثیىیٻ ‪$‬ـاؼیڃیی‪ #‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٰبټٷ ڂ ڂأص ویٵځبٶ اـوبٸی» اوز ڂ‬
‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “copy that‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ویٵځبٶ ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٌؽ» ڂ «ټ‪٩‬ڇڃټڅ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Pilot: Sir, we‘re about to drop nuclear payload. What‘s the order? Over.‬‬
‫‪HQ: Negative, you got to return to base immediately. We‘ve got a sandstorm‬‬
‫‪headed your way. Repeat, that‘s a negative, return to base immediately. Do you‬‬
‫‪Pilot: Copy that HQ. Returning to base.‬‬
‫غٹجبپ‪٬ :‬فثبپ ؼاـیٻ ثٽت اسٽی ـڂ دفسبة ټی ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ؼوشڃـ زیڅ؟ سٽبٺ‪.‬‬
‫ټفٰك ‪٨‬فټبڀؽچی ‪$ :‬دبوع‪ #‬ټځ‪٩‬یڅ‪ .‬چف زڅ وفی‪ ٟ‬سفیٿ ثڅ دبیٵبپ ثفٴفؼیٿ‪ .‬ټب ټشڃخڅ ضفٰز یڅ ٘ڃ‪٨‬بپ ٌٿ ؼـ‬
‫ټىیف ٌٽب ٌؽیٻ‪ .‬سٱفاـ ټیٍڅ‪ ،‬دبوع ټځ‪٩‬یڅ‪ .‬چفزڅ وفی‪ ٟ‬سف ثڅ دبیٵبڄ ثفٴفؼیؽ‪ .‬ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٌؽ؟‬
‫غٹجبپ‪ :‬ټفٰك ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٌؽ‪ .‬ؼاـیٻ ثفټیٵفؼیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “over‬ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ثیىیٻ ‪$‬ـاؼیڃیی‪ #‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سٽبٺ» ڂ ڀٍبپ ؼچځؽڄ اسٽبٺ خٽٹڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬الټز اغشّبـی ”‪ "HQ‬ټػ‪ٰ ٧٩‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “Headquarters‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټفٰك ‪٨‬فټبڀؽچی» اوز‪.‬‬

‫والُ تززار‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “conman‬ؼـ ټٱبٸٽبر ڂ ټطبڂـڄ چبی آټفیٱبیی ـایح اوز ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰالڄ ثفؼاـ» ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬
‫ڂالڄ ”‪ “con‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ـٰت قؼپ ڂ ٰالڄ ثفؼاـی ٰفؼپ اوز‪.‬‬
‫چٽسځیٿ ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “con‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق وبغشبـ‬
‫”‪ “con somebody into doing something‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I was conned into buying a useless car.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثب غفیؽ یڅ ټبٌیٿ ثیػڃؼ ٰالڄ وفٺ ـ‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't write him a check, he's a conman.‬‬

‫ثفاي زٯ ڀځڃیه‪ .‬اڂپ یڅ ٰالچجفؼاـڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Wheeler, a convicted conman, tricked the elderly couple into ​signing over‬‬
‫‪their ​property to him.‬‬
‫ڂیٹف ٰڅ یٯ سجڇٱبـ ثڃؼ قڂج چبی دیف ـا ‪٨‬فیت ټی ؼاؼ سب ثب یٯ اټٕب ټبٸٍڃپ ـڂ ثڅ اڂ ثؽچځؽ‪.‬‬

‫تپز تاال‬
‫‪hop in / jump in‬‬

‫چف ؼڂ اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “hop in‬ڂ ”‪ “jump in‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی«ثذف ثبال» اوز ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ٰىی ثٵڃییٻ ٰڅ‬
‫وڃاـ ټبٌیٿ یب ټڃسڃـ یب ‪ٌ ...‬ڃؼ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ؼڂ اِ‪ٙ‬الش اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hop in. I'll give you a ride.‬‬

‫ثذف ثبال‪ .‬ټی ـوڃڀٽز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “get in‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «وڃاـ ٌڃ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “give somebody a ride / lift‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰىی ـڂ سب خبیی ـوڃڀؽپ» ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪I've got to get into town. Can you give me a lift‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ثڅ ٌڇف ثفٺ‪ .‬ټی سڃڀی ټٿ ـڂ ثفوڃڀی؟‬

ِ‫تشى تِ ترت‬
touch wood

.‫ځی «ثكپ ثڅ سػشڅ» اوز‬١‫“ثڅ ټ‬knock on wood” ‫“ ڂ‬touch wood” ‫الضبر‬ِٙ‫ا‬

I have been driving over 20 years and never had an accident - touch wood.
.‫ چٻ ڀٱفؼڄ اٺ‬٦‫ټٿ ثیً اق ثیىز وبٸڅ ـاڀځؽڄ اٺ ڂ ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ یڅ سّبؼ‬

I haven't been banned yet, touch wood.

.‫ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ ټٿ سب ضبال ٘فؼ ڀٍؽٺ‬

I haven't been caught yet, touch wood!

.‫شبؼٺ‬٩‫ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ سب ضبال ٴیف ڀی‬

The ​deal will be ​agreed on ​Wednesday, touch ​wood.

.‫ غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‬٫٨‫بټٹڅ زڇبـٌځجڅ سڃا‬١‫ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ ټ‬

It's been fine all week and, touch wood, it'll stay fine for the weekend.
.‫شڅ چٻ غڃة غڃاچؽ ثڃؼ‬٩‫شڅ چڃا غڃة ثڃؼ ڂ آغف چ‬٩‫ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ سٽبٺ چ‬

We haven't had any problems with the car so far, knock on wood.
.‫ثكڀٻ ثڅ سػشڅ سب ضبال ثب ټبٌیٿ چیر ټٍٱٹی ڀؽاٌشیٻ‬

‫زستت تِ ّیچ خا تٌس ًیست‬
‫‪not have a leg to stand on‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “not have a leg to stand on‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر «ؼوشز ثڅ چیر خب ثځؽ ڀیىز» ټیجبٌؽ ڂ قټبڀی‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثٵڃییٻ ٌػّی ؼـ ڂٔ‪١‬یشی چىز ٰڅ ڀٽیشڃاڀؽ زیكی ـا ثبثز ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you haven't got a witness, you haven't got a leg to stand on.‬‬
‫اٴف ٌبچؽی ڀؽاٌشڅ ثبٌی ؼوشز ثڅ چیر خب ثځؽ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪You may think you're in the right, but you don't have a leg to stand on.‬‬
‫ٌٽب ټٽٱځڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ٰځیؽ ض‪ ٫‬ثب ٌٽبوز اټب ؼوشز ثڅ خبیی ثځؽ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪My lawyer said I didn't have a leg to stand on, so I shouldn't sue the company.‬‬
‫ڂٰیٹٻ ٴ‪٩‬ز ټٿ ٰڅ ؼوشٻ ثڅ خبیی ثځؽ ڀجڃؼڄ‪ ،‬ده ڀجبیؽ اق ٰٽذبڀی ٌٱبیز ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫چیش ّای ذَتی زاضتي‬
‫)‪(someone) has a lot going for (them‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ “(someone) has a lot going for (them‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼاٌشٿ زیك چبی قیبؼی ثفای» اوز ڂ‬
‫قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ؼاٌشڅ چبی ‪٨‬فؼی ـا ثڅ غڃؼي یبؼآڂـی ٰځیٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪You have got a lot going for you.‬‬

‫غیٹی زیكچبی غڃثی ؼاـی ٰڅ ثڇً ‪٨‬ٱف ٰځی‪.‬‬

‫‪She has got a lot going for her.‬‬

‫اڂ غیٹی زیكچبی غڃثی ؼاـڄ ٰڅ ثڇً ‪٨‬ٱف ٰځڅ‪.‬‬

ِ‫چِ تزسس ت‬
let alone

.‫بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ‬٩‫“ ؼـ خٽٹڅ اوش‬let alone” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ وبغشبـ «زڅ ثفوؽ ثڅ» اق‬

We can't even go there by car, let alone on foot.

.‫ثب ټبٌیٿ چٻ ڀٽیشڃڀیٻ ثفیٻ اڂڀدب زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ دیبؼڄ‬

We don't even have an outstanding poetry critic let alone prize!

!‫ف ڀؽاـیٻ زڅ ثفوؽ ثڅ خبیكڄ‬١ٌ ‫ټځش٭ؽ ثفخىشڅ ی‬

It has become difficult for me to breathe let alone write!

!‫ه ٍٰیؽپ چٻ ثفاٺ وػز ٌؽڄ زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ ڀڃٌشٿ‬٩‫ڀ‬

Oh God, with such fanatical brothers, do you think I even dare look at anyone in
the street let alone answering this letter or start some relationship?
‫ٱف ټیٱځی ټٿ خفار ؼاـٺ ثڅ ٰىی سڃی غیبثبپ ڀٵبڄ ٰځٻ زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ‬٨ ‫ سڃ‬،‫ّت‬١‫ ثب ایٿ ثفاؼـچبی ټش‬،‫غؽایب‬
‫څ؟‬ٙ‫ ـاث‬ٞ‫خڃاة ؼاؼپ ایٿ ڀبټڅ ڂ ٌفڂ‬

Even those whose mother tongue was English were not able to express it
properly, let alone me.
.‫ٹت ـا غڃة اؼا ٰځځؽ سب زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ ټٿ‬ٙ‫ضشی آڀڇبیی ٰڅ قثبپ ټبؼـٌبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثڃؼ ڀشڃاڀىشځؽ ټ‬

I don't have enough money for a bicycle, let alone car.

.‫ زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ یڅ ټبٌیٿ‬،‫ټٿ دڃٶ ثفای یڅ ؼڂزفغڅ ڀؽاـٺ‬

Do I have a dollar? I don't even have a dime, let alone a dollar.

.‫ وِځشی چٻ ڀؽاـٺ زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ یڅ ؼالـ‬10 ‫ټٿ یڅ ؼالـ ؼاـٺ؟ ټٿ ضشی یڅ‬

I didn't invite Katy, let alone the rest of his family.

.‫ زڅ ثفوڅ ثڅ ث٭یڅ غبڀڃاؼڄ اي‬،‫ڃر ڀٱفؼٺ‬٠‫ټٿ ٰیشی ـڂ ؼ‬

ِ‫اًگار و‬
as if

‫یز ثڅ‬١٬‫ف ـویؽپ یٯ ټڃ‬ٝ‫ځی «اڀٵبـ ٰڅ» ڂ «ټثٷ ایځٱڅ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ زٵڃڀٵی ثڅ ڀ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬as if” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‬

Selena behaved as if Frank wasn't there.

.‫فاڀٯ اڂڀدب ڀیىز‬٨ ‫شبـ ټی ٰفؼ ٰڅ اڀٵبـ‬٨‫وٹځب ٘ڃـی ـ‬

I've just come back from holiday, but I feel very tired. I don't feel as if I've just
had a holiday.
.‫یالر ثڃؼٺ‬ٙ١‫ اڀٵبـ ڀڅ اڀٵبـ ٰڅ ټٿ سبقڄ س‬.‫یالر ثفٴٍشٻ اټب غیٹی اضىبن غىشٵی ټی ٰځٻ‬ٙ١‫سبقڄ اق س‬

That house looks as if it's going to fall down.

.‫فڂ ثفیكؼ‬٨ ‫آپ غبڀڅ ټثٷ ایځٱڅ ټیػڃاچؽ‬

She ​looked as if she'd had some ​bad ​news.

.‫څ اي ٘ڃـی ثڃؼ ٰڅ اڀٵبـ غجف ثؽی ثڇً ؼاؼپ‬٨‫یب‬٬

When the teacher's back was turned, the class clown would hold his stomach as
if he were ill.
.‫ز اڀٵبـ ٰڅ ټفیٕڅ‬٨‫ ؼٸ٭ٯ ٰالن ؼٸً ـڂ ټی ٴف‬،‫ٹٻ ثف ټی ٴٍز‬١‫شی ټ‬٬‫ڂ‬

The pain was so bad, he felt as if a knife were sticking between his shoulders.
.‫فڂ ټی ٰفؼڀؽ‬٨ ً٩‫ڃ ثیٿ ؼڂ ٰش‬٬‫ؼـؼ اڀ٭ؽـ قیبؼ ثڃؼ ٰڅ اڀٵبـ زب‬

.‫“ ـا ؼاـؼ‬as if” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ی٭ب ٰبـثفؼ‬٬‫“ ڀیك ؼ‬as though” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

I ​felt as though I'd been ​lying in the ​sun for ​hours.

.‫شبة ؼـاق ٍٰیؽٺ‬٨‫ز چبوز سڃ آ‬٠‫اضىبن ټی ٰفؼٺ اڀٵبـ وب‬

When my mother came to visit, I tried to make everything as though she were
on vacation.
.‫یالسڅ‬ٙ١‫ی ٰفؼٺ چٽڅ زی ـڂ خڃـی ټفست ٰځٻ ٰڅ اڀٵبـ سڃ س‬١‫شٻ اڂټؽ و‬٬‫شی ټبؼـٺ ثڅ ټال‬٬‫ڂ‬

‫ػافیت تاضِ‬
‫‪bless you‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “bless you‬غ‪ٙ‬بة ثڅ ٰىی ٴ‪٩‬شڅ ټی ٌڃؼ ٰڅ ‪ٙ٠‬ىڅ ٰفؼڄ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر «‪٠‬ب‪٨‬یز‬
‫ثبٌڅ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫]‪Maria: [Sneeze‬‬
‫!‪Linda: Bless you‬‬
‫ټبـیب‪ٙ٠] :‬ىڅ ٰفؼپ[‬
‫ٸیځؽا‪٠ :‬ب‪٨‬یز ثبٌڅ!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ټیشڃاپ ثفای سٍٱف ٰفؼپ ڀىجز ثڅ ٸ‪ ٧ٙ‬ؼیٵفاپ ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Katy: Here, let me help you with your shopping.‬‬

‫‪Linda: Oh, bless you, dear.‬‬
‫ٰیشی‪ :‬چی‪ ،‬اخبقڄ ثؽڄ سڃ غفیؽ ٰفؼپ ٰٽٱز ٰځٻ‪.‬‬
‫ٸیځؽا‪ :‬اڂڄ‪ ،‬ټٽځڃپ ‪٠‬كیكٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ آـقڂی غڃة ؼاٌشٿ ثفای ٰىی ؼـ چځٵبٺ غؽاضب‪ٝ٨‬ی ٰفؼپ ثب آپ ٌػُ ټیشڃاپ اق‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”)‪ “God bless (you‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Good night everyone, and God bless you.‬‬

‫ٌت ثػیف ثڅ چٽٵی‪ ،‬ثب آـقڂی ثڇشفیٿ چب‪.‬‬

‫فزار هغش ّا‬
brain drain

‫فاؼ ثبوڃاؼ ڂ ټشػُّ یٯ ٍٰڃـ ثڅ‬٨‫ك چب» اوز ڂ ثڅ ټڇبخفر ا‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨« ‫ځی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬brain drain” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫ؼیٵف ٍٰڃـ چب سٹ٭ی ټی ٌڃؼ‬

A leading British team of chemists has joined the brain drain to the United
.‫ك چبی ؼـ آټفیٱب دیڃوشځؽ‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨ ‫یٯ سیٻ دیٍشبق ٌیٽیؽاپ اڀٵٹیىی ثڅ‬

Nothing has been done to stop the brain drain as more and more doctors move
away from the area.
.‫٭څ ڀ٭ٷ ټٱبپ ټی ٰځځؽ‬ٙ‫ك چب اڀدبٺ ڀٍؽڄ زڃپ ؼٰشف چبی ثیٍشفی اق ټځ‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨ ٧٬‫چیر ٰبـی ثفای سڃ‬

​Britain has ​suffered a ​huge ​brain ​drain in ​recent ​years.

.‫كچبی ٴىشفؼڄ ؼـ وبٶ چبی اغیف ـڀح ټی ثفؼ‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨ ‫اڀٵٹىشبپ اق‬

There are fears that ​cuts in ​science ​funding could ​lead to a ​brain ​drain to the US.
.‫كچب ثڅ آټفیٱب ٌڃؼ‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨ ‫ٹڃٺ ټځدف ثڅ‬٠ ‫سفن اق ایٿ اوز ٰڅ ٰبچً ثڃؼخڅ‬

Faced with a ​brain ​drain, the ​aerospace ​industry is ​thinking of ​creative ways
to ​attract and ​keep ​talent.
‫ؽاؼچب ـا خؿة ڂ‬١‫ٱف ټی ٰځؽ ٰڅ ثشڃاڀؽ اوش‬٨ ‫ی‬٬‫ك چب ثڅ ـاڄ چبی غال‬٥‫فاـ ټ‬٨ ‫ٕب ؼـ ټڃاخڇڅ ثب‬٨‫ز چڃا‬١‫ِځ‬
.‫ڀٵڇؽاـی ٰځؽ‬

‫هٌظَرم ایي است وِ‬
‫‪I mean‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I mean‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ایٿ اوز ٰڅ» اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ڂ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټی‬

‫‪I mean, he's a good ​teacher, but I just don't like him.‬‬
‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ایځڅ ٰڅ اڂپ ټ‪١‬ٹٻ غڃثیڅ ڂٸی ټٿ ؼڂوشً ڀؽاـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I mean, it's not as if I owned property.‬‬

‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ایځڅ ٰڅ ایځدڃـی چب چٻ ڀیىز ٰڅ ټٿ ټبٸٯ ثبٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫?‪You have to ​hold the ​bar down while you ​lock it. Do you ​see what I mean‬‬
‫سڃ ڂ‪٬‬شی ‪٩٬‬ٹً ټیٱځی ثبیؽ ټیٹڅ ـڂ دبییٿ ڀٵڅ ؼاـی‪ .‬ټی‪٩‬ڇٽی زی ټیٵٻ؟‬

‫?‪You've got to give him a ​chance, you know what I ​mean‬‬

‫سڃ ثبیؽ ثڇً یٯ ٌبڀه ثؽی‪ .‬ټیؽڂڀی ٰڅ زی ټیٵٻ؟‬

‫ تِ ػلت‬/ ‫تِ ذاقز‬
due to

‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫“ یٯ ضف‬due to” ‫جبـر‬٠ ٟ٬‫ٹز» ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬٠ ‫ځی «ثڅ غب٘ف» ڂ «ثڅ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬due to” ‫جبـر‬٠

He had to withdraw due to a knee injury.

.‫٭ت ڀٍیځی ثڃؼیٻ‬٠ ‫ټب ثڅ غب٘ف آویت ؼیؽٴی قاڀڃ ټدجڃـ ثڅ‬

Her death was due to an infection of the abdominal wall.

.‫ڃڀز ؼیڃاـڄ ٌٱٻ ثڃؼ‬٩٠ ‫ټفٲ اڂ ثڅ غب٘ف‬

The train was cancelled due to staff shortages.

.‫ڃ ٌؽ‬٥‫ٹز ٰٽجڃؼ ٰبـٰځبپ ٸ‬٠ ‫بـ ثڅ‬ٙ٬

Evening classes were cancelled due to heavy snow.

.‫ وځٵیٿ ٰځىٷ ٌؽ‬٦‫ّف ثڅ غب٘ف ثف‬٠ ‫ٰالن چبی‬

He almost died due to lack of oxygen.

.‫ٹز ٰٽجڃؼ اٰىیمپ ڀكؼیٯ ثڃؼ ٰڅ ثٽیفؼ‬٠ ‫اڂ ثڅ‬

The company’s financial losses were due to poor management.

.‫ ثڃؼ‬٧‫ی‬١ٔ ‫ٔفـ چبی ټبٸی ٌفٰز ثڅ غب٘ف ټؽیفیز‬

‫والغِ تِ هي گفت‪...‬‬
‫…‪a little bird told me‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “a little bird told me‬یٯ ‪٠‬جبـر ٘ځكآټیك اوز ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثٵڃییٻ ٰڅ اق ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی‬
‫غجف ؼاـیٻ ڂٸی سفخیص ټی ؼچیٻ ٰڅ ٌػُ ټػجف ـا ټ‪١‬ف‪٨‬ی ڀٱځیٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی «ٰال‪٤‬څ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪ »...‬ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪A little bird told me that you've got engaged.‬‬

‫ٰال‪٤‬څ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ٌٽب ڀبټكؼ ٰفؼیٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪A little bird told me it was your birthday.‬‬

‫ٰال‪٤‬څ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ سڃٸؽسڅ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Lucy: So who told you she'd got the job‬‬

‫‪Sara: Oh, let's just say a little bird told me so.‬‬
‫ٸڃوی‪ :‬ده ٰی ثڇز ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ اڂ ٰبـ دیؽا ٰفؼڄ؟‬
‫وبـا‪ :‬اڂڄ‪ ،‬ثكاـ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ثٵٻ ٰڅ ٰال‪٤‬څ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪.‬‬

‫?‪David: How did you ​know he was ​leaving‬‬

‫‪Bernard: let's just say a little ​bird told me.‬‬
‫ؼیڃیؽ‪ :‬اق ٰدب ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽی ؼاـڄ اق ایځدب ټیفڄ؟‬
‫ثفڀبـؼ‪ :‬ثكاـ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ثٵٻ ٰڅ ٰال‪٤‬څ غجف آڂـؼ‪.‬‬

‫اسون رٍ ػَؼ هی وٌن‬
‫‪I’ll eat my hat‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I’ll eat my hat‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ی «اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ» اوز ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ‬
‫س‪١‬دت غڃؼ ـا اق ـظ ؼاؼپ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی ڀٍبپ ؼچیٻ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If you win the match, I’ll eat my hat‬‬

‫اٴڅ ٌٽب ټىبث٭څ ـڂ ثجفیؽ‪ ،‬ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If John really joins the army, I'll eat my hat.‬‬

‫اٴف خبپ ڂا‪١٬‬ب ثڅ اـسً ثذیڃڀؽڄ ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If this car gives you any trouble, I'll eat my hat.‬‬
‫اٴف ایٿ ټبٌیٿ ثفای سڃ ټٍٱٹی دیً آڂـؼ ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If we can't beat a second-rate team like Sheffield, I'll eat my hat.‬‬
‫اٴڅ ڀشڃڀیٻ یٯ سیٻ ؼوشڅ ؼڂټی ټثٷ ٌ‪٩‬یٹؽ ـڂ ثجفیٻ‪ ،‬ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If he comes back, I'll eat my hat.‬‬

‫اٴف اڂ ثفٴفؼڄ‪ ،‬ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪If she ​actually ​marries Jack, I'll eat my ​hat.‬‬

‫اٴف اڂ ڂا‪١٬‬ب ثب خٯ اقؼڂاج ٰځؽ‪ ،‬ټٿ اوٽٻ ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫فالى فالى ضسُ‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ی ”‪ “blankety-blank‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٨‬الپ ‪٨‬الپ ٌؽڄ» ڂ «ٸ‪١‬ځشی» اوز ڂ ؼـ ټٱبٸٽڅ قټبڀی ٰڅ‬
‫ثػڃاچیٻ اق ثڅ ٰبـثفؼپ ٰٹٽبر ڀبوكا ڂ ‪٨‬طً غڃؼؼاـی ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق آپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The blankety-blank key is stuck.‬‬

‫ٰٹیؽ ‪٨‬الپ ‪٨‬الپ ٌؽڄ ٴیف ٰفؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪That blankety-blank idiot took my watch.‬‬

‫اثٹڅ ‪٨‬الپ ‪٨‬الپ ٌؽڄ‪ ،‬وب‪٠‬شٻ ـا ثفؼاٌز‪.‬‬

‫‪It's time to ditch the blankety-blank tax code.‬‬

‫االپ ڂ‪٬‬شٍڅ ٰڅ اق ٌف ٰؽ ټبٸیبسی ٸ‪١‬ځشی غالَ ثٍیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The blankety-blank motor stalled again.‬‬

‫ټڃسڃـ ٸ‪١‬ځشی ثبق غبټڃي ٌؽ‪.‬‬

ِ‫سِ سَت‬
in a jiffy

‫بؼٶ‬١‫جبـر «وڅ وڃسڅ» ڀكؼیٯ سفیٿ ټ‬٠ ‫» ڂ «غیٹی قڂؼ» اوز ڂ‬ٟ‫ځی «غیٹی وفی‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬in a jiffy” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫جبـر اوز‬٠ ‫ثفای ایٿ‬

I'll come back in a jiffy

.‫وڅ وڃسڅ ثفټیٵفؼٺ‬

Just wait a minute. I'll be there in a jiffy.

.‫ غیٹی قڂؼ ټیبٺ اڂڀدب‬.‫ی٭څ ِجف ٰٿ‬٬‫یڅ ؼ‬

I'll be finished in a jiffy.

.‫وڅ وڃسڅ سٽڃٺ ټیٍڅ‬

It's some weird bug, and I'm sure it'll be fixed up in a jiffy.
.‫ٽئځٻ غیٹی قڂؼ ؼـوز ټیٍڅ‬ٙ‫دیت ثڃؼ اټب ټ‬٠ ‫یڅ ټٍٱٷ‬

Recommended software upgrades can be brought down in a jiffy.

.‫ث ټٍٱٷ ثٍڅ‬٠‫كاـ چبی دیٍځڇبؼی ټیشڃڀڅ غیٹی قڂؼ ثب‬٨‫اـس٭ب ڀفٺ ا‬

.‫» اوز‬ٟ‫ځی «وڅ وڃسڅ» ڂ «غیٹی وفی‬١‫“ ڀیك ثڅ ټ‬at/on the double” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫ چٽسځیٿ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

Get over here right now, on the double.

.‫ ثیب ایځدب‬ٟ‫غیٹی وفی‬

She wants to see you in her office on the double

.‫شفي ثجیځڅ‬٨‫ ٌٽب ـڂ سڃ ؼ‬ٟ‫اڂ ټیػڃاؼ غیٹی وفی‬

Fortunately, help arrived on the double, and the victim's injuries were soon
.‫فثبڀی قڂؼ ؼـټبپ ٌؽ‬٬ ‫فؼ‬٨ ‫ ـویؽ ڂ قغٻ چبی‬ٟ‫غڃٌجػشبڀڅ ٰٽٯ وفی‬

He disappeared at the double.

.‫اڂ وڅ وڃسڅ ڀبدؽیؽ ٌؽ‬

right off the bat

.‫بِٹڅ» اوز‬٨‫ځی «ثال‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬right off the bat” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬

They responded right off the bat.

.‫بِٹڅ خڃاة ؼاؼڀؽ‬٨‫آڀڇب ثال‬

They asked me to sing right off the bat.

.‫بِٹڅ ثػڃاڀٻ‬٨‫آڀڇب اق ټٿ غڃاوشځؽ ٰڅ ثال‬

You can't ​expect to be ​accepted in a new ​town ​right off the bat.
.‫شڅ ثٍی‬٨‫بِٹڅ دؿیف‬٨‫بـ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌی ٰڅ سڃ یڅ ٌڇف خؽیؽ ثال‬ٝ‫ڀٽی سڃڀی اڀش‬

The new manager demanded new office furniture right off the bat.
.‫شف ؼاؼ‬٨‫بِٹڅ ؼـغڃاوز ڂوبیٷ خؽیؽ ثفای ؼ‬٨‫ټؽیف خؽیؽ ثال‬

When he was learning to ride a bicycle, he fell on his head right off the bat.
.‫ز چٽڃپ اڂٶ ثب وف قټیٿ غڃـؼ‬٨‫شی ؼاٌز ؼڂزفغڅ وڃاـی یبؼ ټی ٴف‬٬‫ڂ‬

‫زر یه چطن تِ ّن سزى‬
in the blink of an eye

‫جبـر «ؼـ یٯ‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫ ټ‬ٟ٬‫ ثڃؼپ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬ٟ‫“ ثفای ثیبپ ثىیبـ وفی‬in the blink of an eye” ‫جبـر‬٠
.‫زٍٻ ثڅ چٻ قؼپ» ټی ثبٌؽ‬

In the blink of an ​eye, he was gone.

.‫شڅ ثڃؼ‬٨‫ؼـ یٯ زٍٻ ثڅ چٻ قؼپ اڂ ـ‬

In the blink of an eye the handsome prince was transformed into an ugly frog.
.‫څ قٌز ثؽٶ ٌؽ‬٤‫ڃـثب‬٬ ‫ؼـ یٯ زٍٻ ثڅ چٻ قؼپ ٌبقؼڄ غڃٌشیخ ثڅ یٯ‬

There was a huge boom and in the blink of an eye the buildings were gone.
.‫دبـ ټڇیت ـظ ؼاؼ ڂ سڃ یڅ زٍٻ ثڅ چٻ قؼپ وبغشٽبپ غفاة ٌؽ‬٩‫یٯ اڀ‬

‫ػدلِ وي‬
‫‪hurry up‬‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ‪٠‬جبـسی ”‪ “hurry up‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Hurry up! You're going to be late.‬‬

‫‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ! ؼیفر غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Please hurry up. We have a lot to do today.‬‬

‫ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب ‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ‪ .‬اټفڂق غیٹی ٰبـ ؼاـیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Hurry up or you'll miss the bus‬‬

‫‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ یب ثڅ اسڃثڃن ڀٽیفوی!‬

‫‪Hurry up and finish your soup.‬‬

‫‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ ڂ وڃدز ـڂ سٽڃٺ ٰٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “shake a leg‬ڀیك ټبڀځؽ ‪٠‬جبـر ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰٿ» اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ «خځجیؽپ»‬
‫!‪We'd better shake a leg, or we will miss the bus‬‬
‫ثڇشفڄ ثدځجیٻ ڂٴفڀڅ ثڅ اسڃثڃن ڀٽیفویٻ! ‪$‬اسڃثڃن ـڂ اق ؼوز ټیؽیٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪Let's shake a leg, you guys. We gotta be there in twenty minutes.‬‬

‫ثسڅ چب ثیبیٿ ثدځجیٻ‪ .‬سب ثیىز ؼ‪٬‬ی٭څ ؼیٵف ثبیؽ اڂڀدب ثبٌیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She told me to shake a leg, so I hurried the best I could.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ ټٿ ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ثدځجٻ ڂ ټٿ چٻ سب سڃڀىشٻ ‪٠‬دٹڅ ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Come on, Nick, shake a ​leg or we'll never be ​ready in ​time.‬‬

‫قڂؼ ثبي ڀیٯ‪٠ ،‬دٹڅ ٰٿ ڂٴفڀڅ وف ڂ‪٬‬ز آټبؼڄ ڀػڃاچیٻ ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ټ‪١‬ځی ؼیٵف ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪« “shake a leg‬ـ‪ّ٬‬یؽپ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Let's shake a leg. The music's great.‬‬

‫ثیب ثف‪ّ٬‬یٻ‪ .‬ټڃوی٭ی ‪٠‬بٸیڅ‪.‬‬

‫سزی تَ ذال‬
hit the nail on the head

‫ی٭ب ؼـوز اڀدبٺ ؼاؼپ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ ڂ‬٬‫“ ثفای ثیبپ ٰبـی ـا ؼ‬hit the nail on the head” ‫الش‬ِٙ‫ا‬
.‫بټیبڀڅ ی «قؼی سڃ غبٶ» اوز‬٠ ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫ټ‬

Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.

.٦‫ی٭ب قؼ ثڅ چؽ‬٬‫آڀبٸیك ٌٽب ؼ‬

You hit the nail on the head when You said the problem was the thermostat.
.‫شی ټٍٱٷ سفټڃوشبر اوز‬٩‫شیٱڅ ٴ‬٬‫قؼی سڃ غبٶ ڂ‬

You've spotted the flaw, Sally. You hit the nail on the head.
.‫ قؼی سڃ غبٶ‬.‫سڃ ټٍٱٷ ـڂ دیؽا ٰفؼی وبٸی‬

I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this
company is a feeling of confidence.
.‫ه سڃ ٌفٰز ٰٽڅ ؼـوز قؼ سڃ غبٶ‬٩‫شٽبؼ ثڅ ڀ‬٠‫ز ٰڅ ضه ا‬٩‫شی ټبیٯ ٴ‬٬‫ٱف ٰځٻ ڂ‬٨

I ​think ​David hit the ​nail on the ​head when he said that ​kids won't ​want to ​buy
this ​product.
.‫ز ثسڅ چب ڀٽی غڃاچځؽ ایٿ ټطّڃٶ ـا ثػفڀؽ قؼ سڃ غبٶ‬٩‫شی ؼیڃیؽ ٴ‬٬‫ٱف ٰځٻ ڂ‬٨

Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a computer
without knowing how it works.
‫ز اٰثف ټفؼٺ ټی سڃاڀځؽ ثؽڂپ ایځٱڅ ثؽاڀځؽ ٰبټذیڃسف زٵڃڀڅ ٰبـ ټی ٰځؽ اق اڂپ‬٩‫شی ٰڅ ٴ‬٬‫ټبیٯ قؼ سڃ غبٶ ڂ‬
.‫بؼڄ ٰځځؽ‬٩‫اوش‬

Nicholas: Did you hear about Wendy and John?

Tom: Let me guess, they are getting a divorce?
Nicholas: Wow, you hit the nail on the head. How did you know?
‫ غجف ؼـثبـڄ ڂڀؽی ڂ خبپ ـڂ ٌځیؽی؟‬:‫ڀیٱڃالن‬
.‫ ؼاـپ اق چٻ خؽا ټیٍٿ‬.‫ ثكاـ ضؽن ثكڀٻ‬:‫سبٺ‬
‫ڇٽیؽی؟‬٨ ‫ اق ٰدب‬.‫ قؼی سڃ غبٶ‬:‫ڀیٱڃالن‬

Teacher: So, what’s the correct answer?
Student: 12?
Teacher: Good job, student. You hit the nail on the head.
‫ خڃاة ؼـوز زیڅ؟‬،‫ غڃة‬:‫ٹٻ‬١‫ټ‬
‫؟‬12 :‫ؼاڀً آټڃق‬
.‫ قؼی سڃ غبٶ‬،‫فیٿ‬٨‫ آ‬:‫ٹٻ‬١‫ټ‬

Bob doesn't say much, but every now and then he hits the nail right on the
.‫ز یٱجبـ ټیكڀڅ سڃ غبٶ‬٬‫ ڀٽیكڀڅ ڂٸی چف زځؽ ڂ‬٦‫ثبة قیبؼ ضف‬

I think Ryan hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this
company is a feeling of confidence.
.‫ه اوز‬٩‫شٽبؼ ثڅ ڀ‬٠‫ز زیكی ٰڅ ؼـ ایٿ ٰبـغبڀڅ ڂخڃؼ ڀؽاـ اضىبن ا‬٩‫شی ٴ‬٬‫ٱف ٰځٻ ـایبپ قؼ سڃ غبٶ ڂ‬٨

With regard to the gentleman’s comments, I think he has hit the nail right on the
.‫ٱف ټی ٰځٻ ایٍبپ ؼـوز قؼپ ڂوٗ غبٶ‬٨ ‫ ټٿ‬،‫بیبپ‬٬‫فار آ‬ٝ‫ثب سڃخڅ ثڅ ڀ‬

Your comment hit the nail on the head! You spoke the truth.
.‫شی‬٩‫فر ؼـوز قؼ سڃ غبٶ! ض٭ی٭ز ـا ٴ‬ٝ‫ڀ‬

‫حزف زٌّتَ تفْن‪ /‬هزالة حزف سزًت تاش‬
‫‪watch your mouth‬‬

‫اق اِ‪ٙ‬الش ”‪ “watch one's mouth‬قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ٘ف‪ ٦‬ټ٭بثٷ ثٵڃییٻ ٰڅ ثڅ‬
‫ضف‪٨‬ی ٰڅ ټیكڀؽ سڃخڅ ٰځؽ! ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ی ”‪ “watch your mouth‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر «ضف‪٦‬‬
‫ؼچځشڃ ث‪٩‬ڇٻ» ڂ «ټفا‪٬‬ت ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀز ثبي» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪You'd better watch your mouth, mate, or we'll have you.‬‬

‫ثڇشف ټفا‪٬‬ت ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀز ثبٌی ـ‪٨‬ی‪ ٫‬یب ټب ټدجڃـر ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Hey, don't talk that way! Watch your mouth‬‬

‫چی‪ ،‬اڂڀدڃـی ضف‪ ٦‬ڀكپ‪ .‬ضف‪ ٦‬ؼچځز ـڂ ث‪٩‬ڇٻ!‬

‫‪Watch your mouth when you speak to him. He's the boss.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ثب اڂ ضف‪ ٦‬ټیكڀی ټفا‪٬‬ت ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀز ثبي‪ .‬اڂ ـئیىڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪After warning him to watch his mouth once again he walked off with his dogs.‬‬
‫ث‪١‬ؽ اق ؼڂثبـڄ چٍؽاـ ؼاؼپ ثڅ اڂ ثفای ټفا‪٬‬جز ؼـ ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀً اڂ ثب وٳ چبي اڂڀدب ـڂ سفٮ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ؼڂ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “watch your language‬ڂ ”‪ “watch your tongue‬ڀیك ؼ‪٬‬ی٭ب ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ‪٨‬ڃ‪ ٪‬اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Hey, don’t talk that way! Watch your language‬‬

‫چی اڂڀدڃـی ضف‪ ٦‬ڀكپ! ټڃا‪ٜ‬ت ضف‪ ٦‬قؼڀز ثبي!‬

‫!‪Watch your tongue, garbage mouth‬‬

‫ثی زبٮ ڂ ؼچٿ‪ ،‬ضف‪ ٦‬ؼچځشڃ ث‪٩‬ڇٻ!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “garbage mouth‬ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ٌػّی ٰڅ ثی اؼثبڀڅ ڂ قٌز ِطجز ټی ٰځؽ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی‬
‫ـڂؼ ڂ ڀكؼیٱشفیٿ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ثفای ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ‪٠‬جبـر «ثی زبٮ ڂ ؼچٿ» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Who’s the garbage mouth making all the noise‬‬

‫ٰؽڂٺ ثی زبٮ ڂ ؼچځی چٽڅ ی ایٿ ٌبی‪١‬بر ـڂ ؼـوز ٰفؼڄ؟‬

ِ‫زٌّن لزغ‬
my lips are sealed

‫ یٯ ـاق‬ٛ٩‫ڃٶ ؼاؼپ ثفای ض‬٬ ‫ڃـ ثیبپ‬ٝ‫(“ ثڅ ټځ‬possessive adjectives) lips are sealed” ‫جبـر‬٠ ‫اق‬
.‫فِڅ» اوز‬٬ ‫جبـر «ؼچځٻ‬٠ ‫بؼٶ‬١‫“ ټ‬my lips are sealed” ‫جبـر‬٠ ٟ٬‫بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‬٩‫اوش‬

I could say more, but my lips are sealed.

[‫ڃٶ ؼاؼٺ ڀٵٻ‬٬] ‫ټیػڃاٺ ثیٍشف ثٵٻ اټب قثڃڀٻ ثىشڅ اوز‬

Mary: I hope you don't tell anyone about this.

Alice: Don't worry. My lips are sealed.
.‫ٕیڅ ڀٵی‬٬ ‫ ثڅ ایٿ‬ٟ‫ اټیؽڂاـٺ ثڅ ٰىی ـاخ‬:‫ټبـی‬
.‫فِڅ‬٬ ‫ ټٿ ؼچځٻ‬.‫ ڀٵفاپ ڀجبي‬:‫آٸیه‬

Bob: Don't you dare tell her I told you.

Bill: My lips are sealed.
.‫شٻ‬٩‫ ثڇً ڀٵڃ ٰڅ ټٿ ثڇز ٴ‬:‫ثبة‬
.‫فِڅ‬٬ ‫ ټٿ ؼچځٻ‬:‫ثیٷ‬

Lucy: Oh and ​please don't ​tell him you ​saw me here.

Alex: Don't ​worry. My ​lips are ​sealed.
.‫ب ثڇً ڀٵڃ ټځڃ ایځدب ؼیؽی‬٩ٙ‫ ٸ‬:‫ٸڃوی‬
.‫فِڅ‬٬ ‫ ټٿ ؼچځٻ‬.‫ ڀٵفاپ ڀجبي‬:‫اٸٱه‬

He is the most reliable person. If you tell him a secret, his lips will be sealed.
#‫ثڅ چیسٱه ڀٽیٵڅ‬$ .‫فِڅ‬٬ ً‫ اٴف ثڇً یٯ ـاق ـڂ ثٵی ؼچځ‬.‫فؼڄ‬٨ ‫شٽبؼ سفیٿ‬٠‫بثٷ ا‬٬ ‫اڂ‬

‫تِ ّویي ذیال تاش‬
‫‪dream on‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ڂ ‪٤‬یف ـوٽی ”‪ “dream on‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر «ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪You want to get promoted to general manager? Dream on.‬‬

‫ټیػڃای سف‪٨‬ی‪ ٟ‬ثٵیفی ڂ ټؽیف ٰٷ ثٍی؟ ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي‪.‬‬

‫‪You, an opera singer? Dream on.‬‬

‫سڃ‪ ،‬یٯ غڃاڀځؽڄ ادفا؟ ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي‪.‬‬

‫!‪So you want to move to Hollywood and become a movie star? Dream on‬‬
‫وذه ټی غڃاچی ثفی ثڅ چبٸیڃڂؼ ڂ وشبـڄ ‪٨‬یٹٻ ثٍی؟ ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي‪.‬‬

‫‪Ryan thinks he's going to get the job. Dream on, Babe.‬‬
‫ـایبپ ‪٨‬ٱف ټیٱځڅ ٰڅ اڂ ‪٬‬فاـڄ اوشػؽاٺ ثٍڅ‪ .‬ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي ‪٠‬كیكٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪When they hear a novel idea, they laugh, “Well, it's just a pie in the sky. Dream‬‬
‫”!‪on, brother‬‬
‫چف ڂ‪٬‬ز آڀڇب یٯ ایؽڄ خؽیؽ ټی ٌځڃپ ټی غځؽپ‪ .‬غڃة ایٿ ‪٨‬٭ٗ یٯ ـڂیب چىشً‪ .‬ثڅ چٽیٿ غیبٶ ثبي ثفاؼـ!‬

‫گوطَ ‪ /‬تشى تِ چان‬
‫‪beat it‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٠‬بټیبڀڅ ڂ غیبثبڀی ”‪ “beat it‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴٽٍڃ» ڂ «ثكپ ثڅ زبٮ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Alex: Sorry, I broke your cell phone.‬‬

‫!‪Bryan: Get out of here. Beat it‬‬
‫اٸٱه‪ :‬ثجػٍیؽ‪ ،‬ټڃثبیٹشڃ ٌٱڃڀؽٺ‪.‬‬
‫ثفایبپ‪ :‬اق ایځدب ثفڂ‪ .‬ٴٽٍڃ‪.‬‬

‫‪I told the kid to beat it, and that's the last I saw of him.‬‬
‫ټٿ ثڅ ثسڅ ٴ‪٩‬شٻ ٰڅ ٴٽٍڅ ڂ اڂپ آغفیٿ ثبـی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ؼیؽټً‪.‬‬

‫‪She said she was going to pack her bag and beat it back to California.‬‬
‫اڂ ٴ‪٩‬ز ٰڅ ټی غڃاؼ ڂوبیٹً ـڂ خٽ‪ٰ ٟ‬ځڅ ڂ ثفٴفؼڄ ثڅ ٰبٸی‪٩‬فڀیب‪.‬‬

‫‪He was pestering me, so I told him to beat it.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼاٌز ټځڃ اؾیز ټی ٰفؼ‪ ،‬ده ټځٻ ثڇً ٴ‪٩‬شٻ ٰڅ ثكڀڅ ثڅ زبٮ‪.‬‬

‫‪The ​big ​guy ​turned to me and said, "Beat it ​kid, nobody ​wants you here.‬‬
‫اڂپ آؼٺ ٴځؽڄ ثڅ وٽز ټٿ ثفٴٍز ڂ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪« ،‬ثكپ ثڅ زبٮ ثسڅ‪ ،‬چیسٱىی سڃ ـڂ ایځدب ڀٽیػڃاؼ‪».‬‬

ُ‫تِ تَ ّیچ رتكی ًسار‬
none of your business

.‫ی ڀؽاـؼ» اوز‬ٙ‫ځی «ثڅ سڃ چیر ـث‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬none of your business” ‫جبـر‬٠

Alice: How much does a little diamond like that cost?

Mary: None of your business!
‫یٽشٍڅ؟‬٬ ‫ یڅ اٸٽبن ٰڃزڃٸڃ ټثٷ اڂپ ز٭ؽـ‬:‫آٸیه‬
!‫ی ڀؽاـڄ‬ٙ‫ ثڅ سڃ ـث‬:‫ټفی‬

John: Do you want to go out with me Friday night?

Mary: Sorry, I don't think so.
John: Well, what are you doing then?
Mary: None of your business!
‫څ ٌت ثب ټٿ ثیبی ثیفڂپ؟‬١‫ ټی غڃای خٽ‬:‫خبپ‬
.‫ٱف ڀٱځٻ‬٨ ،‫ ٌفټځؽڄ‬:‫ټفی‬
‫ غڃة زیٱبـ ټی غڃای ثٱځی؟‬:‫خبپ‬
!‫ ثڅ ٌٽب ټفثڃٖ ڀٽیٍڅ‬:‫ټفی‬

Stop ​pestering me; it's none of ​your business!

!‫ی ڀؽاـڄ‬ٙ‫ټځڃ اؾیز ڀٱٿ؛ ثڅ سڃ چیر ـث‬

Tony: When are you going to leave for home?

Lucy: None of your business.
‫ ٰی ټی غڃای ثفی غڃڀڅ؟‬:‫سڃڀی‬
.‫ی ڀؽاـڄ‬ٙ‫ ثڅ سڃ ـث‬:‫ٸڃوی‬

How I managed to afford all this is none of your business.

.‫ی ڀؽاـڄ‬ٙ‫ڇؽڄ غفیؽ چٽڅ ایٿ چب ثف ثیبٺ ثڅ ٌٽب ـث‬٠ ‫ڃـ سڃاڀىشٻ اق‬ٙ‫ایځٱڅ ز‬

‫تس زّي‬
‫‪potty mouth‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثفای ثیبپ ٌػّی ٰڅ اق ‪٨‬طً‪ ،‬ڀبوكا ڂ ضف‪ ٦‬چبی قٌز ټٱفـا اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځؽ‪ ،‬اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ٰ “potty mouth‬څ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ‪٠‬جبـر «ثؽ ؼچٿ» اوز اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪All of my friends know Math prof as a very potty mouth.‬‬

‫چٽڅ ؼڂوشبٺ‪ ،‬اوشبؼ ـیبٔی ـڂ غیٹی ثؽ ؼچٿ ټیٍځبوٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪She's got a bit of a potty mouth on her.‬‬

‫اڂ ٰٽی ثؽ ؼچځی سڃ ڂخڃؼي چىز‪.‬‬

‫!‪You're a potty mouth! I'm gonna tell on you‬‬

‫سڃ یڅ ثؽ ؼچځی! ټٿ ثڅ چٽڅ ټیٵٻ!‬

‫?‪Depressed that your potty-mouth is banished from the letters page‬‬

‫ثفای ایځٱڅ ثؽ ؼچځیز اق ِ‪٩‬طڅ ـڂقڀبټڅ ضؿ‪ٌ ٦‬ؽ ا‪٨‬ىفؼڄ ای؟‬

‫زلن تزایص سَذت ‪ /‬زلن تِ حالص سَذت‬
‫‪my heart bleeds for him‬‬

‫ٰبـثفؼ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “my heart bleeds for somebody‬قټبڀی اوز ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثفای ٰىی اضىبن‬
‫ؼٸىڃقی ٰځیٻ ڂ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼٸٻ ثفای ٰىی وڃغشٿ» ڂ «ؼٸٻ ثڅ ضبٸً وڃغشٿ» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪When my little girl cries in the night, my heart bleeds.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ؼغشف ٰڃزڃٸڃٺ ٌت چب ٴفیڅ ټی ٰځڅ‪ ،‬ؼٸٻ غیٹی ټیىڃقڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪My heart bleeds for the poor children caught up in the fighting.‬‬
‫ؼٸٻ ثفای ثسڅ ‪٨‬٭یفی ٰڅ سڃ ؼ‪٠‬ڃا ؼوشٵیف ٌؽ ټی وڃقڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Well, my heart bleeds over a journalist complaining about someone else only‬‬
‫‪printing half the story.‬‬
‫غڃة‪ ،‬ؼٸٻ ثفای ـڂقڀبټڅ ڀٵبـی ٰڅ اق ٰىی ثڅ غب٘ف زبح ڀّ‪ ٧‬ؼاوشبپ ٌٱبیز ٰفؼڄ ټیىڃقڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “my heart bleeds for somebody‬ټی سڃاڀؽ ؼـ ټڃ‪١٬‬یز ټشٕبؼ ټڃـؼ‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ٴیفؼ ٰڅ ٘جی‪١‬شب ثبـ ٘ځك ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Brenda can't afford another diamond necklace? My heart bleeds‬‬

‫ثفڀؽا ڀشڃڀىز اق ده چكیځڅ یٯ ٴفؼڀجځؽ اٸٽبن ؼیٵڅ ثف ثیبؼ؟ ؼٸٻ ثفاي وڃغز!‬

‫!‪You can't afford a third car? My heart bleeds‬‬

‫ڀٽی سڃاڀی ټبٌیٿ وڃٺ ـا ثػفی؟ ؼٸٻ ثفار وڃغز!‬

‫!‪John ​complains he only has two ​cars. My heart ​bleeds for him‬‬
‫خبپ اق ایٿ ٰڅ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ؼڂسب ټبٌیٿ ؼاـڄ ٌبٰیڅ‪ .‬ؼٸٻ ثفاي ټیىڃقڄ!‬

‫رٍس هثازا‬
rainy day

.‫ځی «ـڂق ټجبؼا» اوز‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬rainy day” ‫جبـر‬٠

I've saved a little money for a rainy day.

.‫ټٿ یڅ ٰٻ دڃٶ ڂاوڅ ـڂق ټجبؼا ده اڀؽاق ٰفؼٺ‬

Keep some extra allowance for a rainy day.

.‫څ ار ـڂ ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ڀٵڅ ؼاـ‬٨‫دڃٶ سڃخیجی أب‬

It looks like people may be saving a little more for a rainy day.
.‫ف ټی آیؽ ټفؼٺ ټٽٱځڅ یڅ ٰٻ ثیٍشف ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ده اڀؽاق ٰځځؽ‬ٝ‫ثڅ ڀ‬

They made little effort to put anything aside for a rainy day.
.‫څ ای ـڂ ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ٰځبـ ثٵؿاـڀؽ‬٨‫آڀڇب یڅ ٰٻ سالي ٰفؼڀؽ ٰڅ چف زیك أب‬

You're going to need that money for a rainy day.

.‫سڃ اڂپ دڃٶ ـڂ ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ڀیبق غڃاچی ؼاٌز‬

She has a couple of thousand pounds kept aside which she's saving for a rainy
.‫اڂپ زځؽ ِؽ چكاـ دڃڀؽ ٰځبـ ٴؿاٌشڅ ٰڅ ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ده اڀؽاق ټیٱځڅ‬

Luckily she had ​saved some ​money for a rainy ​day.

.‫غڃٌجػشبڀڅ اڂ ټ٭ؽاـی دڃٶ ثفای ـڂق ټجبؼا ده اڀؽاق ٰفؼڄ‬

‫ّز خَر راحتی‬
‫‪suit yourself‬‬

‫اِ‪ٙ‬الش ‪٤‬یف ـوٽی ”‪ “suit yourself‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چف خڃـ ـاضشی» یب «چف ٰبـی ؼڂوز ؼاـی اڀدبٺ ثؽڄ» اوز‬
‫ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ټیػڃاچیٻ ض‪ ٫‬اڀشػبة ـا ثڅ ٘ف‪ ٦‬ټ٭بثٷ غڃؼ ثؽچیٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Mary: I think I want the red one.‬‬

‫‪Tom: Suit yourself.‬‬
‫ټبـی‪٨ :‬ٱف ٰځٻ ‪٬‬فټكڄ ـڂ ټی غڃاٺ‪.‬‬
‫سبٺ‪ :‬چف ٘ڃـ ٰڅ ـاضشی‪.‬‬

‫‪John (reading the menu): The steak sounds good, but it's hard to pass up the‬‬
‫‪fried chicken.‬‬
‫‪Sally: Suit yourself. I'll have the steak.‬‬
‫خبپ ‪$‬ؼـ ضبٶ غڃاڀؽپ ټځڃ‪ :#‬اوشیٯ ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف غڃثڅ‪ ،‬اټب ڀٽیٍڅ اق ټف‪ ٢‬وفظ ٌؽڄ چٻ ٴؿٌز‪.‬‬
‫وبٸی‪ :‬چف ٘ڃـ ـاضشی‪ .‬ټٿ اوشیٯ ټی غڃـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Jessica: I don't ​think I'll come to the ​party ​tonight.‬‬

‫!‪Andy: All ​right, suit yourself‬‬
‫خىیٱب‪٨ :‬ٱف ڀٱځٻ اټٍت ثڅ ټڇٽبڀی ثیبٺ‪.‬‬
‫اڀؽی‪ :‬ثىیبـ غڃة‪ ،‬چف ٘ڃـ ـاضشی!‬

‫‪You don’t agree? Suit yourself, then.‬‬

‫سڃ ټڃا‪ ٫٨‬ڀیىشی؟ ده چف ٘ڃـ ٰڅ ـاضشی‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـار ”‪ “as you like” ، “as you wish‬ڂ ”‪ “as you please‬ڀیك ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چف خڃـ‬
‫ٰڅ ـاضشی» ڂ «چف خڃـی ٰڅ ټبیٹی» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Lucy: I ​think we should ​leave now.‬‬

‫‪Marsh: Very well. As you ​wish.‬‬
‫ٸڃوی‪٨ :‬ٱف ٰځٻ االپ ثبیؽ ثفیٻ‪.‬‬
‫ټبـي‪ :‬ثىیبـ غڃة‪ .‬چف ٘ڃـ ټبیٹی‪.‬‬

‫‪We’re very informal here, so you can dress as you please.‬‬

‫ټب غیٹی ایځدب غڃؼټڃڀی چىشیٻ‪ ،‬ده چف ٘ڃـ ـاضشی ټی سڃڀی ٸجبن ثذڃٌی‪.‬‬

‫زست ذَزم ًیست‬
‫‪I can’t help it‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “can't help it‬ثفای ثیبپ ټٽٱٿ ڀجڃؼپ ٰځشفٶ ڂ یب ټشڃ‪ٰ ٧٬‬فؼپ زیكی اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪٠ ٟ٬‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ “I can’t help it‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز» ټی ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Taylor: Stop biting your nails‬‬

‫!‪Jack: I can’t help it‬‬
‫سیٹڃـ‪ :‬اق ڀبغٿ خڃیؽپ ؼوز ثفؼاـ‪.‬‬
‫خٯ‪$ :‬ڀٽیشڃڀٻ‪ #‬ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Alex: Stop ​laughing‬‬

‫!‪Tony: I can’t help it‬‬
‫اٸٱه‪ :‬ڀػځؽ‪.‬‬
‫سڃڀی‪ :‬ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪She could not help it if her emotions took charge of her.‬‬

‫اٴف اضىبوبسً ‪٬‬بٸت ټی ٌؽ ؼیٵڅ ؼوز غڃؼي ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Mary: Your hair is a mess.‬‬

‫‪Sue: It's windy. I can't help it.‬‬
‫ټبـی‪ :‬ټڃچبر غیٹی ثڇٻ ـیػشڅ چىشً‪.‬‬
‫وڃ‪ :‬ثبؼ ټیبؼ‪ .‬ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪Fred: I wish you'd quit coughing all the time.‬‬

‫‪Sally: I can't help it. I wish I could too.‬‬
‫‪٨‬فؼ‪ٰ :‬بي سٽبٺ ڂ‪٬‬ز ایځ٭ؽـ وف‪٨‬څ ڀٽی ٰفؼی‪.‬‬
‫وبٸی‪ :‬ؼوز غڃؼٺ ڀیىز‪ٰ .‬بٌٱی ټی سڃڀىشٻ‪.‬‬

‫واری است وِ ضسُ‬
‫‪What's done is done‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “what’s done is done‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰبـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ» ټی ثبٌؽ ڂ قټبڀی ٰڅ ټی غڃاچیٻ‬
‫ثٵڃییٻ ڀٽی سڃاڀیٻ اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬ی ٰڅ ؼـ ضبٶ ضبٔف ا‪٨‬شبؼڄ ـا س‪٥‬ییف ؼچیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪It's too late to change it now. What's done is done.‬‬

‫االپ ؼیٵڅ ؼیف ٌؽڄ ٰڅ ثػڃاچی ‪٠‬ڃًٔ ٰځی‪ٰ ،‬بـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪What's done is done. The past cannot be altered.‬‬

‫ٰبـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ‪ .‬ٴؿٌشڅ ـڂ ڀٽیٍڅ س‪٥‬ییف ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Don't think about it, What's done is done.‬‬

‫‪٨‬ٱفي ـڂ ڀٱٿ‪ٰ ،‬بـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Stop crying, What's done is done.‬‬

‫ٴفیڅ ـڂ ثه ٰٿ‪ٰ ،‬بـی اوز ٰڅ ٌؽڄ‪.‬‬

...‫سپاسگشار ذَاّن تَز اگز‬
I would appreciate it if...

‫ځی «وذبوٵكاـ غڃاچٻ ثڃؼ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬I would appreciate it if...” ‫ ـوٽی ڂ ټڃؼثبڀڅ‬، ‫جبـر ثىیبـ ـایح‬٠
.‫» اوز ڂ ثفای ؼـغڃاوز ٰفؼپ ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‬...‫ «ټٽځڃپ ټیٍڃٺ اٴف‬، »...‫اٴف‬

I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.

.‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍڃٺ اٴف ڀ٭ؽ دفؼاغز ٰځیؽ‬

I would appreciate it if you'd keep that in mind.

.‫ ـڂ ؼـ یبؼر ڀٵڅ ؼاـی‬ٞ‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍڃٺ اٴف اڂپ ټڃٔڃ‬

I'd appreciate it if you consulted me before inviting guests into my home.

.‫ڃر ٰځی ثب ټٿ چٻ ټٍڃـر ٰځی‬٠‫جٷ اق ایځٱڅ سڃ غڃڀڅ ی ټٿ ټیڇٽبپ ؼ‬٬ ‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴف‬

I would greatly appreciate it if you help me.

.‫ثىیبـ وذبوٵكاـ غڃاچٻ ثڃؼ اٴف ٰٽٱٻ ٰځی‬

I'd appreciate it if you could bring meat and beer.

.‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴف ٴڃٌز ڂ آثدڃ ثیبـی‬

I'd appreciate if you'd stop calling me.

.‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴف اق قڀٳ قؼپ ثڅ ټٿ ؼوز ثفؼاـی‬

I'd appreciate it if you don't mention that.

.‫فش ڀٱځی‬ٙ‫ ـڂ ټ‬ٞ‫ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴف اڂپ ټڃٔڃ‬

I would really appreciate it if you could be quiet.

.‫ب ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴڅ وبٰز ثبٌی‬١٬‫ڂا‬

I would really appreciate it f you could be with us the next time.

.‫ؽی ثب ټب ثبٌی‬١‫څ ث‬١٨‫ب ټٽځڃپ ټیٍٻ اٴڅ ؼ‬١٬‫ڂا‬

We would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give us some feedback.

.‫ټب ثىیبـ وذبوٵكاـ غڃاچیٻ ثڃؼ اٴف ٌٽب ټڇفثبڀبڀڅ ثڅ ټب ثبقغڃـؼ ؼچیؽ‬

ِ‫ زر ّواى لحظ‬/ ‫زر آىِ ٍاحس‬
at the same time

‫ «ؼـ‬، »‫ځی «ؼـ آپِ ڂاضؽ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬at the same time” ‫جبـر‬٠ ،‫شبـ ڂ ڀڃٌشبـ‬٩‫جبـار دفٰبـثفؼ ؼـ ٴ‬٠ ‫یٱی اق‬
.‫څ» اوز‬ٝ‫چٽبپ ٸط‬

We arrived at the same time.

#‫ثب چٻ ـویؽیٻ‬$ .‫څ ـویؽیٻ‬ٝ‫ټب ؼـ چٽبپ ٸط‬

Too many things are happening at the same time, and I am confused.
.‫غیٹی اق زیكچب ؼاـڄ چٽكټبپ ـظ ټیؽڄ ڂ ټٿ وفؼـٴٻ ٌؽٺ‬

We were all scheduled to leave at the same time.

.‫ثفڀبټڅ ـیكی ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ ٰڅ چٽڅ ټب ؼـ یٯ قټبپ آڀدب ـا سفٮ ٰځیٻ‬

Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same time.

.‫چٽڅ خب ڂ چیح ٰدب ؼـ آپِ ڂاضؽ‬

Why you wake up at the same time every night?

‫زفا سڃ چفٌت ؼـ چٽبپ قټبپ ثیؽاـ ټیٍی؟‬

It was fortunate that we both arrived at the same time.

.‫غڃي ٌبڀىی ثڃؼ ٰڅ ټب چف ؼڂ چٽكټبپ ـویؽیٻ‬

We all screamed for more ice cream at the same time.

.‫فیبؼ قؼیٻ‬٨ ‫چٽڅ ټب ؼـ آپِ ڂاضؽ ثفای ثىشځی ثیٍشف‬

She couldn't be with Jack and Tom at the same time.

.‫اڂ ڀٽیشڃڀڅ ؼـ آپِ ڂاضؽ ثب خٯ ڂ سبٺ ثبٌڅ‬

‫“ ڂ‬at once” ، “together” ، “simultaneously” ‫جبـار‬٠ ‫ چٽسځیٿ ٰٹٽبر ڂ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

.‫“ټی ثبٌځؽ‬at the same time” ‫جبـر‬٠ ٦‫“ ڀیك چٽٵی ټشفاؼ‬at one time”

The telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US network.
.‫ ٌجٱڅ آټفیٱب دػً ٌؽ‬31 ‫ثفڀبټڅ سٹڃیكیڃڀی چٽكټبپ ؼـ‬

They both spoke together.

.‫آڀڇب ثب چٻ ِطجز ٰفؼڀؽ‬

Computers can do many things at once.

.‫ٰبټذیڃسف چب غیٹی ٰبـ چب ـا ټی سڃاڀځؽ چٽكټبپ اڀدبٺ ؼچځؽ‬

All the boys jumped into the pool at one time.

.‫چٽڅ ی دىف چب ثب چٻ ؼـ اوشػف دفیؽڀؽ‬

...ِ‫ًىتِ ایٌداست و‬
The point is that...

.‫» ټی ثبٌؽ‬...‫ځی «ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ‬١‫“ ثڅ ټ‬The point is that...” ‫جبـر‬٠

The point is that if you study you will do well in school.

.‫څ ٰځی ؼـ ټؽـوڅ غڃة غڃاچی ثڃؼ‬١‫بٸ‬ٙ‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ اٴف ټ‬

The point is that he does not understand.

.‫ڇٽڅ‬٩‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ اڂ ڀٽی‬

The point is that we need this done today.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ټب القٺ ؼاـیٻ ایٿ ٰبـ ـڂ اټفڂق اڀدبٺ ثؽچیٻ‬

The point is that the world would be a better place.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ؼڀیب ثبیؽ خبی ثڇشفی ثبٌڅ‬

The point is that we should help.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ټب ثبیؽ ٰٽٯ ٰځیٻ‬

The point is that snakes can be dangerous.

.‫فڀبٮ ثبٌځؽ‬ٙ‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ټبـچب ټیشڃاڀځؽ غ‬

The point is that leaving a baby alone is not a good idea.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ـچب ٰفؼپ یٯ ثسڅ ثڅ سځڇبیی ایؽڄ ی غڃثی ڀیىز‬

The point is that if we do not leave now we will be late.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ اٴڅ ټب االپ ایځدب ـڂ سفٮ ڀٱځیٻ ؼیفټبپ غڃاچؽ ٌؽ‬

The point is that we need to work together.

.‫ڀٱشڅ ایځدبوز ٰڅ ټب القٺ اوز ثب چٻ ٰبـ ٰځیٻ‬

‫تا اقالع ثاًَی‬
until further notice

.‫ ثبڀڃی» اوز‬ٞ‫ځی «سب ا٘ال‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬until further notice ‫جبـر‬٠

The museum is closed to the public until further notice.

.‫یٹڅ‬ٙ١‫ ثبڀڃی س‬ٞ‫ٽڃٺ سب ا٘ال‬٠ ‫ټڃقڄ ثفای‬

After the fire, the office has temporarily suspended services to the public until
further notice.
.‫ ٰفؼ‬٧٬‫ ثبڀڃی ټشڃ‬ٞ‫ٽڃٺ سب ا٘ال‬٠ ‫شب غؽټبسً ـڂ ثفای‬٬‫شف ټڃ‬٨‫ ؼ‬،ً‫ؽ اق آس‬١‫ث‬

You are suspended from duty until further notice.

.‫ٹ٭ی‬١‫ ټ‬٧‫بی‬ٜ‫ ثبڀڃی اق ڂ‬ٞ‫سڃ سب ا٘ال‬

We are in a state of emergency. Please return to your home and remain there
until further notice.
.‫ ثبڀڃی آڀدب ثٽڃڀیؽ‬ٞ‫ب ثڅ غڃڀڅ چبسڃپ ثفٴفؼیؽ ڂ سب ا٘ال‬٩ٙ‫ ٸ‬.‫فاـ چىشیٻ‬ٙٔ‫ټب ؼـ ضبٸز ا‬

‫ٍاحس ّای ضوارش‬

‫ڂاضؽ چبی ٌٽبـي ثڅ ڂالڄ چبیی ٰڅ ثفای ٌٽبـي اٌیب ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‪ ،‬ا٘ال‪ ٪‬ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ pair‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «خ‪٩‬ز»‬

‫یٯ خ‪٩‬ز ؼوشٱً ‪A pair of gloves‬‬
‫یٯ خ‪٩‬ز ٰ‪A pair of shoes ً٩‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ drop‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪ٙ٬‬فڄ»‬

‫یٯ ‪ٙ٬‬څ غڃپ ‪A drop of blood‬‬
‫یٯ ‪ٙ٬‬فڄ آة ‪A drop of water‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ bunch‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غڃٌڅ» ‪« ،‬ؼوشڅ»‬

‫یٯ غڃٌڅ اڀٵڃـ ‪A bunch of grapes‬‬
‫یٯ ؼوشڅ ٴٷ ‪A bunch of flowers‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ lump‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سٱڅ»‬

‫یٯ سٱڅ ق‪٤‬بٶ ‪A lump of coal‬‬
‫یٯ سٱڅ یع ‪A lump of ice‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ stack‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼوشڅ»‬

‫یٯ ؼوشڅ ثٍ٭بة ‪A stack of plate‬‬
‫یٯ ؼوشڅ دڃٶ ‪A stack of money‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ row‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ـؼی‪»٧‬‬

‫یٯ ـؼی‪ِ ٧‬ځؽٸی ‪A row of seats‬‬
‫یٯ ـؼی‪ ٧‬ؼـغز ‪A row of trees‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ ball‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰال‪»٦‬‬
‫یٯ ٰال‪ ٦‬ڀع ‪A ball of string‬‬
‫یٯ ٰال‪ٰ ٦‬بټڃا ‪A ball of wool‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ pile‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سڃؼڄ» ‪« ،‬ؼوشڅ»‬

‫یٯ سڃؼڄ وځٳ ‪A pile of stones‬‬
‫یٯ ؼوشڅ ٰشبة ‪A pile of books‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ bundle‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ث٭سڅ» ‪« ،‬ؼوشڅ»‬

‫یٯ ث٭سڅ ٸجبن ‪A bundle of clothes‬‬
‫یٯ ؼوشڅ ـڂقڀبټڅ ‪A bundle of news papers‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ bar‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٬‬بٸت» ‪« ،‬ټیٹڅ»‬

‫یٯ ‪٬‬بٸت ِبثڃپ ‪A bar of soap‬‬
‫یٯ ټیٹڅ آچٿ ‪A bar of iron‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ loaf‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٬‬فَ» ‪« ،‬سٱڅ»‬

‫یٯ ‪٬‬فَ ڀبپ ‪A loaf of bread‬‬
‫یٯ سٱڅ ٰیٯ ‪A loaf of cake‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ jar‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٌیٍڅ»‬

‫یٯ ٌیٍڅ ټفثب ‪A jar of jam‬‬
‫یٯ ٌیٍڅ ‪٠‬ىٷ ‪A jar of honey‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪ pack‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثىشڅ»‬

‫یٯ ثىشڅ ویٵبـ ‪A pack of cigarettes‬‬
‫یٯ ثىشڅ آؼاټه ‪A pack of gum‬‬

»‫ځی «سٱڅ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬slice ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬
A slice of cake or meat ‫یٯ سیٱڅ ٰیٯ یب ٴڃٌز‬
A slice of pizza ‫یٯ سٱڅ دیشكا‬

‫لیس ّای تىزار‬

‫‪٬‬یؽچبی سٱفاـ )‪٬ (adverbs of frequency‬یڃؼی چىشځؽ ٰڅ سٱفاـ ڂ سؽاڂٺ ‪٠‬ٽٹی ـا ټی ـوبڀځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ always‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چٽیٍڅ»‬

‫‪I always go to bed before 11 pm.‬‬
‫ټٿ چٽیٍڅ ‪٬‬جٷ اق وب‪٠‬ز ‪ٌ 11‬ت ثڅ سػشػڃاة ټی ـڂٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪John always gets to work early.‬‬

‫خبپ چٽیٍڅ قڂؼ ثڅ وف ٰبـي ټی ـوؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ usually‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ټ‪١‬ٽڃال»‬

‫‪I usually have cake and milk for breakfast.‬‬
‫ټٿ ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ثفای ِجطبڀڅ ٰیٯ ڂ ٌیف ټی غڃـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪You usually speak loudly.‬‬

‫ٌٽب ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ ِطجز ټی ٰځیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ normally‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ ٘ڃـ ټ‪١‬ٽڃٶ»‬

‫‪I normally go to the gym.‬‬
‫ټٿ ثڅ ٘ڃـ ټ‪١‬ٽڃٶ ثڅ ثبٌٵبڄ ڂـقٌی ټی ـڂٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I normally get good marks.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثڅ ٘ڃـ ټ‪١‬ٽڃٶ ڀٽفڄ چبی غڃثی ټی ٴیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ often‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ا‪٤‬ٹت»‬

‫‪I often surf the internet.‬‬
‫ټٿ ا‪٤‬ٹت ؼـ ایځشفڀز ټیسفغٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Sara often calls me on weekends.‬‬

‫وبـا ا‪٤‬ٹت آغفچ‪٩‬شڅ چب ثب ټٿ سٽبن ټی ٴیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ sometimes‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ث‪ٕ١‬ی اڂ‪٬‬بر»‬
‫‪I sometimes forget my wife's birthday.‬‬
‫ټٿ ث‪ٕ١‬ی اڂ‪٬‬بر سڃٸؽ چٽىفٺ ـا ‪٨‬فاټڃي ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪We sometimes study at night.‬‬

‫ټب ث‪ٕ١‬ی اڂ‪٬‬بر ؼـ ٌت ټ‪ٙ‬بٸ‪١‬څ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ occasionally‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴڇٵبڄ»‬

‫‪I occasionally eat fast food.‬‬
‫ټٿ ٴڇٵبڄ ‪٨‬ىز ‪٨‬ڃؼ ټی غڃـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪You are occasionally angry in classroom.‬‬

‫ٌٽب ٴڇٵبچی ؼـ ٰالن ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی چىشیؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ seldom‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غیٹی ٰٻ»‬

‫‪I seldom read the newspaper.‬‬
‫ټٿ غیٹی ٰٻ ـڂقڀبټڅ ټی غڃڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Alice seldom studies novel.‬‬

‫آٸیه غیٹی ٰٻ ـټبپ ټی غڃاڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ hardly ever‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ ڀؽـر»‬

‫‪I hardly ever drink alcohol.‬‬
‫ټٿ ثڅ ڀؽـر اٸٱٷ ټی ڀڃٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She hardly ever went on holiday.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ ڀؽـر ثڅ س‪ٙ١‬یالر ټی ـڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یؽ سٱفاـ ‪ never‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چفٴك»‬

‫‪I never swim in the sea.‬‬
‫ټٿ چفٴك ؼـ ؼـیب ٌځب ڀٽی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Mr. Smith never drives.‬‬
‫آ‪٬‬بی اوٽیز چفٴك ـاڀځؽٴی ڀٽی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬سٽبټی ‪٬‬یؽ چبی سٱفاـ ‪٬‬جٷ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ اِٹی ڂ ث‪١‬ؽ اق ‪١٨‬ٷ ‪ to be‬ټی آیځؽ‪.‬‬

ُ‫ساذتار پیص تیٌی آیٌس‬

ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫ڃـ ٰڅ اق اوٽً ټٍػُ ټی ثبٌؽ ټجطثی اوز ٰڅ دیً ثیځی اټٱبپ ڂ‬ٙ‫وبغشبـ دیً ثیځی آیځؽڄ چٽبڀ‬
.‫ـغؽاؼی ؼـ آیځؽڄ ـا ثفـوی ټی ٰځؽ‬

"100 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬
It'll definitely rain. / It'll almost certainly rain.

"99 - "90 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It's bound to rain. / It'll probably rain.

"90 - "80 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It's likely to rain. / It'll possibly rain.

"80 - "50 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It might rain.

"50 - "20 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It might not rain. / It probably won't rain.

"20 - "5 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It isn't likely to rain.

"5 - "1 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬

It almost certainly won't rain.

"0 :‫ ـغؽاؼ‬ٞ‫ڃ‬٬‫اټٱبپ ڂ‬
It definitely won't rain.

‫خوغ تستي اساهی هفزز‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ث‪ٕ١‬ی اق اوبټی ټ‪٩‬فؼ چىشځؽ ڂ قثبپ آټڃقاپ ثڅ اٌشجبڄ آڀڇب ـا ثڅ ِڃـر خٽ‪ ٟ‬ڂ یب ثب ‪١٨‬ٷ خٽ‪ٟ‬‬
‫ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ثفڀؽ ٰڅ ‪٤‬ٹٗ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ٰ advice‬څ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڀّیطز» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ ‪٤ advices‬ٹٗ‬
‫)‪My mother gave me some good advices. (False‬‬

‫)‪My mother gave me some good advice. (True‬‬

‫ټبؼـٺ ڀّیطز چبی غڃثی ثڇٻ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ٰ information‬څ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ا٘ال‪٠‬بر» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ‬
‫‪٤ informations‬ٹٗ اوز‪.‬‬
‫)‪Can you give me some informations on your products? (False‬‬

‫)‪Can you give me some information on your products? (True‬‬

‫ټٽٱځڅ ؼـ ټڃـؼ ټطّڃالسشڃپ یڅ وفی ا٘ال‪٠‬بر ثؽیٿ؟‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ٰ work‬څ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰبـ» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ ‪٤ works‬ٹٗ اوز‪.‬‬
‫)‪I have many works to do. (False‬‬

‫)‪I have many work to do. (True‬‬

‫غیٹی ٰبـ ؼاـٺ ٰڅ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬اٸجشڅ ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “work‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اثف چځفی» ـا ټیشڃاپ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىز‪.‬‬
‫‪The works of Shakespeare‬‬
‫آثبـ ٌٱىذیف‬

‫‪ٰ ‬ٹٽڅ ‪ٰ knowledge‬څ ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼاڀً» ڂ «ټ‪١‬ٹڃټبر» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ‬
‫ٰٹٽڅ ‪٤ knowledges‬ٹٗ اوز‪.‬‬

‫)‪She has good knowledges in history. (False‬‬

She has good knowledge in history. (True)
‫ٹڃټبسً سڃ سبـیع غڃثڅ‬١‫ټ‬

.‫ٹٗ اوز‬٤ hairs ‫ ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ‬ٟ‫ځی «ټڃ» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‬١‫ ٰڅ ثڅ ټ‬hair ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬

That man has long hairs. (False)

That man has long hair. (True)

‫اڂپ ټفؼ ټڃچبی ثٹځؽ ؼاـڄ‬

ٗ‫ٹ‬٤ moneys ‫ ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ‬ٟ‫ځی «دڃٶ» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‬١‫ ٰڅ ثڅ ټ‬money ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬

All my money are kept in the bank. (False)

All my money is kept in the bank. (True)

‫چٽڅ دڃٸٻ سڃ ثبڀٱڅ‬

ٗ‫ٹ‬٤ newses ‫ ثىشڅ ڀٽی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ٰٹٽڅ‬ٟ‫ځی «غجف» ټی ثبٌؽ خٽ‬١‫ ٰڅ ثڅ ټ‬news ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬

I’m glad that the newses are good. (False)

I’m glad that the news are good. (False)

I’m glad that the news is good. (True)

.‫ غڃٌطبٸٻ‬،‫ غڃي‬#‫غجفچب‬$ ‫ثڅ غب٘ف ایٿ غجف‬

I was surprised by these news. (False)

I was surprised by this news. (True)

.‫ٹٵیف ٌؽٺ‬٨‫ب‬٤ #‫غجفچب‬$ ‫ټٿ اق ایٿ غجف‬

‫اًَاع تا‬

‫ضف‪ ٦‬ـثٗ «سب» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ٰبـثفؼ ثىیبـ قیبؼی ؼاـؼ‪ .‬ثفای ایٿ ضف‪ ٦‬ـثٗ ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی‬
‫ثىیبـی ټڃخڃؼ اوز ڂ ټ‪١‬ځی سٽبټی ایٿ ٰٹٽبر ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی «سب» اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪and #1‬‬
‫‪There are group classes and group classes.‬‬
‫ٰالن ٴفڂچی ؼاـیٻ سب ٰالن ٴفڂچی‪.‬‬

‫‪There are cars and cars.‬‬

‫ټبٌیٿ ؼاـثٻ سب ټبٌیٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪right after #2‬‬

‫‪She starts calling her friends right after she gets home.‬‬
‫سب ټیبؼ غڃڀڅ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ټیٱځڅ سٹ‪٩‬ٿ ٰفؼپ ثڅ ؼڂوشبي‪.‬‬

‫‪I hug Selena right after I see him.‬‬

‫سب وٹځب ـا ټی ثیځٻ ث‪٥‬ٹً ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪unless #3‬‬
‫‪I won't give you your money unless you give me mine.‬‬
‫سب دڃٸٽڃ ڀؽی دڃٸشڃ ڀٽیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪You'll be sick unless you stop eating.‬‬

‫ټفیٓ ټیٍی ټٵف ایځٱڅ ‪$‬سب‪ #‬اق غڃـؼپ ؼوز ثفؼاـی‪.‬‬

‫‪by #4‬‬
‫‪I will be back by seven.‬‬
‫ټٿ سب چ‪٩‬ز ثفټیٵفؼٺ‪.‬‬

in #5
I will be back in five minutes.
.‫ی٭څ ؼیٵف ثفټیٵفؼٺ‬٬‫ټٿ سب دځح ؼ‬

as long as #6
Don't worry about anything as long as my sister is here.
.‫سب غڃاچفٺ ایځدبوز ڀٵفاپ زیكی ڀجبي‬

until #7
I was waiting for you from 2 until 6.
.‫فر ثڃؼٺ‬ٝ‫ ټځش‬6 ‫ سب‬2 ‫ټٿ اق‬

as far as #8
As far as I know she has married an Arab.
.‫فة اقؼڂاج ٰفؼڄ‬٠ ‫سب اڂڀدبیی ٰڅ ټٿ ټیؽڂڀٻ اڂ ثب یڅ‬

‫اًَاع تا حاال‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر «سب ضبال» ٰڅ ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ٰبـثفؼ چبی قیبؼی ؼاـؼ‪ ،‬ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڀیك ټ‪١‬بؼٶ چبی ثىیبـی ثفای آپ‬
‫ڂخڃؼ ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪till now #1‬‬

‫‪He hasn't called till now.‬‬
‫اڂ سب ضبال قڀٳ ڀكؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪so far #2‬‬

‫‪So far there's been no word from them.‬‬
‫سب ضبال اق آڀڇب ضف‪٨‬ی ڀجڃؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪So far so good.‬‬

‫سب ضبال ‪ٰ$‬څ‪#‬غڃة ثڃؼڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “so far‬ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ دیً ـڂی سب یٯ ټطؽڂؼڄ ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ‪.‬‬
‫‪You can go only so far on five dollars.‬‬
‫سڃ سب دځح ؼالـ ټیشڃڀی غفج ٰځی‪$ .‬دیً ثفڂی‪#‬‬

‫‪up to now #3‬‬

‫‪No news up to now.‬‬
‫سب ضبال ٰڅ غجفی ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪Up to now, I have been successful in my career.‬‬

‫سب ضبال‪ ،‬ټٿ ؼـ ٰبـٺ ټڃ‪ ٫٨‬ثڃؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪as yet #4‬‬

‫‪Mori has not given this plan a name as yet.‬‬

‫ټڃـی سب ٰځڃپ ثفای ایٿ ثفڀبټڅ اوٽی ڀٵؿاٌشڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ‪ as yet‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «چځڃق» ڀیك ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪The exact plans are as yet unclear.‬‬
‫ثفڀبټڅ ؼ‪٬‬ی‪ ٫‬چځڃق ڀبټٍػُ اوز‪.‬‬

thus far #5
We haven't had any problems thus far.
.‫ټب سب ضبال ټٍٱٹی ڀؽاٌشڅ ایٻ‬

.‫ ٰٽی ـوٽی اوز‬thus far ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

‫ًحَُ ًَضتي آزرس ٍ ًىات هزتَـ تِ آى‬

‫ڀڃٌشٿ آؼـن ؼـ اڀٵٹیىی ثف‪٠‬ٱه قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز ڂ اق ڀبٺ ٌػُ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٍٰڃـ غشٻ ټی ٴفؼؼ‪.‬‬
‫ثځبثفایٿ ټب اثشؽا ثبیؽ ڀبٺ ڂ ڀبٺ غبڀڃاؼٴی ـا ثځڃیىیٻ‪ ،‬ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ ٌٽبـڄ دالٮ یب ٌٽبـڄ ٘ج٭څ‪ ،‬وذه ڀبٺ ٰڃزڅ ڂ‬
‫ده اق آپ ٰؽدىشی‪ ،‬ڀبٺ ٌڇف‪ ،‬ڀبٺ اوشبپ ڂ ڀبٺ ٍٰڃـ ـا غڃاچیٻ ڀڃٌز‪.‬‬
‫ؼـ ڀڃٌشٿ آؼـن ثبیؽ سڃخڅ ؼاٌز‪ ،‬سفخٽڅ ی اوبټی غبَ ڂ ‪٠‬جبـار ٰبـ ِطیطی ڀیىز ڂ ٰٹٽبر ـا ثبیؽ ثڅ‬
‫ـڂي ‪٨‬یځٵٹیً ڀڃٌز‪ .‬ثڅ ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ټثبٶ اٴف اوٻ ٰڃزڅ ای ٌڇیؽ آؾـی ټی ثبٌؽ ثبیؽ ثڅ ِڃـر‬
‫‪ Shahid Azari‬ڀڃٌشڅ ٌڃؼ ڂ ٰٹٽڅ ٌڇیؽ ـا ڀجبیؽ سفخٽڅ ٰفؼ!‬

‫ؼـ اؼاټڅ ٰٹٽبسی ٰڅ ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ؼـ ڀڃٌشٿ آؼـن ٰبـثفؼ ؼاـڀؽ ثیبپ ٌؽڄ اوز‪:‬‬
‫ڂاضؽ ‪unit‬‬ ‫ٌٽبـڄ ‪$‬دالٮ‪No #‬‬ ‫وبغشٽبپ ‪building‬‬

‫٘ج٭څ ‪floor‬‬ ‫٘ج٭څ اڂٶ ‪first floor‬‬ ‫٘ج٭څ چٽٱ‪ground floor ٧‬‬

‫غیبثبپ ‪St‬‬ ‫ثٹڃاـ ‪Blvd‬‬ ‫ټیؽاپ ‪Sq‬‬

‫ټػ‪street :٧٩‬‬ ‫ټػ‪boulevard :٧٩‬‬ ‫ټػ‪square :٧٩‬‬

‫ٰڃزڅ ‪alley‬‬ ‫زڇبـ ـاڄ ‪cross‬‬ ‫ثكـٴفاڄ ‪highway‬‬

‫غیبثبپ دڇٿ ‪avenue‬‬ ‫خبؼڄ ‪road‬‬ ‫ثٿ ثىز ‪dead end‬‬

‫ث‪١‬ؽ اق ‪after‬‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ‪before‬‬ ‫خځت ‪$‬ڀكؼیٯ‪near #‬‬

‫اثشؽای ‪first of‬‬ ‫اڀشڇبی ‪end of‬‬ ‫ـڂثفڂی ‪in front of‬‬

‫ثبالسف اق ‪above of‬‬ ‫دبییٿ سف اق ‪lower of‬‬ ‫ٰؽ دىشی ‪ZIP code‬‬

‫ټثبٶ چب‪:‬‬

‫‪Unit 4, Floor 1, No 22, 89th St, Aban Avenue, Tehranpars, Tehran, Iran‬‬
‫ایفاپ ‪ -‬سڇفاپ – سڇفاڀذبـن ‪ -‬ظ آثبپ ‪ -‬ظ ‪ 89‬ح ‪٘ 22‬ج٭څ ‪ 1‬ڂاضؽ ‪4‬‬

‫‪No 1090, Namjo Cross, Enghelab Avenue, Tehran‬‬

‫سڇفاپ ‪ -‬غیبثبپ اڀ٭الة ‪ -‬س٭ب٘‪ ٟ‬ڀبټدڃ ‪ٌ -‬ٽبـڄ ‪1090‬‬

‫ًحَُ ًَضتي تارید ٍ ًىات هزتَـ تِ آى‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ سبـیع ـڂقی اق ټبڄ ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ټیشڃاڀیٻ ثڅ یٱی اق وڅ ـڂي قیف ‪٠‬ٽٷ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪April the second‬‬

‫‪The second of April‬‬
‫‪April two‬‬

‫ضبٶ اٴف ثػڃاچیٻ سبـیع یٯ اس‪٩‬ب‪ ٪‬ـا ثڅ وبٶ یب ټبڄ ثیبپ ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ in‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I was born in 1986.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼـ وبٶ ‪ 1986‬ثڅ ؼڀیب آټؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We got married in April.‬‬

‫ټب ؼـ ټبڄ آدفیٷ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪In February 1995‬‬

‫ؼـ ‪٨‬ڃـیڅ وبٶ ‪1995‬‬

‫چٽسځیٿ چف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثػڃاچیٻ سبـیع یٯ اس‪٩‬ب‪ ٪‬ـا ؼ‪٬‬ی‪ ٫‬ثٵڃییٻ یب ‪٨‬٭ٗ ـڂق آپ ـا ثیبپ ٰځیٻ‪ ،‬اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪on‬‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I was born on September 21, 1986.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼـ سبـیع ‪ 21‬وذشبټجف وبٶ ‪ 1986‬ثڅ ؼڀیب آټؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪We got married on Friday.‬‬

‫ټب ؼـ ـڂق خٽ‪١‬څ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪On the 2nd of April‬‬

‫ؼـ ؼڂټیٿ ـڂق آدفیٷ‬

‫حزٍف اؾافِ ٍ افؼال‬

‫ثىیبـی اق ا‪١٨‬بٶ ؼـ خٽٹڅ ثب یٯ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ غبَ ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂڀؽ‪ .‬ؼـ ایځدب دفٰبـثفؼسفیٿ ایٿ ا‪١٨‬بٶ ـا ثب چٻ‬
‫ثفـوی ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ listen to #1‬ٴڃي ٰفؼپ ثڅ‪#‬‬

‫‪I was listening to my favorite song.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼاٌشٻ ثڅ آچځٳ ټڃـؼ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ اٺ ٴڃي ټیؽاؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ agree with somebody #2‬ټڃا‪٨‬٭ز ٰفؼپ ثب ٰىی‪#‬‬

‫‪She never agrees with me.‬‬

‫اڂ چیسڃ‪٬‬ز ثب ټٿ ټڃا‪ ٫٨‬ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪$ agree on something #3‬ټڃا‪ ٫٨‬ثڃؼپ ثب زیكی‪#‬‬

‫‪We agreed on this issue.‬‬

‫ټب ثب ایٿ ټڃٔڃ‪ ٞ‬ټڃا‪٨‬٭یٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ depend on #4‬ثىشٵی ؼاٌشٿ ثڅ‪#‬‬

‫‪I may go to seaside. It depends on the weather.‬‬

‫ټٿ ٌبیؽ ثڅ ٰځبـ ؼـیب ثفڂٺ‪ .‬ایٿ ثىشٵی ثڅ آة ڂ چڃا ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ suffer from #5‬ـڀح ثفؼپ اق‪#‬‬

‫‪He suffers from frequent headaches.‬‬

‫اڂ اق وفؼـؼ چبی ټشڃاٸی ـڀح ټیجفؼ‪.‬‬

#‫اقؼڂاج ٰفؼپ ثب‬$ get marry to #6

He got married to a woman he met in Paris.

.‫بر ٰفؼڄ ثڃؼ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼ‬٬‫اڂ ثب قڀی ٰڅ ؼـ دبـیه ټال‬

#‫وفټبیڅ ٴؿاـی ٰفؼپ ؼـ‬$ invest in #7

The best investment is to invest in yourself.

.‫ وفټبیڅ ٴؿاـی ـڂی غڃؼسبپ اوز‬،‫ثڇشفیٿ وفټبیڅ ٴؿاـی‬

#‫ٌٱبیز ٰفؼپ ثڅ ٰىی‬$ complain to somebody #8

They complained to the manager about the service quality.

.‫یز وفڂیه ٌٱبیز ٰفؼڀؽ‬٩‫آڀڇب ثڅ ټؽیف ؼـثبـڄ ٰی‬

#‫ٌٱبیز ٰفؼپ ؼـثبـڄ زیكی‬$ complain about something #9

Lots of ​people have complained about the ​noise.

.‫ثىیبـی اق ټفؼٺ اق وف ڂ ِؽا ٌبٰیځؽ‬

#‫ ثف‬/‫فیبؼ قؼپ ثڅ‬٨$ shout to/at #10

He shouted to me.
[‫ ]سب ټٿ ِؽای اڂ ـا ثٍځڃٺ‬.‫فیبؼ قؼ‬٨ ‫اڂ ثڅ ټٿ‬

He shouted at me.
[‫ ]وف ټٿ ؼاؼ ٍٰیؽ‬.‫فیبؼ قؼ‬٨ ‫اڂ ثف ټٿ‬

‫حزٍف اؾافِ ٍ غفت ّا‬

‫ثىیبـی اق ِ‪٩‬ز چب ؼـ خٽٹڅ ثب یٯ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ غبَ ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂڀؽ‪ .‬ؼـ ایځدب دفٰبـثفؼسفیٿ ایٿ ِ‪٩‬بر ـا ثب‬
‫چٻ ثفـوی ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ be good at #1‬غڃة ثڃؼپ ؼـ زیكی‪#‬‬

‫‪I'm not very good at math.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼـ ـیبٔی غیٹی غڃة ڀیىشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ be afraid of #2‬سفویؽپ اق زیكی‪#‬‬

‫‪She is afraid of spiders.‬‬

‫اڂ اق ‪٠‬ځٱجڃسڇب ټیشفوؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪$ be crazy about #3‬ثڅ زیكی یب ٰىی ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ قیبؼ ؼاٌشٿ‪#‬‬

‫‪He is crazy about football.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ ‪٨‬ڃسجبٶ ‪٠‬ال‪٬‬څ قیبؼی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ$ be similar to #4‬جیڅ ثڃؼپ ثڅ ٰىی یب زیكی‪#‬‬

‫‪She is similar to her mother.‬‬

‫اڂ ٌجیڅ ټبؼـي اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪$ be different from #5‬ټش‪٩‬بڂر ثڃؼپ ثب ٰىی یب زیكی‪#‬‬

‫‪She is different from her father.‬‬

‫اڂ ثب دؽـي س‪٩‬بڂر ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

#‫څ ټځؽ ثڃؼپ ثڅ زیكی‬٬‫ال‬٠$ be interested in #6

I'm very interested in History.

.‫څ قیبؼی ؼاـٺ‬٬‫ال‬٠ ‫ټٿ ثڅ سبـیع‬

#‫آٴبڄ ثڃؼپ اق زیكی‬$ be aware of #7

He is well aware of the problem.

.‫اڂ ثڅ غڃثی اق ټٍٱٷ اٴبڄ اوز‬

#‫غىشڅ ثڃؼپ اق زیكی‬$ be tired of #8

She was tired of hearing about their trip.

.‫ف آڀڇب غىشڅ ٌؽڄ ثڃؼ‬٩‫اڂ اق ٌځیؽپ ؼـثبـڄ و‬

#‫دُف ثڃؼپ اق زیكی‬$ be full of #9

My suitcase was full of books.

.‫زٽؽاپ ټٿ دُف اق ٰشبة ثڃؼ‬

#‫ڂخڃؼ اٌٱبٶ ؼـ زیكی‬$ be wrong with #10

There's something wrong with the printer.

.‫زبدٵف یٯ اٌٱبٸی ؼاـؼ‬

‫حزٍف اؾافِ ‪at ٍ on ، in‬‬

‫ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ”‪ “on” ، “in‬ڂ ”‪ “at‬اق دفٰبـثفؼسفیٿ ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی چىشځؽ ڂ ٰبـثفؼ چبی ټش‪٩‬بڂسی‬

‫ٰبـثفؼ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪:in‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ټبڄ‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق وبٶ‬
‫‪in July‬‬ ‫‪in 1988‬‬
‫‪in September‬‬ ‫‪in 2015‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ‪ّ٨‬ٷ‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ‪٬‬فپ‬

‫‪in summer‬‬ ‫‪in the nineteenth‬‬
‫‪in the spring of 72‬‬ ‫‪century‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ثػٍی اق ـڂق‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق زیكی ٰڅ ؼاـای ضدٻ‬

‫‪in the morning‬‬ ‫ثبٌؽ‬
‫‪in the afternoon‬‬ ‫‪in my pocket‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ٌڇف چب ڂ ٍٰڃـ چب‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ټطٷ چبی ټى٭‪٧‬‬

‫‪in Tehran‬‬ ‫‪in class‬‬
‫‪in England‬‬ ‫‪in building‬‬

‫ٰبـثفؼ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪:on‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق ـڂقچبی چ‪٩‬شڅ‬ ‫‪٬‬جٷ اق سبـیع‬
‫‪on Sunday‬‬ ‫‪on May 28th‬‬
‫‪on Friday‬‬ ‫‪on April 17th‬‬

‫‪٬‬جٷ اق س‪ٙ١‬یالر‬ ‫ؼـ آؼـن چبی س٭فیجب ټ‪١‬یٿ ‪٬‬جٷ‬

‫‪on good Friday‬‬ ‫اق ڀبٺ غیبثبپ‬
‫‪on my birthday‬‬ ‫‪on Saba street‬‬

‫ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی ـڂی‬

‫‪on the wall‬‬
‫‪on the desk‬‬

:at ‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫ٰبـثفؼ ضف‬
‫جٷ اق وٿ‬٬ ‫ز‬٠‫ی٭څ ڂوب‬٬‫جٷ اق ؼ‬٬
at the age of 80 at 9 o’clock
at the age of 3 at ten o’clock

‫ٌت‬ ‫څ ٌت‬٩ّ‫ڀ‬
at night at midnight

‫ڇف‬ٜ ‫اڂاوٗ ـڂق‬

at noon at midday

‫شبة‬٨‫فڂة آ‬٤ ‫شبة‬٨‫ آ‬ٞ‫٘ٹڃ‬

at sunset at sunrise

‫حزٍف اؾافِ ‪for ٍ since‬‬

‫ثفای ؼاڀىشٿ ٰبـثفؼ ؼڂ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ since‬ڂ ‪ for‬اثشؽا ثبیؽ ثب ټجطث ٴفاټفی قټبپ ضبٶ ٰبټٷ ‪$‬ټبٔی ڀ٭ٹی‪#‬‬
‫آٌځب ثٍڃیٻ‪.‬‬
‫ثفای ثیبپ ‪٠‬ٽٹی ٰڅ ؼـ ٴؿٌشڅ ٌفڂ‪ٌ ٞ‬ؽڄ ڂ سب قټبپ ضبٶ اؼاټڅ ؼاٌشڅ اوز اق قټبپ ضبٶ ٰبټٷ ‪$‬ټبٔی ڀ٭ٹی‪#‬‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪ .‬ؼـ ایٿ ټڃـؼ ټ‪١‬ٽڃال یٱی اق ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ since‬یب ‪ for‬ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪ :‬ټ‪١٩‬ڃٶ & ‪٨ & have/has‬ب‪٠‬ٷ‬

‫‪ #1‬ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪: since‬‬

‫ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ since‬آ‪٤‬بق ڂ ٌفڂ‪ ٞ‬قټبپ ـا اق ٴؿٌشڅ سب ثڅ ضبٶ ڀٍبپ ټیؽچؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ آپ ؼـ ‪٨‬بـوی «اق اڂپ‬
‫ټڃ‪ ٟ٬‬سب ضبال» ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬
‫ایٿ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ِف‪٨‬ب ؼـ قټبپ ضبٶ ٰبټٷ ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I haven't played rugby since I left university.‬‬

‫اق اڂپ ټڃ‪ٰ ٟ٬‬څ ؼاڀٍٵبڄ ـڂ سفٮ ٰفؼٺ ـاٴجی ثبقی ڀٱفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪She left London ten years ago and I haven't seen her since.‬‬
‫اڂپ ‪ 10‬وبٶ دیً ٸځؽپ ـڂ سفٮ ٰفؼ ڂ ټٿ اق اڂپ ټڃ‪ ٟ٬‬سب ضبال ڀؽیؽټً‪.‬‬

‫‪The factory has been here since the 1970s.‬‬

‫اق ؼچڅ چ‪٩‬شبؼ سب االپ ٰبـغڃڀڅ ایځدب ثڃؼڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪It was exactly five years since her father had died.‬‬
‫ؼـوز دځح وبٶ اق ‪٨‬ڃر دؽـي ټی ٴؿٌز‪.‬‬

‫‪I left school in 1995, and since then I've lived in London‬‬
‫ؼـ وبٶ ‪ 1995‬ټؽـوڅ ـا سفٮ ٰفؼٺ‪ ،‬ڂ اق آپ ثڅ ث‪١‬ؽ ؼـ ٸځؽپ قڀؽٴی ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪ #2‬ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪: for‬‬

‫ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ for‬چٽڃاـڄ ٘ڃٶ ټؽر ڂ اؼاټڅ ی قټبپ ـا ڀٍبپ ټیؽچؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ آپ ؼـ ‪٨‬بـوی «ثڅ ټؽرِ» اوز‪.‬‬

I have been in Yazd for two months.
.‫ټٿ ثڅ ټؽر ؼڂ ټبڄ ؼـ یكؼ ثڃؼٺ‬

Me and my wife have lived with each other for 1 year.

.‫ټٿ ڂ چٽىفٺ ثڅ ټؽر یٯ وبٶ ثب یٱؽیٵف قڀؽٴی ٰفؼیٻ‬

We have lived in this apartment for 19 years.

.‫ وبٶ ؼـ ایٿ آدبـسٽبپ قڀؽٴی ٰفؼیٻ‬19 ‫ټب ثڅ ټؽر‬

She has been my classmate for 3 years.

.‫اڂ ثڅ ټؽر وڅ وبٶ چٽٱالوی ټٿ ثڃؼ‬

‫حزٍف اؾافِ تؼس اس ولوِ ‪increase‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “increase‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «قیبؼ ٰفؼپ» ‪« ،‬ا‪٨‬كایً» ڂ «ـٌؽ» اوز‪ .‬ایٿ ٰٹٽڅ ؼـ خٽٹڅ ؼاـای وڅ ڀ٭ً‬
‫‪١٨‬ٷ‪٩ِ ،‬ز ڂ اوٻ ټیجبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪increase in #1‬‬

‫اٴف ‪ increase‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ڀ٭ً اوٻ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ in‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪We have an increase in the crime rate.‬‬

‫ټیكاپ خفٺ ڂ خځبیز ا‪٨‬كایً یب‪٨‬شڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪increase of #2‬‬

‫اٴف ‪ increase‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ڀ٭ً ِ‪٩‬ز ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ of‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪An increased incidence of childhood leukaemia.‬‬

‫ا‪٨‬كایً ڂ‪٬‬ڃ‪ ٞ‬وف٘بپ غڃپ ؼـ ٰڃؼٰبپ‪.‬‬

‫‪increase by #3‬‬

‫اٴف ‪ increase‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ڀ٭ً ‪١٨‬ٷ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬ځی «ا‪٨‬كایً ؼاؼپ سڃوٗ» ڂ یب «ا‪٨‬كایً ثڅ ټیكاپِ» ثؽچؽ‪،‬‬
‫ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ by‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The population has increased by 10%.‬‬

‫خٽ‪١‬یز ‪ "10‬ا‪٨‬كایً ؼاٌشڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪increase with #4‬‬

‫اٴف ‪ increase‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ڀ٭ً ‪١٨‬ٷ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬ځی «ا‪٨‬كایً یب‪٨‬شٿ ثب» ثؽچؽ‪ ،‬ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ‬
‫‪ with‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The chance of getting job increases with your final project.‬‬
‫‪٨‬فِز ٌ‪٥‬ٷیبثی ثىشڅ ثڅ دفڂلڄ ڀڇبیی ٌٽب ا‪٨‬كایً ټی یبثؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪increase from /to #5‬‬

‫اٴف ‪ increase‬ؼـ خٽٹڅ ڀ٭ً ‪١٨‬ٷ ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ ڂ ټ‪١‬ځی «ا‪٨‬كایً اق» ثؽچؽ‪ ،‬ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ from‬ڂ‬
‫اٴف ټ‪١‬ځی «ا‪٨‬كیً ثڅ» ثؽچؽ‪ ،‬ث‪١‬ؽ اق آپ اق ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ‪ to‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪The price of food has increased from 16$ to 20$ in day.‬‬

‫‪٬‬یٽز ‪٤‬ؿا اق ‪ 16‬ؼالـ ثڅ ‪ 20‬ؼالـ ؼـ ـڂق ا‪٨‬كایً یب‪٨‬شڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫وارتزز اضتثاُ حزٍف اؾافِ‬

‫یٱی اق اٌشجبچبر ټش‪١‬ؽؼ قثبپ آټڃقاپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀبثدب ڂ ‪٤‬ٹٗ اق ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ اوز‪ .‬ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ث‪ٕ١‬ی اق ا‪١٨‬بٶ ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫اڀٵٹیىی ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ټػشُ ثڅ غڃؼ ـا ؼاـڀؽ ڂ ثبیؽ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ثب ایٿ ضفڂ‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ثٍڃڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪٠ ‬جبـر ‪ ashamed of‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٌفټځؽڄ ثڃؼپ اق»‬

‫‪You should be ashamed of yourself.‬‬

‫سڃ ثبیؽ اق غڃؼر ٌفټځؽڄ ثبٌی‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm ashamed of you. You're ​big enough to ​know ​better.‬‬

‫اقر غدبٸز ټیٱٍٻ‪ .‬سڃ اڀ٭ؽـ ثكـٲ چىشی ٰڅ غڃؼر ثڇشف ټیؽڂڀی‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “ashamed‬ثب ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ”‪ “of‬چٽفاڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ”‪ “from‬اٌشجبڄ‬
‫)‪He is now ashamed from his conduct. (False‬‬

‫)‪He is now ashamed of his conduct. (True‬‬

‫اق ـ‪٨‬شبـي االپ ٌفټځؽڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪٠ ‬جبـر ‪ disappointed with/in‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڀب اټیؽ ٌؽپ اق»‬

‫‪Your father and I are very disappointed in you.‬‬

‫ټٿ ڂ دؽـر اقر غیٹی ڀب اټیؽ ٌؽیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٰ :‬ٹٽڅ ”‪ “disappointed‬ثب ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ ”‪ “in‬یب ”‪ “with‬چٽفاڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ضف‪ ٦‬أب‪٨‬څ‬
‫”‪ “from‬اٌشجبڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫)‪My aunt was disappointed from her son. (False‬‬

‫)‪My aunt was disappointed with/in her son. (True‬‬

‫‪٠‬ٽڅ اٺ‪ /‬غبٸڅ اٺ اق دىفي ڀب اټیؽ ٌؽڄ‪.‬‬

»‫ځی «دف ثڃؼپ اق‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬full of ‫جبـر‬٠ 
The ​shelves were full of ​books.
.‫٘ج٭څ چب دف اق ٰشبة ثڃؼ‬

His ​essay was full of ​spelling ​errors.

.‫ٹٗ چبی اټالیی ثڃؼ‬٤ ‫ټ٭بٸڅ اڂ دف اق‬

“from” ‫“ ڂ‬with” ‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫“ چٽفاڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ضف‬of” ‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫“ ثب ضف‬full” ‫ ٰٹٽڅ‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%
.‫اٌشجبڄ اوز‬

His speech was full with lies. (False)

His speech was full from lies. (False)

His speech was full of lies. (True)

‫ ثڃؼ‬٢‫وػځفاڀی اڂ دف اق ؼـڂ‬

»‫ځی «اقؼڂاج ٰفؼپ ثب‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬be married to ‫جبـر‬٠ 

He’s got married to my older sister.
.‫اڂ ثب غڃاچف ثكـٲ ټٿ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼ‬

So how ​long have you been married to Nicky?

‫زڅ ټؽر اوز ٰڅ ثب ڀیٱی اقؼڂاج ٰفؼی؟‬

.‫“ اٌشجبڄ اوز‬married” ‫“ ثب ٰٹٽڅ‬with” ‫څ‬٨‫ أب‬٦‫ ثڅ ٰبـ ثفؼپ ضف‬:‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

Angela is married with a rich man. (False)

Angela married a rich man. (True)

.‫آڀدال ثب یڅ ټفؼ دڃٸؽاـ اقؼڂاج ٰفؼڄ‬

‫وارتزز اضتثاُ افؼال‬

‫یٱی اق اٌشجبچبر قثبپ آټڃقاپ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ڀبثدب اق ا‪١٨‬بٶ اوز ٰڅ ؼٸیٷ آپ ڀیك ټ٭بیىڅ ‪٤‬ٹٗ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ثب قثبپ‬
‫‪٨‬بـوی ټی ثبٌؽ‪ .‬ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ڀجبیؽ ثب س‪٩‬ٱف ثف دبیڅ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی‪ ،‬اڀٵٹیىی ـا ثیبټڃقیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪٠ ‬جبـر ‪ take an exam‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اټشطبپ ؼاؼپ»‬

‫‪American ​students ​ranked fourth in those taking the ​geography exam.‬‬
‫ؼاڀً آټڃقاپ آټفیٱبیی ثیٿ آڀڇبیی ٰڅ اټشطبپ خ‪٥‬فا‪٨‬ی ؼاؼڀؽ ـسجڅ زڇبـٺ ـا ٰىت ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪I took my math exam.‬‬

‫اټشطبپ ـیبٔی اٺ ـا ؼاؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “give an exam‬اٌشجبڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪٠ ‬جبـر ‪ have a dream‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غڃاة ؼیؽپ»‬

‫‪I had a strange dream last night.‬‬
‫ؼیٍت یڅ غڃاة ‪٠‬دیت ؼیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights.‬‬

‫ټٿ ؼائٽب غڃاة ټی ثیځٻ اق اـس‪٩‬ب‪ ٞ‬ثٹځؽ ؼـ ضبٶ ا‪٨‬شبؼڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ “see a dream‬اٌشجبڄ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪٠ ‬جبـر ‪ tell the truth‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثیبپ ٰفؼپ ض٭ی٭ز» ‪« ،‬ٴ‪٩‬شٿ ض٭ی٭ز»‬
‫?‪How do you ​know she's telling the ​truth‬‬
‫اق ٰدب ټیؽڂڀی اڂ ؼاـڄ ض٭ی٭ز ـڂ ټیٵڅ؟‬

‫‪I always tell the truth.‬‬

‫ټٿ چٽیٍڅ ض٭ی٭ز ـا ثیبپ ټی ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪٠ :‬جبـر ”‪ ”say the truth‬اٌشجبڄ اوز‪.‬‬

»‫شٿ‬٩‫ ٴ‬٢‫ځی «ؼـڂ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬tell a lie ‫جبـر‬٠ 
She's always telling ​lies.
.‫ ټیٵڅ‬٢‫اڂ چٽیٍڅ ؼـڂ‬

You should never tell a lie.

.‫ ثٵی‬٢‫سڃ چفٴك ڀجبیؽ ؼـڂ‬

.‫“ اٌشجبڄ اوز‬say a lie” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

»‫ځی «ٰیٯ دػشٿ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬bake a cake ‫جبـر‬٠ 

I baked him a cake for his birthday.
.‫ثفای سڃٸؽي یڅ ٰیٯ دػشٻ‬

How did you learn to bake cakes?

‫شی ٰیٯ ثذكی؟‬٨‫ڃـ یبؼ ٴف‬ٙ‫ز‬

.‫“ اٌشجبڄ اوز‬cook a cake” ‫جبـر‬٠ :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

crack ‫وارتزز ّای فؼل‬

.‫بڂسی ؼاـؼ‬٩‫ ڂ ټش‬٧‫بڀی ټػشٹ‬١‫ٷ ټ‬١٨ ً‫“ ؼـ ڀ٭‬crack” ‫ٰٹٽڅ‬

»‫ «سفٮ غڃـؼپ‬، »‫ځی «ٌٱىشٿ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #1

The ice all over the bog had cracked.
.‫ سفٮ غڃـؼڄ ثڃؼ‬٪‫یع ثبالی ثبسال‬

Take care not to crack the glass.

.‫ت ثبي ٌیٍڅ ـڂ ڀٍٱځی‬ٜ‫ټڃا‬

A ​stone ​hit the ​window and cracked the ​glass.

.‫یٯ وځٳ ثڅ دځدفڄ غڃـؼ ڂ ٌیٍڅ سفٮ ثفؼاٌز‬

The ​walls cracked and the ​roof ​collapsed in the ​earthquake.

.‫فڂ ـیػز‬٨ ‫ ؼـ قٸكٸڅ‬٧‫ؼیڃاـ چب ٌٱىشځؽ ڂ و٭‬

»‫ «ثبق ٰفؼپ‬، »‫ځی «ٌٱىشٿ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #2

Crack three ​eggs into a ​bowl and ​mix them together.
.‫ ـڂ سڃ ٰبوڅ ثٍٱٿ ڂ ټػٹڃٖ ٰٿ‬٢‫وڅ سب سػٻ ټف‬

He cracked the ​nuts with his ​hands.

.‫اڂ آخیٷ چب ـا ثب ؼوز ٌٱىز‬

»‫ «ضٷ ٰفؼپ ټىئٹڅ‬، »‫ځی «دیؽا ٰفؼپ خڃاة‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #3

They cracked the ​code and ​read the ​secret ​message.
.‫اڂ ٰؽ ـڂ ٌٱىز ڂ دذیبٺ ټطفټبڀڅ ـڂ غڃڀؽ‬

I've been ​trying to ​solve this ​problem all ​week, but I still haven't cracked it.
.‫ی ٰفؼٺ سب ایٿ ټٍٱٷ ـڂ ضٷ ٰځٻ اټب چځڃق خڃاثً ـڂ دیؽا ڀٱفؼٺ‬١‫و‬

The code will help you crack the messages.

.‫ٰؽ ثڅ ٌٽب ٰٽٯ ټیٱځڅ ثشڃڀیؽ دیبٺ چب ـڂ ـټكٴٍبیی ٰځیؽ‬

Detectives believe they are near to cracking the case.
.‫ش٭ؽڀؽ ٰڅ ثڅ ضٷ ټىئٹڅ ڀكؼیٯ ٌؽڄ اڀؽ‬١‫ثبقـوبپ ټ‬

»#‫ ِؽای ٌٱىشڅ ٌؽپ‬،‫ٹت ڀبٴڇبپ ڂ ٰڃسبڄ‬٤‫ا‬$ ‫ځی «سڃٸیؽ ٰفؼپ ِؽا‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #4
The ​whip cracked over the ​horses' ​heads.
.‫ ثبالی وف اوت ثڅ ِؽا ؼـ آټؽ‬٪‫ٌال‬

He's always cracking his ​knuckles.

#‫ٹځح ؼوشً ـا ټی ٌٱځؽ‬٬$ .‫بِٷ ؼوشً ـا ثڅ ِؽا ؼـ ټی آڂـؼ‬٩‫اڂ ټ‬

»‫ځی «ٌٱىشٿ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #5

I cracked my ​head on the ​door.
.‫ټٿ وفٺ ـا ثب ثفغڃـؼ ثڅ ؼـ ٌٱىشٻ‬

They cracked him over the ​head with a ​baseball ​bat.

.‫آڀڇب وفي ـا ثب زڃة ثیىجبٶ ٌٱىشځؽ‬

»‫شٿ‬٩‫څ ٴ‬٩‫ی‬ٙ‫ځی «ٸ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬crack ‫ٷ‬١٨ #6

Jack is always cracking ​jokes.
.‫خٯ چٽیٍڅ خڃٮ ټیٵڅ‬

He cracked jokes which Susan didn’t find very funny.

.‫ز ٰڅ غیٹی ثفای وڃقاپ غځؽڄ ؼاـ ڀجڃؼ‬٩‫اڂ خڃٰی ٴ‬

‫وارتزز ّای فؼل ‪embarrass‬‬

‫ایٿ ‪١٨‬ٷ ؼاـای زځؽ ټ‪١‬ځی ڀكؼیٯ ثڅ چٻ اوز ٰڅ اق آپ ټ‪١‬بڀی ټیشڃاپ ثڅ «ؼوشذبزڅ ٰفؼپ» ‪« ،‬چڃٶ ٰفؼپ» ‪،‬‬
‫«غدبٸز ؼاؼپ» ‪« ،‬اضٽ‪ ٫‬ڀٍبپ ؼاؼپ» ڂ «ټ‪١‬ؿة ٰفؼپ» اٌبـڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Her questions about my private life embarrassed me.‬‬

‫وڃاالر اڂ ؼـثبـڄ قڀؽٴی غّڃِی ټٿ‪ ،‬ټفا ټ‪١‬ؿة ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪She felt embarrassed at being the center of attention.‬‬

‫اڂ اق ؼـ ټفٰك سڃخڅ ثڃؼپ اضىبن ؼوشذبزٵی ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪It was so embarrassing singing in public.‬‬

‫آڂاق غڃاڀؽپ ؼـ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ڂا‪١٬‬ب ؼوشذبزڅ ٰځځؽڄ ‪$‬چڃٶ ٰځځؽڄ‪ #‬ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I nearly died of embarrassment when he said that.‬‬

‫ټٿ س٭فیجب اق غدبٸز ټُفؼٺ ڂ‪٬‬شی اڂپ ضف‪ ٦‬ـا قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I would never do anything to embarrass my family.‬‬

‫ټٿ چفٴك ٰبـی ڀٽیٱځٻ ٰڅ ثب‪٠‬ث غدبٸز غبڀڃاؼڄ اٺ ثٍڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪He got embarrassed when he saw his drunken father on the street.‬‬
‫اڂ ڂ‪٬‬شی دؽـ ټىز غڃؼ ـا ؼـ غیبثبپ ؼیؽ‪ ،‬غدبٸز قؼڄ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪Unexpected laughter embarrassed the speaker.‬‬

‫غځؽڄ ‪٤‬یفټځش‪ٝ‬فڄ ثب‪٠‬ث ؼوشذبزٵی ‪$‬چڃٶ ٌؽپ‪ #‬وػځفاپ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫وارتزز ّای فؼل ‪get‬‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴف‪٨‬شٿ» اوز ڂ چٽبڀ‪ٙ‬ڃـ ٰڅ ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی ٰبـثفؼ چبی قیبؼی ثفای ‪١٨‬ٷ «ٴف‪٨‬شٿ»‬
‫ؼاـیٻ‪ ،‬ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ڀیك ‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “get‬ټڃاـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ قیبؼی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #1‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٰفؼپ» )‪(to receive‬‬

‫‪I got a book for my birthday.‬‬
‫ټٿ ثفای سڃٸؽٺ یٯ ٰشبة ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I have got your letter.‬‬

‫ڀبټڅ ار ـا ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #2‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٰىت ٰفؼپ» ڂ «ثڅ ؼوز آڂـؼپ» )‪(to earn‬‬
‫‪I get 7$ an hour.‬‬
‫ټٿ وب‪٠‬شی چ‪٩‬ز ؼالـ ثڅ ؼوز ټی آڂـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪He gets 3000$ a month.‬‬

‫اڂ ټبچی وڅ چكاـ ؼالـ ثڅ ؼوز ټیبـڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #3‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «آڂـؼپ» )‪(to bring or fetch‬‬

‫?‪Can you get that book for me‬‬
‫ټیشڃڀی اڂپ ٰشبة ـڂ ثفای ټٿ ثیبـی؟‬

‫?‪Can you come and get me from the airport‬‬

‫ټیشڃڀی ثیبی ڂ ټٿ ـڂ اق ‪٨‬فڂؼٴبڄ ثیبـی؟‬

‫‪١٨ #4‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٨‬ڇٽیؽپ» )‪(to understand‬‬

‫?‪Did you get the lesson‬‬
‫آیب ؼـن ـڂ ‪٨‬ڇٽیؽی؟‬

‫‪١٨ #5‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ثڅ ټفیٕی ڂ ؼـؼ ټجشال ٌؽپ» )‪(to be affected by, or catch‬‬

‫‪He got a cold last week.‬‬
‫اڂ چ‪٩‬شڅ ٴؿٌشڅ وفټب غڃـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Whenever I listen to loud music, I get a headache.‬‬

‫چف ڂ‪٬‬ز ټڃقیٯ ثب ِؽای ثٹځؽ ټیٍڃڀٻ‪ ،‬وفؼـؼ ټیٵیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am getting a toothache.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ ؼڀؽاپ ؼـؼ ټیٵیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #6‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴف‪٨‬شٿ زیكی ټثٷ ثٹیز» )‪(to catch or take‬‬
‫‪I got the 4.55 train to New York.‬‬
‫یڅ ثٹیز ‪ٙ٬‬بـ ‪ 4.55‬ثڅ ڀیڃیڃـٮ وڃاـ ٌؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #7‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اـسجبٖ ثف‪٬‬فاـ ٰفؼپ» )‪(to communicate with‬‬
‫‪I got him by phone.‬‬
‫ثب سٹ‪٩‬ٿ ٴف‪٨‬شٻ اي‪$ .‬قڀٳ قؼٺ ثڇً‪#‬‬

‫‪١٨ #8‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سطز سبثیف ‪٬‬فاـٴف‪٨‬شٿ» )‪(to have a strong effect on‬‬
‫‪That film really got me.‬‬
‫اڂپ ‪٨‬یٹٻ ټځڃ ضىبثی سطز سبثیف ‪٬‬فاـ ؼاؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #9‬ٷ ‪ get‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ‪ٔ ،‬جٗ ٰفؼپ ڂ ؼوشٵیف ٰفؼپ» )‪(to capture or seize‬‬
‫‪The police got him at the station.‬‬
‫دٹیه اڂ ـا ؼـ ایىشٵبڄ ٴف‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫وارتزز ّای فؼل ‪ground‬‬

‫ٰٹٽڅ ”‪ “ground‬ؼـ ڀ٭ً ‪١٨‬ٷ ټ‪١‬بڀی ټػشٹ‪ ٧‬ڂ ټش‪٩‬بڂسی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #1‬ٷ ‪ ground‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «قټیٿ ٴیف ٌؽپ»‬

‫‪A bitter wind blew from the north-east and the bombers were grounded.‬‬
‫یٯ ثبؼ ٌؽیؽ اق ٌٽبٶ ‪٤‬فثی ڂقیؽ ڂ خځٵځؽڄ چب ـا قټیٿ ٴیف ٰفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪The boat grounded on a mud bank.‬‬

‫‪٬‬بی‪ ٫‬ؼـ وبضٷ ثڅ ٴٷ ڀٍىز‪.‬‬

‫‪The ​oil ​tanker was grounded on a ​sandbank.‬‬

‫ڀ‪٩‬شٱً ؼـ وبضٷ ٌځی ثڅ ٴٷ ڀٍىز‪.‬‬

‫‪The ​snowstorm ​meant that all ​planes were grounded.‬‬

‫٘ڃ‪٨‬بپ ثف‪ ٦‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځبی قټیٿ ٴیف ٌؽپ چٽڅ چڃادیٽبچبوز‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #2‬ٷ ‪ ground‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «سځجیڅ ٰفؼپ ثسڅ ‪$‬ثڅ ڂویٹڅ ‪٠‬ؽٺ اخبقڄ ؼاؼپ ثفای س‪٩‬فیص ٰفؼپ‪»#‬‬

‫‪My ​parents grounded me for a ​week.‬‬

‫ڂاٸؽیځٻ ټٿ ـڂ یٯ چ‪٩‬شڅ سځجیڅ ٰفؼڀؽ‪$ .‬ټطفڂٺ ٰفؼڀؽ‪#‬‬

‫‪He was grounded for hitting her on the head.‬‬

‫اڂ ثڅ غب٘ف قؼپ ـڂ وف آپ ؼغشف سځجیڅ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫!‪I don’t want to let you down but your dad has grounded you today‬‬
‫ټٿ ڀٽیػڃاٺ ڀبـاضشز ٰځٻ ڂٸی ثبثبر اټفڂق سځجیڅ ار ٰفؼڄ!‬

‫‪١٨ #3‬ٷ ‪ ground‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ڂِٷ ٰفؼپ ڂویٹڅ ثف‪٬‬ی ثڅ قټیٿ»‬

‫‪You could get a ​nasty ​shock from that ​water ​heater if it isn't grounded ​properly.‬‬
‫اٴف آثٵفټٱٿ ؼـوز ثڅ قټیٿ ټشّٷ ڀٍؽڄ ثبٌؽ ټی سڃاڀؽ ٌٽب ـا ؼزبـ ٌڃٮ ثف‪ ٪‬ٴف‪٨‬شٵی ٰځؽ‪.‬‬

make ‫وارتزز ّای فؼل‬

.‫بڂسی ؼاـؼ‬٩‫بڀی ټش‬١‫ ټ‬٧‫جبـار ټػشٹ‬٠ ‫بٶ دفٰبـثفؼ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی اوز ٰڅ ؼـ‬١٨‫“ اق ا‬make” ‫ٷ‬١٨

»‫ځی «ٌفٖ ثځؽی ٰفؼپ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬make a bet ‫ٷ‬١٨ #1

Let's make a bet and see who can do more push ups.
.‫ثیب ٌفٖ ثځؽی ٰځیٻ ثجیځیٻ ٰی ټیشڃڀڅ ثیٍشف ضفٰز ٌځب ثفڄ‬

He made a bet with his brother that he could finish his chores first.
.‫اڂ ثب ثفاؼـي ٌفٖ ثىز ٰڅ ټیشڃاڀؽ ٰبـچبیً ـا قڂؼسف سٽبٺ ٰځؽ‬

»‫ځی «سػز ـا ټفست ٰفؼپ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬make the bed ‫ٷ‬١٨ #2

Don't forget to make your bed before you go to school.
.‫جٷ اق ایځٱڅ ثفی ټؽـوڅ سػششڃ ټفست ٰځی‬٬ ‫یبؼر ڀفڄ‬

The maid goes to all the rooms to make the beds.

.‫ز سب سػشػڃاة چب ـا ټفست ٰځؽ‬٨‫ چب ـ‬٪‫غؽټشٱبـ ثڅ چٽڅ اسب‬

»‫ځی «دیٍځڇبؼ ؼاؼپ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬make a suggestion ‫ٷ‬١٨ #3

He made a suggestion to improve android operating system.
.‫بټٷ آڀؽـڂیؽ یٯ دیٍځڇبؼ ؼاؼ‬٠ ‫اڂ ثفای ثڇجڃؼ ویىشٻ‬

Can I make a suggestion? I think you should cut your hair shorter. it'd look great
on you!
.‫ ثڇز غیٹی ټیبؼ‬.‫فٺ ټڃچبسڃ ثبیؽ ٰڃسبڄ سف ٰځی‬ٝ‫یڅ دیٍځڇبؼ ثؽٺ؟ ثڅ ڀ‬

»‫ځی «وف ڂ ِؽا ٰفؼپ‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬make a noise ‫ٷ‬١٨ #4

Try not to make too much noise or you will wake the baby.
.‫قیبؼ وف ڂ ِؽا ڀٱٿ ڂٴفڀڅ ثسڅ ـڂ ثیؽاـ ټی ٰځی‬

Don't make a noise.

.‫وف ڂ ِؽا ڀٱٿ‬

»‫ ٰفؼپ‬٦‫شفا‬٠‫ځی «ا‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬make confession ‫ٷ‬١٨ #5
I need to make a confession, I was the one who ate the last piece of cake.
.‫ آغفیٿ ثفي ٰیٯ ـڂ ټٿ غڃـؼٺ‬،‫ی ٰځٻ‬٨‫شفا‬٠‫ثبیؽ یڅ ا‬

He made a full confession to the police.

.‫ ٰبټٷ اـائڅ ؼاؼ‬٦‫شفا‬٠‫اڂ ثڅ دٹیه یٯ ا‬

‫وارتزز ّای فؼل ‪supposed to‬‬

‫‪١٨‬ٷ ”‪ “supposed to‬اق ا‪١٨‬بٶ دفٰبـثفؼ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی اوز ٰڅ ټ‪١‬بڀی ټػشٹ‪٩‬ی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #1‬ٷ ‪ supposed to‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «ٴ‪٩‬شڅ ٌؽڄ» ‪« ،‬ا‪٠‬ش٭بؼ ثف ایٿ اوز» ڂ «ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ـویؽپ»‬
‫‪It's supposed to clear up by Friday.‬‬
‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ټیبؼ ٰڅ خٽ‪١‬څ چڃا ِب‪ ٦‬ثبٌڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪This one's supposed to be good.‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ټی ـوؽ ٰڅ ایٿ یٱی غڃة اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪It is supposed to be the best restaurant in town.‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ټیفوڅ ٰڅ اڂپ ثڇشفیٿ ـوشڃـاپ سڃی ٌڇف ثبٌڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪The new James Bond movie is supposed to be excellent.‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ټیفوڅ ٰڅ ‪٨‬یٹٻ خؽیؽ خیٽك ثبڀؽ ‪٠‬بٸی ثبٌڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪١٨ #2‬ٷ ‪ supposed to‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «اڀش‪ٝ‬بـ ؼاٌشٿ ڂ سڃ‪ ٟ٬‬ؼاٌشٿ اڀدبٺ ٰبـی اق ٌػّی ڂ یب زیكی»‬
‫‪I'm supposed to get to work by 8.‬‬
‫اق ټٿ اڀش‪ٝ‬بـ ټیفڄ ٰڅ وب‪٠‬ز چٍز وف ٰبـ ثبٌٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪John is supposed to turn off all the lights when he leaves.‬‬

‫خبپ ثبیؽ زفا‪٤‬ڇب ـڂ ڂ‪٬‬شی ٰڅ غڃاوز ثفڄ غبټڃي ٰځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm supposed to pay my rent on the first of the month.‬‬

‫ټٿ ثبیؽ اخبـڄ اٺ ـڂ وف ټبڄ ثؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am not supposed to be here.‬‬

‫ټٿ ڀجبیؽ ایځدب ثبٌٻ‪$ .‬اڀش‪ٝ‬بـ ڀٽیفڄ ٰڅ ټٿ ایځدب ثبٌٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪You're supposed to keep that secret.‬‬

‫ثبیؽ ـاقؼاـ ثبٌی‪.‬‬

‫‪You're supposed to let me know when you leave.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ـ‪٨‬شی ثبیؽ ټځڃ ؼـ خفیبپ ثٵؿاـی‪.‬‬

You're supposed to stop at a red light.
.‫ ثبیىشی‬٢‫فټك ٌؽپ زفا‬٬ ٟ٬‫ثبثؽ ټڃ‬

You're supposed to return the movies you rent on time.

.‫ ثفٴفؼڂڀی‬ٟ٬‫یٹٽی ٰڅ اخبـڄ ٰفؼی ـڂ ثڅ ټڃ‬٨ ‫ثبیؽ‬

You are supposed to fasten your seat belt.

.‫ثبیؽ ٰٽفثځؽ ایٽځی ـڂ ثجځؽی‬

You are supposed to decide before next Thursday.

.‫ثبیؽ سب دځدٍځجڅ ی آیځؽڄ سّٽیٽز ـڂ ثٵیفی‬

You are supposed to encourage one another.

.‫ ٰځیؽ‬٫‫ثبیؽ چٽؽیٵف ـڂ سٍڃی‬

You're not supposed to smoke in here.

.‫بـ ڀٽیفڄ ایځدب ویٵبـ ثٱٍی‬ٝ‫اق ٌٽب اڀش‬

We're not supposed to use the Internet for personal reasons at work.
.‫بؼڄ ٌػّی ثٱځیٻ‬٩‫بـ ڀٽیفڄ وف ٰبـ اق ایځشفڀز اوش‬ٝ‫اق ټب اڀش‬

You are supposed to remain calm.

.‫ثبیؽ آـڂٺ ثبٌی‬

You are supposed to invite all your friends.

.‫ڃر ٰځی‬٠‫ی٭بر ـڂ ؼ‬٨‫ثبیؽ چٽڅ ـ‬

»‫شؽ‬٨‫ ڀٽی ا‬٪‫ب‬٩‫بـ ثفای ٰبـی یب زیكی اوز ٰڅ اس‬ٝ‫ځی «دیٍځڇبؼ ڂ اڀش‬١‫ ثڅ ټ‬supposed to ‫ٷ‬١٨ #3
I'm supposed to be there before 8 but I'm often late.
.‫ٽڃال ؼیف ټیٱځٻ‬١‫ز چٍز ثبیىشی اڂڀدب ثبٌٻ؛ اټب ټ‬٠‫جٷ اق وب‬٬

You were supposed to phone me.

#.‫ز ٰڅ ثڅ ټٿ قڀٳ ثكڀی‬٨‫بـ ټیف‬ٝ‫اڀش‬$ ‫ثبیؽ ثڅ ټٿ قڀٳ ټیكؼی‬

‫وارتزز ولوِ ‪one‬‬

‫چٽبڀ‪ٙ‬ڃـ ٰڅ ټیؽاڀیٻ ٰٹٽڅ ‪ one‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «یٯ» اوز‪ .‬ؼـ ‪٠‬جبـر چبی ـوٽی ایٿ ٰٹٽڅ ٰبـثفؼ چبی ؼیٵفی ڀیك‬

‫‪ ‬ٴبچی اڂ‪٬‬بر اق ‪ one‬ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ ٌػُ ڂ ټٹز ثڅ ِڃـر ‪٠‬ٽڃٺ ڂ یب اٌبـڄ ثڅ غڃؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts.‬‬

‫ٌػّی ڀجبیؽ اڀش٭بؼ ٰځؽ اٴف ؼـ ټڃـؼ ض٭بی٭ً ټ‪ٙ‬ٽئٿ ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬ٴبچی اڂ‪٬‬بر ڀیك اق ‪ one‬ثفای اٌبـڄ ثڅ قټبڀی ؼـ ٴؿٌشڅ ڂ یب آیځؽڄ ٰڅ قټبپ ټٍػّی ڀیىز اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ‬
‫‪I saw her one afternoon last week.‬‬
‫چ‪٩‬شڅ ی ٴؿٌشڅ ث‪١‬ؽ اق ‪ٜ‬ڇف ؼیؽټً‪.‬‬

‫‪One day you'll understand.‬‬

‫یڅ ـڂق غڃؼر ټی‪٩‬ڇٽی‪.‬‬

‫ؾوایز ًاهطرع هفزز ٍ خوغ‬

‫‪ٔ ‬ٽبیف ڀبټٍػُ ټ‪٩‬فؼ‪:‬‬

‫ٔٽیف چبیی ٰڅ چٽفاڄ ثب آڀڇب ثبیؽ ‪١٨‬ٷ ټ‪٩‬فؼ ثڅ ٰبـ ثجفیٻ‪.‬‬
‫‪another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone,‬‬
‫‪everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other, somebody,‬‬
‫‪someone, something‬‬

‫‪ِ$‬طیص‪Each of the members has one vote. #‬‬
‫چف ‪ٕ٠‬ڃ یٯ ـای ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬
‫‪٨$‬ب‪٠‬ٷ ‪ each‬ټ‪٩‬فؼ اوز ده ثڅ ؼـوشی اق ‪١٨‬ٷ ټ‪٩‬فؼ ‪ has‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٌؽڄ اوز‪#.‬‬

‫‪٤$‬ٹٗ‪One of the girls gave up their seat. #‬‬

‫‪ِ$‬طیص‪One of the girls gave up her seat. #‬‬
‫یٱی اق ؼغشفچب ِځؽٸی اي ـا سفٮ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬
‫‪ٰ$‬ٹٽڅ ‪ one‬ؼـ اثشؽای خٽٹڅ یٯ ٔٽیف ڀبټٍػُ ټ‪٩‬فؼ اوز‪ ،‬ده ثبیؽ ثڅ خبی ‪ their‬اق ‪ her‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪#.‬‬

‫‪ٔ ‬ٽبیف ڀبټٍػُ خٽ‪:ٟ‬‬

‫ٔٽیف چبیی ٰڅ چٽفاڄ ثب آڀڇب ثبیؽ ‪١٨‬ٷ خٽ‪ ٟ‬ثڅ ٰبـ ثجفیٻ‪.‬‬
‫‪both, few, many, others, several‬‬

‫‪ِ$‬طیص‪A few of the judges were voicing their opposition. #‬‬
‫ث‪ٕ١‬ی اق ‪٬‬بٔی چب ټػبٸ‪٩‬ز غڃؼ ـا ا‪٠‬الٺ ټی ٰفؼڀؽ‪.‬‬
‫‪ٰ$‬ٹٽڅ ‪ few‬خٽ‪ ٟ‬اوز ده ثڅ ؼـوشی اق ‪ were‬ڂ ‪ their‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٌؽڄ اوز‪#.‬‬

‫‪ٔ ‬ٽبیف ڀبټٍػُ خٽ‪ ٟ‬یب ټ‪٩‬فؼ‪:‬‬

‫ثب سڃخڅ ثڅ ایځٱڅ ایٿ ٔٽیف چب ثڅ زڅ اوٽی اٌبـڄ ټیٱځځؽ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاپ چٽفاڄ ثب آڀڇب اق ‪١٨‬ٷ ټ‪٩‬فؼ یب خٽ‪ ٟ‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ‬
‫‪all, any, more, most, none, some‬‬

‫‪ِ$‬طیص‪All of the people clapped their hands. #‬‬
‫چٽڅ ی ټفؼٺ سٍڃی‪ٰ ٫‬فؼڀؽ‪.‬‬
‫‪ٔ$‬ٽیف ‪ all‬ثڅ ٰٹٽڅ ‪ٰ people‬څ خٽ‪ ٟ‬اوز اٌبـڄ ؼاـؼ‪ ،‬ده ثڅ ؼـوشی اق ‪ their‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٌؽڄ اوز‪#.‬‬

‫‪٤$‬ٹٗ‪All of the newspaper were soaked. #‬‬

‫‪ِ$‬طیص‪All of the newspaper was soaked. #‬‬
‫چٽڅ ـڂقڀبټڅ چب غیهغڃـؼڄ ثڃؼڀؽ‪.‬‬
‫‪ٔ$‬ٽیف ‪ all‬ثڅ ٰٹٽڅ ‪ newspaper‬اٌبـڄ ؼاـؼ ٰڅ ٰٹٽڅ ای ټ‪٩‬فؼ اوز ده ثبیؽ ثڅ خبی ‪ were‬اق ‪was‬‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪#.‬‬

‫ؾوایز ‪ones ٍ one‬‬

‫ٴبچی اڂ‪٬‬بر ثفای خٹڃٴیفی اق سٱفاـ اوٻ ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ٰٹٽبر ‪ one‬ڂ ‪ ones‬ثڅ ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ٔٽیف اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪That small one‬‬

‫اڂپ ٰڃزیٱڅ‬

‫‪Gray ones‬‬
‫غبٰىشفی چب‬

‫‪This one is yours? No , That one is mine.‬‬

‫ایٿ یٱی ټبٶ ٌٽبوز؟ ڀڅ‪ ،‬اڂپ یٱی ټبٶ ټځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Which birds do you like more? Black ones.‬‬

‫ٰؽڂٺ دفڀؽڄ چب ـڂ ثیٍشف ؼڂوز ؼاـی؟ ویبڄ چب ـڂ‪.‬‬

‫‪Our car's always breaking down. But we're getting a new one soon‬‬
‫ټبٌیٿ ټب چٽیٍڅ غفاة ټیٍڅ‪ .‬اټب ټب ثڅ قڂؼی ؼاـیٻ یڅ ؼڂڀڅ خؽیؽي ـڂ ټیٵیفیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪She was wearing her new dress, the yellow one.‬‬

‫اڂ ٸجبن خؽیؽي ـڂ دڃٌیؽڄ ثڃؼ‪ ،‬قـؼڄ ـڂ‪.‬‬

‫?‪What made you choose the one rather than the other‬‬
‫زی ثب‪٠‬ث ٌؽ اڂپ ـڂ ثڅ خبی اڂپ یٱی اڀشػبة ٰځی؟‬

‫?‪How about those ones over there‬‬

‫ڀ‪ٝ‬فر ؼـ ټڃـؼ اڂپ یٱی ٰڅ اڂڀدبوز زیڅ؟‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪aw‬‬

‫”‪ “aw‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ٰبـثفؼچبی ټش‪٩‬بڂسی ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ ‬جڅ خٽٹڅ ‪ aw‬ثفای ثیبپ ټالیٻ ا‪٠‬شفاْ‪ ،‬اٸشٽبن ڂ یب چٽؽـؼی‬

‫‪Aw, come on, Andy.‬‬

‫اڄ‪ ،‬قڂؼ ثبي اڀؽی‪.‬‬

‫‪Aw, please look.‬‬

‫اڄ‪ ،‬ٸ‪٩ٙ‬ب ڀٵبڄ ٰٿ‪.‬‬

‫”‪James looked at his watch and said, "Aw dad, it's only 10:00 p.m.‬‬
‫خیٽك ثڅ وب‪٠‬شً ڀٵبڄ ٰفؼ ڂ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪« :‬اڄ دؽـ‪ ،‬چځڃق وب‪٠‬ز ‪ٌ 10‬جڅ‪».‬‬

‫‪ ‬ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ثفای ثیبپ ټالیٻ ڀب اټیؽی ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Aw, it’s a shame I can’t make it.‬‬

‫اڄ‪ ،‬زڅ ثؽ ٰڅ ڀٽی سڃڀٻ ثیبٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Aw, he's not in here.‬‬

‫اڄ‪ ،‬اڂپ ایځدب ڀیىز‪.‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬بـثفؼ ؼیٵف ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ثفای ثیبپ ټطجز ڂ ٸؿر ؼـ ټڃـؼ زیكی ټ‪ٙ‬جڃ‪ ٞ‬ڂ خبٸت اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Aw, the kitten is too cute‬‬

‫آغی‪ .‬ثسڅ ٴفثڅ غیٹی غڃٌٵٹڅ!‬

‫!‪Aw, how cute‬‬

‫ڀبقی‪ ،‬زڅ غڃٌٵٹڅ!‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪eh‬‬

‫”‪ “eh‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ٰبـثفؼچبی ټش‪٩‬بڂسی ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ ‬جڅ خٽٹڅ ‪ eh‬ثفای سبییؽ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ؼـ اڀشڇبی خٽالر وڃاٸی ټڃـؼ اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ‪٬‬فاـ ټی ٴیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Jessica Alba is the hottest girl in the world, eh‬‬

‫خىیٱب آٸجب غڃٌٵٷ سفیٿ ؼغشف ؼڀیبن‪ ،‬ټٵڅ ڀڅ؟‬

‫ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ثفای ڀٍبپ ؼاؼپ ټش‪١‬دت ثڃؼپ ڀیك اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ‪.‬‬
‫!‪Angelina: I got my sweatshirt on sale for half price last week‬‬
‫?!‪Lucy: Eh‬‬
‫آڀدٹیځب‪ :‬ټٿ ایٿ وڃیی ٌفر اٺ ـا چ‪٩‬شڅ ی دیً ؼـ یٯ ضفاخی ثڅ ڀّ‪٬ ٧‬یٽز غفیؽٺ!‬
‫ٸڃوی‪ :‬اٸٱی؟! ‪$‬خؽا؟!‪#‬‬

‫‪ٰ ‬بـثفؼ ؼیٵف ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ سبییؽ ٰفؼپ ضف‪٘ ٦‬ف‪ ٦‬ټ٭بثٷ اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Jennifer: I‘m freezing my body off in here‬‬

‫!‪Carly: Eh‬‬
‫خځی‪٩‬ف‪ :‬ایٿ سڃ ؼاـڄ ثؽڀٻ یع ټیكڀڅ!‬
‫ٰبـٸی‪ :‬اِی! ‪$‬چٽیځ‪ٙ‬ڃـڄ!‪#‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪hallelujah‬‬

‫”‪ “hallelujah‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «وشبیً ڂ ‪٠‬جبؼر غؽا» ڂ «غڃٌطبٸی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی‬
‫ٌڃؼ‪ .‬ڀكؼیٯ ‪٠‬جبـر ثڅ ‪٠‬ځڃاپ ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ‪٠ ،‬جبـر «اهلل اٰجف» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫”!‪The ​worshipers ​raised ​their ​arms and ​shouted “Hallelujah‬‬

‫ؼ‪٠‬ب ٰځځؽٴبپ ؼوز چبیٍبپ ـا ثٹځؽ ٰفؼڀؽ ڂ ڂ ٴ‪٩‬شځؽ‪] »hallelujah!« :‬غؽا ـا ثڅ ثكـٴی وشڃؼڀؽ‪[.‬‬

‫‪Hallelujah, the bank is approving our loan application.‬‬

‫غؽا ـڂ ٌٱف‪ ،‬ثبڀٯ ؼـغڃاوز ڂاٺ ټب ـا ټی دؿیفؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪We've all found each other and, hallelujah , we're not nuts.‬‬
‫ټب چٽڅ چٽؽیٵف ـڂ دیؽا ٰفؼیٻ ڂ غؽا ـڂ ٌٱف ٰڅ ؼیڃاڀڅ ڀیىشیٻ‪.‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪hooray‬‬

‫”‪ “hooray‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «چیدبپ» ڂ «ٸؿر» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «چڃـا» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Hooray! She's here at last‬‬

‫چڃـا! اڂ ثبالغفڄ ـویؽ ایځدب!‬

‫!‪You ​won? Hooray‬‬

‫سڃ ثفؼی؟ چڃـا!‬

‫‪Hooray! It's ​time to go ​home.‬‬

‫چڃـا! ڂ‪٬‬ز ـ‪٨‬شٿ ثڅ غڃڀڅ اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪“Hooray!” he cried when he heard that his team had won.‬‬

‫اڂ ڂ‪٬‬شی ٌځیؽ سیٽً ثفڀؽڄ ٌؽڄ ‪٨‬فیبؼ قؼ‪« :‬چڃـا!»‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪huh‬‬

‫”‪ “huh‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ٰبـثفؼچبی ټش‪٩‬بڂسی ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪ huh‬قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٍڃؼ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ڀٍبپ ؼچیٻ ٰڅ زیكی ـا ڀٍځیؽڄ ایٻ یب ڀ‪٩‬ڇٽیؽڄ ایٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Huh? I don't know what you mean.‬‬

‫چبڄ؟ ټٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـر ـڂ ڀ‪٩‬ڇٽیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Huh? What did you say‬‬

‫چبڄ؟ زی ٴ‪٩‬شی؟‬

‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ‪ huh‬ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ سٽىػف ٰفؼپ ڂ ثفای ثیبپ ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی ثڃؼپ ڂ ټش‪١‬دت ثڃؼپ اق ایؽڄ ‪ ،‬س‪٩‬ٱف ڂ ـ‪٨‬شبـ‬
‫ؼیٵفاپ ڀیك ثڅ ٰبـ ټی ـڂؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪Huh, she snorted.‬‬

‫چبڄ‪ ،‬اڂ غف ڂ د‪ ٧‬ټیٱځڅ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Huh! Is that all you've done‬‬

‫چبڄ! ایٿ چٽڅ ی ٰبـی اوز سڃ ٰفؼڄ ای؟‬

‫ٰبـثفؼ ؼیٵف ایٿ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ وڃاٸی ٰفؼپ ڂ یب سبییؽ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ اق ؼیٵفاپ اوز‪.‬‬

‫?‪It's cool, huh‬‬

‫ثبضبٸڅ‪ ،‬ڀڅ؟‬

‫?‪It's awesome, huh‬‬

‫غ‪٩‬ځڅ‪ ،‬ڀڅ؟‬

‫?‪We are friends, huh‬‬

‫ټب ـ‪٨‬ی٭یٻ‪ ،‬ټٵڅ ڀڅ؟‬

‫?‪Let's get out of here, huh‬‬

‫ثٵؿاـ اق ایځدب ثفیٻ ثیفڂپ‪ ،‬ثبٌڅ؟‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪hush‬‬

‫”‪ “hush‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «چیه» ڂ یب ‪٠‬جبـر «وبٰز ثبي» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی‬

‫‪Hush! You will wake the baby.‬‬

‫چیه! ثسڅ ـڂ ثیؽاـ ټیٱځی‪.‬‬

‫‪Hush! Someone will hear you.‬‬

‫چیه! ٰىی ِؽار ـڂ ټیٍځڃڄ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hush! Don't wake the baby.‬‬

‫وبٰز ثبي! ثسڅ ـڂ ثیؽاـ ڀٱٿ‪.‬‬

‫‪Hush! I can’t hear radio.‬‬

‫چیه! ټٿ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ـاؼیڃ ٴڃي ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪jeez‬‬

‫”‪ “jeez‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «س‪١‬دت» ‪« ،‬ؼٸػڃـی» ڂ «ڀبـاضشی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ‬
‫ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «چڃ» ‪« ،‬چی» ڂ «اڂڄ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪Jeez, don't ​yell at me. I'm just ​telling you what she said‬‬
‫چڃ‪ ،‬وف ټٿ ؼاؼ ڀكپ‪ .‬ټٿ ‪٨‬٭ٗ ؼاـٺ ثڇز ټیٵٻ اڂ زی ٴ‪٩‬ز!‬

‫?‪Jeez, what took you so ​long‬‬

‫چی‪ ،‬زی ثب‪٠‬ث ٌؽ ایځ٭ؽـ ٘ڃٸً ثؽی؟‬

‫!‪Jeez, that was a terrible meal‬‬

‫اڂڄ‪ ،‬اڂپ ‪٤‬ؿا ا‪٨‬شٕبش ثڃؼ!‬

‫!‪Jeez! It's not fair‬‬

‫چی! ایٿ ‪٠‬بؼالڀڅ ڀیىز!‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪oops‬‬

‫”‪ “oops‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «‪٤‬ب‪٨‬ٹٵیف ٌؽپ» یب اضىبن «دٍیٽبڀی ڂ ڀبـاضز ٌؽپ»‬
‫اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «اڂڄ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Oops! I'm sorry. I just made you miss your bus.‬‬

‫اڂڄ! ټشبو‪٩‬ٻ‪ .‬ټٿ ثب‪٠‬ث ٌؽٺ اسڃثڃن ـڂ اق ؼوز ثؽی‪$ .‬خب ثٽڃڀی‪#‬‬

‫‪Oops! I typed two times by ​mistake.‬‬

‫اڂڄ! ټٿ ؼڂثبـڄ اٌشجبڄ سبیخ ٰفؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪Oops, I dropped the plate of cheese.‬‬

‫اڂڄ‪ٜ ،‬ف‪ ٦‬دځیف ـڂ اڀؽاغشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪Oops! I've spent more time on this than I thought I would.‬‬

‫اڂڄ! ټٿ ثیٍشف اق ایٿ ٰڅ ‪٨‬ٱف ټی ٰځٻ ـڂی ایٿ ڂ‪٬‬ز ٴؿاٌشٻ‪.‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪ouch‬‬

‫”‪ “ouch‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ثفای ثیبپ «ؼـؼ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «آظ» ؼـ قثبپ‬
‫‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Ouch! My right leg hurts.‬‬

‫آظ! دبی ـاوشٻ ؼـؼ ټیٱځڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪Ouch! I've trodden on a thistle.‬‬

‫آظ! ټٿ دبٺ ڂ ٴؿاٌشٻ ـڂی غبـ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Ouch! I've been stung by a bee‬‬

‫آظ! قڀجڃـ ټٿ ـڂ ڀیً قؼ!‬

‫”‪Michael heard Elizabeth say “Ouch. Oh no, I cut my finger‬‬

‫ټبیٱٷ ِؽای اٸیكاثز ـڂ ٌځیؽ ٰڅ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪« :‬آظ‪ .‬اڂڄ ڀڅ‪ ،‬ټٿ اڀٵٍشٻ ـڂ ثفیؽٺ‪».‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪phew‬‬

‫”‪ “phew‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «غڃٌطبٸی اق سٽبٺ ٌؽپ ٰبـی» ‪« ،‬غڃٌطبٸی اق اس‪٩‬ب‪٪‬‬
‫ڀیب‪٨‬شبؼپ ټڃٔڃ‪٠‬ی» ‪« ،‬ٴفټب» ڂ «غىشٵی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «آغیً» ڂ «اڂ‪»٦‬‬
‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Phew! I'm so ​glad I don't have to give that ​speech.‬‬

‫آغیً! غڃٌطبٸٻ ٰڅ ؼیٵڅ ڀجبیؽ اڂپ وػځفاڀی ـڂ اخفا ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫!‪The major decisions in life have already been taken. Phew‬‬

‫سّٽیٽبر اِٹی ؼـ قڀؽٴی اق ‪٬‬جٷ ٴف‪٨‬شڅ ٌؽڄ اوز‪ .‬آغیً!‬

‫!‪A couple of uninstalls and reinstalls fixed the problem. Phew‬‬

‫زځؽسب ضؿ‪ ٦‬ڂ ڀّت ټدؽؼ ټٍٱٷ ـڂ ضٷ ٰفؼ‪ .‬آغیً!‬

‫‪Phew! That was a close one.‬‬

‫اڂ‪ !٦‬غیٹی ڀكؼیٯ ثڃؼ!‬

‫!‪Phew, that’s a relief‬‬

‫آغیً‪ ،‬زڅ ـاضز ٌؽٺ!‬

‫!‪Phew, it's ​boiling in here‬‬

‫اڂ‪ ،٦‬ایځدب آسیً ټی ثبـڄ!‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ٌ :‬جڅ خٽٹڅ ”‪ “whew‬ڀیك ٰبـثفؼ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ ”‪ “phew‬ـا ؼاـؼ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Whew, I thought it was serious‬‬

‫اڂ‪ ،٦‬ټٿ ‪٨‬ٱف ٰفؼٺ خؽیڅ!‬

‫!‪Whew, I’m glad he’s gone‬‬

‫آغیً‪ ،‬غڃٌطبٸٻ ٰڅ ـ‪٨‬ز!‬

‫!‪Looks like no damage done to my car, though, whew‬‬

‫ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ټیفوڅ ٰڅ ثڅ ټبٌیٿ ټٿ غىبـسی ڀفویؽڄ‪ ،‬آغیً!‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪wow‬‬

‫”‪ “wow‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «ضیفر» ڂ «سطىیٿ» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «ڂای» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Wow! He cried enthusiastically.‬‬

‫اڂ ثب چیدبپ ٴ‪٩‬ز ڂای!‬

‫‪Wow! Look at that huge house.‬‬

‫ڂای! ثڅ ایٿ غڃڀڅ ثكـٲ ڀٵبڄ ٰٿ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Wow! Did you make that ​cake? It ​looks ​delicious‬‬

‫ڂای! سڃ ایٿ ٰیٯ ـڂ دػشی؟ ثڅ ڀ‪ٝ‬ف غڃٌٽكڄ ټیبؼ!‬

‫?‪Wow! Did you ​hear that ​noise‬‬

‫ڂای! اڂپ ِؽا ـڂ ٌځیؽی؟‬

‫?‪Wow! How do they do that‬‬

‫ڂای! ز‪ٙ‬ڃـ ایٿ ٰبـ ـڂ ٰفؼی؟‬

‫‪Wow! I can't believe you would do such a thing.‬‬

‫ڂای! ټٿ ثبڂـٺ ڀٽیٍڅ سڃ چٽسیٿ ٰبـی ثٱځی‪.‬‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪yay‬‬

‫”‪ “yay‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «غڃٌطبٸی» ڂ «دیفڂقی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ټ‪١‬بؼٶ‬
‫ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «آغیً» ڂ یب «آظ خڃپ» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫‪Yay, it is finally Thursday and the work week is over.‬‬

‫آغیً‪ ،‬ثبالغفڄ دځح ٌځجڅ ٌؽ ڂ ایٿ چ‪٩‬شڅ ‪ٰ$‬بـی‪ #‬چٻ سٽڃٺ ٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Yay! Great, Julia‬‬

‫آظ خڃپ‪٠ ،‬بٸیڅ‪ ،‬خڃٸیب!‬

‫!‪Yay! I wanna go to Hawaii‬‬

‫آظ خڃپ‪ ،‬ټٿ ټیػڃاٺ ثفٺ چبڂایی!‬

‫!‪Yay! I won the lottery‬‬

‫آظ خڃپ! ټٿ ثػٿ آقټبیی ـڂ ثفؼٺ!‬

‫‪I'm going out tonight, I have a movie thing tomorrow, I have a party next week,‬‬
‫ټٿ اټٍت ټیفٺ ثیفڂپ‪٨ ،‬فؼا ټیفٺ ‪٨‬یٹٻ ټی ثیځٻ‪ ،‬چ‪٩‬شڅ ث‪١‬ؽ یٯ ټڇٽڃڀی ؼاـٺ‪ ،‬آظ خڃپ!‬

‫ضثِ خولِ ‪yippee‬‬

‫”‪ “yippee‬یٯ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ اوز ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ ٟ٬‬ثفای ثیبپ «ـٔبیز» ڂ «غڃٌطبٸی» اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټی ٌڃؼ ڂ ؼـ ڂا‪ٟ٬‬‬
‫ټ‪١‬بؼٶ ٌجڅ خٽٹڅ «چیخ دیخ چڃـا» ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اوز‪.‬‬

‫!‪No ​school for five ​weeks. Yippee‬‬

‫دځح چ‪٩‬شڅ ټؽـوڅ س‪ٙ١‬یٹڅ‪ .‬آظ خڃپ! ‪$‬چڃـا‪#‬‬

‫”!‪She took one look at the new car in the driveway and exclaimed, “Yippee‬‬
‫اڂ یڅ ڀٵبڄ ثڅ ټبٌیٿ خؽیؽ ؼـ خبؼڄ خٹڃ ٴبـاق ٰفؼ ڂ ٴ‪٩‬ز‪« :‬چڃـا!»‬

‫‪Peter suggested they should go home. “Yippee!” shouted Katie.‬‬

‫دشف دیٍځڇبؼ ؼاؼ ٰڅ ثفپ غڃڀڅ‪ٰ .‬یشی ‪٨‬فیبؼ قؼ‪« :‬چڃـا!»‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“about to‬‬

‫قټبڀی ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثیبپ ٰځیٻ ٰڅ ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬اڀدبٺ ٰبـی چىشیٻ ڂ ؼـ آیځؽڄ ای ثىیبـ ڀكؼیٯ آپ ٰبـ ـا اڀدبٺ‬
‫غڃاچیٻ ؼاؼ‪ ،‬ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “about to‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪were / was about to + verb :‬‬
‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬ث‪١‬ؽ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ ”about to‬اق ټّؽـ ثؽڂپ ‪ to‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪He was about to leave the office when the phone rang.‬‬
‫اڂ ؼـٌف‪ ٦‬سفٮ اؼاـڄ ثڃؼ ٰڅ سٹ‪٩‬ٿ قڀٳ قؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I was about to send you an email.‬‬

‫ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬اـوبٶ یڅ ایٽیٷ ثفار ثڃؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪He was about to enter Egypt.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬ڂـڂؼ ثڅ ټّف ثڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪You were about to go to sleep.‬‬

‫ؼاٌشی ټیف‪٨‬شی ٰڅ ثػڃاثی‪$ .‬ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬غڃاثیؽپ ثڃؼی‪#‬‬

‫‪I was about to go out when my mother call me.‬‬

‫ؼاٌشٻ ټیف‪٨‬شٻ ثیفڂپ ٰڅ ټبؼـٺ ثب ټٿ سٽبن ٴف‪٨‬ز‪.‬‬

‫‪You were about to cry.‬‬

‫ؼاٌشی ٴفیڅ ټیٱفؼی‪$ .‬ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬ٴفیىشٿ ثڃؼی‪#‬‬

‫‪she was about to punch me.‬‬

‫اڂ ؼاٌز ثڅ ټٿ ټٍز ټیكؼ‪$ .‬اڂ ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬ټٍز قؼپ ثڅ ټٿ ثڃؼ‪#‬‬

‫‪I was about to go out.‬‬

‫ؼـ ٌف‪ ٦‬ثیفڂپ ـ‪٨‬شٿ ثڃؼٺ‪.‬‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“how often‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ وڃاٶ «زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ ټیٱځی؟» ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “How often‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪How often do you + verb :‬‬

‫?‪How often do you exercise‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ سٽفیٿ ټیٱځی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you change your password‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ دىڃـؼر ـڂ ‪٠‬ڃْ ټیٱځی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you help out at school‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ؼـ ټؽـوڅ ٰٽٯ ټیٱځی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you need to go to the dentist‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ڀیبقڄ ٰڅ ثڅ ؼڀؽاڀذكٌٱی ثفی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you travel‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ثڅ ټىب‪٨‬فر ټیفی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you report to your supervisor‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ثڅ ثبالؼوشی ار ٴكاـي ټیؽی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you stretch before working out‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ‪٬‬جٷ اق ڂـقي‪ ،‬ضفٰبر ٍٍٰی ټیٱځی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you talk to your parents‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ثب ڂاٸؽیٿ ار ضف‪ ٦‬ټیكڀی؟‬

‫?‪How often do you receive your magazine in the mail‬‬

‫زځؽ ڂ‪٬‬ز یٱجبـ ټدٹڅ ار ـڂ اق ٘فی‪ ٫‬دىز ؼـیب‪٨‬ز ټیٱځی؟‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“I can’t help‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ خٽالر «ٰبـیً ڀٽیشڃاڀٻ ثٱځٻ» ‪« ،‬ڀٽیشڃاڀٻ ټشڃ‪ ٧٬‬اي ٰځٻ» ڂ «ڀٽیشڃاڀٻ ٰځشفٶ اي ٰځٻ»‬
‫ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I can’t help‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪I can't help + verb + ing :‬‬

‫‪I can't help thinking about you.‬‬

‫ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ؼـ ټڃـؼر ‪٨‬ٱف ڀٱځٻ‪٨$ .‬ٱف ٰفؼپ ؼـ ټڃـؼ سڃ ـڂ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ٰبـیً ٰځٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪I can't help shopping so much.‬‬

‫ڀٽیشڃڀٻ قیبؼ غفیؽ ٰفؼڀٻ ـڂ ٰځشفٶ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't help working all the time.‬‬

‫ڀٽی سڃڀٻ چٽیٍڅ ٰبـ ڀٱځٻ‪$ .‬ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ چٽیٍڅ ٰبـ ٰځٻ‪#‬‬

‫‪I can't help smiling when I see her.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ټیجیځٽً ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ثڇً ٸجػځؽ ڀكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't help eating so much.‬‬

‫دُفغڃـی ـڂ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ٰځشفٶ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can not help biting my nails when I am nervous.‬‬

‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ‪ّ٠‬جی اٺ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ خڃیؽپ ڀبغٿ چبٺ ـڂ ٰبـیً ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can't help loving you.‬‬

‫ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ؼڂوز ؼاٌشٿ سڃ ـڂ ٰځشفٶ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can not help feeling so sad.‬‬

‫ڀبـاضشی ڂ ‪٤‬ٽځبٮ ثڃؼپ ـڂ ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ٰځشفٶ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can not help remembering the things you did.‬‬

‫ڀٽیشڃڀٻ ٰبـچبیی ٰڅ ٰفؼی ـڂ ‪٨‬فاټڃي ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“I didn’t mean‬‬

‫ؼـ قثبپ ‪٨‬بـوی اق ‪٠‬جبـار «‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ» ڂ «ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ» قټبڀی اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثبثز‬
‫اڀدبٺ ٰبـی ‪٠‬ؿـغڃاچی ٰځیٻ‪ .‬ثفای ثیبپ ایٿ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ ؼـ قثبپ اڀٵٹیىی اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ “I didn’t mean‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ټیٱځیٻ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪I didn't mean to + verb :‬‬

‫‪I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.‬‬

‫‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ ٰڅ اضىبوبسز ـڂ خفیطڅ ؼاـ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I didn't mean to call you so late.‬‬

‫‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ ٰڅ ثڇز ؼیف قڀٳ ثكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I didn't mean to stay out so late.‬‬

‫‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ ٰڅ ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثیفڂپ ثٽڃڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I did not mean to say those things.‬‬

‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ ٴ‪٩‬شٿ اڂپ زیكچب ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I did not mean to make you confused‬‬

‫‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ سڃ ـڂ وف ؼـ ٴٻ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I didn't mean to lie about what happened.‬‬

‫‪ّ٬‬ؽٺ ایٿ ڀجڃؼ ٰڅ ؼـ ټڃـؼ ـغؽاؼچبی دیً آټؽڄ ثڇز ؼـڂ‪ ٢‬ثٵٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I didn't mean to embarrass you.‬‬

‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ غدبٸز قؼڄ ٰفؼپ سڃ ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

‫‪I did not mean to leave you out.‬‬

‫ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـٺ خب ٴؿاٌشٿ ‪ِ$‬ف‪ ٦‬ڀ‪ٝ‬ف ٰفؼپ‪ #‬سڃ ڀجڃؼ‪.‬‬

“I would like” ‫ػثارت‬

‫ٱف ـڂ اڀدبٺ ثؽٺ» ټیشڃاپ اق‬٨ ‫الپ‬٨ ‫الپ ٰبـ ـڂ ثٱځٻ» یب «ټبیٷ چىشٻ ٰڅ‬٨ ‫ثفای ثیبپ خٽٹڅ «ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ٰڅ‬
.‫بؼڄ ٰفؼ‬٩‫“ اوش‬I would like” ‫جبـر‬٠
I would like to + verb :‫وبغشبـ‬
I'd like = I would like :‫ڀٱشڅ‬%

I would like to answer that question.

.‫ټبیٹٻ ٰڅ اڂپ وڃاٶ ـڂ خڃاة ثؽٺ‬

I would like to learn more about animals and their life.

.‫ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ثیٍشف ؼـ ټڃـؼ ضیڃاڀبر ڂ قڀؽٴیٍڃپ یبؼ ثٵیفٺ‬

I would like to invite you over.

.‫ڃسز ٰځٻ‬٠‫ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ٰڅ ؼ‬

I would like to travel to Paris with my university friends.

.‫ف ٰځٻ‬٩‫ټبیٹٻ ٰڅ ثب ؼڂوشبپ ؼاڀٍٵبچیٻ ثڅ دبـیه و‬

I would like to practice.

.‫ټبیٹٻ ٰڅ سٽفیٿ ٰځٻ‬

I would like to become a doctor.

.‫ټیػڃاٺ ؼٰشف ثٍٻ‬

I would like to see you more often.

.‫ټبیٹٻ ٰڅ ثیٍشف ثجیځٽز‬

I would like to thank you.

.‫ټبیٹٻ ٰڅ اق ٌٽب سٍٱف ٰځٻ‬

I would like to meet the president.

.‫ز ٰځٻ‬٬‫ؼڂوز ؼاـٺ ـئیه خٽڇڃـ ـڂ ټال‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“I would/had rather‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ خٽالر «سفخیص ټیؽٺ ٰڅ ‪٨‬الپ ٰبـ ـڂ ثٱځٻ» ڂ «ایٿ ـڂ ثڅ خبی اڂپ سفخیص ؼاؼپ» ټیشڃاپ اق ‪٠‬جبـر‬
‫”‪ “I would/had rather‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪I would rather + verb :‬‬
‫‪I had rather + verb‬‬

‫‪I'd rather talk about this later.‬‬

‫سفخیص ټیؽٺ ؼـ ایٿ ټڃـؼ ث‪١‬ؽا ضف‪ ٦‬ثكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'd rather ski than snowboard.‬‬

‫اوٱی ـڂ ثڅ اوځڃثڃـؼ سفخیص ټیؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'd rather stay late than come in early tomorrow.‬‬

‫سفخیص ټیؽٺ سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثٽڃڀٻ ثڅ خبی ایٿ ٰڅ ‪٨‬فؼا قڂؼسف ثیبٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I had rather go home than stay out too late.‬‬

‫ټبیٹٻ قڂؼ ثفٺ غڃڀڅ سب ایځٱڅ سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثیفڂپ ثٽڃڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I would rather exercise than sit on the couch all day.‬‬
‫سفخیص ټیؽچٻ سٽفیٿ ٰځٻ سب چٽڅ ی ـڂق ـا ـڂی ٰبڀبدڅ ثځٍیځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I would rather complete my task early.‬‬

‫سفخیص ټیؽٺ ٰبـٺ ـڂ قڂؼسف سٽڃٺ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I had rather listen to my parents or get in trouble.‬‬

‫سفخیص ټیؽٺ ثڅ ڂاٸؽیځٻ ٴڃي ثؽٺ سب سڃی ؼـؼوف ثی‪٩‬شٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'd rather handle the problem myself.‬‬

‫سفخیص ټیؽٺ غڃؼٺ ټٍٱٷ ـڂ ضٷ ٰځٻ‪.‬‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“I’m getting‬‬

‫ثفای ثیبپ ثؽوز آڂـؼپ ټبٸٱیز زیكی ڂ یب سطز سبثیف ـغؽاؼی ‪٬‬فاـ ٴف‪٨‬شٿ ټیشڃاپ اق‬
‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I’m getting‬اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰفؼ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪I’m getting … :‬‬

‫‪I'm getting fatter everyday.‬‬

‫چف ـڂق ؼاـٺ زب‪ ٪‬سف ټیٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting a tooth ache.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ ؼڀؽاپ ؼـؼ ټیٵیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting a cold.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ وفټب ټیػڃـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting married.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ اقؼڂاج ټیٱځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting a new car.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ یڅ ټبٌیٿ ڀڃ ټیػفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting a job.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ یڅ ٌ‪٥‬ٷ ثڅ ؼوز ټیبـٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting ready for bed.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ ثفای ـ‪٨‬شٿ ثڅ سػشػڃاة آټبؼڄ ټیٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting good at reading.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ ؼـ ټ‪ٙ‬بٸ‪١‬څ ٰفؼپ ثڇشف ټیٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm getting old.‬‬

‫ؼاـٺ دیف ټیٍٻ‪.‬‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“I'm looking forward‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “I'm looking forward‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «غفوځؽ ٌؽپ» ڂ «ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬ف ثڃؼپ» اوز ڂ ثڅ ټځ‪ٝ‬ڃـ‬
‫ثیبپ اڀش‪ٝ‬بـ ٍٰیؽپ ثفای اس‪٩‬ب‪٬‬ی غڃة ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ‪.‬‬
‫وبغشبـ‪I'm looking forward to + verb + ing :‬‬

‫‪I'm looking forward to meeting you.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ٌٽب ـڂ ثجیځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am looking forward to graduating from college.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ اق ؼاڀٍٵبڄ ‪٨‬بـ‪ ٢‬اٸشطّیٷ ٌڃٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm looking forward to going on vacation.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ثڅ س‪ٙ١‬یالر ثفڂٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm looking forward to spending time with my family.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ڂ‪٬‬شٻ ـڂ ثب غبڀڃاؼڄ اٺ ثٵؿـاڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm looking forward to learning the English language.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ اڀٵٹیىی یبؼ ثٵیفٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am looking forward to visiting another country.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ٍٰڃـ ؼیٵفی ـڂ ثجیځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am looking forward to having a family.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ #‬سب سٍٱیٷ غبڀڃاؼڄ ثؽچٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I am looking forward to watching the baseball game.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ثبقی ثیىجبٶ ثجیځٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I'm looking forward to talking with you.‬‬

‫غفوځؽ ټیٍڃٺ ‪$‬ټٍشب‪٬‬بڀڅ ټځش‪ٝ‬فٺ‪ٰ #‬څ ثب ٌٽب ضف‪ ٦‬ثكڀٻ‪.‬‬

‫ػثارت ”‪“used to‬‬

‫‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “used to‬ثڅ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٬‬جال» ڂ «وبث٭ب» اوز ڂ قټبڀی ثڅ ٰبـ ټیفڂؼ ٰڅ ثػڃاچیٻ ثڅ ‪٠‬بؼر چب ڂ اس‪٩‬ب‪٪‬‬
‫چبیی ٰڅ ‪٬‬جال ـظ ټیؽاؼڄ اوز ڂٸی اٰځڃپ اڀدبٺ ڀٽیذؿیفؼ اٌبـڄ ٰځیٻ ڂ ثڅ ٘ڃـ ٰٹی ثفای ِطجز ؼـثبـڄ چف‬
‫زیكی ٰڅ ثب ٴؿٌز قټبپ س‪٥‬ییف ٰفؼڄ ڂ ؼیٵف ټثٷ وبث‪ ٫‬ڀیىز ټیشڃاڀیٻ اق ایٿ ‪٠‬جبـر اوش‪٩‬بؼڄ ٰځیٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I used to see him everyday.‬‬

‫وبث٭ب اڂ ـا چف ـڂق ټیؽیؽٺ‪] .‬اټب اٰځڃپ اڂ ـا ڀٽیجیځٻ[‬

‫‪My father used to play football very well.‬‬

‫‪٬‬جال دؽـٺ غیٹی غڃة ‪٨‬ڃسجبٶ ثبقی ټیٱفؼ‪] .‬اټب اٰځڃپ ؼیٵف ثبقی ڀٽیٱځؽ[‬

‫‪I used to be able to run six miles without breaking a sweat. Now I get winded‬‬
‫‪after the first five minutes.‬‬
‫‪٬‬جال ثؽڂپ ایځٱڅ یڅ ‪ٙ٬‬فڄ ‪٠‬ف‪ ٪‬ثفیكٺ ًٌ ټبیٷ ټیؽڂیؽٺ‪ .‬االپ چٽڃپ دځح ؼ‪٬‬ی٭څ اڂٶ ثڅ ڀ‪٩‬ه ڀ‪٩‬ه ټیب‪٨‬شٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪I used to be fat but now I am thin.‬‬

‫‪٬‬جال زب‪ ٪‬ثڃؼٺ اټب االپ ال‪٤‬ف ٌؽٺ‪.‬‬

‫‪My dad used to stay up late and watch football match.‬‬

‫ثبثبٺ ٌت چب سب ؼیف ڂ‪٬‬ز ثیؽاـ ټیٽڃڀؽ ڂ ‪٨‬ڃسجبٶ ټیؽیؽ‪] .‬اټب االپ ؼیٵف ڀٽیجیځؽ[‬

‫?‪Angelina: Do you love me‬‬

‫‪David: I used to.‬‬
‫آڀدٹیځب‪ :‬ؼڂوشٻ ؼاـی؟‬
‫ؼیڃیؽ‪ :‬ؼاٌشٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪This shopping center used to be quite good, but look at it now. It's really gone to‬‬
‫‪the dogs.‬‬
‫ایٿ ټفٰك غفیؽ یڅ قټبڀی غیٹی غڃة ثڃؼ‪ ،‬اټب االپ ڀٵبچً ٰٿ‪ .‬اڂٔب‪ ً٠‬غیٹی غفاة ٌؽڄ‪] .‬ؼیٵڅ ټثٹڅ وبث‪٫‬‬

‫‪When I was young, I used to visit my grandmother every summer.‬‬
‫ڂ‪٬‬شی ټٿ خڃاپ ثڃؼٺ‪ ،‬چف سبثىشبپ ثڅ ټال‪٬‬ز ټبؼـثكـٴٻ ټیف‪٨‬شٻ‪.‬‬

‫‪%‬ڀٱشڅ‪ :‬چٽسځیٿ ‪٠‬جبـر ”‪ “used to‬ټیشڃاڀؽ ټ‪١‬ځی «‪٠‬بؼر ؼاٌشٿ ثڅ زیكی» ڂ یب «ٰځبـ آټؽپ ثب زیكی» ـا‬
‫ڀیك ؼاٌشڅ ثبٌؽ‪.‬‬

‫‪A pain that I'm used to.‬‬

‫ـڀدی ٰڅ ثڇً ‪٠‬بؼر ٰفؼڄ اٺ‪$ .‬ـڀدی ٰڅ ؼیٵڅ ثبچبي ٰځبـ آټؽڄ اٺ‪#.‬‬

‫‪I've gotten (I got) used to being alone.‬‬

‫ثڅ سځڇب ثڃؼپ ؼیٵف ‪٠‬بؼر ٰفؼڄ اٺ‪.‬‬

‫!‪Get used to it‬‬

‫ثبچبي ٰځبـ ثیب!‬


alligator anteater antelope

‫سٽىبش‬ ‫ټڃـزڅ غڃاـ‬ ‫ثك ٰڃچی‬

armadillo baboon bat

‫آـټبؼیٹڃ‬ ‫ثبثڃپ‬ ‫بي‬٩‫غ‬

bear beaver beetle

‫غفن‬ ‫وٳ آثی‬ ‫وڃوٯ‬

buffalo butterfly camel

‫بٸڃ‬٨‫ثڃ‬ ‫دفڂاڀڅ‬ ‫ٌشف‬

cat chimpanzee cobra

‫ٴفثڅ‬ ‫ٌبټذبڀكڄ‬ ‫ټبـ ٰجفی‬

cow crab cricket

‫ٴبڂ‬ ‫غفزځٳ‬ ‫خیفخیفٮ‬

crocodile deer dog

‫ٰفڂٰؽیٷ‬ ‫ٴڃقپ‬ ‫وٳ‬

dolphin donkey duck

‫یٿ‬٩‫ؼٸ‬ ‫غف‬ ‫بثی‬٤‫ټف‬

eagle eel elephant

‫٭بة‬٠ ‫ټبـټبچی‬ ‫یٷ‬٨

fish fly fox

‫ټبچی‬ ‫ټٵه‬ ‫ـڂثبڄ‬

frog giraffe goat

‫څ‬٤‫ڃـثب‬٬ ‫څ‬٨‫قـا‬ ‫ثك‬

goldfish goose gorilla
‫فټك‬٬ ‫ټبچی‬ ‫بق‬٤ ‫ٴڃـیٷ‬

grasshopper guinea pig hen

‫ټٹع‬ ‫غڃٰسڅ چځؽی‬ ٢‫ټف‬

hippo honeybee horse

‫اوت آثی‬ ‫ىٷ‬٠ ‫قڀجڃـ‬ ‫اوت‬

hummingbird hyena jellyfish

‫ ټٵه غڃاـ‬٢‫ټف‬ ‫شبـ‬٩ٰ ‫فڂن ؼـیبیی‬٠

kangaroo koala ladybug

‫ٰبڀٵڃـڂ‬ ‫ٰڃآال‬ ‫ٍؽڂقٮ‬٩ٰ

leopard lion lizard

‫دٹځٳ‬ ‫ٌیف‬ ‫وڃوٽبـ‬

llama monkey moose

‫الټب‬ ‫ټیٽڃپ‬ ‫ٴڃقپ ٌٽبٸی‬

mosquito mountain lion mouse

‫دٍڅ‬ ‫ٌیف ٰڃچی‬ ‫ټڃي‬

octopus orangutan otter

‫چٍز دب‬ ‫اڂـاڀٵڃسبپ‬ ‫وٽڃـ آثی‬

owl panda panther

‫ؽ‬٥‫خ‬ ‫غفن دبڀؽا‬ ‫دٹځٳ ویبڄ‬

parakeet peacock penguin

‫٘ڃ٘ی‬ ‫٘بڂڂن‬ ‫دځٵڃئٿ‬

pig pigeon platypus

‫غڃٮ‬ ‫ٰجڃسف‬ ‫دالسیذڃن‬

polar bear porcupine rabbit
‫جی‬ٙ٬ ‫غفن‬ ‫ی‬٥‫خڃخڅ سی‬ ‫غفٴڃي‬

raccoon rattlesnake rhinoceros

‫ـاٰڃپ‬ ‫ټبـ قڀٵی‬ ‫ٰفٴؽپ‬

robin rooster salamander

‫ویځڅ وفظ‬ ‫غفڂن‬ ‫وٽځؽـ‬

scorpion sea lion sea urchin

‫٭فة‬٠ ‫ٌیف ؼـیبیی‬ ‫سڃسیب‬

seahorse shark sheep

‫اوت ؼـیبیی‬ ‫ٰڃوڅ‬ ‫ځؽ‬٩‫ٴڃو‬

shrimp skunk snail

‫ټیٵڃ‬ ‫ـاوڃ‬ ‫ضٹكڂپ‬

sparrow spider squirrel

‫ٴځدٍٯ‬ ‫ځٱڃثز‬٠ ‫وځدبة‬

starfish swordfish tiger

‫وشبـڄ ؼـیبیی‬ ‫ٌٽٍیف ټبچی‬ ‫ثجف‬

toad tuna turtle

٢‫ڂق‬ ‫ټبچی سُٿ‬ ‫الٮ دٍز‬

vulture wasp whale

‫ٰفٰه‬ ‫قڀجڃـ‬ ‫ڂاٶ‬

wolf woodpecker worm

‫ٴفٲ‬ ‫ؼاـٰڃة‬ ‫ٰفٺ‬


‫زرذتاى ٍ گیاّاى‬

‫‪aster‬‬ ‫‪bouquet‬‬ ‫‪branch‬‬

‫ٴٷ ټیځب‬ ‫ؼوشڅ ٴٷ‬ ‫ٌبغڅ‬

‫‪bud‬‬ ‫‪bulb‬‬ ‫‪cactus‬‬

‫ٌٱڃ‪٨‬څ‬ ‫دیبق ٴیبڄ‬ ‫ٰبٰشڃن‬

‫‪carnation‬‬ ‫‪chrysanthemum‬‬ ‫‪daffodil‬‬

‫ٴٷ ټیػٯ‬ ‫ٴٷ ؼاڂؼی‬ ‫ٴٷ ڀفٴه‬

‫‪elm‬‬ ‫‪flower‬‬ ‫‪gardenia‬‬

‫ؼـغز ڀبـڂپ‬ ‫ٴٷ‬ ‫ٴٷ یبوٽٿ‬

‫‪geranium‬‬ ‫‪holly‬‬ ‫‪house plant‬‬

‫ٴٷ ٌٽ‪١‬ؽاڀی‬ ‫ٴیبڄ ـاج‬ ‫ٴیبڄ غبڀٵی‬

‫‪iris‬‬ ‫‪ivy‬‬ ‫‪jasmine‬‬

‫ٴٷ وڃوٿ‬ ‫ٴیبڄ دیسٯ‬ ‫ٴٷ یبن‬

‫‪leaf‬‬ ‫‪lily‬‬ ‫‪magnolia‬‬

‫ثفٲ‬ ‫ٴٷ قڀج‪٫‬‬ ‫ٴیبڄ ټٵځڃٸیب‬

‫‪maple‬‬ ‫‪marigold‬‬ ‫‪oak‬‬

‫ؼـغز ا‪٨‬فا‬ ‫ٴٷ چٽیٍڅ ثڇبـ‬ ‫ؼـغز ثٹڃٖ‬

‫‪orchid‬‬ ‫‪palm‬‬ ‫‪petal‬‬

‫ٴٷ اـٰیؽڄ‬ ‫ڀػٷ‬ ‫ٴٹجفٲ‬

‫‪pine‬‬ ‫‪pine cone‬‬ ‫‪root‬‬

‫ؼـغز ٰبج‬ ‫ټػفڂٖ ٰبج‬ ‫ـیٍڅ‬

‫‪rose‬‬ ‫‪rosemary‬‬ ‫‪seed‬‬

‫ٴٷ ـُق‬ ‫ٴٷ ـُقټبـی‬ ‫ثؿـ ٴیبڄ‬

seedling stem sunflower
‫ڀڇبٶ‬ ‫څ‬٬‫وب‬ ‫شبثٵفؼاپ‬٨‫ٴٷ آ‬

sword lily thorn tree trunk

‫ٴٷ ٴالیٷ‬ ٣‫سی‬ ‫سځڅ ؼـغز‬

tuberose tulip twig

‫ٴٷ ټفیٻ‬ ‫ٴٷ الٸڅ‬ ‫ٌبغڅ ٰڃزٯ‬

vine violet willow

‫ سبٮ‬/ ‫ؼـغز ټڃ‬ ‫ٍڅ‬٩‫ٴٷ ثځ‬ ‫ؼـغز ثیؽ‬

‫هیَُ ّا‬

apple apricot avocado

‫ویت‬ ‫قـؼآٸڃ‬ ‫آڂاٰبؼڂ‬

banana blackberry cantaloupe

‫ټڃق‬ ‫ٌبڄ سڃر‬ ‫٘بٸجی‬

cherry citron coconut

‫ٴیالن‬ ‫ثبٸځٳ‬ ‫ڀبـٴیٷ‬

date palm fig golden apple

‫غفټب‬ ‫اڀدیف‬ ‫ویت قـؼ‬

grapefruit grape green almond

‫فڂر‬٨ ‫ٴفیخ‬ ‫اڀٵڃـ‬ ‫بٸڅ ثبؼاٺ‬٤‫زب‬

greengage jujube kiwifruit

‫ٴڃخڅ وجك‬ ‫ځبة‬٠ ‫ٰیڃی‬

lemon lime mango

‫ٸیٽڃ ٌیفیٿ‬ ‫ٸیٽڃ سفي‬ ‫اڀجڅ‬

nectarine olive orange

‫ٌٹیٷ‬ ‫قیشڃپ‬ ‫دفس٭بٶ‬

peach pear persimmon

‫چٹڃ‬ ‫ٴالثی‬ ‫غفټبٸڃ‬

pineapple plum pomegranate

‫آڀبڀبن‬ ‫آٸڃ‬ ‫اڀبـ‬

quince raspberry sour cherry

‫ثڅ‬ ‫سٽٍٯ‬ ‫آٸجبٸڃ‬

sour orange strawberry tamarind
‫ڀبـڀح‬ ‫فڀٵی‬٨ ‫سڃر‬ ‫سٽف چځؽی‬

tangerine watermelon
‫ڀبـڀٵی‬ ‫چځؽڂاڀڅ‬


artichoke asparagus basil

‫فڀٵی‬٨ ‫ٰځٵف‬ ‫ټبـزڃثڅ‬ ‫ـیطبپ‬

beet broccoli cabbage

‫ځؽـ‬٥‫ز‬ ‫ٰٹٻ ثفڂٰٹی‬ ‫ٰٹٻ‬

carrot cauliflower celery

‫چڃیح‬ ‫ٴٷ ٰٹٻ‬ ‫ه‬٨‫ٰف‬

chili pepper coriander corn

‫فټك‬٬ ‫ٷ‬٩‫ٹ‬٨ ‫ٴٍځیك‬ ‫ؾـر‬

cucumber dill eggplant

‫غیبـ‬ ‫ٌڃیؽ‬ ‫ثبؼټدبپ‬

garlic ginger lettuce

‫ویف‬ ‫قڀدجیٷ‬ ‫ٰبچڃ‬

mushroom onion parsley

‫بـذ‬٬ ‫دیبق‬ ‫فی‬٩١‫خ‬

pea potato radish

‫فڀٵی‬٨ ‫ڀػڃؼ‬ ‫ویت قټیځی‬ ‫سفثسڅ‬

rhubarb scallion spearmint

‫ـیڃان‬ ‫دیبقزڅ‬ ٞ‫ځب‬١‫ڀ‬

spinach string bean sweet pepper

‫ځبج‬٩‫او‬ ‫ٸڃثیب وجك‬ ‫ٷ ؼٸٽڅ ای‬٩‫ٹ‬٨

tomato zucchini
‫فڀٵی‬٨ ‫ٴڃخڅ‬ ‫ٰؽڂ‬

‫رًگ ّا‬

aqua beige black

‫یفڂقڄ ای‬٨ ‫ِٰفِٺ‬ ‫ټٍٱی‬

blue brown crimson

‫آثی‬ ‫ڇڃڄ ای‬٬ ‫قـٌٱی‬

gold gray green

‫٘الیی‬ ‫غبٰىشفی‬ ‫وجك‬

navy blue orange pink

‫وفټڅ ای‬ ‫ڀبـڀدی‬ ‫ِڃـسی‬

purple red yellow

ً٩‫ثځ‬ ‫فټك‬٬ ‫قـؼ‬



baseball cap bathrobe blouse

‫ٰالڄ ثیىجبٶ‬ ‫ضڃٸڅ ضٽبٺ‬ ‫ثٹڃق‬

boots boxer shorts bride dress

‫زٱٽڅ‬ ‫ٌڃـر دبزڅ ؼاـ‬ ‫فڂن‬٠ ‫ٸجبن‬

briefs cap cardigan sweater

‫ٌڃـر اوٹیخ‬ ‫ٰالڄ ٸجڅ ؼاـ‬ ٦‫لاٰز ًٰ ثب‬

coat earmuffs gloves

‫ٰز‬ ‫ٴڃي دڃي‬ ً‫ؼوشٱ‬

hat high heels hiking boots

‫ٰالڄ‬ ‫ً دبٌځڅ ثٹځؽ‬٩ٰ ‫ً ٰڃچځڃـؼی‬٩ٰ

jacket jeans knee-highs

‫لاٰز‬ ‫ٌٹڃاـ خیٿ‬ ‫ ثٹځؽ‬٪‫خڃـاة وب‬

leather jacket leggings loafers

‫ٰز زفٺ‬ ‫وبدڃـر‬ ‫ً ـاضشی‬٩ٰ

maternity dress muffler scarf nightgown

‫ٸجبن قڀبپ ڂ قایٽبپ‬ ‫ٌبٶ ٴفؼپ‬ ‫ٸجبن غڃاة‬

overalls overcoat pajamas

‫ٸجبن وفسبوفی‬ ‫دبٸشڃ‬ ‫دیماټڅ‬

pantyhose pullover rain boots

‫خڃـاة ٌٹڃاـی‬ ‫دٹیڃـ‬ ‫زٱٽڅ ثبـاڀی‬

raincoat sandals shirt

‫ثبـاڀی‬ ‫ِځؽٶ‬ ‫دیفاچٿ‬

shoes shorts ski cap
ً٩ٰ ‫ٌٹڃاـٮ‬ ‫ٰالڄ اوٱی‬

skirt slacks slippers

‫ؼاټٿ‬ ‫ٌٹڃاـ دبـزڅ ای‬ ‫ؼټذبیی‬

socks split skirt sports coat

‫خڃـاة‬ ‫ؼاټٿ زبٮ ؼاـ‬ ‫ُٰز اوذفر‬

sports shirt straw hat suit

‫دیفاچٿ ڂـقٌی‬ ‫ٰالڄ ضّیفی‬ ‫ُٰز ڂ ٌٹڃاـ‬

sunglasses sweatpants sweatshirt

‫شبثی‬٨‫یځٯ آ‬٠ ‫ٌٹڃاـ ٴفټٱٿ‬ ‫وڃیٍفر‬

swimming trunks swimsuit tank top

‫ټبیڃ ټفؼاڀڅ‬ ‫ټبیڃ قڀبڀڅ‬ ‫سبح‬

three-button shirt three-piece suit tie

‫دیفاچٿ وڅ ؼٰٽڅ‬ ‫ٰز ڂ ٌٹڃاـ ڂ خٹی٭څ‬ ‫ٰفڂار‬

trench coat turtleneck tuxedo

‫ټبڀشڃ‬ ‫ٸجبن ی٭څ اوٱی‬ ‫ٸجبن ـوٽی‬

t-shirt umbrella undershirt

‫سی ٌفر‬ ‫زشف‬ ‫ ٴیف‬٪‫ف‬٠

uniform vest
‫فٺ‬٨ ‫ٸجبن‬ ‫خٹی٭څ‬


actor actress artist

‫چځفدیٍڅ ټفؼ‬ ‫چځفدیٍڅ قپ‬ ‫چځفټځؽ‬

assistant baker banker

‫بڂپ‬١‫ټ‬ ‫ڀبڀڃا‬ ‫ثبڀٱؽاـ‬

barber blacksmith boatman

‫آـایٍٵف ټفؼ‬ ‫آچځٵف‬ ‫بی٭فاپ‬٬

boss brigadier butcher

‫ـئیه‬ ‫وفسیخ‬ ‫ّبة‬٬

calligrapher captain carpenter

ٖ‫ب‬ٙ‫ غ‬/ ‫غڃٌځڃیه‬ ‫ڀبغؽا‬ ‫ڀدبـ‬

clergyman clerk coach

‫ـڂضبڀی‬ ‫ٰبـټځؽ‬ ‫ټفثی‬

colonel cook dentist

‫وفچځٳ‬ ‫آٌذك‬ ‫ؼڀؽاڀذكٌٯ‬

designer driver doctor

‫٘فاش‬ ‫ـاڀځؽڄ‬ ‫دكٌٯ‬

doorkeeper dressmaker engineer

‫ؼـثبپ‬ ‫غیبٖ قڀبڀڅ‬ ‫ټڇځؽن‬

farmer fireman fisherman

‫ٍٰبڂـق‬ ‫آسً ڀٍبپ‬ ‫ټبچیٵیف‬

footballer forester gardener

‫ڃسجبٶ‬٨ ‫ثبقیٱٿ‬ ‫خځٵٹجبپ‬ ‫ؽاـ‬٤‫ثب‬

glassmaker governor grocer
‫ٌیٍڅ وبق‬ ‫فټبڀؽاـ‬٨ ‫ث٭بٶ‬

guard housewife judge

‫ڀٵڇجبپ‬ ‫قپ غبڀڅ ؼاـ‬ ‫بٔی‬٬

lawyer mayor miner

‫ڂٰیٷ‬ ‫ٌڇفؼاـ‬ ‫ؽڀسی‬١‫ټ‬

minister merchant nurse

‫ڂقیف‬ ‫سبخف‬ ‫دفوشبـ‬

officer operator optician

‫ىف‬٨‫ا‬ ‫ادفاسڃـ‬ ‫ زٍٻ دكٌٯ‬، ‫یځٯ وبق‬٠

painter photographer pilot

‫ڀ٭بي وبغشٽبپ‬ ‫ٱبن‬٠ ‫غٹجبپ‬

plumber porter president

ًٰ ‫ٸڃٸڅ‬ ‫ثبـثف‬ ‫ـئیه خٽڇڃـ‬

prime minister professor psychologist

‫ڀػىز ڂقیف‬ ‫اوشبؼ‬ ‫ـڂاڀٍځبن‬

rancher repairman reporter

‫زڃدبپ‬ ‫ٽیفٰبـ‬١‫س‬ ‫ ٴكاـٌٵف‬، ‫غجفڀٵبـ‬

retired sculptor seller

‫ثبقڀٍىشڅ‬ ‫ټدىٽڅ وبق‬ ‫فڂٌځؽڄ‬٨

sergeant shopkeeper singer

‫ٴفڂچجبپ‬ ‫بقڄ ؼاـ‬٥‫ټ‬ ‫غڃاڀځؽڄ‬

soldier speaker specialist

‫وفثبق‬ ‫وػځفاپ‬ ُّ‫ټشػ‬

street sweeper student surgeon
‫شٵف‬٨‫ـ‬ ‫ؼاڀً آټڃق‬ ‫خفاش‬

tailor teacher waiter

ٖ‫غیب‬ ‫ٹٻ‬١‫ټ‬ ‫ٴبـوڃپ‬

watchmaker welder worker

‫ز وبق‬٠‫وب‬ ‫خڃٌٱبـ‬ ‫ٰبـٴف‬


‫اػؿای تسى‬

abdomen ankle arm

‫ٌٱٻ‬ ‫ټر دب‬ ‫ثبقڂ‬

artery back back bone

‫وفغفٲ‬ ‫ٰٽف‬ ‫٭فار‬٨ ‫وشڃپ‬

bladder bone brain

‫ټثبڀڅ‬ ‫اوشػڃاپ‬ ‫ك‬٥‫ټ‬

breast buttocks cheek

‫دىشبپ‬ ‫ثبوٿ‬ ‫ٴڃڀڅ‬

chest chin elbow

‫ىڅ ویځڅ‬٩٬ ‫زبڀڅ‬ ‫آـڀح‬

eye ear eyelid

‫زٍٻ‬ ‫ٴڃي‬ ‫دٹٯ‬

eyelash fingernail fingers

‫ټُمڄ‬ ‫ڀبغٿ اڀٵٍز ؼوز‬ ‫اڀٵٍز‬

foot forehead gallbladder

‫دب‬ ‫دیٍبڀی‬ ‫فا‬٩ِ ‫ٰیىڅ‬

gums hair hand

‫ٸثڅ‬ ‫ټڃ‬ ‫ؼوز‬

head heart heel

‫وف‬ ‫ٹت‬٬ ‫دبٌځڅ دب‬

intestines jaw knee

‫ـڂؼڄ‬ ‫َٯ‬٨ ‫قاڀڃ‬

kidney leg lip
‫ٰٹیڅ‬ ‫ دب‬٪‫وب‬ ‫ٸت‬

liver lung mouth

‫ٰجؽ‬ ‫ـیڅ‬ ‫ؼچبپ‬

muscle neck nerve

‫ٕٹڅ‬٠ ‫ٴفؼپ‬ ‫ّت‬٠

nose palm pancreas

‫ثیځی‬ ‫ ؼوز‬٧ٰ ‫ؽڄ‬١‫ٸڃقاٸٽ‬

shoulder skin skull

‫ٌبڀڅ‬ ‫دڃوز‬ ‫خٽدٽڅ‬

stomach teeth thigh

‫ؽڄ‬١‫ټ‬ ‫ؼڀؽاپ‬ ‫ـاپ‬

throat thumb toe

‫ٴٹڃ‬ ‫اڀٵٍز ٌىز‬ ‫اڀٵٍز دب‬

toenail tongue vein

‫ڀبغٿ اڀٵٍز دب‬ ‫قثبپ‬ ‫ویبچفٲ‬

waist wrist
‫ؼڂـ ٰٽف‬ ‫ټر ؼوز‬

‫تیواری ّا‬

allergies cancer chicken pox

‫ضىبویز‬ ‫وف٘بپ‬ ‫بپ‬٤‫آثٹڅ ټف‬

cholera cold diarrhea

‫ڂثب‬ ‫وفټب غڃـؼٴی‬ ‫اوڇبٶ‬

ear infection epilepsy flu

‫ڃڀز ٴڃي‬٩٠ ٞ‫ِف‬ ‫ڃالڀكا‬٩‫آڀ‬

hepatitis measles mumps

‫چذبسیز‬ ‫وفغٯ‬ ‫اڂـیڃپ‬

plague poliomyelitis rubella

‫ڃپ‬٠‫٘ب‬ ‫بٶ‬٩٘‫ٹح ا‬٨ ‫ثیٽبـی‬ ‫وفغدڅ‬


‫تالیای قثیؼی‬

avalanche blizzard drought

‫ثڇٽٿ‬ ‫ٰڃالٮ‬ ‫غٍٱىبٸی‬

earthquake fire flood

‫قٸكٸڅ‬ ‫آسً وڃقی‬ ‫ویٷ‬

hailstorm hurricane land subsidence

‫ـٴجبـ سٵفٲ‬ ‫سځؽثبؼ‬ ‫ڀٍىز قټیٿ‬

landslide lightning meteorite rain

‫ـاڀً قټیٿ‬ ‫٭څ‬٠‫ِب‬ ‫ثبـاپ ٌڇبة وځٳ‬

river flooding tidal wave tornado

‫یبپ ـڂؼغبڀڅ‬٥٘ ‫وڃڀبټی‬ ‫ٴفؼثبؼ‬

volcanic eruption
‫ٍبڀی‬٩ٍ‫ڃـاپ آس‬٨

‫اًَاع احساسات اًساى‬

‫‪angry‬‬ ‫‪crazy‬‬ ‫‪depressed‬‬

‫غٍٽٵیٿ ڂ ‪ّ٠‬جبڀی‬ ‫ؼیڃاڀڅ‬ ‫ا‪٨‬ىفؼڄ‬

‫‪exhausted‬‬ ‫‪frightened‬‬ ‫‪furious‬‬

‫غىشڅ ڂٰڃ‪٨‬شڅ‬ ‫ڂضٍز قؼڄ‬ ‫دفغبٌٵف ڂ غٍٽٵیٿ‬

‫‪happy‬‬ ‫‪in love‬‬ ‫‪jealous‬‬

‫غڃٌطبٶ‬ ‫‪٠‬بٌ‪ٌ ٫‬ؽڄ‬ ‫ضىبؼر‬

‫‪lonely‬‬ ‫‪nervous‬‬ ‫‪relaxed‬‬

‫سځڇب‬ ‫‪ّ٠‬جی‬ ‫آـاٺ ڂ ثب آـاټً‬

‫‪sad‬‬ ‫‪shy‬‬ ‫‪surprised‬‬

‫‪٤‬ٽٵیٿ ڂ ڀبـاضز‬ ‫غدبٸشی‬ ‫ټش‪١‬دت‬


‫اًَاع خزم ٍ خٌایت‬

arson assault bribery

‫ٽؽی‬٠ ‫آسً وڃقی‬ ‫ضٽٹڅ ٰفؼپ‬ ‫ـٌڃڄ غڃاـی‬

burglary child abuse computer crime

‫ؼقؼی‬ ‫بؼڄ اق ٰڃؼٰبپ‬٩‫وڃء اوش‬ ‫خفایٻ ـایبڀڅ ای‬

conspiracy credit card fraud disorderly conduct

‫سڃ٘ئڅ‬ ‫شجبـی‬٠‫س٭ٹت ؼـ ٰبـر ا‬ ‫شبـ آٌڃثٵفاڀڅ‬٨‫ـ‬

disturbing the peace domestic violence drug distribution

‫ٻ‬ٝ‫اغالٶ ؼـ ڀ‬ ‫غٍڃڀز ؼـ غبڀڅ‬ ‫ ټڃاؼ ټػؽـ‬ٟ‫سڃقی‬

drug manufacturing drug trafficking drunk driving

‫سڃٸیؽ ټڃاؼ ټػؽـ‬ ‫ ټڃاؼ ټػؽـ‬٪‫بزب‬٬ ‫ـاڀځؽٴی ؼـ ضبٸز ټىشی‬

embezzlement extortion forgery

‫اغشالن‬ ‫اغبؾی‬ ‫ٷ اوځبؼ‬١‫خ‬

fraud harassment identity theft

‫ٰالڄ ثفؼاـی‬ ‫آقاـ ڂ اؾیز‬ ‫ز چڃیز‬٬‫وف‬

kidnapping money laundering mugging

‫آؼٺ ـثبیی‬ ‫دڃٶ ٌڃیی‬ ‫قڂـٴیفی‬

murder perjury rape

‫شٷ‬٬ ٢‫ىٻ ؼـڂ‬٬ ‫سدبڂق خځىی‬

sexual harassment shoplifting tax evasion

‫آقاـ ڂ اؾیز خځىی‬ ‫بقڄ‬٥‫ثٹځؽ ٰفؼپ خځه اق ټ‬ ‫فاـ اق ټبٸیبر‬٨


‫اًَاع اتشارآالت‬

ax blade bolt and nut

‫سجف‬ ‫څ‬٥‫سی‬ ‫دیر ڂ ټڇفڄ‬

chain chisel circular saw

‫قڀدیف‬ ‫بـ‬٥‫ټ‬ ‫اـڄ ټؽڂـ‬

drill bit electrical tape electric drill

‫ټشڅ‬ ٪‫ڀڃاـ ثف‬ ‫ی‬٬‫ټشڅ ثف‬

extension cord flashlight hacksaw

‫ویٻ ویبـ‬ ‫ڃڄ‬٬ ٪‫زفا‬ ‫اـڄ آچٿ ثُفی‬

hammer hand saw hook

ً‫زٱ‬ ‫اـڄ ؼوشی‬ ‫الة‬٬

machine screw mallet nail

‫دیر ټبٌیٿ‬ ‫دشٯ‬ ‫ټیع‬

nut outlet paintbrush

‫ټڇفڄ‬ ‫دفیك‬ ‫ٹٻ ټڃ ـڀٳ‬٬

paint roller phillips screwdriver pipe

‫ٹشٯ ـڀٳ‬٤ ‫دیر ٴڃٌشی زڇبـوڃ‬ ‫ٸڃٸڅ‬

pipe fittings pipe wrench pliers

‫اسّبالر ٸڃٸڅ‬ ‫آزبـ ٸڃٸڅ‬ ‫اڀجفؼوز‬

plunger sander sandpaper

‫ـاڄ آة ثبق ٰٿ‬ ‫زفظ وځجبؼڄ‬ ‫ؿ وځجبؼڄ‬٤‫ٰب‬

scraper screwdriver spray gun

‫ٰبـسٯ‬ ‫دیر ٴڃٌشی‬ ‫اوذفی ـڀٳ دبي‬

tape measure toggle bolt vise
‫ڀڃاـ ټشف‬ ‫ٔبټٿ دیر ڂ ټڇفڄ‬ ‫ٴیفڄ ڀدبـی‬

washer wire wire stripper

‫ڂاٌف‬ ‫ویٻ‬ ‫ویٻ ٸػز ٰٿ‬

wood wood screw wrench

‫زڃة‬ ‫دیر زڃة‬ ‫آزبـ‬

‫اًَاع لَاسم التحزیز‬

color pencil compasses correction pen

‫ټؽاؼ ـڀٵی‬ ‫دفٴبـ‬ ‫ٹٗ ٴیف‬٤ ‫الٮ‬

eraser fountain pen highlighter

‫دبٮ ٰٿ‬ ‫غڃؼ ڀڃیه‬ ‫فی‬٩‫ى‬٨ ‫ټبلیٯ‬

marker mechanical pencil notebook

‫ټبلیٯ‬ ‫ټؽاؼ ڀڃٰی‬ ‫شف‬٨‫ؼ‬

pen pencil pencil case

‫غڃؼٰبـ‬ ‫ټؽاؼ‬ ‫خبټؽاؼی‬

pencil sharpener protractor ruler

‫سفاي‬ ‫ڀ٭بٸڅ‬ ًٰ ٗ‫غ‬

set square

‫اًَاع هغاسُ ّا‬

bakery bookstore boutique

‫ڀبڀڃایی‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ٰشبة‬ ‫ثڃسیٯ‬

butcher shop card store carpet shop

‫ّبثی‬٬ ‫[ ٰبـر‬ٞ‫فڂي ]اڀڃا‬٨ ‫بقڄ‬٥‫ټ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫في‬٨

delicatessen electronic store fish market

‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ؿیڅ‬٤‫ا‬ ‫فڂٌٵبڄ ٸڃاقٺ اٸٱشفڂڀیٱی‬٨ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ټبچی‬

florist shop fruit shop grocery

‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ٴٷ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ټیڃڄ‬ ‫ث٭بٸی‬

haberdashery hair salon ice cream shop

‫غفاقی‬ ‫آـایٍٵبڄ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ثىشځی‬

ironmonger shop jewelry store laundry shop

‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫آچٿ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫خڃاچف‬ ‫غٍٱٍڃیی‬

nail salon newsagent kiosk optician

‫ټفٰك غؽټبر ڀبغٿ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ٰیڃوٯ ـڂقڀبټڅ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫یځٯ‬٠

pet store record shop shoe store

‫فڂي ضیڃاڀبر‬٨ ‫بقڄ‬٥‫ټ‬ ‫ڂیؽیڃ ٰٹڃح‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ً٩ٰ

tool shop toy store travel agency

‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫اثكاـ‬ ‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫اوجبة ثبقی‬ ‫فسی‬٨‫آلاڀه ټىب‬

watch shop
‫فڂٌی‬٨ ‫ز‬٠‫وب‬

ًِ‫اًَاع وارّای ذا‬

change (the sheets) clean (the oven) dry (the dishes)

#‫څ چب‬٨‫ټال‬$ ‫ڃْ ٰفؼپ‬٠ #‫ف‬٨$ ‫سٽیك ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ چب‬٦‫ف‬ٜ$ ‫غٍٯ ٰفؼپ‬

dust (the furniture) make (the bed) mop (the floor)

#‫ڂوبیٷ غبڀڅ‬$ ‫ٴفؼٴیفی ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ـغشػڃاة‬$ ‫ټفست ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ قټیٿ‬٧ٰ$ ‫ دبٮ ٰفؼپ‬/ ‫سی ٍٰیؽپ‬

polish (the furniture) recycle (the newspapers) scrub (the floor)

#‫ڂوبیٷ غبڀڅ‬$ ‫ ٰفؼپ‬٪‫ثفا‬ #‫ـڂقڀبټڅ چب‬$ ‫ز‬٨‫ثبقیب‬ #‫ قټیٿ‬٧ٰ$ ‫وبثیؽپ‬

sweep (the floor) take out (the garbage) vacuum (the carpet)
#‫ قټیٿ‬٧ٰ$ ‫خبـڂة ٰفؼپ‬ #‫قثبٸڅ‬$ ‫ثیفڂپ ثفؼپ‬ #‫في‬٨$ ‫ی ٍٰیؽپ‬٬‫خبـڂ ثف‬

wash (the dishes) wash (the windows)

#‫ چب‬٦‫ف‬ٜ$ ‫ٌىشٿ‬ #‫دځدفڄ چب‬$ ‫ٌىشٿ‬

‫اًَاع هْارت ّای ضغلی‬

assemble (components) assist (medical patients) cook

‫وف چٻ ٰفؼپ اخكا‬ #‫دكٌٱی ثڅ ثیٽبـاپ‬$ ‫ٰٽٯ‬ ‫آٌذكی ٰفؼپ‬

cultivate (plants) design (cloth) do (manual labor)

#‫ٴیبچبپ‬$ ‫دفڂـي ؼاؼپ‬ #‫دبـزڅ‬$ ‫٘فاضی ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ٰبـ یؽی‬$ ‫اڀدبٺ ؼاؼپ‬

drive (a truck) manage (a team) operate (machinery)

#‫یٯ ٰبټیڃپ‬$ ‫ـاڀؽپ‬ #‫یٯ سیٻ‬$ ‫ټؽیفیز ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ثب ټبٌیٿ آالر‬$ ‫ٰبـ ٰفؼپ‬

paint (house) repair (appliances) sell (cars)

#‫غبڀڅ‬$ ‫ـڀٳ ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ٸڃاقٺ غبڀٵی‬$ ‫ٽیف‬١‫س‬ #‫ټبٌیٿ چب‬$ ‫فڂغشٿ‬٨

sew (clothes) speak (another language) supervise (the manufacture)

#‫ٸجبن چب‬$ ‫ؼڂغشٿ‬ #‫ثڅ قثبپ ؼیٵف‬$ ‫ِطجز ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ثف سڃٸیؽ‬$ ‫بـر ٰفؼپ‬ٝ‫ڀ‬

take (care of children) teach (mathematics) type

#‫اق ٰڃؼٰبپ‬$ ‫جز‬٬‫ټفا‬ #‫ـیبٔیبر‬$ ‫سؽـیه‬ ‫سبیخ ٰفؼپ‬

use (a cash register) wait (on customers) work (on a computer)

#‫ دڃٶ‬٪‫اق ِځؽڂ‬$ ‫بؼڄ‬٩‫اوش‬ #‫اق ټٍشفی‬$ ‫دیٍػؽټشی ٰفؼپ‬ #‫ثب ٰبټذیڃسف‬$ ‫ٰبـ ٰفؼپ‬

write (story book)

#‫ٰشبة ؼاوشبپ‬$ ‫ڀڃٌشٿ‬

‫ گَضت پزًسگاى ٍ غذای زریایی‬،‫اًَاع گَضت لزهش‬

bacon beef beef rib

‫ثیٱٿ‬ ‫ٴڃٌز ٴبڂ‬ ‫ٴڃٌز ؼڀؽڄ‬

chicken chicken breast chicken drumsticks

٢‫ټف‬ ٢‫ویځڅ ټف‬ ٢‫ك ـاپ ټف‬٥‫ټ‬

chicken gizzard chicken thighs chicken wings

٢‫وځٵؽاپ ټف‬ ٢‫ـاپ ټف‬ ٢‫ثبٶ ټف‬

crab duck ground beef

‫غفزځٳ‬ ‫بثی‬٤‫ټف‬ ‫ٴڃٌز زفظ ٰفؼڄ‬

ham lamb lamb shanks

‫لاټجڃپ‬ ‫ٴڃٌز ثفڄ‬ ‫ټبچیسڅ ثفڄ‬

leg of lamb liver lobster

‫ـاپ ثفڄ‬ ‫خٵف‬ ‫الثىشف‬

mussel roast beef salmon

٦‫ِؽ‬ ٧‫ـوز ثی‬ ‫ټبچی وبٸٽڃپ‬

salmon steak sausage shrimp

‫یٹڅ ټبچی وبٸٽڃپ‬٨ ‫وڃویه‬ ‫ټیٵڃ‬

steak tripe trout

‫اوشیٯ‬ ‫ویفاثی‬ ‫كٶ آال‬٬ ‫ټبچی‬

turkey veal veal cutlets

‫ٹٽڃپ‬٬‫ثڃ‬ ‫ٴڃٌز ٴڃوبٸڅ‬ ‫یٹڅ ٴڃوبٸڅ‬٨

‫اًَاع ػلَم‬

accountancy astronomy archeology

‫ضىبثؽاـی‬ ‫وشبـڄ ٌځبوی‬ ‫ثبوشبپ ٌځبوی‬

biology chemistry economy

‫قیىز ٌځبوی‬ ‫ٌیٽی‬ ‫شّبؼ‬٬‫ا‬

geography geology history

‫یب‬٨‫فا‬٥‫خ‬ ‫قټیٿ ٌځبوی‬ ‫سبـیع‬

literature logic mathematics

‫اؼثیبر‬ ٫ٙ‫ټځ‬ ‫ـیبٔیبر‬

philosophy physics psychology

‫څ‬٩‫ٹى‬٨ ‫یكیٯ‬٨ ‫ـڂاڀٍځبوی‬

‫څ ٌځبوی‬١‫خبټ‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ آضپشی‬

‫)‪add (the vegetables‬‬ ‫)‪bake (cake‬‬ ‫‪barbecue‬‬

‫أب‪٨‬څ ٰفؼپ ‪$‬وجكیدبر‪#‬‬ ‫دػشٿ ‪ٰ$‬یٯ‪#‬‬ ‫ٰجبة ٰفؼپ ]ثب ق‪٤‬بٶ[‬

‫‪beat‬‬ ‫‪boil‬‬ ‫‪boil over‬‬

‫سځؽ سځؽ چٻ قؼپ‬ ‫خڃٌبڀؽپ‬ ‫وف ـ‪٨‬شٿ‬

‫)‪break (egg‬‬ ‫‪chop‬‬ ‫‪cut up‬‬

‫ٌٱىشٿ ‪$‬سػٻ ټف‪#٢‬‬ ‫ـیك ـیك ٰفؼپ‬ ‫سیٱڅ سیٱڅ ٰفؼپ‬

‫‪fry‬‬ ‫‪grate‬‬ ‫)‪grease (pan‬‬

‫وفظ ٰفؼپ‬ ‫ـڀؽڄ ٰفؼپ‬ ‫ـڂ‪٤‬ٿ ټبٸیؽپ ‪ ٧ٰ$‬ټبچیشبثڅ‪#‬‬

‫‪grill‬‬ ‫)‪knead (dough‬‬ ‫‪mix‬‬

‫ٰجبة ٰفؼپ ]ټ‪١‬ٽڃال ثب ٴبق[‬ ‫ڂـق ؼاؼپ ‪$‬غٽیف‪#‬‬ ‫ټػٹڃٖ ٰفؼپ‬

‫‪peel‬‬ ‫)‪pinch (salt‬‬ ‫)‪pour (milk in egg‬‬

‫دڃوز ٰځؽپ‬ ‫دبزیؽپ ‪$‬ڀٽٯ‪ #‬ثب ؼوز‬ ‫ـیػشٿ ‪ٌ$‬یف ثڅ سػٻ ټف‪#٢‬‬

‫‪roast‬‬ ‫‪slice‬‬ ‫‪steam‬‬

‫ثفٌشڅ ٰفؼپ‬ ‫ڂـ‪٬‬څ ڂـ‪٬‬څ ٰفؼپ‬ ‫ثػبـ دك ٰفؼپ‬

‫)‪stir (tea‬‬ ‫‪stir fry‬‬ ‫‪whisk‬‬

‫چٻ قؼپ ‪$‬زبی‪#‬‬ ‫س‪٩‬ز ؼاؼپ‬ ‫چٻ قؼپ ]ثب چٻ قپ[‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ راًٌسگی‬

accident accelerate alley

٦‫سّبؼ‬ ‫ٴبق ؼاؼپ‬ ‫ٰڃزڅ‬

arterial road automobile avenue

‫خبؼڄ ی اِٹی‬ ‫اسڃټجیٷ‬ ‫غیبثبپ دڇٿ‬

backup barrier boulevard

‫شٿ‬٨‫٭ت ٴف‬٠ ‫ؼڀؽڄ‬ ‫ڀفؼڄ ٰځبـ خبؼڄ‬ ‫غیبثبپ ؼـغشی‬

braking bridge cloverleaf

‫شٿ‬٨‫سفټك ٴف‬ ‫دٷ‬ ‫ص‬ٙ‫یف چٽى‬٤ ٟ٘‫س٭ب‬

danger sign dangerous turn dead end street

‫ف‬ٙ‫سبثٹڃ غ‬ ‫فڀبٮ‬ٙ‫دیر غ‬ ‫غیبثبپ ثٿ ثىز‬

detour dirt road do not enter sign

‫ی‬٨‫ـاڄ اڀطفا‬ ‫خبؼڄ غبٰی‬ ٞ‫الټز ڂـڂؼ ټٽځڃ‬٠

double-park driver’s education driver’s license

‫دبـٮ ؼڂثٹڅ‬ ‫آټڃقي ـاڀځؽٴی‬ ‫ٴڃاچیځبټڅ ی ـاڀځؽٴی‬

footbridge foot underpass highway

‫بثف دیبؼڄ‬٠ ‫دٷ‬ ‫بثف دیبؼڄ‬٠ ‫قیفٴؿـ‬ ‫ثكـٴفاڄ‬

junction one way street street

ٟ٘‫س٭ب‬ ‫څ‬٨‫غیبثبپ یٯ ٘ف‬ ‫غیبثبپ‬

square traffic signal two way street

‫ټیؽاپ‬ ‫ ـاچځٽبیی‬٢‫زفا‬ ‫څ‬٨‫غیبثبپ ؼڂ٘ف‬

underpass zebra line

‫قیفٴؿـ‬ ‫بثف دیبؼڄ‬٠ ‫غٗ ٍٰی‬

ٍ‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ لكؼات ذَزر‬

air bag air conditioning back seat

‫ٰیىڅ چڃا‬ ‫سڇڃیڅ چڃا‬ ‫٭ت‬٠ ‫ِځؽٸی‬

brake light brake pedal bumper

‫ سفټك‬٢‫زفا‬ ‫دؽاٶ سفټك‬ ‫وذف‬

car grill car trunk cigarette lighter

‫خٹڃ دځدفڄ ټبٌیٿ‬ ‫٭ت‬٠ ٪‫ِځؽڂ‬ ‫ځؽٮ ویٵبـ‬٨

clutch dashboard exhaust pipe

‫دؽاٶ ٰالذ‬ ‫ؼاٌجڃـؼ‬ ‫اٴكڂق‬

front seat fuel tank gas gauge

‫ِځؽٸی خٹڃ‬ ‫ټػكپ وڃغز‬ ‫آټذف ثځكیٿ‬

gas pedal gas tank gearshift

‫دؽاٶ ٴبق‬ ‫ثبٮ ثځكیٿ‬ ‫ؼڀؽڄ‬

glove compartment hand brake headlight

‫څ ؼاٌجڃـؼ‬ٝ٩‫ټط‬ ‫سفټك ؼوشی‬ ‫ خٹڃ‬٢‫زفا‬

heater hood horn

‫ثػبـی‬ ‫ٰبدڃر‬ ٪‫ثڃ‬

hubcap license plate odometer

٪‫بٸذب‬٬ ‫دالٮ ټبٌیٿ‬ ‫ٰیٹڃټشف ٌٽبـ‬

oil gauge rearview mirror radio

‫ٿ‬٤‫آټذف ـڂ‬ ‫٭ت‬٠ ‫آیځڅ‬ ‫ـاؼیڃ‬

seat belt side view mirror spare tire

‫ٰٽفثځؽ ایٽځی‬ ‫ٷ‬٥‫آیځڅ ث‬ ‫الوشیٯ قادبن‬

speedometer steering wheel taillight
‫ز وځح‬٠‫وف‬ ‫فټبپ‬٨ ‫٭ت‬٠ ٢‫زفا‬

tape deck temperature gauge tire

‫ٔجٗ ټبٌیٿ‬ ‫آټذف آة‬ ‫الوشیٯ‬

turn signal windshield wiper windshield

‫ ـاچځٽب‬٢‫زفا‬ ‫ٌیٍڅ دبٮ ٰٿ‬ ‫ٌیٍڅ خٹڃ اسڃټجیٷ‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ ًسثت ّای ذاًَازگی‬

‫‪aunt‬‬ ‫‪brother‬‬ ‫‪brother-in-law‬‬

‫‪٠‬ٽڅ ‪ /‬غبٸڅ‬ ‫ثفاؼـ‬ ‫ثفاؼـ ٌڃچف ‪ /‬ثفاؼـ قپ‬

‫‪cousin‬‬ ‫‪daughter‬‬ ‫‪ex-husband‬‬

‫‪٠‬ٽڃ قاؼڄ ‪ /‬ؼایی قاؼڄ‬ ‫‪٨‬فقڀؽ ؼغشف‬ ‫ٌڃچف وبث‪٫‬‬

‫‪ex-wife‬‬ ‫‪father‬‬ ‫‪father-in-law‬‬

‫قپ وبث‪٫‬‬ ‫دؽـ‬ ‫دؽـٌڃچف ‪ /‬دؽـ قپ‬

‫‪granddaughter‬‬ ‫‪grandfather‬‬ ‫‪grandmother‬‬

‫ڀڃڄ ‪$‬ټڃڀث‪#‬‬ ‫دؽـثكـٲ‬ ‫ټبؼـثكـٲ‬

‫‪grandson‬‬ ‫‪great-grandfather‬‬ ‫‪great-grandmother‬‬

‫ڀڃڄ ‪$‬ټؿٰف‪#‬‬ ‫دؽـ خؽ‬ ‫ټبؼـ خؽ‬

‫‪husband‬‬ ‫‪mother‬‬ ‫‪mother-in-law‬‬

‫ٌڃچف‬ ‫ټبؼـ‬ ‫ټبؼـ ٌڃچف ‪ /‬ټبؼـ قپ‬

‫‪nephew‬‬ ‫‪niece‬‬ ‫‪sister‬‬

‫ثفاؼـ قاؼڄ یب غڃاچف قاؼڄ ‪$‬ټؿٰف‪#‬‬ ‫ثفاؼـ قاؼڄ یب غڃاچف قاؼڄ ‪$‬ټڃڀث‪#‬‬ ‫غڃاچف‬

‫‪sister-in-law‬‬ ‫‪son‬‬ ‫‪stepbrother‬‬

‫غڃاچف ٌڃچف ‪ /‬غڃاچف قپ‬ ‫‪٨‬فقڀؽ دىف‬ ‫ثفاؼـ ڀبسځی‬

‫‪stepfather‬‬ ‫‪stepmother‬‬ ‫‪stepsister‬‬

‫ڀب دؽـی‬ ‫ڀب ټبؼـی‬ ‫غڃاچف ڀبسځی‬

‫‪uncle‬‬ ‫‪wife‬‬
‫‪٠‬ٽڃ ‪ /‬ؼایی‬ ‫چٽىف ‪$‬قپ‪#‬‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ تْساضت ضرػی‬

aftershave blow dryer blush

‫ؽ اق اِالش‬١‫ڀفٺ ٰځځؽڄ ث‬ ‫وٍڃاـ‬ ‫ـل ٴڃڀڅ‬

body lotion brush comb

‫ٸڃویڃپ ثؽپ‬ ‫ثُفن‬ ‫ٌبڀڅ‬

conditioner curling iron ear swab

‫ڀفٺ ٰځځؽڄ ټڃ‬ ‫اسڃ ټڃ‬ ‫ٴڃي دبٮ ٰٿ‬

eye shadow eyebrow pencil eyeliner

‫وبیڅ زٍٻ‬ ‫ټؽاؼ اثفڂ‬ ‫ټؽاؼ غٗ زٍٻ‬

face powder fake eyelashes hair color

‫دڃؼـ ِڃـر‬ ‫ی‬٠‫ټمڄ ټّځڃ‬ ‫ـڀٳ ټڃ‬

hair gel hair spray hair wax

‫لٶ ټڃ‬ ‫اوذفی ټڃ‬ ‫ڂاٰه ټڃ‬

lip gloss lipstick mascara

‫خال ؼچځؽڄ ٸت‬ ‫ـل ٸت‬ ‫ـیٽٷ‬

moisturizer mouthwash nail clipper

‫ټف٘ڃة ٰځځؽڄ‬ ‫ؼچبپ ٌڃیڅ‬ ‫ڀبغٿ ٴیف‬

nail polish nail polish remover perfume

‫الٮ ڀبغٿ‬ ‫الٮ دبٮ ٰٿ‬ ‫ف‬ٙ٠

shampoo shaving foam tooth brush

‫ٌبټذڃ‬ ‫ اِالش ِڃـر‬٧ٰ ‫ټىڃاٮ‬

‫غٽیف ؼڀؽاپ‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ ػالئن تیواری ٍ آسیة زیسگی ّا‬

backache bleeding blister

‫ٰٽف ؼـؼ‬ ‫غڃڀفیكی ٰفؼپ‬ ‫سبڂٶ‬

bruise chills cough

‫ٰجڃؼی‬ ‫ٸفق‬ ‫څ‬٨‫وف‬

cut dizziness earache

‫ثفیؽٴی‬ ‫وفٴیدڅ‬ ‫ٴڃي ؼـؼ‬

faint fever fever and chills

‫ً ٰفؼپ‬٤ ‫ست‬ ‫ست ڂ ٸفق‬

headache insect bite knee pain

‫وف ؼـؼ‬ ‫خبی ڀیً ضٍفڄ‬ ‫ؼـؼ قاڀڃ‬

losing hair nasal congestion rash

‫ـیكي ټڃ‬ ‫شٵی ثیځی‬٨‫ٴف‬ ‫خڃي‬

sneeze sore throat sprain

‫ىڅ‬ٙ٠ ‫ٴٹڃ ؼـؼ‬ ‫دیر غڃـؼپ‬

stomachache sunburn swell

‫ؼٶ ؼـؼ‬ ‫شبة وڃغشٵی‬٨‫آ‬ ‫ټشڃـٺ ٌؽپ‬

toothache vomit
‫ؼڀؽاپ ؼـؼ‬ ‫ ٰفؼپ‬٢‫فا‬٩‫اوش‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ فؿا‬

asteroid asteroid belt astronaut

‫ویبـٮ‬ ‫ٰٽفثځؽ ویبـٮ چب‬ ‫ٕبڀڃـؼ‬٨

comet constellation crescent moon

‫وشبـڄ ؼڀجبٸڅ ؼاـ‬ ‫ٹٱی‬٨ ‫ِڃـر‬ ‫چالٶ ټبڄ‬

earth full moon galaxy

‫قټیٿ‬ ‫ټبڄ ٰبټٷ‬ ‫ٰڇٱٍبپ‬

mars Jupiter meteorite

‫ټفیع‬ ‫ټٍشفی‬ ‫ٌڇبة وځٳ‬

mercury Neptune moon

‫بـؼ‬ٙ٠ ‫ڀذشڃپ‬ ‫ټبڄ‬

new moon orbit planet

‫ټبڄ ڀڃ‬ ‫ټؽاـ‬ ‫ویبـڄ‬

Pluto Saturn solar system

‫دٹڃسڃ‬ ‫قضٷ‬ ‫ڃټڅ ٌٽىی‬ٝ‫ټځ‬

space station star sun

‫ٕبیی‬٨ ‫ایىشٵبڄ‬ ‫وشبـڄ‬ ‫غڃـٌیؽ‬

universe Uranus Venus

‫ٰبئځبر‬ ‫اڂـاڀڃن‬ ‫قچفڄ‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ خغزافیا ٍ قثیؼت‬

archipelago bay beach

‫ اٸدكایف‬ٟ‫ټدٽ‬ ‫غٹیح ٰڃزٯ‬ ‫وبضٷ ؼـیب‬

cave desert forest

‫بـ‬٤ ‫ٰڃیف‬ ‫خځٵٷ‬

fountain gulf hill

‫زٍٽڅ‬ ‫غٹیح‬ ‫سذڅ‬

ice mountain island lake

‫ٰڃڄ یع‬ ‫خكیفڄ‬ ‫ؼـیبزڅ‬

meadow mountain mountain peak

‫كاـ‬٤‫ ټف‬/ ‫كاـ‬٩‫ٹ‬٠ ‫ٰڃڄ‬ ‫ٹڅ ٰڃڄ‬٬

mountain range ocean peninsula

‫ـٌشڅ ٰڃڄ‬ ‫یبڀڃن‬٬‫ا‬ ‫ٌجڅ خكیفڄ‬

plain pond rain forest

‫ؼٌز‬ ‫ثفٰڅ‬ ‫خځٵٷ ثبـاڀی‬

river salt marsh sand dune

‫ـڂؼغبڀڅ‬ ‫ڀٽٱكاـ‬ ‫سذڅ ٌٿ ڂ ټبوڅ‬

sea shore strait

‫ؼـیب‬ ‫ٰځبـڄ ی آة‬ ‫سځٵڅ‬

swamp valley volcano

٪‫ثبسال‬ ‫ؼـڄ‬ ‫ٍبڀی‬٩ٍ‫ٰڃڄ آس‬


‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ آب ٍ َّا‬

cloudy cold weather dry weather

‫اثفی‬ ‫چڃای وفؼ‬ ‫آة ڂ چڃای غٍٯ‬

dust storm foggy hailstorm

‫جبـ‬٤ ‫بپ ٴفؼ ڂ‬٨‫٘ڃ‬ ‫ټڅ آٸڃؼ‬ ‫ـٴجبـ سٵفٲ‬

hot weather humid hurricanes

‫چڃای ٴفٺ‬ ‫ٌفخی‬ ‫ٴفؼثبؼ‬

rainy snowing snowstorm

‫ثبـاڀی‬ ‫ی‬٨‫ثف‬ ‫ ڂ ثڃـاپ‬٦‫ثف‬

stormy sunny thunderstorm

‫بڀی‬٨‫٘ڃ‬ ‫شبثی‬٨‫آ‬ ٪‫ؽ ڂ ثف‬٠‫بپ ثب ـ‬٨‫٘ڃ‬

wet weather
‫آة ڂ چڃای ټف٘ڃة‬

ًِ‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ آضپشذا‬

apron barbecue blender

‫دیً ثځؽ‬ ‫ٰجبة دك‬ ‫ټػٹڃٖ ٰٿ‬

bottle opener bowl can opener

‫ؼـ ثبق ٰٿ‬ ‫ٰبوڅ‬ ‫ڃ٘ی ثبق ٰٿ‬٬

cleaver coffeemaker cooking pot

‫وب٘ڃـ‬ ‫ڇڃڄ وبق‬٬ ‫ؼیٳ‬

cup dipper dishwasher

‫ځدبپ‬٨ ‫ٌیف خڃي‬ ‫ٍڃیی‬٨‫ف‬ٜ ‫ټبٌیٿ‬

electric mixer fork freezer

‫ی‬٬‫چٽكپ ثف‬ ‫زځٵبٶ‬ ‫فیكـ‬٨

fruit juicer funnel glass

‫آثٽیڃڄ ٴیفی‬ ٧‫ی‬٬ ‫ٸیڃاپ‬

grater kitchen knife knife sharpener

‫ـڀؽڄ‬ ‫ڃ آٌذكغبڀڅ‬٬‫زب‬ ‫ڃ سیك ٰٿ‬٬‫زب‬

meat grinder microwave mortar

‫زفظ ٴڃٌز‬ ‫ټبیٱفڂڂیڃ‬ ‫چبڂپ‬

oven pan peeler

‫ِف‬٨ ‫ټبچی سبثڅ‬ ‫دڃوز ٰٿ‬

pepper shaker plate platter

‫ٷ دبي‬٩‫ٹ‬٨ ‫ثٍ٭بة‬ ‫ؼیه‬

pressurized cooker refrigerator rice cooker

‫ؼیٳ قڂؼ دك‬ ‫یػسبٶ‬ ‫دٹڃ دك‬

saltshaker samovar sauce pan
‫ڀٽٱؽاپ‬ ‫وٽبڂـ‬ ‫بثٹٽڅ‬٬

sieve slicing board slow cooker

‫اَٸَٯ‬ ‫سػشڅ آٌذكغبڀڅ‬ ‫آـاٺ دك‬

spoon steam cooker stove

٫ٌ‫ب‬٬ ‫ثػبـ دك‬ ‫ ٴبق‬٪‫اخب‬

strainer sugar bowl teakettle

ً‫آثٱ‬ ‫خب ٌٱفی‬ ‫ٰشفی‬

teapot tray washing machine

‫ڃـی‬٬ ‫ویځی‬ ‫ټبٌیٿ ٸجبوٍڃیی‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ اتاق ًطیوي‬

armchair bookcase carpet

‫ِځؽٸی ـاضشی‬ ‫ىڅ ٰشبة‬٩٬ ‫في‬٨

ceiling chandelier coffee table

٧‫و٭‬ ‫ٸڃوشف‬ ‫ټیك دؿیفایی‬

cushion curtain end table

‫ٰڃوٿ‬ ‫دفؼڄ‬ ‫ىٹی‬٠

fireplace floor lamp painting

‫ٌڃټیځڅ‬ ‫آثبلڂـ‬ ‫سبثٹڃ ڀ٭بٌی‬

sofa television vase

‫ٰبڀبدڅ‬ ‫سٹڃیكیڃپ‬ ‫ٴٹؽاپ‬


‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ اتاق ذَاب‬

bed bedspread blanket

‫سػشػڃاة‬ ‫ـڂسػشی‬ ‫دشڃ‬

bunk bed closet crib

‫سػشػڃاة ؼڂ ٘ج٭څ‬ ‫ٰٽؽ ٸجبن‬ ‫ٴڇڃاـڄ‬

drawer dressing table light switch

‫ٍٰڃ‬ ً‫ټیك آـای‬ ٪‫ٰٹیؽ ثف‬

mattress night light outlet

‫سٍٯ‬ ‫ غڃاة‬٢‫زفا‬ ‫دفیك‬

pillow pillow case rug

ً‫ثبٸ‬ ‫ـڂ ثبٸٍی‬ ‫بٸیسڅ‬٬

‫ؿ ؼیڃاـی‬٤‫ٰب‬

‫ولوات هزتَـ تِ حوام‬

bath towel bathtub faucet

‫ضڃٸڅ ضٽبٺ‬ ‫ڂاپ ضٽبٺ‬ ‫ٌیف آة‬

hand towel mirror pumice

‫ضڃٸڅ ؼوز ڂ ِڃـر‬ ‫آیځڅ‬ ‫وځٳ دب‬

soap soap dish shower head

‫ِبثڃپ‬ ‫خب ِبثڃڀی‬ ‫ؼڂي‬

toilet toilet brush toilet paper

‫سڃاٸز‬ ‫فزڅ سڃاٸز‬٨ ‫ؼوشٽبٶ سڃاٸز‬

toothbrush holder towel rack washcloth

‫خب ټىڃاٰی‬ ‫خب ضڃٸڅ ای‬ ‫ ضٽبٺ‬٧‫ٸی‬

‫بٶ‬٥ٌ‫ٷ آ‬ٙ‫و‬


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