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Name: John Mark N.

Lubong Course and Section: BSCE-1B

Instructor: Mar Cesar M. Agbuya Subject Course: GINST 003 LEC - EEP01

Preliminary Examination

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Listen to the audio and answer the given questions. The audio will be sent in the group
chat of the subject and LMS.

Part 1: Read the questions, listen to the recording and select true (A), false (B), or unknown (C).
Encircle your answer. (10 pts)

1. People are concerned about pollutants.

(A) = True B = False C = Unknown

2. Allergic reactions are less common these days.

(A) = True B = False C = Unknown

3. Traffic fumes may cause asthma.

(A) = True B = False C = Unknown

4. Antibiotics are becoming more effective.

A = True (B) = False C = Unknown

5. Homeopathy can help ME sufferers.

A = True B = False (C) = Unknown

6. Most British people have tried complementary therapies.

A = True (B) = False C = Unknown

7. The Lancet commissioned The Latimer Report.

A = True B = False (C) = Unknown

8. Dr Bruce disapproves of all conventional medicine.

A = True (B) = False C = Unknown

9. Acupuncture is the most popular complementary therapy.

A = True (B) = False C = Unknown

10. Homeopathy is available on the British National Health Service.

A = True (B) = False C = Unknown
Part II: Read each question, listen to the recording and select the correct answer (A B C or D).
Encircle your answer. (10 pts)

11. The Opera House competition was in

A 1950 (B) 1955 C 1960 D 1965

12. The winning architect was

(A) famous B very famous C completely unknown D known by a few people

13. The winning architect was called

A Hudson (B) Utzon C Upton D Huntsman

14. The building would be surrounded on three sides by

A concrete B steps (C) water D shells

15. Building work began with the

A platform (B) steps C roofs D tiles

16. The kind of roof tiles chosen were

A concrete (B) ceramic C glass D curved

17. The size of the tiles is

A 2cm 2 B 10cm2 (C) 12cm2 D 20cm2

18. Inside the Opera House are

A six cafes B a bookshop (C) three restaurants D fifteen halls

19. The Opera House is most often criticizing for its

(A) cost B design C location D building materials

20. The architect resigned from the project in

A 1955 B 1956 C 1965 (D) 1966

Part III: Read each question and choose the heading (A, B, C or D) that best describes each of
the numbered recordings. Encircle your answer. (10 pts)

21. A. Mermaids and Mermen

(B.) Diving Techniques
C. What is Freediving?
D. Advantages of Freediving

22. A. Where to do it
B. Joining a Club
(C.) Be safe
D. Freediving for Fun

23. A. World Records

B. Going Fishing
C. Deep Breathing
(D.) How it Makes You Feel

24. A. Out of Your Depth

B. The Effect on the Body.
(C.) Kicking the Habit
D. The Best Kind of Exercise

25. A. Who Can Do It?

B. Non-Stop Swimming
C. Not for the Elderly
(D.) Potential Risks

26. A. Where’s the Best Place?

B. Diving in the UK
(C.) Freediving Equipment
D. Types of Fins

27. A. Is a Course Essential?

B. The Cost of Freediving
C. Accommodation
(D.) The Cost of Equipment

28. A. Diving Dangers

B. Professional Divers
C. Women Dive Too
(D.) How Deep Can You Go?

29. A. Why Spear Fishing Is Best.

(B.) Fishing with a Net
C. Fishing with a Line
D. The Wrong Fish

30. A. Where To Fish

(B.) Fishing Restrictions.
C. Selling the Fish
D. Lobster Ban

Test II. Reflection

1. Based from the audio you have heard, what have you learned? (10 pts)
Answer: First, I've learned a lot of knowledge, information, and facts about the content included
in the recorded audio, which is about Complementary Therapies, The Sydney Opera House, and
Free Diving. Moreover, I also learned the principles of listening and was able to utilize those
principles while listening to the recorded audio and taking the prelim examination. I also learned
how to improve my listening skills by applying the listening principles, which includes preparing
myself to listen and relax, removing and avoiding distractions, and focusing on the recorded
audio so that I can understand the content clearly and answer the questions in the preliminary

2. How does developing your listening skill help you in your future career? Cite examples. (20
Answer: Developing listening skills helps us to expand our prior knowledge, gain a lot of
knowledge, learn and gain information. Since listening is one of the major principles of
communication, enhancing our listening skills will help us understand the thoughts, opinions,
and perspectives of other people, establish a good relationship, avoid misunderstandings, and
eliminate conflicts. To exemplify, in my future career or profession, developing listening skills is
very important and essential for us engineers to understand problems and issues clearly and
helpful to us since, as engineers, we tend to meet and work with a lot of people, like our
supervisors, to understand and meet their expectations, and especially with our clients to
understand their needs and guidelines. With our listening skills, we can communicate with our
clients so that we know and address their concerns and requests, as well as avoid problems and
failures in the project in order to achieve a great outcome.

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