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FL 507 MicroTeach Evaluation #2

(Revised September 2022)

FL 507 student-instructor: Jiana Brown Observer: Dr. Valerie Wust

Class name/number: FLF 101-001 Date of observation: 11-14-2022

Class time: 9:35-10:25 am # of students present: 44

A. Briefly describe the activity(ies) that the FL 507 student taught in your class.
10h02 INPUT. Jiana presented new vocabulary for household tasks using images, visual scripts and
choral repetition. For example: to vacuum, to clean the house, to do laundry, to do housework, to dust
etc. .
10h04 Jiana showed students a video from France on the topic of university students who went to a
‘speed dating’ event to find a roommate for the academic year. This is a very common cultural practice,
especially in large cities where it is hard to find affordable housing. 10h05 Jiana stops the video to show
a ‘still’ of the sheet students fill out in order to find a roommate.
10h06 Jiana reproduced the ‘roommate speed dating’ form that Amélie was filling out in the video clip.
Based on what students heard Amélie say in the video, they help Jiana fill in the form using her
personal details. Answers click in so students have graphic reinforcement of what they heard in the
video. It also provides a model for the culminating communicative activity.
10h08 For Activity F, the students use the QR code on the Google slide presentation to record their
answers of what household tasks they are committing to do and with what frequency as part of the
speed dating activity. For example: Je vais faire la vaisselle tous les jours. ‘I will do the dishes every
10h12 Jiana shows pie chart statistics generated from the Google Form based on the students’
answers and gives an oral summary of their answers in French.
10h13 Le logement idéal de votre coloc idéal.’Your ideal roommate’s ideal lodging.’ In this activity,
students find a classmate they do not work with often to interview them to see if they would be good
roommates for each other. The partners take turn asking the 5 key questions and record their answers
in the Google Form. Use the formulaic sequence: Selon + name, …… 10h17 Jiana has students
chorally repeat the 5 questions to help them to prepare for the interview. The activity slide provides a
gapped scaffold to help the students to answer in complete sentences.
10h24 Jiana announces that since there is only 1 minute left, we will continue the activity next class.
10h25 Jiana goes through the OJP! (Can Do statement) for today’s class and reminds students of
homework before dismissing them.

(4 = excellent; 3 = good; 2 = satisfactory; 1 = needs improvement)

4 3 2 1

X 1. Instructor arrived on time, started on time and ended on time.

X 2. Activities were well planned and organized.

X 3. There was a variety of interaction types (whole class, group work, etc.)

X 4. Instructor and students used the target language almost exclusively.

X 5. Instructor’s explanations were clear.

X 6. Students were given useful opportunities to practice the L2.

X 7. Instructor provided appropriate feedback to students.


X 8. Instructor created a friendly atmosphere for learning.

X 9. My overall rating of this teaching segment is…


-You did an amazing job of running with the idea of using an authentic video clip on roommate speed
dating as the starting point to completely reconfigure the activities we typically do on ‘ideal roommates’
and ‘household chores’ in FLF 101. Having students fill out a Google Form on chores they would
commit to doing and the frequency of each chore worked out really well. Great idea to summarize the
pie chart results in French for students. Personalization makes an activity much more meaningful to
-Once students got into partners/small groups for the second part of the activity (speed dating
interviews), it was clear that they enjoyed meeting classmates they do not typically talk to. Having
gapped sentence scaffolds on the activity slide to guide the recording of their responses in the Google
Form was very helpful. As I was circulating, I saw students typing complex and well-formed sentences
into their electronic devices.
-The TA teaching the first half of the class ran overtime. This was not your fault. You stayed very
composed as you told students we would finish the culminating communicative activity next class,
walked them through the Can Do statement and reminded them of homework.

-One take away from the speed dating activity is that autocorrect and English keyboards selected on
students’ phones, laptops or tablets can be an obstacle to filling out the Google forms with ease on
open-ended questions. Perhaps we can have them install a French keyboard for homework next time.
-Even if this activity did not work out exactly as you imagined, do not get discouraged. Reflective
practitioners build and refine pedagogical materials over time.

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