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Chapter 06

Training &
Needs Analysis
Methods of Development


Training and Development


o Training consists of an organization’s planned efforts to help employees

acquire job-related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, with the
goal of applying these on the job.
o A training program may range from formal classes to one-on-one
mentoring, and it may take place on the job or at remote locations.
o No matter what its form, training can benefit the organization when it is
linked to organizational needs and when it motivates employees.

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Training and Development
Needs Assessment

o Instructional design logically should begin with a needs assessment, the

process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and
employees’ tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any, are
o Three broad areas:
1. Organization —What is the context in which training will occur?
2. Person —Who needs training?
3. Task —What subjects should the training cover?
o A variety of conditions may prompt an organization to conduct a needs

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Training and Development

Needs Assessment

o Management may observe that some employees lack basic skills or are
performing poorly.
o Decisions to produce new products, apply new technology, or design
new jobs should prompt a needs assessment because these changes tend
to require new skills.
o The decision to conduct a needs assessment also may be prompted by
outside forces, such as customer requests or legal requirements.

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Training and Development
Needs Assessment

Organizational Analysis
o A process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating
the characteristics of the organization.
o The organization analysis looks at training needs in light of the
organization’s strategy, resources available for training, and
management’s support for training activities.
 Training needs will vary depending on whether the organization’s
strategy is based on growing or shrinking its personnel, whether it is
seeking to serve a broad customer base or focusing on the specific needs
of a narrow market segment, and various other strategic scenarios.

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Training and Development

Needs Assessment

Organizational Analysis
 An organization that concentrates on serving a niche market may need to
continually update its workforce on a specialized skills set.
 A company that is cutting costs with a downsizing strategy may need to
train employees who will be laid off in job search skills.
 The employees who remain following the downsizing may need cross-
training so that they can handle a wider variety of responsibilities.

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Training and Development
Needs Assessment

Organizational Analysis
o Planning of a training program must consider whether the organization
has the budget, time, and expertise for training.
o Three ways to install training
 Firm has the technical experts on its staff, they can train the
employees affected by the change.
 Firm may use tests to determine which of its employees are already
knowledgeable/ learned and then replace or reassign employees
who lack the necessary skills.
 Purchase training from an outside individual or organization.
o Even if training fits the organization’s strategy and budget, it can be
viable only if the organization is willing to support the investment in

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Training and Development

Needs Assessment

Person Analysis
o The person analysis is a process for determining individuals’ needs and
readiness for training. It involves answering several questions:
 Who needs training?
 Do performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or
ability? (If so, training is appropriate; if not, other solutions are more
 Are these employees ready for training?
o The answers to these questions help the manager identify whether
training is appropriate and which employees need training.

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Training and Development
Needs Assessment

Person Analysis
o The person analysis is critical when training is considered in response to
a performance problem.
o Identify all the variables that can influence performance.
 Primary variables are the person’s ability and skills, his or her attitudes
and motivation, the organization’s input (including clear directions,
necessary resources, and freedom from interference and distractions),
performance feedback (including praise and performance standards),
and positive consequences to motivate good performance.
 Only ability and skills can be affected by training. So, before planning a
training program, be sure that any performance problem results from a
deficiency in knowledge and skills. Training dollars will be wasted
otherwise, because the training is unlikely to solve the problem.
 Employees readiness to undergo training is assessed in person analysis.

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Training and Development

Needs Assessment

Task Analysis
o The process of identifying the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that
training should emphasize.
o Usually, task analysis is conducted along with person analysis.
Understanding shortcomings in performance usually requires
knowledge about the tasks and work environment as well as the
o To carry out the task analysis,
― The HR professional looks at the conditions in which tasks are
― These conditions include the equipment and environment of the job,
time constraints (for example, deadlines), safety considerations, and
performance standards.

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Training and Development
Needs Assessment

Task Analysis
― These observations form the basis for a description of work activities,
or the tasks required by the person’s job.
― For a selected job, the analyst interviews employees and their
supervisors to prepare a list of tasks performed in that job.
― Then the analyst validates the list by showing it to employees,
supervisors, and other subject- matter experts and asking them to
complete a questionnaire about the importance, frequency, and
difficulty of the tasks.
― Example of a task analysis questionnaire for an electrical maintenance
― For each task listed, the subject-matter expert uses the scales to
rate the task’s importance, frequency, and difficulty.

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Training and Development

Needs Assessment

Task Analysis

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Managerial On-the-Job Training

o Managerial on-the-job training methods include job rotation, the
coaching/understudy approach, and action learning.
― In the context of management development, job rotation means moving
managers from department to department to broaden their
understanding of the business and to test their abilities.
― The trainee may be a recent graduate and spend several months in each
department, learning by doing.
― Or he or she may be a senior manager being groomed for promotion by
exposure to new domestic and foreign challenges.

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Managerial On-the-Job Training

o Coaching / Understudy Approach
― Here the trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person
he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching.
― Normally, the understudy relieves the executive of certain
responsibilities, giving the trainee a chance to learn the job.

o The Case Study Method

― As most everyone knows, the case study method presents a trainee with a
written description of an organizational problem.
― The person then analyzes the case, diagnoses the problem, and presents
his or her findings and solutions in a discussion with other trainees.

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Managerial On-the-Job Training

o Job Rotation [Noe]
― An employee (usually a management trainee) moves from job to job at
planned intervals.
― Special assignments similarly give lower-level executives firsthand
experience in working on actual problems. It is important that
employers not take the success of an on-the-job training effort for
granted. Instead, the employer should formally plan out and structure
the OJT process and experience.
― Train the trainers themselves (often the employees’ supervisors), and
provide the training materials. Trainers should know, for instance, the
principles of motivating learners. Because low expectations may
translate into poor trainee performance, supervisor/trainers should
emphasize their high expectations.

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Managerial On-the-Job Training

o Peer Training [Noe]
― Expert employees may answer calls at selected times during the day or
participate in in-house program to answer their peers’ call-in questions
about technical aspects of doing their jobs.
― Others use employee teams (instead of training professionals) to analyze
the jobs and prepare training materials.
― The employees, already job experts, reportedly conduct task analyses
more quickly and effectively than do training experts.

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

On-the-Job Training
o Apprenticeship [Noe]
― An apprenticeship is a work-study training method that teaches job skills
through a combination of structured on-the-job training and classroom
― The OJT component of an apprenticeship involves the apprentice
assisting a certified tradesperson (a journeyman) at the work site.
Typically, the classroom training is provided by local trade schools, high
schools, and community colleges.
o Internship [Noe]
― An internship is on-the-job learning sponsored by an educational
institution as a component of an academic program. The sponsoring
school works with local employers to place students in positions where
they can gain experience related to their area of study.

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

On-the-Job Training
o Simulations [Noe 199]
― A simulation is a training method that represents a real-life situation,
with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what
would happen on the job.
― Simulations enable trainees to see the impact of their decisions in an
artificial, risk-free environment.
― They are used for teaching production and process skills as well as
management and interpersonal skills.
― Simulations used in training include call centers stocked with phones and
reference materials, as well as mockups of houses used for training cable
― Simulators must have elements identical to those found in the work

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Action Learning
― Action learning programs give managers and others released time to
work at analyzing and solving problems in departments other than their
― Its basics include carefully selecting teams of 5 to 25 members, assigning
the teams real-world business problems that extend beyond their usual
areas of expertise, and providing structured learning through coaching
and feedback.
― The employer’s senior managers usually choose the projects and decide
whether to accept the teams’ recommendations.

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Management Games
― Computerized management games enable trainees to learn by making
realistic decisions in simulated situations.
― Example: Interpret is a team exercise that explores team communication,
the management of information and the planning and implementation
of a strategy.
― It raises management trainees’ communication skills, helps them to
better manage the information flow between individuals and the
team, and improves planning and problem solving skills.
― With some games, trainees divide into teams competing in a simulated

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Outside Seminars
― Numerous companies and universities offer web-based and traditional
classroom management development seminars and conferences.
― Offerings may range from
― ‘developing your emotional intelligence’ to ‘assertiveness training’,
― ‘assertiveness training for managers’ to ‘assertiveness training for
women in business’,
― ‘dynamic listening skills for successful communication’ to
‘fundamentals of cost accounting’, etc.
― Specialized associations, such as Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM), provide specialized seminars for their profession’s

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o University-related programs
― Many universities provide executive education and continuing
education programs in leadership, supervision, and the like.
― These can range from 1- to 4-day programs to executive development
programs lasting 1 to 4 months.
― The Advanced Management Program of Harvard’s Graduate School of
Business Administration is one example.
― Students are experienced managers from around the world. It uses
cases and lectures to provide them with the latest management skills.

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Role Playing
― With role playing the trainees assume the parts (or roles) of specific
persons in realistic situations.
― When combined with the general instructions and other roles, role
playing can trigger spirited discussions among the role player/trainees.
― The aim is to develop trainees’ skills in areas like leadership and

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Behavior Modeling
― Behavior modeling involves (1) showing trainees the right way of doing
something, (2) letting trainees practice that way, and then (3) giving
feedback on the trainees’ performance.
― Behavior modeling training is one of the most widely used, well
researched, and highly regarded psychologically based training
― The basic procedure is as follows:
― Modeling. First, trainees watch live or video examples showing
models behaving effectively in a problem situation.

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Behavior Modeling
― Role playing. Next, the trainees receive roles to play in a simulated
situation so they can practice the effective behaviors demonstrated by
the models.
― Social reinforcement. The trainer provides reinforcement in the form
of praise and constructive feedback.
― Transfer of training. Finally, trainees are encouraged to apply their
new skills when they are back on their jobs.

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Training and Development

Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Corporate University
― Many firms, such as GE, Caterpillar, and IBM, establish in-house
development centers (often called corporate universities).
― Such centers offer a catalogue of courses and programs aimed at supporting
the employers’ management development needs.
― Employers often collaborate with academic institutions, and with training
and development program providers and Web-based educational portals,
to create packages of programs and materials.

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Training and Development
Methods of Development

Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques

o Executive Coaches
― Many firms retain executive coaches to develop their top managers’
― An executive coach is an outside consultant who questions the
executive’s boss, peers, subordinates, and (sometimes) family in order to
identify the executive’s strengths and weaknesses, and to counsel the
executive so he or she can capitalize on those strengths and overcome the

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