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 Choose the correct answer by choosing a, b, c or d! (pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memilih a, b,  c atau
Soal nomer 1

A: What time is it?


a. It’s a quarter past six

b. It’s seven past six

c. It’s quarter past seven

d. It’s eight fifteen

Soal nomer 2
12.30 pm

It’s ….

a. twelve fifteen in the afternoon

b. half past twelve

c. twelve thirty in the afternoon

d. twelve fifteen in the morning

Soal nomer3
05.10 am

Maira: what’s the time, please?

Febri : …..

a. It’s ten past five in the afternoon

b. It’s six ten in the afternoon

c. It’s six ten in the evening

d. It’s ten past five in the morning

Soal nomer 4
A half past three is …..

a. 03.15

b. 03.30

c. 03.00

d. 03.45

Soal nomer 5
A quarter to twelve is….

a. 12.00

b. 11.45
c. 12.15

d. 11.15

Text for number 6-10

Theo wakes up early in the morning. He wakes up at half to four. His father weaks up  thirty minutes after Thoo.
Theo takes a bath at a half to five o’clock. Then he gets dressed. He has breakfast at six o’clock. After having
breakfast, his father drives her to school at half past six. Theo arrives at school at a quarter to seven.

6. Theo wakes up at ….

a. 04.00

b. 03.00

c. 03.30

d. 04.15

7. Theo’s father wakes up at ….

a. 04.00

b. 05.00

c. 04.30

d. 05.30

Soal nomer 8
Maira   : What time does Theo arrives at school?

Lina     : Theo arrives at  ….

a. 06.30

b. 06.15

c. 06.45

d. 07.15

9. Theo … after taking a bath.

a. Has breakfast

b. Goes to school

c. Gets dressed

d. Drives to school

10. Has Theo got breakfast at six o’clock?

a. No, he has not

b. Yess, he has

c. Yess, he have

d. Yess, he has not

Soal nomer 11
We go to school at …. (tujuh kurang dua puluh)
a. A twenty to seven

b. A twenty to six

c. A quarter to seven

d. A quarter past six

Soal nomer 12
There are … minutes in a hour.

a. sixty

b. twenty

c. fifteen

d. fourty

Soal nomer 13
Library opening hour 09.00 a.m – 09.00 p.m.
The library opens at ….

a. nine in the afternoon

b. nine in the morning

c. nine in the evening

d. nine in the noon

Soal nomer 14
Arrange this sentences.

prays – she – a half – at – four – shubuh – past

   1          2      3          4       5          6            7

a. 2-1-4-3-7-5-6

b. 4-3-7-5-2-6-1

c. 1-6-2-4-3-7-5

d. 2-1-6-4-3-7-5

Soal nomer 15
She usually does her home work at fifteen past seven p.m. the word “at fifteen past seven p.m” means ….

a. Jam tujuh pagi

b. Jam tujuh lebih lima belas menit pagi

c. tujuh lebih lima belas menit malam

d. Jam tujuh malam

Soal nomer 16
04.50 am

It’s ten … five

a. past

b. to
c. at

d. o’clock

Soal nomer 17
Maira and I play slide at a quarter past two. We play at ….

a. 02.30

b. 02.25

c. 02.00

d. 02.15

Soal nomer 18
My mother sweeps the floor at six a.m. it is ….

a. Six in the evening

b. Six in the morning

c. Six in the afternoon

d. Six in the night

Soal nomer 19
Dani goes home after school at half past twelve in the afternoon. It is ….

a. 11.30 p.m

b. 12.30 a.m

c. 12.30 p.m

d. 11.30 p.m

Soal nomer 20
I like reading some books with my mother at a quarter to eight in the night. It is ….

a. 08.15 p.m

b. 07.15 p.m

c. 07.45 p.m

d. 08.15 a.m

1.a.It’s a quarter past six
2. c.twelve thirty in the afternoon
3. d.It’s ten past five in the morning
4. b.03.30
5. b.11.45
6. c. 03.30
7. a.04.00
8. c.06.45
9. c.Gets dressed
10. b.Yess, he has
11. a.A twenty to seven
12. a.sixty
13. b.nine in the morning
14. d.2-1-6-4-3-7-5
15. c.Jam tujuh lebih lima belas menit malam
17. d.02.15
18. b.Six in the morning
19. b.12.30 p.m
20. c.07.45 p.m

II. Match the sentences with the correct time! (cocokkan kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan waktu yang benar!)
1. It is eleven o’clock                                    (…)                                              a. 11.10
2. it is quarter to seven                                (…)                                             b. 11.00
3. it is twenty five to three                          (…)                                              c. 06.55
4. it is five minutes to seven                       (…)                                             d. 06.45
5. it is ten past eleven                                  (…)                                              e. 02.35
1. b
2. d
3. e
4. c
5. a
III. Write the answer based on text! (tuliskan jawaban berdasarkan teks!)
It is Sunday morning. Maira gets up very early. She gets up at 04.15 a.m. She makes the bed and sweeps the floor.
She likes these jobs much. then, she goes to bathroom. She brushes her teeth. She never forgets doing Subuh
praying at a half past four.

At 05.00, Maira goes out. She wears her sport clothes ans shoes. She makes a warm up. She goes to the city park.
She does jogging in the park. She likes it because it keeps her body healtthy. At a half past six, Maira goes home.
after that, she takes a bath and helps her mom cleaning the kichen and cooking some meals. She has breakfast at
ten to seven a.m with her family.

1. When does Maira get up very early?


2. What time does she get up on Sunday morning?


3. Where does she go after jogging?


4. Does Maira go to the city park to jogging?

answer: ….

5. Why does she love jogging?

Answer: ….

1. She gets up very early every Sunday morning
2. she gets up at 04.15 a.m
3. she goes home
5. because it keeps her body healthy.

Exercise 1(latihan 1)
Write the name of hobbies in English! (tuliskan nama-nama hobi berikut dalam bahasa inggris)
No Kegemaran Hobbies
1 Berenang swimming

2 Menari ….

3 Bermain bola ….

4 Fotografi ….

5 Menulis ….

6 Berkebun ….

7 Catur ….

8 Bermain gitar ….

9 Petualang ….

10 Memasak

Exercises 2(latihan 2)
Match the name of hobbies in the left side with its meaning in the right side!(cocokkan nama hobby di
sebelah kiri dengan artinya di sebelah kanan)
1. cooking                                                   (d) a.membaca
2. surfing                                                    (…) b. memancing
3. philately                                                 (…) c. menyanyi
4. singing                                                    (…) d. memasak
5. fishing                                                     (…) e. bermain catur
6. playing basketball                                (…) f. bermain basketbal
7. reading                                                   (…) g. mengumpulkan perangko
8. swimming                                              (…) h. berselancar
9. dancing                                                   (…) i. menari
10. singing                                                    (…) j. berenang
 Skill corner (pojok keahlian/ materi grammar)
1. ungkapan untuk menanyakan hobby
Asking for hobby responses Responses

1. What is + kata ganti milik + hobby?

– My hobby is …
– what is your hobby?
– Her hobby is …
– What is her hobby?

2. what does/ do + Subject+ like?

– Maira like …
– What does Maira like?
– They like …
– What do they like?


– ‘do’ untuk subjek They, we, I dan You, dan nama orang jamak/ lebih dari satub ( you and I,
Rama and Shinta)

– ‘does’ untuk subjek He, She, dan it dan nama orang tunggal/ satu (Maira, Anna, Ibu, Ayah,

 2. ungkapan untuk menanyakan waktu atau kapan seseorang melakukan hobinya.

Asking for hobby responses Responses
When + do/ does + subjek+ do+ kata ganti milik+
Contoh: – Rina does her hobby on Sunday morning
– When does Rina do her hobby? – I do my hobby on free time.
– When do you do your hobby?

 Excercise 3 (latihan 3)
Complete the dialog! (lengkapi dialog berikut!)
A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a chess board and chessman.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a guitar.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a camera.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a fishing rod.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a swimsuit.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a microphone and CD.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need some books.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a cooking set.”

A:”What is your hobby?”
B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need a ball.”

A:”What is your hobby?”

B:”My hobby is ….”

A:”What do you need for your hobby?”

B:”I need cock and racket.”

Excercise 4 (latihan 4)
Read the text below carefully then traslate into Indonesian! (bacalah teks berikut ini dengan cermat
kemudian terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
Maira is a fifth grade student. She lives near the beach. She has a fun hobby. It is surfing. She needs a surfing
board to do her hobby. Maira likes surfing very much. She wants to be a professional surfer someday.
Maira has a sister. Her name is Ayna. Ayna also has a hobby. She likes photographing. She needs a camera to
do her hobby. Ayna likes photogtraphing at the beach. Sometimes, the tourist ask her to take picture of them.
Maira merupakan siswa kelas 5 dasar. Dia tinggal di dekat pantai. Dia memiliki kegemaran, yakni berselancar. Dia membutuhkan
papan selancar untuk melakukan hobinya. Maira sangat menyukai berselancar. Dia ingin menjadi peselancar yang handal suatu
saat nanti.

Maira memiliki adik perempuan. Namanya adalah Ayna. Ayna juga memiliki kegemaran. Dia menyukai fotografi. Dia
membutuhkan sebuah kamera untuk melakukan kegemarannya. Ayna suka fotografi di pantai. Terkadang, banyak pelancong yang
memintanya untuk mengambil gambar mereka.

Asnwer the questions below based on the text above! (jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan teks
di atas!)
1. What is Maira’s hobby?

Aswer: ………………………………..

2. What does Maira need to do her hobby?

Aswer: ………………………………..

3. Does Maira want to be a photographer?

Aswer: ………………………………..

4. Who is Ayna?

Aswer: ………………………………..

5. What is Ayna’s hobby?

Aswer: ………………………………..

State true (T) or false (F) based on the text above! (nyatakan benar (T) atau salah (F) berdasarkan teks di
1. Maira likes playing chess.                                          (…)
2. Maira uses a surfing board to her hobby.               (…)
3. Maira wants to be a professional surfer.                 (…)
4. Maira has no sister.                                                     (…)
5. Ayna uses a camera to do her hobby.                       (…)

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