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1.1 Background and rationale

Budgetary planning is the procedure of creating a budget and

using it to manage the allowance given to the students. The purpose of

budgetary planning is to save money, to spend it on any wants and needs that

are wanted to be bought.

Money is the main source of the student’s content pleasure.

Money can be used in everything. As researchers they make sure that their

money could be utilized in a great way, the reason for this is the researchers

have liabilities to pay. The example of this is the expenses of transportation for

riding to school, students that had no personal vehicles tend to commute every

day, because of that they use their allowance that is given by their parents. The

second example for this is the collection of money for activities in school such as

club’s register fee, monetary donations etc., they also use their money on their

wants, along the lines with their snacks.

The reason why the researcher wants to tackle about the effects

of budgetary planning of the grade 12 students in IMCC-BED, they observed that

the scarcity of demand and supply have been increasing on their prices. As

researchers they want to discover on how the students of grade 12 in IMCC-BED

budget their allowance.

The purpose of the study is to discover the effects of budgetary

planning on the 20 respondents of grade 12 students in IMCC-BED.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The students of grade 12 in IMCC-BED are facing common problems that are

shared with everyone, which is the lack of money due to some expenses that are

pending for their activities in school and personal activities. The researcher’s wants

to know what other students think about the impacts of budgetary planning. That’s

why the researcher’s wants to survey 20 respondents of grade 12 students in IMCC-

BED. The researcher wants to get the opinions of the said students about spending

their allowances. The following questions are the guide how researchers can get

opinions and suggestion from the grade 12 students in IMCC-BED.

A. How effective the is budgetary planning to them?

B. What are the advantages of budgetary planning to their allowance?

C. What are the disadvantages of budgetary planning to their allowance?

1.3 Hypothesis

H1: The positive factors affecting the budget planning of grade 12 students in IMCC-


H2: The negative factors affecting the budget planning of grade 12 students in IMCC-


1.4 Significance of the study

Students- students can also benefit on the study because they have chances to

make budget planning on their allowance and see how does it effect on implying it.
1.5 Scope and limitation

The conducted study will be limited to people in IMCC-BED. There are 20

respondents which is from 17 to 18 years of age. The 100% of it are from the grade

12 students of IMCC-BED. The Researchers will randomly select their respondent

according to their identity.

1.6 Definition of Terms

 Allowance money to cover the cost.

 Budgetary planning is the process of saving the money for an aid to the

future expenses.

This chapter of the paper present of the review of the literature, conceptual

framework, the research hypothesis, and the definition of terms.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on how students will enhance their allowances by using a

budget planner. One of the most common problems of Grade 12 Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM)Strand students is not having a budget and

proper management of their allowances; they are impulsive buyers. The students do

not understand the differences in their needs over wants, thereby resulting in poor

budgeting. We conducted this study to teach Grade 12 ABM students to manage

their expenses in school and their homes well for unexpected expenses. Following a

budget planner can help the students to stop worrying about their expenses such as

food, transportation, and other school expenses. The purpose of this study is to

motivate Grade 12 ABM students to allocate their allowances the right way and

share them with the next generation. This study used the survey method to gather

the needed information. The researchers also used a descriptive research design.

The respondents of the study were 50 Grade 12 ABM Students that were selected

through convenience sampling. Based on the result of the study, using a weekly

budget planner positively affected the budget management of Grade 12 ABM

students in terms of (1) food allowances (60% of their allowances were allocated to

food and uncontrolled buying of food that is not according to their budget), (2)

transportation allowances (20% of their allowances goes to school practices and

riding expensive public vehicles), and (3) other school expenses (the

mismanagement of allowances resulted in budget shortage). Based on the summary

of the findings, the following recommendations were made by the researchers on

how Grade 12 ABM students should allocate their allowances in terms of (1) food

allowances (control what food they will buy), (2) transportation allowances (this study

suggests to apply budget planner to have allowances on unexpected practices, and

(3) other school expenses (the students are suggested to apply budget planner to

avoid unexpected expenses). (Salonga, Cahilig, Endrina, Bayno, Ojales, Tamon


The research topic is budgeting and how the students can improve their

budgeting skills. Budgeting is a plan that is used to decide the amount of money.

Good budgeting is spending less than you are earning as you plan for your financial

goals. It is also a process of creating a plan to spend and invest your hard-earned

money wisely to meet your personal financial goal. It should not be a mathematical

exercise that we think we have to endure; rather, it is the result of self-assessment of

our relationship with money and a necessary road map to steer toward to higher

standard and quality of living. This study aimed to improve the budgeting skills of

students to know how to budget money theright way. Following a budget or spending

a plan will also keep them out of debt or help their way out of debt. Budgeting shows

all the monthly cash inflows and outflows, which will allow them to achieve financial

goals by helping them identify spending and saving habits. Given that budgeting

allows us to create a spending plan for our money, this study used a qualitative

descriptive research design. The researchers created and served survey

questionnaires that will help us gain insights into the study. The collected data were

evaluated, and conclusions were drawn. The respondents of the study were

50Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)students that were

selected through quota sampling. Based on the results of the study, practicing the

50-30-20 rule addressed the above-cited problems and improved the budgeting skills
of Grade 12 ABM students in managing their allowance in terms of (1) avoiding the

shortage of allowance (the students avoided shortage of allowance), (2) saving

excess allowance (practicing the 50-30-20 rule helped them save their excess

allowance in school), and (3) improve knowledge in proper budgeting (students

practicing 50-30-20 improved their knowledge about proper budgeting). The

researchers recommended that the students should apply the 50-30-20 rule in

managing their allowances. It is also applicable and beneficial to the teachers and

school personnel in managing their salaries. The school administrators must help the

students and teachers to improve their financial management by conducting financial

wellness programsor literacy. (Rosales, Cea, Castaritas, Larisma, Concepcion,

Tamon 2018)

This study aims to identify how students manage their finances in a very effective

way. Budgeting allowances is one of the problems of most students; some tend to

manage their allowances and some do not. The essence of this research is to open

the minds of the students about the vital role of having budgeting strategies in their

daily financial management. This study also helps parents to assist the students in

budgeting the allowances they give. This study was limited only in Bestlink College

of the Philippines during the school year 2018-2019. A qualitative method was used

in the study. Using a descriptive research design, it focused on the assessment of 50

ABM Grade 12 students. There were four budgeting strategies such as DIY (Do It

Yourself), plan your weekly meals, use a piggy bank, and set aside your wants to

need, making an impact on their financial decision making in terms of School

Expense, Food, Savings, and Other Expense/Wants. Data were collected by

distributing questionnaires to the target respondents using purposive sampling. The

results of the study revealed that Budgeting strategies such as DIY (Do It Yourself),
plan your weekly meals, use of a piggy bank, and set aside your wants to need has

an impact on the financial decision-making of ABM Grade 12 Students in terms of

the aforecited variables. (1) School Expenses–Budgeting strategies help the

students decide whether to print their documents or to write it, also they think to use

recyclable materials to make school projects. (2) Food –Budgeting strategies help

the students to decide if they should bring their food or buy the cheapest food in the

canteen. (3) Savings –Budgeting strategies help the students save their excess

money and think about their priority rather than their wants. (4) Other

Expenses/Wants –Budgeting strategies help the students buy their wants with the

use of their savings. The results demonstrate the need for the teachers and School

Administrators to monitor the expenses of the students in their academics. The

school must conduct a seminar that will help the students know the significance of

Budgeting Strategies in their daily financial decision making. Parents should be the

first ones to teach their children how to properly manage their money. (Deloso,

Gales, Labasan, Boneo, Laceda, Tamon 2018)

Time and money are scarce and the efficient and effective use of these

resources requires planning. Planning alone, however, is insufficient. Control is also

necessary to ensure that plans get carried out. Money plays a vital role in every

person’s life. It can also prevent the suffering that comes with poverty like cold and

hunger, give satisfaction, and provide education and even power. For students who

are not income-earners, they should be diligent in using their very limited resources.

The methods used in the study was descriptive research design. It focused on the 50

ABM students of Bestlink College of the Philippines where survey questionnaires

were answered and validated. As a result of our survey, the study concluded that
financial budgeting is one of the problems of the students of Bestlink College of the

Philippines. This, in turn, has an impact on the academic performance of the

students since they need money for doing projects and attending activities that are

vital for their academic performance. The researchers also recommended that the

teachers and the school need to enhance the skills of the students in terms of

financial budgeting and not just be limited to its theories but also with its application

to the very lives of these individuals. It can be an effective way to help ensure the

success of the students in their future endeavors inside and outside the school.

(Peliño, Vilar, Valenzuela, Gillo, Ponce, Perfecto 2018)

2.2 Conceptual Framework

20 respondents
BUDGET PLANNING from grade 12

Diagram A
3. Methodology

3.1 Research Design

This chapter discusses the research design, the procedure and methods for data

collection, and the work plan followed by the researchers in order to complete the

study. The researchers will discuss how the data needed to answer the research

question in this study will be gathered. The research question seeks to find out the

impact of budget planning on grade 12 students in IMCC-BED to their weekly

allowance. This quantitative study incorporates an action kind of research design

and a phenomenological research approach. Surveys will be used by the

researchers to collect data. Finally, the researchers will go over the survey in order

to determine what their respondents think.

3.2 Population and Sampling

There are four (4) sections of grade 12  in different strand who are answering the

survey and each section there should be five (5) respondents. Thus, 20 students

be selected randomly using sample random sampling as sample size of all section

and the respondents of the study will answer the survey -questionnaire checklist
developed by the researcher. 

3.3 Sources of Data

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

3.5 Data analysis

4. Presentation, Interpretation, and analysis of Data

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Tables and text

5. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation

5.4 Proposed output

Salonga, J. ., Cahilig, A. ., Endrina, J. C., Bayno, J., Ojales, L. J. ., & Tamon, C.-J. . (2020). Effectiveness of

Using Budget Planner in Improving Allowance Management of Grade 12 ABM Students in Bestlink College of the

Philippines, S.Y. 2019–2020: An Assessment. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines

Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1). Retrieved from

Rosales, B. A. ., Cea, M. L. ., Castaritas, L. ., Larisma, B. ., Concepcion, E. ., & Tamon, C.-J. . (2020).

Assessment on Effectiveness of Using 50-30-20 Rule in Improving Budgeting Skills ofGrade 12 ABM

Students. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary

Research, 2(1). Retrieved from

Deloso, R. N. S. ., Gales, M. T. A. ., Labasan, G. M. C. ., Boneo, J. B. ., Laceda, R. J. H. ., & Tamon, C.-J. S. .

(2019). Budgeting Strategies and Its Impact to the Financial Decision-Making of Grade 12 ABM Students in

Bestlink College of the Philippines School Year 2018-2019. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the

Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1). Retrieved from

Peliño, S. ., Vilar, P. A. ., Valenzuela, M. A. ., Gillo, C. A. ., Ponce Jr., R. ., & Perfecto, M. G. A. . (2019).

Considering the Impact of Financial Budgeting Of Selected ABM Students towards their Academic Performance

in Bestlink College of the Philippines S.Y. 2018-2019. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the

Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1). Retrieved from

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