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We Filipinos are mild drinkers by Alejandro Roces

We Filipinos are mild drinkers. At the beginning of the story the farmer was
busy plowing their rice field with his carabao named Datu. When the
American soldier walks towards him and ask the farmer where to buy whiskey
but the farmer said "we don't drink whiskey". When the American soldier
offered him to drink he refused and said "We Filipinos are mild drinkers" mild
means not severe because the saying is "We drink for only three good
reasons. We drink when we are very happy.

We drink when we are very sad. And we drink for any other reason". When
the farmer mentioned the "lambanog" the American calls it "jungle juice" and
the farmer said to him that he might not like it. But the soldier shows off that
he drunk everything whiskey, rum, brundy, etc. Which are high quality liquors.

Lambanog is a traditional Filipino distilled palm liquor made from coconut or

nipa palm sap which is a right term on why American call it jungle juice. But
when the farmer invited him on his house to drink. The farmer sliced a
calamansi and dip it in salt so that could be the chaser and pour it in the
coconut shell. The coconut tree symbolizes the pride and humility of every
Filipino. Just like a coconut tree, it stays very high but its leaves sway down to
earth remembering the land that gave it life.

Filipinos are really achievers in life, no matter how many times we fall down
to the ground, we always have the courage to stand up again and rise high.
When the American soldier drink the lambanog his eye popped out and ask for
a chaser quickly which is a calamansi dip with salt but it was too late. Nothing
could chase her. And then they drink and drink and drink until the soldier
passed out. And then the farmer carried him out until his friends help him out
to carry the soldier way back to his home. And his other American soldiers
thank him and offered him to have some beer but he refused and said "We
Filipinos are mild drinkers". This story has a moral lesson of we dream and we
do not settle seeing only the big picture of our minds but when we dream, we
act as if it is our last chance of living but even if we such things, we still go turn
our backs to our homeland and remember the love that made us grow brighter
through the days.

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