Kevin Animal Kingdom

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Animal kingdom

1. Which of the following phylum have radially symmetrical

1. Coelenterata ✅
2. Platyhelminthes
3. Aschelminthes
4. Annelida

2. One of the representatives of phylum arthropoda is? [2013]

1. Cuttlefish
2. Silverfish✅
3. Pufferfish
4. Flyingfish

3. Metazoa includes how many species of animals from sponges

to mammals?
1. 1.6 million
2. 1.2 million ✅
3. 1.8 million
4. 1.3 million

4. Which is the correct sequence for the basis of classification?

1. Level of
notochord ✅
2. Symmetry,level of organisation, coelom,notochord,
3. Segmentation, coelom,symmetry,notochord,level of
4. Notochord,germlayers,segmentation,symmetry,coelom, level of

5. Poriferans bear numerous minute spores called? [ostia]

6. Majority of poriferans are? [Marine and sedantry]

7. A marine cartillaginous fish that can produce electric

current? [AIPMT 2014]
1. Pristis
2. Torpedo✅
3. Trygon
4. Scoliodon

8. Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm?

1. Macropus
2. Chelone ✅
3. Camelus

4. Psittacula

9. In which system choanocytes are restricted in radial

canals only?
1. Syconoid canal system ✅
2. Leuconoid canal system
3. Asconoid canal system

10. Important characteristic that hemicordates share

with chordates is? [NEET 2017]
1. Ventral tubular nerve cord
2. Pharynx with gill slits ✅
3. Pharynx without gill slits
4. Absence of notochord

11. Which of the following phylum has closed

circulatory system?
1. Arthropoda
2. Annelida ✅
3. Mollusca
4. Echinodermata

12. Which of the following phylum have tube with tube

body plan?
1. Platyhelminthes
2. Coelenterata ✅
3. Porifera
4. Nemathelminthes

13. The function of nematoblast in colenterate is?

1. Locomotion
2. Offence & defence ✅
3. Reproduction
4. Nutrition

14. Medusa stage is not found in the colenterate of

1. Hydrozoa
2. Scyphozoa
3. Sporozoa
4. Anthozoa ✅
15. Bioluminiscent chordate is?
1. Pyrosoma ✅
2. Doliolum
3. Salpa
4. Botryllus

16. Sea – squirt is common name of?

1. Balanoglossus
2. Herdmania ✅
3. Amphioxus
4. Ascidia

17. In which one of the following group, brain box is

1. Cyclostomata
2. Pisces
3. Amphibia
4. Urochordata ✅

18. The common bath sponge belongs to the genus?

1. Sycon
2. Leucosolenia
3. Euspongia ✅
4. Spongilla

19. If a carmine particle is put on the osculum of a

living sponge, it will?
1. Be ingested
2. Be thrown away ✅
3. Rotate
4. Adhere

20. The poisonous fluid present in the nematocysts of

hydra is?
1. Haemoglobin
2. Venom
3. Haematin
4. Hypnotoxin

21. Choose the correct statement. [NEET 2016]

1. All mammals are viviparous
2. All cyclostomes do not posses jaws and paired fins ✅
3. All reptiles have three chambered heart
4. All pisces have gills covered by an operculum
22. A type of metamorphosis in insects with four
developmental stages, I.e., eggs , larva , pupa and
adult is? [AMU 2014]
1. Heminetabolous
2. Paurometabolous
3. Holometabolous ✅
4. Ametabolous

23. The non cellular layer present between

pinacoderm and choanoderm in body wall of poriferans
is known as? [OJEE 2012]
1. Mesoderm
2. Middle lamellae
3. Mesenchyme ✅
4. None of these

24. Which one of the following characteristics is not

shared by birds and animals? [NEET 2016]
1. Breathing using lungs
2. Viviparity ✅
3. Warm blooded nature
4. Ossified endoskeleton

25. Which of the following features is not present in

the phylum – arthropoda? [NEET 2016]
1. Metameric segmentation
2. Parapodia ✅
3. Jointed appendages
4. Chitinous exoskeleton

26. Infection of ascaris usually occurs by? [NEET 2013]

1. Drinking water containing eggs of ascaris ✅
2. Eating imperfectly cooked pork
3. Tse – tse fly
4. Mosquito bite

27. One example of animals having a single opening

to the outside that serves both as mouthas well as
anus is? [NEET 2010]
1. Octopus
2. Asterias
3. Ascidia
4. Fasciola ✅
28. Peripatus is a connecting link between?
1. Ctenophora & platyhelminthes
2. Mollusca & echinodermata
3. Annelida & arthropoda ✅
4. Coelenterata & porifera

29. Which one of the following has an open circulatory

system? [AIPMT 2006]
1. Pheretima
2. Periplaneta ✅
3. Hirudinaria
4. Octopus

30. A jawless fish, which lays eggs in freshwater and

whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return
to the ocean is[ NEET 2015]
1. Neomyxine
2. Petromyzon ✅
3. Eptatretus
4. myxine

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