Digital Learning Competencies

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Digital Learning Competencies

Part 1 → Overview of Standard.

Student Learning Goal: French Language and Culture

Tool: iMovie Tool: Storyboard Tool: Canva

Digital Tool Idea: Digital Tool Idea: Digital Tool Idea:

Students will research an interesting Students will create a story using key Students will create posters which
aspect of French culture that is conversational elements. They will will include information about
different from their native culture. have to create a story that uses at French culture that they learned in
They will create a video presentation least two characters interacting. class. These posters will be posted
of that aspect of the culture they around the school during National
choose and add music that is fitting French Week which typically falls
for the cultural piece (they will have within the school year.
to research French music).

Why is this tool appropriate/a good Why is this tool appropriate/a good Why is this tool appropriate/a
choice? choice? good choice?

This is a good tool since students get This is a good tool for students to This is a good tool because it can be
to be creative while doing personal create something interesting that simple to direct ways for students to
study of something they find represents the material they learned. use the program and a way for
interesting about French culture. It is They can include events that they got students to quickly input
a free service that allows students to involved in ranging from different information that they have learned
add music, pictures and video time periods while being a creative on a poster without having to do it
(completely creative). It’s an venture for students. by hand. It could be done in class
interesting way for students to and therefore the students would not
showcase a part of culture and be need access to tech at home.
creative with the visuals and music.
Bloom’s Taxonomy & the Tech Tool of Your Choice
Name of Digital Tool: iMovie
Link to Digital Tool:

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the create level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here:

CREATE Create a video that is at least 3 minutes long within iMovie about one of
the regions in France including local culture which connects and
compares to a broader French culture. They have to include photos, an
audio recording and one shot where they reenact something unique or
interesting to them about the region’s cultural aspect.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the evaluate level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here:

EVALUATE By combining multiple sources on the overall French Culture and then a
Regional Culture within France, students will start to brainstorm for their
video. There will be a stage of collaboration where they show others their
work or explain it to the class for critique so that the video will have
information that is compelling and unique.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the analyze level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here:

ANALYZE Students should define their own understandings of the differences and
similarities through compare-and-contrast by analyzing the dialects, food,
clothing, and/or other key cultural aspects they find most interesting. This
can not be given directly from videos they may find. They have to
identify the differences/similarities and have supporting materials.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the apply level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here:
Collect images that represent the understanding the student gained from
videos and from their own summarized interpretation.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the understand level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
Write your response/ideas here:
Summarize key cultural aspects of France and then the region of their
choosing in a short audio clip (recording).

REMEMBER What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to

have students reach the remember level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write

your response/ideas here:

Find videos online which define French culture and one that focuses on
one of the regions of France. Students should observe explicit similarities
and differences within local and broad culture.

Part 2 → Work Examples/Artifacts

What level of Bloom’s (can This is the top level of Bloom's because you have to have a lot of content visually and
be multiple) does your orally to speak about cultural norms in France and explain the differences between
student example/product fit France to a specific region. I chose to compare the broader culture with the
demonstrate? Hauts-de-France region (specifically I chose the city of Lille within that area). I think
this assignment is a very high level assignment, intended for students within the
International Baccalaureate Program or in AP French.

Insert a screenshot below of

the product you made

Write a paragraph This was something that was not difficult for me to develop because I have studied
explaining any prior abroad so I had multiple photos to depict the culture in the three main aspects (with
knowledge, direct only two of which visibly represented) of food, dress, and language/dialect. I was
instruction, reading, or already taught in my previous classes that the French have certain aspects to their
dining experiences; while going out in a group, you should not split the bill because
preparation needed for
that is not a common practice of French natives. Another important aspect concerning
food in culture is not tipping because it is already included within the pay. The main
focus that was interesting to me was the fact that in France you do not use ketchup,
they use mustard or mayo on foods like French fries. As for dress/fashion, the main
takeaway I found interesting was the business or business casual style everyone had
when doing everyday activities. I never saw one person in sweats in my time in France
unless they were at the gym. For the dialectal aspect, I was able to watch the film
Bienvenue Chez les Ch'Tis so I knew that in northern France the dialect (Ch'Tis) was
extremely different from standardized French. This was all to say that I had a lot of
personal experience and prior knowledge so the assignment was clear to me. In order

for it to be clear for students it needs to have a structure for choosing specific pieces of
culture to highlight, an understanding of regions and being able to understand
differences, while also being able to find photos that are representative of the
explanations of culture. This would take time for the students and would be something
I would have them mainly work on in class so I was there to help with any technical
issues. They would complete it on school computers so that they would not lose their
work and would have access to the websites, information, and software. I would first
walk students through inputting photos (after showing them how to download photos if
they needed that assistance), then inputting audio from recording on their (or a
partner's) phone. Afterwards, I would assist them with a link to multiple videos that
contain the information I want them to find while also encouraging them to find their
own source. They should choose one other medium (like an article or movie, etc)
which adds to their point. I would be there to help them at every stage in the process
and also include a day for peer recommendations or comments.

Part 3 → Educator Reflection

Reflection Questions
● How can you transfer this experience into your future classroom?

I can definitely transfer this information into a future classroom because it builds upon the level of French
Education that I want to be working in (being High School Level in IB/AP) so I can easily incorporate an activity
like the one I designed based on the information here.

● How did creating a digital product help you develop technology and content skills?

It helped me understand the student perspective for the activity and understand how important it is to go through
the process because you understand where there are pitfalls and what parts may not be as helpful as you may have
thought while coming up with the idea.

● When you implement this digital product in a future classroom, how will you handle equity issues
(students who do or do not have access to technology) and how will you differentiate for students
with different skill levels and English Language Learners?

I will make sure to have the assignment during the class period with the school's resources so all students have
access to completing it or provide after school time to work if students are able to find a way home. It is already
an individualized activity so students will be working at their own pace. I think with French Education students
produce work that is very personalized and therefore on the level they can sustain.

● What did you discover about yourself throughout this project?

I discovered how easy it is to incorporate creative ideas in a way that incorporates the target language while not
just using technology for technology's sake.

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