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CSC186 Group Assessment

Group 3 :

Leader – Muhammad Ehsan Annuar

Members – 1. Andrean Kong Gang Hung

2. Darryiell Karllen

3. Mirzamahathir bin Kasijan

A) Scenario

A newly opened university called University of Machinery Languages (UML) are

looking for a programmer to create a temporary student registration and course registration
system due to the programmer that they previously hired was caught working for other
university without any notice. You, who also applied for the job, got the offer since the
management staffs acknowledge your programming skills. The Student Management team
leader has given you the attributes as a boost for your start since they’re opening in 1 month
after receiving applications for 6 months ago.

An old university called University of Machinery Languages (UML) was having issue
with student registration and course registration where their online registration system. Our
group have come out with a proposal to help the university with their registration system.

B) Object Classes

1. Student

Attributes : studName, studID, address, birth_date, icNum, phoneNum, emergencyNum,


2. Course

Attributes : subName, subCode, creditHour, semester, courseName, addSub, dropSub

3. Parents

Attributes : parentName, parentIC, occupation, parentPhoneNum, parentEmail, salary

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