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What are the different forms of It is a firm whose activities are đirectly B DEPARTMENT STORES OR BIG STORES,

business concerns ? concerned with transferring the divided into many spesatized
ownership of goods There are wholesale departments (furniture department,
Manufacturing concerns ,trading busiseser and retail businesses , footwear department, etc.).
concerns and service entreprises ;
What are the different forms of refail C POPELAR STORES OR LIMITED-PRICE
What is a manufacturing concern? businesses? STORES which sell everyday articles such
as food, the cheaper clothes and
It is a firm engaged in producing A. SMALL RETAIL FIRMS Such as shops or household articles today supermarkets
consumer goods. A factory is the word one-man businesses The shop keeper is or shopping centres, with large car parks
generally used for the place where goods usually a sole trader, that is to say that he for customers cares ,have been
are manufactured. The word plant Or manages his business alone, without the introduced almost everywhere
complex refers to a very big factory or to help of partners This kind of business
a group of factories involves conside- rable capital great D CHAIN-STORES. which have many
responsibility and many risks branches selling mass-produced aticles
What is a trading concern? on a national scale.


merchandise by correspondence the enable small tradesmen to use the Traditional over the counter methods
customer chooses the articles he wants name and guarantee of a large firm in are gradually being replaced by other
from a catalogue and returns his order return for the payment of royal- techniques such as :
form by mail. He receives the goods he ties(About 3.8 % Of the turnover on an
has ordered by post. avervage) 30 % of American retail trade A. SELF-SERVICE the shop-assistant has
been eliminated and the cus- tomers
F CO-OPERATIVE RETAIL SOCIETIES, and is developing in Europe help themselves from the shelves or
which are non-profit making racks. The staff is limited to the
associations for the production or manager, the stock-boys and the
distribution of staple goods at lower cashiers who tap out prices on a cash-
direct retail outlets, such as gas and
prices to their members They achieve register and receive the money
electricity show-rooms
their aims by operating without
middlemen. B. MOBILE SHOPS specially equipped
What trading techniques are being
vans which travel to isolated
developed ?

C. AUTOMATIC VENDING small articles What are the different service catering trade (restaurants, hotels,
such as stamps, sweets, cigarettes or enterprises? public houses); garages, filling stations,
stockings sold from slot-machines in laundries
stations, factories. offices or on shop- A. TRANSPORT UNDERTAKINGS road
fronts, etc haulage, railway, shipping and airline What does the expression « public
companiesB. BANKS C. STOCK utility services » mean?
pardicularly prevalenlie in petrol station EXCHANGES (D. INSURANCE It includes all the undertakings which
and food shops, of giving stamps in COMPANIES EAgencies such as are in charge of a form of activity
proportion to the value of the goods sold commision agencies employmen t indispensable to the nation's life, such
which may later be exchanged for a gif tagencies travel agencies F. AUCTION as : British Rail, Inland Waterways and
SALESROOMS G. BONDED most of the Gas, Water and Electricity
What is a service enterprise? Boards. They are also called Statutory
which constitute the service trades : Companies (see chapter 21).
It is a firm supplying services to the
public. entertainment (theatres, cinemas);

What are the different service

AA.factory 1. In the
TRANSPORT United Kingdom
road - businesses2. Do not confuse business – 5. Order form : printed form used by
word plant
haulage, is mostshipping
railway, often used
andas a
airline (always singular), which means all kinds the customer for ordering goods.
companies for the premises, machinery, of occupations, and businesses (always
fixtures and other equipment of an plural), which means firms. -6. Staple (adjective) : principal or basic.
industrial concern. As a synonym of A staple : an important or principal
factory, we also find the word works Deppartement Stores 3. A shop is a article of commerce.
(always with an s), for instance, a steel- place where goods of the same kind are
sold by a retailer. A store is a large retail - 7. Royalties : a percentage of the sales
works, an engineering works, a gas-
concern which sells goods of different figure paid to the owner of a patent, a
works. The word mill is an older term
kinds. book, a musical composition, for the
dating from the period when the water-
right of use
mill and windmill turned the wheels of
Limited price store4. Many popular
industry (for example, a cotton-mill, a
stores were originally called one-price
paper-mill). There are certain
stores because they sold only articles at
specialized words such as refinery for oil
fixed prices (3 d, 6 d).
and sugar.

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