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Source: https://www.turkishtextbook.


Turkish English meaning(s)

Abi Older brother
Abla Older sister
Acaba I wonder
Acı Pain, bitter, spicy
Açık Open
Acıkmak To be hungry
Acil Emergency
Açmak To open
Ad Name
Adam Man
Adet Piece, unit
Adım Step
Adres Address
Ağaç Tree
Ağır Heavy
Ağız Mouth
Ağlamak To cry
Aile Family
Akıl Mind
Akıllı Smart, clever
Akmak To flow
Akşam Evening
Alan Area
Alışmak To adjust
Alışveriş yapmak To go shopping
Allah God
Almak To take
Altı Six
Altın Gold
Altmış Sixty
Ama But
Amaç Purpose
Amca Uncle (father's brother)
An Moment
Anlam Meaning
Anlamak To understand
Anlaşılmak To be understood
Anlatmak To explain
Anne Mother
Apartman Apartment building
Araba Car
Araç Tool, vehicle
Aralık December
Aramak To search for, to call (on the phone)
Araştırmak To research
Arı Bee
Arkadaş Friend
Armut Pear
Artık Anymore (these days)
Artmak To increase
Asıl Actual
Aşırı Extreme
Aşk Romantic love
Asker Soldier
Asla Never
Aslında Actually
At Horse
Ateş Fire
Atlamak To jump
Atmak To throw
Ay Moon, month
Ayak Foot
Ayakkabı Shoe
Ayı Bear
Ayırmak To separate
Ayna Mirror
Aynı Similar
Ayrı Separate
Ayrılmak To be separated
Az Little
Baba Dad
Bacak Leg
Bağırmak To shout
Bağlamak To tie, to connect
Bahçe Garden
Bakan Minister (government)
Bakış View
Bakmak To look
Balık Fish
Banka Bank
Bant Tape, band, strip
Banyo Bathroom (with a shower or bath)
Bardak Glass (cup)
Barış Peace (not at war)
Baş Head
Başarı Success
Basit Basic, simple
Başka Other
Başkan President, chairman
Baskı Pressure
Başlamak To start
Basmak To step, to press
Batı West
Batmak To sink
Battaniye Blanket
Bayrak Flag
Bayram Holiday
Bazen Sometimes
Bazı Some
Bebek Baby
Bedava Free
Beden Body (or clothing size)
Beğenmek To like
Bekâr Single (not married)
Beklemek To wait
Bel Waist, lower back
Belediye Municipality
Belge Document
Belki Maybe
Belli Clear, obvious
Benzemek To look like
Benzin Gasoline
Beraber Together
Beş Five
Bey Mr.
Beyaz White
Beyin Brain
Bez Cloth (or diaper)
Bıçak Knife
Biçim Shape
Bilet Ticket
Bilgi Information
Bilgisayar Computer
Bilim Science
Bilmek To know
Bin Thousand
Bina Building
Binmek To ride, to get on (a bus)
Bir One
Bırakmak To leave something
Biraz A little
Birçok A lot
Biri Someone, one of them
Birinci First
Birisi Someone
Birkaç A few
Birlikte Together
Bitirmek To finish (something)
Bitki Plant
Bitmek To be finished
Böcek Bug
Boğaz Throat
Bölge Region
Bölge Region
Bölmek To divide
Bölüm Division, chapter
Boru Pipe
Boş Empty
Boşaltmak To empty (something)
Boşanmak To get divorced
Boy Size
Boyamak To paint, to dye (something)
Boyun Neck
Bozuk Broken (stopped working)
Bozulmak To be broken (stop working)
Bugün Today
Bulmak To find
Buluşmak To meet up with
Burada Here, at/in this place
Burası This place
Burun Nose
Bütün All, entire
Büyük Big
Büyümek To grow (bigger)
Çabuk Quick
Cadde Street
Çağırmak To invite, to call
Çalışmak To work
Çalmak To steal, to play (an instrument)
Cam Glasses
Çamaşır Laundry
Cami Mosque
Can Life, soul
Canlı Alive, live broadcast
Çanta Bag (backpack, purse)
Çarpmak To crash
Çarşamba Wednesday
Çatal Fork
Çay Tea
Çaydanlık Teapot
Çekmek To pull
Çeşit Type, variety
Cevap vermek To answer
Çevirmek To flip, to translate something
Çevre Environment
Çeyrek Quarter (25%)
Ceza Punishment
Çiçek Flower
Ciddi Serious
Çift Double
Çiftçi Farmer
Cihaz Electronic device
Çıkarmak To take off, to remove
Çıkmak To leave, climb
Çirkin Ugly
Çizgi Line, drawing
Çocuk Child
Çok Very, many
Çorap Sock
Çözmek To solve, to untie
Çözüm Resolution
Cuma Friday
Cumartesi Saturday
Cümle Sentence
Çünkü Because
Dağ Mountain
Daha az Less
Daha çok More
Daire Apartment, circle
Dakika Minute
Damla Drop (of liquid)
Dans etmek To dance
Davet etmek To invite
Davranış behavior
Davranmak To behave (in a certain way)
Dayanmak To endure
Defter Notebook
Değer Value
Değil Not
Değişmek (For something) to change
Değiştirmek To change (something)
Delik Hole
Demek To say, it means...
Denemek To try
Denge Balance
Deniz Sea
Deprem Earthquake
Derece Degrees (temperature)
Deri Skin
Derin Deep
Ders Class
Destek Support
Devam etmek To continue
Devlet Government
Diğer The other (one)
Dik Steep
Dikkat etmek To be careful
Dil Tongue (or language)
Din Religion
Dinlemek To listen
Dinlenmek To rest
Dirilmek To be resurrected
Diş Tooth
Diz Knee
Doğal Natural
Doğal gaz Natural Gas
Doğmak To be born
Doğru Right
Doğu East
Doksan Ninety
Doktor Doctor
Dokuz Nine
Dolap Cabinet
Dolaşmak To wander
Doldurmak To fill
Dolu Full
Dondurma Ice cream
Dönem Period (of time)
Döner Shaved Meat
Dönmek To turn
Dört Four
Dost Best friend
Dosya Folder
Döviz Foreign currency (esp. Dollars, Euro)
Düğün Wedding celebration
Dükkan Shop
Duman Smoke
Dün Yesterday
Dünya Earth, world
Durmak To stop
Durum Situation
Dürüm Sandwich wrap
Duş almak To take a shower
Düşmek To fall
Düşünce Thought
Düşünmek To think
Duvar Wall
Duygu Emotion, sense
Duymak To hear, to sense
Düz Straight
Düzeltmek To correct
Düzenlemek To organize
Eğitim Education
Ek Addition, suffix
Ekim October
Eklemek To add (common speech)
Ekmek Bread
Ekonomi Economy
Eksik Missing
El Hand
Elbette Certainly
Eldiven Glove
Elektrik Electricity, electric
Eleman Worker
Elli Fifty
Elma Apple
Emekli Retired
Emin Certain
Emlakçı Realtor
En Most (or width)
Enerji Energy
Enflasyon Inflation
Engel Barrier
Engelli Disabled
Erimek To melt
Erkek Boy (or male)
Erken Early
Eş Spouse, companion
Eşit Equal
Eski Old
Eskiden In the past
Eşya Furnishings, stuff
Et Meat, flesh
Etki Effect
Etkilemek To affect
Etmek To do
Ev Home
Ev sahibi Home owner
Evet Yes
Evlenmek To marry
Evli Married
Eylül September
Fabrika Factory
Fakat But
Fakir Poor
Falan filan Etc
Fare Mouse (animal or for computer)
Fark Difference
Fark etmek To notice
Farketmez It doesn't matter
Farklı Different
Fazla Too much
Fikir Idea
Film Movie (film)
Fincan (Tea or turkish coffee) cup
Fırsat Opportunity
Fiş Receipt, electrical plug
Fiyat Price
Fotoğraf Photograph
Galiba Probably
Gayet Really, quite
Gaz Gas (but not gasoline)
Gazete Newspaper (gazette)
Geç Late
Geç kalmak To be late
Gece Night
Geçen Last (week, month, year), one that passes
Geçici Temporary
Geçmek To pass
Geçmiş Past
Gelecek Next, future
Gelenek Tradition
Gelir Income
Gelmek To come
Genç Young (person)
Gene Again
Genel General
Genellikle Generally
Geniş Wide (or loose fitting)
Gerçek True, truth
Gerçekten Really
Gerekli Needed
Gerekmek To be needed
Geri gelmek To come back
Geri vermek To give back
Getirmek To bring
Gezmek To explore
Gibi Like, similar to
Gıda Food (market)
Giriş Entrance
Girmek To enter
Gitmek To go
Giymek To put on (clothing)
Giysi Outfit (clothing)
Gizli Secret (private)
Göbek Stomach, belly, center
Göçmen Refugee
Gök Sky (or heaven)
Göl Lake
Göndermek To send
Gönül Heart, soul
Görev Duty
Görmek To see
Görünmek To appear
Görüşmek To talk with, to meet with
Göstermek To show
Götürmek To take something somewhere
Göz Eye
Gözlük Glasses
Gri Grey
Grip Flu
Grup Group
Güç Strength
Güçlü Strong
Güle güle Bye
Gülmek To laugh (or smile)
Gülümsemek To smile
Gümüş Silver
Gün Day
Günah Sin
Güneş Sun
Güney South
Güven Trust
Güvenlik Security
Güvenmek To trust
Güzel Good, pretty
Haber News
Hadi Hurry, let's go
Hafif Light (weight)
Hafta Week
Hafta sonu Weekend
Hâkim Judge
Haklı Right (justified in saying something)
Hal State, status
Hâlâ Still
Halı Carpet
Halk People (people group)
Hamburger Hamburger
Hangi Which
Hanım Mrs.
Hapishane Jail
Harcamak To spend
Hareket Activity
Harika Wonderful
Harita Map
Hasta Sick
Hastane Hospital
Hata Mistake, imperfection
Hatırlamak To remember
Hava Air
Havaalanı Airport
Havlu Towel
Havuz Pool
Hayal etmek To dream, imagine
Hayat Life
Hayır No
Hayvan Animal
Hayvanat bahçesi Zoo
Hazır Ready
Haziran June
Hedef Target, goal
Hediye Gift
Hemen Right now
Henüz Not yet
Hep All
Hepsi All (of a group)
Her Every
Her gün Every day
Her şey Everything
Her zaman All the time
Herhalde Probably
Herhangi Whichever
Herkes Everyone
Hesap Account
Hesap makinası Calculator
Heyecanlanmak To be excited
Heyecanlı Excited
Hiçbir None
Hikâye Story
Hırdavatçı Hardware store
Hissetmek To feel (emotion)
Hızlı Fast
Hizmet etmek To serve
Hoca Teacher
Hoş Nice
İbadet Worship
İçecek Drink
İçmek To drink
İğne Needle (or syringe)
İhtiyaç Need (basic need)
İki Two
İkram etmek To treat, to give something for free
İl Province
İlaç Medicine
İlçe District (section of a province)
İlgi Interest
İlginç Interesting (or strange)
İlişki Relationship
İlk First
İlkbahar Spring
İmkânsiz Impossible
İmza Signature
İnanç Faith
İnanmak To believe
İnce Thin
İndirim Discount
İnek Cow
İngilizce English (language)
İnmek To get off
İnşaat Construction
İnsan Person
İnternet Internet
İp Thread
İptal etmek To cancel
İş Work (profession)
İşçi Worker
Işık Light
İsim Name
Islak Wet
İşlem Process
İstemek To want
İyi Good
İzin Permission, permit
İzin vermek To give permission
İzlemek To watch, to follow
Kaba Rude
Kablo Cable
Kabul etmek To accept
Kaç How many
Kaçmak To escape
Kadar Quantity
Kadın Woman
Kafa Head
Kâğıt Paper
Kahraman Hero
Kahvaltı Breakfast
Kahve Coffee
Kahverengi Brown
Kalabalık Crowded (or crowd)
Kaldırmak To remove
Kalem Pen (or other writing utensil)
Kalıcı Permanent
Kalın Thick
Kalite Quality
Kalkmak To rise
Kalmak To stay
Kâlp Heart
Kan Blood
Kanal Canal, channel
Kanepe Couch
Kanun Law
Kapak Cover
Kapatmak To close (something)
Kapı Door
Karanlık Darkness
Karar vermek To decide
Kardeş Sibling
Karı Wife
Karın Stomach
Karıştırmak To mix
Karşı Opposite side, against
Kart Card
Kasa Checkout
Kasaba Town
Kaşık Spoon
Kasım November
Kat Floor (layer)
Katılmak To join, to agree
Kavşak Roundabout
Kaya Boulder
Kaybetmek To lose
Kayıt Record
Kaymak To slide, skate (or whipped cream)
Kaynak Source
Kaza Crash, accident
Kazanmak To win
Kebab Kabob
Keçi Goat
Kedi Cat
Kelime Word
Kenar Edge
Kent City
Kesilmek To be cut, to be turned off
Kesin Certain
Kesinlikle Certainly
Kesmek To cut
Kibar Polite
Kılıç Sword
Kilim Carpet, floor mat
Kilitlemek To lock
Kılmak To do, to make, to perform
Kilo Kilogram
Kilometre Kilometer
Kim Who
Kimlik Identity
Kırk Forty
Kirli Dirty
Kırmızı Red
Kış Winter
Kısa Short
Kişi Person
Kısım Part
Kitap Book
Kız Girl
Kız çocuk Girl, daughter
Kız kardeş Sister
Kızarmak To fry, to turn red
Kızgın Angry, hot
Koca Husband (or huge)
Koku Smell
Kol Arm
Kol saati Wrist watch
Kolay Easy
Koltuk Couch (or armchair)
Kombi Natural gas water heater
Komik Funny
Kontrol etmek To check
Konu Topic
Konuşmak To talk
Köpek Dog
Kör Blind
Köri Curry
Koridor Aisle
Korkmak To be afraid
Korumak To protect
Köşe Corner
Koşmak To run
Kötü Bad
Kötülük Evil
Köy Village
Koymak To put
Koyu Dark, intense
Koyun Sheep
Kral King
Kredi Credit (loan)
Kriz Crisis
Küçük Small
Kulak Ear
Kullanmak To use
Kültür Culture
Kum Sand
Kumanda Remote control
Kurabiye Cookie
Kural Rule
Kurbağa Frog
Kurban etmek To sacrifice (an animal)
Kurmak To build (a building), to establish (an organization)
Kurt Wolf
Kurtarmak To save, to rescue
Kurtulmak To be saved, rescued
Kuru Dry
Kuş Bird
Kusura bakma I'm sorry (informal apology)
Kusursuz Flawless, perfect
Kutlamak To celebrate
Kutu Box
Kuzey North
Laf Word, empty words
Lastik Tire
Lavabo Bathroom, bathroom sink
Lâzım Needed
Lezzetli Flavorful, good tasting
Lider Leader
Limon Lemon
Lira Lira (Turkish unit of money)
Lise High school
Lüks Luxurious
Lütfen Please
Maç Sports match
Madde Material
Mağaza Store
Mahalle Neighborhood (part of an ilçe)
Makine Machine
Mal Goods, property
Malzeme Ingredient, material
Mantık Logic
Manzara Scenery
Marka Brand
Mart March
Masa Table
Mavi Blue
Maya Yeast
Mayıs May
Meclis Parliament
Medya Media
Mektup Letter (mail)
Memleket Homeland
Merak etmek To worry, to be curious
Merdiven Stairs, ladder
Merhaba Hello
Merkez Center
Mesafe Distance
Mesaj Message (usually text message)
Mesela For example
Mesele Issue, matter
Meslek Profession
Metal Metal
Metre Meter (or tape measure)
Metre kare Square meters
Meydan City square, commons
Meyve Fruit
Mide Stomach
Miktar Amount
Millet People, nation
Milyar Billion
Milyon Million
Miras Inheritance
Misafir Guest
Mısır Corn, Egypt
Mor Purple
Müdür Manager
Mum Candle
Mümkün Possible
Müsait Available
Müşteri Customer
Mutfak Kitchen
Mutlaka Absolutely
Mutlu Happy
Mutsuz Unhappy
Müzik Music
Nakit Cash
Nasıl How
Ne What
Neden Why
Nefes almak To breathe
Nehir River
Nerede Where
Neredeyse Almost
Net Clear, plain
Neyse Anyway
Nisan April
Nişanlı Engaged
Niye Why (informal)
Nöbetçi Open during late hours (ER, eczane, etc)
Nokta Point (or period)
Normal Normal
Normalde Normally
Numara Number
Öbür The other (one)
Ocak January (or stove)
Oda Room
Ödemek To pay (money)
Odun Log
Öğrenci Student
Öğretmek To teach
Öğretmen Teacher
Oğul Son
Okul School
Okumak To read, study
Okyanus Ocean
Olay Event
Oldukça Really
Öldürmek To kill
Olmak To be, to become
Ölmek To die
Ölüm Death
Olur Okay
On Ten
Onaylamak To condone, accept
Önce Before
Önemli Important
Orman Forest
Örneğin For example
Örnek Example
Orta Middle, center
Ortak Shared
Örümcek Spider
Ot Feed (for an animal)
Otel Hotel
Otobüs Bus
Otomobil Automobile
Oturmak To sit
Otuz Thirty
Öykü Story
Öyle That way, like that
Oynamak To play
Oyun Game
Oyuncak Toy
Özel Special
Özellikle Especially
Özgür Free (not enslaved)
Özlemek To miss (someone)
Özür dilerim I'm sorry (for a wrong I've done)
Pahalı Expensive
Pamuk Cotton
Pantolon Pants
Para Money
Parça Part
Parmak Finger
Parti Party
Pastane Bakery
Patlamak To explode, to pop
Patlıcan Eggplant
Patron Employer, boss
Paylaşmak To share
Pazar Sunday (or bazaar)
Pazartesi Monday
Pek Very
Peki Well
Pembe Pink
Pencere Window
Perde Curtains
Perşembe Thursday
Peşin Paid up front (not in installments)
Pişman Regretful
Plan Plan
Polis Police officer
Portakal Orange
Problem Problem
Program Schedule, computer program
Proje Project
Puan Point (in a game)
Rahat Comfortable
Reddetmek To refuse
Reklam Advertisement
Renk Color
Resim Picture
Ruh Spirit
Rüya Dream
Rüzgâr Wind
Saat Time, hour
Sabah Morning
Sabırlı Patient
Sabun Soap
Saç Hair
Sade Plain, unsweetened
Sadece Only
Sağlamak To provide
Sağlık health
Sağol Thanks
Sahip Owner
Sakin Calm
Saklamak To store, to hide (something)
Salatalık Cucumber
Salı Tuesday
Salon Living room
Sanat Art
Sandalye Chair
Saniye Second
Sanki As if
Sanmak To think, suppose
Şans Chance
Şapka Hat
Sarı Yellow
Şarj Charge (for a phone or other device)
Şarkı Song
Şart Condition, need
Satın almak To purchase
Satmak To sell
Savaş War
Sayfa Page
Saygı Respect
Sayı Number
Sebep Reason, cause
Sebze Vegetable
Seçim Choice, election
Seçmek To choose
Şehir City
Sehpa Coffee table
Şeker Sugar
Şekil Shape
Sekiz Eight
Seksan Eighty
Sene Year
Sepet Basket
Serbest Free (independent)
Sert Hard, harsh
Servis Shuttle, place setting
Ses Sound
Ses kaydı yapmak To record (sound)
Sevgi Love
Sevinmek To rejoice, to be happy
Sevmek To love
Şey Thing
Seyretmek To watch
Sıcak Warm, friendly
Şifre Password
Sigara Cigarette
Sigorta Insurance
Şiir Poem
Şikayet etmek To complain
Sıkılmak To be bored with
Sıkıntı Trouble
Silah Weapon
Silmek To erase
Şimdi Now
Sınav Exam
Sinek Fly (or other similar bug)
Sınıf Class
Sınır Border, limit
Sinirlenmek To be angry
Sipariş vermek To place an order
Sıra Turn, queue
Sirke Vinegar
Şirket Company
Sırt Back
Şişe Bottle
Sistem System
Sıvı Liquid
Siyah Black
Siyaset Politics
Soğuk Cold
Sohbet etmek To chat
Sokak Street, side road
Sokmak To insert, to sting
Sol Left
Son Last
Sonbahar Fall
Sonra After
Sonsuz Forever
Sonuç Result
Sormak To ask
Soru Question
Sorun Problem
Sos Sauce
Sosyal Social
Sote Saute
Söylemek To say
Söz Word, promise
Spor yapmak To exercise
Su Water
Şubat February
Suç Crime, fault
Sunmak To offer, present
Şüphe Suspicion, doubt
Süre Duration
Sürekli Continuously
Sürmek To spread, to drive
Sürpriz Surprise
Sürücü Driver
Susamak To be thirsty
Süt Milk
Tabak Plate
Tabii Of course
Tahmin etmek To predict
Tahta Wood
Takım Team
Takip etmek To follow
Takmak To hang up, to attach
Taksit Payment in installments
Talep Request
Tam Exact, whole
Tamam Okay, finished
Tamir etmek To repair
Tane Piece, unit
Tanımak To know (person)
Tanışmak To meet (for the first time)
Taraf Side
Tarih Date, history
Tartışmak To argue
Tarz Style
Taş Stone
Taşımak To carry, to move
Tatil Vacation
Tatlı Sweet, dessert
Tavan Ceiling
Tavşan Rabbit
Tavsiye etmek To recommend
Taze Fresh
Tebrik etmek To congratulate
Tedavi Therapy
Tehlike Danger
Tek Single, only
Teknik Technical, tecnique
Teknoloji Technology
Tekrar Again
Telefon Telephone
Televizyon Television
Tembel Lazy
Temel Foundation
Temiz Clean
Temizlemek To clean (something)
Temmuz July
Tencere Pot
Tepe Hill
Tepki Reaction
Tepsi Tray
Ter Sweat
Tercih etmek To prefer
Terlik Slippers
Ters Backwards
Teyze Aunt (Mother's sister)
Tip Type
Top Ball
Toplam Total
Toplamak To gather (or add numbers)
Toplantı Meeting
Toplum Society
Toprak Dirt
Toz Dust (or powder)
Trafik Traffic
Tren Train
Tüm All, entire
Tür Type
Türkçe Turkish
Turuncu Orange (the color, not the fruit)
Tutmak To catch, to hold
Tuvalet Toilet
Tuz Salt
Uç Point
Üç Three
Uçak Airplane
Uçmak To fly
Ücret Price (or salary)
Üçüncü Third
Ucuz Cheap
Ufak Tiny
Uğraşmak To struggle
Ulaşmak To arrive
Ülke Country
Uluslararası International
Ummak To hope
Üniversite University
Ünlü Famous
Unutmak To forget
Ürün Product
Usta Expert, craftsman
Üşümek To be cold
Utanmak To be shy
Uyanık Awake
Üye Member
Uygulamak To apply
Uygun Available
Uymak To obey, to fit
Uyumak To sleep
Uzak Far
Uzanmak To lie down
Uzatmak To extend
Üzgün Sad
Uzman Expert
Üzüm Grapes
Uzun Long, tall
Vakit Time
Varmak To arrive
Vatandaş Citizen
Vazgeçmek To change one's mind
Ve And
Vergi Tax
Vermek To give
Veya Or
Vücut Body
Vurmak To hit
WC Bathroom (water closet)
Ya da Or
Yabancı Foreigner
Yağ Oil, fat
Yağmur Rain
Yakalamak To catch
Yakın Near
Yaklaşık Approximately
Yaklaşmak To get closer
Yakmak To light (a fire, stove)
Yalnız Alone
Yani In other words
Yanıt Answer
Yanlış Wrong
Yanmak To burn
Yapı Structure
Yapmak To do
Yaprak Leaf
Yara Injury
Yaratmak To create
Yardım etmek To help
Yarım Half
Yaş Age
Yasa Law
Yaşam Life
Yaşamak To live
Yaşlı Old (person)
Yatak Bed
Yatmak To lie down
Yavaş Slow
Yaygın Common, widespread
Yaz Summer
Yazar Author
Yazmak To write
Yedek Extra
Yedi Seven
Yemek To Eat
Yeni New
Yer Place, floor
Yeşil Green
Yetenek Skill
Yeterli Enough
Yetmiş Seventy
Yıl Year
Yılan Snake
Yıldız Star
Yine Again
Yirmi Twenty
Yiyecek Food
Yoğun Thick, busy
Yoğurt Yogurt
Yoksa Or
Yol Road, path
Yön Direction
Yönetici Manager
Yönetmek To lead
Yöntem Method
Yorulmak To be exhausted
Yorum Comment
Yüksek High
Yumurta Egg
Yumuşak Soft
Yurt dışı Outside the country
Yurtiçi Domestic (inside the country)
Yürümek To walk
Yuvarlak Round
Yüz Face, 100
Yüzde Percent
Yüzyıl Century
Zafer Victory
Zaman Time
Zarar Damage
Zarf Envelope, adverb
Zaten Anyway, already
Zayıf Thin, weak
Zehir Poison
Zeki Intelligent
Zemin Ground (floor)
Zengin Rich
Zevk Pleasure
Zeytin Olive
Zil Doorbell
Zor Difficult

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