RPE Essay

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Why are Sacred texts important to people?

Sacred texts are holy books representing the word of God. In each religion, they
have their own unique texts that consist of inspiring messages. These sacred texts
are supposed to set guidelines for your own way of living. Examples of these include:
The Qur’an for Islam; The Torah for Judaism; The Bible for Christianity and the Guru
Granth Sahib for Sikhism. In these next paragraphs, I will be discussing my opinion
that will describe the importance of sacred texts.
In Islam, The Qur’an is treated with extreme importance. Muslims show this by going
through a washing ritual called wudu. Wudu is a sign of respect where you wash
your whole body before coming into contact with The Qur’an. For the Torah, you
must attach and touch it by a handle in the shape of a hand with an outstretched
finger called a yad, otherwise not at all. These things show the significance of the
sacred text and that you care for the religion you are supporting. The Qur’an is
important to believers because it sets a daily basis routine with teachings of right or
wrong. Another reason the Qur’an is important is because it acknowledges you with
an explanation for the purpose of life, the oneness of Allah (who is the god of Islam),
moral social and spiritual values, prophecies and the prophet as the perfect role
Does the reliability of the Qur’an make it more/less important? In my opinion, I would
say that it does not matter whether the stories in the Qur’an are true or false as long
as they have a motivating moral with an ethical influence. The Qur’an contains a
story about a profit named Noah. He had a vision sent from Allah to warn him about
a flood and to tell him to build a boat that could carry as many animals and people as
he could carry. Noah built the boat and invited everyone he could find to join him in
the boat since a flood was coming. Nobody believed him yet Noah still built the boat
for the flood and stayed faithful to God. The day that God mentioned came and the
flood began whilst Noah listened to God and gathered animals in his boat. After the
flood finished Noah and his family were the last humans alive. The reason for me
including this story is because Noah always stayed true to God, therefore, his family
were the only humans alive. The story may not be necessarily real. Despite this,
some believers will think about the moral as a message: to believe in God so that
good things will come your way.
Christians believe that their sacred text, the Bible, contains prophecies of Jesus’ life
which came true. However, others may suggest that the Bible contains miracles and
stories which seem impossible, such as the feeding of the 5000 from only a couple of
loaves and fishes. All of this applies to the Qur’an too except there are different
stories inscribed. In both ways, there is a test in reliability for each importance.
Depending on your belief there will always be a show of bias to what you write.
Nevertheless, I believe that the fact that these stories are unbelievable does not
affect the amount of importance or reliability that you should put into the encouraging
virtues of these sacred texts. Although the impossible resolutions of these stories
may not be true, an inspiring moral could influence your actions.
In conclusion, I would concur with the resolution that the main reason sacred texts
are important to people is because they explain the rules: what is good and bad, who
you should support, why you should believe in the religion, how to behave. These
are what make a human decide how to act; if a human thought that destroying a city
is good and helping people is bad because of their religion, I would not support them
since I believe in a different version of that as my sacred text tells me the opposite of
that mindset.

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