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Learning Objectives:

ü To know the materials in concrete

ü To know the proportioning of

mixture and qualities of concrete
Concrete Construction

Concrete- (Division 3)

• a proportioned mixture of cement,

aggregate and water.

• a plastic mass which can be cast,

molded or formed into
predetermined size or shape
Concrete Construction

Concrete- (Division 3)
• w h e n m i x e d w i t h w a t e r, f i n e
aggregate and a large aggregate of
more than 6mm (¼”) in size
produces concrete.
• when strengthened by embedded
steel, is called reinforced
• when without reinforcement, is
called plain or mass concrete.
Concrete Construction


Cementing Materials
ü Lime
ü Gypsum
ü Cement
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials


One of the oldest manufactured

building materials used as a mortar
and plaster by all the early
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

ü Egyptians used lime plaster before
2600 B.C.
ü Greeks used it extensively for
mortars and plasters
ü Romans developed a mixture of
lime putty and volcanic ash for the
first real cement.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials


Manufactured by the calcination of

limestone (carbonates of calcium and
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

Hydrated lime mixed with water to
make lime putty, is used as an
ingredient of hard-finish coat for two-
and three-coat Portland cement
plasters. It is also used for mixing with
cement mortar or concrete to:
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

Hydrated lime mixed with water to
make lime putty, is used as an
ingredient of hard-finish coat for two-
• increase its workability
and three-coat Portland cement
• decrease its permeability
plasters. It is also used for mixing with
to water
cement mortar or concrete to:
• reduce cracking due to
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

“Plaster” from the Greek word for both

the raw material and calcined product.
In architectural terminology the words
“Plaster” and “gypsum” are often
used interchangeably.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

like lime, was used as a plaster by the

Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

Gypsum plaster is rendered more

plastic by the addition of hydrated lime.

Fiber or hair is also sometimes added

for greater cohesiveness. The fiber
may be hemp, sisal or jute; the hair is
generally cleaned goat or cattle hair.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

First developed by the Romans by

mixing slaked lime with pozzolana
(volcanic ash) which hardened under
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

In 1756, Smeaton, an Englishman,

rediscovered hydraulic cement but it
was not until 1824 that Aspdin, an
English bricklayer and mason,
invented and patented Portland
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

Today, the word “cement” generally

refers to Portland cement which is
the principal type of cement in use.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

With the fall of the Roman Empire the

art of cement-making was lost and for
several centuries.
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials

Portland cement is obtained by finely

pulverizing clinker produced by
calcining a proportioned mixture of
argillaceous (silica, alumina) and
calcareous (lime) materials with iron
oxide and small amounts of other
Concrete Construction

Cementing Materials
Types of Portland cement:
• slow-setting cement
• quick-setting high early strength
• sulfate-resisting cement for
applications where alkaline water
and soils occur
• white cement (or stainless cement
which is free of iron impurities).
Concrete Construction


• Concrete should be:

• Strong
• Durable
• of uniform quality, and
• thoroughly sound.
Concrete Construction


These are obtained through:

• careful selection of materials
• correct proportioning
• thorough mixing
• careful transporting and placing
• proper curing or protection of the
concrete after it is placed
Concrete Construction
Slump Test

- used for measuring the consistency

of a concrete mix.
- Consistency may be defined as the
“state of fluidity of the mix”, and it
includes the entire range of fluidity
from the wettest to the driest
possible mixtures.
Concrete Construction
Slump Test

- In this test the tendency of a mix to

“slump”, or reduce its height due to
gravity action, is measured. The
apparatus consist of metal cone, the
bottom opening being 200mm (8”) in
diameter, the top opening being
100mm (4”), and the height exactly
300mm (12”).
Concrete Construction
Slump Test

A harsh mix is efficient for slabs,

pavements, or mass concrete where
the lowest possible water-cement
ratio is desirable.

The following table gives the

permissible slump for various types
of concrete in relation to their uses:
Concrete Construction
Maximum Minimum
A harsh mix is efficient for slabs, Reinforced foundation walls 125mm (5”) 50mm
pavements, or mass concrete where and footings (2”)
the lowest possible water-cement Plain footings, caissons, and 100mm (4”) 25mm
substructure walls (1”)
ratio is desirable.
Slabs, beams, thin reinforced 150mm (6”) 75mm
walls & building columns (3”)
Pavements and floor laid on 75mm (3”) 25mm
The following table gives the ground (1”)
permissible slump for various types Heavy mass construction 75mm (3”) 25mm
of concrete in relation to their uses: (1”)
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

Briefly stated, the principles of proper proportioning are as follows:

a. Use good quality materials: Portland cement, water, and


b. Determine the strength of the concrete using the water-cement

ratio. (The strength increases as the water-cement ratio decreases).
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

Briefly stated, the principles of proper proportioning are as follows:

c. Determine the consistency of the mix using the slump test using as dry a
mix as practicable.

d. Add correct proportions of aggregates to the cement and water as will

give a mix of the desired consistency.

e. Make a mix that’s workable, not harsh.

Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

The strength of a workable

concrete mix depends upon the
water-cement ratio.

The economy of the mix depends

upon the proper proportioning of the
fine and coarse aggregates.
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

There are several methods of

proportioning concrete:
• a. Proportioning by arbitrary
• b. Proportioning by the water-ratio
and slump test
• c. Proportioning by water-ratio,
slump and fineness modulus
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete
Proportioning by arbitrary

• Proportioning concrete by the

arbitrary selection of the proportions
is the oldest, the most commonly
used, the most convenient and the
least scientific method.
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete
Proportioning by arbitrary

• In this method, the aggregates are

measured by loose volume, that is,
its volume as it is thrown into a
measuring box.
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete 1 foot

a. Proportioning by arbitrary

• One sack of cement is taken as 1

cu. ft.

1 foot
• Enough water is used to give the
1 foot
desired consistency.
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

• Common mixes expressed

in proportions by volumes of
cement to fine aggregate to
coarse aggregate are as
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete
• Common mixes expressed Class 1 : 1.5 : 3 For concrete under water, retaining walls
in proportions by volumes of “AA”
cement to fine aggregate to
Class “A” 1: 2 :4 For suspended slabs, beams, columns,
coarse aggregate are as arches, stairs, walls of 100mm (4”)
Class “B” 1 : 2.5 : 5 For walls thicker than 100mm (4”), footings,
steps, reinforced concrete slabs on fill.

Class “C” 1: 3 :6 For concrete plant boxes, and any non-

critical concrete structures.

Class “D” 1 : 3.5 : 7 For mass concrete works.

1 foot

Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete

• The proportion is to be read:

1 foot
Class A : 1 part cement is to 2 parts sand is to 4 parts
1 foot

Each ‘part’ is equivalent to one cubic foot which is the

measure of the box constructed to be 1 foot (12 inches) on
each of the three sides.
Each bag of cement is equivalent to approximately one
cubic foot.
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete
b. Proportioning by the water-ratio and slump test

There are two steps to be observed:

ü Select the amount of water to be added to the
cement to give the desired strength (see Table)

ü Add just enough mixed aggregate to the water and

cement to give a concrete mix the desired
Concrete Construction
Proportioning of Concrete
b. Proportioning by the water-ratio and slump test

It is customary to specify
- the cement in sacks
- the water in gallons per sack of cement and
- the mixed aggregate in cu. ft. per sack of cement.

Proportions of cement to fine aggregate to coarse

aggregate may be given if desired.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
A. Cement

• in reinforced-concrete construction
should be high-grade Type 1
Portland cement type C-150
conforming to the “Standard
Specifications and Test for
Portland Cement” of the American
Society for Testing Materials
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
A. Cement

The kind of tests usually made are:

ü soundness, or constancy of volume
ütime of setting
ütensile strength

• Each bag of cement is equivalent to approximately 1

cu. ft. and weighs 94 lbs.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
B. Aggregates

inert mineral fillers used with cement and water

in making concrete, should be particles that are
durable strong, clean, hard and uncoated, and
which are free from injurious amount of dusts,
lumps, soft and flaky particles, shale, alkali,
organic matter loam or other deleterious
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
B. Aggregates

• Fine aggregates (aggregates smaller than

6mm (¼”) in size) consist of sand, stone
screenings or other inert materials of similar
• Specs: 80 to 95% shall pass a No. 4 wire
cloth sieve and not more than 30% nor less
than 10% shall pass a No. 50 sieve.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
B. Aggregates

• Coarse aggregate (aggregate larger than ¼”

in size) consists of crushed stones, gravel or
other inert materials of similar characteristics.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
B. Aggregates

• Coarse aggregates should be well graded in

size to a size which will readily pass between
all reinforcing bars and between
reinforcement and forms but not exceed
25mm (1”) in size for reinforced beams, floor
slabs, & thin walls.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete
B. Aggregates

• They may range up to 50mm (2”) for less

highly reinforced parts of the structures such
as footings, thick walls, and massive work.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete

- should be free from oil, acid, alkali, vegetable matter, or other deleterious

- should be reasonably clear and clean.

- The use of sea or brackish water is not allowed.

Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete

ü Water combines with the cement to

form a paste which coats and
surrounds the inert particles of

ü Upon hardening, it binds the entire

mass together.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete

ü The strength of the mixture therefore

depends directly upon the strength of the
paste. If there be an excess of water the
paste becomes thin and weak and its holding
power is reduced.
ü The water-cement ratio is the amount of
water used per bag of cement.
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete

ü This usually varies from 5 to 7 gallons, with

6.5 gallons as average for ordinary job
conditions. The less water used in mixing,
the better the quality of concrete.
ü The ideal mix is one that is plastic and
workable. It should not be too dry that it
becomes too difficult to place in the forms,
nor too wet that separation of the ingredients
Concrete Construction
Materials of Concrete

Assumed 28-day Maximum water-cement ratio Pounds of water per 100

Compressive strength U.S. gallons of water per sack Cement lbs. of cement
(lbs. per sq. inch) of 94 lbs.

2,000 7.00 62.0

2,500 6.50 57.5
3,000 5.75 51.0
3,750 5.00 44.5
Concrete Construction
Shrinkage of Concrete & Temperature

• Shrinkage of concrete due to hardening and

contraction from temperature changes, causes
cracks the size of which depends on the extent
of the mass. They cannot be counteracted
successfully but they can be minimized by
placing reinforcement so that large cracks can
be broken up to some extent to smaller ones.
Concrete Construction
Shrinkage of Concrete & Temperature

• In long continuous length of concrete, it is

better to place shrinkage or contraction joints.
Shrinkage cracks are likely to occur at joints
where fresh concrete is joined to concrete
which has already set, and hence in placing
the concrete, construction joints should be
made on horizontal and vertical lines.
Concrete Construction
Shrinkage of Concrete & Temperature
Concrete must be allowed to “cure” or harden
after it is placed.

• Hardening is a rather slow process in which

the cement and water unite to form
compounds that give strength and durability to
the concrete. It continues as long as the
temperatures are favorable and moisture is
Concrete Construction
Shrinkage of Concrete & Temperature

• Three main factors that affect hardening are:

ü age or time
ü temperature
ü moisture.
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete

• In order that the hardening may proceed

favorably, the fresh concrete, for about 7 days
after placing, should be protected from
excessive vibration, loads, extreme heat or
cold, too rapid drying, and contact with
impurities which may interfere with the
chemical action.

Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete

• The strength of the concrete increases

with age when the curing conditions
remain favorable.
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete

• The increase in strength is rapid

during the early ages and continues
more slowly as time goes on. The
compressive strength reaches about
60% of its own maximum value at an
age of 28 days and about 80% at an
age of 3 months.
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete
• Curing consists primarily in keeping the
concrete from drying out too rapidly.
This may be done by:

a. Covering the concrete. Floors shall

be covered with paper sacking wetted
down at the edges or with burlap, sand
or earth that is kept moist, after the
concrete is hard enough to walk on.
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete
• Curing consists primarily in keeping the
concrete from drying out too rapidly.
This may be done by:
b. Removal of forms at prescribed
time. Forms shall not be removed until
after the time specified.
c. Sprinkling with water. Beams,
columns and walls are sprinkled or
sprayed with water as soon as the forms
are removed.
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete
• Curing consists primarily in keeping the
concrete from drying out too rapidly.
This may be done by:

d. Using curing compounds

Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete


FOOTINGS a. Massive footings a. 1 day (24 hours)
b. Cantilever footings b. 5 days (120 hours)
c. Slab footings c. 5 days (120 hours)
WA L L S A N D a. Massive walls, 30 cms. thick or a. Up to 2 M. high: 1 day (24 hours). Add 1 day (24 hours) for every
PLASTERS more additional meter or fraction thereof.
b. Thin walls less than 30 cms.
Thick b. Up to 2 M. high: 2 days (48 hours. Add 1-1/2 days (36 hours) for every
c. Cantilever walls, buttresses, additional meter or fraction thereof
counter forts, diaphragms.
c. Without loads, same as (b).

COLUMNS a. Ratio of height to least diameter a. 2 days (48 hours)

up to 4

b. Ratio of height to least diameter b. Add to the above number 1 day (24 hours) for every additional meter or
from 4 to 15. height or fraction there of but not more than 28 days (672 hours).
Concrete Construction
Curing of Concrete
SLABS a. 3 to 7 ft. spans a. 3 ft. span, 5 days (120 hours). Add ½ day (12 hours) for every
additional 1 ft. span or fraction thereof.

b. 7 ft. span, 7 days (168 hours). Add 1 day (24 hours) for every
b. Over 7 ft. span additional 1 ft. span or fraction thereof but not more than 28 days
(672 hours).
B E A M S A N D a. Sides a. 3 days
GIRDERS b. Bottoms b. Up to 14 ft., 14 days (336 hours). Add 1 day for every 1 ft. additional
span or fraction thereof but not more than 28 days (672 hours).
ARCHES a. Spandrel walls a. 7 days (168 hours).
b. Spandrel arches b. 14 days (336 hours)
c. Main arches c. 21 days (504 hours)
BALUSTRADES, a. Steel & side forms a. 1 day (24 hours)
R.C. PILES and R.C. a. Sides. a. 3 days (72 hours)
POSTS b. Bottom b. 14 days (336 hours)

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