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John Andrei Bathan


Directions: Devise a plan in resolving the following conflicts. You may use the steps to
manage a potential conflict found in your LCD slides and eLMS as your guide. You will be
graded using the rubric below.

1. Joseph has been employed at your company for a year and is pretty familiar with the
routine responsibility of his job. Lately, however, he has been struggling to accomplish basic
tasks and seems like he is disinclined to participate in an upcoming team project with Kate,
his co-worker. As their supervisor, how will you address this situation?
-To address this situation, first I will consult him and talk to him what is his problem, why he has
been like that suddenly. As his supervisor I'm willing to help my employee if they have a
problem. Whatever things that I will hear to his respond, I will surely accept it and help him
from that because this was the best a supervisor must do.

2. You are a manager at a supermarket. Your full-time employee, Mia, who is always on time
for her shifts, requests to leave for an hour during the middle of your shift for an
appointment. You look at the schedule and determine there is enough coverage for her to
leave and grant her request. A part-time, undependable, hourly employee, Gio, hears about
this and is upset that Mia is getting special privileges. Gio is now in your office saying that it is
unfair. He previous asked off for a half-day to sleep in after attending a late-night concert,
and you declined his request. He is now asking for an early out as well. How will you handle
this request?
- In this scenario, I’m going to start by re-evaluating everything. I’m going to start by figuring
out why Gio is having this problem. Because Mia isn’t here right now, I’ll start by explaining how
and why Mia’s short leave request was accepted. I’ll double-check for any misunderstandings. I
am going to have a discussion with them after Mia returns and explain the issue clearly. I would
like to make clear that I am partial and is not giving anyone special privileges. I’ll restate my
prior statement about Gio now, so Mia can see the situation and assist in resolving it. Then I’ll
address the issue that Mia’s appointment was permitted because her appointment time did not
interfere with her job schedule. That is something I will clarify. I’ll explain that it’s not about
granting special rights, but rather about granting authority to attend the appointment and
return on time because it’s free time. I refuse Gio’s half-day request since there is no
compelling reason to do so, and it will have a significant impact on the job. I will make clear that
will always refuse unless it is important or is it not interfering with their work schedule. Now
that I’m clear and have made my argument, I’ll provide a viable solution for Gio’s situation base
on his reason for his request on an early out.

3. You are part of a team that is preparing a presentation for a major conference. The final
meeting on the presentation is this morning at 9 a.m. There are four participants: Brielle,
Nate, Chris and yourself. You arrive in the meeting room at 8:55 and Nate is Chris arrives at
9:02. You continue to wait for Brielle to arrive so you can begin. No one has heard from her.
You are getting irritated and feeling anxious. At 9:10 you can feel your muscles tightening and
breathing increasing. Nate and Chris are visibly angry and talking about how stressed they
are. You NEED to get this done today. At 9:20, all of you are fidgeting and decide to begin. At
9:23, Brielle arrives with no apology or explanation. How will you handle this situation?
-First and foremost, I will remain calm and composed while alerting everyone that the most
essential thing, which is our presentation, must takes priority. I'll be the one to cheer everyone
up and encourage them to put their feelings aside and work together, and then we'll deal with
the matter calmly and peacefully. I'll re-evaluate the situation after the presentation and then
engage in a full-fledged conflict with everyone. I'll start by telling a joke or thanking everyone
on our presentation to relieve any tension or discomfort amongst us.

4. Kathy was a member of a selection panel for an editorial position. Jean was one of the
unsuccessful applicants. Her application was considered to be pretty strong, but the role was
offered to another. Shortly after, you, who chaired the selection panel, discovered that Kathy
is living with Jean’s ex-husband, Miguel, and things are decidedly cool between Kathy and
Jean. How will you handle this situation?
- First, I'll speak with Kathy about the situation, that she made a huge mistake for giving the
editorial position on the other because of their personal matter so she can’t made that mistake
again, and since Kathy has already assigned the role to someone else, I won't compel Jean to
take it even though she had an excellent application.

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