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0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Die volgende handelsmerke en registrasies word erken kragtens Wet No. 36 van 1947
The following trademarks and registrations are acknowledged under Act No. 36 of 1947

Produk Reg. Nommer Registrasiehouers

Product Reg. Number Registration holders

Astron SC L8366 Universal Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk.

Universal Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd

ATP Amsul 50 L7721 Applied Technical Products bk

Applied Technical Products cc

Amsul Dry L8329 Applied Technical Products bk.

Applied Technical Products cc

Bladbuff 5 L3351 Plaaskem (Edms) Bpk.

Plaaskem (Pty) Ltd

Bullet¥ L5623 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk.

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Guardian S¥ L4862 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk.

L 7769 L 7769
Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
A soluble concentrate non-selective post ’n Oplosbare konsentraat, nie selektiewe
Harness¥ Extra EC L 7703 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk. emergence herbicide for the control of sistemiese na-opkomsonkruiddoder vir die
Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd. annual and perennial weeds in ROUNDUP beheer van een- en meerjarige onkruide in
READY maize and soybean and ROUNDUP READY mielie en sojaboon en
Pantera L6451 Chemtura (Edms) Bpk.
ROUNDUP READY FLEX cotton varieties. ROUNDUP READY FLEX katoen kultivars.

146.0 mm
Chemtura (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup¥ L0407 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup Max¥ L6790 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup WeatherMax¥ L8065 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup Turbo¥ L7166 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Triflurex 480 EC L5350 Makhteshim - Agan South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Makhteshim - Agan South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Velocity-Glifo L7768 Villa Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk

Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd.

Velocity Dry L8330 Villa Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk

Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd.

¤ Geregistreerde handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC. ¢ Kopiereg voorbehou

¤ Registered Monsanto Technology LLC trademarks ¢ Copyright reserved ¥ Roundup, Monsanto and the Vine symbol are registered trade marks of
Monsanto Technology LLC.
Lid van CropLife SA - ww April 2011 - Member of CropLife SA ¥ Roundup, Monsanto en die blaar simbool is geregistreerde
handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC.
¢ Monsanto Europe S.A., May 2011 (A.V.C.)
word vir mieliekultivars wat die ROUNDUP maize hybrids. When Roundup Turbo or Pantera is
READY-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo of applied as a pre-plant treatment or Guardian S or
WAARSKUWINGS WARNINGS Pantera as ’n voorplantbespuiting toegedien Bullet are applied as pre-emergent applications or
word, kan of Guardian S of Bullet as ’n voorop- Harness Extra or 2,4-D amine or MCPA or Astron
komstoediening aangewend word, of Harness 480SC are applied as a post-emergent application,
Extra of 2,4-D amien of MCPA of Astron 480SC as follow the recommendations on the manufacturer’s
ú Weerhoudingsperiode: Laat die volgende aantal ú Withholding period: Allow the following number ’n na-opkomstoediening, moet die verskaffer se label.
dae toe tussen laaste bespuiting en oes: Mielies: of days between last application and harvest: etiketaanbevelings nagekom word.
Beweiding - 28 dae en groenmielies - 42 dae. Maize: Grazing 28 days and Green Mealies 2. Tank mixes with ROUNDUP POWERMAX
2. ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder tenk-
42 days. herbicide in ROUNDUP READY Maize
ú Mag oog en vel irritasie veroorsaak. ú May cause eye and skin irritation. mengsels vir gebruik in ROUNDUP READY
ú Moenie ROUNDUP POWERMAX-oplossings ú Do not mix, store or apply ROUNDUP mielies
ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide may be tank
meng, berg of toedien vanuit gegalvaniseerde POWERMAX solutions in galvanised steel or unli- ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag voor-
mixed with Guardian S for pre-emergent applicati-
staal- of ongevoeringde houers (behalwe vlek- ned steel (except stainless steel) containers or opkoms van mielies in tenkmengsels met
Guardian S toegedien word. Na-opkoms van die ons, and with Harness Extra EC or 2,4-D amine or
vrye staal) of spuittenks nie, aangesien dit che- spray tanks as a reaction will produce hydrogen
mielies kan Harness Extra of 2,4-D amien of MCPA or Astron 480SC for post-emergent broad-
mies met die staal reageer om waterstofgas te gas which is highly combustible.
MCPA of Astron 480SC in tenkmengsels met die cast (before V8 stage) and post directed (after V8
vorm wat hoogs vlambaar is.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder toegedien stage) applications. Follow the manufacturers
ú Stoor buite die bereik van voedsel, voer, saad, ú Store away from food, feeds, seed, fertilizers and
word as algehele (voor V8 stadium) of gerigte recommendations on the label. ROUNDUP
kunsmis en ander landbouchemikalieë. other agricultural chemicals.
bespuitings (na V8 stadium). Raadpleeg die vers- POWERMAX herbicide should not be tank mixed
ú Hou buite die bereik van kinders, oningeligte ú Keep out of reach of children, uninformed per-
kaffer se etiketaanbevelings. Tenkmengsels van with Atrazine.
persone en diere. sons and animals. ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder en Atra-
ú Herbetreding: Moet nie die behandelde area ú Re-entry Period: Do not enter the treated field sien word nie aanbeveel nie. 3. Control of volunteer ROUNDUP READY maize
betree alvorens die spuitneerslag nie droog is until the spray deposit has dried unless wearing plants
nie, tensy beskermende klerasie gedra word. protective clothing. 3.Beheer van opslag ROUNDUP READY mie-
ú Alhoewel hierdie onkruiddoder omvattend onder ú Although this herbicide has been tested under a lies Pantera can be used on its own or in a tank mix with
’n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is, large variety of soil and climatic conditions, the Pantera kan alleen of in ’n tenkmengsel met Roundup Turbo to control volunteer ROUNDUP
waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat hierdie registration holder does not warrant that it will be Roundup Turbo gebruik word om opslag ROUN- READY maize plants and other weeds in a pre-plant
produk onder alle omstandighede doeltreffend efficacious under all conditions because the DUP READY mielies, asook ander onkruide in ’n situation. Pantera can be used on its own or in a
sal wees nie aangesien die werking en effektiwi- action and effect thereof may be affected by voorplantsituasie te beheer. Pantera kan alleen of tank mix with ROUNDUP POWERMAX for the con-
teit daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and sto- in ’n tenkmengsel met ROUNDUP POWERMAX trol of volunteer ROUNDUP READY maize plant in a
soos abnormale grond-, klimaat- en bergingstoe- rage conditions, quality of dilution water, compa- gebruik word om opslag ROUNDUP READY mie- ROUNDUP READY soyabean crop. Follow the
stande, kwaliteit van verdunningswater, verenig- tibility with other substances not indicated on the lies in ROUNDUP READY sojabone te beheer. manufacturer’s recommendations on the label.
baarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket label and the occurrence of resistance of the Raadpleeg die verskaffer se etiketaanbevelings.
aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand weeds against the herbicide as well as by the
van die onkruid teen die onkruiddoder sowel as method, time and accuracy of application. The
die metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening. registration holder furthermore does not accept
Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie die ver- responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation,
antwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse, plante- the environment or harm to man or animal or for
groei, die omgewing, of nadelige effek op mens lack of performance of the herbicide due to
of dier, of vir die gebrek aan prestasie van die failure of the user to follow the label instructions
onkruiddoder as gevolg van die versuim van die or to the occurrence of conditions, which could
gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom, of as not have been foreseen in terms of the registra-
gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie tion.
kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie.
ú Raadpleeg u verskaffer in geval van enige onse- ú Consult your supplier in the event of any uncer-
kerheid. tainty.

ZA, 1105, B - 1165 2213

252.0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Die volgende onkruidspesies sal nie teen hier- The following weed species will not be control-
die aanbevole dosisse beheer word nie: led at these recommended rates:
Cynodon dactylon - gewone kweekgras (sien hier Cynodon dactylon - common quick grass (see VOORSORGMAATREËLS PRECAUTIONS
onder) below)
Convolvulus arvensis - akkerwinde Convolvulus arvensis - field bind weed
Oenothera stricta - nagblom Oenothera stricta - evening primrose
Panicum maximum - buffelsgras Panicum maximum - common buffalo grass ú Moenie die spuitnewel of dampe inasem nie. ú Do not breathe fumes or spray mist.
Paspalum spp. - paspalum. Paspalum spp. - common paspalum. ú Dra handskoene en gesigskerm wanneer kon- ú Wear gloves and face shield when handling the
sentraat hanteer word. concentrate.
Cynodon dactylon (gewone kweekgras) beheer: Cynodon dactylon (common quick grass) control: ú In die geval van aanraking met die vel of oë moet ú In case of accidental contact with skin or eyes,
Spuit die plante met Roundup of Roundup Turbo of Spray the plants with Roundup or Roundup Turbo dit dadelik met baie water gewas word. In die wash immediately with plenty of water, and in the
Roundup WeatherMax of Roundup Max teen die or Roundup Max or Roundup WeatherMax at the geval van oë, verkry mediese aandag indien case of eyes get medical attention if necessary.
aanbevole dosis voordat enige voorplant grondbe- recommended rate prior to any cultivation shortly nodig.
werking plaasvind kort voor planttyd. Volg die before planting the crop. Apply in-crop sprays as ú Voorkom die wegdrywing van spuitnewel en/of ú Prevent spray drift and/or contamination onto
aanbevelings soos hierbo vir die beheer van Cype- for Cyperus esculentus (yellow nut sedge) recom- besoedeling van gevoelige of eetbare gewasse, susceptible or edible crops, grazing or any other
rus esculentus (geeluintjie) binne die gewas. ’n mended above. A late season spot spray when the weiding, en enige ander nie- teikengebied. Dit areas not under treatment as this may cause
Laatseisoen kolbespuiting sodra die gewas vol- crop is mature and drying off is also recommen- mag ernstige gewasskade veroorsaak. serious crop damage.
wasse en besig is om af te droog word aanbeveel. ded. ú Direkte of spuitnewelkontak van ROUNDUP ú Direct or spray drift contact by ROUNDUP
POWERMAX met die blare en/of onvolwasse bas POWERMAX onto the leaves and/or immature
ADDISIONELE INLIGTING EN TENKMENGSEL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND TANK MIX van plante kan lei tot gelokaliseerde of getrans- bark of plants not under treatment can result in
KOMBINASIES COMBINATIONS lokeerde skade. serious localised or translocated damage.
ú Spoel leë houer driekeer uit met ’n volume water ú Rinse empty container three times with a volume
1. Voorplant-, Voorplant ingewerkte, Voorop- 1. Pre-Plant, Pre-Plant Incorporated, Pre-Emer- gelykstaande aan ’n minimum van 10 % van die of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the
koms- en Na-opkomstoedienings gent and Post-Emergent treatments houer. Gooi die spoelwater by die inhoud van die container. Add the rinsings to the contents of the

146.0 mm
Katoen Cotton spuittenk en vernietig dan die houer deur dit spray tank before destroying the container by
stukkend te steek en plat te trap. Moenie vir enige perforation and flattening and do not use for any
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van The above recommended ROUNDUP POWERMAX ander doel gebruik nie. other purpose.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in cotton ú Vermy besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater ú Prevent contamination of food, foodstuffs, drin-
word vir katoenkultivars wat die ROUNDUP READY varieties which are designated ROUNDUP READY en eetgerei. king water and eating utensils.
FLEX-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo as ’n FLEX cotton cultivars. When Roundup Turbo is ú Moet nie blaartoegediende voedingstowwe saam ú Do not add foliar applied nutrients to ROUNDUP
voorplantbespuiting toegedien word, of Triflurex applied as a pre-plant treatment or Triflurex 480 EC met ROUNDUP POWERMAX toedien nie. POWERMAX.
480 EC as ’n voorplant, ingewerkte toediening is applied as a pre-plant incorporated treatment,
aangewend word, moet die verskaffer se etiketaan- follow the recommendations on the manufacturer’s
bevelings nagekom word. ROUNDUP POWERMAX label. ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be applied in a
kan met Harness Extra volgens etiket aanbevelings tank mix with Harness Extra when the cotton is GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS DIRECTIONS FOR USE
toegedien word wanneer die katoen tussen die 5 between the 5 and 8 leaf growth stage as recom-
en 8 blaar groeistadium is. mended on the label.
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van The above recommended ROUNDUP POWERMAX
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in soybean POWERMAX ONKRUIDDODER VOLGENS DIE ETI- HERBICIDE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LABEL
READY-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo as ’n soybean cultivars. When Roundup Turbo is applied GESKEP DAT DIE ROUNDUP READY MIELIES EN MAL GROWTH OF ROUNDUP READY MAIZE AND
voorplantbespuiting toegedien word, as ’n voorop- as a pre-plant treatment or any residual herbicide is SOJABONE EN ROUNDUP READY FLEX KATOEN SOYABEAN AND ROUNDUP READY FLEX COT-
komstoediening aangewend word, of Pantera vir applied as a pre-emergent application or Pantera is NORMAAL SAL GROEI. LET OP DAT VERSKEIE TON VARIETIES. HOWEVER, VARIOUS ENVIRON-
die beheer van opslagmielies, moet die verskaffer applied to control volunteer maize plants, follow OMGEWINGSTOESTANDE, AGRONOMIESE MENTAL CONDITIONS, AGRONOMIC PRACTI-
se etiketaanbevelings nagekom word. the recommendations on the manufacturer’s label. PRAKTYKE EN ANDER FAKTORE DIT ONT- CES AND OTHER FACTORS MAKE IT IMPOSSI-
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in maize WORD TOEDIENINGS VOLGENS DIE ETIKET UIT- ONS ARE MADE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE

10 3
INSLUITENDE OES VERLIESE. TED RESULTS INCLUDING YIELD LOSS. Die voorkoms van onkruide in mielies, katoen en Weed spectrums in maize, cotton and soybean are
AANDAG: HIERDIE PRODUK WORD DEUR ATTENTION: MONSANTO RECOMMENDS THIS sojabone wissel volgens gebied, grondsoort en variable and differ by region, soil type and climatic
MONSANTO AANBEVEEL VIR NA-OPKOM PRODUCT ONLY FOR POST EMERGENT USE klimaatsfaktore wat varieer van seisoen tot seisoen. factors that change from season to season. This
GEBRUIK AS ’N ALGEHELE (BO OOR) OF OVER-THE-TOP OF OR DIRECTED ONTO Dit veroorsaak ’n wisselvallige en ongelyke results in a varied and uneven emergence of a
GERIGTE BESPUITING OP VERBETERDE IMPROVED MAIZE, COTTON AND SOYBEAN opkoms van ’n verskeidenheid van onkruide op ’n variety of weed species at any one site where one
MIELIES, KATOEN EN SOJABOON KULTIVARS VARIETIES THAT ARE DESIGNATED AS CONTAI- land waar een of meer spesies dominant is. Om or more species may dominate. In order to com-
MET DIE ROUNDUP READY GEEN. ERNSTIGE NING THE ROUNDUP READY GENE. SEVERE hiervoor te kompenseer word toedieningshoeveel- pensate for this fact the dosages recommended
SKADE OF DOOD VAN MIELIE-, KATOEN- EN INJURY OR DEATH OF MAIZE, COTTON AND hede aanbeveel om ’n breë spektrum van onkruide are aimed at covering a broad spectrum of weeds
SOJABOONPLANTE SAL VOORKOM AS ENIGE SOYBEAN WILL RESULT IF ANY HYBRIDS OR te dek, mits die toediening plaasvind voordat provided they are sprayed before weeds with an
KULTIVARS WAT NIE DIE ROUNDUP READY VARIETIES NOT PROPERLY DESIGNATED AS enige van die regopgroeiende spesies (bv. kakie- upright growth form reach 100 mm in height (e.g.
GEEN BEVAT MET HIERDIE PRODUK BESPUIT HAVING THE ROUNDUP READY GENE ARE bos) 100 mm oorskry of platgroeiende spesies (b.v. khaki weed) or weeds with a flat growth form reach
WORD. SPRAYED WITH THIS PRODUCT. porselein) die 6 - 8 blaargroeistadium bereik. the 6 - 8 leaf stage (e.g. common purslane).
Algemene inligting General information DOSISSE: DOSAGE RATES
ú Die effek van ROUNDUP POWERMAX is eers na 4 ú The herbicidal action is only visible after 4 days A. Eenjarige grasse en breëblaaronkruide: A. Annual grasses and broad leaf weeds:
dae by eenjarige en 7 dae by meerjarige onkruid onwards for annual weeds and 7 days for peren-
sigbaar (afhangende van groeitoestande, nial weeds after application (depending on 1.3 l/ha toegedien voor 100 mm hoog of 8 blaar 1.3 l/ha applied before 100 mm in height or the
onkruidgroeistadium en bewerkingspraktyke). growing conditions, weed growth stage and groeistadium. 8 leaf stage.
ú Dien ROUNDUP POWERMAX na opkoms van die cultural conditions). 1.7 l/ha toegedien tussen 100 en 200 mm hoog of 1.7 l/ha applied between 100 and 200 mm or up to
onkruid toe. Rig bespuiting op die blare en ú Apply ROUNDUP POWERMAX post-emergence voor die 12 blaar groeistadium. the 12 leaf stage.
onvolwasse bas van aktief groeiende onkruide. to actively growing weeds, directed on the B. Onkruide wat ’n opvolgbespuiting en/of ver- B. Species requiring a follow-up spray and/or
ú MOENIE spuit as die onkruide nat, rustend, foliage.
hoogde dosis nodig het vir doeltreffende increased rate (Variable control *):
onder stremming, met stof bedek of deur ryp ú Do NOT spray whilst weeds are wet, dormant or
beskadig is nie. under stress nor when covered in a layer of dust beheer (Beheer varieer *):
ú Swaar reën of besproeiing kort na toediening or damaged by frost. * Commelina benghalensis - Wandelende Jood * Commelina benghalensis - Wandering Jew
mag die effektiwiteit verminder en herbespuiting ú Heavy rainfall or irrigation shortly after application 2,0 l/ha toegedien op 3 blaar stadium opgevolg 2.0 l/ha Apply at the three-leaf stage followed by
mag nodig wees. ROUNDUP POWERMAX is may reduce efficacy and a repeat application met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
reënvas een uur na toediening. may be necessary. ROUNDUP POWERMAX is * Ipomoea purpurea - Morning glory
ú Daar is geen beperking op wisselbougewasse na rainfast within one hour after application. * Ipomoea purpurea - Purperwinde
2.0 l/ha toegedien op 4 - 5 blaar stadium opgevolg 2.0 l/ha Apply at the 4 - 5 leaf stage followed by
die toediening van hierdie produk nie, omdat ú There are no rotational crop restrictions due to
herbicide activity following applications of this met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
daar geen moontlikheid van onkruiddoder
oordrag is nie. product. * Portulaca oleracea - Gewone porselein * Portulaca oleracea - Common purslane
2.0 l/ha toegedien voor blom. 2.0 l/ha Apply before flowering.
Tribulus terrestris - Gewone dubbeltjie Tribulus terrestris - Devil’s thorn
WEERSTANDSBESTUUR WEED RESISTANCE 1.7 l/ha toegedien voor eerste blomme. 1.7 l/ha apply before first flowers appear.

MANAGEMENT C. Twee- en Meerjarige onkruide: C. Biennial and Perennial weed species:

2.0 l/ha toegedien voor 100 mm hoog of voor die 2.0 l/ha Apply before 100 mm in height or the 8 leaf
growth stage. Efficacy on weeds like Tall fleabane
For resistance management, ROUNDUP 8 blaar groeistadium. Effektiwiteit teen Vaalskraal-
ROUNDUP POWERMAX is ’n groepkode G onkruid- (conyza albida), Flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bona-
hans (Conyza albida), Kleinskraalhans (Conyza
doder. Enige populasie van ’n spesifieke onkruid POWERMAX is a group code G herbicide. Any weed riensis) and Horseweed fleabane (Conyza cana-
bonariensis) en Kanadese skraalhans (Conyza densis) may be variable. Biennial and perennial
mag individue insluit wat ’n natuurlike weerstand population may contain individuals naturally resis-
canadensis) kan varieer. Twee- en meerjarige weeds should be controlled mechanically before
teen ROUNDUP POWERMAX, of enige ander groep- tant to ROUNDUP POWERMAX and other group
onkruide moet meganies beheer word voor plant. planting.
kode G onkruiddoder, het. Indien hierdie onkruiddo- code G herbicides. The resistant individuals can
ders herhaaldelik aangewend word, kan die weer- Cyperus esculentus - Geeluintjie Cyperus esculentus - yellow nutsedge
eventually dominate the weed population if these
standbiedende individue uiteindelik die onkruid 2.0 l/ha toegedien op 3 tot 4 blaar stadium opge- 2.0 l/ha Apply at the three to four leaf stage follow
herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant
populasie oorheers. Hierdie weerstandbiedende volg met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). by a 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
weeds may not be controlled by ROUNDUP
onkruide sal waarskynlik nie deur ROUNDUP POWERMAX or any other group code G herbicide. Nota: Gee aandag aan punt 1 en 2 hierbo vir Note: Read carefully points 1 and 2 above for
POWERMAX of enige ander groepkode G onkruid- aanbevelings in katoen en mielies en punt 1 vir spray instructions in cotton and maize and point
doder beheer word nie. sojabone. 1 for soybeans.

4 9
252.0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Maksimum toelaatbare ROUNDUP POWERMAX Maximum allowable ROUNDUP POWERMAX appli- Om weerstand teen onkruiddoders te vertraag: To delay herbicide resistance:
toedieningshoeveelhede: cation volumes: ú Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik ú Avoid exclusive repeated use of herbicides from
ú Gesamentlike totaal per seisoen vir ú Combined total per season for van onkruiddoders met dieselfde groepkode. the same herbicide group code. Alternate or tank
alle toedienings 6.7 l/ha all applications 6.7 l/ha Wissel af met, of gebruik tenkmengsels van mix with registered products from different herbi-
ú Voorplant, vooropkomstoedienings 2.0 l/ ha ú Pre-plant, Pre-emergent applications 2.0 l/ha produkte in verskillende onkruiddodergroep- cide group codes.
ú Totale gewastoediening vanaf ú Total in-crop applications from cracking kodes.
ú Integreer ander beheermaatreëls (chemies, ú Integrate other control methods (chemical, cultu-
grondkraak tot blomstadium 4.7 l/ha throughout to flowering 4.7 l/ha
verbouing, biologies ) in die onkruidbeheer- ral, biological) into weed control programmes.
ú Maksimum voor-oes-toediening 1.3 l/ha ú Maximum pre harvest application rate 1.3 l/ha program.
Sien aanbevelings onder “Toedieningshoeveel- See recommendations under “Application dosa- Vir spesifieke inligting oor weerstandsbestuur kon- For specific information on resistance management
hede”. ges”. tak die registrasiehouer van hierdie produk. contact the registration holder of this product.
1. Algehele Toediening 1. Broadcast Application
Algehele (bo-oor die mielies) ROUNDUP Broadcast (over the top) application of ROUNDUP
POWERMAX onkruiddoder toediening kan slegs POWERMAX herbicide can ONLY BE APPLIED
TOT EN MET DIE V8 STADIUM van die mielie. DIE THE V8 STAGE. THIS STAGE IS REACHED WHEN Nota: Gebruik altyd skoon en hoë kwaliteit water Note: Always use clean, good quality water for
V8 STADIUM WORD BEREIK WANNEER DIE EER- THE FIRST PLANTS IN THE FIELD HAVE vir vermenging en bespuiting. mixing and spraying.
BLAARSKEDE DIE HOOFSTAM VOLLEDIG OMVOU. THE MAIN STEM. The actual number of leaves may ú Gebruik altyd skoon water. Voorkom die gebruik ú Always use clean water. Avoid the use of brack or
Die getal sigbare blare kan egter meer wees. Vermy be more. Do not make broadcast applications if van water met ’n hoë kolloiedinhoud, brak of muddy water, or water with a high colloid content
algehele toedienings indien die plante meganies mechanical crop damage due to the passing of the modderige water. Waar alkaliese en/of harde derived from soils high in organic matter. Where
beskadig kan word deur die toedieningstoerusting. spray rig will occur. BROADCAST APPLICATION water voorkom, word die byvoeging van ammo- alkaline and/or hard water occurs, a buffer should

146.0 mm
ALGEHELE TOEDIENINGS NA DIE V8 STADIUM AFTER V8 STAGE MAY RESULT IN YIELD LOSS niumsulfaat of verwante produk volgens etiket be added according to label recommendations.
KAN LEI TOT OESVERLIESE OF VERTRAAGDE OR DELAYED MATURITY. For best results use flat aanbeveel. Analise van die waterbron word aan- Analysis of the water source is advisable to
RYPWORDING. Vir die beste resultate gebruik plat- fan or twin jet nozzles that are suitable for low water beveel om die natrium, kalsium en magnesium determine the level of the sodium, calcium and
waaier of “Twin Jet” spuitpunte wat geskik is vir laer volume deliveries. Where sequential applications katione sowel as die karbonaat en bikarbonaat magnesium cations, as well as the carbonate and
watervolumes. Waar opvolgbespuitings gedoen are necessary to control specific weed species fraksies te bepaal, omdat pH nie noodwendig ’n bicarbonate fractions as pH is not necessarily a
word om spesifieke onkruide (bv. Cyperus esculen- (e.g. Cyperus esculentus), the second application goeie aanwyser is of antagonisme sal voorkom good indicator of whether antagonism will be
tus) te beheer, moet die tweede toediening nie binne should not occur within 10 days of the first applica- tussen die onkruiddoder en die water nie. experienced between the herbicide and the water
10 dae na die eerste toediening volg nie. Indien die tion. If by this time the maize is beyond the V8 ú Die gebruik van ’n hoë-kwaliteit ammoniumsul- carrier.
mielies teen hierdie stadium reeds die V8 stadium stage, a post directed (see below) application will faatbron, soos Velocity-Glifo¥, Velocity Dry¥, ATP ú The use of a high quality ammonium sulphate
bereik het, moet die opvolgbespuiting gerig gedoen be necessary. Amsul 50¥ of Amsul Dry¥ word aanbeveel teen source, such as Velocity-Glifo, Velocity Dry, ATP
word (sien hieronder). 2%. Amsul 50 or Amsul Dry¥, is recommended at a
2. Directed application ú Die spuitwater pH moet in die orde van 5 tot 6.5 rate of 2% added to the spray solution before
2. Gerigte Toediening wees. ’n Buffer soos Bladbuff¥ 5 moet bygevoeg adding ROUNDUP POWERMAX.
Directed ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide appli-
ROUNDUP POWERMAX bespuitings kan na die V8 cations can be made after the V8 stage, where row word om pH reg te stel. ú Spray water pH must be in the range of 5 to 6.5.
stadium gedoen word waar rywydtes die beweging spacing permits the passage of the application ú Die volgorde van meng: voeg eers die ammo- Add a buffering agent if necessary (e.g.
van spuittoerusting toelaat sonder om enige mega- equipment without causing mechanical damage to niumsulfaat by die water, buffer (indien nodig), Bladbuff¥).
niese gewasskade te veroorsaak. Rywydtes van the maize crop. Row spacings of 150 cm and ROUNDUP POWERMAX en daarna enige tenk- ú Sequence of tank mixing: add the ammonium
150 cm en 210 cm sal waarskynlik die beste wees 210 cm will probably work best for conventional mengsel produk soos aanbeveel. sulphate to the spray water; buffer (if needed),
vir trekkergemonteerde spuittoerusting. tractor mounted spray rigs. ú Tydens meng en bespuiting moet die spuitop- add the ROUNDUP POWERMAX followed by the
lossing aanhoudend geroer word. recommended tank mix product.
For the control of certain broadleaf weeds men- ú Maak die spuitapparaat onmiddellik na gebruik ú Agitate the spray solution while mixing and
Vir die beheer van sekere breëblaaronkruide soos tioned above, ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be
hierbo verwys word, kan ROUNDUP POWERMAX van hierdie produk skoon deur deeglik met water spraying.
mixed with either 2,4-D amine or MCPA at recom- deur te spoel. ú Clean sprayer parts immediately after using this
met die aanbevole dosis van of 2,4-D amien of mended rates.
MCPA gemeng en bespuit word. ú ROUNDUP POWERMAX kan gemeng en gespuit product by thoroughly flushing with water.
See recommendations under “Application dosa- word in ’n mengsel met sekere “EC” en “SL” ú ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be tank mixed and
Sien aanbevelings hieronder by “Toedieningshoe- ges”.
veelhede”. formulasies. Doen ’n kleinskaal proef mengsel sprayed with certain EC and SL formulations. Do
om verenigbaarheid te bevestig voordat groot- a small-scale test mix to confirm compatibility
skaalse bespuiting plaasvind. Alle etiket aanbe- before doing a large-scale application. Adhere to
8 5
velings moet nagekom word. all label recommendations. ú Kalibreer alle spuite korrek onder veldtoestande. ú Correctly calibrate all sprayers under field condi-
ú Vir die beheer van Commelina benghalensis ú For the control of Commelina benghalensis (wan- ú Dit word aanbeveel om ’n lae druk van 100 tot tions.
(wandelende Jood), Convolvulus arvensis (akker- dering Jew), Convolvulus arvensis (field bind 150 kPa saam met lae druk spuitpunte te gebruik ú It is recommended to use low pressures of 100 to
winde), Ipomoea purpurea (purperwinde) en weed), Ipomoea purpurea (morning glory) and om die gewenste watervolume en toedienings- 150 kPa with the appropriate nozzles to deliver
Portulaca oleracea (gewone porselein) SLEGS in Portulaca oleracea (common purslane) in hoeveelheid per hektaar te kan spuit. the required water volume and dosage rate per
ROUNDUP READY MIELIES, kan ROUNDUP ROUNDUP READY MAIZE ONLY, ROUNDUP ú Moenie in windsnelhede van meer as 10 km/uur ha.
POWERMAX met of 2,4-D amien of MCPA teen POWERMAX can be mixed with either 2,4-D spuit nie. ú Do not spray when wind speed exceeds 10 km/h.
aanbevole dossise gemeng word. amine or MCPA at recommended rates. ú Verseker ’n fyn, egalige druppelverspreiding en ú Ensure a fine, even droplet distribution and tho-
ú Indien ’n tenkmengsel met 2,4-D amine of MCPA ú Do not use a buffering agent when tank mixing ’n deeglike bedekking van die teikenonkruide rough coverage without runoff from the target
gemaak word, moet geen buffer bygevoeg word with either 2,4-D amine or MCPA. sonder afloop. weeds.
nie. ú Do not mix with SC insecticide formulations.
ú Moet nie saam met “SC” insektemiddel formula- ú Do not add any surfactants. ROUNDUP READY FLEX COTTON
sies spuit nie. ú Do not use in tank mix with any acids such as 1. Broadcast Application
ú Moenie enige benatter byvoeg nie. fulvic, citric, phosphoric or any other organic 1. Algehele Toediening
This product may be applied to control annual
ú Moenie in mengsel saam met enige sure soos acids. Hierdie produk mag gebruik word om die gelysde grasses and broadleaf weeds listed on this label in
fulvien-, sitroen-, fosforsuur of enige ander orga- eenjarige grasse en breëblaaronkruide in ROUN-
niese sure gebruik nie. ROUNDUP READY FLEX cotton.
DUP READY FLEX katoen te beheer.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide may be applied
over-the-top beyond the 4th TRUE LEAF/NODE
GROEISTADIUM in ROUNDUP READY FLEX FLEX cotton. For best results, make applications
Spesifiek vir kolbehandeling van onkruid en persele Specifically for spot spraying of weeds and for fields katoen toegedien word. Beste resultate word ver- while weeds are small (less than 100mm high).
kleiner as 1 hektaar. smaller than 1 hectare. kry indien kleiner onkruide bespuit word (kleiner as Where sequential applications are necessary to
2,0 % spuitoplossing 2,0 % spray solution 100mm hoogte). In gevalle waar ’n opvolgbespui- control specific weed species (e.g. Cyperus escu-
Verlangde Water Volume ROUNDUP POWERMAX Desired Water Volume ROUNDUP POWERMAX ting gedoen moet word (bv. Cyperus esculentus), lentus) the second application should not occur
5l 100 ml moet die tweede bespuiting nie binne 10 dae vanaf within 10 days of the first application. The second
5l 100 ml die eerste bespuiting plaasvind nie. Die tweede application can be delayed beyond the 4th TRUE
10 l 200 ml 10 l 200 ml de
20 l 400 ml bespuiting kan vertraag word na die 4 WARE LEAF/NODE COTTON GROWTH STAGE.
20 l 400 ml
Maximum allowable ROUNDUP POWERMAX appli-
Maksimum toelaatbare ROUNDUP POWERMAX cation volumes:
ú Combined total per season for
all applications 12.4 l/ha
ú Gesamentlike totaal per seisoen vir
ú Pre-plant, Pre-emergent applications 7.7 l/ha
alle toedienings 12.4 l/ha
ú Total in-crop applications from emergence
ú Voorplant, vooropkomstoedienings 7.7 l/ ha
ú Trekkergemonteerde balk- en sleepspuite: ú Tractor mounted or towed sprayers: ROUNDUP throughout to 60% open balls 9.3 l/ha
ú Totale gewastoediening vanaf
ROUNDUP POWERMAX onkruiddoder moet toe- POWERMAX herbicide must be applied in a water ú Maximum pre harvest application rate from
grondkraak tot 60% gebarste bolle 9.3 l/ha 60% open bolls to 7 days before harvest 3.2 l/ha
gedien word in 100 - 125 l water/ha. Verseker ’n volume of 100 - 125 l/ha. Ensure an even droplet
ú Maksimum voor-oes-toediening- vanaf 60̈% gebar-
eweredige druppelverspreiding op die onkruid- distribution on the target leaf surfaces. Avoid
blaaroppervlakte. Vermy oortollige afloop van spraying to the point of run-off from the target leaf ste bolle tot 7 dae voor-oes 3.2 l/ha See recommendations under “Application dosa-
spuitoplossing vanaf die teiken onkruid. (Teen surfaces. (At volumes of under 125 l/ha, run off Sien aanbevelings onder “Toedieningshoeveel- ges”.
hoeveelhede van minder as 125 l/ha behoort dit should not be a concern). hede”.
nie ’n probleem te wees nie.) ú The water volume can be reduced to 75 l/ha ROUNDUP READY SOYBEAN
ú Selfaangedrewe spuite: Die watervolume kan when using self-propelled sprayers. Limit speed 1. Broadcast Application
verlaag word na 75 l water/ha. Beperk spoed tot to maximum of 15 km/h. 1. Algehele Toediening This product may be applied post-emergent to
maksimum van 15 km/h. ú Ensure that spray equipment is clean and free of ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder kan na-
rust, dust and sediment from other pesticides ROUNDUP READY Soybeans from the ground
ú Maak seker dat spuittoerusting skoon en vry is opkoms (bo-oor die sojabone) van ROUNDUP
van roes, stof of sediment van ander plaag- before spraying. cracking stage throughout to flowering. Allow a
READY sojabone vanaf die grondkraakstadium tot minimum of 14 days between application and
doders voor bespuiting plaasvind.
die blomstadium toegedien word. Laat ’n mimimum the harvest of soybeans.
van 14 dae tussen laaste toediening en oes toe.
6 7
velings moet nagekom word. all label recommendations. ú Kalibreer alle spuite korrek onder veldtoestande. ú Correctly calibrate all sprayers under field condi-
ú Vir die beheer van Commelina benghalensis ú For the control of Commelina benghalensis (wan- ú Dit word aanbeveel om ’n lae druk van 100 tot tions.
(wandelende Jood), Convolvulus arvensis (akker- dering Jew), Convolvulus arvensis (field bind 150 kPa saam met lae druk spuitpunte te gebruik ú It is recommended to use low pressures of 100 to
winde), Ipomoea purpurea (purperwinde) en weed), Ipomoea purpurea (morning glory) and om die gewenste watervolume en toedienings- 150 kPa with the appropriate nozzles to deliver
Portulaca oleracea (gewone porselein) SLEGS in Portulaca oleracea (common purslane) in hoeveelheid per hektaar te kan spuit. the required water volume and dosage rate per
ROUNDUP READY MIELIES, kan ROUNDUP ROUNDUP READY MAIZE ONLY, ROUNDUP ú Moenie in windsnelhede van meer as 10 km/uur ha.
POWERMAX met of 2,4-D amien of MCPA teen POWERMAX can be mixed with either 2,4-D spuit nie. ú Do not spray when wind speed exceeds 10 km/h.
aanbevole dossise gemeng word. amine or MCPA at recommended rates. ú Verseker ’n fyn, egalige druppelverspreiding en ú Ensure a fine, even droplet distribution and tho-
ú Indien ’n tenkmengsel met 2,4-D amine of MCPA ú Do not use a buffering agent when tank mixing ’n deeglike bedekking van die teikenonkruide rough coverage without runoff from the target
gemaak word, moet geen buffer bygevoeg word with either 2,4-D amine or MCPA. sonder afloop. weeds.
nie. ú Do not mix with SC insecticide formulations.
ú Moet nie saam met “SC” insektemiddel formula- ú Do not add any surfactants. ROUNDUP READY FLEX COTTON
sies spuit nie. ú Do not use in tank mix with any acids such as 1. Broadcast Application
ú Moenie enige benatter byvoeg nie. fulvic, citric, phosphoric or any other organic 1. Algehele Toediening
This product may be applied to control annual
ú Moenie in mengsel saam met enige sure soos acids. Hierdie produk mag gebruik word om die gelysde grasses and broadleaf weeds listed on this label in
fulvien-, sitroen-, fosforsuur of enige ander orga- eenjarige grasse en breëblaaronkruide in ROUN-
niese sure gebruik nie. ROUNDUP READY FLEX cotton.
DUP READY FLEX katoen te beheer.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide may be applied
over-the-top beyond the 4th TRUE LEAF/NODE
GROEISTADIUM in ROUNDUP READY FLEX FLEX cotton. For best results, make applications
Spesifiek vir kolbehandeling van onkruid en persele Specifically for spot spraying of weeds and for fields katoen toegedien word. Beste resultate word ver- while weeds are small (less than 100mm high).
kleiner as 1 hektaar. smaller than 1 hectare. kry indien kleiner onkruide bespuit word (kleiner as Where sequential applications are necessary to
2,0 % spuitoplossing 2,0 % spray solution 100mm hoogte). In gevalle waar ’n opvolgbespui- control specific weed species (e.g. Cyperus escu-
Verlangde Water Volume ROUNDUP POWERMAX Desired Water Volume ROUNDUP POWERMAX ting gedoen moet word (bv. Cyperus esculentus), lentus) the second application should not occur
5l 100 ml moet die tweede bespuiting nie binne 10 dae vanaf within 10 days of the first application. The second
5l 100 ml die eerste bespuiting plaasvind nie. Die tweede application can be delayed beyond the 4th TRUE
10 l 200 ml 10 l 200 ml de
20 l 400 ml bespuiting kan vertraag word na die 4 WARE LEAF/NODE COTTON GROWTH STAGE.
20 l 400 ml
Maximum allowable ROUNDUP POWERMAX appli-
Maksimum toelaatbare ROUNDUP POWERMAX cation volumes:
ú Combined total per season for
all applications 12.4 l/ha
ú Gesamentlike totaal per seisoen vir
ú Pre-plant, Pre-emergent applications 7.7 l/ha
alle toedienings 12.4 l/ha
ú Total in-crop applications from emergence
ú Voorplant, vooropkomstoedienings 7.7 l/ ha
ú Trekkergemonteerde balk- en sleepspuite: ú Tractor mounted or towed sprayers: ROUNDUP throughout to 60% open balls 9.3 l/ha
ú Totale gewastoediening vanaf
ROUNDUP POWERMAX onkruiddoder moet toe- POWERMAX herbicide must be applied in a water ú Maximum pre harvest application rate from
grondkraak tot 60% gebarste bolle 9.3 l/ha 60% open bolls to 7 days before harvest 3.2 l/ha
gedien word in 100 - 125 l water/ha. Verseker ’n volume of 100 - 125 l/ha. Ensure an even droplet
ú Maksimum voor-oes-toediening- vanaf 60̈% gebar-
eweredige druppelverspreiding op die onkruid- distribution on the target leaf surfaces. Avoid
blaaroppervlakte. Vermy oortollige afloop van spraying to the point of run-off from the target leaf ste bolle tot 7 dae voor-oes 3.2 l/ha See recommendations under “Application dosa-
spuitoplossing vanaf die teiken onkruid. (Teen surfaces. (At volumes of under 125 l/ha, run off Sien aanbevelings onder “Toedieningshoeveel- ges”.
hoeveelhede van minder as 125 l/ha behoort dit should not be a concern). hede”.
nie ’n probleem te wees nie.) ú The water volume can be reduced to 75 l/ha ROUNDUP READY SOYBEAN
ú Selfaangedrewe spuite: Die watervolume kan when using self-propelled sprayers. Limit speed 1. Broadcast Application
verlaag word na 75 l water/ha. Beperk spoed tot to maximum of 15 km/h. 1. Algehele Toediening This product may be applied post-emergent to
maksimum van 15 km/h. ú Ensure that spray equipment is clean and free of ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder kan na-
rust, dust and sediment from other pesticides ROUNDUP READY Soybeans from the ground
ú Maak seker dat spuittoerusting skoon en vry is opkoms (bo-oor die sojabone) van ROUNDUP
van roes, stof of sediment van ander plaag- before spraying. cracking stage throughout to flowering. Allow a
READY sojabone vanaf die grondkraakstadium tot minimum of 14 days between application and
doders voor bespuiting plaasvind.
die blomstadium toegedien word. Laat ’n mimimum the harvest of soybeans.
van 14 dae tussen laaste toediening en oes toe.
6 7
252.0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Maksimum toelaatbare ROUNDUP POWERMAX Maximum allowable ROUNDUP POWERMAX appli- Om weerstand teen onkruiddoders te vertraag: To delay herbicide resistance:
toedieningshoeveelhede: cation volumes: ú Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik ú Avoid exclusive repeated use of herbicides from
ú Gesamentlike totaal per seisoen vir ú Combined total per season for van onkruiddoders met dieselfde groepkode. the same herbicide group code. Alternate or tank
alle toedienings 6.7 l/ha all applications 6.7 l/ha Wissel af met, of gebruik tenkmengsels van mix with registered products from different herbi-
ú Voorplant, vooropkomstoedienings 2.0 l/ ha ú Pre-plant, Pre-emergent applications 2.0 l/ha produkte in verskillende onkruiddodergroep- cide group codes.
ú Totale gewastoediening vanaf ú Total in-crop applications from cracking kodes.
ú Integreer ander beheermaatreëls (chemies, ú Integrate other control methods (chemical, cultu-
grondkraak tot blomstadium 4.7 l/ha throughout to flowering 4.7 l/ha
verbouing, biologies ) in die onkruidbeheer- ral, biological) into weed control programmes.
ú Maksimum voor-oes-toediening 1.3 l/ha ú Maximum pre harvest application rate 1.3 l/ha program.
Sien aanbevelings onder “Toedieningshoeveel- See recommendations under “Application dosa- Vir spesifieke inligting oor weerstandsbestuur kon- For specific information on resistance management
hede”. ges”. tak die registrasiehouer van hierdie produk. contact the registration holder of this product.
1. Algehele Toediening 1. Broadcast Application
Algehele (bo-oor die mielies) ROUNDUP Broadcast (over the top) application of ROUNDUP
POWERMAX onkruiddoder toediening kan slegs POWERMAX herbicide can ONLY BE APPLIED
TOT EN MET DIE V8 STADIUM van die mielie. DIE THE V8 STAGE. THIS STAGE IS REACHED WHEN Nota: Gebruik altyd skoon en hoë kwaliteit water Note: Always use clean, good quality water for
V8 STADIUM WORD BEREIK WANNEER DIE EER- THE FIRST PLANTS IN THE FIELD HAVE vir vermenging en bespuiting. mixing and spraying.
BLAARSKEDE DIE HOOFSTAM VOLLEDIG OMVOU. THE MAIN STEM. The actual number of leaves may ú Gebruik altyd skoon water. Voorkom die gebruik ú Always use clean water. Avoid the use of brack or
Die getal sigbare blare kan egter meer wees. Vermy be more. Do not make broadcast applications if van water met ’n hoë kolloiedinhoud, brak of muddy water, or water with a high colloid content
algehele toedienings indien die plante meganies mechanical crop damage due to the passing of the modderige water. Waar alkaliese en/of harde derived from soils high in organic matter. Where
beskadig kan word deur die toedieningstoerusting. spray rig will occur. BROADCAST APPLICATION water voorkom, word die byvoeging van ammo- alkaline and/or hard water occurs, a buffer should

146.0 mm
ALGEHELE TOEDIENINGS NA DIE V8 STADIUM AFTER V8 STAGE MAY RESULT IN YIELD LOSS niumsulfaat of verwante produk volgens etiket be added according to label recommendations.
KAN LEI TOT OESVERLIESE OF VERTRAAGDE OR DELAYED MATURITY. For best results use flat aanbeveel. Analise van die waterbron word aan- Analysis of the water source is advisable to
RYPWORDING. Vir die beste resultate gebruik plat- fan or twin jet nozzles that are suitable for low water beveel om die natrium, kalsium en magnesium determine the level of the sodium, calcium and
waaier of “Twin Jet” spuitpunte wat geskik is vir laer volume deliveries. Where sequential applications katione sowel as die karbonaat en bikarbonaat magnesium cations, as well as the carbonate and
watervolumes. Waar opvolgbespuitings gedoen are necessary to control specific weed species fraksies te bepaal, omdat pH nie noodwendig ’n bicarbonate fractions as pH is not necessarily a
word om spesifieke onkruide (bv. Cyperus esculen- (e.g. Cyperus esculentus), the second application goeie aanwyser is of antagonisme sal voorkom good indicator of whether antagonism will be
tus) te beheer, moet die tweede toediening nie binne should not occur within 10 days of the first applica- tussen die onkruiddoder en die water nie. experienced between the herbicide and the water
10 dae na die eerste toediening volg nie. Indien die tion. If by this time the maize is beyond the V8 ú Die gebruik van ’n hoë-kwaliteit ammoniumsul- carrier.
mielies teen hierdie stadium reeds die V8 stadium stage, a post directed (see below) application will faatbron, soos Velocity-Glifo¥, Velocity Dry¥, ATP ú The use of a high quality ammonium sulphate
bereik het, moet die opvolgbespuiting gerig gedoen be necessary. Amsul 50¥ of Amsul Dry¥ word aanbeveel teen source, such as Velocity-Glifo, Velocity Dry, ATP
word (sien hieronder). 2%. Amsul 50 or Amsul Dry¥, is recommended at a
2. Directed application ú Die spuitwater pH moet in die orde van 5 tot 6.5 rate of 2% added to the spray solution before
2. Gerigte Toediening wees. ’n Buffer soos Bladbuff¥ 5 moet bygevoeg adding ROUNDUP POWERMAX.
Directed ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide appli-
ROUNDUP POWERMAX bespuitings kan na die V8 cations can be made after the V8 stage, where row word om pH reg te stel. ú Spray water pH must be in the range of 5 to 6.5.
stadium gedoen word waar rywydtes die beweging spacing permits the passage of the application ú Die volgorde van meng: voeg eers die ammo- Add a buffering agent if necessary (e.g.
van spuittoerusting toelaat sonder om enige mega- equipment without causing mechanical damage to niumsulfaat by die water, buffer (indien nodig), Bladbuff¥).
niese gewasskade te veroorsaak. Rywydtes van the maize crop. Row spacings of 150 cm and ROUNDUP POWERMAX en daarna enige tenk- ú Sequence of tank mixing: add the ammonium
150 cm en 210 cm sal waarskynlik die beste wees 210 cm will probably work best for conventional mengsel produk soos aanbeveel. sulphate to the spray water; buffer (if needed),
vir trekkergemonteerde spuittoerusting. tractor mounted spray rigs. ú Tydens meng en bespuiting moet die spuitop- add the ROUNDUP POWERMAX followed by the
lossing aanhoudend geroer word. recommended tank mix product.
For the control of certain broadleaf weeds men- ú Maak die spuitapparaat onmiddellik na gebruik ú Agitate the spray solution while mixing and
Vir die beheer van sekere breëblaaronkruide soos tioned above, ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be
hierbo verwys word, kan ROUNDUP POWERMAX van hierdie produk skoon deur deeglik met water spraying.
mixed with either 2,4-D amine or MCPA at recom- deur te spoel. ú Clean sprayer parts immediately after using this
met die aanbevole dosis van of 2,4-D amien of mended rates.
MCPA gemeng en bespuit word. ú ROUNDUP POWERMAX kan gemeng en gespuit product by thoroughly flushing with water.
See recommendations under “Application dosa- word in ’n mengsel met sekere “EC” en “SL” ú ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be tank mixed and
Sien aanbevelings hieronder by “Toedieningshoe- ges”.
veelhede”. formulasies. Doen ’n kleinskaal proef mengsel sprayed with certain EC and SL formulations. Do
om verenigbaarheid te bevestig voordat groot- a small-scale test mix to confirm compatibility
skaalse bespuiting plaasvind. Alle etiket aanbe- before doing a large-scale application. Adhere to
8 5
INSLUITENDE OES VERLIESE. TED RESULTS INCLUDING YIELD LOSS. Die voorkoms van onkruide in mielies, katoen en Weed spectrums in maize, cotton and soybean are
AANDAG: HIERDIE PRODUK WORD DEUR ATTENTION: MONSANTO RECOMMENDS THIS sojabone wissel volgens gebied, grondsoort en variable and differ by region, soil type and climatic
MONSANTO AANBEVEEL VIR NA-OPKOM PRODUCT ONLY FOR POST EMERGENT USE klimaatsfaktore wat varieer van seisoen tot seisoen. factors that change from season to season. This
GEBRUIK AS ’N ALGEHELE (BO OOR) OF OVER-THE-TOP OF OR DIRECTED ONTO Dit veroorsaak ’n wisselvallige en ongelyke results in a varied and uneven emergence of a
GERIGTE BESPUITING OP VERBETERDE IMPROVED MAIZE, COTTON AND SOYBEAN opkoms van ’n verskeidenheid van onkruide op ’n variety of weed species at any one site where one
MIELIES, KATOEN EN SOJABOON KULTIVARS VARIETIES THAT ARE DESIGNATED AS CONTAI- land waar een of meer spesies dominant is. Om or more species may dominate. In order to com-
MET DIE ROUNDUP READY GEEN. ERNSTIGE NING THE ROUNDUP READY GENE. SEVERE hiervoor te kompenseer word toedieningshoeveel- pensate for this fact the dosages recommended
SKADE OF DOOD VAN MIELIE-, KATOEN- EN INJURY OR DEATH OF MAIZE, COTTON AND hede aanbeveel om ’n breë spektrum van onkruide are aimed at covering a broad spectrum of weeds
SOJABOONPLANTE SAL VOORKOM AS ENIGE SOYBEAN WILL RESULT IF ANY HYBRIDS OR te dek, mits die toediening plaasvind voordat provided they are sprayed before weeds with an
KULTIVARS WAT NIE DIE ROUNDUP READY VARIETIES NOT PROPERLY DESIGNATED AS enige van die regopgroeiende spesies (bv. kakie- upright growth form reach 100 mm in height (e.g.
GEEN BEVAT MET HIERDIE PRODUK BESPUIT HAVING THE ROUNDUP READY GENE ARE bos) 100 mm oorskry of platgroeiende spesies (b.v. khaki weed) or weeds with a flat growth form reach
WORD. SPRAYED WITH THIS PRODUCT. porselein) die 6 - 8 blaargroeistadium bereik. the 6 - 8 leaf stage (e.g. common purslane).
Algemene inligting General information DOSISSE: DOSAGE RATES
ú Die effek van ROUNDUP POWERMAX is eers na 4 ú The herbicidal action is only visible after 4 days A. Eenjarige grasse en breëblaaronkruide: A. Annual grasses and broad leaf weeds:
dae by eenjarige en 7 dae by meerjarige onkruid onwards for annual weeds and 7 days for peren-
sigbaar (afhangende van groeitoestande, nial weeds after application (depending on 1.3 l/ha toegedien voor 100 mm hoog of 8 blaar 1.3 l/ha applied before 100 mm in height or the
onkruidgroeistadium en bewerkingspraktyke). growing conditions, weed growth stage and groeistadium. 8 leaf stage.
ú Dien ROUNDUP POWERMAX na opkoms van die cultural conditions). 1.7 l/ha toegedien tussen 100 en 200 mm hoog of 1.7 l/ha applied between 100 and 200 mm or up to
onkruid toe. Rig bespuiting op die blare en ú Apply ROUNDUP POWERMAX post-emergence voor die 12 blaar groeistadium. the 12 leaf stage.
onvolwasse bas van aktief groeiende onkruide. to actively growing weeds, directed on the B. Onkruide wat ’n opvolgbespuiting en/of ver- B. Species requiring a follow-up spray and/or
ú MOENIE spuit as die onkruide nat, rustend, foliage.
hoogde dosis nodig het vir doeltreffende increased rate (Variable control *):
onder stremming, met stof bedek of deur ryp ú Do NOT spray whilst weeds are wet, dormant or
beskadig is nie. under stress nor when covered in a layer of dust beheer (Beheer varieer *):
ú Swaar reën of besproeiing kort na toediening or damaged by frost. * Commelina benghalensis - Wandelende Jood * Commelina benghalensis - Wandering Jew
mag die effektiwiteit verminder en herbespuiting ú Heavy rainfall or irrigation shortly after application 2,0 l/ha toegedien op 3 blaar stadium opgevolg 2.0 l/ha Apply at the three-leaf stage followed by
mag nodig wees. ROUNDUP POWERMAX is may reduce efficacy and a repeat application met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
reënvas een uur na toediening. may be necessary. ROUNDUP POWERMAX is * Ipomoea purpurea - Morning glory
ú Daar is geen beperking op wisselbougewasse na rainfast within one hour after application. * Ipomoea purpurea - Purperwinde
2.0 l/ha toegedien op 4 - 5 blaar stadium opgevolg 2.0 l/ha Apply at the 4 - 5 leaf stage followed by
die toediening van hierdie produk nie, omdat ú There are no rotational crop restrictions due to
herbicide activity following applications of this met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
daar geen moontlikheid van onkruiddoder
oordrag is nie. product. * Portulaca oleracea - Gewone porselein * Portulaca oleracea - Common purslane
2.0 l/ha toegedien voor blom. 2.0 l/ha Apply before flowering.
Tribulus terrestris - Gewone dubbeltjie Tribulus terrestris - Devil’s thorn
WEERSTANDSBESTUUR WEED RESISTANCE 1.7 l/ha toegedien voor eerste blomme. 1.7 l/ha apply before first flowers appear.

MANAGEMENT C. Twee- en Meerjarige onkruide: C. Biennial and Perennial weed species:

2.0 l/ha toegedien voor 100 mm hoog of voor die 2.0 l/ha Apply before 100 mm in height or the 8 leaf
growth stage. Efficacy on weeds like Tall fleabane
For resistance management, ROUNDUP 8 blaar groeistadium. Effektiwiteit teen Vaalskraal-
ROUNDUP POWERMAX is ’n groepkode G onkruid- (conyza albida), Flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bona-
hans (Conyza albida), Kleinskraalhans (Conyza
doder. Enige populasie van ’n spesifieke onkruid POWERMAX is a group code G herbicide. Any weed riensis) and Horseweed fleabane (Conyza cana-
bonariensis) en Kanadese skraalhans (Conyza densis) may be variable. Biennial and perennial
mag individue insluit wat ’n natuurlike weerstand population may contain individuals naturally resis-
canadensis) kan varieer. Twee- en meerjarige weeds should be controlled mechanically before
teen ROUNDUP POWERMAX, of enige ander groep- tant to ROUNDUP POWERMAX and other group
onkruide moet meganies beheer word voor plant. planting.
kode G onkruiddoder, het. Indien hierdie onkruiddo- code G herbicides. The resistant individuals can
ders herhaaldelik aangewend word, kan die weer- Cyperus esculentus - Geeluintjie Cyperus esculentus - yellow nutsedge
eventually dominate the weed population if these
standbiedende individue uiteindelik die onkruid 2.0 l/ha toegedien op 3 tot 4 blaar stadium opge- 2.0 l/ha Apply at the three to four leaf stage follow
herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant
populasie oorheers. Hierdie weerstandbiedende volg met 2.0 l/ha (toegedien 10 - 20 dae later). by a 2.0 l/ha (apply 10 - 20 days later).
weeds may not be controlled by ROUNDUP
onkruide sal waarskynlik nie deur ROUNDUP POWERMAX or any other group code G herbicide. Nota: Gee aandag aan punt 1 en 2 hierbo vir Note: Read carefully points 1 and 2 above for
POWERMAX of enige ander groepkode G onkruid- aanbevelings in katoen en mielies en punt 1 vir spray instructions in cotton and maize and point
doder beheer word nie. sojabone. 1 for soybeans.

4 9
252.0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Die volgende onkruidspesies sal nie teen hier- The following weed species will not be control-
die aanbevole dosisse beheer word nie: led at these recommended rates:
Cynodon dactylon - gewone kweekgras (sien hier Cynodon dactylon - common quick grass (see VOORSORGMAATREËLS PRECAUTIONS
onder) below)
Convolvulus arvensis - akkerwinde Convolvulus arvensis - field bind weed
Oenothera stricta - nagblom Oenothera stricta - evening primrose
Panicum maximum - buffelsgras Panicum maximum - common buffalo grass ú Moenie die spuitnewel of dampe inasem nie. ú Do not breathe fumes or spray mist.
Paspalum spp. - paspalum. Paspalum spp. - common paspalum. ú Dra handskoene en gesigskerm wanneer kon- ú Wear gloves and face shield when handling the
sentraat hanteer word. concentrate.
Cynodon dactylon (gewone kweekgras) beheer: Cynodon dactylon (common quick grass) control: ú In die geval van aanraking met die vel of oë moet ú In case of accidental contact with skin or eyes,
Spuit die plante met Roundup of Roundup Turbo of Spray the plants with Roundup or Roundup Turbo dit dadelik met baie water gewas word. In die wash immediately with plenty of water, and in the
Roundup WeatherMax of Roundup Max teen die or Roundup Max or Roundup WeatherMax at the geval van oë, verkry mediese aandag indien case of eyes get medical attention if necessary.
aanbevole dosis voordat enige voorplant grondbe- recommended rate prior to any cultivation shortly nodig.
werking plaasvind kort voor planttyd. Volg die before planting the crop. Apply in-crop sprays as ú Voorkom die wegdrywing van spuitnewel en/of ú Prevent spray drift and/or contamination onto
aanbevelings soos hierbo vir die beheer van Cype- for Cyperus esculentus (yellow nut sedge) recom- besoedeling van gevoelige of eetbare gewasse, susceptible or edible crops, grazing or any other
rus esculentus (geeluintjie) binne die gewas. ’n mended above. A late season spot spray when the weiding, en enige ander nie- teikengebied. Dit areas not under treatment as this may cause
Laatseisoen kolbespuiting sodra die gewas vol- crop is mature and drying off is also recommen- mag ernstige gewasskade veroorsaak. serious crop damage.
wasse en besig is om af te droog word aanbeveel. ded. ú Direkte of spuitnewelkontak van ROUNDUP ú Direct or spray drift contact by ROUNDUP
POWERMAX met die blare en/of onvolwasse bas POWERMAX onto the leaves and/or immature
ADDISIONELE INLIGTING EN TENKMENGSEL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND TANK MIX van plante kan lei tot gelokaliseerde of getrans- bark of plants not under treatment can result in
KOMBINASIES COMBINATIONS lokeerde skade. serious localised or translocated damage.
ú Spoel leë houer driekeer uit met ’n volume water ú Rinse empty container three times with a volume
1. Voorplant-, Voorplant ingewerkte, Voorop- 1. Pre-Plant, Pre-Plant Incorporated, Pre-Emer- gelykstaande aan ’n minimum van 10 % van die of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the
koms- en Na-opkomstoedienings gent and Post-Emergent treatments houer. Gooi die spoelwater by die inhoud van die container. Add the rinsings to the contents of the

146.0 mm
Katoen Cotton spuittenk en vernietig dan die houer deur dit spray tank before destroying the container by
stukkend te steek en plat te trap. Moenie vir enige perforation and flattening and do not use for any
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van The above recommended ROUNDUP POWERMAX ander doel gebruik nie. other purpose.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in cotton ú Vermy besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater ú Prevent contamination of food, foodstuffs, drin-
word vir katoenkultivars wat die ROUNDUP READY varieties which are designated ROUNDUP READY en eetgerei. king water and eating utensils.
FLEX-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo as ’n FLEX cotton cultivars. When Roundup Turbo is ú Moet nie blaartoegediende voedingstowwe saam ú Do not add foliar applied nutrients to ROUNDUP
voorplantbespuiting toegedien word, of Triflurex applied as a pre-plant treatment or Triflurex 480 EC met ROUNDUP POWERMAX toedien nie. POWERMAX.
480 EC as ’n voorplant, ingewerkte toediening is applied as a pre-plant incorporated treatment,
aangewend word, moet die verskaffer se etiketaan- follow the recommendations on the manufacturer’s
bevelings nagekom word. ROUNDUP POWERMAX label. ROUNDUP POWERMAX can be applied in a
kan met Harness Extra volgens etiket aanbevelings tank mix with Harness Extra when the cotton is GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS DIRECTIONS FOR USE
toegedien word wanneer die katoen tussen die 5 between the 5 and 8 leaf growth stage as recom-
en 8 blaar groeistadium is. mended on the label.
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van The above recommended ROUNDUP POWERMAX
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in soybean POWERMAX ONKRUIDDODER VOLGENS DIE ETI- HERBICIDE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LABEL
READY-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo as ’n soybean cultivars. When Roundup Turbo is applied GESKEP DAT DIE ROUNDUP READY MIELIES EN MAL GROWTH OF ROUNDUP READY MAIZE AND
voorplantbespuiting toegedien word, as ’n voorop- as a pre-plant treatment or any residual herbicide is SOJABONE EN ROUNDUP READY FLEX KATOEN SOYABEAN AND ROUNDUP READY FLEX COT-
komstoediening aangewend word, of Pantera vir applied as a pre-emergent application or Pantera is NORMAAL SAL GROEI. LET OP DAT VERSKEIE TON VARIETIES. HOWEVER, VARIOUS ENVIRON-
die beheer van opslagmielies, moet die verskaffer applied to control volunteer maize plants, follow OMGEWINGSTOESTANDE, AGRONOMIESE MENTAL CONDITIONS, AGRONOMIC PRACTI-
se etiketaanbevelings nagekom word. the recommendations on the manufacturer’s label. PRAKTYKE EN ANDER FAKTORE DIT ONT- CES AND OTHER FACTORS MAKE IT IMPOSSI-
Bogenoemde aanbevelings vir die toediening van
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag gevolg herbicide treatments may be applied in maize WORD TOEDIENINGS VOLGENS DIE ETIKET UIT- ONS ARE MADE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE

10 3
word vir mieliekultivars wat die ROUNDUP maize hybrids. When Roundup Turbo or Pantera is
READY-geen bevat. Wanneer Roundup Turbo of applied as a pre-plant treatment or Guardian S or
WAARSKUWINGS WARNINGS Pantera as ’n voorplantbespuiting toegedien Bullet are applied as pre-emergent applications or
word, kan of Guardian S of Bullet as ’n voorop- Harness Extra or 2,4-D amine or MCPA or Astron
komstoediening aangewend word, of Harness 480SC are applied as a post-emergent application,
Extra of 2,4-D amien of MCPA of Astron 480SC as follow the recommendations on the manufacturer’s
ú Weerhoudingsperiode: Laat die volgende aantal ú Withholding period: Allow the following number ’n na-opkomstoediening, moet die verskaffer se label.
dae toe tussen laaste bespuiting en oes: Mielies: of days between last application and harvest: etiketaanbevelings nagekom word.
Beweiding - 28 dae en groenmielies - 42 dae. Maize: Grazing 28 days and Green Mealies 2. Tank mixes with ROUNDUP POWERMAX
2. ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder tenk-
42 days. herbicide in ROUNDUP READY Maize
ú Mag oog en vel irritasie veroorsaak. ú May cause eye and skin irritation. mengsels vir gebruik in ROUNDUP READY
ú Moenie ROUNDUP POWERMAX-oplossings ú Do not mix, store or apply ROUNDUP mielies
ROUNDUP POWERMAX herbicide may be tank
meng, berg of toedien vanuit gegalvaniseerde POWERMAX solutions in galvanised steel or unli- ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder mag voor-
mixed with Guardian S for pre-emergent applicati-
staal- of ongevoeringde houers (behalwe vlek- ned steel (except stainless steel) containers or opkoms van mielies in tenkmengsels met
Guardian S toegedien word. Na-opkoms van die ons, and with Harness Extra EC or 2,4-D amine or
vrye staal) of spuittenks nie, aangesien dit che- spray tanks as a reaction will produce hydrogen
mielies kan Harness Extra of 2,4-D amien of MCPA or Astron 480SC for post-emergent broad-
mies met die staal reageer om waterstofgas te gas which is highly combustible.
MCPA of Astron 480SC in tenkmengsels met die cast (before V8 stage) and post directed (after V8
vorm wat hoogs vlambaar is.
ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder toegedien stage) applications. Follow the manufacturers
ú Stoor buite die bereik van voedsel, voer, saad, ú Store away from food, feeds, seed, fertilizers and
word as algehele (voor V8 stadium) of gerigte recommendations on the label. ROUNDUP
kunsmis en ander landbouchemikalieë. other agricultural chemicals.
bespuitings (na V8 stadium). Raadpleeg die vers- POWERMAX herbicide should not be tank mixed
ú Hou buite die bereik van kinders, oningeligte ú Keep out of reach of children, uninformed per-
kaffer se etiketaanbevelings. Tenkmengsels van with Atrazine.
persone en diere. sons and animals. ROUNDUP POWERMAX-onkruiddoder en Atra-
ú Herbetreding: Moet nie die behandelde area ú Re-entry Period: Do not enter the treated field sien word nie aanbeveel nie. 3. Control of volunteer ROUNDUP READY maize
betree alvorens die spuitneerslag nie droog is until the spray deposit has dried unless wearing plants
nie, tensy beskermende klerasie gedra word. protective clothing. 3.Beheer van opslag ROUNDUP READY mie-
ú Alhoewel hierdie onkruiddoder omvattend onder ú Although this herbicide has been tested under a lies Pantera can be used on its own or in a tank mix with
’n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is, large variety of soil and climatic conditions, the Pantera kan alleen of in ’n tenkmengsel met Roundup Turbo to control volunteer ROUNDUP
waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat hierdie registration holder does not warrant that it will be Roundup Turbo gebruik word om opslag ROUN- READY maize plants and other weeds in a pre-plant
produk onder alle omstandighede doeltreffend efficacious under all conditions because the DUP READY mielies, asook ander onkruide in ’n situation. Pantera can be used on its own or in a
sal wees nie aangesien die werking en effektiwi- action and effect thereof may be affected by voorplantsituasie te beheer. Pantera kan alleen of tank mix with ROUNDUP POWERMAX for the con-
teit daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and sto- in ’n tenkmengsel met ROUNDUP POWERMAX trol of volunteer ROUNDUP READY maize plant in a
soos abnormale grond-, klimaat- en bergingstoe- rage conditions, quality of dilution water, compa- gebruik word om opslag ROUNDUP READY mie- ROUNDUP READY soyabean crop. Follow the
stande, kwaliteit van verdunningswater, verenig- tibility with other substances not indicated on the lies in ROUNDUP READY sojabone te beheer. manufacturer’s recommendations on the label.
baarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket label and the occurrence of resistance of the Raadpleeg die verskaffer se etiketaanbevelings.
aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand weeds against the herbicide as well as by the
van die onkruid teen die onkruiddoder sowel as method, time and accuracy of application. The
die metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening. registration holder furthermore does not accept
Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie die ver- responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation,
antwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse, plante- the environment or harm to man or animal or for
groei, die omgewing, of nadelige effek op mens lack of performance of the herbicide due to
of dier, of vir die gebrek aan prestasie van die failure of the user to follow the label instructions
onkruiddoder as gevolg van die versuim van die or to the occurrence of conditions, which could
gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom, of as not have been foreseen in terms of the registra-
gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie tion.
kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie.
ú Raadpleeg u verskaffer in geval van enige onse- ú Consult your supplier in the event of any uncer-
kerheid. tainty.

ZA, 1105, B - 1165 2213

252.0 mm
125.0 mm 127.0 mm

Die volgende handelsmerke en registrasies word erken kragtens Wet No. 36 van 1947
The following trademarks and registrations are acknowledged under Act No. 36 of 1947

Produk Reg. Nommer Registrasiehouers

Product Reg. Number Registration holders

Astron SC L8366 Universal Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk.

Universal Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd

ATP Amsul 50 L7721 Applied Technical Products bk

Applied Technical Products cc

Amsul Dry L8329 Applied Technical Products bk.

Applied Technical Products cc

Bladbuff 5 L3351 Plaaskem (Edms) Bpk.

Plaaskem (Pty) Ltd

Bullet¥ L5623 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk.

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Guardian S¥ L4862 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk.

L 7769 L 7769
Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
A soluble concentrate non-selective post ’n Oplosbare konsentraat, nie selektiewe
Harness¥ Extra EC L 7703 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk. emergence herbicide for the control of sistemiese na-opkomsonkruiddoder vir die
Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd. annual and perennial weeds in ROUNDUP beheer van een- en meerjarige onkruide in
READY maize and soybean and ROUNDUP READY mielie en sojaboon en
Pantera L6451 Chemtura (Edms) Bpk.
ROUNDUP READY FLEX cotton varieties. ROUNDUP READY FLEX katoen kultivars.

146.0 mm
Chemtura (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup¥ L0407 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup Max¥ L6790 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup WeatherMax¥ L8065 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Roundup Turbo¥ L7166 Monsanto South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Monsanto South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Triflurex 480 EC L5350 Makhteshim - Agan South Africa (Edms) Bpk

Makhteshim - Agan South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Velocity-Glifo L7768 Villa Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk

Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd.

Velocity Dry L8330 Villa Crop Protection (Edms) Bpk

Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd.

¤ Geregistreerde handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC. ¢ Kopiereg voorbehou

¤ Registered Monsanto Technology LLC trademarks ¢ Copyright reserved ¥ Roundup, Monsanto and the Vine symbol are registered trade marks of
Monsanto Technology LLC.
Lid van CropLife SA - ww April 2011 - Member of CropLife SA ¥ Roundup, Monsanto en die blaar simbool is geregistreerde
handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC.
¢ Monsanto Europe S.A., May 2011 (A.V.C.)

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