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The Effectiveness of Synchronous Learning For Students

Synchronous learning is online learning that is carried out at the same time, using video
conferencing or chat technology. Synchronous learning becomes an alternative for students to do
online learning. Synchronous learning is effective for students in this pandemic, but it also have
a bad effect if done excessively. Synchronous learning is effective for students.
Because first, Students can ask the teacher if they don't understand the material.The teacher can
also find out whether the students understand the material or not.
Second, Students can better understand the lesson because it is explained directly by the teacher.
compared to asynchronous learning where we cannot interact directly with the teacher.
And third students can get to know their classmates even if they don't meet face to face. If
asynchronous learning students can’t know their classmates and as a result, students do not have
any interaction.
Conversely, if students do excessive synchronous learning, it will have a bad impact. The bad
impact is students will be tired of having to deal with laptops continuously.
So I think synchronous learning is effective for students, because they can easier to understand
lessons and can interact with their teachers and friends. But synchronous learning have a bad
effect if done excessively.

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