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We the Primary Source believes that Jose Rizal did retract his statement against the
Catholic Church.The documents that we have gathered and we will show to the public is a
strong evidence and will prove that Rizal had truly withdrawn in masonry and retracted.Ok so
let me first address to you the documents.The first documents is the letter of Rizal for his
mother which was received on January 5,1893,in this letter it was stated that Rizal have been
occasionally attending to the church every Sunday in Dapitan.Is this not enough to prove that
Rizal had truly been returned to the church?Another one is the testimony of Father Balaguer
who is the eyewitness and the one who was with Rizal and presented the retraction format
prepared by Father Pio Pi who is the superior of Jesuit society in the Philippines before Rizal
was executed.He stated that on the month of December 29,1896,Rizal have been accepted and
signed the document a day before his execution.And on May 13,1935,the most renowed
European teacher of singing in the 19th century discovered the documents of Rizals retraction.Is
this not enough to prove that Rizal did retract?

We the Secondary Source or rather the opposition side adhered that the presented
documents was forged,base on our research from an online source the fact of document
forgery was revealed by Fr.Balaguer,he said that he couldn’t exactly recall where the exact copy
was and even Fr.Pio Pi couldn’t prove it himself.The said copy of the retraction paper that Rizal
had signed is only published in newspapers and even hidden it from the public.When the family
of Rizal requested for the original copy,it was said that the copy was lost.Moreover Rizal only
said that he hated masonry.So is this not enough to prove that Rizal did not really retract and
how come he was still executed even if you say he did retract.

If you are saying that Rizal was executed even when after he retracted,you are mistaken
about it the reason why Rizal was executed is because he was suspected of
rebellion,sedition,and illegal association against the Spanish Government and as a consequence
the retraction document did not save him from the execution.
If Rizal did really died as a Roman Catholic base on what you have argued,then why his
burial is still concealed with mystery and then why his remain was buried in the Paco cemetery
instead of the Roman Catholic cemetery also his name was not registered in the registry for the
Roman Catholics.In this scenario,did Rizal die as a Roman Catholics?

The possible reason why Rizal was not buried in a Roman Catholic cemetery was
because of the accusation that was given to him as a traitor against the Spanish.As a Filipino I
believe that Spaniards saw us as a slave,they just use us for their personal interest and Rizal was
not an exemption to that.

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