Paper 1 GED109

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How I see myself is non-apparent to who I think I’m supposed to be, I am a person who

is so sure of things but not sure of anything at all. I’m sure I am a straight man who is
aligned with the traditional norms but without regard and effort on the reason of being
decisively indecisive. I surround myself to people I feel comfortable enough to not be
uncomfortable these people are my friends and family, and they see me for who I am
externally which is how I also perceive myself and I act differently towards my friends
and towards my family.

How easy is my life because of my sex? I can’t really tell because of mainstream media
showing me both sides of different stories that feeds my indecisiveness and inability to
choose a side without properly dismissing another half of the story, its my paradox of
choosing between half truths and half lies, as one is as true and false as the other. My
gender is Male and sometimes I perceive my life as beneficious as I biologically do not
have to undergo changes that the other half of the spectrum endures. But on the other
hand, I am lazy and have a low sense of will power which makes fitting in to the norm of
a “Man” of being a provider and protector another hardship of an Idea.

The social policies that exist to protect my rights are the “basic human rights” section
11, Article II of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, which grants me
the freedom of having the basic human rights.

If I would personally create a law that protects my certain sex/gender I would choose to
have protective immunity for false allegations that are attributed to my certain gender
because of societal indifferences, these include rape, sexual assault and false
conception origin. Of which until given proper clause or proven guilty the suspect is free
from all charge and judgment by the court and “if” proven innocent the prosecute will be
subjected to imprisonment or a substantial fine.

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