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Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular

Adaptations to Exercise 21
Jill N. Barnes and Qi Fu

Cardiovascular adaptation during exercise. Art work by Piet Michiels, Leuven, Belgium

J. N. Barnes (*) Abstract

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA Increasing data suggest that there are sex
differences in ventricular and vascular
Q. Fu adaptations to aerobic (endurance) exercise,
Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Dallas,
TX, USA which may be attributed to different physical
and physiological features in men and women.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,
TX, USA Despite that cardiovascular control during
e-mail: acute exercise at the same relative work rate

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 329

P. L. M. Kerkhof, V. M. Miller (eds.), Sex-Specific Analysis of Cardiovascular Function,
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1065,
330 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

(e.g., the percentage of peak oxygen uptake) Cardiac Contribution to Aerobic

appears to be similar between the sexes, Fitness
women have blunted responses or adaptations
to prolonged (e.g., 1 year) exercise training During aerobic (endurance) exercise, the uptake
compared with men. Currently, there is little and transport of oxygen is required for oxidative
evidence to suggest that exercise-induced vas- phosphorylation and the efficient production of
cular adaptations are different between men adenosine triphosphate to support the metabolic
and women. Furthermore, sex differences in demands of the body. Oxygen uptake is a func-
skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise, and tion of cardiac output (e.g., central factor) and
how this influences cardiovascular function, total system arteriovenous oxygen difference
remain unclear. Identifying potential differ- (e.g., peripheral factor) [84]. The ability to
ences and the mechanisms behind such increase one or both of these variables determines
exercise-induced adaptations is important for a person’s aerobic capacity [42], and the upper
the optimization of exercise interventions limit for whole-body oxygen uptake is called the
between men and women across the life span. peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) [53]. VO2peak is
the best objective measure of aerobic fitness and
is a widely used index of the integrity of cardio-
vascular function [92].
Exercise · Cardiovascular adaptation ·
Women usually have VO2peak values that are
Endurance training · Aerobic fitness · Cardiac
5–15% lower than men of comparable training
output · Stroke volume · Heart rate · Oxygen
status and a similar age, whereas correction of
VO2peak values for body weight or lean body
mass does not correct the discrepancy in men
and women completely [12]. It has been found
that the difference in peak arteriovenous
Introduction oxygen difference is relatively small between
the sexes, as well as between highly trained and
The cardiovascular system has a distinctive untrained individuals [21, 40, 68, 94], though
ability to quickly adapt to acute increases in the mechanisms behind it may differ (e.g.,
workload caused by muscle contraction. Addi- differences in muscle blood flow, capillary den-
tionally, regular exercise induces long-term sity, muscle fiber characteristics, mitochondrial
adaptations in the structure and function of the function, etc.). The factor most commonly
cardiovascular system. The majority of the accounting for the different values of VO2peak
research in this area has focused on adaptations in men and women is cardiac output. Indeed,
in men, but emerging evidence on the adaptations lower cardiac output was found to contribute to
in women now exists. Men and women have the lower absolute and relative VO2peak in
different physical and physiological features women [115].
(e.g., body size, muscle mass, sex hormones, Cardiac output is the product of heart rate and
etc.), which may impact their responses to exer- stroke volume. Previous studies have demon-
cise. This chapter will focus on reviewing the strated that peak heart rate during exercise is
cardiovascular adaptations to exercise and similar between men and women regardless of
similarities and differences between men and fitness levels [21, 30, 40, 68], while advancing
women. Understanding sex-specific differences age is associated with a decrease in peak heart rate
in exercise adaptations is important not only to in both sexes [68]. Indeed, the most consistent sex
physiologists but also to clinicians, as these difference in cardiovascular responses during
differences could impact exercise rehabilitation submaximal and maximal exercise is a lower
for patient populations. stroke volume of women and a smaller increase
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 331

in stroke volume from rest to exercise [21, 38, 39, to the smaller stroke volume and cardiac output
68, 69]. It has been proposed that the smaller at rest and during exercise [7, 61, 115]. These
stroke volume and its attenuated response during results suggest that sex may be an important
exercise in women are mainly attributed to a factor determining the central hemodynamic
smaller heart size, particularly left ventricular response to exercise in humans.
volume and mass [7, 32, 41]. The difference In contrast, some investigators reported no
in heart size has also been assumed to account differences in stroke volume index, cardiac
for a majority of the difference in VO2peak in index, left ventricular end-diastolic and
both sexes [41, 61]. Additionally, sex-related end-systolic volume indexes in the time course,
differences in myocardial remodeling could influ- or magnitude of changes with respect to oxygen
ence left ventricular contractility, which may also uptake, expressed as the percentage of VO2peak
account for the smaller stroke volume and its in men and women aged <40 years (Fig. 21.1a)
attenuated response during exercise in women [26, 101]. Whereas in people over the age of
[76, 111]. Indeed, Aksut et al. found that during 60 years, all cardiac volume indexes are consis-
submaximal exercise, the decrease in left ventric- tently larger in men across relative work rates,
ular end-systolic volume was less in young indicating greater reliance on the Frank-Starling
women than in young men [1]. However, left mechanism to augment cardiac index
ventricular contractility was reported to be greater (Fig. 21.1b) [26].
in women than men after the age of 65 years A potential important aspect when comparing
[19]. Thus, older women have a greater ability people of different body sizes is the methods for
to eject stroke volume (i.e., hypercontractile), scaling or normalization. Ratiometrically it can be
and left ventricular end-systolic volume could used when there is a linear relationship between
be lower in older women than in older men body size and cardiovascular parameters. But
[26]. Conversely, women, especially older often this is not the case and allometric scaling
women, have reduced blood volume compared is needed. Indeed, when stroke volume is scaled
with age-matched men, which also contributes to lean body mass, sex differences become less

Fig. 21.1 Left ventricular (LV) volume indexes across in cardiac volumes between young men and women. (b) In
relative work rates from rest to peak effort in young (aged older group, all cardiac volume indexes are consistently
<40 years; a) and older (aged >60 years; b) males (solid larger in men across relative work rates compared with
lines) and females (dashed lines). (a) Analysis of covari- women. (Adapted with permission from Fleg et al. [26])
ance shows no significant interaction or overall difference
332 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

noticeable [12]. Lean body mass has been example, Zwiren et al. found that in men and
suggested as a possible factor causing differences women with similar training backgrounds and
in exercise cardiac output [89]. An earlier study nonsignificantly different mean VO2peak in
by Freedson et al. [29] showed that in young men mL/kg in fat-free mass.min, the differences in
and young women matched on VO2peak (L/min cardiovascular responses between the sexes at
and mL/kg.min), men had a lower cardiac output various percentages of VO2peak were smaller
and stroke volume and a higher arteriovenous than previously thought [119]. It seems that the
oxygen difference during submaximal exercise sex difference in certain cardiovascular responses
(bicycle ergometer test at 35% of VO2peak). during exercise is a consequence of different
When these variables were expressed indepen- levels of physical condition of the men and
dent of lean body mass, the above differences women. In accordance with this assumption, it
became nonsignificant [29]. These results support was found that the increase in heart rate during
the notion that cardiac output differences between submaximal and maximal exercise was greatest in
the sexes during submaximal exercise are due, in untrained women and smallest in highly trained
part, to differences in lean body mass. On the men at the same absolute work rate, which was
other hand, blood volume and hemoglobin mass expressed as VO2 (mL/kg.min); however, when
remain lower in women compared with men even the heart rate responses at the same relative work
when scaled for body mass [7, 12, 61]. Blood rate, namely, the percentage of VO2peak were
volume, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values are compared, there were no differences among
15–20% lower in women, including elite athletes; groups (Fig. 21.2) [30]. These results suggest
these factors probably contribute to the lower that cardiovascular control during acute exercise
VO2peak in women and lower average values is similar in men and women no matter whether
for endurance exercise performance [12, 42]. they are trained or untrained. Although there are
Previous studies have demonstrated that there some physiological differences that may affect
are rather substantial physiological and morpho- the mechanism of the changes, the overall
logical sex differences between untrained or sed- response of the cardiovascular system to acute
entary men and women, but these differences exercise is similar in men and women [61, 67].
become less noticeable in highly trained male One of the key principles in exercise physiol-
and female athletes who are competing in the ogy in humans is the remarkably constant rela-
same event or sport [116, 77, 119, 112]. For tionship between the increase in oxygen uptake

Fig. 21.2 Comparisons of 220 Sedentary Men

Sedentary Women
heart rate (HR) responses Male Athletes
during submaximal and 200 Female Athletes
maximal exercise in
sedentary men and women 180
and during submaximal
HR (bpm)

exercise in highly trained 160

male and female athletes at
the same relative work rate, 140
expressed as the percentage
of maximal oxygen uptake 120
(VO2max), which
represents a matter of 100
cardiovascular control
during exercise in healthy 80
humans. (Adapted with
permission from Fu and 60
Levine [30]) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percent VO2 max (%)
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 333

Metabolic Myopathies


Qc (l/min) 5-6 liters


Congestive Heart Failure

1 liter

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
.VO2 (ml/min)

Fig. 21.3 Relationship between increases in oxygen severe underlying disease with impending decompensa-
uptake (VO2) and the corresponding increases in cardiac tion. Conversely, when it is exaggerated, like in patients
output (Qc) during exercise in humans, which in most with metabolic myopathies, it gives strong clues to the
cases is 5–6/1. When this relationship is depressed, like processes regulating Qc. (Adapted with permission from
in patients with congestive heart failure, it may be a sign of Fu and Levine [31])

(work rate) and the corresponding increase in studies showed that the rate of decline in
cardiac output. Regardless of sex, age, or aerobic VO2peak in healthy adults was not constant
fitness, in general, about 5–6 liters of cardiac across the age span, as assumed by cross-
output are required for every liter of oxygen sectional studies, but accelerated markedly with
uptake above rest (Fig. 21.3) [30, 31, 33, 52, 79, each successive age decade, especially in men,
84]. When this relationship is depressed, it may regardless of physical activity habits [26].
be a sign of severe underlying disease with Hossack and Bruce also found that the normal
impending decompensation. Conversely, when it range of peak values for VO2, heart rate, cardiac
is exaggerated, like in patients with metabolic index, and stroke index during treadmill exercise
myopathies, it gives strong clues to the processes testing decreased with age in both sexes, but men
regulating cardiac output. had a significantly greater reduction than women
VO2peak decreases with advancing age, and a [38]. Fitzgerald et al. reported that the absolute
lower stroke volume, heart rate, and arteriove- (mL/kg.min per year) rate of decline in VO2peak
nous oxygen difference at maximal exercise all with age was greatest in highly trained women,
contribute to the age-related decline in VO2peak next greatest in active women, and lowest in
in both untrained and highly trained individuals sedentary women; however, when expressed as
[68, 92]. Nearly half of the age-related difference percentage or relative decrease from mean levels
in VO2peak is explained by a smaller stroke vol- at approximately 25 years of age, the rate of
ume, and the remainder by a lower heart rate and decline in VO2peak was similar in the three
arteriovenous oxygen difference at maximal exer- groups [24]. Ogawa et al. also reported similar
cise. It was found that age and sex each had a rates of decline in VO2peak with age in untrained
significant impact on aerobic fitness; VO2peak and highly trained men and women [68]. Similar
declined with age approximately 40% from 20s to the previous findings in untrained women
to 80s years old in both sexes, but at any age it [15, 48, 49], it was found that menopausal status
was greater in men than in women even after did not affect cardiovascular fitness in masters
normalization for body weight [26]. Longitudinal women runners [112].
334 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

Collectively, it seems that sex does not signifi- young women appears to be independent of
cantly affect cardiovascular control during endur- afterload because it was found that diastolic
ance exercise in both untrained and highly trained blood pressure remained unchanged in men but
individuals. For any task requiring a given abso- increased in women after training [58]. Recent
lute oxygen uptake, women are working at a research has shown that endurance training up to
higher percentage of their exercise capacity than 3 months elicits similar increases in left ventricu-
men. This would result in a higher heart rate, lar mass and end-diastolic volume in initially
greater stress, and a quicker onset of fatigue sedentary young men and young women [40].
during exercise. If allowed to work at a similar Despite similar adaptations in young men
percentage of their peak exercise capacity, men and young women reported in previous
and women would have similar cardiovascular investigations, cross-sectional studies in athletes
responses. Lastly, aerobic fitness declines with suggest that endurance training augments cardio-
advancing age but accelerates markedly with vascular structure and function with apparently
each successive age decade, especially in men. different phenotypes in males and females. Spe-
cifically, female athletes have smaller left ventric-
ular dimensions and wall thickness compared
Left Ventricular and Myocardial with male athletes [17, 102, 114]. One possible
Adaptations to Exercise Training explanation for this discrepancy may be the dura-
tion of training. In almost all previous training
Regular exercise or exercise training promotes studies comparing young men versus young
beneficial adaptations in the cardiovascular women, the intervention period is relatively
system which have cardioprotective effects short (e.g., 3 months) which could have missed
[78]. Moderate to vigorous endurance training or underestimated sex differences in cardiovascu-
increases VO2peak and exercise capacity through lar adaptations. To support this notion, it was
an increase in stroke volume or an increase in found that 3 months of intense training in male
arteriovenous oxygen difference or both in and female rowers caused similar cardiovascular
humans. Depending on age and training duration, adaptations between the sexes [4]. In addition, the
men and women could have different cardiovas- alterations in cardiovascular function resulting
cular adaptations to exercise training even if they from 20 weeks of endurance training were very
achieve similar increases in VO2peak. similar across sex, age, and race with few
Previous studies have demonstrated that in exceptions [117]. However after prolonged (e.g.,
young women, increases in stroke volume, arte- 1 year) intensive endurance training, initially sed-
riovenous oxygen difference, and VO2peak with entary young women were found to have a
endurance training are similar to those in young blunted cardiovascular response compared with
men [12, 58, 59, 85, 95]. The increase in stroke young men [40].
volume after endurance training could be the Howden et al. [40] observed that previously
result of left ventricular volume-overload hyper- sedentary young men progressively increased
trophy leading to enhanced cardiac filling, VO2peak, left ventricular mass, and mean wall
increased myocardial contractile function (e.g., thickness before reaching a plateau from month
enhanced contractile response to β-adrenergic 9 to 12 of training. In contrast, despite exactly the
stimulation), reduced afterload, increased blood same training, the response in young women was
volume, or a combination of these factors [37, 40, markedly blunted, with VO2peak, left ventricular
44, 81, 82]. Although the absolute increase in mass, and mean wall thickness plateauing
blood volume after exercise training was reported after only 3 months of training (Fig. 21.4)
to be greater in young men compared with young [40]. These results suggest that the development
women, the relative (percent) change did not dif- of left ventricular hypertrophy, which is in paral-
fer between the sexes [58]. In addition, the lel with the increase in VO2peak, is significantly
increase in stroke volume in young men and blunted in young women. Interestingly, the
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 335

Fig. 21.4 Sex differences in cardiovascular adaptations imaging (MRI) scaled to baseline fat-free mass, significant
to prolonged endurance training in initially sedentary sex  time interaction P ¼ 0.031 (right). Both measured
young individuals. A and B: effect of 1 year of endurance every 3 months during the training program. FFM, fat-free
training on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) indexed to mass. Post hoc comparison with baseline (*), with month
baseline body mass in males and females (left), significant 3 (Ɨ), and with month 6 (ǂ) for P < 0.05 from liner mixed
sex  time interaction P ¼ 0.084 and changes in left model. (Adapted with permission from Howden et al. [40])
ventricular (LV) mass measured by magnetic resonance

response of left ventricular end-diastolic volume protein synthesis and inhibits protein degradation
was not influenced by sex (e.g., increased by 20% [108]. On the other hand, estrogen may attenuate
in young men and 18% in young women after or prevent the development of left ventricular
1 year of training). However, young men had hypertrophy with exercise training in premeno-
greater augmentation of the Frank-Starling pausal women via estrogen receptor β [27, 35, 74,
mechanisms (the relationship between left ven- 91]. In addition, estrogen-mediated atrial natri-
tricular filling pressure and stroke volume) after uretic factor (ANF) may also prevent left ventric-
1 year of training compared with young women, ular hypertrophy in young women [76]. Animal
indicating a greater diastolic reserve in men studies showed that estrogen exerted profound
[40]. This adaptation to training is extremely ben- antihypertrophic effects on ventricular myocytes,
eficial for performing exercise, allowing by transactivation of the ANF gene and activation
individuals to generate a higher stroke volume of the ANF receptor in an autocrine/paracrine
and cardiac output in response to an increase in manner, which in turn evokes cytoplasmic cyclic
left ventricular filling pressure. Indeed, an guanosine monophosphate signaling downstream
enhanced Frank-Starling mechanism has been of the guanylyl cyclase-A receptor [3]. On the
shown to be a hallmark characteristic of endur- other hand, male rats were found to exhibit higher
ance athletes [54]. cardiac angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)
The mechanisms underlying sex differences in and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
left ventricular hypertrophy following prolonged activity, as well as left ventricular hypertrophy
endurance training in young individuals are compared with female rats, while orchiectomy
unclear, but endogenous sex hormones (e.g., decreased the activity of these enzymes and
androgen and estrogen) may be involved. Regular hypertrophy, and ovariectomy increased hyper-
exercise can increase circulating levels of testos- trophy and ACE2 but did not change ACE activ-
terone, which promotes muscle growth through ity [18]. These results suggest that the interaction
336 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

between sex hormones and the cardiac renin- it was found that in older men, left ventricular
angiotensin system components is also essential end-diastolic dimension increased by 13% and
for left ventricular remodeling. wall thickness increased by 14%, while the
Healthy older individuals can respond to thickness-to-radius ratio remained unchanged
prolonged endurance exercise training with after training, indicating physiological eccentric
adaptations similar to those of younger indivi- hypertrophy [20]. Different from older women,
duals [34, 87]. However, older men and older blood volume increased after training in older
women have different cardiovascular adaptations men [69].
to training. For instance, Spina et al. found that in Collectively, there are sex differences in the
older women, stroke volume during maximal cardiovascular adaptations to endurance exercise
exercise did not increase after 9–12 months of training. For young women, increases in stroke
endurance training even though increases in volume, arteriovenous oxygen difference,
VO2peak were similar between the sexes VO2peak, and left ventricular remodeling with
(increased by 22% in older women and 19% in short-term (e.g., 3 months) endurance training
older men) [94]. The entire increase in VO2peak are similar to those in young men. However,
after training in older women was accounted for young women have blunted increases in VO2peak
by a greater arteriovenous oxygen difference and left ventricular hypertrophy after prolonged
during maximal exercise [94]. Conversely, older (e.g., 1 year) training. For older women, stroke
men were found to increase stroke volume during volume during acute exercise does not increase
maximal exercise and improve left ventricular after endurance training even though increases in
systolic function with training [20, 88]. These VO2peak are similar between the sexes. Lack of
results indicate a difference in the mechanisms left ventricular remodeling and blood volume
for cardiovascular adaptations to endurance train- expansion may be responsible for a blunted car-
ing in older men and older women. diovascular response to exercise training in older
A possible explanation for the lack of a women.
training-induced increase in stroke volume
during acute exercise in older women is that
they do not develop left ventricular hypertrophy,
and moreover, their myocardial function remains Ventricular-Vascular Coupling
unchanged. Using radionuclide ventriculography, and the Role of Exercise
Spina et al. were unable to detect any left ventric-
ular enlargement or changes in left ventricular Structural and functional adaptations to exercise
ejection fraction in older women after training training involve the left ventricle, as discussed
[96]. It was also found that endurance training above, and the vasculature. With each myocardial
had no effect on left ventricular function contraction and subsequent ejection of blood
(β-adrenergic-mediated contractile function), left from the ventricle, blood enters into the large
ventricular end-diastolic dimension, wall thick- central arteries in a pulsatile (noncontinuous)
ness, or mass in older women [97]. In addition, manner. Due to this high pulsatile flow, blood
older women do not have any improvement in pressure in the large central arteries fluctuates
left ventricular filling dynamics after training, with each myocardial contraction, with a typical
whereas older men do [93]. Furthermore, previ- systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg and dia-
ous studies showed that older women were unable stolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg in healthy
to expand blood volume with endurance training humans. Blood pressure falls dramatically
[98]. Estrogen deficiency might also explain between the large central arteries and smaller
why stroke volume does not increase in older arterioles where blood flow becomes more con-
women with exercise training [94]. In contrast, tinuous. As the left ventricle undergoes
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 337

remodeling to adapt to the stress of exercise train- androgen levels associated with greater PWV in
ing, so do the large central arteries. postmenopausal women [16], yet higher total tes-
The large central arteries must accommodate tosterone is correlated with lower PWV in men
the pulsatile nature of blood flow from the left [109]. Another factor that may affect men and
ventricle and the variable stroke volume when women differently is distribution of adipose tis-
transitioning from rest to exercise. The large cen- sue. More abdominal adiposity is associated with
tral arteries (including the aorta and carotid greater arterial stiffness, but this relationship is
arteries) are distensible and compliant, and as steeper in women, such that small increases in
the arteries narrow throughout the arterial tree, abdominal adiposity have more unfavorable
there are a gradual decrease in elastic compliance effects in women compared to men [86]. Abdomi-
and increase in stiffness of these blood vessels. nal adiposity often increases during the postmen-
The compliance of the large proximal arteries opausal years and is associated with greater
is reduced with advancing age, and similarly, arte- cardiometabolic risk [71].
rial stiffness increases with age [60]. Women have Regular aerobic (endurance) exercise is a com-
a greater age-related decline in arterial compliance mon lifestyle intervention to prevent or reverse
and distensibility compared with men [14, 110] obesity and affects central arterial structure and
and lower arterial compliance during the middle- function. In men, endurance training improved
aged and older years compared with men carotid arterial compliance, and endurance-
[107]. Importantly, the sex-specific differences trained men demonstrate more compliant arteries
appear to be dependent on the method of measure- compared with their sedentary middle-aged and
ment and the sample size population [73, 107]. older counterparts [105]. Similarly, physically
Large-scale studies like Framingham Heart Study active women did not experience the age-related
indicate a statistically significant effect of sex on increases in aortic PWV when compared with
the age-related increase in aortic pulse wave sedentary women [104]. Thus, these studies
velocity (PWV), a measure of arterial stiffness, suggest that habitual physical activity and/or
in healthy adults although not all studies show endurance training may prevent or slow the
sex differences in aortic PWV [107]. The reported age-associated increase in arterial stiffness.
sex differences in arterial compliance or Although there may be sex differences in
distensibility may be due to the issue of scaling baseline arterial stiffness measurements, currently
between men and women. Because men have a there is little evidence to suggest that exercise-
larger stature and greater diameters of the large induced arterial adaptations are different between
central arteries, for a given change in pressure, men and women. It should be noted that differ-
there is a greater volume of flow through the ences between men and women in response to
vessel. Therefore, although there are sex differ- exercise training have not been systematically
ences in compliance or distensibility measure- tested or evaluated with different modes of
ments, it is unclear if these differences have exercise.
physiological or clinical implications. Any increases in the rigidity or stiffness of the
Other factors may also influence sex central arteries will affect the central blood pres-
differences in central arterial structure and func- sure. The idea that elevated arterial stiffness
tion. Differences in sex hormones, primarily affects central and peripheral blood pressure has
estrogen, may affect arterial structure and func- been reviewed extensively elsewhere [64, 65].
tion, as menopause is associated with higher Briefly, an increase in arterial stiffness results in
arterial stiffness (measured by PWV) [99]. a faster velocity of wave travel (PWV) and an
Along these lines, PWV was reduced following earlier return of the reflected pulse wave. If the
12 months of menopausal hormone therapy in reflected wave appears during the systolic phase
postmenopausal women, suggesting a protective of myocardial contraction, it distorts the aortic
effect of estrogen [46]. Testosterone has sex- pressure waveform, which results in augmented
specific effects on PWV, with higher circulating aortic systolic pressure. Thus, higher arterial
338 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

stiffness is associated with shorter wave reflection contribute to some cardiovascular disease states
time and augmented aortic blood pressure. [9, 100].
Throughout the life span, there are sex The association between central hemodynamic
differences in central hemodynamics such that variables and left ventricular function appears to
women have shorter wave reflection time and be sex-dependent. Women with higher wave
greater wave augmentation [14, 57, 90]. The aug- reflection have worsening left ventricular dia-
mented pressure elevates aortic blood pressures to stolic function, whereas, in men, there is no such
a greater extent than brachial blood pressures and association [90]. Similarly, there are distinct
can affect ventricular-vascular coupling [60, differences between ventricular-vascular cou-
106]. Often the sex differences in central hemo- pling characteristics in men and women and
dynamics are attributed to the shorter height in how it changes with aging. Left ventricular per-
women (which means a shorter distance between formance (ELV, left ventricular end-systolic
the ventricle and the reflection sites in the periph- elastance) is higher in men than women, and the
ery). However, even after correction for height, increase with aging is more dramatic in women
sex differences in central hemodynamic variables when compared with men (Fig. 21.5)
remain [57], suggesting that in women the central [80]. The ratio of arterial load (EA) compared
arteries may be more susceptible to age-related with ELV (EA/ELV) indicates ventricular-vascular
changes in arterial structure compared with men. coupling, which also shows differences between
Importantly, the amount of pressure that the men and women. Across the life span, EA/ELV
left ventricle needs to produce is dependent on the ratio is constant in men but reduced in women
pressure in the proximal aorta. Ventricular pres- [11, 80]. This difference is primarily driven by the
sure needs to increase sufficiently to open aortic increases in ELV compared with EA with advanc-
valves allowing ejection of blood into the sys- ing age. Collectively, sex differences in the inter-
temic circulation. Thus, aortic stiffness and ele- action between the left ventricle and the systemic
vated aortic blood pressure can limit left arteries may explain the elevated risk for heart
ventricular ejection of blood or places additional failure with preserved ejection fraction in women
work on the left ventricle [65]. [11, 13, 45, 90].
Throughout the systolic period of the cardiac The majority of studies investigating the ven-
cycle, ventricular pressure and aortic pressure tricular or vascular response to exercise have been
values are similar. Yaginuma et al. [118] noted conducted in young healthy men. As more studies
that aortic pressure is augmented in late systole included women, it became apparent that sex
due to wave reflection [118], which would require differences exist during exercise [22, 63]. At max-
a similar augmentation in ventricular pressure. imal exercise, young men had higher ELV and EA
Aortic systolic pressure is related to left ventricu- values compared with young women [63]. These
lar myocardial wall stress [55]. Indeed, there is an sex differences may be amplified by age and/or
association between augmented systolic pressure the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. For
due to wave reflection and impaired ventricular example, older women who were hypertensive
diastolic relaxation. There is also a relationship have greater increase in EA during exercise com-
between the increase in aortic systolic pressure pared with older men with hypertension [72].
and myocardial ischemia [47]. Thus, ventricular- Interestingly, cardiorespiratory fitness
vascular coupling is a normal phenomenon where (VO2peak) is associated with ventricular-vascular
the structure and the function of the arteries deter- coupling such that those with higher VO2peak
mine arterial load, and the overall arterial load, in have lower EA/ELV ratio [22, 28]. The slope
turn, affects the structure and function of the left of the relationship between VO2peak and
ventricle. Ventricular-vascular coupling is a ventricular-vascular coupling is different between
determinant of cardiac energetics, and pathophys- men and women, with women have a greater/
iological changes in the left ventricular workload steeper slope compared with men. This suggests
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 339

Fig. 21.5 Sex differences

in the association between
age and ventricular-
vascular coupling variables.
Arterial load (EA) was
indexed to body surface
area (EaI) in panel A. Left
ventricular performance or
elastance (ELV) was
indexed to body surface
area (shown as Ees) in
panel B. Women (dashed
line) had higher indexed
arterial load and indexed
left ventricular performance
compared with men (solid
line) at all ages.
Additionally, the increase
in left ventricular
performance was
significantly greater in
women. Data is adapted
from Redfield et al. [80],
and figure is used with
permission from Chantler
et al. [10]

that higher cardiorespiratory fitness may have a

disproportionate effect on EA compared with ELV Cardiorespiratory Fitness As
[22]. This is consistent with the idea that endur- a Vital Sign
ance training reduces central arterial stiffness and
wave reflection, which will lower the arterial load Regular physical activity has been recommended
that the ventricle is pumping against. It is unclear as a primary means to improve overall health. In
what effect exercise training has on ventricular- the landmark study by Blair et al., the association
vascular coupling during exercise, although a between VO2peak and all-cause mortality was
recent pilot study suggests that short-term exer- established [8]. Although physical activity is
cise training can improve EA/ELV ratio in patients important in determining cardiorespiratory fit-
with metabolic syndrome [28]. Whether there are ness, it is VO2peak that is preferred over leisure-
additional sex differences in such training effects time physical activity for its ability to predict
during exercise is unknown [9]. cardiovascular events [103]. High VO2peak is
340 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

Fig. 21.6 Metabolic

equivalent task (MET) 10.0 Men
thresholds achieved during

Mortality rate (per 1000 person-years)

maximal exercise test is
associated with mortality 8.0
rate (expressed as per 1000
person years). Women
(shown in blue) achieved 6.0
significantly lower MET
thresholds compared with
men (shown in orange).
Shading represents 95% 4.0
confidence interval. Used
with permission from
Al-Mallah et al. [2] 2.0

<2 <4 <6 <8 <10 <12 <14 <16 <18
MET thresholds

associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular

events and all-cause mortality [5, 50]. Exercise Is Medicine
The American Heart Association 2016 Scien-
tific Statement suggests that cardiorespiratory fit- Despite the benefits of exercise, over the last
ness should be considered a vital sign [83]. The century, our technological improvements have
majority of studies investigating VO2peak and greatly reduced the required physical activity
mortality have focused on men, but a few studies in all facets of daily life. The World Health
have included women [36]. Sex-specific analysis Organization estimates that globally, 25% of
suggests that the relationship between higher car- adults are not meeting the minimum physical
diorespiratory fitness and lower mortality is simi- activity recommendations (
lar between men and women [50]. A recent meta- mediacentre/factsheets/fs385/en/). Thus, physical
analysis quantitatively determined that increasing inactivity has emerged as a significant risk factor
cardiorespiratory fitness by 1 MET translated to a for chronic disease and morbidity.
13% decline in all-cause mortality and 15% In medicine and health care, exercise is an
reduction in cardiovascular disease. When men important tool in the prevention and treatment of
and women were independently examined, the many diseases, specifically cardiovascular
minimum METs associated with a reduction in diseases. Engaging in habitual exercise, particu-
risk at age 60 was 7 METs in men and 5 METs in larly regular aerobic exercise, is associated with
women [50]. In one study, women who achieved many favorable physiological adaptations. Habit-
2.6 METs less than men during a stress test had a ual exercise is associated with lower risk of car-
comparable prognosis of all-cause mortality diovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, and
(Fig. 21.6) [2]. Therefore in these few studies, reduced all-cause mortality [51]. In effort to
cardiorespiratory fitness appears equally protec- increase physical activity, interventions have
tive for men and women, but the threshold values been designed for children, adults, and patient
for risk are different. Future studies should further populations. The efficacy of the exercise inter-
evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness in both men and vention is somewhat dependent on sex differ-
women to provide normative data to guide clini- ences in cardiovascular adaptations. For
cal diagnosis and treatment. example, Martinez-Vizcaino et al. reported that
school-based physical activity intervention
21 Sex-Specific Ventricular and Vascular Adaptations to Exercise 341

Fig. 21.7 Summary of the primary myokines, the signal- 6; LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; NO, nitric oxide; NOS,
ing pathways involved, and the assumed physiological nitric oxide synthase; PGC-1α, peroxisome proliferator-
effects. AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; BDNF, activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α; PI3K, phosphatidy-
brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CREB, cAMP linositol 3-kinase; SIRT1, sirtuin 1; SPARC, secreted pro-
response-element-binding protein; C-X-C R2, C-X-C tein acidic and rich in cysteine; sTNF-R, soluble TNF
receptor 2; FFA, free-fatty acid; FGF21, fibroblast growth receptors; trkB, tropomyosin receptor kinase; UCP1,
factor 21; Fndc5, fibronectin type III domain-containing uncoupling protein 1. Used with permission from Fiuza-
5 protein; Fstl1, follistatin-like 1; IGF, insulin-like growth Luces et al. [25]
factor; IL-1ra, IL-1 receptor antagonist; Insl6, insulin-like

reduced cardiometabolic risk factors in boys and contraction. Specifically, a myokine is defined
girls, but the magnitude of improvement was as “a cytokine or peptide which is produced in
greater in girls [56]. In adults over 60, an exercise the skeletal muscle cells and subsequently
intervention lowered cardiovascular risk factors released into the circulation to exert endocrine
(i.e., blood pressure) to a greater extent in women or paracrine effects in other cells, tissues, or
compared with men [62]. In contrast, a multicom- organs” [23]. These myokines are likely the
ponent intervention that included exercise train- underlying mechanisms behind the widespread,
ing in patients after open-heart surgery reported a systemic effects of regular exercise (Fig. 21.7)
lower risk of future cardiovascular event in men, [25, 113]. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a prototypical
but this protection was not seen in women [43]. myokine, is released during exercise, but the
In addition, there may be sex differences in the response is sex-specific [70, 75]. Treadmill run-
response to an acute bout of exercise. During ning induces inflammatory cytokines (i.e., IL-6),
exercise, skeletal muscle manufactures numerous and the cytokine expression was dependent on
products, and these biologically active factors are sex and the phase of the menstrual cycle in
secreted into the bloodstream during muscle women. [66]. In another example, men
342 J. N. Barnes and Q. Fu

demonstrated an increase in IL-6 after acute resis- only male subjects or a small sample of men and
tance exercise; however there was no change in women combined. Thus, the sex differences dur-
IL-6 in women [6]. ing exercise, after exercise, and in response to
While IL-6 and other myokines are important exercise training are not completely known.
in the systemic benefits of exercise, they are Furthermore, sex differences in skeletal muscle
numerous. It takes decades of research to identify adaptations to exercise and how these differences
all of the myokines and factors released by influence cardiovascular function are less known.
contracting skeletal muscle. This is further com- Identifying potential differences and the mecha-
plicated by the technical difficulty in tracing the nisms behind such exercise-induced adaptations
physiological effects and determining the mecha- is important for the optimization of exercise
nism of action of such myokines [113]. The interventions between men and women across
knowledge of these factors may have important the life span.
therapeutic implications, but it will likely be
impossible to synthesize a “polypill” product
that could replicate the multitude of physiological
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