Against The Mainstream - Never Learned

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From PRU15, I realize to fix the Malay in this country is “DIFFICULT” or impossible. It’s
the first time in my life I feel disgust, shame and pathetic born as a Malay in this country
(Malaysia). The Malay people never learned anything, until it was too late. Until they lose
everything. Until they got nothing left to call their own. Most Malay not be able to really
articulate what they want in this country; and what they WANT, does not always translate
into what they NEED the most. So these people are just believe what they read on the
internet. Much of the modern digital misinformation landscape owes its rise to the collapse of
the traditional gatekeeper model that has historically governed the informational landscape of
societies. Citizens are taught from an early age to accept information provided by elites,
ranging from the government to the mainstream news media to academia, on face value
without question. The modern confluence of a breakdown in trust in our institutions, coupled
with the collapse of the gatekeeper model has meant that society has suddenly been thrust
into an informational void without the proper training in how to rigorously evaluate the
information in front of them.
Instead of browsing a small carefully curated set of high quality informational streams, our
online citizenry are thrown into an ocean of almost limitless low-quality information, forced
to expend considerable effort to forage for the rare bit of accurate insight. In essence, rather
than turning to the professional research librarian at the local library that is deeply familiar
with reference materials, we turn to a web search and click on the first link, regardless of how
questionable the site. Unfortunately, our education systems have not adapted for this new
digital age and the same goes with our parenting skills.
Furthermore, for the Malay, over the decades they been colonialized with structural mindset
that others races are always better than their own. They been poisoned with the offered of
development, new technology, false “western freedom”, hope, better economy and etc, that
they believe all that, could help them to find happiness in this country. They slowly forgot
about the history, betrayal, blood and sweat the old generation fight to get freedom,
independence which been pass-on to current generation today. The reason is very simple, the
parental style is changing where the parent is so busy make a living that they hardly spend the
time to educate their family by their own about the Malay & Islamic value at home. When
they have the time, they prefer to go out and enjoy eating out without caring on what are the
lesson they passed on to their next generation and everything happens around them aside for
themselves . Simply put, they don’t have social responsibility at all…”ITS EVERY MEN
FOR HIMSELF”. When the next generation grows up and being the parent, they will become
even further away/apart from their original identity.

“History is something that is so significant and shouldn’t be easily forgotten. It was, lesson,
legacy that been passed-on for you to carry on. Make it better (this country) on your own, or
give it to someone else if u think that is easier for you. It’s no longer in our power (old
generation) to decide, our battles is OVER, Its your battles now,…. for your own future.
I don’t change my PRINCIPLE just to be accepted by others, but I change my APPROACH
to make others accept my PRINCIPLE” [khairudin Mohamad]
In retrospect, we learned other people (outsider @ i.e Malaysian who behave like an outsider
) would always lie, manipulate and try to take our resource as their own and colonize us.
They using the same approach over the years since British colonization on Tanah Melayu
until now. The offers is always the same “ The local been offered the DEVELOPMENT”.
The things about Malay is, they don’t have a sense of ownership and believe in themselves.
They want to follow others and only rely to other in helping them or fight their battles for
them. They define those development’s offer is a good thing no matter what is the cost.
Including their pride, identity, freedom, land and country or even religion. By the time they
realize, there is no going back. Again and again, we never learned, in 1941, after we realize
our mistake on trusted British, we trusted Japanese to help us fight our battle. We trusted in
their slogan “ASIAN FOR ASIAN”…we thought, they consider us as an ASIAN same as
their own, but clearly they just using the locals as their pawn. Once again, the aftermath is
never good. Same thing happens to Singapore, and happened again in Penang. But here we
are, in PRU15, we throw out our faith in people who clearly fighting to demolish our history,
stealing our resources ( refer picture) , oppressed our heritage, demeaning our religion of
Islam and the Malay’s right in this country to lead our own country over the promise of future
development and economy and so called “shared prosperity”. Don’t we see the similarity in
this? Yes, nobody can predict the future, but same action, would result on the same result.

PAS is dark horse in Malaysia.

Nobody really know about PAS, or want to know about PAS, their history or even its
contribution whatsoever. All they knew is that, if leave it to Ulama’ our country would
definitely under-developed. Its been structure in our minds for many generation already. They
don’t think, they just listen to online opinion and with their un-favoured set of judgment
already in place in their mind, they would just agree on any opinion that demeaning about
PAS while on the other hand they just ignored or disregard any good things written about
PAS. Al-quran argument or justification is no longer valid to the young generation. They
want to leave out Islamic perspective in political judgement. Because of that, they hate when
PAS using Al-quran argument to validate their action and decision in their political move.
“Islam is no longer our (Malay) strong belief, that we rather put our faith more in non-muslim
promises/words than sacred text of Al-quran. [Khairudin Mohamad]”

An-Nisa' Ayat 139

ِ ‫ۨ الَّ ِذي َْن َي َّتخ ُِذ ْو َن ْال ٰكف ِِري َْن اَ ْولِ َي ۤا َء ِمنْ ُد ْو ِن ْالمُْؤ ِم ِني َْن ۗ اَ َي ْب َت ُغ ْو َن عِ ْن َد ُه ُم ْالع َِّز َة َفاِنَّ ْالع َِّز َة‬
‫َج ِم ْيع ًۗا‬

139. (yaitu) orang-orang yang menjadikan orang-orang kafir sebagai pemimpin dengan
meninggalkan orang-orang mukmin. Apakah mereka mencari kekuatan di sisi orang kafir itu?

Its nothing new that the mainstream media always portray PAS as “bad guy” all the time.
Every titles and every articles wrote about PAS is always taking out of context and with lack
of understanding of Malay nowadays about Islam, its easy for these dumb people to take the
bait. Mainstream media including Berita Harian is always double standard about PAS. When
DAP attacking muslim and Islam, that was hardly been put in the news, but when PAS reply
and attack all the same, its gets very wide coverage with a very manipulative misdirection
news title.
DAP Mission and Visions

Many other things that DAP has done but the mainstream news Malaysia never publish it, the
reason is very simple, to hide it @ sugar coated and to portray DAP as inclusive party in this
The worst part is that these people use an English platform to spread the bad/misperception
things about Malaysia, Malay and Islam to get a support from the world and to play
themselves as victims. It’s easy to find an ocean of bias and almost limitless low-quality
information all over the internet from a very unreliable and questionable website page.
During PRU 15, Anwar is always demeaning about Kelantan about the water issue in his
speech when he himself during 7 years become TPM back in those days never give any grant
to Kelantan for water while the government approved tons of grant value of billions to other
state such Selangor and Penang. The reason is very simple, to give a misconception to
Malaysian people of how bad Islam governance is. In Malaysia’s federated system of
governance, water resources are placed fully within the purview of each State’s government,
as stated in the Waters Act 1920 (Revised 1989), while water services are straddled across the
purview of both the State and Federal government (Water Supply Enactment 1955).
As above table, despite being the state with the lowest KDNK as its always being neglected
by Malaysia government, Kelantan is actually is more developed state compare to Penang.
Surah –Al-Maidah-57

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kalian menjadikan orang-orang ahli Kitab sebelum kalian dari kalangan
Yahudi dan Nasrani, dan orang-orang musyrik yang suka menghina dan mempermainkan agama kalian sebagai sekutu dan
teman setia. Dan bertakwalah kalian kepada Allah dengan menjauhi larangan-Nya, tidak menjadikan orang-orang tersebut
sebagai teman setia, jika kalian benar-benar beriman kepada-Nya dan kepada kitab suci yang Dia turunkan kepada kalian.

[Tafsir Al-Mukhtashar / Markaz Tafsir Riyadh, di bawah pengawasan Syaikh Dr. Shalih bin Abdullah bin Humaid (Imam
Masjidil Haram]

On the other hand, it’s a lot easier to find news coverage when PAS is replying the accusation
by DAP with the same tone. The excuse by the some Malay is always we (Malay) need to be
patient and tolerate. We cannot be on the defence all the time. Being on the defence does not
mean that the enemy would giving up attacking. They will not afraid to come back with
stronger attack the next time. The best defence is to attack all the same with the same tone.
We should not sugar coated about action by DAP and non-muslim in Malaysia, but
unfortunately the mainstream news had an un-said pact to always sugar coated when it comes
to non-muslim attacking the Malay or Islam, but they would behave differently when the
opposite happen.

Independent and sustainable economy.

Malaysia should focus on sustainable economy. We rely too much on others and it’s seems
like we couldn’t live without other country’s help. Each of our decision, and direction been
influence by other country. During negotiation, we always at the mercy of others. It’s like
we’ve been held at ransom. What’s the use of being independence country if we couldn’t
even decide things on our own?
So, focusing on sustainable economy make more sense in this country considering we have
all the resource that we need in this country for everyone to survive. We need to make sure,
our SME can survive and expand and our money is flowing within the country very well,
before we focus outside of this country. That way, regardless, other situation out there, we
can still hold our ground and control our own economy without relying too much on other
people or affected by outside economy.
We decide and shape our own pace, direction and even rules for the better of our own
country. That’s what it means to be independence. It’s not about how much and fast we
achieve the development, it’s about making sense of our own achievement and be satisfied
with it. Running a country is never about competition. It’s about survival. We don’t have to
follow other country achievement as benchmark and risk everything in being like them, but
instead, we shape our own achievement and survive in our own way. Be the inventor/pioneer
instead of followers or users. The important things about innovation is linking emergence
technologies with emergence needs. Just because other country is start using 5G, does not
means that our survival depend on 5G as well. We need to identify the real needs for this
particular country.

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