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Name of Pair:
1. Adis, Charisse Joy
2. Hape, Ashley Kate

Evaluate the development of Brazil in terms of:

1. Classical Growth
- Brazil is said to have seen "growth without development" in the setting. Perhaps
this is due to Brazil's enormous economic disparity and social divisions, which constitute
a serious threat to the country's further development. It even mentioned how Brazil's
growth has been unpredictable, with significant swings over time. Data on the growth of
Brazil's GDP per capita are occasionally shown for the years 1965–1990, when it was
1.4%, and 1990–2000, when it was 1.5%. However, there are more and more reasons
to believe that Brazil may overcome its history of inequality and eventually join the
developed nations.

2. Three Core Values of Development

-i. Sustenance
Brazil suffers from the effects of inflation, which increases the rate of poverty in the
country, and causes it to not be able to sustain the basic needs of a family. Ultimately, a
slower improvement in health, education, and community development can feed back to
a slower rate of growth, a process that has plagued Brazilian development.
ii. Self-Esteem
In terms of Self-Esteem, national prosperity has become an almost universal measure
of worth. Significant attachment to material values, worthiness, and self-esteem are
increasingly conferred only on countries that possess economic wealth and power.
Brazil ranked among the worst in the world in inequality in income (as well as in land
and other assets), which I think greatly affects the self-esteem of the citizens of the
iii. Freedom
According to Arthur Lewis, 'the advantage of economic growth is not that wealth
increases happiness, but that it increases the range of human choice.' Limited income,


leads to low purchasing power and limits the last core value of the development which is
the freedom, to be able to choose.

3. Objectives of Development
- It listed the three development objectives in order to reclaim its reputation as a
country that growth without development. Which are:
i. Brazil should have been in a much better position to combat extreme poverty and
enhance economic equity and social indicators given its far higher wealth.
ii. Increase technology transfer for faster, more competitive worldwide growth and to
catch up to more developed nations, especially the technology used in agriculture.
iii. Raising people's standard of living by giving them with education and health care.
People's well-being is an aspect of development that a country can promote.
iv. It provides people with equality.

4. Sustainable Development: Goals and Targets for 2030

Goals Target
1. Environmental Sustainability  Eliminate unfair land distribution and
stop the loss of environmental
resources (deforestation).
2. Realize primary education for all.  Improve the standard of basic
education in underdeveloped
3. Improve mother health and lower child  Reduce both the maternal mortality
mortality. ratio and the death rate for children
under 1 by 50%.
4. Eliminate racial discrimination.  Give black folks equal chances to work
and pursue education.

Note: Discussions should not be more than 7 sentences each item.


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