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less harmful than similar doses of copper or of lead.

600 yards in 17 years; others over 4, 7 or 10 m. in 20 years.

seven years, partly in the service of William VI., marquis of

Chad. These expeditions and French surveys in the same region

police power of the several states as entitled to a broad

position, the peninsula which the ``Point'' forms to the

Gold Regions of South-Eastern Africa (1877); Sir H. M.

know anarchism, as the works published in book form are not

oils), and lastly the liver oils are still poorer in hydrogen.

speed. Care must be taken to resolve all the resistances at

now identified with Watling Island in the Bahamas. In the

suddenly and apparently without reason rush into the street

hands.'' Before the momentous issue could be decided, however,

1.5 deg. , July 70 deg. ; rainfall, only 9 in. The population, which

K.T. Knight of the Thistle.

low, the lowest trump dealt, for Jack, the knave of

Archaeology.--Algeria is rich in prehistoric memorials of

the higher Craniata (though not so in the lower), gives way by

AGNEW, DAVID HAYES (1818-1892), American surgeon, was born

older clergy were not inferior in power or learning to the

lasted two years. In the place of the parlement, which had

Judith, conceived the design of murdering all the members

CLUNY and ALGERUS MAGISTER, a learned French priest who

revolt. Under these circumstances Albert returned to

further established the fact that the peripheral mass, which

consists of panegyric of patrons and satire of rivals, the latter

as a declaration of British right to dispose of the territory,

The flat, broad valleys, composed of sand and clay, of both

Last Century,'' Art Journal, 1889-1901. But the chief

0.00 lb. Head resistance, 11.70X2.43 . . . . . = 28.31

1865 respectively received the brevets of brigadier-general

Other vegetable products of importance are: Gum arabic, obtained

was made cardinal by Sixtus V. on the 7th of August 1587,

Indians. Rodolfo Hauthal, Walter E. Roth and Dr R. Lehmann

for him more than one opportunity of quitting the comparative

in United Kingdom, 1895-1904.

length, containing a small printing-office, a photographic

it from being a cause of loss. The summer exhibition

series. It has been held by some, however, that the first

disposed of the ``Alabama'' claims. His knowledge of the

ascending the streams running down the eastern declivities of

constituents of the cell-nucleus, are combinations of albumins

and a work entitled Essays on the Nature and Principles of

less rugged character of its surface; it contains considerable

``blessing.'' This court is 140 ft. long by 74 ft. broad;

known as Portland Canal and Lynn Canal (continuing Chatham

1752. In her youth she was a canoness of Ste. Wandru at Mons,

reproached the tsar to his face for a ``conscience'' which

poets. Of his numerous works there remain to us only a few

dealing with his nobles. His descent from the Hohenstaufen

elected by the state legislature, as United States senator to

stormed by Wayne with the American light infantry on the 16th of

the label notifying the admixture was hidden by a sheet of

own views or claims were in debate, with a sure underlying

produce evidence of attendance at classes of Scots law and

the phenomenon might perhaps be regarded as an alternation of

The Indies were expected to supply precious metals and raw

day. It was a rule of the academy that no work could be

(Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892). He also wrote a Vita

formed. In the whole group of the Cryptonemiales the

grids. The space below the sieve thus formed is connected

first occasion was in 1863, when the Western powers seemed

but all preparations made from yeast-extracts resemble to some

of any crime unless by statute as in New York (Penal Code,

is found that its history has not been uniform throughout;

tyrannous ``Cap'' senate, but was unable to make any use of

and councillors of state were dismissed and replaced by new

and versatility; lyrical, epic and dramatic poems; romances;

market and great place of pilgrimage, a few miles south-west

black pine (Pinus Murrayana), white spruce (Picea alba),

consequence of a change of wind he was forced to descend

His diwan consists of three qusidas (elegies) and eleven

abler and more important than their premier''; and Sir James

AGUADO, ALEXANDRE MARIE, marquis de Las Marismas del

Confervales and Siphonales. As the result of recent

lxxvi. 10). Its main thought is that the Homousia, i.e.

Ecgberht in A.D. 839. It is recorded in the Saxon Chronicle

propagula; (Griffithsia corallina is said to give rise

the 21st of March 1899, when an Anglo-French declaration was

Great St Bernard (Martigny to Aosta), carriage road. . . . . . . . . . . .8,111

Athens, but if we may believe his own account, it had never

practical truth which the necessary aims of life impose on

amirs and caliphs of Cordova, two of them being rulers of great capacity.

of Hugh Capet, king of France. Winning the confidence of

Athenians purified the island and instituted a great festival

antechamber: it is the earliest known example of a ``birth

of pagan origin and immemorial antiquity. Thus the dead

this to some extent, and despite the distance of the city

divisions, clearly distinguished by their broad physical

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