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Sherman, Grant must follow him up sharply, and that Thomas

city, and terminate, on the right, in a bare rock, 400 ft.

Ba-Ngala Wa-Mwera

schools. It has, however, yielded its pre-eminent position to

he occupied with ability and distinction for over fifteen

that the higher yield of later years is due to the seasons:--

universel (1874); L'Etat a Versailles et dans l'association

current. A group of bodies may, however, be yet discovered

understanding that he should have no relations with other

this countess Sir Philip Sidney dedicated the Arcadia.

of Lake Van, he was met by Alp Arslan; and the sultan having

Germany.--By sec. 43 of the Imperial Commercial Ordinance

(Bizerta), Leptis Magna (Lebda), Maxula (Ghades, Rades or

for ferocity, craft and treachery, but Colonel Sir Robert

(Aberdeen, 1886); A. M. Munro, Memorials of the Aldermen,

quantity, and was added for the purpose of fraudulently

the department of Pas de Calais, 14 m. N.W. of St Pol by

the Puerta de las Granadas (Gate of Pomegranates), a massive

at which stone implements were beginning to be superseded by

babe who had to be carried (xxi. 14; see the commentaries).

South-land). The inhabitants are mainly pure negroes such

dandy is quite flat when not in use. Still they are heavy,

as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are

object. This combined condition is exactly fulfilled

with copper, was provided with ``horns'' at the corners (like

god who controlled the sea. She was one of the Nereids,

sent out a fleet of three small vessels under Jan van Riebeek

ball two sizes smaller than the bore, wrapped in a loosely

length. At the same time, new hairs begin to develop and

coefficient be obtained? This is difficult, because the value

some other species occur also in the Mediterranean region.

outlet is Abitibbi river, a rapid stream, which after a course

the Populist party. In 1894 the Republicans united with the

and Orange Free State) was some 150,000 sq. m., so that the

Hakluyt Society, 1902), which contains a bibliography; Futu

pope had usurped the nomination of all abbots, and the king in

Gspaltenhorn . . . . . . . . . 11,293 Hohgant. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,225

and the expressions ``Act Sunday,'' ``Act Term'' still survive.

Tuxerjoch or Schmirnjoch (Mayrhofen to St Jodok am Brenner),

better than any of the other theologians, enjoyed an immense

stands from 2500 to 3000 ft. below the normal level of the

historical genre, but marked with a more robust humour than

tower, but the aspect of the town is far from inviting. It

Alps. The little Reschen lake which forms the chief source

year died; and Joseph entreated his father that he might be

to admit a cart laden with wood to supply the cells of the

has some hazy suspicion that the shopkeeper will try to

disapproval. He repeatedly failed in business, notably as

exchanged for the bishopric of Orange. He also nominated

storey in its present form is not earlier in date than the

its conditions are nearer those which occur in practice.

negotiability of the bill of lading by indorsing it not ``in

and St Paul, the Great Northern, the Minneapolis and St

on the advice of his patron Yahya, who accompanied him, he

D. Hydrodictyon, a single mesh surrounded by 6 cells.

S. Gruner, Die Eisgebirge des Schwelzerlandes (3 vols.,

in. On the mountains and the high plateaus the winter is often
evolution. There was never any revolution, in the French

ADRIAN II., pope from 867 to 872, was a member of a

centre; Arakan, farther down the rivers; and Akyab on the

pressed into a wood tube or into a channel formed in a metal

a lecture on flying delivered in 1617 by Fleyder, rector of

exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, the confirmation and

reallzed the necessity for more observations before any

natives. In Latin literature it was employed for the

the eyes of his other children were put out, by his orders.

to those species which grow near low-water mark, or under

Castor . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,879 Mont Pleureur. . . . . . . . . . 12,159

calm followed the outrage. On the 11th of February 1873,

Herat). Only nine years after Mahommed's announcement of his

true and are reared in the State fish-hatcheries of America.

the question of the withdrawal of the army of occupation from

Abyssinia, where he remained six years, returning to Lisbon in

there must have been some very important reason for the

11 See Life of Adam and Eve (apocryphal), sec. sec. 36,

Sala de las dos Hermanas (Hall of the two Sisters), so-called

IV., and his successor, P(b)udu-ilu, held the same position

river, which has swept away several other bridges at different

He purchased an estate that came into the market at the

justifying the move on the ground that until Virginia was reduced

thong, hurled from the hand, from a sling, from an atlatl or

cell, giving off whorled appendages at regular intervals.

series'' of the general formula Cn H2n+1COOH, ethylene

2 Menelek means ``a second self.''

which closely recalls the large caecum of many mammals.

History of America (Boston, 1887). Its nine chapters,

AISSE [a corruption of HAIDEE], MADEMOISELLE (c.

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