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was not formally declared until the following January.

all the more serious intellectual work of science involves

selection of the person to whom letters are granted.

in Scotland, were systematically persecuted. After the

Opera Omnia, vol. iv. (1780); Cardenal Albornoz der zweite

series of formidable cataracts and rapids; but from the

Monachorum and its relation to other MSS. (Leipzig 1887).

B.C. Even if the alphabet had not reached India till the

systems. Its nearest affinities are with the ``Asianic''

in contact, being the sum of the individual aberrations, can be

but most precious, since it was impossible to replace them,

a British cruiser west of Ireland on his return journey, was

and north-west is revealed. The lake water is clear of a light

for a given time before exploding the shell--or the fuze

combustion; and it does not burn readily unless mixed with

chief of his native village when the invasion of Burma by the

by a contemporary scholar, who corrected the copyist's

ALABASTER, or ARBLASTIER, WILLIAM (1567--1640), English

ADHESION (from Lat. adhaerere, to adhere), the process

a narrow strip of territory on both banks of the river for

examination of details by the auditor himself is, to a large

forest country it traverses. It rises among the Ucayali

The fragment by Alberic was edited by P. Heyse (Berlin, 1856);

much discussed throughout the history of aesthetics, of the

devotion. When Mahomet fled from Mecca, Abu-Bekr was

class found admission to the houses of the French nobility

at Bena, a village in the diocese of Chartres. He taught

behind the throne; and, though Alexander had declared war

the battle of Corinth (October 3-4), though on the evening

novels. Verse of a similar kind also first brought into

pp. 78-110, and Huelsen's art. ``Flavium Amphitheatrum''

Americans, to expel the British from the West Indies and

superiority of naval strength on the coast of Virginia, and

consisting of a judge and six jurats, attorney-general,

the angular measurements were made, varied; this would follow

York, 1881), &c.; Sargent's Life of Major John Andre

native flesh-fly, a more objectionable pest, disappears.

fallen back from Manassas towards Richmond, and the two armies

the Kurile Islands, the Japanese chain, the Philippines,

on the isle of Wollin. Absalon's last military exploit was

TABLE XXI.--Outbreaks of Sheep-Scab in Great Britain,

through its regenerator, picking up the heat deposited there,

are due, in part at least, to the subsidence of portions of

by Louis XIII. W. Camden (Remains, 7th ed., 1674) defines

support to the side of France. Arnaud Amanieu, lord of

of Pope Victor (186--197) that he made sequentes cleros,

eastwards, we have before us the wall separating the

Robert Adam--with, there is reason to suspect, some help

natural processes, so far as we can apprehend them at all, into

Aures is another series of salt lakes closely connected with

expedition. The Ruwenzori Mountains proved a great source of

to Beersheba''), in spite of popular approbation, was not

others. In the year 1500, Vicente Yanez Pinzon, in command

their submission. After this both the Khyber and Kohat

prosperity for the masses, popular education and the common

Azoun (Gate of Grief) which runs parallel to the boulevard de

pyre and conveyed it to the island of Leuke, at the mouth

*University of Leeds.

inner courts are connected by a long passage (F), wide enough

of the tapestries at Versailles. Louvois, who succeeded

lowland tracts, such as the wide and fertile plain of Musseki,

is entitled to the personality as bona vacantia, and to

was of noble birth. He entered the army at an early age,

of the people, for dead meat continues to arrive at British

independence, and made common cause with the bulk of the

as, whilst the modifications displayed in birds and mammals

development of the lophioderm or median fin-system, namely,

geographical relation to the wider area of east Mediterranean

The former is decidedly more objectionable than the latter, as

which includes it; thus, if A is proved less than B, and

such advice and assistance as will best promote the purposes

(1248); Idris IV., ``El Wathik'' (1266-1269). (B. M.*; D. H.)

of agricultural production, distribution and consumption, and

a Hamitic domination have been divided by F. Stuhlmann into

of the Andes, for whom no cold seems too great, who goes

chlorine, forms a most deleterious impurity when finding its

a strong ammoniacal smell, and on digestion with alcohol the

arise here: (1) Do the other and ``lower'' senses take any

Tirana. The large number of Slavonic local names in

law, by which, in things that have a close connexion with

to King Alexander, which led him to another coup d'etat.

Meyer, art. "Ammon" in Roscher's Lexikon der griechischen und

weather, on the north-east. It is the chief outlet for the

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