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Product Management – Project work 2022

For the brand allotted choose a product or product category and critically evaluate on the
basis of desk research the same on the guidelines given below.

A. Identify the Category competitor definition

Product form competition
Product category competition
Generic competition
Budget competition
Methods for determining Competitors - Managerial judgement

B. Do a Category analysis
1. Aggregate market factors
a. Category size
b. Category growth
c. PLC stage
d. Sales cycle
e. Seasonality

2. Category factors
a. Analyze which of Porters 5 forces applicable & justify
3. Environmental factors
a. Analyze PEST factors which would affect & why?

C. Competitor analysis
1. Product feature matrix
2. Objectives
3. Strategies
4. Differential advantage analysis
5. Expected future strategies

D. Customer analysis
1. Who Segmentation
2. Where buy
3. When buy
4. How choose
5. Why prefer
6. Long term value

E. Suggestions from a Product managers point of view

Strategies as per the stage in PLC using Ansoffs Matrix (specific action plan) with justification

Document prepared by D.Solanki 9860009861 Page 1

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