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both at Cwmavon and at Port Talbot, which, when it consisted

under the superintendence of and auxiliary to the

exchange of his pelts for his lowland neighbour's corn and

have erred gravely in taking what are known in the trade as

is in Westminster Abbey, and his portrait was painted by Sir

the governor Francisco de Almeida. The latter, however,

(London), iii. (1833) pp. 77-94; E. Oberhummer, Akarnanien,

estuary (liman) of the Dniester, 12 m. from the Black Sea.

but actually to cure the patient of his disease. When the

Ramiro and went into a religious house. A certain instability

(Acanthis linaria), chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

Shah, apparently about A.D. 1032, and, although simpler and

the famous II. Corps under Hancock was for the first time

Hooker ascertained the average vertical range of flowering

destruction. The church of the Holy Trinity, one of the

(Deut. ii. 19; Ps. lxxxiii. 8); and the whole history shows

nascent system. An important step in its revival seemed

that the Franciscans, who were very unfortunate in some of

sign. Of thin positive lenses with n=1.5, four are necessary

article METALLOGRAPHY, and if, after polishing a plane face

Kandahar. In March 1738 he was rescued by Nadir Shah, who

undisturbed. The missions of Cardinal Peter (of St Chrysogonus).

province. But when Ayub Khan, who had meanwhile retreated to

the harbour dues and enforced the shipping regulations.

and at Munich under Dollinger, whose lifelong friend he

1388 the country of Nice passed from Provence to the house

simultaneously, the heir to the Austrian throne, the archduke

the former being the ambulances volantes already referred

all. In the same way the physic garden presents the names

to the front. On the death of his uncle he was made chief of

equivalent for rear-admiral, which is contre amiral in

verified by experiments for various solids, liquids and

Alaria, the leaf-like structure is provided with a strengthening

obscuring the morphological patterns of the gut, are many

The psychological treatment of aesthetic data here sketched

contact with hot water, the use of which, on the other hand,

is familiar from the interesting romance of Gines Perez de

race. Among some flowering plants, however, the character

dissolves roughly 30% of its weight of pure alumina, so

p. Boyer, 109 U.S. Rep. 629, the ``Robert W. Parsons,''

produced. Besides the products of the soil Allier exports

ceded to Russia in 1809. They occupy a total area of 1426

The last half of the 19th century witnessed a remarkable

Members are recommended to make it known that there exists

synthesis. Our direct knowledge of matter can, however,

reason it is always present in crude wood spirit, from which

war in South Africa of 1899- 1902 clearly demonstrated

a mining claim, and so far as any method did exist its cost

attraction and repulsion are brought into existence which tend

of the war department during the Spanish-American War was

in Bragg's retirement towards Chattanooga. During these

altered igneous rocks near the Land's End were investigated

a cargo is shipped under a charter party, although bills of

railway, served also by the Birmingham-Evesham branch of

of the best-farmed districts and encouraged their adoption

obligations. Thus at twelve years of age a male may take

the Life of a Soldier (1857); Incidents of the Maori War

(J. S. K.)

and the engineer-in-chief, whose operations are closely

costume, he visited Morocco, Tripoli, Egypt, Arabia and

example, the hydraulic accumulator of Lord Armstrong (see

the synthesis of an albumin is but a matter of time. Already

slightly elevated, and dotted with low hills, which gradually

Make the most of life you may;

The origin of the Bushman is lost in obscurity, but he may be

Soc., 1892, lxi. p. 943.) Amidosulphonic acid crystallizes in

sacrificed, the prothusis necessarily assumed colossal

independent of that of the zone in which they lie, but the

encumbrance. Copper being 3 1/3 times as heavy as aluminium,

and precipices conspired to excite those sublime and melancholy

form of the stomach is a sac-like enlargement of the canal,

The work was discovered by Poggio, who copied the original

That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along.

Schleswig-Holstein, on the right bank of the Elbe immediately

1,000,o00 bales (989,955 bales), being 18.4% of the entire

not realized, and the images projected by uncorrected systems

time. From Arkona Absalon proceeded by sea to Garz, in south

Upper Engadine, in the heart of the mountains, though these are

Dreiherrenspitze. But the next two longest glaciers in the Eastern

of refuge, are for the common benefit and safety of ship and

invaders. The determination with which this remarkable race

the Argandab, the Tarnak and Arghastan valleys, and flank the

the object of which was to let the parishioners have charity

TABLE VIII.--Estimated Annual Total Produce of Potatoes, Roots

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