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The Problem and Its Background


Language is succinctly defined as the “human system of communication that

uses arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures or written symbols.”

According Wibowo (2001:3), language is a system of symbols that are

meaningful and articulate sound (generated by said tool) that are arbitrary and

conventional, which is used as a means of communication by a group of men to give

birth to feelings and thoughts. 

We, human beings can communicate with each other. We are able to

exchange knowledge, beliefs, opinions, wishes, threats, commands, thanks,

promises, declaration, feelings – only our imagination sets limits. We can laugh to

express an amusement, happiness, or disrespect, we can smile to express

amusement, pleasure, approval, or bitter feelings, we can shriek to express anger,

excitement, or fear, we can clench our fists to express determination, anger, or a

threat, we can raise our eyebrows to express surprise or disapproval, and so on, but

our system of communication before anything else is language. The possession of

language, perhaps more than any other attribute, distinguishes humans from other

animals. When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call

the “human essence”, the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know,

unique to man. (Noam Chomsky, Language and Mind) Language is a system of

communication based upon words and the combination of words into sentences.
It is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives, we

communicate with our words, gestures and even tone of voice in a given situation.

Being able to communicate with each other forms camaraderie, teamwork and unity.

Communication drives ourselves and better ourselves. Through language we can

connect with other people and make sense of our experiences. Language is

important at all. It would be very easy for us if in our early period we are practicing

this language because it would benefit us in our future and it helps us also to

become a successful person in our career. But as time goes by, there are factors

that make changes to some types of our language.

How did the Language evolved? That’s the question that mostly us, humans are

asking. But our main point here is not how our language developed through a period

of time into the languages of the world today. It is how human specie developed over

time that even the used languages were affected.

Human languages are very versatile when it comes to its usage. No other

natural communication system is like the human language, not even the animal

language nor the computer language. Languages change gradually over the period

of time, sometimes the changes of cultures affect the development or the use of a

certain language. Sometimes, in response to contact with other language, humans

tend to create a different kind of words unintentionally. Fashion can also be one of a

major factor of why there is a new words evolving in a certain country, because of its

trend it will gradually become part of their language. But the basic architecture and

expressive power of language stays the same. And that is to communicate and

interact with other people.

As the language of once culture or country develop, our need for complexity will

also increase. Our brains, in turn, have adapted to be good at learning language. It is

also culturally transmitted though generations that even a single word can have a

vary of meanings that is depending upon the user on how she/he will construct a

message using those words. But of course, the human brains and knowledge

provides the essential scaffoldings for the development and cultural evolution of the

language that we are using. Language can also be evolve and develop and become

more complex to our social world by continues using of it especially in a gathering,

wherein humans tend to use a lot of hidden message or even make a new word in

order to give a hint of a message in a certain things. By just simple doing it, we can

say that the ability of us to construct a message and an information using the

language that we are using or we’ve adapted, simply indicates that the humans and

our environment are the big factors why there’s a gradually and a constant change in

the language that we are using. Technology is one of the factors too that there are

new words that’s arising and will continue to rise as the level of information that we

are getting from it.

Due to the evolution of language, there are different types of language that

emerged and one of it is informal language. Informal language is a type of language

which is commonly used among everybody, especially when communicating to

someone, may it be a friend, a family member or someone stranger. Informal

language is characterized by spontaneous speech in situations that may be

described as natural or "real-life," and the use of a "low” dialect or language in

preference to a “high” one. In fact, everyone in the world uses informal language

when communicating. But people just don’t use informal language in every part of
their life. There are some phenomena wherein people use formal language instead

of informal language. People don’t speak in an informal manner when delivering a

speech, a lecture or some letters that formal language is a must.

Grammatically speaking, we only consider a language as an informal

language when we use it on non-important conversations or communication, to

clearly elaborate the difference between the two, there’s a difference in use of

word/words when speaking in an informal manner like for example: “They laid into

the government for failing to allocate enough funding.” to change this one to formal

language we say:” They criticized the government for failing to allocate enough

funding.” By simply the use of the word “laid” to “criticized” we consider it as formal

because using formal words also conveys a formal manner or a formal language. By

simply using appropriate and more politically correct words and following linguistic

norms, we say something in a formal manner already and under the type of formal


And in our present time we commonly use informal language on social media,

or everywhere on the internet on how we express our ideas, opinions or insights.

Types of informal language that we can encounter on the internet are colloquial,

vulgar and slangs. But the most relevant type is the slangs. Based on Oxford English

Dictionary, Slang means: special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or

disreputable character; language of a low and vulgar type. Slangs are characterized

as: Slang can be a noun or an adjective; slangy means "resembling or constituting

slang". It is more often negative than positive—but it can still easily be positive. In

the formal–middle–informal spectrum, it is more informal than colloquial or informal.

Slang refers to vocabulary which means, slang is a word under informal language.

The usage of slang is expansive, it takes place almost everywhere and it is

commonly used by teenagers, teenagers use slangs when talking, expressing

something and even whenever they want to use it. It is mostly used on social media

or anywhere over the internet. They use such kind of words for maybe some reasons

like when it is trendy, or if it sounds cool. Well, that’s just some of the influences of

this type of vocabulary. Some influences include, the usage of slang for some formal

events, the usage of slang as an automatic way of communicating and some more

negative influences of slang. Some famous internet slangs are: YOLO - You Only

Live Once , Swag - Be confident , TBH – to be honest and many more.

Internet Slang is the popular shorthand language used for easy

communication through internet based emails and SMS. Internet Slang is also

known as Net speak or Chat speak. The internet slang was originated to save time

and key stroke. Most people use the internet slang abbreviations

in texting, messaging and writing in social networks. The word Slang means the use

of informal words and expressions which are not considered standard in the dialect

or standard. Internet affects many people in this century. This makes our lives easier

than before. In just one click, you can communicate with other people, it can be from

across the road or across the world. Distance is not a problem when you have an

internet connection, that’s why many children already know how to use gadgets even

in their age. In the internet, informal language is also developed. This is easiest

access the children can use in learning slangs or informal language.

Background of the study:

Internet Slangs can affect our grammar knowledge without knowing it. As

we‘re getting used to the words that we type and send to other people not all of them

can understand it and can lead to misunderstandings. Internet slang has gotten a

bad reputation during recent years, perhaps as a natural reaction to change. In

general, humans don’t like change and are usually resistant, to the point that they

figuratively cover their ears and babble nonsense. Even more, people view language

as intensely personal; language promotes a sense of unity, through patriotism to

their countries & cultures, which molds identities and perceptions. So, it makes

sense when many are outraged by the Oxford English Dictionary adding words like

“OMG” and “FYI” to our official lexicon in 2011.

Social media networks like Twitter allow linguists a more accurate and easily

searchable record of our exchanges of slangs. Jacob Eisenstein and his colleagues

at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta conducted a study examining 30

million tweets sent from different locations in the U.S. from December 2009 to May

2011. The purpose of the study was to pinpoint the origin of popular slang words and

track how they spread across the country because of social media, words are

moving around the world within weeks and months, whereas before, it could take a

few years, says Julie Coleman, author of The Life of Slang. "It's not necessarily that

language is changing more quickly, but technologies have developed and they allow

the transmission of slang terms to pass from one group to another much more

So, no matter whether you think internet slang vitalizes or destroys language,

there's no denying how revealing it is of the culture that invents and uses it -- and the

ease with which we adapt our language to new technologies and concepts. Today,

internet slang phrases, such as lol, imo, or tbh, have become common and popular

expression for communicating internet user’s intention in social media, forum, and

chat room. Internet slang phrases become popular because internet users use them

to convey meaning quickly, to follow the pattern of language around internet, etc.

Therefore, most internet user prefers to write “LOL” than writing “hahaha” or to write

“IMO” than writing “in my opinion”. Apart from that, internet slang phrases actually

involve with two main items; their structure and function. Structurally, internet slang

phrases are used in the sentence which consists of declarative, interrogative, and

imperative structure.

However, the problem arises when internet users use internet slang phrases

to convey intention differently from their structures. For instances, when there is a

discussion in the internet forum, and there is member who starts to speak something

weird or disgusting, someone will usually write, “hey man, you give TMI”. TMI is an

acronym of too much information. Although it is stated in declarative, it is not a

statement, but it is an order. Then, in this case, he does not use a declarative for

making a statement, but it is used for ordering someone to stop talking (directives).

This is what Searle called as indirect speech acts because its function is different

from its structure. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing direct and indirect

speech acts of internet slang phrases since they are used by the speaker to convey
the intention in various ways. Thus, they have important role in the conversation,

especially the conversation on the internet forum.

There have been ongoing debates about how the use of slang on the Internet

influences language usage outside of technology. Even though the direct causal

relationship between the Internet and language has yet to be proven by any scientific

research, Internet slang has invited split views on its influence on the standard of

language use in non-computer-mediated communications.

That’s why we came up to the topic "Levels of awareness of selected CPE

students on internet slangs." We are about to pursue how many cpe students make

use of slang as one of its way of communicating. And also to know how they are

aware of internet slangs. This study will also help cpe students be more aware of

internet slangs so that in case someone’s saying a slang, at least they may have the

knowledge of what does it mean, and also a protection for themselves so they can’t

be fooled.

Theoretical Framework:

Accommodation Theory ( by Rob Waring )

When we talk with other people, subconsciously we tend to change our style of

speech towards the style used by the listener. For example, we tend to speak more

slowly when communicating with foreigners, or use grammatically simple language

with babies or children. In addition, the length both pauses and utterances, the kind

of vocabulary and syntax used, as well as intonation, voice pitch and pronunciation
are all subjected to the accommodation theory. In other words, we accommodate to

others by adjusting our communicational behavior to the requisite roles.

Accommodation theory tends to occur when the speakers like each other. In this

case, to communicate is the most important for them. They do not need to care

about grammatical rules or accuracy.

From this point of view, slang and accommodation theory is similar. It is the most

important thing for people who use slang is to express their ideas and opinions to

others easily. It is useful to use slang when we do not need to speak perfectly

grammatical or politely. This theory tells us the advantage of slang for people who

wants to express their ideas or opinions in an easy manner, in relation to our thesis

this theory may be a substance in pursuing for what problem we are going to solve.

Slangs may have advantages and disadvantages

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to pursue the answers in related to the

levels of awareness of selected CpE students of TIP-Manila on internet slangs. To

know the answers we’ll be needing to conduct a survey to selected CpE students

and the questions that they are going to answer includes:

1. How well do you know these given examples of internet slangs inside the box:


1.1 I know all the slangs

1.2 I know at least 9-12 slangs

1.3 I know at least 4-8 slangs

1.4 I know at least 1-3

1.5 I know nothing at all

2. How often do you use internet slangs?

2.1 Always

2.2 Sometimes

2.3 Rarely

2.4 Never

3. When using internet slang, how helpful it is in expressing your insights/opinions ?

Rate it from 1-3. (1 as the lowest and 3 as the highest)

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the levels of awareness of the

CpE Students in terms of Internet Slangs that are now very popular in our generation

especially to the students. Internet Slangs are now one of the most commonly used

words in today’s time. The selected respondent of our study are the CpE Students of

the Technological Institute of the Philippines S.Y 2015-2016.

The CpE Students were selected, because they are more exposed to

computers, social media and innovations. This study will evaluate on how Internet

Slangs affects the daily usage of words of the CpE Students and how it affects their

daily conversation to other people.

This will also focus on the knowledge of the CpE Students in different

meaning and usage of the Internet Slang by conducting some surveys.


To students:

We know that the Internet is the cultural hub of our generation. All of the latest

jokes and terms formulate in online communities and then creep up in every day

conversation. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Internet slang–in fact, part of the

humor comes from the fact that we know most of these phrases are grammatically

incorrect. Actually using these slang words, all students especially college students

can easily take down notes using shortcuts and abbreviation. However using this

internet slang also have a negative effect to the students, it will affect the proper

writing and proper communication because of using the informal language--the

internet slang that’s why there are many students who reach their third or fourth year

of college and still riddle their papers with basic mistakes.

To teachers:

Some of the teachers can be benefit by the Internet slang because it’s a save

of time. Dealing with a thousand of students in the school is very hard for them, so

they can use slang for them to communicate effectively. Some of the language is

inappropriate so we should be focus in writing our letters. English teachers might ask

if this internet slang may use in doing some research paper or some paper works, of

course they do not want us to use this because there’s a standard form in writing a

research paper. This study will also be beneficial to the instructors in strategic

management when they employ effective learning in their classroom setting

particularly in different concepts related to the use of effective internet slang. Using

abbreviation and stock phrases saves a lot of time. The internet slangs represents

instant communication- no one wants to dilly-dally because time is precious for us.
To future researchers:

The proposed study will benefits and help the future researchers be their

guide, they can have a further understanding about internet slangs and insights on

how people have known and aware about it. The findings of this study will be serving

as a reference and good source of useful information for their future researches

about the level of awareness on internet slangs. The study can also open in the

development of this study. The ideas presented may be used as reference

data in conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related

findings. This study will also serve as their cross-reference that

w i l l g i v e them a background or an overview of the selected CpE students

of TIP Manila upon the level of their awareness on internet slangs.

Definition of Terms

Communication – the way of exchanging information with other people.

Environment – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant

lives or operates.

Evolution – the gradual development of something, especially from simple to more

complex form.

Human – a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien.

Internet – global system of interconnected computer networks that we use to

communicate with other people.

Language – the method of human communication, either spoken or written,

consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.

Medium – the things that are used to communicate with other people, like

cellphones tablets and the likes.

Slang – the informal use of language, it may be shortcut of the word or abbreviation.

Specie – a particular group of things or people that belong together or have some

shared quality.

Technology – the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,

especially in industry.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

            For further understanding of the study, the researchers made use of different

reading materials related to the online system. These materials such as books,

magazines, newspapers, thesis and other web articles are essential in broadening

the knowledge of the researchers in pursuing the “Levels of Awareness of Selected

CpE Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs”. These will also guide the

researchers to achieve their target objectives by getting ideas on other related




Internet slang is a result of a lack of motivation to monitor speech online. Hale

and Scalon describe language in Emails as being derived from "writing the way

people talk", and that there is no need to insist on 'Standard' English. English users,

in particular, have an extensive tradition of etiquette guides, instead of traditional

prescriptive treatises, that offer pointers on linguistic appropriateness. Using and

spreading Internet slang also adds onto the cultural currency of a language. It is

important to the speakers of the language due to the foundation it provides for

identifying within a group, and also for defining a person’s individual linguistic and

communicative competence. The result is a specialized subculture based on its use

of slang. Just like how our study goes about the Levels of Awareness of Selected

CpE Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs.

Professor David Crystal is a British linguist, leading language authority and

author of over hundred books. Crystal says the dynamic nature of the Internet makes

it difficult for comprehensive analysis of its effects to stay up-to-date. But Crystal

believes that the impact of the worldwide web on language remains minimal. In his

book “Internet linguistics” David Crystal presents the area as a new field. Crystal

addresses the online linguistic issues that affect us on a daily basis, incorporating

real-life examples drawn from his own studies and personal involvement with

Internet companies.

Erin Jansen, founder of Netlingo, an online dictionary of Internet and text

messaging terms, also says the new technology has not fundamentally changed the

existing language but added immensely to the vocabulary. Like what our study need

to pursuit , we wanted to know the Levels of Awareness of Selected CpE Students of

TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs , to know if the cpe students are still updated on the

added vocabulary form the influence of technology. Jansen has worked in the

Internet industry since 1994 and agrees with Crystal that what we are seeing is more

ways to use language to communicate. "The main effect of the Internet on language

has been to increase the expressive richness of language, providing the language

with a new set of communicative dimensions that have not existed in the past.

Basically it is a freedom of expression "she said.

As the number of Internet users increases rapidly around the world, the

cultural background, linguistic habits and language differences among users are

brought into the Web at a much faster pace. These individual differences among the

Internet users will significantly impact the future of Internet linguistics, notably in the

aspect of the multilingual web.

Internet slang has seeped into our everyday vocabulary thanks to technology

enthusiasts or run-of-the-mill people looking for shorthand to save keystrokes or

hackers seeking code to cloak their messages. The trend has brought with it geeky

terms that could have only been conceived by those who have spent years living in

front of a computer monitor.Geek speak has gained recognition by the likes of the

Oxford English Dictionary. Last year, it even added "lol," which for the uninitiated

means "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud."The origins of many tech terms,

though, remain a mystery. Many of them originated back in the early days of the

Internet before it was carefully indexed and cached by Google. So, it may be

impossible to find the first user of a term like W00t, a common Internet slang

interjection to express excitement, for example.

This is both a geeky term and an entire language more commonly called

"Leetspeak." The definition of the term leet is shorthand for the word elite. For

example: "Those are some leet game competitors."Leetspeak, the language, is like a

digital version of Pig Latin except much more complicated, used to create private

speech. In Leetspeak, letters are replaced with numbers and symbols. For example

"leet" itself would be spelled 1337.The origins of the Leet language date back to the

1980s and days of bulletin boards, which were the primordial soup where a lot of

Internet slang first came from. Leetspeak soon gained popularity within the hacker

community as a way of communicating in code on websites and newsgroups.

Cloaking their activities in Leetspeak allowed them to hide their discussions from

search engines and keyword searches.The methodology for translating into

leetspeak is often haphazard with multiple ways of translating some letters. If you

want to try out leetspeak for yourself you can consult a handy chart or cheat by using
one of the many leetspeak translators on the Web. Though leetspeak in not really

widespread for some decent cpe students, our study still involves their levels of

awareness on this type of slang.

The said literature is closely related to the current study for it directly mentions

the role of internet specifically websites to enhance the individuals’ communication

and social skills. Whereas they can learn different languages such as slangs and

adapt it as time goes by. But with the wrong usage of these slangs probably it may

affect someone’s knowledge about their language and the proper usage of it any

situations. The same way the study relates “Levels of Awareness of Selected CpE

Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs”


The NNN-AMIC Special Report of Lara P. Lina (2012) revealed that the

Philippines is experiencing 75 per cent mobile penetration. One-fifth of its population

can also be found online. That means more than 24 million Filipino’s familiarity and

mastery over the English language could be the reason behind Philippines online

popularity. Many Filipinos are active communicators in both SMS and internet. The

researchers assume that the websites often visited by users definitely have an

impact their lives particularly in the way they communicate.

As said lately, many Filipinos are active communicators in both SMS and

internet. This only means that the levels of awareness on internet slang of Filipino

people may somehow be high , the same way goes around to the Levels of

Awareness of Selected CpE Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs.



The term slang made its appearance during 18 th century and it has

since been undergoing a dramatic transformation over time. The available literature

has advanced a conflicting but related view on the origin of slang.

In line with this, slang has been uncategorized and sub-categorized. These

include Elizabethan thieves’ cant, rhyming slang, back/backward slang, gay slang,

military slang, medical slang, Internet slang etc. Slang is generally observed to be

transient. It is also said to be equally said to be rich in certain domains such as

sexuality, crime, violence, drugs and even fraud – the focus of this study. These

features and other tendencies are responsible for slang being popular among the

adolescents as rightly observed by some scholars

These observations are proofs that it is the adolescents that are prone to the

use of slang. Slang is usually lower in prestige than standard form, slang tends to

first appear in the language of groups with low status, they are often unlikely to be

used by people of high status, and slang possesses the tendency to displace

conventional terms either as a shortened form or as a defense against the formal

use. Well somehow the use of internet slang doesn’t really defy the status of people,

some people use slang just to make communication simple just like what our study’s

goal to pursuit the Levels of Awareness of Selected CpE Students of TIP-Manila on

Internet Slangs.
Students over the past several years, have increasingly used a more informal

English vocabulary in formal assignments. University-level research papers are now

being filled with casual phrases andinformal usages that were absent in the past.

Time-saving online abbreviations like LOL, OMG, and IMHO are now part of the

official English language. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) announced the

addition of several acronyms to its dictionary, adding some interesting trivia behind

the origins of these Internetassociated expressions. OED explained that although

"initialisms" like OMG (Oh My God), LOL (Laughing Out Loud) and IMHO (In My

Humble/Honest Opinion) are strongly associated with the language of electronic

communications, their origins are surprisingly predating the Internet era.

Slang is a phenomenon that has always existed in the language but it has

been ignored by linguists for a very long time. Internet slang (Internet short-hand,

Cyber-slang, SMS speak, netspeak or chatspeak) refers to a variety of everyday

languages used by different communities on the Internet. Computer-Mediated

Communication for Linguistics and Literacy: Technology and Natural Language

Education fills a void within research due to its clear and direct focus on the

interactions between human language and communication technologies. Containing

extensive research and analysis, this authoritative collection examines the practical

implications and applications of how computers can be used to process natural

languages for the design of communication systems and devices. As for Cpe

students their use of technology in communicating is widespread because the

program we are taking really involves technology.

In the online era, Internet slang has become an emerging linguistic form for

communication among China’s 650 million netizens. Numerous buzzwords, including

dianzan (someone agrees with or likes what others posted), have gradually been

used in different fields of society, creating new research opportunities for

linguists.Internet slang includes many kinds of words, pictures and symbols.

Currently, Internet slang has had a significant influence on society. “It has become a

good thermometer and barometer of social life,” said Wang Lei, a professor from the

College of Humanities at Guangzhou University. HuiTiangang, deputy dean of the

Jingjiang College at Capital Normal University in Beijing, said that as another

channel of understanding social culture, Internet slang reflects people’s way of

thinking. “Internet slang presents social phenomena and hot issues,” said Hui. Just

like in our country internet slangs also reflects people way of thinking that’s why the

purpose of the study is to know how aware cpe students on internet slangs and how

it reflects the way they think by using slangs.

The way students communicate with one another through social media and

text messaging is creeping into high school classrooms across the country.Slang

terms and text-speak such as IDK (I don't know), SMH (shaking my head), and BTW

(by the way) have become a common sight on student assignments, befuddling

some high school teachers who are unsure how to fix this growing problem.Terry

Wood, a foreign language teacher at St. Mary's RykenHigh School in Leonardtown,

Md., has seen a "dramatic decline" in the writing abilities of her students "due to

Tweeting, Facebook, and texting."

In fact, 64 percent of students in the study reported inadvertently using a form

of shorthand native to texting or social networking. But, the problem does not end
there, as Sakowicz acknowledges that younger teachers see the slang but "let it go."

"Not that they like it, but they kind of expect it," she says. "Teachers that are older

and aren't familiar with all the social media devices are really upset that this is what's

becoming of our language." There’s really a great impact of teacher’s awareness on

internet slangs the same way goes to Levels of Awareness of Selected CpE

Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs.


The use of slangs doesn’t only involves English type of slangs , but it also

involves local type of slangs. And now here’s some local studies related to internet

slangs. Most Filipino people don’t know where the slangs they are using are derived

from and here’s a study made by R. David Zorc on how Filipinos derived their slangs

from the original words.

According to R. David Zorc (1993), Filipinos derive their slang words by

borrowing from other languages, by giving new meanings to pre-existing words, by

coining or creating original forms, or by using numbers as a kind of "in-group" codes

The most common place for derivation of Tagalog slang words involves borrowing

from different languages through significant changing of meaning or grammar, which

renders these words rather unintelligible to native speakers of the language from

where the word was borrowed.  The major sources of Tagalog slang words are

English (38%), Spanish (17%), Visayan (2%), Chinese (0.6%), Japanese (0.5%),

Ilokano (0.1%), Kapampangan (0.1%).  

jas-jas taken for granted, cheap (from English just)

Toxic loaded with work (from English toxic)
minus one give someone the finger (from English minus one)
Promdi hick, unsophisticated person (from English from
the [province])
Basyo caught in the act (from Spanish vacio, empty)
pumapel make advances to; try to please (from Spanish papel, paper)
Gurang old, aged (from Waray gurang, ripe, old, aged)
Utol brother, sister (from Pampango kaputul, sibling)
Yabang proud, boastful (from Pampango yabang, arrogance)

The second area of slang incorporation according to Zorc involves the attribution of

new or innovative meaning to a pre-existing Tagalog word.  They are derived from

the large collection of inherited vocabulary, but take on a major change in semantics.

These innovations of pre-existing Tagalog words comprise about 15% of the Tagalog

slang words.

Aswang mother-in-law (from Tagalog for evil spirit)

Bawang fat person (from Tagalog for garlic, based on the shape
of a bulb of garlic)
Ipis bum (from Tagalog for cockroach)
luto' game-fixing or cheating (from Tagalog for cook)
nagladlad ng kapa showed one's true colors (from Tagalog literal: unfolded
the cloak)
Pagong slow (from Tagalog for turtle)
pako' ugly (from Tagalog for fern)
Ube one hundred pesos (from Tagalog purple yam [based on
color of the 100 peso bill])

The third area of slang derivation is composed of coined vocabulary (0.5%).  It

involves the creation of new words and are hardly recognizable even though they

may be based at times on other words. 

Harurot fast, speeding (based on sound of a broken muffler)

Palpak failure or failed attempt (from Tagalog lagpak, fall or fail)
Syota girlfriend, boyfriend (from Tagalog sinta)
Tigidig pimple, zit

The last area of slang derivation is based on the use of numbers (0.5%) in various

innovative ways

4 aces wake (refers to card game played at wakes)

1-4-3 I love you (based on number of letters in each word of
the phrase)
1-4-3-2 I love you too, except 2=too
5-2-5-4 I love you very much (from Tagalog mahalnamahalkita)
6-6-6 bad, evil (from Biblical reference to anti-Christ)
d2 here (from dito, with last syllable made into 2)

There are several ways in which Tagalog slang words are re-shaped, mostly based

on the talent of the speakers for inventing words.   Essentially, according to Zorc,

words get re-shaped through wordplay, metathesis, reduction, abbreviations, and


Word Play (31%)

Playing with words basically involves the re-ordering of sounds.  Specifically, this is

done through dropping or adding sounds or syllables to the words from any

language, which seems to be the most most common.


Alvarado wrist watch (from Alba and Rado, which are local brands of

wrist watches; and also a movie actor named Max Alvarado)
bayawak brother-in-law (from Tagalog bayaw = brother-in-law, and
Tagalog bayawak = monitor lizard)
Bimay female house help (from Tagalog slang chimay and English be
my [girl])

Metathesis (10%)
This process of slang derivation pertains to the switching of sounds within a word,

either through inversion of syllables or by a complicated re-arrangement of the

letters.  This process can happen to native Tagalog words or borrowed words.

 Syllable switching

astig = tough, unfeeling (from matigas, hard)

bigtu= water (from Tagalog tubig, water)
gasti = bum, loafer (from tigas, hard)

 Full reversal

This involves reading the words backwards:

adarit = woman lover (from Spanish tirada, aimed at)

adnagam = beautiful (from Tagalog maganda, beautiful)
atab = girlfriend (from Tagalog bata', child or youngster)
atik = money (from Tagalog kita, income or profit)

Reduction (9%)

This process involves the shortening or truncation of words.

amboy = American boy (from English Am[erican] + boy)

syano = provincial, hic (from Spanish [provin]ciano)
yosi = cigarette (from Spanish ci[garri]llo, with syllable switching)

Abbreviations or Acronyms (5%)

Most of these words are understood only by an "insider" in a group.  Some of them

are brilliant puns on well-known acronyms (like CIA or KGB).

AIDS suffering from stress due to studies (from Acquired Insanity

Due to Studies)
CIA Imelda Marcos sycophant (from Certified Imelda Admirer)
KGB closet gay (from Tagalog Kung Gabi Bakla)
PWU whorehouse (from Tagalog Prostitutes Waiting Upstairs)
"Mix-Mix" (5%)

This process involves the blending of two or more languages within a given word,

phrase or sentence.

anong say mo What do you think? (from Tagalog ano, what? + -ng [linker] +

English say + Tagalog mo, you)
Bawling agree (from English bow + Tagalog lang, only or just)
Labnat needing love (from English love + Tagalog lagnat, fever)

Almost all the slangs that are mentioned are all slangs that we Filipino people

use on the internet. We used those words when chatting online or even

communicating through text or voice messages. Provided where it came from, those

slang words represent our modern way of communicating, communicating by means

of advanced technology where we apply the usage of those words, though they are

slangs, slangs are still considered as a form of words that are used in

communicating, just like internet slangs makes us feel more expressive in our

opinions, thoughts or insights. And by determining the Levels of Awareness of

Selected CpE Students of TIP-Manila on Internet Slangs we may know how many of

them really know how to use internet slang or understand internet slangs and also

how these revolutionary kind of communicating made an impact for the selected Cpe

students of TIP Manila.


The comparison of the studies that we discussed in chapter 2 is all about the

people who uses slang words to communicate to the other person instead of
standard English and this studies is the same how Hale and Scalon describe that

language in Emails as being derived from "writing the way people talk", and there is

no need to insist on 'Standard' English.

In addition, Professor David Crystal a British linguist, addresses the online

linguistic issues that affect us on a daily basis, incorporating real-life. Same this with

our studies that because of the slang words that we apply in our daily life will

resulted to a bad effect like the way we spelled words, communicate with other

person, and the way we use language.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology
In this chapter, the research methodology used in the study is quantitative.

The levels of awareness of selected CpE students are being in quantifiable

measurement process.


The method that was used in this research is quantitative method. Which

refers to a type of information or data that is based on quantities obtained using a

quantifiable measurement process. The researchers do not usually begin with

hypothesis, but is develop after collecting data. Analysis and synthesis of the data

provide the test of the hypothesis.

In a quantitative study there must be a testable hypothesis and the hypothesis

must include concepts that can be measured by numbers. In quantitative studies the

experimental methods must be appropriate and well designed and the statistical

applications and tools must be appropriate. Quantitative studies are conducted with

a variety of research designs.This research also use descriptive method which

means it seeks to describe the current status of an identified variable or


The researchers are going to conduct a survey to validate the level of

awareness of selected CpE students of TIP Manila on internet slangs. A

questionnaire will be given to each selected students to determine the awareness of

the students on internet slangs. Such data are helpful for the development of this

research and for other related studies.

The respondent of the study are the selected students of Computer

Engineering of Technological Institute of the Philippines. The researchers selected

the students by year level and decided to have two people per year level specifically

a male and female.


A survey questionnaire will be used to gather data. A survey questionnaire is

a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and prompts for the

purpose of gathering data from the respondents. A questionnaire is a set of printed

or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey

or statistical study. The questionnaire will be divided into two parts: first is the

general information of the respondents (name, age, status etc). and the second part

is the questions.

Part I – Includes of the profile of the students

Part 2 – Includes the actual questions which were anchored on the parameters of

the research paper.


Gathering data

The participants are the selected CpE students that answered the

questionnaire that are distributed. The participants are in different levels that are

studying in Technological Institute of the Philippines. The participants are hand pick

by the researchers, they are in different year levels. The participants will answer the

questionnaire fairly and honestly.

Analyzing data
The researchers will study the answers of the selected CpE students. They

will conduct different analyzing skills to understand the different levels of awareness

selected students have. They will interpret the data that they gathered and discuss it

with the other researchers. They will analyze, dicuss, identify and understand the

different data they gathers then they will finally have the levels of awareness of

selected CpE students of Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila on internet


Statistical Treatment of Data

When all the necessary data are collected, the data will be treated statistically

using various statistical tools.

1. Percentage, to determine the frequency of the answer of the respondents or

the perceptual understanding of the respondents.


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