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Writng process step 2

Exercise 1.
3. Dig a deep hole
5. If they have sunshine and water, they will stay healthy
6. Prune the roses

Steps Main step Supporting details

1 Buy flour, eggs, fresh milk, Choose 500g flour, 3 eggs,
butter 300ml fresh milk, 25g butter
brush to start, 60g sugar
2 Prepare baking tools Includes: 1 non-stick pan, 2
large bowl, small bowls 1
sauce whisk, 1 spatula, egg
beater, 1 ladle
3 Make cake dough Separate the egg yolks into
a large bowl, and the egg
whites into a large bowl. Put
flour, milk, 30g sugar in a
bowl of egg yolks and mix
until well combined. Then
add 30g sugar divided into 3
times into the egg whites
and beat them with an
electric mixer. Add the
beaten egg whites to the
egg yolk mixture and mix
well with a spatula
4 Fried cake Place the pan on the stove
over low heat. Once the pan
is hot, put 25g of butter in
the pan and wait for the
butter to melt completely.
Then, put a ladle of batter
into the pan. Wait about 7
minutes, when you see air
bubbles on the surface of
the cake, use a flat spatula
to flip the cake and wait
another 5 minutes for the
cake to cook. Do the same
with other pancake
5 Decorate and enjoy When the cake is cooked,
use a spatula to remove the
pancakes from the pan and
put it on a plate. Pancakes
can be eaten with some
honey or jam. Then use
some fruits to decorate the
cake beautifully.

Exercise 2:
1. a
2. a,b,c
3. b
The people who are likely to read this article are first-time pancake makers. You can find this
article on the internet, the baking manual. The purpose of this article is to teach people how
to make pancakes.
Exercise 3:
Measure: the width, the height, the weigh.
Use: a saw, a bowl, pliers
Complete: a job, a task, a report.
Check: the schedule, the agenda, the roster
Insert: a cord, a cable, rod
Ask: an expert, a cónultant, for assitance.
a job: Because writing articles on the topic of cooking is part of my job.
Exercise 4:
The word “royalty” refers to roses.
Exercise 5:
1. The purpose of the first sentence is to get the reader’s attention.
2. Topic sentence: Many people say they are as difficult to maintain as kings and
queens, but roses are actually quite easy to grow if you follow these steps
3. Yes, I don’t understand what season is the best time to plant a rose bush.
4. Yes, but I would need some help choosing the kind of rose to plant where.
2. a,b,c,d
3. first, later, after, then, next, then, finally, when
4. If you continute to take care of your roses in this simple way, they will produce beautuful
flowers wear after year: b

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