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1. Why is there a need to conduct an accident reporting and investigation after an unsafe event?

comes next after an investigation is completed?

- Accident reporting and investigation is necessary to first, inform everyone about the accident that
occurred. Second, it is important to find facts/details to conclude and better understand the cause of the
accident in order to know what corrective actions is required.

2. What is code of ethics and why are they created? Explain their relevance in the promotion of safety and
health in the workplace?

- The code of ethics is like a professional version of the student handbook for us students. It basically
indicates the good principles and behavior that is expected of a professional. Personally, I do not consider
the code of ethics as an essential part of promoting safety. As per the examples of the code of ethics that
I have seen in the presentation, I do not think that you need the code of ethics to identify if your behavior
or actions are appropriate or not. But for the sake of technicality, I think the code of ethics is relevant
when it comes to having an additional solid proof to blame an under-performing company if an accident

3. What are the common road hazards in the Philippines and how can they be mitigated? What can
motorists do to avoid being part of road hazards?

- As a driver, I can say that the biggest risk and hazard that I experience every day is having to share the
road with the ignorant drivers in the Philippines. Next to that are minor hazards such as potholes which
poses a threat even to slow-moving vehicles because one bad fall can damage your suspension and
such. It also poses a threat to motorcycles as it is very likely to cause loss of balance even at a low
speed. This is even more hazardous if combined with the next hazard, when puddles are present on the
road, it might hide deep potholes or cause hydroplaning.

To mitigate the road hazards I have mentioned, the most immediate solution to this is to keep yourself
disciplined at all times when you hold a steering wheel and always be cautious. I think this is the best
solution because we should not wait for a miracle that all the roads in the Philippines will be fixed anytime
soon. So we should do our own parts instead to avoid being a part of road hazards.

4. Why is it necessary to understand construction safety as a manufacturing engineer? Why is it important

to maintain safety in a construction environment?

- It is necessary because MfgE could be inclined in the construction industry which is why it is still
necessary to understand construction safety.

Safety is very important in a construction environment because there are a lot of risks all around you
almost all the time in a construction environment. There is always the risk of falling debris, wet surfaces in
a site are more dangerous because there might be wet dust and other particles. Working with machines
and tools also pose a threat if you are not careful enough.

5. What is the most important activity prior to the start of an excavation project? Explain why.

The answer is planning, it is the most important because the efficiency of the entire project relies on the
planning stage. Conduct a soil test to identify the stability of the ground and also to identify the limitations
of what structure you are allowed to construct on that area. Also, consider the weather on that site by the
time you will operate to avoid flooding which is very dangerous especially when excavating.

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