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Chapter 7

“Let Me Out”

[Vegas Pov]
“Why did Second brother get more gifts than me, Mom?” The face of a kind woman with a wide
smile and dimples like the imprint of a heavenly figure still engraved in my heart, never fade
away or disappear even for a second. my beloved person my mother who left me when I was
young "Vegas gets less. But this robot is much bigger. Look, it's your favourite. Isn't that yours
too?" A warm hand gently stroked my head. “But Big Brother said Because we're minor family,
we must get less stuff than the main family. What is the minor family and the main family?” My
mother's face slid down. but still forced a smile “The main family is like an eldest brother. The
Pillar, that takes care of everyone, including the minor family.” “And Father can't take care of
us? I don't like them...I don't like Big Brother." My childhood voice said in a low voice. Although
at that time I knew that we were relatives, but being compared often It made me feel worse
every time.

“We are relatives. Growing up together, we need to take care and must love each other very

much” My mother continued to teach in a gentle voice. “But love... makes people weak,” said my
father who sat at the desk sipping whiskey. His voice was stiff as he stared at me and my
mother with harsh eyes. Love makes people weak....Love is always our weakness....but

because we have feelings Don't we have a heart?

- [At the lotus pond of the main family's house] -


“I say i want to borrow it for a bit!” Kinn snatched the robot in my hand away, looking indifferent,
causing me to quickly grab it. So there was a pulling together. “But that's mine!” A gift from the
Teerapanyakul family's Chinese New Year party, where company partners and employees
brought gifts to my father, my mother and family members to congratulate. “Let me go, let me

borrow it!!” “As a minor family, the main family must play first!! Let my little brother play, Vegas!”
Big Brother (tankhun) standing behind Kinn with his arms crossed. came to help him and pull
back the robot in my hand again I saw it and i used my last strength. pull the robot arm until It
fell out.. The cabinet!!!!! As soon as me and the robotic arm were freed, I staggered to the floor.
and two brothers tankhun and kinn who were by the pool fell into the water together. The
incident that day.... made I knew exactly what the main family and the minor family were. “Give
me the wand!” Uncle ordered the bodyguards and stared at me with stern eyes. Behind him is
tankhun who stand and hug tightly and kinn who was well supported by his brother. “But kinn
come and steal my robot,” I try to explain. “Don't be a liar boy, uncle doesn't like it. Apparently,
you pushed both of them into the water.” Both tankhun and Kinn were silent and didn't say
anything. “Pa....I didn't do it.” My father looked at the situation with sternness. "Born as a man,
make mistakes, you must admit your mistakes. And even if we are born in teerapanyakul we
must have the courage to admit it.” Uncle held the rod, preparing to hit me. “In that case,
tankhun and kinn also have to admit that they took my toys. “Nonsense.” tankhun said softly.
"Don't accuse my son..." I turned to look at uncle who stared blankly at my sentence. “More
importantly he hurt my son, with kinn falling into the water If someone who wasn't near him he
would drowned, would you and your father be responsible for my son's life?” I Can't understand
much But it made me feel unfair from the person in front of me. “Here you go!” As soon as uncle
grabbed my arm and was about to slam the wand on my bottom, my father stood up and
intervened. “Hey! This is my son, I can teach myself.” My father pulled the stick from uncle.
Looking at me with blank eyes, I looked at my father and didn't know why. Suddenly, tears
flowed. I felt myself very weak at that time. “Pa…” My father broke the wand. Made me feel
relieved and was about to run to hug my father for protection, It was like I had found shelter and
was about to escape this injustice, but as soon as my feet stepped near him, Suddenly, my
father’s hand came and slapped me in the face until My face flickered and i fell to the ground.
The feeling when my father slapped me make me fall into pieces, it was more than scolding me.
More than injustice, more than sticking a stick at me More than anything, i collapsed,I was
shocked and it hurt every molecule of my feelings. “Excuse my son korn, and you too Kinn, I will
teach my children better than this... he should've knew that he should not be equal to the main
family. After all, we are just a minor family”

yes....minor family, an underdog compared to the main family that hit Repeatedly, stomped on
my heart and made me realize that there is no justice in this world. And it must be a matter of
status that has to bow down to someone higher. “Mom....Mom! Help me…” “Vegas…” I slowly

opened my eyes to a familiar voice. I fell asleep and rewinded my memory for 2 hours, reflecting
on the past, I pushed myself up from the couch and said hi to the person in the glass room
behind me. "'s been a long time?" I pushed myself and got up take the water to drink.
“For a moment.” I looked at the Master through the shade of the stained glass. and listen to the

master voice, He always speaks into the microphone and changes his voice with it when he
giving orders. “I have time until 10 o'clock. Today I have to go pick up Pete and his
grandparents at Yok bar. Call me urgently, is there anything happens?” Now I'm in a secret safe
house in the suburbs with me there's Master, who I still don't know who he is. But he is the one

who holds the secret. Everything of the Teerapanyakul family is preserved. Initially, I intended to
deal with this matter. because of the Master's help several times, now we are becoming
stronger and stronger, and the other member is…. “What's the progress?” Porsche, who walked
in with a chilled look. same status as me is to know the truth about the Teerapanyakul family's.

“I came up and realized that the port that should be the minor family treasure will be passed
down to the main family when the leader dies…” The master was silent for a moment before
turning the paper over and opening a small mirror, handing the document through the hole to
us. “There is no name belonging to Khun Kant at all....” I furrowed my brows tightly and picked
up the document to look at it carefully. Yes, when my father passed away. According to the
tradition, everything will be handed down to the main family, and of course he could give it to
anyone. like.. to the leader of minor family who is now owned by Porsche. But Porsche doesn't
have any prerogatives in terms of owning a real estate business or any family property. After
deceiving porsche, he tried to deceive everyone that he was a good person. He returned the
minor family house for me to live in. But everything is in his name. And also allocate his
bodyguards in my houseto tell me that my life right now was like a prison because my family
was always controlling by the main family. You ask me if I hate him. Of course he killed my
father. But when I was with Pete the feud started to abate, but what I did with Master and
Porsche. Is wanting to expose the evil of that bastard and to release me and Let my family be
free. Because we know very well that in this industry we can't go in and out easily , only death
alone... “The owner's name is Nalin Kiratipongkorn.” I read out the name softly. This is my
mother's name. is a proprietorship document.

“The northern port belonging to the minor family. It's all in Lin's name. And, of course, if she
dies, all title and inheritance will go to the Rightful heir.” that me and Macau... “ the harbor is
mine.” I stared at the Master through the glass in a daze. I'm not a treasure maniac I didn't want
anything from this crazy family, but my mother must have thought that something like this would
happen....what the hell is this? “It's not that simple. gave everything to the main
family. Is that right?” Master asked me in a calm voice. I remembered the day I give all the
power to the main family...

- [Back] -

Within the special room that was tightly curtained, not even a single light could creep in,
Darkness overwhelmed the visual images and within the mind until it became black. Completely
lost and destroyed, like a fire used to lead the way suddenly extinguished until almost not being

able to catch up The three pieces of paper placed in front of him contained messages about the
transfer of power. All of which were confiscated for the head of the main family like Korn
teerapanyakul, whether it was a port of transport owned by Kant. or even some of the casinos
that are classified as All minor family businesses

“You have to take it, Vegas. Because even though it was change now to only the Board of
Directors, it was a tradition since the Kong generation. If the main family or minor family
overthrown everything must fall on the winning side. And the winner will appoint everything as

we wish “Huh.. So you're going to be the next minor family?” “Huh.. This game is a lot more
complicated than you thought.” “It's not over, it's not over yet.” “I think you need to hurry up and
sign it and let's finish it.” "You're on the field with all your strength, Kim."

-[current] -

“That day…the main family sent Kim to get me some documents to sign.” I recalled the
memories. at the hospital slowly. “There are only a few ports belonging to Mr kant. Which is
completely now owned by Khun Korn. By now the main family should have known that all of the
northern harbors are named after Mrs Lin.” Master analyzed.
“No…a person like Khun Korn must already take everything and left none behind. But if we
leave it alone, we lose.” Porsche, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, said in a relaxed manner.
Before the gaze that had wandered off into the distance, glanced at me. "Have you
forgotten...that we only want to reclaim our rights and cut down such bad guys.” “I'm not holding
grudges...but I want freedom,” I said truthfully. “Huh... free? It doesn't exist since you were born
into the teerapanyakul family.” Porsche said indifferently. This Porsche that is not Porsche that i
used to know , the coolness his strong and fierce personality, which had seemed sufficient
before, but now overflows, is eerie. “The only thing we all know is to fall Korn's power. Master
wants to overthrow korn bad system. I want truth and justice for my parents. Therefore, you
needs freedom and safe for your family, everything will be so easy without…people like him.”
Porsche twitched in a smile. “Porsche has changed a lot,” I said, grinning disbelievingly. "There
are people who say that I have changed...and has anyone ever known? What have I found?
Porsche picked up a glass of wine and sipped slowly. “Since the first day we agreed We clearly
understand the purpose...Vegas. The matter of the port cannot be left unattended. The only way
to claim back is hunting for a list of The surviving minor family committee that signed the
contract under Mr. Lin's name, then make everything ours.” Master handed me another
document which is a list of all committees “The old minor family committee, if we can't contact
them ,they probably would have all fled the country.” I lightly sighed, and Porsche took out the
paper in my hand to look. Then light a cigarette and smoke. “It's not difficult, I'll help myself, it's
not that much to find. Some names belong to main family now.” Porsche who knew a lot of
information about the main family put a cigarette in his mouth and then took a pen and crossed
out the names that he was familiar with “But how to make the person who was on main family
side now would sign? how many people do we need now master?” Porsche turned to ask

Master. “Let's hunt for names of at least 10 judges, only then will we be able to claim justice,”the
master said through voice over. “That's all, Korn would feel defeated…” Porsche smiled with
satisfaction. “A bad person like that wouldn't be used to playing by the rules,” Porsche said.

Now I started to feel a throbbing headache. The light in my brain began to warp periodically.
The picture I was looking at in front of me began to blur. Porsche looked at me for a moment.
He hurriedly up to adjust me and pick up my bag. “Vegas… you didn't takeyour medicine?” I
shook my head He held his head in agony. I was either conscious or not. A pill capsule was

shoved into my mouth followed by Porsche's handful of water glass. I swallow with difficulty and
realize that Porsche is dragging me along the couch. “Are you ok?” Porsche's stern face faded,
he tried to talk me into taking deep breaths and holding my hand tightly. Inside, the feeling was
extremely torture, as if something was trying to push itself out. The only person I tried thought

and can brought my sanity back to is Pete. “Pete…..Pete….” I called out the name of my lover in
agony, before in my head flashed a bright smile, clear eyes calling my name with a bright smile.
And because I think to the picture he made The tumultuousness in his body began to subside,
and the Master's voice over echoed through the glass. “Vegas?”


“Om Sittha Thao Phuen Charoensri (chanting prayer) Let your child have a merciful lover, Let
your child be famous, Good reputation~ Many lovers...and make my face look beautiful...." I
sighed for the millionth time when the young lady pushed me to take me and Grandma Jui
Come to Yok's bar. It's good that it's just me and Grandma Jui. Venice fell asleep in the early
evening.The condition that I see now is the young lady sitting on the sofa with his hands clasped
in prayer. Grandma Jui chant a prayer and rubbed her hand on the young lady's back. with
every blessing Along with many pickled jars, with Yok, Arm,and pol, who starting to growl one
by one
"I wish all of Grandma Jui’s grandchildren are doing well." After that, my grandmother was so
drunk that she grabbed a jar of pickled and pinched it by her waist, looking at the screen,
holding the microphone with the other hand. The body staggered. I saw it and i was tired. Why
does pete have to meet with people like this too? And here, i call and tell Vegas that it's 10 p.m.
to pick up. But it was ten minutes past the time. As soon as my phone goes short I was startled
with all my strength, hoping that the screen would display the name of… 'Macau' I was secretly
disappointed. But willing to answer the call and walk out of the Bar Ready to light a cigarette to
talk to the other end of the line “Hello are you? You're asleep?” “P’Pete...What
time will Pete come back?” “If it's another half hour, vegas hasn't come yet, I'll go back myself.” I
told my macau just like that. and blowing cigarette smoke to let the smoke drift all over the area
“Didn't he pick you up yet?” When Macau said that it make me realize immediately that Vegas is
not yet definitely arrive home “Would you like me to pick you up?”

"It's okay macau ,I'll hurry back” “okay.!” Before hanging up, I hurriedly interrupted the end of the
line. “Macau....don't forget to eat medicine.” “Yes, yes” he replied in a bright voice. I'm relieved
that he’s in good moods today. does not sway much and I believe that someday he will definitely
be better than this, but another person..... Vegas or Vegas in satan form and his multiple

personality disorder that causes him to have more than one personality, which will switch back
and forth within himself. The system of memory, perception, his thoughts and feelings are often
separated from each other. I believe vegas will be a person who smiles easily in the future. real

vegas yearning for me all the time, like a little wolf. who keeps begging but will bury its fangs in
times of need and aggressive according to the situation, and vegas in another form is like a
predatory wolf, uncontrollable, emotionally driven, irrational, revealing all his dark thoughts.

I flinched slightly as the warmth of my familiar arms hugged me from behind. touch stroke The
weight tightened as if I was afraid that I was about to disappear. The face rested on my right
shoulder and my chin strung up. I didn't even have to look back to see who this person was. I
slightly turned my face and held the cigarette in my hand to Vegas's mouth. Before the smoke

came out, I bit my lip tightly. and held a cigarette to his mouth when he could feel it to some
energy “I'm not okay...I was really hurt,” It's real vegas now, but whoever Vegas it is now, they
both yearn for me. “It's okay Vegas... It's okay.” I hold his face keep saying that he will be alright
in a gentle voice and always ready to be by his side “No!!” Vegas slowly closed his eyes, his
breathing growing faster and faster. I stroked his eyes and looked at him with deep concern in
my heart. “You don't understand me!!! You don't. understand me!!!!" his last sentence,and
Vegas pushed my body away. Hit the wall so hard that I felt choked up. My body automatically
twisted in anguish before I could react. Both hands leaned against the wall and straddled me. I
looked up to meet those angry eyes without fear. We were both stumped. No one dared to take
their eyes off each other. An empty eyes.

Looking deeper than that it was full of pain. eerie torture The hatred he carried all his life is an
identity Vegas in satan form, the dark side of his mind. I know how scary it is. He who drowned
himself with his dark side But I felt the urge to delve deeper into his mind. “Okay..” I pulled one
of Vegas' hands and strangled my neck. “I will take the pain. All of it." As soon as I finished the
sentence, I stretched out a smile of joy. Before the pressure on the neck increases more
Vegas's face smirked with satisfaction before using his strength to forcefully force me into a
kiss. My lips were crushed down heavily with a relentless bite. and it didn't allow me to breathe. I
felt like a person was about to die. When the air was not enough and the pressure on my neck
made my brain start to blur. My eyes couldn't focus on the person in front of me. But I don't
know why my heart is beating like it's something I Longing and wanting, I didn't resist one bit.
Instead, hold the wrists around Vegas and squeeze as a signal for more force. I respond to
Vegas very well. The hot tongue entered the mouth cavity at the same time. With the fishy smell
of the blood and the astringent taste and I struggled to swallow. All the liquid fell down his throat
but was full of hardship until the tears came out… “...” Vegas yanked my head out. with
oppressive eyes staring at me and seems disdainful Before he spat the bloody saliva on the
ground, a feeling that seemed to detract from my self-worth. It made me even more excited,
prompting me to pull Vegas into a bathroom that wasn't too far away. and handle the bolt
Without letting Vegas hand escape from the thrust of my head even for a fraction of a second.
Vegas shoved me into the bathroom inside before whistling casually and starting to unbuckle
himself, clutching it in his hand and staring at me like a winner. I don't know why with the rhythm
This time, I could hardly control my emotions. A feeling of heat surging all over my body, urging
the person in front of me to act on my body to make it feel painful!!! “Come on! What are you

waiting for?!" I said with a big smile. “Shut up...You have no right to demand anything from me.”
Vegas shoved my body against the door and moved his face closer with a chill in his ear. And I
could feel the dampness in my throat as Vegas dragged my tongue across. The goosebumps

combined with the desire almost spilled out of me. Suddenly, my hands were bound by a belt
and tied to a hanger next to the door causing my entire forearm to straighten out my feelings
now I was so excited that I could hardly tell. I'm going crazy. The more Vegas comforts me by
grabbing my hair scalps. My breathing was stuck because the blood was pumped until I had to

bite my mouth and hold my moan. “you bastard vegas!!” I couldn't stand it anymore until Vegas
had to put a hand over my mouth. "Shu...." Vegas let go of his hand from my mouth and
laughing with the satisfaction of seeing my tears in my eyes. “Try to Escape.” Vegas laughter
continued to echo as he unbuttoned his pants, revealing a hardened core bulging out of his

black underwear. Then Vegas slowly took off his underwear before using his hands to grip his
core. Slowly moving up and down, the gaze looked at me with great satisfaction. “Vegas…
please….” when I saw that Vegas was mixing itself up on one side. I became more and more
tortured. It's like Vegas is having fun that torture me suffering from his own needs I bit my lip
and twisted my body tightly. When I want vegas body to touch inside of me. “Huh…” Vegas'
voice still echoed on my head. My eyes looked at Vegas with pleading eyes. Before his hand
moved to pull my pants down, I felt the relief that he had not let me have for a long time,
because now my core is fully enlarged with a smooth water. that contaminates the inner layer
Vegas saw that, the more he moved his hands up and down on his own core. and held his head
up as if he was about to reach the peak “Vegas… help… me too.” I called to Vegas, biting my
lip. begged him to come in and touch me. Vegas was gasping for breath and then slowly looked
down at me, his mouth twitching in a psychopathic smile,he like to see people begging him so
much. And I didn't stop talking about this embarrassing thing. “HAHA...Can I help you?”

Please... touch me please.” I didn't feel disgusted with myself for doing this. But I do like it when
I'm overwhelmed by the power of my lover. I don't know what it's called. But I'm happy if this is
what Vegas pleases. “Wow...good job baby” and then Vegas ripped through my hair with his
hand, "I'm feeling good!" Vegas pulls my panties down before scooping up my legs and inserting
mine into the middle. Let both of my legs hook his waist. I feel that Vegas has yet to do
anything. But it was so erotic that I was almost done. “Wait! wait!....calm down” The more he
smiled, sneered, and the moment he spoke. Vegas spit down to the core of his own body and
rubbed three times, of course, without cherishing, without opening the way. If this is the dark
side of Vegas, this person I had to vent his pain. come out as much as possible “Ugh!!!” I tensed
as the channel behind me touched my fully frozen core. It was both sore and crippled that his
body was moving slowly helplessly and without any intention of fighting. “Pete... Ummm.”
Slammed against the door until it made a loud noise. But I don't expect anyone to hear it
because this is The bathroom behind the bar and Vegas and I have already managed to lock
the entrance door as well. “Call my name!!!” Vegas grabbed my head and squeezed my neck
tightly. heat from the core With the lustful fire in it, “ugh…” Until I can't stand it Even Vegas has
no signs of being finished. But I can't control anything anymore. My brain is blurry. The hand
that was bound by the belt tightly gripped the railing. before twitching and releasing the turbid
white water that smeared my face, stomach, and Vegas stomach My legs are still tightly
wrapped around his waist. With the force of the blows that he kept coming back and forth. And I

don't know how long he will vent this pain, but I'm willing and willing to accept it all. Even if
someone says that this love is not a good love ,and this love that hurts me But I still insisted on
holding him tight. and by his side forever because... Even if I'm in deathly pain I still love this

man. because this pain always pleases me and There is only one Pete, Pete, who will be by
Vegas side forever. And I believe that even today there will be Vegas or another vegas on this
body. But this Vegas will Remember and not forgetting me. Thank you no matter who Vegas it is
now. You always be my Vegas.

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