SP-Proto - IXEGE Rev D

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Document N° SP-02251-Proto

Level of revision D

ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 1 of 74

System Specification
brake system for MB and TB

PROTOTYPE Application

D 05/02/08 Review after meeting with AT 01/02/2008 JF. BOUCHER JM.LOUBIERE C. MURAZZANO

Issue Date Description Compiled Checked Approved


This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the
Company. Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
Document N° SP-02251-Proto
Level of revision D

ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 2 of 74

Issue Date Description
A 03/09/07 Creation of the document

B 19/09/07 Review after meeting with AT on 17/09/2007

C 18/12/07 Review after meeting with Piossasco on 18/12/2007

D 05/02/08 Review after meeting with AT 01/02/2008

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the
Company. Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 6
1.1. Reference Documents........................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Vehicle configuration ........................................................................................................................... 9
Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BRAKE SYSTEM................................................................. 12
2.1. Braking system overview................................................................................................................... 12
2.2. Hydraulic Scheme .............................................................................................................................. 14
2.3. Electrical scheme ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.3.1. Motor Bogie Electrical Scheme ....................................................................................................................15
2.3.2. Trailer Bogie Electrical Scheme ...................................................................................................................16
2.4. Brake control ...................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5. Braking modes .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.1. Normal Service brake....................................................................................................................................19
2.5.2. Maximum Service brake ...............................................................................................................................19
2.5.3. Emergency brake...........................................................................................................................................20
2.5.4. Safety brake ..................................................................................................................................................21
2.5.5. Immobilization brake ....................................................................................................................................21
2.5.6. Parking brake ................................................................................................................................................21
2.5.7. Isolation ........................................................................................................................................................22
2.5.8. RESCUE Mode (only for Trailer Bogie) ......................................................................................................22
2.5.9. Braking performance.....................................................................................................................................23
2.6. Driving mode ...................................................................................................................................... 26
2.7. Bogie braking control......................................................................................................................... 26
2.7.1. Trailer Bogie .................................................................................................................................................26
2.7.2. Motor Bogie..................................................................................................................................................26
3. HARDWARE CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................ 27
3.1. Braking control equipment architecture ......................................................................................... 27
3.2. Signal interface list for Motor and Trailer Bogie ........................................................................... 27
4. MOTor bogie brake control ....................................................................................................... 32
4.1. Power supply management................................................................................................................ 32
4.2. Brake effort management.................................................................................................................. 33
5. Trailer bogie brake control ........................................................................................................ 34
5.1. Power supply management................................................................................................................ 34
5.2. Brake effort management.................................................................................................................. 35
6. HPU INTERFACE .................................................................................................................... 36
6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 36
6.2. General Note ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.3. Pressure sensor PGO interface ......................................................................................................... 36
6.3.1. Pressure sensor PG1 interface.......................................................................................................................37
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Level of revision D

ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

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6.3.2. PC valve interface .........................................................................................................................................38

6.3.3. IV Valve interface.........................................................................................................................................39
6.3.4. AV Valve interface .......................................................................................................................................40
6.3.5. Motor Pump interface ...................................................................................................................................41
6.4. CALIPER INTERFACE.................................................................................................................... 41
6.5. SEPARATED COMPONENTS INTERFACE................................................................................ 42
6.5.1. Speed sensor interface...................................................................................................................................42
7. Vehicle management.................................................................................................................. 43
7.1. Traction/braking controller .............................................................................................................. 43
7.2. Wheel Slide Protection (WSP) management ................................................................................... 43
7.3. Acquisition and management of speed sensors information.......................................................... 43
7.4. Management of sanding..................................................................................................................... 44
7.5. Magnetic track brake......................................................................................................................... 44
7.6. Circuit protection ............................................................................................................................... 44
8. SOFTWARE............................................................................................................................... 45
8.1. Main requirements............................................................................................................................. 45
8.2. System start up ................................................................................................................................... 45
8.2.1. Power up [00]................................................................................................................................................45
8.2.2. BCU Configuration [01] ..............................................................................................................................45
8.2.3. Initialisation [02]...........................................................................................................................................45
8.2.4. End of initialisation [03] ...............................................................................................................................47
8.2.5. Main Loop [04].............................................................................................................................................47
8.2.6. ETHERNET Network board control [05] .....................................................................................................47
8.2.7. BCU Version [06] .........................................................................................................................................47
8.2.8. Date and time [07] ........................................................................................................................................48
8.3. Braking mode...................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3.1. Immobilization brake [8]...............................................................................................................................49
8.3.2. Normal mode Service brake [9] ....................................................................................................................49
8.3.3. Emergency brake [10] ...................................................................................................................................50
8.3.4. Safety brake [11]...........................................................................................................................................50
8.4. Vehicle status ...................................................................................................................................... 51
8.5. Brake management ............................................................................................................................ 51
8.5.1. Brake effort calculation [23] .........................................................................................................................51
8.5.2. Brake Status management [24]......................................................................................................................51
8.5.3. Checking of the safety brake pressure [26] ...................................................................................................52
8.5.4. Checking of the emergency brake pressure [27] ...........................................................................................52
8.5.5. Trailer and Motor bogie Isolation [28] .........................................................................................................53
8.5.6. PC Valve circuit Control [29] .......................................................................................................................54
8.5.7. Control of digital outputs [30].......................................................................................................................54
8.5.8. Pressure sensor control [31]..........................................................................................................................55
8.5.9. Parameters [32] .............................................................................................................................................55
8.6. Wheel slide protection........................................................................................................................ 55
8.6.1. Axle speed sensor control [33]......................................................................................................................55
8.6.2. WSP function [34] ........................................................................................................................................56
8.7. OVER SHOOT function [35] ............................................................................................................ 58
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Document N° SP-02251-Proto
Level of revision D

ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 5 of 74

8.8. RESCUE mode [36]............................................................................................................................ 58

9. DIAGNOSTIC and MONITORING ......................................................................................... 60
9.1.1. Diagnostic overview......................................................................................................................................60
9.1.2. ETHERNET Network...................................................................................................................................68
9.1.3. ETHERNET VARIABLES TABLE.............................................................................................................68
10. CHARACTERISTIC VALUES OF THE PROJECT............................................................... 69
10.1. Substitution ..................................................................................................................................... 69
10.2. Braking ............................................................................................................................................ 69
10.3. Mathematical formula for callipers output.................................................................................. 70
10.3.1. Motor and trailer bogie (passive calliper) .....................................................................................................70
10.3.2. Motor bogie Braking force and pressure curve .............................................................................................73
10.4. Mathematical formula for HBI output with Proportional valve ............................................... 74
10.4.1. Pressure Curve : pressure = f( PC current)...................................................................................................74

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the
Company. Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 6 of 74


The purpose of this specification is to describe :

• the hardware interface between the Brake Control Unit for the motor bogie
(BCU) supplied by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT and other equipment supplied
by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT or other parts.
• the hardware interface between the Brake Control Unit for the trailer bogie
(BCU) supplied by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT and other equipment supplied
by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT or other parts.

In a second part, the purpose is as well to specify :

• The software interface between the Brake Control Unit for the motor bogie
(BCU) supplied by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT and other equipment supplied
by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT or other parts.
• The software interface between the Brake Control Unit for the trailer bogie
(BCU) supplied by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT and other equipment supplied
by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT or other parts.

The software engineer will have to check that the BCU hardware is compatible
with the hardware interface described thereunder and that the software considers the
thereafter description. In case of doubt refer to the system engineer.

This document is established for the PROTOTYPE IXEGE project but as the
ALSTOM CITADIS IXEGE is a platform, the hardware specification is generic and
will be used for the future application. The software part could be slightly adapted
from one project to the next one.

The CITADIS IXEGE project is based on vehicle type 304.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

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1.1. Reference Documents

This document takes into account the following reference documents :

• FAIVELEY TRANSPORT Internal specifications:

- General description DT-FR-02251

(Not avalaible for the moment)

- Electric Schemes Motor bogie: SE-FR 02-251 BM Rev.B

Trailer bogie: SE-FR 02-251 BP Rev.C

- Hydraulic Schemes SH-FR 02-251 Demonstrateur Rev.C

- Part lists LH-FR02251_Demonstrateur

-2BM&2BP RevC

- Clause à Clause AT & FT

(Not Avalaible for the moment)
C_CFT_RevA- TRAS451816000 indA _xxx
(Not Avalaible for the moment)
C_CFT_RevA- TRA 000 000 000 indA _xxx
(Not Avalaible for the moment)

• ALSTOM specifications & Drawings

- TRAR451709000 Ind H
Technical Needs Specification
Equipped with iXège Bogie
- LPA-19-00030293_B
Braking Parameters List
Bogie Brake
- TRAS451816000 IndA
Document de Spécification d’Interface Ethernet pour Equipement Invité
- STF-19-00017305 Ind.C
Frein à Disques – Bogies ARPEGE 350 P 1600
- STF-19-00017303 Ind.C
Frein à Disques – Bogies ARPEGE 350 M 1600
- STF-19-00017302 Ind.B
Patin Magnétique
- STF-19-00028694 Ind.A
Patin Magnétique
- PDM-01-00000381 Ind.A
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Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

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Specification Technique
Conditions d’Environnement
- STB-01-00016759 Ind.C
Technical Bogie Specification
Protection of Bogies Parts by Paint Systems
- PEV-19-00000289 Ind.C
Envelop Drawing – Brake Caliper
- PEV-19-00000288 Ind.C
Envelop Drawing _ Brake Disc
- PEV-19-00001992 Ind.C
Envelop Drawing – Magnetic Brake

• Standard requirements

- European standard EN 13452 part 1 and 2 railways applications – Braking –Mass

transit brake systems
- Fire-smoke classification NF F 16-101 and NF F 102, categorie A1.
- European standard EN 50155
- European standard EN V 50121 sections 3.1 and 3.2

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

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1.2. Vehicle configuration

The PROTOTYPE CITADIS IXEGE type 304 is a bidirectional vehicle, divided into
three sections A, B and C; section A and B have trailer bogies and C has the both
motor bogies.

The brakes of the motor bogie are composed by two axles (longitudinal), with one
disk brake on each axle.
The trailer bogie has 2 axles, with two disk brake on each axle.
The mechanical brake system is driven by 4 electro-hydraulic power units (HPU),
one per bogie.
The HPU is driven by a PC valve, and that means, theoricaly, that the pressure is
adjustable on all the range.
But due to the fact that the motor bogie brake control is based on a 4 digits
command, the brake force and the hydraulic pressure on this bogie are graduable on
16 levels. The 4 digits signal can be different on each motor bogie.
On the trailer bogie, the 4-20 mA command allows the brake force and the
hydraulic pressure to be adjustable on all the range but only 16 levels will be used for
this prototype.

Each HPU are equipped with an assistance accumulator that is able to release the
brakes of one bogie at a time when necessary, acting on a selector in the driver cab.

The trailer bogie braking system is composed by two types of brake :

• The mechanical brake on the 2 axles, each one braked by 2 disc plus 2
indirect calliper (controlled by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT).
• 2 Magnetic Track Brakes (not controlled by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT).

The Motor bogie braking system is composed by three types of brake :

• The mechanical brake on the two wheels of one axle, each one braked by one
disc plus one indirect calliper (controlled by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT).
• 2 Magnetic Track Brakes (not controlled by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT).

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80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 10 of 74

• The electrodynamic brake with one by axle (not controlled by FAIVELEY


The blending and substitution functions are provided and drive by the TCMS.
The substitution speed where the electrical brake is replaced by the mechanical
brake is Vs = 3 km/h (adjustable value, only for information in the text).
All the brake request demand at the Friction brake system are managed by the
TCMS, that means by Alstom.

The theoritical weight value of a vehicle “CITADIS EVOLUTION PROTOTYPE –

304 type2400mm width”, defined in the specification LPA-19-00030293_B, is
reported in the following table


ELE 5435 5945 6084 5248

EL4 6818 8004 8162 6631
EL6 7207 8726 8888 7021
EL8 7596 9449 9613 7410

Trailer Motor
bogie bogie
inertia Weight (kg) 467 1150

For each application project, the weight will be reactualized by Alstom and
communicated by Alstom in the shuttle sheet called “Fiche Navette” of each project.
But it is given only to check the brake calculation. The weight has no function in the
brake control system describe under in this document. The weight is only used to do
some calculations to check that we can perform the performances requested.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
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TCMS Train Control and Monitoring System

BCU Brake Control Unit
CPU Central Processing Unit
EH Electrohydraulics
ED ElectroDynamic braking
EMB Emergency Brake
SFB Safety Brake
HBR Holding Brake
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit
PRK-B Parking Brake
TRK Magnetic Track Brake
WSP Wheel Slide Protection
Ethernet Communication software
NSB Normal service Braking
MSB Maximum service Braking

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 12 of 74


This chapter summarises in the first part the main characteristics concerning the
braking system architecture and operations. The second part describes the main
BCU characteristics. A complete description of the signals managed by the BCU is
provided in the chapter dedicated to the brake system interfaces.

2.1. Braking system overview

The CITADIS EVOLUTION PROTOTYPE - 304 Tramway is equipped with 4

bogies: two motor bogies and two trailer bogies coded as BP1, BM1, BM2 & BP2.
According to the type of bogie, the related electrohydraulic systems are different.

The system for the motor bogie is composed as following:

• One hydraulic power unit HPU, containing all the devices (pump, valves,
switches or transducers) necessary to drive and control the pressure into the
brake callipers.
• One electronic control unit BCU, interfacing both the TCMS and the HPU, as
explained more below.
• One electronic power driver Soft Start Module, driving the pump motor into the
• Two discs (one disc per axle)
• Two inverse callipers (one per disc): the braking force is applied by a spring
and the pressure is used to open the pads.
• Some HPU functions, such as isolation or safety brake are directly managed
by the TCMS.

The system for the trailer bogie is composed as following:

• One hydraulic power unit HPU, containing all the devices (pump, valves,
switches or transducers) necessary to drive and control the pressure into the
brake callipers.
• One electronic control unit BCU, interfacing both the TCMS and the HPU, as
explained more below.
• One electronic power driver Soft Start Module, driving the pump motor into the
• Each axle of the trailer bogie is equipped with two disc.
• 4 indirect callipers (one per disc) : the braking force is applied by a spring and
the pressure is used to open the pads.
• Some HPU functions, such as isolation or safety brake are directly managed
by the TCMS.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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ZI Nord – Rue A.Durouchez Date of last issue 18/12/2007

80046 AMIENS Cedex 2 Page 13 of 74

• On the Trailer Bogie:

The BCU receives the braking commands from the TCMS and supplies
diagnostics data. The interface is composed by hardware signals for the brake
control and by information exchanged through a communication network based on
the Ethernet standard for the diagnostic and maintenance.
The BCU controls the applied pressure driving a proportional valve into the HPU in
a continuous mode. In this way it is also able of providing a performing wheel slide
protection (WSP) function.
Some HPU functions, such as isolation or safety brake are directly managed by
the TCMS.
A pressure switch give information of Brake isolated.

• On the Motor Bogie:

The BCU receives the braking commands from the TCMS and supplies
diagnostics data. The interface is composed by hardware signals for the brake
control and by information exchanged through a communication network based on
the Ethernet standard for the diagnostic and maintenance.
The BCU controls the applied pressure driving a proportional valve into the HPU in
a continuous mode.
The WSP process is not managed by the Brake system on the motor bogie. It is
made by Alstom.
Some HPU functions, such as isolation or safety brake are directly managed by
the TCMS.
A pressure switch give information of Brake isolated.

• In General, for all bogies:

Other braking devices available on the vehicle, not controlled by FAIVELEY

• Track brakes
• Electrodynamic brake, available on the motor bogies

Since the trailer bogies are at the extremity of the Tram, the sanding equipment
can be managed by the BCU of those bogies. This function is not controlled by
FAIVELEY TRANSPORT on the motor bogies.

The use of the electrodynamic regenerating brake is maximised due to its energy
regeneration characteristic and the absence of wear. In case of electrodynamic
brake failure or inefficiency, blending and substitution are provided by the TCMS and
send to BCUs.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
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2.2. Hydraulic Scheme

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2.3. Electrical scheme

2.3.1. Motor Bogie Electrical Scheme

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2.3.2. Trailer Bogie Electrical Scheme

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2.4. Brake control

The brake control of the CITADIS EVOLUTION PROTOTYPE - 304 Tramway is of

electrical type. It comprises:

• Train lines (based on 4 digits) for brake level control of motor bogie,
• Train line (based on 4-20 mA) for brake level control of trailer bogie.
• Train line for isolation,
• An emergency loop for emergency braking control,
• A safety loop for safety braking control.

2.5. Braking modes

The braking function of the CITADIS EVOLUTION PROTOTYPE - 304 Tramway

system is composed by the following different braking modes:

• Normal Service brake

• Maximum service brake
• Emergency brake
• Safety brake
• Immobilization brake (holding brake)
• Parking brake
Additional states regarding the brake system are
• Isolation
• FIEF (not for the prototype)
• EFAS (not for the prototype)
• RESCUE mode (only on trailer bogie)

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
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The following table reports the different command combination applied to the HPU
valves, according to the braking modes. The proportional PC valve is driven by the
BCU, whilst the IV valve (safety brake valve) and AV valve (isolation valve) are
driven by the TCMS.

Braking mode IV( safety valve) AV (Isolation PC proportional valve

Traction / Energised De-energised Energised
coasting 110 bar
Service Energised De-energised Energised
Regulating / Fixed Setup
pressure *
Emergency Energised De-energised Energised
Regulating / Fixed Setup
pressure *
Safety De-energised De-energised Energised
Fixed setup pressure
FIEF De-energised De-energised Energised
Fixes setup pressure
Immobilization Energised De-energised Energised
Parking De-energised De-energised De-energised

Isolation Energised Energised Energised

0 bar 110 bar

* Used only for RESCUE mode operation on Trailer Bogie

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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2.5.1. Normal Service brake

The Normal Service Brake is requested by the driver via the manipulator.
In this state the BCU regulate the mechanical braking force as function of the
combinaison of the 4 digits or the 4-20 mA command, send by the TCMS or
the TBCU.
The jerk is managed by a value (adjustable) by a rampe of kN/sec (see
chapter Jerk limitation).
Brake blending and substitution are managed in order to maximise the
use of the electrodynamic brake correlated with the available mechanical
brake force. This function is managed by Alstom.
In normal condition the mechanical brake is not applied when the braking
force request by the manipulator signal, corrected to the load, is less than
In case of one electrodynamic brake is not available the mechanical brake
is applied according the full range of manipulator signal, corrected to the
During service brake state the WSP is active.
The Normal Service Brake without addition of hydraulic braking force is
applied from 0 to 2/3 of the manipulator signal, corrected to the load.
The amount of force applied, according to the demand given by the
controller, is adjusted so that only the motor bogies' brake (essentially
electrodynamic) is active, for any braking level up to normal service braking
(which corresponds to 2/3 of manipulator signal, corrected to the load).

2.5.2. Maximum Service brake

The Maximum Service Brake is requested by the driver via the
manipulator. In this state the BCU regulate the mechanical braking force as
function of the combinaison of the 4 digits or the 4-20 mA command send by
the TCMS or by the TBCU.
The jerk is managed by a value (adjustable) by a rampe of kN/sec (see
chapter Jerk limitation).
Brake blending and substitution are managed in order to maximise the
use of the electrodynamic brake correlated with the available mechanical
brake force. This function is managed by Alstom.
In normal condition, the mechanical brake is applied when the braking
force request by the manipulator signal is more than 2/3 of manipulator
signal, corrected to the load.
In case of one electrodynamic brake is not available the mechanical brake
is applied according the full range of manipulator signal corrected to the load.
During service brake mode the WSP is active.
The Maximum service brake range is applied when the traction brake
controller request an amount of brake upper than the 2/3 of manipulator
signal, corrected to the load.
When the traction / braking controller is brought to a position beyond
normal service braking, the brake is applied in proportion to the controller
position. The BCU then decodes the controller braking demand and
simultaneously controls the brake actuators on the bogie in question.

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2.5.3. Emergency brake

The Emergency brake is provided by the electrodynamic brake blended

with the friction brake plus assistance from the magnetic track-brakes.
The Emergency brake is the strongest braking mode, allowing stopping
the vehicle in the fastest time and the shortest distance. It is requested by
the driver via a special position of the manipulator or by various equipment
(dead man's device, passenger emergency brake, door closure monitoring,
etc.) connected in the emergency loop. The braking force is function of the
vehicle weight but not managed by the FT brake system. The level of braking
force for the emergency brake on trailer bogie and motor bogie is given by
the TCMS or by the TBCU, sending the 4 digits command to the motor bogie
and the 4-20 mA command to the trailer bogie.
The jerk is managed by a value (adjustable) by a rampe of kN/sec (see
chapter Jerk limitation). This value can be different of the service brake,
depending of the Emergency brake satus (EBI signal).
Mechanical brake effort is required at any speed on all bogies.
The Emergency brake is enabled by the signal EBI = 0.
During Emergency brake state the WSP is active.
During Emergency braking state the sand distributors and track brakes are
activated by the TCMS.
During emergency, the brake demand send by the TCMS or by the TBCU
give a corresponding setup of 4 digits to the motor bogie and a current-
controled request (4-20 mA) to the trailer bogie.
Regarding system vehicule point of view, Emergency brake cannot be
interrupted before the vehicle is brought to a standstill. For FAIVELEY
TRANSPORT the braking system executes the 4 digits or 4-20 mA signal
send by the TCMS. The BCU of trailer bogie and motor bogie checks that the
4 digits or 4-20 mA request complies with emergency braking level.

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2.5.4. Safety brake

Safety brake is provided by the friction brake and the magnetic track-
Electrodynamic brake is systematically inhibited during this phase.
The safety brake is the highest priority braking state and is activated by a
hardwired command.
It directly controls the safety solenoid valve (IV) inside bogie HPU.
It is requested by the driver via a red mushroom in the cabine or by an
interruption of the safety loop wiring. The braking force is a fixed value,
according to a mechanical setting into the HPU.
Mechanical brake effort is required at any speed.
The safety brake is enabled by the signal SBI = 0.
During safety Brake State the WSP is not active.
During this braking state the sand distributors and track brakes are
activated by the TCMS.
For safety brake, the safety line (SBI signal) will be switched off during
safety brake, then the HPU safety line will be automatically applied at a
mechanically pre-defined value.
In order to improve the safety by redundancy, Brake demand is
redundanced on the bogie (the BCU send the same setup to the PC valve as
for the setup of the pressure limitor SPR).
Whatever the 4 digits status and current request, SBI signal (Safety
Brake) is the highest priority.

2.5.5. Immobilization brake

The management of the immobilization brake is made by the TCMS and

send to BCU by the 4 digits on the MB. On the TB the immobilization brake
is applied automaticly under 0,5 km/h considering a given rampe. The
management of the immobilization brake on the trailer bogie depend on the
position of the manipulator (signal FN,NT).
Only for information regarding the functioning of the vehicule system, the
immobilization brake (Holding) is performed combining the mechanical
braking of all the bogies for at least one hour. This state is used to leave the
vehicle stopped while it is prepared.
The force gradually applied by immobilization brake is corresponding to
the last manipulator request and adjusted to the weight.
Immobilization brake release, when traction is resumed, is gradual in order
to allow for start-up on gradients.

2.5.6. Parking brake

The parking brake is performed combining the maximum mechanical
braking of the motor bogies and of the trailer bogies. This state is used to
keep the vehicle parked while it is de-prepared and at standstill.

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2.5.7. Isolation

In case of a SSM or HPU malfunctioning, the brake system of bogie can

be isolated by an assistance release function.
As the brake system is of inverse “fail-safe” type on motor and trailer
bogies, should there be any failure, the calliper force would be at its
maximum. In order to release one bogie when required, the HPU integrates
an assistance release function.

The driver must turn ON a switch in the cab defining which bogie he wants
to release. Then, using the AV valve, a 3/2 way valve included into the HPU,
it is possible to connect the assistance chamber of the callipers with the
dedicated assistance accumulator. In this situation, the entire bogie is
released allowing the vehicle to go back to depot in downgraded mode.
The isolation state is activated by the commutation of a dedicated switch
in the cabin, which is coded as the logical signal BIS.

Only 1 bogie at a time must be isolated for safety reasons. If a bogie is

isolated, the vehicle logic (TCMS) must automatically impose a downgraded
mode (speed restriction).

In case of rescue of a vehicle with an other vehicle, it is possible to isolate

electrically all the bogies by action on AV valves on all HPU on each bogie.
The pressure switch ARPS (inside HPU) will give a feedback of the isolation
of the brake on each bogie, even if the power supply of BCU are switch off.

2.5.8. RESCUE Mode (only for Trailer Bogie)

The RESCUE Mode is installed on the prototype. This driving mode is

activated by the driver when the TCMS is no longer available. In this special
degraded case the different braking mode are managed as follow:
NSB and MSB : A fixed setup pressure will be applied to the trailer bogie
corresponding to the average pressure between MSB in ELE and MSB in
EMB : A fixed setup pressure will be applied to the trailer bogie
corresponding to the average pressure between MSB in ELE and MSB in
SFB : A fixed setup pressure will be applied on the trailer bogie in
accordance with the safety line pressure. RESCUE mode as no effect on the
Safety Brake.
Immobilization : Under 0,5 km/h, maximum effort will be applied following
a given rampe on the TB and depending on the position of the manipulator
(signal FN,NT).

N.B.: Whatever the 4 digits status and current command, RESCUE mode
is priority excepted in case of a safety brake request.

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2.5.9. Braking performance TRAM VERSION Normal Mode

Maximal service Emergency

Safety braking
braking braking
Load configuration ELE to EL6* ELE to EL6* ELE to EL6*

Initial speed km/h 80 80 80

Blended braking (ED brake) yes yes no

Magnetic track brake no yes yes

Average deceleration on the stopping distance
m.s-2 N/A N/A N/A
(free run time included)
Equivalent deceleration on the braking
m.s-2 ≥1.4 ≥3.0 ≥1.7
distance according to EN 13 452-1
Maximal jerk m.s 1.2 6 4
Equivalent response time according to EN 13
s 0.85 0.6 0.6
Maximum allowable adhesion level % N/A N/A N/A
WSP Yes No Yes No Yes No
Pressure in brake cylinders controlled by the Yes
Yes No
carbody load No

Wheel new half-worn worn Degraded Mode

In case of loss of one unit of one type, following performances should be

• Service braking: no degradation of performances (see blending rules §8)
• Emergency braking: equivalent deceleration according to EN 13 452-1 > 2.3
A speed restriction can be applied in that case, which shall be determined by
the supplier.

In case of loss of all magnetic track brakes and decrease of mechanical braking
performance of 20%:
• Safety braking: equivalent deceleration according to EN 13 452-1 > 1 m/s²

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France TRAM+ VERSION Normal Mode

Maximal Emergency
Safety braking
service braking braking
Load configuration ELE to EL6* ELE to EL6* ELE to EL6*

Initial speed Km/h 80 100 80 100 100

Blended braking (ED brake) yes yes yes yes no

Magnetic track brake no no yes yes yes

Average deceleration on the stopping
m.s-2 N/A N/A ≥2.8 ≥2.5 N/A
distance (free run time included)
Equivalent deceleration on the braking
distance according to EN 13 452-1 m.s-2 ≥1.4 ≥1 N/A N/A ≥1.6

Maximal jerk m.s-3 1.2 6 4

Equivalent response time according to EN
s 0.85 0.6 0.6
13 452-1
Maximum allowable adhesion level % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
WSP Yes No Yes No Yes No
Pressure in brake cylinders controlled by Yes
Yes No
the carbody load No

Wheel new half-worn worn Degraded Mode

In case of loss of one unit of one type, following performances should be

• Service braking: no degradation of performances (see blending rules §8)
• Emergency braking: equivalent deceleration according to EN 13 452-1 > 2.2
A speed restriction can be applied in that case, which shall be determined by
the supplier.

In case of loss of all magnetic track brakes and decrease of mechanical braking
performance of 20%:
• Safety braking: equivalent deceleration according to EN 13 452-1 > 1 m/s²

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France Immobilization brake

The immobilization brake is realized using service brake. It must ensure the
trainset not to move during one hour in the following conditions:
Load configuration : EL8
Slope (%): 9
Maximal allowable adhesion level (%) : 12
Resistance to rolling and aerodynamic effect
not to be taken into account
by using R=axM-1.6xcV²
Wind speed V (km/h) : 60
Number of isolated bogies : 1
Minimal safety coefficient against rolling : 1,1
Wheel new half-worn worn
With a=1 daN/T and c=0.035 daN/(km/h)²
Moreover, in the case of a rescue operation on line by another car of the same
type, the immobilization brake of the rescuing vehicle must be able to
guarantee that both cars remain at standstill on a 9% slope, without wind, for at
least one hour, with all brakes on the recuing car enabled and all brakes on the
rescued car disabled, both cars being in ELE load status. Parking brake

The parking brake must ensure the train-set not to move in the following
Load configuration : ELE
Slope (%) : 4
Maximal allowable adhesion level (%) : 12
Resistance to rolling and aerodynamic effect
not to be taken into account
by using R=axM-1.6xcV²
Wind speed V (km/h): 60
Number of isolated bogies : 1
Minimal safety coefficient against rolling : 1,1
Wheel new half-worn worn
With a=1 daN/T and c=0.035 daN/(km/h)²

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2.6. Driving mode

The driving mode is defined by means of the driving mode switch located in
driver'cab. The driving mode determines and also defines the behaviour of the
braking equipment according to vehicle configuration i.e. normal or downgraded, but
it is completely managed by the TCMS and the braking system has any information
or status of the driving mode. The braking system applied the request send by the
TCMS which correspond to the 4 digits on the motor bogie and the 4-20 mA on the
trailer bogie.

2.7. Bogie braking control

2.7.1. Trailer Bogie

The local BCU of the trailer bogie braking control equipment performs the
following functions:
The BCU receives and decodes:
• Braking request delivered by the 4-20 mA request
• Detect the Emergency braking
• Detect the Safety braking
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Detect the FIEF and EFAS request (not for the prototype)
• Control of Friction Brake
• WSP function
• Management of Ethernet network interface
• Management of diagnostic information
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes released
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes applied
• Monitoring of the braking failure
• Control of emergency braking
• Management of RESCUE mode

The local SSM of the trailer bogie performs the following functions:
• Control of Hydraulic Power Unit
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Monitoring of failure and diagnostic information (send to the BCU)

The local HPU of the trailer bogie performs the following functions:
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes Isolated

2.7.2. Motor Bogie

The BCU receives and decodes:
• Braking request delivered by the 4 digits request

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• Detect the Emergency braking

• Detect the Safety braking
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Detect the FIEF and EFAS request (not for the prototype)
• Control of Friction Brake
• Management of Ethernet network interface
• Management of diagnostic information
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes released
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes applied
• Monitoring of the braking failure
• Control of emergency braking

The local SSM of each motor bogie performs the following functions:
• Control of Hydraulic Power Unit
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Monitoring of failure and diagnostic information (send to the BCU)

The local HPU of each motor bogie performs the following functions:
• Detect the Isolation Request
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes released
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes applied
• Monitoring of status bogie brakes Isolated

This information should be used to check that the GEMINI II boards allow a
correct interface with these components. Special attention should be given to the
limits (min and max) acceptable by the components.

This document defines as well the number and type of analogue, digital, wire and
bus IN/OUT in order to define the number and type of boards required.

3.1. Braking control equipment architecture


The motor bogie and trailer bogie HPU are controlled by BCU, via train wires
interface and via a Ethernet communication for the maintenance diagnostic.

A soft start module controls the HPU system pressure.

3.2. Signal interface list for Motor and Trailer Bogie

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Signal Description Signal type Characteristics Interface BCU Board No of Sect. Name Contact Note
wires (mm²
SBI Safety Braking Digital Input 1 = No safety braking BCU-VCU Digital Input 1 0.5 SBI X5-2d
Battery referred 0 = Safety braking request
EBI Emergency Brake Digital Input 1 = No emergency braking HPU-VCU Digital Input 1 0.5 EBI X5-8d
Battery referred 0 = Emergency braking request
BIS Bogie Isolated Signal Digital Input 24V = Isolation request HPU-VCU Digital Input 2 1.0 AV B12 FT scheme + AT doc
Battery referred 0v = Isolation not request GNDBAT B6
BIS INFO Bogie Isolation Digital Input 24V = BCU is informed of no BCU-HPU Digital Input 1 0.5 BIS INFO X5-6z FT scheme + AT doc
Information Battery referred Isolation Request via relay
0v = BCU is informed of
Isolation Request
RESCUE Rescue mode Digital Input 1 = Rescue mode BCU-VCU Digital Input 1 0.5 RESCUE X5-18z
Battery referred 0 = Normal mode
NT Coasting to Traction Digital Input 1 = Traction BCU-VCU Digital Input 1 0.5 NT X5-20d
(Neutre > Taction) Battery referred 0 = No traction
FN Brake to Coasting Digital Input 1 = No brake BCU-VCU Digital Input 1 0.5 FN X5-20z
(Frein > Neutre) Battery referred 0 = Brake
P1÷4 Step command code Digital Input See chapter 4.2 BCU-VCU Digital Input 4 0.5 P1 X5-10d Signals used only on motor
(motor bogie only) Battery referred P2 X5-10z bogie
P3 X5-16d
P4 X5-14z
FC1 SSM Fault Code Digital Input Coding FC2 FC1 BCU-SSM Hydraulic 2 0.5 FC1 X3-30z
FC2 Battery referred No fault 1 1 Bogie FC2 X3-28z
Bad PGO 1 0 Interface
MOS output 0 1
HPU duty 0 0
FIEF FIEF Digital Input 1 = TBD BCU-VCU Hydraulic 1 0.5 FIEF X3-26z
Battery referred 0 = TBD Bogie
EFAS EFAS Digital Input 1 = TBD BCU-VCU Hydraulic 1 0.5 EFAS X3-26b
Battery referred 0 = TBD Bogie
Ethernet Bus communication Ethernet Ethernet protocol BCU-TCMS CPU 4+s 0.25 TD+ X1-1 Transmission data +
TD- X1-2 Transmission data –
RD+ X1-3 Receiver data +
RD- X1-4 Receiver data -
Shield Hood Connect to connector hood
MJF1 Major Fault Digital Output (MOS) 1 = absence of MJF BCU-VCU Digital 1 0.5 MJF1 X4-8d
Battery referred 0 = presence of MJF Output
BA1 Brake Applied Digital Output (MOS) 1 = Brake applied BCU -VCU Digital 1 0.5 BA1 X4-16d
Battery referred 0 = Brake not applied Output
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Signal Description Signal type Characteristics Interface BCU Board No of Sect. Name Contact Note
wires (mm²
BR1 Brake Released Digital Output (MOS) 1 = Brake released BCU -VCU Digital 1 0.5 BR1 X4-22d
Battery referred 0 = Brake not released Output
MJF2 Major Fault Digital Output (MOS) 1 = absence of MJF BCU-VCU Digital 1 0.5 MJF2 X4-28d Redundance of the signal for
Battery referred 0 = presence of MJF Output the logic of the tram
BA2 Brake Applied Digital Output (MOS) 1 = Brake applied BCU -VCU Digital 1 0.5 BA2 X4-12d Redundance of the signal for
Battery referred 0 = Brake not applied Output the logic of the tram
BR2 Brake Released Digital Output (MOS) 1 = Brake released BCU -VCU Digital 1 0.5 BR2 X4-26d Redundance of the signal for
Battery referred 0 = Brake not released Output the logic of the tram
SR Sand Request Digital Output (MOS) 1 = Sand request BCU -VCU Digital 1 0.5 SR X4-2z Signals used only on trailer
(trailer bogie only) Battery referred 0 = No sand request Output bogie
PG1 Pressure Gauge 1 Analog Input 4 mA = 0 bar BCU-HPU Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 PG1+ X3-18z Transducer supply (+15V)
(Output pressure) V = 15 Vdc 20 mA = 200 bar Bogie PG1s X3-18b Transducer signal
I = 4-20 mA Interface Shield hood Connected to connector hood
PG1 Pressure Gauge 1 Analog Input 4 mA = 0 bar HPU-BCU HPU 2+s 0.5 PG1+ A7 Transducer supply (+15V)
(Output pressure) V = 15 Vdc 20 mA = 200 bar PG1s A8 Transducer signal
I = 4-20 mA Shield A9 Connected to connector hood
BDC Brake request Analog Input 4 mA = 0 bar BCU-VCU Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 BDC+ X3-16b Signal input
(trailer bogie only) V = 15 Vdc 20 mA = 110 bar Bogie BDC X3-16d Signal reference
I = 4-20 mA Interface Shield hood Connected to connector hood
SS1 Speed Signal axle 1 Frequency BCU-bogie Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 SS1+ X3-8z Transducer insulated supply
(trailer bogie only) Isolated voltage Bogie SS1 X3-8b Signal axle 1
V = 15 V Interface Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
7-14 mA
SS2 Speed Signal axle 2 Frequency BCU-bogie Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 SS2+ X3-6z Transducer insulated supply
(trailer bogie only) Isolated voltage Bogie SS2 X3-6b Signal axle 2
V = 15 V Interface Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
7-14 mA
SS7 Speed Signal axle 7 Frequency BCU-bogie Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 SS1+ X3-4z Transducer insulated supply
(trailer bogie only) Isolated voltage Bogie SS1 X3-4b Signal axle 7
V = 15 V Interface Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
7-14 mA
SS8 Speed Signal axle 8 Frequency BCU-bogie Hydraulic 2+s 0.5 SS2+ X3-2z Transducer insulated supply
(trailer bogie only) Isolated voltage Bogie SS2 X3-2b Signal axle 8
V = 15 V Interface Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
7-14 mA
PC Proportional valve Analog Output 0.8 A = minimum braking force BCU-HPU Hydraulic 2+s 1.0 PC+ X3-24b
Current 0÷0.8 A 0 A = maximum braking force Bogie PC- X3-24d
Interface Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
PC Proportional valve Analog Output 0.8 A = minimum braking force HPU-BCU HPU 2+s 1.0 PC+ B2
Current 0÷0.8 A 0 A = maximum braking force PC- B1
Shield B3 Connected to connector hood
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Signal Description Signal type Characteristics Interface BCU Board No of Sect. Name Contact Note
wires (mm²
RS-232 Data for diagnostic Serial line RS-232 For maintenance only (FT staff) External CPU 3+s 0.25 TX X2-1 Transmission
software terminal RX X2-2 Reception
GND X2-3 Reference
Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
VBAT Battery voltage Battery 24 Vdc 24 Vdc ±30% BCU-body Power 1 2.5 VBAT X6-4 BCU power supply
BCU-body Digital 4 0.5 VBAT X4-2d Supply for signal SR
Output VBAT X4-6d Supply for signal MJF1
VBAT X4-14d Supply for signal BA1
VBAT X4-20d Supply for signal BR1
VBAT X4-30D Supply for signal MJF2
VBAT X4-10D Supply for signal BA2
VBAT X4-24D Supply for signal BR2
BCU-body HBI 1 1.0 VBAT X3-32z Supply for signal PC+
GNDBAT Battery reference Ground - 0 Vdc BCU-body Power 1 2.5 GNDBAT X6-3 BCU power supply
Digital Input 5 0.5 GNDBAT X5-2z Ref. for signals SBI, ID
GNDBAT X5-6d Ref. for signals EBI, BIS
GNDBAT X5-12d Ref. for signals P1, P2
GNDBAT X5-14d Ref. for signals P3, P4
GNDBAT X5-18d Ref. for signals RESCUE,
Traction, No brake, SubSpd
BCU-body Hydraulic 1 1.0 GNDBAT X3-32b Reference to signal PC
Bogie 2 0.5 GNDBAT X3-30b Reference for signal FC1
Interface GNDBAT X3-28b Reference for signal FC2
EARTH Earth point Shields node / BCU-body Power 1 2.5 Earth X6-8
Protection ground Supply
rack 1 2.5 Earth shield point
OUT Motor Pump Digital Output 24 V = running pump SSM-HPU SSM 2 16 OUT+ OUT+
command Battery referred 0 V = not active OUT- OUT-
EN Enable Digital Input 1 = SSM enabled SSM-body SSM 1 0.5 EN J6-1
Battery referred 0 = SSM not enabled
PG0 Pressure Gauge Analog Input 4 mA = 0 bar SSM-HPU SSM 2+s 0.5 VPG J6-10 Supply to transducer
4÷20 mA 20 mA = 200 bar IPG J6-9 Transducer signal
15 V Shield Hood Connected to connector hood
FT scheme (pinout to be
PG0 Pressure Gauge Analog Input 4 mA = 0 bar HPU-SSM HPU 2+s 0.5 VPG B8 Supply to transducer
4÷20 mA 20 mA = 200 bar IPG B7 Transducer signal
15 V Shield B9 Connected to connector hood
FT scheme (pinout to be
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Signal Description Signal type Characteristics Interface BCU Board No of Sect. Name Contact Note
wires (mm²
FC1, 2 SSM Fault Code Digital Output Coding FC2 FC1 BCU-SSM SSM 2 0.5 FC1 J6-3 FT scheme
Battery referred No fault 1 1 FC2 J6-2
Imax = 0.1 A, fused Bad PGO 1 0
MOS output 0 1
HPU duty 0 0
AV Isolation Valve Digital Input 24V = Isolation request HPU-VCU HPU 2 1.0 AV B12 FT scheme
Battery referred 0v = Isolation not request GNDBAT B6
IV Safety Valve Digital Input 24V = No safety braking HPU-VCU HPU 2 1.0 IV B10 FT scheme
Battery referred 0V = Safety braking request GNDBAT B4
ARPS Assistance Release Digital Output 0V = Brake Applied HPU-VCU HPU 3 1.0 ARPS A5 FT scheme
Pressure Switch Battery referred (ARPS\=Signal Not Used) VBAT A11
24V = Brake Released (ARPS) GNDBAT A12
VBAT Battery voltage Battery 24 Vdc 24 Vdc ±30% SSM-body SSM 1 16 V+ V+ Q2 external protection
GNDBAT Battery reference Ground - 0 Vdc SSM-body SSM 1 16 V- V- FT scheme
1 0.5 GNDBAT J6-13 Reference to EN and MS
FT scheme

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4.1. Power supply management

The pump motor of motor bogie HPU is controlled by a soft start device, which is
driven by a pressure sensor PGO.
Depending on the state of the bogie, isolated or not, a signal is sent to the soft
start device, which means that in case of an isolation the soft start device doesn’t
allowed the start of the pump. The function work like this:
An ENABLE input (pin 1) of the soft start device controled by a relay via the bogie
brake isolation signal (AV) (assistance release mode for active calliper), +24V in
normal mode, 0V in assistance release mode, allows the soft start device to enable
or disable the running of the motor.
When the pressure is lower than 108 bars (adjustable) the pressure transducer
gives a level voltage of +24V allowing the soft start device to power on the motor.
When the pressure reaches 145 bars (adjustable) the pressure transducer goes off
to 0V, allowing the soft start device to swich off the motor circuit.
A monitoring signal based on 2 bits (FC1 & FC2) gives a combination of Major
Fault coming from soft start device supplies a warning signal to vehicle logic.

FC2 FC1 Coding

1 1 No Fault
1 0 PGO Sensor KO
0 1 MOS Output
0 0 HPU Duty

In order to protect the motor from over duty, it is necessary, for every running of
the pump, that the running time is less than 45 s (this is a parameter that may be
modified during commissioning). The SOFT START program must then check this
running time and declare a MAJOR FAULT in case of time out longer than 45 s and
the pump must be stopped immediately by putting power off the motor.
For the same reason, it is necessary to check that on 10 sliding minutes, the
running time is less than 25% of the total running time (parameter than can be
modified during commissioning). The SOFT START program must then check this
duty cycle and declare a Major Fault if it is above 25% and the pump must be
stopped immediately by desenergising the motor.
It is also necessary to check that on 10 sliding minutes, the pump doesn’t start
more than 45 times (parameter than can be modified during commissioning). The
SOFT START program must then check this number of start up and declare a Major
Fault if it is more than 45 times and the pump must be stopped immediately by
desenergising the motor.
The SOFT START supplies the failures to the vehicle logic by cut off of the
MAJOR FAULT signal. ( +24V if all is OK, 0V in case of failure)
When a MJF is detected by the SSM, the MJF is send to the TCMS. The activity
of the SSM is then block. To start it again, you need to turn off and on the SSM.

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4.2. Brake effort management

The brake effort callipers are controled by a proportionnel valve PC.

The proportional valve (PC) of the motor bogie HPU is driven by a BCU.
The current of the HBI board of the BCU is controlled by the coding of the four
lines P1, P2, P3 and P4 as given in the table below :

For the Motor Bogie :

Requested 4 Digits Brake Pressure HBI current

torque effort *
4 3 2 1
P4 P3 P2 P1 N bar mA
100% 0 0 0 0 40000 1,0 0
95% 1 0 0 0 38000 3,2 140,3
85% 1 1 0 0 34000 9,7 177,9
80% 0 1 0 0 32000 13,0 196,6
75% 0 1 1 0 30000 16,2 215,4
70% 0 0 1 0 28000 19,5 234,1
65% 0 0 1 1 26000 22,7 252,9
55% 0 0 0 1 22000 29,2 290,4
50% 1 0 0 1 20000 32,5 309,2
45% 1 1 0 1 18000 35,7 327,9
40% 0 1 0 1 16000 38,9 346,7
30% 0 1 1 1 12000 45,4 384,2
20% 1 1 1 1 8000 51,9 421,7
10% 1 1 1 0 4000 58,4 459,2
5% 1 0 1 0 2000 61,7 478,0
0% 1 0 1 1 0 110,0 800

Note : the brake Release pressure for reverse calliper is : P = 110 bars

* Brake Force calliper at one pad

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5.1. Power supply management

The pump motor of trailer bogie HPU is controlled by a soft start device, which is
driven by a pressure sensor PGO.
Depending on the state of the bogie, isolated or not, a signal is sent to the soft
start device, which means that in case of an isolation the soft start device doesn’t
allowed the start of the pump. The function work like this:
An ENABLE input (pin 1) of the soft start device controled by a relay via the bogie
brake isolation signal (AV) (assistance release mode for active calliper), +24V in
normal mode, 0V in assistance release mode, allows the soft start device to enable
or disable the running of the motor.
When the pressure is lower than 108 bars (adjustable) the pressure transducer
gives a level voltage of +24V allowing the soft start device to power on the motor.
When the pressure reaches 145 bars (adjustable) the pressure transducer goes off
to 0V, allowing the soft start device to swich off the motor circuit.
A monitoring signal based on 2 bits (FC1 & FC2) gives a combination of Fault
coming from soft start device supplies a warning signal to BCU.

FC2 FC1 Coding

1 1 No Fault
1 0 PGO Sensor KO
0 1 MOS Output
0 0 HPU Duty

In order to protect the motor from over duty, it is necessary, for every running of
the pump, that the running time is less than 45 s (this is a parameter that may be
modified during commissioning). The SOFT START program must then check this
running time and declare a MAJOR FAULT in case of time out longer than 45 s and
the pump must be stopped immediately by putting power off the motor.
For the same reason, it is necessary to check that on 10 sliding minutes, the
running time is less than 25% of the total running time (parameter than can be
modified during commissioning). The SOFT START program must then check this
duty cycle and declare a Major Fault if it is above 25% and the pump must be
stopped immediately by desenergising the motor.
It is also necessary to check that on 10 sliding minutes, the pump doesn’t start
more than 45 times (parameter than can be modified during commissioning). The
SOFT START program must then check this number of start up and declare a Major
Fault if it is more than 45 times and the pump must be stopped immediately by
desenergising the motor.
The SOFT START supplies the failures to the BCU by cut off of the FAULT
signal. ( +24V if all is OK, 0V in case of failure)
When a MJF is detected by the SSM, the MJF is send to the TCMS. The activity
of the SSM is then block. To start it again, you need to turn off and on the SSM.

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5.2. Brake effort management

The brake effort callipers are controled by a proportionnel valve PC.

The proportional valve (PC) of the trailer bogie HPU is driven by a BCU.
The current of the HBI board of the BCU is controlled by a 4-20 mA signal as
given in the table below :

For the Trailer Bogie :

Requested Currrent Control Brake Pressure HBI

torque (BDC Signal) effort * current
mA N bar mA
100% BDC = 4,5 mA 40000 1,0 0
95% 4,5 mA < BDC = 5,5 mA 38000 3,2 140,3
85% 5,5 mA < BDC = 6,5 mA 34000 9,7 177,9
80% 6,5 mA < BDC = 7,5 mA 32000 13,0 196,6
75% 7,5 mA < BDC = 8,5 mA 30000 16,2 215,4
70% 8,5 mA < BDC = 9,5 mA 28000 19,5 234,1
65% 9,5 mA < BDC = 10,5 mA 26000 22,7 252,9
55% 10,5 mA < BDC = 11,5 mA 22000 29,2 290,4
50% 11,5 mA < BDC = 12,5 mA 20000 32,5 309,2
45% 12,5 mA < BDC = 13,5 mA 18000 35,7 327,9
40% 13,5 mA < BDC = 14,5 mA 16000 38,9 346,7
30% 14,5 mA < BDC = 15,5 mA 12000 45,4 384,2
20% 15,5 mA < BDC = 16,5 mA 8000 51,9 421,7
10% 16,5 mA < BDC = 17,5 mA 4000 58,4 459,2
5% 17,5 mA < BDC = 18,5 mA 2000 61,7 478,0
0% 18,5 mA < BDC = 19,5 mA 0 110 800

Note : the brake Release pressure for reverse calliper is : P = 110 bars

* Brake Force calliper at one pad

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6.1. Introduction

This chapter is made to give the characteristic of all the devices of Hydraulic
Power Unit for Motor & Trailer Bogie

6.2. General Note

the max voltage value is always indicated as 30V, but 24V+30% is 31,2 V or more
according to EN50155 chap
This chapter is defining 0,7U/1,25U as fluctuation limits but as well other larger
fluctuations for small periods of time.
To be clearer it says : minimal voltage : 0.7 U (= 16.8 V), Nominal : U (=24 V),
max voltage : 1,25 U (=30V), fluctuations between 0,6 U (=14,4 V) and 1.4 U (33,6
V) for less than 0.1 s should not generate abnormal behaviour. Fluctuations between
1,25 U (30V) and 1,4 U (33,6V) for less than 1 s can generate abnormal behaviour
but no destruction of the component.

6.3. Pressure sensor PGO interface

Interface type : SSM – analog Input Pressure sensor Acronym : PG0

Note : ID Table :
0 bar corresponds to 4 mA
200 bar corresponds to 20 mA
Precision : +/- 1% max.
Shield required type LIYCY 4 x 0,5 mm²
3 Contacts : +UB, 0V, Ground contacts are power supply, reference,
signal and eventually ground point.
Resistance RL required on UB line, Rlmax = (UB-10V)/20mA
Hydraulic connection : G 1/4” DIN 3852

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30

Min voltage [Volt] 10
Max current [A] 0,020 20 mA
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Max frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance - Not applicable
Inductance - Not applicable

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6.3.1. Pressure sensor PG1 interface

Interface type : BCU – analog input Pressure sensor Acronym : PG1

Note : ID Table :
0 bar corresponds to 4 mA
200 bar corresponds to 20 mA
Precision : +/- 1% max.
Shield required type LIYCY 4 x 0,5 mm²
3 Contacts : +UB, 0V, Ground contacts are power supply, reference,
signal and eventually ground point.
Resistance RL required on UB line, Rlmax = (UB-10V)/20mA
Hydraulic connection : G 1/4” DIN 3852

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30

Min voltage [Volt] 10
Max current [A] 0,020 20 mA
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Max frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance - Not applicable
Inductance - Not applicable

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6.3.2. PC valve interface

Interface type : BCU – HVI board Output pressure control

Acronym : PC1-
Hydro. Fr.
Note : ID Table :
100 bar corresponds to 0.7 A (with a system pressure about 120 bar)
1 bar corresponds to 0 A
Precision and hysteresis : +/- 5 % (less than +/- 5bar)
Power consumption : 32 Watt
Shield required type : a shielded cable is recommended for minimising interference
emission EMI/EMC,3 Contacts : +U, -U, Ground (U is coming from HVI board)
Protection required : Self current
Special Dither signal required for stability of the output
Dead time at 20°C : tbd
Dead time at – 25°C : tbd
Stable position :
Note : Frutigen valve will be used in CITADIS ARPEGE
Mathematical formula : See Chapter about Mathematical Formula

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30 Nominal 24 VDC

Min voltage [Volt] 16,8
Max current [A] 0,8 Exceptional 0,9 mA during 4 sec
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] 120 Nominal value is 200 Hz
Max frequency [Hertz] 280 Nominal value is 200 Hz
Min amplitude Tbd Tbd
Max amplitude Tbd Tbd
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance 18 Ohm At 20°C
Inductance TBD Tbd

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6.3.3. IV Valve interface

Interface type : vehicle wire Safety valve Acronym : IV

Note : ID Table :
3/2 magnet valve
Power consumption : 32 Watt at 20°C
Current corresponding to 24 VDC is 650 mA with a tolerance of ± 75 mA at 20°C : To be
3 Contacts : +, -, Ground
Protection required : Self protection
Dead time at 20°C : tbd
Dead time at – 25°C : tbd
Stable position : tbd

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30 Nominal 24 VDC

Min voltage [Volt] 16,8
Max current [A] 0,8 At 20°C
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Max frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Min amplitude - Not applicable
Max amplitude - Not applicable
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance 35 ± 5 Ω at 20 °C Tb confirmed
Inductance Tbd

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6.3.4. AV Valve interface

Interface type : vehicle wire Isolation Valve Acronym : AV

Note : ID Table :
3/2 magnet valve
Power consumption : 32 Watt at 20°C
Current corresponding to 24 VDC is 650 mA with a tolerance of ± 75 mA at 20°C : To be
3 Contacts : +, -, Ground
Protection required : Self protection
Dead time at 20°C : tbd
Dead time at – 25°C : tbd
Stable position : tbd

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30 Nominal 24 VDC

Min voltage [Volt] 16,8
Max current [A] 0,8 At 20°C
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Max frequency [Hertz] - Not applicable
Min amplitude - Not applicable
Max amplitude - Not applicable
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance 35 ± 5 Ω at 20 °C Tb confirmed
Inductance Tbd

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6.3.5. Motor Pump interface

Interface type : SSM Motor Acronym : M

Note : ID Table :
Max torque : 5 N.m
Max Speed : 3500 rpm at 32 VDC (linear)
Power consumption : 1500 Watt
Nominal current : 60A
Nominal voltage : 24 V
Start up peak : 180 A for 50 ms (Has to be limited)
4 Contacts in, 4 contacts out : 2,5 mm²
Protection required : Relay and soft start
Max duty cycle: S3 < 25%

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 30 Nominal 24 VDC

Min voltage [Volt] 16,8
Max nominal current [A] 70 A At 24 VDC with soft start active
Min current [A] 0
Min frequency [Hertz] Not applicable
Max frequency [Hertz] Not applicable
Min amplitude Not applicable
Max amplitude Not applicable
Standard Hardware - Not applicable
Standard protocol - Not applicable
Resistance Tbd Tbd
Inductance Tbd Tbd


No electrical interface with Caliper.

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6.5.1. Speed sensor interface

Interface type : BCU- Speed Input Single speed sensor Acronym : SS1, SS2,
Board interface SS7,SS8
Note : ID Table :
Output load : *** max
Output level 0 : **** V nominal
Output level 1 : ****V
Edge sharpness : *** µs typical
Precision +/- ****°
Pin A : Shield
Pin B : + power supply in
Pin C : channel 1

Characteristic Value Note

Max voltage [Volt] 15 VDC

Min voltage [Volt] 8 VDC
Max current [A] ****** Nominal consumption 8 mA
Min current [A] ******
Min frequency [Hertz] 1
Max frequency [KHertz] 25KHz
Standard Hardware ******
Standard protocol ******
Resistance ******
Output impedance ****** Ohms
Inductance ******

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7.1. Traction/braking controller

The traction / braking controller is Interfaced to BCU by a 4-20 mA signal on the

trailer bogie and by a 4 digits signal on the motor bogie.

7.2. Wheel Slide Protection (WSP) management

For the Motor bogie,

The Wheel slide protection management is made by Alstom. In this way, the
Faiveley Tranpsort Brake system will react at the command by the modification of the
brake request send by the 4 digits.

For the Trailer bogie,

The WSP is using the proportional valve control and considers the quick reaction
time of hydraulic systems.
The algorithm of the WSP is ensuring an optimisation of the adhesion
The parameters of the WSP will have to be defined during commissionning
(optimum adhesion level, removal of WSP function at low speed), when the valve
increase the pressure to improve adhesion, the software will avoid releasing the
brake completely and limit the increase of the pressure to 60 bar on trailer bogie
(value can be adjustable).
The WSP function will be described in each technical description of each project

7.3. Acquisition and management of speed sensors information

Phonic wheel applicable only for the Trailer bogie.

Characteristics TRAM TRAM +

New wheel diameter* 590 640
Average Wheel diameter 550 600
used in antislide calculation
Wheel worn diameter 510 560
Number of teeth of the 40 40
phonic wheel1
Module of the phonic wheel1 2,5 2,5
Ratio between wheel and 1 1
phonic wheel1

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Criteria to declare a failure Frequency fixed to zero when the bogie

reference speed is different from zero (from
other sensors).
Frequency above the maximum frequency
range and different from other sensors

Nota (*) : Wheel diameter depending of the project application, for each project, AT will
precise the diameter of the wheel to take into account by the “Fiche Navette”. For the first
release of the soft, the parameters of version TRAM + must be considered.
: Parameters that can be modified depending on project.

7.4. Management of sanding

The sanding management is not a part of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT equipment for
the motor bogie. On the trailer bogie the BCU can manage the sanding request.

7.5. Magnetic track brake

There is no interface with FAIVELEY TRANSPORT electronics. The status of
magnetic track brakes is not known by the braking equipment supplied by FAIVELEY

7.6. Circuit protection

HPU motor isolation circuit breaker : Fuse Imax 80A

HPU isolation circuit breaker : 24V 5A

BCU supply circuit breaker : 24V Imax 5A

Input ouput signals circuit breaker : 24V 5A

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Nota : signal brake applied = BA1 and BA2
signal brake release = BR1 and BR2
signal MJF = MJF1 and MJF2

8.1. Main requirements

Description of the different status of BCU for the Trailer Bogie and Motor Bogie.

• Functions of electronic braking system.

• Control of the friction brake.
• Antislide function (only on trailer bogie).
• Control of the brake status. BA/BR
• Failures Detection and storing.
• Transmission of the failure signals in cab.
• Help functions for driving and maintenance.
• Manage jerk function

8.2. System start up

8.2.1. Power up [00]

At power up, the BCU checks the system before starting it up. The system start up
is done only if the following conditions are verified :

8.2.2. BCU Configuration [01]

Checking of configuration

• Checking of BCU interface BUS.

• Checking of EPROM checksum.
• Checking of ETHERNET board interface.
If the vehicle logic does not communicate with the BCU within
20 s and if no major fault is recorded, the test can go on to the next
steps. In such a situation, the minor fault will not be sent through the
communication line for tests that require the availability of the
communication line.
• Checking of the ETHERNET network data base.

8.2.3. Initialisation [02]

• During initialisation sequence the output Major fault signal is maintained
to 0 to prevent departure before checking of all information, till the end
of the sequence :

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Output MJF = 0

• Checking of HPU informations.

• The failure signals are set according to the possible failures.
• Checking of vehicle informations.
• The failure signals are set according to the possible failures.

• The BCU checks the status of AV valve.

1 Check if Brake isolation information (BIS) = 0 (checking if AV valve is de-


1 Else
Wait for Brake isolation information (BIS) =0
1 End

• The BCU checks the status of IV valve.

2 Check if safety brake line = 1 (checking if IV valve is energised)

2 Else
Wait for Safety Line = 1
2 End

• The BCU checks the functioning of PC valve.

Set PC valve current to 0

Wait 5 seconds

2 Test PC Valve feedback = 0 mA

if not : set PC Valve out of order = 1
set ETHERNET signal Major Fault MJF
2 Else
Reset PC Valve out of order
Reset ETHERNET signal Major Fault MJF
2 End

3 Check if PG1 < 8 bar

Set signal brake applied
Reset ETHERNET signal Major Fault MJF
3 Else
Set ETHERNET signal Major fault MJF
Set signal brake not applied

3 End
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Note : When a MJF is detected the initialisation of BCU continues and the
error name (for example PC valve out of order) is kept in memory.


PC Valve out of order

ETHERNET signal Minor Fault MIF
ETHERNET signal Major fault MJF
Brake isolation information (BIS)
signal brake applied
Output signal Major fault

8.2.4. End of initialisation [03]

• If no error happened during initialisation procedure

- Output signal Major fault is set to 1 : MJF= 1
- ETHERNET signal MJF is set to 0.
• If all the initialisation sequence is correct, the BCU performs setting the
correct current in the PC valve according to 4-20 mA signal (or 4 digits)
send by the TCMS.
• The BCU is ready to operate according ETHERNET signals status and
4-20 mA signal (or 4 digits).
• If an error happen during initialistion
- Output signal Major fault is set to 0 : MJF = 0
- ETHERNET signal MJF1 is set to 1.
- Error name appearing on the screen
- Wait for the MJF to be clear

8.2.5. Main Loop [04]

Nota : Proposal FT, Must be discuss and confirm by AT.

8.2.6. ETHERNET Network board control [05]

Must be implemented after discussion with AT in accordance with the protocol.

8.2.7. BCU Version [06]

Reading of BCU software number

Storing of BCU software number on ETHERNET port nn

Reading of BCU software release

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Storing of BCU software release on ETHERNET port nn

8.2.8. Date and time [07]

The date and time informations are received via ETHERNET bus. This allows
setting of the correct date and time for the failure and monitoring informations.

Reading memory YEAR in ETHERNET PC data

Storing data YEAR in local BCU memory

Reading memory MONTH in ETHERNET PC data

Storing data MONTH in local BCU memory

Reading memory DAY in ETHERNET PC data

Storing data DAY in local BCU memory

Reading memory HOUR in ETHERNET PC data

Storing data HOUR in local BCU memory

Reading memory MINUTE in ETHERNET PC data

Storing data MINUTE in local BCU memory

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8.3. Braking mode

8.3.1. Immobilization brake [8]

The BCU has no idea of this braking status and only apply the braking request
send the 4 digits on the MB. On the trailer bogie, under 0,5 km/h, maximum effort is
applied following a rampe. The management of the immobilization brake on the
trailer bogie depend on the position of the manipulator (signal FN,NT).

Diagnostic corresponding to the mode

Reading of pressure sensor PG1

If pressure PG1 > 80 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 1
If pressure PG1 < 38 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 1
signal brake released = 0
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 0.

8.3.2. Normal mode Service brake [9]

The service brake is demanded by the driver via traction/braking controller. In this
braking mode the BCU sets the brake effort according to the traction/braking
controller send by the TCMS via the 4-20 mA signal or the 4 digits.
The BCU has no idea of this braking status

Diagnostic corresponding to the normal mode

Reading of pressure sensor PG1

If pressure PG1 > 80 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 1
If pressure PG1 < 38 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 1
signal brake released = 0
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 0.

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8.3.3. Emergency brake [10]

The emergency braking is the strongest braking mode, allowing the stopping of
the vehicle in the shortest time and the shortest distance.
Emergency braking is performed by the driver with the traction braking controller
pulled down beyond the maximum brake position or by safety device or automatic
driving (dead man, doors etc). Emergency braking whatever the device that triggers it
(master controller, dead man's device, etc.) cannot be interrupted before the vehicle
is brought to a standstill. The position of emergency braking is notched and stable.
The BCU receives the hard wire train line EBI. The WSP is active. To guarantee the
application of the emergency brake, the following function is used :

If EBI= 0 and SBI = 1 (Emergency brake on)

Application of Maximum effort between: 4-20 mA signal (or 4 digits) and
Emergency braking effort for an empty load case*.

Diagnostic :

Reading of pressure sensor PG1

If pressure PG1 > 80 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 1
If pressure PG1 < 38 ± 2,5 bar
signal brake applied = 1
signal brake released = 0
signal brake applied = 0
signal brake released = 0.

* This last value can be modified depending on project.

8.3.4. Safety brake [11]

The safety brake signal is generated by a mushroom in the driver's cab. Other
safety devices are connected in series to the safety wired loop and can activate the
The safety brake is performed directly by TCMS by sending on a signal
desenergising the IV valve of the HPU. The BCU receives the hard wire SBI train
line, It sets the PC valve current at set value corresponding to the safety brake level
(32 bar) as a redundancy of the HPU safety brake action. The braking level is not
corrected to the load. The WSP is disabled.

1 If safety brake input =0

Apply the brake with safety braking value no corrected to the load.
The brake is directly applied by sending on a signal desenergising

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the HPU IV. The BCU sets the safety predetermined value
(adjustable) in the PC valve :
I PC = I(309 mA)
Disable WSP

Wait 5 seconds (adjustable)

2 Check if < 38 ± 2,5 bar

Set signal Brake released = 0.
Set signal Brake Applied = 1.
2 Else
Set signal Brake Released = 1
Set signal Brake Applied = 0.
Set ETHERNET signal Major Fault =1
Set output Major Fault = 0

1 Else


signal Brake Applied : BA

signal Brake Released : BR
Output Major Fault MJF
ETHERNET signal Major Fault : MJF

8.4. Vehicle status

The BCU doesn’t know any status of the vehicule and only react to the 4-20 mA
signal (or 4 digits) send by the TCMS.

8.5. Brake management

8.5.1. Brake effort calculation [23]

A brake demand value is calculated in order to regulate the braking pressure in

the brake callipers via the PC valve. This internal variable is calculated in relationship
with the 4-20 mA (or 4 digits) signal coming from the TCMS.

8.5.2. Brake Status management [24]

Checking of brake status

Check if PG1 < 38 ± 2,5 bar

Set signal Brake Released = 0.
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Set signal Brake Applied = 1.

Else if PG1 > 80 ± 2,5 bar
Set signal Brake Released = 1.
Set signal Brake Applied = 0.
Set signal Brake Released = 0
Set signal Brake Applied = 0.


signal BA Brake Applied.

signal BR Brake Released

8.5.3. Checking of the safety brake pressure [26]

The BCU checks if the brake pressure (PG1) functions properly to ensure the
safety braking.

1 Check if SBI line =0 (safety brake on)

2 Check if average brake pressure PG1 > 38 ± 2,5 bar (adjustable)

Set ETHERNET signal High safety brake pressure
HSP = 1
Set Output major fault MJF = 0
Set ETHERNET signal major fault MJF= 1
2 Else
Reset ETHERNET signal High safety brake pressure
HSP = 0
Reset Output major fault MJF
Reset ETHERNET signal major fault MJF
1 Else


ETHERNET signal High safety brake pressure HSP = 0

Output major fault MJF
ETHERNET signal major fault MJF

8.5.4. Checking of the emergency brake pressure [27]

The BCU checks if the brake pressure (PG1) functions properly to ensure the
emergency brake.

1 Check if EBI line = 0 (emergency brake on)

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2 Check if average brake pressure PG1 > Emergency brake

pressure fort empty load case (adjustable) during a fixed time
Set ETHERNET signal High emergency brake
pressure HEP = 1
Set Output major fault MJF = 0
Set ETHERNET signal major fault MJF= 1
2 Else
Reset ETHERNET signal High emergency brake
pressure HEP = 0
Reset Output major fault MJF
Reset ETHERNET signal major fault MJF
1 Else


ETHERNET signal High emergency brake pressure HEP = 0

Output major fault MJF
ETHERNET signal major fault MJF

8.5.5. Trailer and Motor bogie Isolation [28]

The isolation state allow, in case of problems, the driver to isolate the trailer or
motor bogie brake by means of a switch situated in the cab. Only one bogie can be
isolated at a time to keep the braking power. The speed of the vehicle has to be
limited at the safety value 80 km/h.
The isolating switch switches on directly the HPU AV valve by using the BIS signal
(Bogie Isolation Request). The information of isolation is then send to the BCU and
SSM via BIS INFO (Bogie Isolation Information) to stop the functioning of the motor
pump and sets the PC valve current to 800 mA.
This procedure has to be done in immobilization state.

1 If BIS INFO bogie isolation signal = 1

Set the PC valve current to 800mA : IPC = 800

Wait 10 seconds (adjustable)

2 If brake pressure PG1 < 80 ± 2,5 bar.

Set signal bogie isolation procedure not correct
Set signal MJF = 1
Set Output signal MJF = 0
2 Else
Reset signal bogie isolation procedure not correct
Reset signal MJF
Reset Output signal MJF
1 Else
Reset signal bogie isolation procedure not correct
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Reset signal
Reset Output signal


Signal bogie isolation procedure not correct

Signal MJF
Output signal MJF

8.5.6. PC Valve circuit Control [29]

• Checking of the PC valve interface

Wait for a stabilized current during 5s

Compare current command = ( current measure ± delta current ) adjustable

if current driving HPU PC valve is not correct

Set ETHERNET signal Current to PC valve out of order = 1
Set Output MJF = 0
Reset ETHERNET signal Current to PC valve out of order = 0
Reset Output MJF

Wait for a stabilised control current during 5s.


Delta current
Delta pressure
Current to PC valve out of order

8.5.7. Control of digital outputs [30]

The BCU checks if the digital output functions correctly.

Check if the output MJF signal is out of order

Set the ETHERNET signal MJF signal out of order = 1
Reset the ETHERNET signal MJF signal out of order = 0

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ETHERNET signal MJF signal out of order

8.5.8. Pressure sensor control [31]

The BCU check if the measurement of pressure sensors PG1 give a value in the
pressure range

Checking of pressure sensor PG1

If measure of pressure PG1 > maximum value (adjustable) t ≥ 5s
Set ETHERNET signal PG 1 out of range = 1
Reset ETHERNET signal PG1 out of range = 0

If measure of pressure PG1 < minimum value (adjustable) t ≥ 5s

Set ETHERNET signal PG1 out of range = 1
Reset ETHERNET signal PG1 out of range = 0

Diagnostic parameters

Low threshold current = 2 mA (< 0 bar)

High threshold current = 18 mA ( P> 175 bars)
Temps ≥ 5 second (adjustable)
ETHERNET signal PG1 out of range

8.5.9. Parameters [32]

The different adjustable parameters used by BCU could not be modified by the
maintenance tool system. They will be determined during Commissioning and
integrated in the internal BCU memory.

The BCU will be designed from the outset with a 10% margin for future add-ons
(particularly for inputs/outputs, and consequently, if need be, software may also be
designed with 10% margin for update.

8.6. Wheel slide protection

8.6.1. Axle speed sensor control [33]

Only on the trailer bogie, the BCU manages the signals coming from the speed
sensors of the trailer bogie during vehicle runnig.
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SS1 correspond to axle 1 (fist axle of BP1)
SS2 correspond to axle 2 (second axle of BP1)
SS3 correspond to axle 7 (fist axle of BP2)
SS4 correspond to axle 8 (second axle of BP2)

• Checking of speed sensor and speed sensor interface

If speed sensor SS1 failure
Set SS1 failure = 1
Set signal Minor Fault = 1
Reset SS1 failure = 1
Reset signal Minor Fault

If speed sensor SS2 failure

Set SS2 failure = 1
Set signal Minor Fault = 1
Reset SS2 failure = 1
Reset signal Minor Fault

If speed sensor SS7 failure

Set SS7 failure = 1
Set signal Minor Fault = 1
Reset SS7 failure = 1
Reset signal Minor Fault

If speed sensor SS8 failure

Set SS8 failure = 1
Set signal Minor Fault = 1
Reset SS8 failure = 1
Reset signal Minor Fault


- ETHERNET signal SS1 failure

- ETHERNET signal SS2 failure
- ETHERNET signal SS7 failure
- ETHERNET signal SS8 failure
- ETHERNET signal Minor Fault

8.6.2. WSP function [34]

Only on trailer bogie:
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• Wheel Speed measurement.

• Wheel integrity control.

• Average speed calculation.

• Reference speed calculation.

• Virtual Reference speed calculation.

• Acceleration and deceleration calculation.

• Calculation of the axle speed difference with vehicle speed reference.

• Checking of the brake released time and inhibition of the WSP function and
brake resumed if the timing excess a safety timing. This timing is re-initialised if
the brake demand ends or if the vehicle stops.

• Checking of the brake mode to validate or inhibit the antislide functioning.

1 If safety brake input SBI = 0

Antislide inhibited
1 Else
WSP validated

1 If reference speed > 3km/h (adjustable)

2 If slide detected
Reduce brake effort by I PC 
Arm timing
2 Else
1 Else
Resume I PC


ETHERNET signal Minor Fault


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8.7. OVER SHOOT function [35]

In order to reduce the pressure rise time and to compensate for the pressure load
loss, it must be integrated a current 'over shoot" on the PC1 current command at
each transition from 800 mA to a current value different of 800 mA.
For exemple 215 mA (corresponding to 16 bars) during 250 ms before to come
back to normal set value (the both values will be adjustable during test ).

PC1 current

800 mA


250 ms

Checking of PC1 current command transition 800 to a value different of 800

If PC1 current command value at (ti –1) = 800
If PC1 current command value at (ti) < 800
Set PC1 current = 215 mA (16 bars)
Set timing counter to 250 ms
If timing counter = 0
Set PC1 current = set value according to the brake

8.8. RESCUE mode [36]

The RESCUE mode allows the Tram to run without computer network (No
TCMS). Used only on the trailer bogie.

1 if RESCUE mode = 1

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2 if FN = 1 and NT = 1 (Manipulator in traction)

3 if EBI = 1 and SBI = 1
No Braking effort
3 Else if EBI = 0 and SBI = 1 (Emergency brake on)
Emergency brake effort with maximum load
3 Else if EBI = 1 and SBI = 0 (Safety brake on)
Safety Brake effort (32 bar for the

2 Else if FN = 1 and NT = 0 (Manipulator in coasting)

3 If speed > 0,5 km/h and EBI = 1 and SBI = 1
No Braking effort
3 Else If speed ≤ 0,5 km/h and EBI = 1 and SBI = 1
Maximum effort following a rampe
Maximum effort if speed = 0
3 Else if EBI = 0 and SBI = 1 (Emergency brake on)
Emergency brake effort with maximum load
3 Else if EBI = 1 and SBI = 0 (Safety brake on)
Safety Brake effort (32 bar for the

2 Else if FN = 0 and NT = 0 (Manipulator in braking)

3 if speed > 0,5 km/h EBI = 1 and SBI = 1
average pressure between MSB in ELE and
MSB in EL6.
3 Else If speed ≤ 0,5 km/h and EBI = 1 and SBI = 1
Maximum effort following a rampe
Maximum effort if speed = 0
3 Else if EBI = 0 and SBI = 1 (Emergency brake on)
Emergency brake effort with maximum load
3 Else if EBI = 1 and SBI = 0 (Safety brake on)
Safety Brake effort (32 bar for the

2 Else if FN = 0 and NT = 1 (incoherence)

Set Output MJF = 0
Braking force on TB = TBD

1 Else if RESCUE mode = 0

No RESCUE mode activated, normal use of braking

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9.1.1. Diagnostic overview

The BCU integrates manual and automatic test devices to detect faults and store
them in a non-volatile memory. The diagnostic informations are saved with the
appropriate date and time in the event of the loss of power supply.
The major fault are detected and immediately reported to TCMS via ETHERNET
network and train line.

A 4 digits display and 4 push-buttons compose the user interface; they are placed
on the BCU front panel.
The 4_digit display is an alphanumeric one and the 4 push button are called P1,
P2, P3 and P4. Their functions are the followings :

1. Fault list displaying :

- command sequence is : P2, P1, P1

- P4 restores the default status.

2. Release displaying

- command sequence is : P2, P1, P2

- P4 restores the default status.

The push button arrangement on the BCU front panel is represented here below :

P1 P2

P3 P4

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France Effect of failure on the brake system

• Failure in the ETHERNET interface

TCMS loses the detailed diagnostic from the BCU. Faults are stored into the BCU
non-volatile memory. Major fault is signalled by hardwire signal output MJF.
The control is always active with the hardwire train lines. WSP stays active.

• Failure in the hydraulic bogie interface

A failure in the hydraulic bogie interface, PC signal, entails the loss of control of
the proportional valve. The brake cannot work properly. The failure is signalled to the
driver. The bogie brake must be isolated by the driver.

A failure in the hydraulic bogie interface, PG1 signal, entails the loss of the brake
effort pressure signal. The brake control is still available. The BCU loses calliper
status. The brake is still available but the application can not be monitored. Failure is
signalled to the TCMS. The driver must isolate the bogie.

A failure in the hydraulic bogie interface, speed sensor signal, entails the loss of
the WSP function on the faulty channel. The failure is signalled to the driver. The
driver can continue the journey with a limited speed.
If more than one channel is faulty the reference speed cannot be calculated and
the WSP function becomes out of service. The driver must isolate the bogie. Failure
is signalled to the driver.

A failure in the hydraulic bogie interface, BDC signal or 4 digits signal, entail the
loss of the brake command. The brake cannot work properly. The failure is signalled
to the driver. The bogie brake must be isolate by the driver, unless RESCUE mode is

• Failure in digital output interface

A Failure in digital output interface entails the loss of brake calliper status (Brake
Applied / Brake Release). The brake control remains still. The driver must isolate the
bogie brake.
A failure in the digital output major Fault indication entails the hard-wired
transmission of the signal, but it remains nevertheless available on ETHERNET bus.

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France Status and Error list

This table lists the name of status, minor fault and major fault informations.

Code Type Delay

Life BCU
signal Major Fault MJF Info
signal Minor fault Info
signal Brake Applied Info
signal Brake released Info
High safety brake pressure HSP (PG1) MJF
High emergency brake pressure HEP (PG1) MJF
MOS Output (SSM) MJF
signal HPU pump duty cycle MJF
signal PG0 sensor KO MJF
signal PG1 out of range MJF
Current to PC valve out of order MJF 400
SS1 failure * MIF
SS2 failure
SS7 failure
SS8 failure
ETHERNET board not correctly programmed
MJF1 and MJF2 signal out of order MJF
BCU software & release number **
Calliper Pressure PG1 not matching with PC MJF
BA1 and BA2 signal out of order MJF
BR1 and BR2 signal out of order MJF
Bogie Isolation procedure not correct MJF

Nota : Preliminary proposal diagnostic fault table. Must be discuss and

confirmed between AT & FT.

* MIF if one speed sensor failed, MJF if more then one speed sensor failed.
** BCU software & release number if requested by ALSTOM

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• BCU monitoring and error analysis

The monitoring informations are classified into 3 categories : status informations,

minor fault informations and major fault informations.
The major fault causes a signalling to the driver during the mission. The
complementary faults causes a signalling to the driver at the end of the mission and
the monitoring information are used only for diagnostic and maintenance. Status informations

The status informations are divided into 2 parts. First the informations that are
transmitted to the vehicle network and second the informations that stay in memory
for maintenance purpose.

Life BCU Bit

Must be discussed with ALSTOM

This information is available on the ETHERNET network.

signal Brake Applied

The BCU sets the bit Brake Applied when the pressure measured by PG1 is lower
than 32 ± 2,5 bar (adjustable).

This information is available on the ETHERNET network.

signal Brake released

The BCU sets the bit Brake released when the pressure measured by PG1 is
higher than 80 ± 2,5 bar (adjustable).

This information is available on the ETHERNET network.

BCU software number

The BCU sets the software and release number.

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France Minor fault informations

signal Minor fault

When the BCU detects a Minor Fault in the brake system, it sets and transmits the
MIF signal bit with the related fault code to the TCMS via the ETHERNET bus.
Simultaneously a corresponding diagnostics message is sent through one of the
bits of the diagnostic words.

Functional consequence on the system.

The consequences are limited, and do not involve safety working.

SS1 failure

A failure of the speed sensor 1 or speed channel was detected.

The BCU detected a failure of the speed sensor 1 or the corresponding channel of
the speed input board.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The WSP channel is inactive.

The BCU sets the MIF.
The fault is recoverable.

SS2 failure

A failure of the speed sensor 2 or speed channel was detected.

The BCU detected a failure of the speed sensor 2 or the corresponding channel of
the speed input board.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The WSP channel is inactive.

The BCU sets the MIF.
The fault is recoverable.

SS7 failure

A failure of the speed sensor 3 or speed channel was detected.

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The BCU detected a failure of the speed sensor 3 or the corresponding channel of
the speed input board.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The WSP channel is inactive.

The BCU sets the MIF.
The fault is recoverable.

signal SS8 failure

A failure of the speed sensor 4 or speed channel was detected.

The BCU detected a failure of the speed sensor 4 or the corresponding channel of
the speed input board.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The WSP channel is inactive.

The BCU sets the MIF.
The fault is recoverable.

ETHERNET board not correctly


After the Initialisation state the ETHERNET board database is faulty.

After the Initialisation state the BCU detects a failure in the programming of the
ETHERNET board database :

• Functional consequence on the system :

A MIF is set. The fault is not recoverable. Major fault informations

signal Major Fault MJF

When the BCU detects a Major Fault in the brake system, it sets and transmits the
MJF signal bit with the related fault code to the TCMS via the ETHERNET bus.
Simultaneously a corresponding diagnostics message is sent through one of the
bits of the diagnostic words.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The brake is out of service and the vehicle speed has to be limited according to
the type of fault.
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High safety brake pressure HSP

The brake pressure value (PG1) measured during the safety application was
above the maximal acceptable threshold

Functional consequence on the system.

Safety brake performances cannot be ensured, so the BCU sets the Major Fault.
This fault is recoverable. The vehicle speed has to be limited.

High emergency brake pressure


The brake pressure value (PG1) measured during the emergency application was
above the maximal acceptable threshold

Functional consequence on the system.

Emergecy brake performances cannot be ensured, so the BCU sets the Major
Fault. This fault is recoverable. The vehicle speed has to be limited.

MOS Output (SSM)

The maximum system pressure is not reached after 45 seconds of pump

The BCU requests the pump running until the pressure read by PG0 transducer is
lower than 145 bar. After 45 seconds of continuously running the SSM command is

Functional consequence on the system.

The hydraulic pressure system is no longer available. The brake is not

operational. The MJF is set. The vehicle speed has to be limited.

The fault is not recoverable.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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Signal HPU pump duty cycle

The pump was switched on more than 45 times or for longer than 25% in the last
10 minutes.
The BCU requests the pump running when the pressure read by PG0 transducer
is lower than 108 bar. Each command and its duration are recorded, verifying to be
within the limits. If they are exceeded the SSM command is disabled.

Functional consequence on the system.

The hydraulic pressure system is no longer available. The brake is not

operational. The MJF is set. The vehicle speed has to be limited.

The fault is not recoverable.

Signal PGO out of range

This error is detected when the SSM read a value of current out of scale of
measure for a time at least of 5 seconds.

Low threshold = 2 mA (pressure value < 0 bar)

High threshold = 18 mA (pressure value > 175 bar)

Functional consequence on the system.

The hydraulic system pressure is no longer available. The BCU cannot manage
the system pressure. A Major Fault is set.

Signal PG1 out of range

This error is detected when the BCU read a value of current out of scale of
measure for a time at least of 5 seconds.

Low threshold = 2 mA (pressure value < 0 bar)

High threshold = 18 mA (pressure value > 175 bar)

Functional consequence on the system.

The Calliper brake pressure is no longer available. The BCU cannot manage the
brake status. A Major Fault is set.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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MJF signal out of order

The BCU has detected a failure in the output circuit of BCU output Major Fault.

• Functional consequence on the system.

The information Major fault is still available on ETHERNET bus.

Current to PC valve out of order

The current driving the HPU proportional valve is not correct and it does not
control the callipers properly

The feedback value of the current corresponding to the force calculated by the
BCU is not correct, so it is not possible to control the brake in the proper way.

Functional consequence on the system.

The BCU sets the MJF.

The brake has to be isolated. The fault is recoverable.

The vehicle speed has to be limited.

9.1.2. ETHERNET Network

Monitoring features are performs by means of an hardwire signal MAJOR FAULT

MJF and by the ETHERNET communication network.

The protocol of communication will be in accordance with the AT specification

“Spec interface equt invités ethernet TRAS451816000 indA”

Must be finalized after discussion between AT & FT.


The protocol of communication will be in accordance with the AT specification

“Spec interface equt invités ethernet TRAS451816000 indA”

Must be finalized after discussion between AT & FT.

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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These parameters could be modified during commissionning.

10.1. Substitution

Gradient for increase of friction 16 kN/s per

brake bogie(adjustable)

10.2. Braking

Deactivation speed of WSP 5 km/h

(adjustable) or safety
brake request
Emergency braking pressure at
Empty Load case
Emergency braking pressure at
Maximum Load case
RESCUE mode braking pressure See chapter 8.8

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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10.3. Mathematical formula for callipers output

10.3.1. Motor and trailer bogie (passive calliper) Motor and trailer bogie output force per calliper at pads :

The output force calculation formula for motor bogie (passive calliper ) is :

F [daN] = [3323 – (51,2 x P)] x 1,267 x 0,95

3323 : (daN) internal spring effort

51,2 : (cm²) active piston area
1,267 : internal calliper amplification
0,95 : calliper efficiency Motor and trailer bogie output force at wheel rim per bogie

The wheel rim force calculation formula for motor bogie (passive calliper) is:

 (n × c × r × calliper _ effort ) 
Wheel Rim Force =  


( )
r: 0,166 m braking radius
d: 0,61 m wheel diameter
c: 0,35 friction coefficient
n: 4 or 8 number of disc faces per bogie
calliper effort : calliper effort at pad

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
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France Motor bogie braking force table according PC current

This table gives the brake calliper effort and the brake force at wheel rim
according to the PC current.

Current Pressure Calliper Braking Requeste

(mA) (Bar) effort* force/bogie d Torque
(kN) (kN) (%)
0 1,0 40 30,5 100%
140,3 3,2 38 29,0
177,9 9,7 34 25,9
196,6 13,0 32 24,4
215,4 16,2 30 22,9 75%
234,1 19,5 28 21,3
252,9 22,7 26 19,8
290,4 29,2 22 16,8
309,2 32,5 20 15,2 50%
327,9 35,7 18 13,7
346,7 38,9 16 12,2
384,2 45,4 12 9,1
421,7 51,9 8 6,1 20%
459,2 58,4 4 3,0
478,0 61,7 2 1,5
800 110 0 0,0 0%

Tolerance ± 100 daN.

* Brake Force calliper at one pad

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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France Trailer bogie braking force table according PC current

This table gives the brake calliper effort and the brake force at wheel rim
according to the PC current.

Current Pressure Calliper Braking Requested

(mA) (Bar) effort* force/bogie Torque (%)
(kN) (kN)
0 1,0 40 61,0 100%
140,3 3,2 38 57,9
177,9 9,7 34 51,8
196,6 13,0 32 48,8
215,4 16,2 30 45,7 75%
234,1 19,5 28 42,7
252,9 22,7 26 39,6
290,4 29,2 22 33,5
309,2 32,5 20 30,5 50%
327,9 35,7 18 27,4
346,7 38,9 16 24,4
384,2 45,4 12 18,3
421,7 51,9 8 12,2 20%
459,2 58,4 4 6,1
478,0 61,7 2 3,0
800 110 0 0,0 0%

Tolerance ± 100 daN.

* Brake Force calliper at one pad

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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10.3.2. Motor bogie Braking force and pressure curve

The curves below show the pressure in the motor bogie brake calliper and the
braking effort at wheel rim according to the controled current of the PC valve.

Motor Bogie IXEGE Citadis

braking force & pressure = f(HBI current)



braking force (kN) et pressure (b)



braking force





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

current (mA)

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.
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10.4. Mathematical formula for HBI output with Proportional valve

The valve used for the brake control is FRUTIGEN type.

The mathematical formula for Output pressure per proportional valve Frutigen is :

P [bar] = f(I) [mA]

P [bar] = (0,173 × I [mA] − 21,036)

10.4.1. Pressure Curve : pressure = f( PC current)

Trailer Bogie ARPEGE Citadis

pressure = f( PC Frutigen current)





pressure (b)


60 pressure





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
current (mA)

This document is copyright and property of FAIVELEY TRANSPORT. It cannot be used for the construction of the object. It must not be copied (in whole or in part) without prior written comment of the Company.
Any copies of this document, made by any method must also include a copy of this legend.

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