Highway Exam 15-16 Answers

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(a) Discuss briefly i) reason(s) for providing super-elevation round a horizontal curve

of a highway and ii) reason(s) for limiting the magnitude of super-elevation. (5 marks)

i. The superelevation can balance the centrifugal force and provide drainage.

ii. The reason for limiting the magnitude of superelevation is that if the curve radius
is too small, the chance of overturning will be higher, so limiting the superelevation
can limit the minimum design radius of the road curve.

(b) A transition curve has to be provided to connect the straight section to a circular
section with radius of 380m for a 2-lane highway which has a 10m width vehicular
carriageway. The longest vehicle on this highway is a container truck of 15 m long. If
the allowable rate of change of radial acceleration is 0.35 m/s3, allowable rate of
change of superelevation is 1 in 100, limiting super-elevation is 7% and the design
speed is 70 km/hr, tabulate the setting out data for this transition curve and plot the
curve. (12 marks)

exterior internal
deflection deflection
angle angle
l x y radians degrees radians degrees
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0.026768 15 0.005354 0.306737 0°18°24 0.001785 0.102246 0°6°8
25 0.123925 25 0.014871 0.852048 0°51°7 0.004957 0.284016 0°17°2
35 0.340051 35 0.029147 1.670014 1°40°12 0.009716 0.556671 0°33°24
45 0.722732 45 0.048182 2.760635 2°45°38 0.016061 0.920212 0°55°13
55.3 1.341268 55.3 0.072763 4.169022 4°10°8 0.024254 1.389674 1°23°23
𝑙3 𝑦3
𝑥= =
(c) Estimate the length of a vertical curve connecting an ascending road section 3.2%
gradient with a descending road section 3.5% gradient. The design speed of this road
is 70 km/h and a overtaking sight distance of 350 m will be provided. (8 marks)
G=3.2-(-3.5) = 6.7%
By TPDM, we can find that the desirable stopping sight distance for 70km/h is 120m
Consider the stopping sight distance, we assume S>L, then the length of the curve
will be:
200(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2)
𝐿 = 2𝑆 −
200(√1.05 + √0.26)
𝐿 = 2(120) −
𝐿 = 240 −
𝐿 = 169.7𝑚
Because 120<169.7, therefore this is invalid.
Assume S<L, then the length of the curve will be:

𝐺𝑆 2
𝐿= 2
200(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2)

6.7 ∗ 1202
𝐿= 2
200(√1.05 + √0.26)

𝐿 = 204.8𝑚
𝐿 = 205𝑚
Because S<L, therefore this is valid.
So, for stopping sight distance 120m, we need to provide a 205m curve.

Consider the overtaking sight distance 350m, Assume S<L:

𝐺𝑆 2
𝐿= 2
200(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2)

6.7 ∗ 3502
𝐿= 2
200(√1.05 + √1.05)

𝐿 = 977.1𝑚
𝐿 = 978𝑚
Because S<L, therefore it is valid.
And because 978m>205m, so the final length of the curve is 978m.
Question 2
(a) Briefly explain the fundamental considerations in the design of highway
infrastructure. (8 marks)
1. Safety: The principal goal of the traffic engineer remains the provision of a safe
system for highway traffic.
2. Comfort: The design of physical characteristics of vehicles and roadways, so the
driver can have a more comfortable driving experience.
3. Economy: Minimize the cost of construction while maintaining the quality of the
4. Speed: To provide fastest speed under safe condition.

(b) State the hierarchy of roads adopted in Hong Kong and explain the purposes of
formulating this hierarchy.
(8 marks)
The hierarchy from increasing accessibility and decreasing mobility: Limited-access
facilities, arterials, collectors and local streets.

Purposes of formulating this hierarchy is to:

i. Establish logical and integrated system
ii. Relate geometric design standards and traffic control to the roads in reach
iii. Establish basis for developing long-range program, improvement priorities

(c) A new road in rural area with a circular curve of 300 m radius round a protected
tree is proposed. The gradient of this road is negligible. Calculate the minimum
clearance distance of this tree from the nearside kerb line. The road is a 8.0 m wide
two-lane carriageway and the design speed, driver’s reaction time and the road
surface friction coefficient are 70 km/h, 1.5 seconds and 0.28 respectively. (9 marks)
S = vt r +

70 2
(1.5) + 3.6) = 97.989𝑚
3.6 2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.28
𝑀𝑠 = = 4𝑚
Question 3
(a) With the help of the equation form of a transition curve, explain how it can get rid
of the sudden imposition of centrifugal force at a tight bend of a highway. (8 marks)

(b) With a simple sketch, explain how the super-elevation is gradually applied along
the transition curve, which connects a centre-cambered straight road section to a
circular curved road section. (5 marks)

The gradient of the superelevation is gradually increased to the circular curve, where
it obtains the maximum superelevation, and remains constant on the curve, the
gradient is then gradually decreased when in the next transition curve.
Section B (Answer this section in a separate answer book) Question 4 (Compulsory)
(a) What is pavement and what is the total road mileage in Hong Kong as of July
2016? (6 marks)

Pavement is a layer or layers compacted material designed to withstand the stresses

applied by vehicle wheel loads and provide a smooth riding surface.
The total road mileage in Hong Kong as of July 2016 is 2107km.

(b) What are the main purposes of installing “joints” in concrete pavements?
(5 marks)
1. Permit contraction and expansion of the concrete under the changes of
temperature and moisture.
2. To allow warping and curling movements under change of moisture and
3. Prevent unsightly irregular breaking
4. Allow for breaking in construction at the end of the day's work.

(c) Define theoretical maximum density, voids in total mix, voids in mineral
aggregate, and voids filled with bitumen of asphalt mixture in words. What is the
main purpose of controlling the voids in total mix in Marshall mixture design?
(8 marks)

Theoretical maximum density is the total weight of solid over the total volume
without voids. Voids in total mix is the air voids in the soil. Voids in mineral aggregate
is the intergranular void space between the aggregate particles in the soil that
includes the air voids and the effective asphalt content. Voids Filled with bitumen of
asphalt mixture is portion of the voids in the mineral aggregate that contain asphalt
The main purpose of controlling the voids is that excess air voids will result in
excessive environmental damage while not enough air voids will result in not enough
room for initial densification due to traffic.

(d) is out c
Question 5
(a) is out c
(b) is out c

(c) What do TFO, RTFO, and PAV represent? What are the purposes of each of these
tests? (6 marks)

TFO stand for Thin Film Oven, this test is to stimulate the short-term aging of an
asphalt binder by heating it in an oven.

RTFO stand for Roller Thin Film Oven, this test is to stimulate the short-term aging of
an asphalt binder, it can also find the loss of mass.

PAV stands for the Pressure Aging Vessel, this test is to stimulate the long-term aging
of the asphalt binder by heating and exposed to pressure.

(d) is out c
(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Marshall Design Method?
(6 marks)
▪ Attention on voids, strength, durability of the HMA
▪ Inexpensive equipment
▪ Easy to use in process control
▪ Impact method of compaction
▪ Does not consider shear strength
▪ Load perpendicular to compaction axis (real life is parallel)

(b) What are the requirements for a good joint for concrete pavements? (6 marks)
1. Waterproof at all time
2. Not allow the ingress of stone grits
3. Allow to move freely all the time
4. Will not reduce the riding quality of the road
5. Should interfere as little as possible in concreting
6. Should not be the major cause of unexpected structural weakness

(c) What is the difference between short-term aging and long-term aging of HMA?
How does aging change the rheological property of asphalt? (5 marks)
Short-term aging is the period that the HMA is just laid down on the construction,
while long term aging is few years after the lay-down operation
Aging reduces the ductility
+ mould Weight m% ybulk ydry
4136 1680 9.4 17.45847 15.95839
4205 1749 11.2 18.17552 16.34489
4308 1852 13.1 19.24589 17.0167
4408 1952 13.9 20.28508 17.80956
4398 1942 15.8 20.18117 17.4276
4354 1898 17.9 19.72392 16.72936

Proctor Test

ydry (kN/m3)


0 5 10 15 20
moisture content %

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