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Detailed Lesson Plan


Science 6




At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a.) Differentiate a tectonic from volcanic earthquake.

b.) Appreciate the importance of studying how earthquake occur.

c.) Illustrate how earthquake happens.


Topic: Earthquakes

A.) Learning Resouces: Exploring the world through Elemetary Science pp.250-255, Authors

Alegna M. Chico, MAEd.

Jeannette C. Fabian, RME, Ed, D.

Delia F. Hingcoy, MAT.

Myrna D. Matira, Ed. D.

B.) Learning Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, pictures


Teachers Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Energizer

Class, have you heard the song entitled

“Earthquake Song”?
Yes, Ma’am
Now class, let’s stand up and dance.

https://youtube.com//v=37Aomg Yes, Ma’am

( The pupils will all stand up and dance. )

 Checking of Attendance
 Checking of Assignment
 Recalling of Classroom Rules

1.) Drill

Class, I have here some pictures. I want you to do

the thumbs up sign if the following is an effect of
earthquake and do the thumbs down sign if it is
not an effect of earthquake.





2.) Review

3.) Motivation

Stop for a moment and listen. I will show you a

short video. Please tell me what you saw

Yes, Ma’am!

What did you see in the video?

Teacher, I saw the ground shaking and the people
in the video are panicking. There are also buildings
that have collapsed.

Class, what do you think happened in the video?

The people experienced an earthquake.

Very good!

Class, have you ever experienced such event?

Yes Teacher, but the earthquake we felt was not
that strong.
What did you do at that time?

We hid under the table.

Class, you did the right thing.

When you experience an earthquake, you should

hide under the table so that falling objects will not
hit your head.

4.) Presentation

Class, based on the pictures and video that I’ve

shown you earlier, what do you tink our topic for
Teacher, our topic for today is about
Very good!

Today we will talk about earthquakes.

What is an earthquake?
An earthquake is a shaking or vibration of the
Very good!

5.) Activity

Class, let’s play a game.

I have here a jigzaw puzzle in the box. All you

nedd to do is to put the pieces of puzzle in order.

This time, I need five (5) volunteers who will play

the game. The first five (5) students who will raise
their hands will be given a chance to complete te
puzzle. At my signal, the students will start the
game and they need to finish it in two (2) minutes.

Is that clear, class?

Yes, Ma’am!

Now Class, what have you noticed about he

pictures in the jigsaw puzzle?
The pictures shows the Earth surface.

Very good!
After putting the pieces altogether, push at least
one piece hard enough toward the other pieces.
( A pupil will push one piece toward the other

What happened to the puzzle pieces?

The puzzle pieces fell away from each other and
some overlapped.
Correct! Very good

6.) Analysis

Class, do you know that you have just actually

illustrated in your activities how earthquake

The Earth,s surface is composed of different plate

pieces, just like in a jigzaw puzzle. This plate is
called the tectonic plates.

Now, based on the activity that we did? How

does earthquakes occur?
Earthquakes occur when the plates move. They
create tension and pressure as they slide past and
bump into each other. When the pulling becomes
too much and the plates suddenly break free from
each other.
Very good!

What do you call the surface where the plaes

slip? It is called faults or the fault plane.

Very good!

So when so you think it happens?

It happens all the time.

Yes, but most of the times we don’t feel the

quakes as they are too small to reach us.

Class, why is it important to have knowlegde

about earthquakes?
With a greater understanding of the causes and
effects of earthqauakes and how they impact
building and the society, we may able to reduce
damage and loss of life from this destructive
Very good!

7.) Abstraction

Earthqauakes can be one of the most devastating

natural disater on Earth.

What are the two types of earthquake?

Eartquake may be classified as tectonic
earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes.
Very good!

What is tectonic earthquake?

Tectonic quakes are caused by the movement of
the Earth’s crustal plates resulting in breaks or
cracks called faults.

What is volcanic earthquakes?

Volcanic quakes are caused by volcanic eruptions.

Very good!

Class, the tension built up from a slipping fault

also needs an outlet once the tension is released,
but thi is sent through Earth as seismic waves. The
word “seismic” came from the greek word

What are the two different types of seismic

The two different types of seismic wavesare body
waves and surface waves.
What is body waves?
Body waves are seismic waves that travel
through the ground under the Earth’s surface.

What is surface waves?

Surface waves are seismic waves that travel
through the Earth’s surface.

Te vibration travel through Earth from the

location of origin. The origin of an earthquake is
called the “focus” or “hypocenter” and the point
above the focus at the Earth’s surface is called the
Class, did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!

Again, what is our topic all about?

It is all about earthquakes.
Very good!

What is an earthquake?
An earthquake is a shaking or vibration of the
What are the two types of earthquakes?
The two types of earthquakes are the tectonic
earthquakes and vocanic earthquakes.
What is the difference between tectonic and
volcanic earthquakes?
Tectonic earthquakes are caused by the
movement of the Earth’s crustal plates. Volcanic
quakes are caused by volcanic eruptions.
Very good!

8.) Application

Direction: Label the path tat vibrationns travel

during an earthquake.
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Write T If the statement is correct or F

if the statement is incorrect.

______1.) The ground vibrations travel through

Earth from the location of origin.

______2.) The Earth’s surface is composed of

different plate pieces, just like in a puzzle.

______3.) The tectonic plate of the Earth are

always moving.

_____4.) The cracks or breaks along the plate

boundariesnis called focus.

_____5.) Body waves are seismic waves that travel

through the ground.

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