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Angielo Tejero Y.

BSE-ENGLISH | YEAR II Purposive Communication

Activity 1: Choose two listening styles and give examples.

Emphatic Listener
Tries to decipher the speaker's feelings and searches for any hidden messages. Needs to
concentrate on the current work. recognizes that both the message's content and its emotional
impact are crucial.
Even if you disagree with what the other person is saying, listen to what they are saying
attentively to demonstrate empathic listening. By merely nodding or adding expressions like "I
understand" or "I see," you might convey acceptance but not necessarily agreement.
Example: As a manager, John takes pleasure in being accessible to his staff and upholds an open-
door policy. He considers himself to be extremely familiar with each team member and
frequently has "personal" chats with them to keep up with the happenings in their lives, both at
work and outside of it.
He had lately spotted Natalie drifting away from the group. She no longer contributes with the
high level of input that the team has grown to anticipate from her during meetings and appears
She doesn't seem to be feeling well, as other team members have also noted. She was late for
her meetings yesterday, which was out of character for her, and she usually seems less motivated
to work.
John comes up to Natalie and inquires as to what might be wrong. She then answers, "Why do
you ask?" and "I'm OK," but she then becomes combative.
After a few more weeks pass, John is still dissatisfied with Natalie's performance and is growing
more worried about her. She had formerly been the center of a successful team.
John employs empathic listening strategies to identify the cause of Natalie's unusually subpar
work performance.

Inclusive listening
Refers to the listening style of a person who cares about only the main points of
a communication.
Example: When the teacher is speaking, for instance, some of the students don't just listen;
instead, they take notes in order to fully comprehend the lesson. They then work to focus by
deciphering the message and determining its major point. As a result, the student will respond
confidently to the teacher's query about whether they understand.

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