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Name : Etika Ramadhani

Class : 2 LB

NPM : 062130310869




 The students are able to read the passage regarding the Electrical Injury

 The students are able to answer the questions regarding the Electrical Injury
based on the passage given.

 The students are able to write a letter replying to a complaint and apologizing
for errors.

 The students are able to write a letter replying to a complaint and politely
rejecting it.

1. Electrical injury 

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Electrical injury is a physiological reaction caused by electric current passing
through the body. - cite_note-Boon-
2 The injury depends on the density of the current, tissue resistance and duration of
contact. - cite_note-3 Very small
currents may be imperceptible or produce a light tingling sensation. A shock caused
by low and otherwise harmless current could startle an individual and cause injury
due to jerking away or falling. Stronger currents may cause some degree of
discomfort or pain, while more intense currents may induce involuntary muscle
contractions, preventing the person from breaking free of the source of
electricity. - cite_note-4 Still larger
currents result in tissue damage and may trigger ventricular fibrillation or cardiac
arrest. Injuries from exposure to electricity may also include amputations, fractures
and orthopedic and musculoskeletal
injuries. - cite_note-5 If death results
from an electric shock the cause of death is generally referred to as electrocution.

Electric injury occurs upon contact of a body part with electricity that causes a

sufficient current to pass through the person's tissue. Contact with energized wiring or
devices is the most common cause. In cases of exposure to high voltages, such as on
a power transmission tower, direct contact may not be necessary as the voltage may
"jump" the air gap to the electrical device.

Following an electrical injury from household current, if a person has no

symptoms, no underlying heart problems, and is not pregnant further testing is not
required. - cite_note-Mer2020-
6 Otherwise an electrocardiogram, blood work to check the heart, and urine testing for
signs of muscle breakdown may be performed.

Management may involve resuscitation, pain medications, wound

management, and heart monitoring. -
cite_note-Mer2020-6 Resuscitation is the process of correcting  physiological
disorders (such as lack of breathing or heartbeat) in an acutely ill patient. It is an
important part of intensive care medicine, trauma surgery and emergency medicine.
Well known examples are cardiopulmonary resuscitation and  mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. Electrical injuries affect more than 30,000 people a year in the United
States and result in about 1,000 deaths.


1) What is an electrical injury?

Electrical injury is a physiological reaction caused by electric current passing
through the body.

2) What does the injury depend on?


The injury depends on the density of the current, tissue resistance and duration
of contact.

3) What is electrocution?

Electrocution is a death results from an electric shock.

4) What is resuscitation?


Resuscitation is the process of correcting  physiological disorders (such as

lack of breathing or heartbeat) in an acutely ill patient.

2. Apologizing for Errors

The following is the example of a letter replying to a complaint and apologizing for


Green Tools plc Your ref: MD/CT

16 East Street Our ref: LD/MN

Bishops Stortford

Herts, ENGLAND 9 August 2010

Dear Sirs Statement – July 2010

Thank you for your letter of 4 August concerning your July statement.

We have investigated the two entries that you referred to and found that there are indeed two
discrepancies with our original records. We apologize most sincerely for these unfortunate errors,
which were made by a temporary member of our clerical staff.

A suitably amended statement is enclosed. We are sorry that you have been inconvenienced by
these errors and assure you that we will take all possible care to ensure that there will be no
similar mistakes in the future.

Yours faithfully

Luciano Dante


Accounts Director



1. Do Pinelli Ltd agree that two errors have been made?


Yes, Pinelli Ltd agree that two errors have been made.
2. Why do Pinelli say that a ‘temporary members’ of staff made the errors?


Because Pinelli have investigated the two entries that you referred to and
found that there are indeed two discrepancies with our original records.

3. What is enclosed?


A suitably amended statement is enclosed. We are sorry that you have been
inconvenienced by these errors and assure you that we will take all possible
care to ensure that there will be no similar mistakes in the future.

3. Rejecting the Complaint

The following is the example of a letter replying to a complaint and politely rejecting
the complaint.



Green tools plc Your ref: MD/CT

16 East Street Our ref: LD/MN

Bishops Stortford

Herts, England 17 September 2010

Dear Sirs

Invoice No. YD/63309

Thank you for your letter of 14 September and the enclosed cheque for ₤722.20.

We have checked the invoice carefully but cannot agree with your calculation. We feel that you
may have overlooked the carriage charge (₤20) for item six, which is entered separately on the

We hope that you will now feel able to agree with our calculations. We enclose a debit note for ₤20
and would be grateful if you could let us have a cheque for this amount at your earliest

Yours faithfully

Luciano Dante


Accounts Director

Enc: 1


1. Do Pinelli Ltd agree that an error has been made on the invoice?


No, Pinelly Ltd disagree that an error has been made on the invoice.

2. What may Green Tools have overlooked?


May Green Tools have overlooked the carriage charge (₤20) for item six,
which is entered separately on the invoice.

3. What is enclosed?


We enclose a debit note for ₤20 and would be grateful if you could let us have
a cheque for this amount at your earliest convenience.

1) Answer the questions of each section.

2) Write a letter replying to a complaint and apologizing for errors. Use the
model above as an example.




Blue Tools plc Your ref: LB/NN

28 South Street Our ref: LD/MM

Bishops Yantford

Rizky, GERMANY 5 July 2022

Dear Sirs Statement – June 2022

Thank you for your letter of 1 July concerning your June statement.

We have investigated the two entries that you referred to and found that there are indeed two
discrepancies with our original records. We apologize most sincerely for these unfortunate errors,
which were made by a temporary member of our clerical staff.

A suitably amended statement is enclosed. We are sorry that you have been inconvenienced by
these errors and assure you that we will take all possible care to ensure that there will be no
similar mistakes in the future.

Yours faithfully

Muhammad Rizky

Accounts Director

3) Write a letter replying to a complaint and politely rejecting it. Use the model
above as an example.




Blue tools plc Your ref: LB/NN

28 South Street Our ref: LD/MM

Bishops Yantford

Rizky Germany 5 July 2022

Dear Sirs

Invoice No. FD/61103

Thank you for your letter of 2 July and the enclosed cheque for Rp. 1.250.000.

We have checked the invoice carefully but cannot agree with your calculation. We feel that you
may have overlooked the carriage charge (Rp.100.000) for item six, which is entered separately on
the invoice.

We hope that you will now feel able to agree with our calculations. We enclose a debit note for Rp.
100.000 and would be grateful if you could let us have a cheque for this amount at your earliest

Yours faithfully

Muhammad Rizky

Accounts Director

Enc: 1

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