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Project ISuLAT – ACTIVITY SHEETS in Technology and Livelihood Education 7 ( TLE 7)
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Quarter 2 – Week 5

Name of Learner: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Grade & Section: ________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________
Activity Sheet No.:___________________


Analyze Signs, Symbols and data

1. Define alphabet of lines.
2. Identify the uses of different alphabet of lines.
3. Apply the signs and symbols needed in a plan.


Read the information about Analyze Signs, Symbols and data below. Do the
learning task, answer the written works and follow the instruction provided for each
task. Use a separate sheet of paper if needed.
Learning Task 1: Introduction

FACT OR BLUFF: Do you know that the carpenters’ pencil are flat? The common
pencils we use in school are round, those are the typical pencil we see even in the market,
but carpenter pencils is different in shape it is more of an elliptical with long flat sides in
order to keep them rolling off the surface.

Learning Task 2: Development

Carpentry works made up of signs and symbols used to express the specification and
details of a drawing plan. These signs and symbols are used to relay messages that are
needed in a drawing plan. They help us understand the world of carpentry.
Alphabet of Lines
The Alphabet of Lines is a list of line symbols that use in technical drawings to convey
specific shapes, sizes or surfaces. ... In the Alphabet of Lines, thick, dark lines represent the
outline of an object, showing its visible outlines and edges.

The various types of lines are as follows:

1. Construction lines - are very light lines used to “block in” an object. These lines are made so
light that little or no erasing is required.It is applied as base
for darkening within the permanent line

Figure 1 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education

Learning Module

2. Border line are extra heavy lines used to frame a drawing.

3. Visible Lines- Also referred to as a Object line. It has a

dark, heavy lines and shows the outline and shape of
and object.

Figure 2 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

Page 1
4. Invisible Line/ Hidden Line- are short dashes that are broken. They represent the hidden
parts of an object which need to be shown but are not visible from a particular view.

Figure 3 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

5. Center Line - may be thin, long, or short dashes that indicate the center of any
symmetrical figure.

Figure 4 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

6. Dimension Line - consist of two thin lines having arrowheads and measurements.

Figure 5 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

7.Extension Line- These are thin lines that extend from the edge of a view so that the
dimension lines may be placed between them.

Figure 6 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

8.Section Line- Indicates the material that has been cut through in a sectional view

Figure 7 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

9.Cutting Plane Line-Thick broken line that’s terminated with short 90 degree arrowheads.
Shows where a portion is mentally cut in half to better check the interior detail.

Fi gure 8 K to 12 Basic Education

Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module

Page 2
10. Break lines are used to show the part of an object which has been removed or broken
away. Short breaks are made with a thick, solid freehand line. Long breaks are drawn
with a thin, solid line.

Figure 9 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

11.Phantom Line-Thin lines made from long dashes alternating with pairs of short dashes.
These are used to show the position of a part of an object that moves. If a handle is drawn
with a visible line, its rotated position is shown with phantom lines.

Figure 10 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

Learning Task 3: Engagement

Directions: Draw the different alphabet of lines and symbols of the following.

1. Section Line -
2. Dimension Line -
3. Long-break Line -
4. Visible Line -
5. Extension Line -

Learning Task 4: Assimilation

Directions: How well do you know me. Analyze the given orthographic view. Identify
and label each alphabet of lines given. Write your answer on the box given in
each number.

Figure 11 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

Page 3


A. Directions: Read the following statement, choose the correct letter of the answer and
write your answer on the space provided before the number.
_____1. What do you call the list of line symbols that engineers used in technical drawings
to communicate specific shapes, sizes, and surfaces?
A. Alphabet of Lines C. Detail Drawing
B. Axis D. Isometric Drawing
_____2. If you are going to frame in the drawing, what alphabet of lines to be used?
A. Border Line C. Construction Line
B. Center Line D. Dimension Line
_____3. What do you call a medium line used to show edges and contours NOT visible to
the line?
A. Border Line C. Dimension Line
B. Center Line D. Invisible Line
_____4. Which of the following alphabet of lines is a wavy line that draws in free hand
for the same purpose of long break line?
A. Center Line C. Long break Line
B. Construction Line D. Short break Line
_____5. It is also known as Object Line.
A. Center Line C. Invisible Line
B. Construction Line D. Visible Line
_____6. Indicates the material that has been cut through in a sectional view.
A. Center Line C. Short-break Line
B. Dimension Line D. Section Line
_____7. It consist of two thin lines having arrowheads and measurements.
A. Center Line C. Short-break Line
B. Dimension Line D. Section Line
_____8. Which of the following alphabet of line indicate the center of any symmetrical figure?
A. Center Line C. Dimension Line
B. Cutting Plane Line D. Short Break line
_____9. It shows where a part is mentally cut in half to better see the interior detail, what
alphabet of lines is being described?
A. Center Line C. Dimension Line
B. Cutting Plane Line D. Short Break line
_____10. What are thin lines that extend from the edge of a view so that the dimension lines
may be placed between them?
A. Center Line C. Dimension Line
B. Cutting Plane Line D. Extension line

B. Directions: Name the following alphabet of lines. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. 2. 2. 3.

_______________________ ________________________ ____________________

4. 5.

_______________________ _________________________

Page 4

Draw and Apply
Directions: On a short bond paper draw the layout of your kitchen and apply the different
alphabet of lines. Follow this kind of format.

FORMAT ( Landscape )

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