The Beginnings of Doing Philosophy

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The Beginnings
of Doing
Francine Daniella Olunan
Warren Abad
The Pre-Socratics
Western philosophy started
with the pre-socratics way
back to 630 B.C. in Miletus.
Miletus is a fishing village and
center of trade and commerce
that became the melting pot of
ideas from other cultures that
exposed the people to various
ideas and opinions.
the Milesian Triumvirate

THALES Anaximander Anaximenes

Believed that the earth is Thinks the fundamental
Father of Western

cylindrical substance is air because

APEIRON - the it holds souls together and
He believed that the

fundamental substance of encompasses the world

earth is flat reality is infinite Believed that the earth are
He brought geometry
First philosopher to like saucers floating in the
to Ancient Greece attempt to draw a map air
Other Pre-Socratics

Pythagoras Parmenides
Believed that the primary
Proposed that the only
Believes that the only thing that is permanent in
constituent of reality are

numbers thing permanent in the the world is being; change

Coined the word
world is change is an illusion
"philosophy" "You cannot step on the inspired the concept of
Gave importance to
same river twice" phenomenology and
contemplation existentialism
Empedocles Anaxagoras
Proposed that the reality is made up of Believes that matter becomes infinitely
four elements; earth, air, water, and fire divisible
Believed that he was immortal and that Introduced the idea of nous or the mind.
he had magical powers He believed that the mind has the
He leaped into an active volcano to greatest strength and power over all
prove his immortality but he died things
Achilles and The arrow in
the Tortoise flight is at rest
In a racecourse, Achilles is Opposite to his idea of
challenged by the tortoise to infinite divisibility, he
race, with the tortoise given proposed the idea of finite
a head start. According to divisibility. Zeno argued that
Zeno's paradox, in order to
Zeno of Elea
if matter is finite divisible,
get from point A (starting then at any given point that
Student and loyal line) to point B (finish line), you can locate the arrow, it
follower of one has to travel an infinite occupies a certain portion of
Parmenides amount of steps. In order for space where it is situated.
Reiterated the idea Achilles to catch up to the The arrow is either in space
that reality is being tortoise, he must first cover A, B, C, and so on.
Proposed that there is the half way point, and the

no motion with four half of that half way point,

arguments. Two of of and so on.
his main ideas are:
Western Philosophy
Western Philosophy became revolutionary as it went
against tradition; focusing on man's rationality as the
key to explaining the order or logos in the universe
instead of depending on mythology. However crude the
methods of these philosophers, their speculations about
fundamental substance reality started the process of
searching for knowledge for its own sake, otherwise
known as philosophy. Philosophy paved the way for the
development of science and other disciplines such as
Leucippus and Democritus's idea of an Atom.
Eastern Philosophy
Eastern Philosophy could be summarized as
philosophy being a way of life. In Western
philosophy, there is a separation between men
and the objective world. In Eastern Philosophy,
there is no separation between man and the
objective world. Thus, they look at man as being
one with the world. For Eastern philosophers,
philosophy and religion are one. Thus, their
being and oneness with the world could actually
be experienced by practicing their religion.

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