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Assignment on Organizational Management


Prepared by:
Md. Ahsan Habib (I.D: 2121470630)
Md. Mohibur Rahman Utso (I.D: 2112334630)
Md. Sadman Sakib Ifty (I.D: 2121506630)
Tanjila Sultana Diba (2121499630)

Group: 4
Prepared for:
Name: Mohammad Hannan Miah
Department of Management

Submitted on 5th September, 2021

Summer 2021
1. What made the Concorde a master price? Why did people love
The Concorde was a masterpiece. It was the world's first supersonic turbo
airliner created by the British and French aviation industries that ran from its
introduction in the 1970s till 2003 which represented the union and harmony
between two of the largest economic powers of the time. The Concorde was a
way for Europe to leapfrog the U.S., that had already tried and failed to build its
supersonic plane.

During the Concorde’s coming up, there was a tremendous interest from
Varied airline corporations that saw supersonic flight as the next frontier within
the aviation industry. Engineers had to develop new technologies or refine
recent ones. The foremost outstanding engineering development was its
triangular delta wings, which enabled it to navigate numerous angles of attack
whereas soaring at breakneck speeds. Perhaps the foremost spectacular fact with
the Concorde was its ability to cruise double the speed of sound. The jet engine
choice for the airplane was Olympus 593 afterburner turbojet, developed by
Rolls-Royce/Bristol Siddeley and Snecma. The result was the delta-winged
Concorde, that took its first flight on March 2nd, 1969. The Concorde had
features found on no other commercial plane, like the double delta wing
associated with an adjustable drooping nose that gave pilots better visibility on
takeoffs and landings. These made it a masterpiece of aerospace engineering.
People loved to fly on the Concorde. It had the foremost modern
facilities of that time. Its unique features and unique speed gave its passengers a
unique experience of flying. People could reach their destination very quickly.

2. How was the development process of the Concorde different
from the other aircrafts? Why?
Due to the Mach 2 speed of Concord, significant research was conducted
to explore the effects of wing shape on the exterior wing temperature at high
speeds. Due to its immediate commercial impact, new designs were created and
vetted through market studies to ensure there would be demand for the newly
proposed specification. They also decided not to vet their proposed Concorde
design extensively in the market and not to require binding purchase orders.
Concord’s design had to be created from scratch as no other commercial
passenger jet has flown previously. The Concord differentiated itself from
subsonic jets with features such as its aluminum body, specialized paint coating
for temperature control, droop nose section, and wings arranged in an ogival
delta. The Concorde pioneered other elements such as supercruise capability
and the predecessor to full authority digital engine control to accommodate the
speed at which the jet was hoped to fly. The engineers of the plane had to find
ways to minimize issues like hot windows and expanding the plane to ensure
safe flying. Thus the developmental process of Concorde was significantly more
labor, time, and knowledge-intensive, the Concorde took 11 years in the R&D
stage while the Boeing 747 took 16 months.

3. Who were the customers of the Concorde? How did each
customer’s preferences differ from the other?
The Concorde’s unique characteristics and incomparable speed led
various passengers to buy a seat. But its high price made it harder for everyone
to afford it.

Some passengers of the Concord were thrill-seekers who were attracted

to the Concorde’s aesthetically beautiful design or its Mach 2 speed. People
who were in love with the Concorde would purchase tickets regardless of the
price tag. These thrill-seekers did whatever they could to be able to board the
Concorde, even if it was only for one experience. Among them Justin Cornell,
a bank teller from the United Kingdom who was so determined to fly on the
Concorde that he purchased 900 boxes of cookies at his local grocery to garner
enough Air Miles to purchase a ticket. Cornell attributed his subsequent
motivation to lose weight to his Concorde experience, eventually losing 140

Some people chose the Concorde for its relative advantages compared to
other choices. These travelers were drawn to the Concorde due to its
convenience and much shorter flight times. The jet sometimes arrived at its
destination before the time. Raymond Pearlson, the inventor of Syncrolift,
traveled with the Concorde over 150 times to sell his ship-lift system. He said,
“The only reason I was able to fly so much was because of the Concorde. It was
a time machine that allowed me to cut down on so many hours of travel so I
could be a human instead of a zombie.”. The option to return home the same
day they had left given these individuals more time to spend with their families
and friends and increased more work availability. Though everyone could not
afford a flight on the Concorde because of its high price. That’s why most of the
passengers of the Concorde were the people of a special class of the society.

4. Was the Concorde able to get a fair share of the market? Why?
I don’t think the Concorde was ever able to get to a fair share of the
market because it was not based on a business plan.

The Concorde was never able to mark in the business world. Captain
Jean-Louis Chatelain a French pilot says that the French government decided to
run the Concorde as an advanced project, not for business purposes. The
Concorde's speed was greater than any other aircraft. Speed has a cost on trip
fuel figures. So, if we take the marketing approach, it was meant to fail. A lot of
people in society would not be able to afford it because of its high price tag. The
flight was limited to a special class of the society.

5. Does it make sense to recreate the Concorde today? If reacted,

should it be a commercia2 hours l jet or a business jet? Would
you travel on an aircraft that flew between Mach 1.4 and Mach 2?
I don’t think it is a good idea to recreate the Concorde today because it
was too expensive, too elites, and too noisy. The high price of the ticket may not
be affordable for everyone. Only a special class of people can afford it. Being a
supersonic jet, it produces a sound that is harmful to the environment.

If the Concorde was recreated, I think it should be a commercial jet. In

that way, it could be used as a passenger aircraft and also be used for
transporting goods from one place to another in a short time.

Yes, I would travel on an aircraft that flew between Mach 1.4 and Mach
2. Because this would lessen the traveling time. For example, the Concord had a
speed of Mach 2.04. It took only 2 hours and 59 minutes to fly from London to
New York. It is far less than the duration of the movie Titanic (3 hours and 14
minutes). If anyone travels on an aircraft that can fly between Mach 1.4 and
Mach 2, he can reach his distention before the conclusion of the movie. Which
is going to make traveling fast and enjoyable.


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