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Name: Reyes, Angelo P.

Instructor: Mr. Allan Canoy Jr.

Subject: Social Science and Philosophy
Course: BSBA II
Date: November 16, 2022

When I first attended this subject, I have no idea what to expect and what to learn. I
was confused and curious at the same time. While I was listening to the report of my
classmates and my teacher explaining the topic, I realized that this subject is about
logic and about theories, or critical theories to address such as morality. This subject
has an impact in my daily life, I have been thinking rational and started to analyze the
problem more when I needed to decide some important things.

This midterm we talked about Feminism, knowledge and society. So first, what I
understand about feminism is that women are trying to fight for their rights and being
equal based on gender and sexuality. They wanted to be treated fair. One is that they
are fighting for political individuality and right for information relating to the
workplace, sexuality and family. Some females are fighting for feminism in a wrong
way, they are called misandry, hatred of men, they talk about men how they are
natural in cheating or committing adultery, like the ‘Anatomy of Desire’ show on UK.
Which they explained the theory that men are supposed to have more extra-marital
affairs than women. I think it depends on the person if they are not contented with
their partner whether it is a male or female. Feminism is not all about women are
fighting for their rights, it is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities
because in the end we are all the same, human that can make mistakes and learn from
it. Women should be payed equally when working with men. What I understand about
feminist empiricism is that it is a research that combines the objectives and
observations of feminism with the research methods. For example, they employ
feminist empiricism to explain politics, or political landscape. It helps to understand
that they misrepresent and mistreated the women. Like what my report says, the
problem is not science as such, but ‘bad science’. It was like the research is biased in
men. As a man, it is interesting to know about feminism and what they are fighting for
and I am not against it, I am not against of being fair and equal.
My classmates also talked about post-structuralism and post-modernism. To be
honest, it does not ring a bell and I do not understand a thing when I heard it. But
when my classmates started to explain it, I realized that post-structuralism is about
attitudes and style of critiques that developed in critical response to the growth of
identification of the logic of structural relations, like politics, economics and
education. So there are many contributors such as Jacques Derrida and Michel
Foucault. So post-modernism says that there is no real truth. It says knowledge is
always invented not discovered. It make sense because in order to know something
you have to study and invent something to make it valid. Knowledge is invented by

They also talked about structuralist, so what I understand is that structuralist is a

follower of structuralism, it is a method of interpreting and analyzing such things as
language, literature and society to know how they react or relate to the whole
structure. There is a part of the topic that caught my attention, it is about post-
structural the move to the Signifier. So it says, for Freud unconscious is made of
unacceptable ideas, not feelings or memories, as many seem to think. For me, I agree.
When I was born my mind was a blank slate, I don’t have a memory of me being
inside the belly of my mother or how was I born. I obtain my memory by living life
and experiencing life.

Derrida’s theory is also interesting for he is the most sophisticated philosopher of

post-structuralism. He focus in language and the way how language relates to our
world and experience. He talks about the first level is a critique of phonocentrism, it
means speaking or sound is more primary than writing or sign language. I agree, I can
easily express my feelings to people when speaking and I also understand them when
speaking because I can hear the tone of their voice if they are angry, upset or happy.
In writing or in modern times, texting or chatting, you can be easily misinterpreted or
misunderstand because you have a higher chance to be grammatically wrong. That is
why when you are writing you have to be more specific and careful of what you are
I know that my ability to write and express my ideas, thoughts and knowledge has
grown stronger each semester. I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper. I
remember being told a numerous times in my other subjects to organize my thoughts.
I have been trying and doing my best. I hope to learn more until the end of this
semester and being enrolled in this subject has changed me in a good way.

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