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Business Free Talk

Chapter 12 New Position

Lesson 59 Quitting
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1 2 3
Expressions Discussion Further Reading
Useful expressions under Questions for you to discuss An article for you to read
this topic for your reference. freely with your teacher. after class.

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Useful expressions about quitting a job.
You can refer to them to provoke your
thoughts in the Discussion part.

1 Expressions Glossary
(suggested time: 8mins)
job-hop 跳槽 resign 辞职
Quitting can be a hard but important decision. fire/dismiss 解雇 gap year 间隔年
In this part, you are going to study and practice some handover 交接 take on 接管
expressions and sentences about quitting a job.
think twice before you leap 三思而后行

In Sentences
• He resigned from his job to further his education.
• I got another job offer and they promised a higher
salary, so I decided to job-hop.
• A company in financial trouble may dismiss some of its
employees to get the expenses under control.
• You should organize your handover before you leave,
like writing a job description for your current position.
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Discuss questions about quitting a job.
Use your experience and imagination to
talk about them with your teacher.

2 Discussion Discuss these questions in detail with your
teacher. Give reasons and explanations for your
(suggested time: 15mins)
opinion and speak as much as possible. You can
use words you learnt in Expressions to help you.
Q1. Have you ever quitted your job? If you have, why did you
quit? If you haven't, have you considered quitting your
current job? Why or why not?

Q2. Do you have co-workers who quitted their job? Why did they
leave? What do you think are some reasons for employees
to quit a job?

Q3. What are the differences between resignation and dismissal?

Why would a company dismiss an employee?

Q4. If you had decided to quit your job soon, how could you do it
gracefully*? How should you do your job handover? How could
you leave a good last impression on others?

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Further Reading
An article about some reasons to quit your
job. You can read it after class if you are

3 Further Reading
4 Good 1. You Found a New Job. Obviously, the best reason for quitting a job is that you've found a new
Reasons to one. Before you quit your job, though, make sure that you've covered all the bases, including
Quit Your Job having a confirmed job offer and a cleaned-out computer and office before you quit.

2. You Hate Your Job. Don't quit your job right away, even if you hate it. It's better to strategically
• departure /dɪˈpɑːrtʃɚ/ plan your departure so that you're leaving on your terms and not scrambling to find another
n. 离职 position.
• scramble /ˈskræmbəl/
v. 吃力的爬 3. Illness. Personal or family illnesses are both legitimate reasons to quit a job, and sometimes a
• legitimate /ləˈdʒɪt̬əmət/ sudden illness can be an excuse to leave a position. If it's a legitimate reason to quit (i.e., you or
adj. 合理的,正当的 someone in your family is chronically ill), make sure that you have continued health insurance
• chronically /ˈkrɑːnɪkəli/ coverage after you leave. Also be aware that you may be eligible for Family and Medical Leave due
adv. 长期的,慢性的 to personal or family illness.
• eligible /ˈelɪdʒəbl/
• adj. 有资格的 4. Difficult Work Environment. Co-workers, bosses, and a negative office environment can all make
• option /ˈɑːpʃən/ your job difficult. In fact, they can make your workplace somewhere you simply don't want to be.
n. 选择 Once you have tried every option, you may need to make a decision to leave.

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Next Lesson: Retirement




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