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Biology worksheet Model answer

Chapters 6&13
Name: _____________ grade 7………
Question1: Choose the correct answer.
1- What is the gas that is used by plants in photosynthesis?
a. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide
c. water
d. nitrogen

2- The tiny hole in a leaf that allow gases to move in and out is called
a. Palisade layer
b. veins
c. stoma
d. root hair

3- _________________ is the green pigment that absorbs the energy from the
a. chloroplast
b. stomata
c. xylem
d. chlorophyll

4- The veins that carry glucose are called _________

a. phloem
b. xylem
c. stem
d. leaves


5- How the root hairs help plants to absorb a lot of water?
a. Provide a big surface area
b. Provide a lot of minerals
c. Store the food
d. Anchor the plant firmly

Question 2: The plant makes its own food by a process.

a. What is the name and meaning of this process?

Photosynthesis is the process that plants used to produce glucose and
oxygen from carbon dioxide and water by a chemical rection.

b. Glucose is stored as __starch_______.

c. What is used to test the starch? Explain how the colour is turned.
Iodine solution is used to test the starch, as the colour turns from
reddish-brown to dark-blue black.

Question3: Match between each description in column (A) and the suitable
meaning in column (B).

Column (A) Column (B)

__D___1- give the green colour of leaf. A. root hair
__A___2- special cells that absorb water and minerals. B. xylem
__E___3- energy is passed from one organism to another. C. roots
___C__4- store food in it like carrot. D. chlorophyll
___B__5- long hollow tubes that carry water. E. food chain


Question4: Use the words from the boxes to fill in the blanks

flaccid Biomass Waxy Palisade Minerals transpiration Guard

layer layer

1. Roots carry water and ___minerals_________ from the soil.

2. _______waxy layer______ on the leaf surface stops the leaf cells drying out.
3. Material that is made up of living cells and tissues is called ___biomass__
4. ______palisade layer___ contains cells that do most of the photosynthesis.
5. Stomata is surrounded by two specialized cells called __guard____ cells.
6. _______transpiration__ is the flow of water through plants.
7. ___flaccid____ cells are floppy, so they can’t hold the plant up.

Question 5: Compare between respiration and photosynthesis.

Respiration Photosynthesis
Reaction type Exothermic Endothermic

Glucose Breaks down the Produces the glucose

Oxygen Uses Produces (returns
oxygen to atmosphere)
Carbon dioxide Produces (releases ) Uses

Question 6:

a. Roots take in minerals by _active transport____, so they need ___oxygen _

to release energy.
b. Write the suitable mineral for each description
1. Is used to make protein. ___nitrogen____________
2. Are important for photosynthesis. _potassium, phosphorus.
3. Deficiency symptom is old leaves turn yellow between the veins.
4. Deficiency symptoms are poor flowers and fruits growth.
5. Is used to make chlorophyll. __magnesium ______.


Question 7: Study the following diagram then answer next question.

a. Name the parts that labelled V, Y, W, Q

V: palisade layer
Y: Guard cells
W: spongy mesophyll
Q: xylem
b. Give the letter of the part that do most of photosynthesis. V
c. What is the function of Q? _veins that carry water and minerals.
d. Give the letter of the part that lets gases get into and out of it. X__
e. What is the name of this picture? _section through a leaf __

Question 8: Compare between wind-pollenated flower and insect-pollenated


Insect-pollenated flower Wind-pollenated flower

stigma Sticky stigma Feathery stigma

Petals Colored petals Doesn’t have petals

( lack )
Pollen Large and spiny Small and light

Flower Has scents, colored it hangs down so the

petals and sugary stigma can catch the
nectar to attract insect pollen when wind blows


Question 9: Use the following diagram to answer next questions.

a. Name the parts that have the following numbers.

1: stigma
3: ovary
8: stamen
9: petals
5: carpel
10: nectary
b. Give the number of the part that forms a seed after fertlisation. ( 4 )
c. Give the number of the part that forms fruit after fertilization. ( 3 )
d. What are the functions of the parts that labeled with number (1, 4, 6, 9,10)
1: where the pollen has to land on it for pollination to take place.
4: where the female gamete cells (eggs) have to form
6: produces pollen which carries the male sex cells.
9: attract insects
10: attract insects and they feed on it.

Question 10 : What is the difference between pollination and fertilisation.

Pollination is the movement of pollen from the anther to the stigma.

Fertlisation is the fusing between the nucleus of male sex cell with nucleus of
egg sex cell.

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