Maranan Bsba MM-1-1 Activity1

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What is mathematics for you?

Mathematics is a part of everyday life. It deals with numbers, shapes, computations, dimensions and many other
topics and aspects that relates to our life. Mathematics has been essential to the improvement and growth of our
society. As a student since kindergarten we have been learning mathematics from basic arithmetic up to
complicated computations. Mathematics has been there serving as stepping stone towards improvement. It is
aiding our society and the field of science towards creating new innovations that can improve our life. For me
mathematics have a great influence in our daily living. Although some topics and lessons about it is hard to
understand, but still learning it is a fun. There is no double meaning what you compute as the final answer is as is.
You have formulas to aid you and help you towards leading to a conclusion. Mathematics is a step by step process
of solving that the answer you come up in the end is the result of your computation. Sometimes I prefer
mathematics over other subjects because on math you just solve and get a final answer. You don't have to think of
other meanings, definitions or solution. Just focus on the formula, compute, solve and you'll eventually get the
right answer.
Do you need mathematics everyday?

Mathematics holds a very important role in our daily lives. We go through each day unaware of the different
mathematical concepts being apply in our daily life. That we use the way we solve math problems on simple daily
activities. Math is important on different transactions and processes. For example buying something from a store
math is used to calculate the value you have to pay as well as the change you will receive. Math also holds
importance to the everyday lives of people with the profession regarding math. Professions such as engineers,
accountant, businessman and a lot more. The laws of mathematics can apply to simple daily problems we encounter.
That we end up not being aware that we are applying math on a daily basis. Math also applies in a lot of important
things we do daily. Without it our society can even cease to function, because a lot of things that happens everyday
relies on math or on calculations made by people.
Do you appreciate mathematics? why or why not?

I do appreciate mathematics. Not only it teaches us how to solve different problems but it also holds an important
role in our life. It teaches us how to understand better. Calculate different things to aid us in our decision making.
Math helps us understand a lot of different things in the world. It has contributed to many great inventions that is
continuing to aid and benefit our kind. Without mathematics a lot of things wouldn't have existed. I am very
grateful on how mathematics has affected the development of our world and on how it continues to benefit us.
Math is essential to even our own development it not only teaches us the different types of equations. It guides us
and teaches us how to analyze different problems and come up with a possible solution. No matter what kind of
problem mathematics can be applied in some way. It the greatest medium a person can use to aid him in solving a
problem. I appreciate math because with it I'm able to solve, compute, understand, analyze and improve.

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