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“I do dance”, he replied, if a bit awkwardly.

“But would you dance with me?”, I insisted.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“In case you forgot while you were brooding, I’m no pureblood, Black.”

“I asked you to call me Regulus”, he said bluntly. And how disappointed he looked crushed me.
“I want to dance with you, Ginger. Why are you delaying it?”

Because somehow I still find it hard to believe, I want to tell him, but I know it’d hurt Regulus.
He’s turned out to be a really soft boy, especially when he’s had too much to drink. Can you
blame me, though? This guy and his friends have been annoying the fuck out of my roommates
since I set foot on this castle.

“Is this about what Cresswell did to you? I’m not playing with you tonight, Ginger. I’m tired of
being around people who don’t know what friendship means. You stayed and listened to me
when no one else did, so I want to spend the rest of the night helping you feel better.”

I knew he meant no harm with those words, but I still felt like I was going to shed tears any time

“This is a real thing, you and me being friends, you know”, he said while pushing his lips
together. He looked like he wanted to do something, but wasn’t really sure if he should.

I bit my own inferior lip as a way to prevent myself sobbing the night away thinking about
everything that happened with Cresswell.

“I-I get it now. I’m sorry for being difficult, Reg. Please, lead the way.”

“Shall you need it, I’ll lead you wherever you want.”

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