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(CPES2 : Electron Deviews and Cincuits ae. i ~ Semizenductons CSilienn, Gexmanium) (i valence elediens) ™ Conductors Ccoppen ) Fe, Aa, AL, Au) (Fxco electrons)” ~~ Tnswlotos (8 valence alecseng no pao) ™ Covalent Band » Bond between two dtoms formed by Sheain Noctron. — Sokidi Silicon At som temp, ib acts AS Insulator, BR electrons -3i -—-Si-si _ incl. bonds) 1 \ \ As 1 T, vibration atom s elections ane lost formin halos Se hafes d “ Recombination : i) of free alactrons and hales, Thtrinsia Semiconducton % Pure, Few bree’ elactrons , Aess conductivity. Extsimsic Somiconducto® * Try 2 nee ye the conductivi ¥Y. Two_types_of Hows One battery is connected , elactrons | moves toWands tve tuminal. @- al 5 From other side xeeombines usith Woles. Ton @ bt prittes ake aclded to enhance _ Doping . Adding’ impurities. to inexoace conduchive , nowasiny g en 3g holes . % F fontavalent | Donor atom: Se- valence Xoctsons. — Ansenic , Antimony, Phesphosous, 7 7 Enwss eleclnong _ ge —— Trivalent | Accepton Atom: & valence electrons > Behon, Aluminium, Gallium. Deficient in clockrons so invanses holes. ~_wajohi: ¥n- type extinsie semiconductod [ pentavalent 7] Ch rim oni | : o Fell E] J mojon! * P- type extinsic somicanducton [trivalen { Ye mnon: | atyre PPS ine @ Vepletion Pasion Dipole : Pain sitive negative tons. . nee en miyee O prigae t ipeles © the change casnidrs. o> peduc i +pepletion tos Waco b ast mone racombination takes place. uo celled chatige emply regan, Staangth of Alactne eld +, > Baosion octet Potential aliffeance in depletion Laven, due to khe dipoles. £9: o4-Si, 0.3-Ge Fox currant b pre’, external voltage should be greater _ Shon barnidy polental. Forucrcl Bias : terminal off batlony connected KO p-type ruarcl_ Bias Shen pep ey nnected AS p-type Songe forward carent, f Veelt > Vegesrien, Rewerse_Bias . te terminal of batlory connected to h- type: Depiie ton hayon Mowoses HL Veotl = Vearmict.” TF Cwvent minima) due te mninors by ceaniens [Scduration casaant tJ Scnpaca loaleage eusoant :- Current from tha ‘cover due Se oystal naboe + Surface . Breakdown vol vd ete "4 increosi n voltage in Kovens2 , 4 tain tal cosrard aboupty mexgases aften cor voltage. Ki valance Honche abtect = elactwons collide with xthor eelnos. in javoms 9 iveng more aleckron8 ] (Zenon effect? mone minority ¢ Bay oe C Basen Potentiol [Temp ) | Diode [1-V chanactonistics] oo CEN : meet Boal: dona Lk voltage, aes ae bee. _ ea iao —_»y [3 2 knee Woltege. (To overcome Revenge CU Reverse . Forward Reverso Pay ion. . beowrion potential) Bias Bias, Bulk Resistance TTR fe-Retty 1m spestiabns | Power ating = Sw Viede wolbige-1.oVv §) Breakdown vollgge. Diede cumaint . 195A A) Tuan, Tp [Foomand’]. : Pa = 4.25095 -24w Tdeal. Diode Vii) Prnan Vinita Evan y~_Forwaud Bias diode acts as y A Severe Bas ta ideal condition Tweele Reo suite), Core () Heol tr = i = 0.01 A «tom Case (ii) Practical 41, _ \o-04 _ 089A Veo = > 4 Seb S74 Oty on Foswand, Bias _—. on woe — (Bulk L- boad eye cw Tae love o-tv = thar = 0. MOKA Ve Loy YO lo one 2. — L=IO4 {Bean ie) Tee WorON AEA MHD ¢tdoal? VO Its tov be tA Ve 10 Vv Rectipes . lator, 5 wile, i — renames, EER | — [Rag Palsabing + Converts Ac to Da, aking DC te Pure Pc. Ripples an present Cnet pure Bc) SS oe oo Half wove wove nactifion > shut cikeuited, ate anaite Toward Bigg Fde-TSen PopRmer —_ te S-s cdi 7 Ede = L- bead. Revere Bias — Tn xaverse bias 3 peak inverse voltage. ( Pz vq AC_fowen input Ce), Fac = Toms ( Rit Rs+Ry J (Oa = Twa (R.APst Re | eS AO + Tnput « Oukput: Average DC foad cumnent (pe) TLetasmut oswten Avaroge. dc voltage CEbc) Foe = The Re TL -0 .® cwt<2K - >t —— F yr CRstRet Rr) pe = aa Ti etad(wt). ___Es ~ Oo” Salis ImSin(wt).dCwt) (is et Re ye = Sal cos(wt) x -_Es . = < K(or04\) = ST] >in 5 Eoc= ©) Ese] Toe = im) — Dc o Owed TR tage Poe = Eve. Ene = Toe RL ne ake ~ Gaye RMS valve of Joad cussant (Tyme) 7 Grange Tams = UES Com snot)” act) Effictene Sees 24 Ret Ret Re] = ‘tn ae (Straw i. a y aa ‘> 2 ane & Ru wA : S cog K—-(0e) = TM), a tae( TRE TRL a Ny Ripple hackoa Rippie : Ac umponent in PC. [Pulsating 7 / Yo RMS volwe AC componant Lems = (tke +3 82 RES BC emt see GBT Ve Dims “Tee - Treas \* | ——- Loe | =) = Cm Jg)> -\. =] ny La T= v2 Cac Couey] Transhdmva utilization factor Tor = PC_powed deliverad to bead Rc powen nating ef Tx = G75) BL aoe erat Pac =Epms Tams Ese Tm = Im, Ey a a =202. (LeyKy® ge Es= Ten (Res RetR,) o> 3S ARE TmRL ” Sar eget Soad cusmanb Toe te {i+ Estnwt ~ Zsa “BRO. - --| pe eee Fandsnantel oad RGmonic Full Wave Reckifigh hater [reverse Bt eel Felt | nee plese pe salts awh oa Be fSincust) 4 cot) [netasewt | “2 = Le Tm sintot os ws =m ak sin(wt).Abwt) vr stawh Kewrs 2 “en f SinGwt ) ),Atwt) “a [g cose rt +k (cas st J ~ = (-\- ate fad = im, 25m _ itm _2im 2R nm 2K R *|Toe = Bim rt Lnms = [oe [e*Com sia wt)’ (wt) -& (Prd eegaeet |= eos) Atwt) ace 2 Ee [Ban -Gmety”. Be ei ia. Tur = PC power delivered to lect Bre = Tye. 2. a vay +7 Se es “R a ~ CRseQRErRyyn _ (2h2) i ; ax Ege = 2s Es. Im : ay a Fae Qs Fas e8k x 2 va t L \eve wes - 8 Loio- aly. Pae~ Tyme (Rut BRE + Re) ~ BE Ce serests| foc = Eve Ipe- Tee RL ~ eyes = HEpe® Rg 7 _ | (Rs 4Qx@Rey R n= Pes ADAG [pee BL Er fr + BoP] Full wave, All Wave. Pactifiedr Digg rar i2@h Diagram me i eel cana Febx Bridge Rectitien a _ 4 2 RL Finst tlalf cy che Second a Cyclo = Rett = 284 Ret Rot Rp Efficienc cf 1 = Fe > dn coil fpr bi reclitien - core satusation is eliminabed . dn full wave sectipien, cone satiation tokes place due to De ewuant in trans fermen coil. (Value get incresecl a Fittess fe Rectifien ~ podsatiog Ac ( foraltel’] ® capacitor ip hlter AK Te allows Ac] s De) © choice |p pikes WIM [Blocks AC al 4 (series) Filten, TL Time © constant c irq Ovsch Vg = TecT _ Ip) “ J “Oh + 2c = Eve Vo, afk, Kipp factos = = Esc, o Nas Tet 4 fii. - Ae Fritation : ripple jachor T whan lead Rb. * — Ripple factor is not constant Not puree Do. CAippe® Cite Cittesit te e [ Ze is Tasal_ Output ne (Positive Clipp2y] BEN ees ee Out put : -v-o4|-t— = Output : ‘sea I. % it Vto-g E L < . VHOF Champer [ fevel Shifter] DC Level to AC signal. 7 ‘ Trput : “Np. Ne AN, Output yf — Vee Vina Vp 92 Vee Vn --2© Vp Cc ro Fedrrvecte| Positive 2Vo-Va Ve ‘a oe kgde -Vp |-— - Neg ative clam pe Vee - +ve_ Vo = Vin+\ip =2p -—Ve_ Output > iw} ee Td oe Peak to Peak Detector a é : : Ns Trput : 7 Ry | EX ~~ Output . aNp a Fitter Vbltage Multiplies, 2, oe pata aly Vp vy oh Clawpon. C2 Quadra por 2Vp — Q Zenan Diode * —>- Wonks in, * 2 ko wooy breakdown ona Nege = Baal down veltyge v oxy v 7 Rs » Contes Resiston CBimit « eethor Filter ~ Papel % ts d Ne = “ts 820-2 8200 Eg: Troy db Ver any — 20-46 | [ Ts= 20-10 4 20 -ho! - 820 “gig= \2-2mA 4 Ucs Hoy = HO-10_ 3g Rs Be SS aS Shbreh Ee. + R . Mz L yu Ow me RL VL ats Oe Toe Me @I.. Vs-V2 ~ Rs : Ts =Te4 2p Wev, Tz=Ts-r, | Rs Wonst case y “wy | < ts RL Is = Vs-V2 : Rs - ) = Ee 20-lov 5 t Mo lev Ts¢Ttt, * S602 = n =a lov Ss Omn Tt, Ro ie Tz = Home =loma Ss- 210" = low 1 Ty -2OmA, Iz=0 — fails fo regulate . | 2ev Hem TNov § Ry. Vk DRL = 200.0. igteacl oT Ike tov ye Pood fing 7 Tz =Vs-Ve Vse90v, Rs= Ik Shont emit Vero, Tee? oO yooo ae Open citeuit I2=O> Vz = Vs -20V di Yow ants Bie” at Tz7O » V2 ~50v \ Opto Elactronic Device [optess Eladnonics Tech’ B Eg: LED, photodiodes .opto couplers, Baran diodes, Rs SLED, nae, — Froe alactnons from highor anak = Rght % to bower enna. No&mal diode ~ teat ¢ LED Sight saa “ee —__Bs > too erent , Don Nifetina , past on -dbh asponss - > Gallium , Ansenic Y Phos phorous 7 avin general (1.9 -3v] a ving supply voltage. wnbrol brshtness. > Breakcloun volbuge fo sv > a aseyegre tol Ste Ie ae nN < Photodiede % cde eight falls on function, co wee jlove of aiecdrons and Te bd. Ff cossant plow. Opto couples Ry fe © 7 Given song veltuge a Vo LED omits Jight \\ 7 LED : Vi in@wase O% Agcrase Photodiode . eutpat voltage. won cantact- fagen Diode 4 Cohenent Sight. (AU in same phvsel, = Vou oe focused. — Fiben optics , Unit 2. / Tren HS 2— Armplifier, Switch, , Bipolan Junction Transiston C got) PNP ANPN Ponts of transistor ge colleddr SES] C}Intomadiate Eollectos Based So papcuaees} on e Voi I, Ey Kew savoth Emilion Besok Diode 3 Terminals, Emitto + Te=Igtle Biased Transistors Tete Geeeete Figntty doped ace) > Emiltor based 9 ernnttad eanbig uration. Comme A Collector based REFY A — Ve Vee = Supp! | ep = 5 Valtega. , V te Coulton 3 Viz 8B 0 iol = = omg OF a Ver= Va-¥ =Ve - Fon NPN Nee Neg = Vo ~Vg ; Vee = Ne- eVe Terdcste dee = FOad For fow pouarad T V. Te 70.95 Fox igh powered fee Bac » Te fe, (euanant gan) sister acts as on amy fi fr, Te= Bip Le=Terle Terlo Nest ° ideo\ case) Ty. Vep- Wet (her Heel « Tp is DE \BE=O > Ig = Veg Re de read eal case : Tp = Vep-07 0.4 - Silicon Re © 3- Germanium, eraadigly cree ee Boh POametos, hte 9 + Bse om apron. to calalate bare awxent. Base sesislaneeg collectos curoert iy B=200. 100 ka &B aw Toten. 4) Neg Collects Gowe ~ 1 ty = = We ree WS Vee Tg = Ves - Vee 2-040 au ist i look gq Poets Si = Te = Bla= 20013 ~ 2¢00 pa\ 18 constant “2tPR |r, mop (sug Ve = Take = 1B pAx too KL Wren Vee =O, Te =O,Vce=O New is applied , Vee fT Ic=tonit = 1BOOMVELSV Te Input aovek Vee = LeRe+tVee Powen_dissipation Sat Pa =TNee , jonckion temperate t Hak snk — wat pe Transistos working points, 4 Base b bate , Tp changes, We 2 Ug changes) — Emitten peal ipa ail ibis Peon, baker “\ lee | B clepemds on Base Bias@ kp pe of fransiton Ie & temperatue . e Nes Te re = = Wo 20 9 Temp) Slims ile a Tranciton : Temp. Change in Tp, @ fined. i Emitt cn Bias Pa Ve = Vee +VE Ver Ves—Vae > Var = Veet VE Ve =Veg-O'F. Ve Jer fe Nee Ve = @Vee-IeRe Re NeeaVer—TePe Vee=Ve-VE SE vane 2, Zempyte°° SO Ber (Vee Vee sea eesti | eee — oy Transisloh acs as amplifien — Active, =-s =hv Ve = Veg Veg = VaQ~ 0-4 ee he . te. VE Teale c°- Te Also called velttige contre! devicg. (BIT -Guvent Gntralled device vm Geowes Mere |Vop= Vos : Drain Cowes ie La Veo Veo EZ AGwcn Vas (Reverse) — D a Ve Vaus payne ‘ype When Ves=O, Epo maninum @ = dpa Coan G aa 1 S$ D Bs Biasing. Vl 882 Bias] Ve © Rp Biased in two ragion s v — © ohmic sagion > Resistance Rye ° © Ackive rogion 4 Corant Source , Nag ES Veg = 0, Tp max s Tse Vb =op ~IpRy Incsat) - Yoo. D> ay Gist 2 Fgh = Loge? bie TERT [Valtega evant] Qed in 2 _xagion i) Onin > Resistance, Rog aa pte Bias it) Active. region 3 cudoent source Re, a "hosed in switches, ee! in ohmic xegion vs CS Stols Qi \ Ackive Pasisonee Vp Vas, Tvss von (a re ange doen 4 molten tive C Ps “\W\p = Npp-IpRo Tycsat) = Yor Vesore Vas ore Nas Ver = OD» Ip — man. . Th Ly coat) tek TyetO™\ Vago” Eg Toss = toma - : : Vp = ay Se co ov Vane Vo =2 Tela he Iv ves Tocsat)- Veo 2 ) Lp * pole =ImA, Ad, eet Ras = = WY. hoe : oe lomA Vy = Yop = 48S —_ ~ qgasgat o.sg5y W080 + HOD Pasig tr_Active taaion (sally Bias | \bp & 2 salt Bias. ee = Nas = Vg: e Inks Bs small = es ~~ : Bs tase @ Noting. Divide Bias. Toes Noss/4 Ve Ves ore Ves ofr, Vou Wasage : g tg -cantne! > Ng Ve - -Vas Ree Roe (ohmic nesistuned \ Bs yontes - @ pont vantes « ie ‘edn VerVas ~ Rs As tie Ver ORs Tos Va = Vere Vpp 22 RAR. Eq Draw dC" heading Bo rok. ne Vee SO fama ie ce a = lov = Nar _ oy a Rs “ob sma - 2a Soh \b = 80- (kA) (5m) Yop - Trp Vy = 25V “+ Vase Vp-Vs =25-19 = \SV i Tpsat =_\oo pe Veeaokm = ke Mosk ET > Sesce, gate and drain = Types: Depfebior, Z Enhoneenant. 7 Blower guite hin Peptation male MAGFET Drain . digital gwitchi Ip Toss(1- Ye) Nas» #2U [| ‘ Gate [eb substrate, Te me SiO. Gfess) Sas oudce, ‘ Sas ehancerent’ s Enhancement mode Mosret ee pete, BOSTE D n h hago. G R n g D I G D- MosFeT ion “FET Ee Veg (0FF) Ves D-MosFET E-MoSFET by, inversion 1 v= Veg ON. Veg = Vsed in com puter, industng fer me Aralag , Diyital , sh I, Switching Stot Slots. Active frag Susttchs g Rp = Vos Cactive) Vin. sl Vous 1 Vep Q > Passive load switchin Veo Now Iplactive) Rose ov 3a. to amok | ~ 15Y/ amA lov ak 5y dv Vos Thysrstons ~Four Inyan diode (Shedday divi) Q, e P N wy Tp] | N a 4 dicto, pa wed. | P P| alge called. op bs a, iri Ix) i stm Co shh, sahoution’ ~ Gatto Ci = ON Ve i) KS 7 le ove Patch ts closed hr rack is open, Aagde, Vin = Ver + Tat Roy are GT Gale Mriggan. cae will be. jnvoue b exteanol trigge si A) (pulse). = Nee FOTW THR - Holdin Cathode, aL Gore, Pe Unik 3 Amplifiens 3 Basing :Q point Based Bias _Amplifien : i Bete Is pling Capac ty —\ t— > Alows AC. bheeks Do, {l \ \ Xee + ee y ye aa [Toh Dc signal, f= oz, Nee t Fo gr ep Sgral should be tit pied witlout ihe 2Q - point. fon Oc si. cit is open, For AC ands copesitd ig Shoat. Eg Ac from ets to 20kH> Ke < O1R - a 4 ht, xd Rezko 2R(zon109)* C

34.8KE ate 25.13x 106 Eq.- To New 30 -go HA d ij Ke ‘os smo. To= Big = lop 3p x10" - 3mA Ne= Vee-Ieke = 5O-(3)(5) = Isv Ne =Vec-TeRe if Teh Ve) as tet im sve half if TL, Yep as tad in Is -ve hol yee. gph . Te ve \SN mA & ie Nie [> Not Emithes, Based Amplipen By pass aan forR>¥h x Xr Galeulate. CB fo ack as gued oe AC groudil/ shont pooak to 2, Grown? 7 Ren= RU] = afee i asa \ [Fea] Kec O1 Rh < 0. i DC analysis, Ve 4 AC anelysis. Pee = Ee \ Te dey Jeet io Pac = ic total) FE ae ty Small simal lecpat pat) < O-l Tee Te=Teas ie, Re Pe, Vee = Verat Vee ; Ac emilten resishinee nba Vie De he | te. we bite Seth Vbe de —t— Ac eprivallant cinouit fer transistog, T ~ Model AC — Trodel , 17 Model , ZinCbaro) = aes bb u Voo= lewd = tard - --| Zim (vase) = ve %e = Bre hw be Vee * -Model Trout Impedance - Se ng tfed Zn (base) = Bo Tin (sho) RiI1Ba\l Zils) Mubistaag Ampli fies, FH To inckeacea voltage, . Ch Coscaded Amplifier . 5 Meel Ry First Skige Sacend_Segeo. Ne = Rell Zincskgey Ke = RelRe Av» Rell Zincihge) Sie Avie Rolle me * he ne Total voltage. gon = AyxAv, Voltage _Ampli kiens Voltage Gain 7 Ac voltages. From F- Model ve Cath) = Bie (Rell) Ay = Vouk _ Re IR R ve a Das (Rel cl) elie. > Ne=ReMRL eS X Ay = Be de From _T- model Vin = te me! Vowk= eRe » Re=Re\|Rr “Ave Vout 2 JeM%e Me tei Vin mele he Voltage Dividies Biasing Amplifion (VD Ampli tox) =m =Ver = Re B= 3s Veg= Ver 7 = \3N VE = Vog-Vee = \.8 OF =L1Y = ve PLY = A mA i Re Easterns ae ned = 2m - 25M Lon aa anes 1m Mee RelIRL= 26X10 Lo hake 13-6 Ave ts = 2ha to 116.5 5 Yaak = AvVin = U1b5 a1 = 13.8 29-F2 Two supply Emittgs, Bias aMee = #80 22k % Neltage Gain 1 Vout = tee .Vm= le (nese ) 2 Ays Vouk J6Me 5 Ne He | Ne m7 He Vin jéSia+He) “Teths Me “Ay #1 ( Bubfer) — Whan Ris small, cwount I mckeates. (7h ral : ~ Fase. cudant prodacead by Lovo impeclanta. Load . (> Gonant / Power lomplifior. TN _- Mode Zm(tase) = BCx+4e') 21m (stage) = RII Re | Ble +5 ) Out put_impedance . Tout il Zout = Re Il (ne + Pelee) Zout = Re B Fon marcinum power, Zout =Ri Quthor) Danlingten Bansistor BBB Difffoences ~ cE ee a, i) 180° oo a) Ay >>} Ave} it) Inf Tin f Zin? = Poa oe Bullen, High Current driver, " Swamped Armptiiess AC. emitter feedback. : 7 ; A Temperoture, © points, transis too objects me ange aac Ac veasislanee will be added. Sin amplifier Nee = Vin “Ve Tt model He. = Voltage gen , Vin = Vebid +e) eter Nout= [te , Xe Rell Ave ie Ye Otne) - %+He 0 aye Te wy Ne ~ He rprde We he . Xe feed back resistor — Provides stable volta: "ae inxospeckive + fer — Bess ctistontion sven oe 2 39 nal. Common Collector hapten Celle at Ry is small compurcd 40 Re CRite! 2 \ a x! xe [n= x in for CB, lew pz. High ofp 2 =Re, Bh Peysancay ampagion, TFET Amplitens Vee \ A Ner= Vp

‘vpB) 5 Ay = tang Vas Yas» Phase shit t= 180 G Ac epindent eineuit. Source. fellowes crmplifian Hs = RSIIRL i ] MosFET Depfetion MOSFET Vop = oo Ves \ Ro . Tp Soss(a4 we) feo ae Vos = \Vp—-Ve Ve tee dha (- Mes ua Nye Gio, 54> RelIRL = Re, Zout 2 Rp. Enhanacenant MOSFET (orp dewiee’| i To = k(Vas—Vasttns] HoHombald, ke Toon) gL | [Werscony — Vorsctiy | i: i dm = 2k Ces — Ves(th)] \y = Av = 9,54 Zin= Bl|Ro Zouk = Ry Frequane ancl. Eects Freogyeneg response. of an awnphifien, 4 > Range. of frequencies + operation . wi Ay Cinput > be foe Gutpet > fe S Pominant Lower Sh li a= Coy pass 4 be cutogt Poqurney, 1 Ac amplifier, Teh , SEE eee ene rie Seer eee eee Dc_ampfi fier Duk to stew capacitance - bp, Ay 20dB Ideade . 0.407, Mie band of an amphi fier to b> iz i bs i Wiad constant ey RR Av bm ob . i = Cay ( Finet eet? ture » bohew vid bane! ) id bon] Ay = _Avmid dockaoring ugve 1 wove vide C4, yr (second Veta | ¢ Dc_Amy o-totAt — - 1 Ay = _Avmd (Above midland | i \ vie (Yr oh Fe O DB Power Gain Apcde) = 1014 Peat a. Ap... Ap = Power | DB Voltage Guat \G autideg (Roce Av (de) = 20 bag irk ae ~ 2dh0g AY sy oo Av(48) = 2oheg ae = roles Ay sroleg Av, = Ay, tae)+ Av C48) 7 Av = AysAy ecw) PCaB) 2 dBm Pham = totes Tw pap (de) —48v , Moy = 20 le fy. y— Ref. Bode Plot - Covers wide 2 of frequencies in short span. — View hosge amount of infoxmation. r Av (48) = 20 seg (o.70t) --3d8 VER fa @ © 100 1000 Preqpenoy anally sis of SIT amplifien \) Avond Pow brequancy analy sis 2) High oo mits 7 Ji na hysi 6 bb Nee Zow praency analy: anc raguency analysis Cout R= Ret RMIRe > Cin 1 br 2rRCin Drain ofp: R= Rot Re A > se Rut gh beyseney Fhalyss Gate_by pass Das n_bypass R= Roll Ro, R= Rolie. Cs Gs + Cio Cu) C= Cas+ ¢, + Cin (m) = Gal Av) pall . el "Shea \ Le TrRe. arnRe Apa = Av (4a) P W 'oDeg ap ia 20bg Ay [Ape Ae | | | (ony leona veooWa OEM: loorHz 'MA2 (Mit b> Ay. Ave i. VeH2. “san ve Vis) ° Avwid = | wron cS Lavteoy \* (by) b * Ramet \ Nea) R ° obs by tobe -4s" Nin legis “1 6 *oxee Mille» Ebbect 4 Out pot spat hak hgh poyckies. ~ Feedback capacityr, 7 Converts feed back caperciton into two alifferent capacitons. Cinfm) = CCAv«t) Coutemy = CCMAL) 4h Avse7 1» Cout &C : ‘ Cae aby, 4 Milleh Elect. Frequency Analisis of BIT amphifien. (Gont:) b / _ / ial: 6}p-2sthes Pijeuntial Armplifien ve "oghe air Vout = Veg Ve, (Dif srantal olp) When Y>v, Vouk = Ve,Ve, Non -invarty| Inver Vi When Wa > TP WA) Ye a )P. Seren \ Tapet (WiVE) output (Vey, of r ' uw Nex.) Vin Vout ) Differan tial 4) Pifferentia] Was Yh oe 2) Ditfeobsl 2) Smale ended Wr Yoh wee 3) Singfo Ended ——Diffantal yor, Hey a) Sing fe Ended —SingRo Erdod. Wert. Veo 2. Diffoankal mput .& Smpfe Ended o|p ‘es UM y WY ‘a = a Sing he Ended i/p & Diff out. vy, ob Ve Noa eaatieg revertig » Net? MN, Vout = -Av2. single Ended /P a Birla opp. 4 De analysis of dijterantial amplifies, Te @n) 5, (7-Tail] Tye = Ve = Vee-LeRe Second Approximation Tr = Vee-Vee Basa p. RE T = Vee—Vee ny Vee =V86: Re+ Bete Re Ac ae of cliffexenbol Amphi fie. aut Gove holt cpte. @& Vet Qi tet @. Tet a halt qe. N Q2 Ve + Single —endecl outpat gv" Veut = teRe Vin = bet + ere! = 2ierd Single ended) o/p Av» Veke _ Re Biers ar Differential out put gain. = Newb= Vea Vey = eRe —C-teRe) = 2icRe Vin = lefite! +ie e's 2ie te! Av = AteRe if Re Hehe! 3 Zin= Pre siegia ¢ ended Zia.-2pne! — Aifberanty | CC __ ene. Tp chanackenishies an_op-a ‘) Tnpuk Bias Cooant. Tn Coos) = Tes Ip -@ = 2) Trpat Sheek current, Tin Cath) = ts,-In, -@ Unt) -O % tetankeal Te, = Bog Tiecoy >) Te, = Lin Cores 4 Liacetf> a Ehtect Vin = Te,Rp — Tp, Re = (1s,-Te.) Re = Tn Coph)Re, Tone) = 25-1 of Tin (ous) | Tux different transstons + Lio Coffs) 3) Tpat, offset voltage Vir cof§;) = Toes he= Pa. © tp bias cunmeent - Wer = CRer — Rp, Zin (wear ® yp offset aseent — nerreh = (Rei 4 Re.) Belp @® \boowr = Vie Copt) Gmmon Mode Grain V, 2k aAM— Sas - Oe KHz Em —¢k-10e Mie » Neos Band (Com) Uniband tuned RF amplifies AW. Signal favells Small signal — Forge sigral - Foud Eines De Pead Pine Te Vee Te Re+Re| Q Vee Nee P1820 Ls Yonk-Le Te Coat a Vee (cut otf) Veo Tecsat) = Rake VeeCeutoth) = Vee Claes A Arp AC Bosd line ME + fee ao lew Vee igs Ar. Ve Z Vee = Au. = Vee Vee@ I. . Teng Veggie beesaty = Ne Tear ecg Vex Couto.) Veer + Nee. bee -@16)(52) ~Veeay + Leg ne — a0 Class Ao peration A olf. | \ | P | fost Vein | ‘ 1 7 : = ns ¥ Pi feat 2 = Ve BRL 2 (Post)nae = (MPP) foa = Wes) (1. a) BRL Current Drain loss A Am = Daren » Pie = Vee Tne Eifony = gig 7: CE, ce 259. Seieeinieeeneennmeenene Nee Class A_ Amp RL=Re, \\ D=2Yimes = soy, > Closs & Amp (Push Pall cineai +] Cs Asari. Chass AB 3; AB Amp. c ys *s ec! =p Thermal wa _Fenonay Class_C Amp ne 954: \ bn oR = Sat wee FeedBack and Oscillator Circuits A olka Noltuge Sores }shunt. ~ Coovant sonies / Shunk, Va\tage. series fb V- The + AVE Vs -O, Vi=-Vy V= TZo— AVE ce N ——__ 7 =\T+AR “(Ss = TAR & Vollgga. shunt lb e Cussart series [shank Vs =O Vi=Vy Ie + -AV = x -ABL L(sl+pa) t= V Zop = Zo (\+RB) Ves as VS = 2 Cosh. ae Zi Zi Zi z(t) Zi\HAB) \eAB ee Zo(We pp CAP) s)sh Nit. 2% ee at Seer ee :—*=“‘(tsé=#;: ==" =) 2A eee — Reducas goin. Voltage senes {Ib Volley oS 2 shunt \ |b. 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Vout: ae ZS = = VIP Press shijte = +165 6 ine Be" a Le oseiMtatod > Clpitts asxcillatos, >\ eRe Voc. \ \ne 2n{co. _ coe Resi) +C, . Phasa shitt <0 Race pale a= = Gw ; L S aA Vi. P i 4 Stobhi be cl 4 Piezo. ic obec — coy ste. be ke x Cp= CuCs YP = Cmte \ 2Ntop

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